Commit 7602f0e7 authored by dscho's avatar dscho

libvncclient: support changing of framebuffer size; make SDLvncviewer use it

parent 9b51d63d
......@@ -209,6 +209,7 @@ int main(int argc,char** argv) {
/* 16-bit: cl=rfbGetClient(5,3,2); */
cl->canHandleNewFBSize = TRUE;
......@@ -138,14 +138,14 @@ static void FillRectangle(rfbClient* client, int x, int y, int w, int h, uint32_
static void CopyRectangle(rfbClient* client, uint8_t* buffer, int x, int y, int w, int h) {
int i,j;
int j;
#define COPY_RECT(BPP) \
{ \
uint##BPP##_t* _buffer=(uint##BPP##_t*)buffer; \
for(j=y*client->width;j<(y+h)*client->width;j+=client->width) { \
for(i=x;i<x+w;i++,_buffer++) \
((uint##BPP##_t*)client->frameBuffer)[j+i]=*_buffer; \
int rs = w * BPP / 8, rs2 = client->width * BPP / 8; \
for (j = x + y * rs2; j < (y + h) * rs2; j += rs2) { \
memcpy(client->frameBuffer + j, buffer, rs); \
buffer += rs; \
} \
......@@ -592,13 +592,16 @@ SetFormatAndEncodings(rfbClient* client)
encs[se->nEncodings++] = rfbClientSwap32IfLE(rfbEncodingPointerPos);
if (se->nEncodings < MAX_ENCODINGS)
encs[se->nEncodings++] = rfbClientSwap32IfLE(rfbEncodingLastRect);
/* Keyboard State Encodings */
if (se->nEncodings < MAX_ENCODINGS) {
if (se->nEncodings < MAX_ENCODINGS)
encs[se->nEncodings++] = rfbClientSwap32IfLE(rfbEncodingKeyboardLedState);
encs[se->nEncodings++] = rfbClientSwap32IfLE(rfbEncodingLastRect);
if (se->nEncodings < MAX_ENCODINGS && client->canHandleNewFBSize)
encs[se->nEncodings++] = rfbClientSwap32IfLE(rfbEncodingNewFBSize);
for(e = rfbClientExtensions; e; e = e->next)
if(e->encodings) {
......@@ -624,8 +627,8 @@ SetFormatAndEncodings(rfbClient* client)
SendIncrementalFramebufferUpdateRequest(rfbClient* client)
return SendFramebufferUpdateRequest(client, 0, 0, client->si.framebufferWidth,
client->si.framebufferHeight, TRUE);
return SendFramebufferUpdateRequest(client, 0, 0, client->width,
client->height, TRUE);
......@@ -807,8 +810,17 @@ HandleRFBServerMessage(rfbClient* client)
if ((rect.r.x + rect.r.w > client->si.framebufferWidth) ||
(rect.r.y + rect.r.h > client->si.framebufferHeight))
if (rect.encoding == rfbEncodingNewFBSize) {
client->width = rect.r.w;
client->height = rect.r.h;
SendFramebufferUpdateRequest(client, 0, 0, rect.r.w, rect.r.h, FALSE);
rfbClientLog("Got new framebuffer size: %dx%d\n", rect.r.w, rect.r.h);
if ((rect.r.x + rect.r.w > client->width) ||
(rect.r.y + rect.r.h > client->height))
rfbClientLog("Rect too large: %dx%d at (%d, %d)\n",
rect.r.w, rect.r.h, rect.r.x, rect.r.y);
......@@ -201,6 +201,8 @@ typedef struct _rfbClient {
int KeyboardLedStateEnabled;
int CurrentKeyboardLedState;
int canHandleNewFBSize;
/* hooks */
HandleKeyboardLedStateProc HandleKeyboardLedState;
HandleCursorPosProc HandleCursorPos;
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