<!-- index.vnc - default HTML page for TightVNC Java viewer applet, to be used with Xvnc. On any file ending in .vnc, the HTTP server embedded in Xvnc will substitute the following variables when preceded by a dollar: USER, DESKTOP, DISPLAY, APPLETWIDTH, APPLETHEIGHT, WIDTH, HEIGHT, PORT, PARAMS. Use two dollar signs ($$) to get a dollar sign in the generated HTML page. NOTE: the $PARAMS variable is not supported by the standard VNC, so make sure you have TightVNC on the server side, if you're using this variable. --> <HTML> <TITLE> $USER's $DESKTOP desktop ($DISPLAY) </TITLE> <APPLET CODE=VncViewer.class ARCHIVE=VncViewer.jar WIDTH=$APPLETWIDTH HEIGHT=$APPLETHEIGHT> <param name=PORT value=$PORT> <param name="Open New Window" value=yes> $PARAMS </APPLET> <BR> <A href="http://www.tightvnc.com/">TightVNC site</A> </HTML>