This directory contains a patched Java applet VNC viewer that is SSL enabled. The patches in the *.patch files are relative to the source tarball: tightvnc-1.3dev7_javasrc.tar.gz currently (4/06) available here: It also includes some simple patches to: - fix richcursor colors - make the Java Applet cursor (not the cursor drawn to the canvas framebuffer) invisible when it is inside the canvas. - allow Tab (and some other) keystrokes to be sent to the vnc server instead of doing widget traversal. This SSL applet should work with any VNC viewer that has an SSL tunnel in front of it. It has been tested on x11vnc and using the stunnel tunnel to other VNC servers. By default this Vnc Viewer will only do SSL. To do unencrypted traffic see the "DisableSSL" applet parameter (e.g. set it to Yes in index.vnc). Proxies: they are a general problem with java socket applets (a socket connection does not go through the proxy). See the info in the proxy.vnc file for a workaround. It uses SignedVncViewer.jar which is simply a signed version of VncViewer.jar. The basic idea is the user clicks "Yes" to trust the applet and then it can connect directly to the proxy and issue a CONNECT request. This applet has been tested on versions 1.4.2 and 1.5.0 of the Sun Java plugin. It may not work on older releases or different vendor VM's. Send full Java Console output for failures. --------------------------------------------------------------- Tips: When doing single-port proxy connections (e.g. both VNC and HTTPS thru port 5900) it helps to move through the 'do you trust this site' dialogs quickly. x11vnc has to wait to see if the traffic is VNC or HTTP and this can cause timeouts if you don't move thru them quickly. You may have to restart your browser completely if it gets into a weird state. For one case we saw the JVM requesting VncViewer.class even when no such file exists. --------------------------------------------------------------- Extras: ss_vncviewer (not Java): Wrapper script for native VNC viewer to connect to x11vnc in SSL mode. Script launches stunnel(8) and then connects to it via localhost which in turn is then redirected to x11vnc via an SSL tunnel. stunnel(8) must be installed and available in PATH. Running Java SSL VncViewer from the command line: From this directory: java -cp ./VncViewer.jar VncViewer HOST <thehost> PORT <theport> substitute <thehost> and <theport> with the actual values. You can add any other parameters, e.g.: ignoreProxy yes --------------------------------------------------------------- UltraVNC: The UltraVNC java viewer has also been patched to support SSL. Various bugs in the UltraVNC java viewer were also fixed. This viewer can be useful because is support UltraVNC filetransfer, and so it works on Unix, etc. UltraViewerSSL.jar SignedUltraViewerSSL.jar ultra.vnc ultraproxy.vnc ultravnc-102-JavaViewer-ssl-etc.patch --------------------------------------------------------------- Applet Parameters: Some additional applet parameters can be set via the URL, e.g. http://host:5800/?param=value http://host:5800/ultra.vnc?param=value https://host:5900/ultra.vnc?param=value etc. If running java from command line as show above, it comes in as java ... VncViewer param value ... There is a limitation with libvncserver that param and value can only be alphanumeric, underscore, "+" (for space), or "." We have added some applet parameters to the stock VNC java viewers. Here are the applet parameters: Both TightVNC and UltraVNC Java viewers: HOST string, default: none. The Hostname to connect to. PORT number, default: 0 The VNC server port to connect to. Open New Window yes/no, default: no Run applet in separate frame. Show Controls yes/no, default: yes Show Controls button panel. Show Offline Desktop yes/no, default: no Do we continue showing desktop on remote disconnect? Defer screen updates number, default: 20 Milliseconds delay Defer cursor updates number, default: 10 Milliseconds delay Defer update requests number, default: 50 Milliseconds delay The following are added by x11vnc and/or ssvnc project VNCSERVERPORT number, default: 0 Like PORT, but if there is a firewall this is the Actual VNC server port. PORT might be a redir port on the firewall. DisableSSL yes/no, default: no Do unencrypted connection, no SSL. httpsPort number, default: none When checking for proxy, use this at the url port number. CONNECT string, default: none Sets to host:port for the CONNECT line to a Web proxy. The Web proxy should connect us to it. GET yes/no, default: no Set to do a special HTTP GET (/request.https.vnc.connection) to the vnc server that will cause it to switch to VNC instead. This is to speedup/make more robust, the single port HTTPS and VNC mode of x11vnc (e.g. both services thru port 5900, etc) urlPrefix string, default: none set to a string that will be prefixed to all URL's when contacting the VNC server. Idea is a special proxy will use this to indicate internal hostname, etc. oneTimeKey string, default: none set a special hex "key" to correspond to an SSL X.509 cert. See the 'onetimekey' helper script. Can also be PROMPT to prompt the user to paste the hex key string in. This is to try to work around the problem that the Java applet cannot keep an SSL keystore on disk, etc. E.g. if they log into an HTTPS website via password they are authenticated and encrypted, then the website can safely put oneTimeKey=... on the URL. The Vncviewer authenticates the VNC server with this key. forceProxy yes/no, default: no Assume there is a proxy. ignoreProxy yes/no, default: no Don't check for a proxy, assume there is none. trustAllVncCerts yes/no, default: no Automatically trust any cert received from the VNC server (obviously this could be dangerous and lead to man in the middle attack). Do not ask the user to verify any of these certs from the VNC server. trustUrlVncCert yes/no, default: no Automatically trust any cert that the web browsers has accepted. E.g. the user said "Yes" or "Continue" to a web browser dialog regarding a certificate. If we get the same cert from the VNC server we trust it without prompting the user. TightVNC Java viewer only: Offer Relogin yes/no, default: yes "Offer Relogin" set to "No" disables "Login again" SocketFactory string, default: none set Java Socket class factory. UltraVNC Java viewer only: PASSWORD string, default: none VNC session password in plain text. ENCPASSWORD string, default: none VNC session password in encrypted in DES with KNOWN FIXED key. It is a hex string. This is like the ~/.vnc/passwd format. The following are added by x11vnc and/or ssvnc project ftpDropDown string, default: none Sets the file transfer "drives" dropdown to the "." separated list. Use "+" for space. The default is My+Documents.Desktop.Home for 3 entries in the dropdown in addition to the "drives" (e.g. C:\) These items should be expanded properly by the VNC Server. x11vnc will prepend $HOME to them, which is normally what one wants. To include a "/" use "_2F_". Another example: Home.Desktop.bin_2F_linux If an item is prefixed with "TOP_" then the item is inserted at the top of the drop down rather than being appended to the end. E.g. to try to initially load the user homedir instead of /: TOP_Home.My+Documents.Desktop If ftpDropDown is set to the empty string, "", then no special locations, [Desktop] etc., are placed in the drop down. Only the ultravnc "drives" will appear. ftpOnly yes/no, default: no The VNC viewer only shows the filetransfer panel, no desktop is displayed. graftFtp yes/no, default: no As ftpOnly, the VNC viewer only shows the filetransfer panel, no desktop is displayed, however it is "grafted" onto an existing SSVNC unix vncviewer. The special SSVNC vncviewer merges the two channels. dsmActive yes/no, default: no Special usage mode with the SSVNC unix vncviewer. The UltraVNC DSM encryption is active. Foolishly, UltraVNC DSM encryption *MODIFIES* the VNC protocol when active (it is not a pure tunnel). This option indicates to modify the VNC protocol to make this work. Usually only used with graftFtp and SSVNC unix vncviewer. delayAuthPanel yes/no, default: no This is another special usage mode with the SSVNC unix vncviewer. A login panel is delayed (not shown at startup.) Could be useful for non SSVNC usage too. ignoreMSLogonCheck yes/no, default: no Similar to delayAuthPanel, do not put up a popup asking for Windows username, etc.