Commit 2bc615f6 authored by runge's avatar runge

x11vnc -solid color, -opts; tightvnc unix viewer alpha patch

parent 914f7b71
2005-02-05 Karl Runge <>
* x11vnc: -solid color, -opts/-?
* tightvnc-1.3dev5-vncviewer-alpha-cursor.patch: create, name
says it all.
2005-01-23 Karl Runge <> 2005-01-23 Karl Runge <>
* x11vnc: -timeout, -noalphablend. make -R norepeat work. * x11vnc: -timeout, -noalphablend. make -R norepeat work.
* sync with new draw cursor mechanism. * sync with new draw cursor mechanism.
--- vnc_unixsrc.orig/vncviewer/cursor.c 2003-01-15 04:46:52.000000000 -0500
+++ vnc_unixsrc/vncviewer/cursor.c 2005-02-05 12:28:10.000000000 -0500
@@ -472,6 +472,140 @@
int offset, bytesPerPixel;
char *pos;
+#define alphahack
+#ifdef alphahack
+ /* hack to have cursor transparency at 32bpp <> */
+ static int alphablend = -1;
+ if (alphablend < 0) {
+ /* you have to set NO_ALPHABLEND=1 in your environment to disable */
+ if (getenv("NO_ALPHABLEND")) {
+ alphablend = 0;
+ } else {
+ alphablend = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ bytesPerPixel = myFormat.bitsPerPixel / 8;
+ if (alphablend && bytesPerPixel == 4) {
+ unsigned long pixel, put, *upos, *upix;
+ int got_alpha = 0, rsX, rsY, rsW, rsH;
+ static XImage *image = NULL;
+ static int iwidth = 128;
+ if (! image) {
+ /* watch out for tiny fb (rare) */
+ if (iwidth > si.framebufferWidth) {
+ iwidth = si.framebufferWidth;
+ }
+ if (iwidth > si.framebufferHeight) {
+ iwidth = si.framebufferHeight;
+ }
+ /* initialize an XImage with a chunk of desktopWin */
+ image = XGetImage(dpy, desktopWin, 0, 0, iwidth, iwidth,
+ AllPlanes, ZPixmap);
+ }
+ /* first check if there is any non-zero alpha channel data at all: */
+ for (y = 0; y < rcHeight; y++) {
+ for (x = 0; x < rcWidth; x++) {
+ int alpha;
+ offset = y * rcWidth + x;
+ pos = (char *)&rcSource[offset * bytesPerPixel];
+ upos = (unsigned long *) pos;
+ alpha = (*upos & 0xff000000) >> 24;
+ if (alpha) {
+ got_alpha = 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (got_alpha) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!got_alpha) {
+ /* no alpha channel data, fallback to the old way */
+ goto oldway;
+ }
+ /* load the saved fb patch in to image (faster way?) */
+ XGetSubImage(dpy, rcSavedArea, 0, 0, rcWidth, rcHeight,
+ AllPlanes, ZPixmap, image, 0, 0);
+ upix = (unsigned long *)image->data;
+ /* if the richcursor is clipped, the fb patch will be smaller */
+ rsW = rcWidth;
+ rsX = 0; /* used to denote a shift from the left side */
+ x = rcCursorX - rcHotX;
+ if (x < 0) {
+ rsW += x;
+ rsX = -x;
+ } else if (x + rsW > si.framebufferWidth) {
+ rsW = si.framebufferWidth - x;
+ }
+ rsH = rcHeight;
+ rsY = 0; /* used to denote a shift from the top side */
+ y = rcCursorY - rcHotY;
+ if (y < 0) {
+ rsH += y;
+ rsY = -y;
+ } else if (y + rsH > si.framebufferHeight) {
+ rsH = si.framebufferHeight - y;
+ }
+ /*
+ * now loop over the cursor data, blend in the fb values,
+ * and then overwrite the fb (CopyDataToScreen())
+ */
+ for (y = 0; y < rcHeight; y++) {
+ y0 = rcCursorY - rcHotY + y;
+ if (y0 < 0 || y0 >= si.framebufferHeight) {
+ continue; /* clipped */
+ }
+ for (x = 0; x < rcWidth; x++) {
+ int alpha, color_curs, color_fb, i;
+ x0 = rcCursorX - rcHotX + x;
+ if (x0 < 0 || x0 >= si.framebufferWidth) {
+ continue; /* clipped */
+ }
+ offset = y * rcWidth + x;
+ pos = (char *)&rcSource[offset * bytesPerPixel];
+ /* extract secret alpha byte from rich cursor: */
+ upos = (unsigned long *) pos;
+ alpha = (*upos & 0xff000000) >> 24; /* XXX MSB? */
+ /* extract the pixel from the fb: */
+ pixel = *(upix + (y-rsY)*iwidth + (x-rsX));
+ put = 0;
+ /* for simplicity, blend all 4 bytes */
+ for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+ int sh = i*8;
+ color_curs = ((0xff << sh) & *upos) >> sh;
+ color_fb = ((0xff << sh) & pixel) >> sh;
+ /* XXX assumes pre-multipled color_curs */
+ color_fb = color_curs
+ + ((0xff - alpha) * color_fb)/0xff;
+ put |= color_fb << sh;
+ }
+ /* place in the fb: */
+ CopyDataToScreen((char *)&put, x0, y0, 1, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+ }
bytesPerPixel = myFormat.bitsPerPixel / 8;
/* FIXME: Speed optimization is possible. */
2005-02-05 Karl Runge <>
* -solid solid color background when clients are connected.
* -opts/-? to show option names only.
2005-01-23 Karl Runge <> 2005-01-23 Karl Runge <>
* sync with new draw cursor mechanism, keep old way in OLD_TREE. * sync with new draw cursor mechanism, keep old way in OLD_TREE.
* add -timeout option, change -alphablend to be default * add -timeout option, change -alphablend to be default
x11vnc README file Date: Sun Jan 23 23:48:41 EST 2005 x11vnc README file Date: Sat Feb 5 12:56:36 EST 2005
The following information is taken from these URLs: The following information is taken from these URLs:
...@@ -50,10 +50,10 @@ x11vnc: a VNC server for real X displays (to [1]FAQ) (to [2]downloads) ...@@ -50,10 +50,10 @@ x11vnc: a VNC server for real X displays (to [1]FAQ) (to [2]downloads)
interact with the whole virtual X11 desktop. interact with the whole virtual X11 desktop.
The VNC protocol is in most cases better suited for remote connections The VNC protocol is in most cases better suited for remote connections
with low bandwidth and high latency than is the X11 protocol. Also, with low bandwidth and high latency than is the X11 protocol (the
with no state maintained the viewing-end can crash, be rebooted, or exception is cached pixmap data on the viewing-end). Also, with no
relocated and the applications and desktop continue running. Not so state maintained the viewing-end can crash, be rebooted, or relocated
with X11. and the applications and desktop continue running. Not so with X11.
So the standard Xvnc program is very useful, I use it for things like: So the standard Xvnc program is very useful, I use it for things like:
* desktop conferencing with other users (e.g. codereviews). * desktop conferencing with other users (e.g. codereviews).
...@@ -77,16 +77,14 @@ x11vnc: a VNC server for real X displays (to [1]FAQ) (to [2]downloads) ...@@ -77,16 +77,14 @@ x11vnc: a VNC server for real X displays (to [1]FAQ) (to [2]downloads)
wish to view is "far-away.east:0" and the workstation you are wish to view is "far-away.east:0" and the workstation you are
presently working at is "sitting-here.west". presently working at is "sitting-here.west".
Step 0. Download x11vnc ([9]see below) and have it available to run Step 0. Download x11vnc ([9]see below) and have it available to run on
(e.g. via $PATH) on far-away.east. Similarly, have a VNC viewer (e.g. far-away.east. Similarly, have a VNC viewer (e.g. vncviewer) ready to
vncviewer) ready to run on sitting-here.west. We recommend run on sitting-here.west. We recommend [10]TightVNC Viewers.
[10]TightVNC Viewers.
Step 1. By some means log in to far-away.east and get a command shell Step 1. By some means log in to far-away.east and get a command shell
running there. You can use ssh, rlogin, telnet, or any other method to running there. You can use ssh, rlogin, telnet, or any other method to
do this. x11vnc needs to be run on the same machine the X server do this. x11vnc needs to be run on the same machine the X server
process is running on (because MIT-SHM shared memory is used to poll process is running on (otherwise things would be extremely slow).
the X11 framebuffer).
Step 2. In that far-away.east shell (with command prompt "far-away>" Step 2. In that far-away.east shell (with command prompt "far-away>"
in this example) run x11vnc directed at the far-away.east X session in this example) run x11vnc directed at the far-away.east X session
...@@ -133,6 +131,11 @@ x11vnc: a VNC server for real X displays (to [1]FAQ) (to [2]downloads) ...@@ -133,6 +131,11 @@ x11vnc: a VNC server for real X displays (to [1]FAQ) (to [2]downloads)
shutdown automatically (or you can use the -forever [14]option to have shutdown automatically (or you can use the -forever [14]option to have
it wait for additional viewer connections). it wait for additional viewer connections).
Shortcut: Of course if you left x11vnc running in a terminal window or
as a [15]service on far-away.east:0, you'd only have to do Step 3 as
you moved around. Be sure to use a VNC [16]password or [17]other
measures if you do that.
Desktop Sharing: The above more or less assumed nobody was sitting at Desktop Sharing: The above more or less assumed nobody was sitting at
the workstation display "far-away.east:0". This is often the case: a the workstation display "far-away.east:0". This is often the case: a
user wants to access her workstation remotely. Another usage pattern user wants to access her workstation remotely. Another usage pattern
...@@ -146,9 +149,9 @@ x11vnc: a VNC server for real X displays (to [1]FAQ) (to [2]downloads) ...@@ -146,9 +149,9 @@ x11vnc: a VNC server for real X displays (to [1]FAQ) (to [2]downloads)
For these cases it should be obvious how it is done. The above steps For these cases it should be obvious how it is done. The above steps
will work, but more easily the user sitting at far-away.east:0 simply will work, but more easily the user sitting at far-away.east:0 simply
starts up x11vnc from a terminal window, after which the guests would starts up x11vnc from a terminal window, after which the guests would
start their VNC viewers. For this usage mode the -accept popup option start their VNC viewers. For this usage mode the "-connect
discussed in the [15]FAQ below may be of use to allow the user at host1,host2" option may be of use automatically connect to vncviewers
far-away.east:0 to accept or reject incoming connections. in "-listen" mode on the list of hosts.
_________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________
Tunnelling x11vnc via ssh: Tunnelling x11vnc via ssh:
...@@ -173,8 +176,8 @@ x11vnc: a VNC server for real X displays (to [1]FAQ) (to [2]downloads) ...@@ -173,8 +176,8 @@ x11vnc: a VNC server for real X displays (to [1]FAQ) (to [2]downloads)
Some VNC viewers will do the ssh tunnelling for you automatically, the Some VNC viewers will do the ssh tunnelling for you automatically, the
TightVNC vncviewer does this when the "-via far-away.east" option is TightVNC vncviewer does this when the "-via far-away.east" option is
supplied to it (this requires x11vnc to be already running on supplied to it (this requires x11vnc to be already running on
far-away.east or having it started by [16]inetd(1)). See the 3rd far-away.east or having it started by [18]inetd(1)). See the 3rd
script example [17]below for more info. script example [19]below for more info.
If the machine you SSH into is not the same machine with the X display If the machine you SSH into is not the same machine with the X display
you wish to view (e.g. your company provides incoming SSH access to a you wish to view (e.g. your company provides incoming SSH access to a
...@@ -184,9 +187,9 @@ x11vnc: a VNC server for real X displays (to [1]FAQ) (to [2]downloads) ...@@ -184,9 +187,9 @@ x11vnc: a VNC server for real X displays (to [1]FAQ) (to [2]downloads)
up x11vnc on it. up x11vnc on it.
_________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________
Scripts to automate tunneling: As discussed below, there may be some Scripts to automate ssh tunneling: As discussed below, there may be
problems with port 5900 being available. If that happens, the above some problems with port 5900 being available. If that happens, the
port and display numbers may change a bit (e.g. -> 5901 and :1). above port and display numbers may change a bit (e.g. -> 5901 and :1).
However, if you "know" port 5900 will be free on the local and remote However, if you "know" port 5900 will be free on the local and remote
machines, you can easily automate the above two steps by using the machines, you can easily automate the above two steps by using the
x11vnc option -bg (forks into background after connection to the x11vnc option -bg (forks into background after connection to the
...@@ -257,7 +260,7 @@ export VNC_VIA_CMD ...@@ -257,7 +260,7 @@ export VNC_VIA_CMD
vncviewer -via $host localhost:0 # must be TightVNC vncviewer. vncviewer -via $host localhost:0 # must be TightVNC vncviewer.
Of course if you already have the x11vnc running waiting for Of course if you already have the x11vnc running waiting for
connections (or have it started out of [18]inetd(1)), you can simply connections (or have it started out of [20]inetd(1)), you can simply
use the TightVNC "vncviewer -via gateway host:port" in its default use the TightVNC "vncviewer -via gateway host:port" in its default
mode to provide secure ssh tunnelling. mode to provide secure ssh tunnelling.
...@@ -265,44 +268,43 @@ vncviewer -via $host localhost:0 # must be TightVNC vncviewer. ...@@ -265,44 +268,43 @@ vncviewer -via $host localhost:0 # must be TightVNC vncviewer.
VNC password file: Also note in the first example script that the VNC password file: Also note in the first example script that the
option "-rfbauth .vnc/passwd" provides additional protection by option "-rfbauth .vnc/passwd" provides additional protection by
requiring a VNC password for every VNC viewer that connects. The requiring a VNC password for every VNC viewer that connects. The
vncpasswd or storepasswd programs, or the x11vnc [19]-storepasswd vncpasswd or storepasswd programs, or the x11vnc [21]-storepasswd
option can be used to create the password file. x11vnc also has the option can be used to create the password file. x11vnc also has the
slightly less secure [20]-passwdfile and "-passwd XXXXX" options. slightly less secure [22]-passwdfile and "-passwd XXXXX" options.
Important: It is up to you to tell x11vnc to use password protection, Important: It is up to you to tell x11vnc to use password protection,
it will not do it for you automatically. The same goes for encrypting it will not do it for you automatically. The same goes for encrypting
the channel between the viewer and x11vnc: it is up to you to use ssh, the channel between the viewer and x11vnc: it is up to you to use ssh,
stunnel, VPN, etc. Also look into the -allow and -localhost stunnel, VPN, etc. Also look into the -allow and -localhost
[21]options and building x11vnc with [22]tcp_wrappers support to limit [23]options and building x11vnc with [24]tcp_wrappers support to limit
host access. host access.
_________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________
Downloading x11vnc: Downloading x11vnc:
x11vnc is a contributed program to the [23]LibVNCServer project at x11vnc is a contributed program to the [25]LibVNCServer project at I use libvncserver for all of the VNC aspects; I I use libvncserver for all of the VNC aspects; I
couldn't have done without it. The full source code may be found and couldn't have done without it. The full source code may be found and
downloaded (either file-release tarball or CVS tree) from the above downloaded (either file-release tarball or CVS tree) from the above
link. As of Dec 2004, the [24]x11vnc-0.7.tar.gz source package is link. As of Dec 2004, the [26]x11vnc-0.7.tar.gz source package is
released (recommended download) . The [25]x11vnc 0.7 release notes. released (recommended download) . The [27]x11vnc 0.7 release notes.
The x11vnc package is the subset of the libvncserver package needed to The x11vnc package is the subset of the libvncserver package needed to
build the x11vnc program. (Please do not use the LibVNCServer-0.6 build the x11vnc program. Also, you can get a copy of my latest,
tarball: it contains an older, more buggy version of x11vnc (Oct 2003) bleeding edge [28]x11vnc.c file to replace the one in the above
that you likely want to avoid). Also, you can get a copy of my latest,
bleeding edge [26]x11vnc.c file to replace the one in the above
packages or the one in the CVS tree and then rebuild. You can also packages or the one in the CVS tree and then rebuild. You can also
update the tcl/tk gui with the [27]tkx11vnc.h file. If you have an update the tcl/tk gui with the [29]tkx11vnc.h file. If you have an
older libvncserver source tree, you may need to switch on the OLD_TREE older libvncserver source tree, you may need to switch on the OLD_TREE
variable near the top of the x11vnc.c file. variable near the top of the x11vnc.c file.
See the [28]FAQ below for information about where you might obtain a See the [30]FAQ below for information about where you might obtain a
precompiled x11vnc binary from 3rd parties. precompiled x11vnc binary from 3rd parties.
To obtain VNC viewers for the viewing side (Windows, Mac OS, or Unix) To obtain VNC viewers for the viewing side (Windows, Mac OS, or Unix)
try here: try here:
* [29] * [31]
* [30] * [32]
* [31] * [33]
More tools: Here is a rsh/ssh wrapper script rx11vnc that attempts to More tools: Here is a rsh/ssh wrapper script rx11vnc that attempts to
automatically do the above Steps 1-3 for you (provided you have automatically do the above Steps 1-3 for you (provided you have
...@@ -312,8 +314,8 @@ vncviewer -via $host localhost:0 # must be TightVNC vncviewer. ...@@ -312,8 +314,8 @@ vncviewer -via $host localhost:0 # must be TightVNC vncviewer.
that attempts to tunnel the vnc traffic through an ssh port that attempts to tunnel the vnc traffic through an ssh port
redirection (and does not assume port 5900 is free). Have a look at redirection (and does not assume port 5900 is free). Have a look at
them to see what they do and customize as needed: them to see what they do and customize as needed:
* [32]rx11vnc wrapper script * [34]rx11vnc wrapper script
* [33] wrapper script to tunnel traffic thru ssh * [35] wrapper script to tunnel traffic thru ssh
_________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________
Building x11vnc: Building x11vnc:
...@@ -355,9 +357,9 @@ vncviewer -via $host localhost:0 # must be TightVNC vncviewer. ...@@ -355,9 +357,9 @@ vncviewer -via $host localhost:0 # must be TightVNC vncviewer.
libjpeg is included in Solaris 9 and later (/usr/sfw/include and libjpeg is included in Solaris 9 and later (/usr/sfw/include and
/usr/sfw/lib), and zlib in Solaris 8 and later (/usr/include and /usr/sfw/lib), and zlib in Solaris 8 and later (/usr/include and
/usr/lib). To get the source for these libraries: libjpeg is available /usr/lib). To get the source for these libraries: libjpeg is available
at [34] and zlib at at [36] and zlib at
[35] See also [37] See also
[36] for Solaris binary packages of these [38] for Solaris binary packages of these
libraries. libraries.
Here is a build script that indicates one way to pass the library Here is a build script that indicates one way to pass the library
...@@ -411,18 +413,7 @@ ls -l ./x11vnc/x11vnc ...@@ -411,18 +413,7 @@ ls -l ./x11vnc/x11vnc
you do not have any ENV or BASH_ENV in your environment doing things you do not have any ENV or BASH_ENV in your environment doing things
like that. like that.
There is a build problem on Solaris 7 11/99 (update 4) where the If you need to build on Solaris 2.5.1 or earlier, see [39]this
header file X11/extensions/XKBstr.h that X11/XKBlib.h uses was not
shipped. The x11vnc configure succeeds and sets
LIBVNCSERVER_HAVE_XKEYBOARD in rfb/rfbconfig.h but then the build of
x11vnc fails in the make. A workaround is to remove all lines
referring to LIBVNCSERVER_HAVE_XKEYBOARD in rfb/rfbconfig.h after
configure has been run. Alternatively, one could put #undef
LIBVNCSERVER_HAVE_XKEYBOARD after the rfb/rfb.h include in the
x11vnc/x11vnc.c file. (This problem has been fixed as of x11vnc 0.6.2
If you need to build on Solaris 2.5.1 or earlier, see [37]this
workaround FAQ. workaround FAQ.
Building on HP-UX: For jpeg and zlib you will need to do the same Building on HP-UX: For jpeg and zlib you will need to do the same
...@@ -452,8 +443,11 @@ ls -l ./x11vnc/x11vnc ...@@ -452,8 +443,11 @@ ls -l ./x11vnc/x11vnc
protocol.) I suggest using xsetroot, dtstyle or similar utility to set protocol.) I suggest using xsetroot, dtstyle or similar utility to set
a solid background while using x11vnc. You can turn the pretty a solid background while using x11vnc. You can turn the pretty
background image back on when you are using the display directly. background image back on when you are using the display directly.
Update: As of Feb/2005 in the libvncserver CVS, x11vnc has the -solid
[color] option that works on recent GNOME and KDE and also on classic
X (background image is on the root window).
I also find the [38]tightvnc encoding gives the best response for my I also find the [40]tightvnc encoding gives the best response for my
usage (Unix <-> Unix over cable modem). One needs a tightvnc-aware usage (Unix <-> Unix over cable modem). One needs a tightvnc-aware
vncviewer to take advantage of this encoding. vncviewer to take advantage of this encoding.
...@@ -469,10 +463,10 @@ ls -l ./x11vnc/x11vnc ...@@ -469,10 +463,10 @@ ls -l ./x11vnc/x11vnc
option where NNNN is the desired port number. option where NNNN is the desired port number.
Options: x11vnc has (far too) many features that may be activated Options: x11vnc has (far too) many features that may be activated
via its [39]command line options. Useful options are -nap to use fewer via its [41]command line options. Useful options are -nap to use fewer
resources (it sleeps more between polls when activity is low) and resources (it sleeps more between polls when activity is low) and
-rfbauth passwd-file to use VNC password protection (the vncpasswd or -rfbauth passwd-file to use VNC password protection (the vncpasswd or
storepasswd programs, or the x11vnc [40]-storepasswd option can be storepasswd programs, or the x11vnc [42]-storepasswd option can be
used to create the password file). used to create the password file).
Algorithm: How does x11vnc do it? Rather brute-forcedly: it Algorithm: How does x11vnc do it? Rather brute-forcedly: it
...@@ -496,14 +490,14 @@ ls -l ./x11vnc/x11vnc ...@@ -496,14 +490,14 @@ ls -l ./x11vnc/x11vnc
first testing out the programs. You get an interesting "feedback" first testing out the programs. You get an interesting "feedback"
effect where vncviewer images keep popping up each one contained in effect where vncviewer images keep popping up each one contained in
the previous one and slightly shifted a bit by the window manager the previous one and slightly shifted a bit by the window manager
decorations. There will be an [41]even more interesting effect if decorations. There will be an [43]even more interesting effect if
-scale is used. Also, if the XKEYBOARD is supported and the XBell -scale is used. Also, if the XKEYBOARD is supported and the XBell
"beeps" once, you get an infinite loop of beeps going off. Although "beeps" once, you get an infinite loop of beeps going off. Although
all of this is mildly exciting it is not much use: you will normally all of this is mildly exciting it is not much use: you will normally
run and display the viewer on a different machine! run and display the viewer on a different machine!
SunRay notes: You can run x11vnc on your (connected or disconnected) SunRay notes: You can run x11vnc on your (connected or disconnected)
[42]SunRay session (Please remember to use -nap and maybe -wait 200 to [44]SunRay session (Please remember to use -nap and maybe -wait 200 to
avoid being a resource hog! It also helps a bit to have a solid avoid being a resource hog! It also helps a bit to have a solid
background color). You have to know the name of the machine your background color). You have to know the name of the machine your
SunRay session X server is running on. You also need to know the X11 SunRay session X server is running on. You also need to know the X11
...@@ -579,7 +573,7 @@ ls -l ./x11vnc/x11vnc ...@@ -579,7 +573,7 @@ ls -l ./x11vnc/x11vnc
Evidently a timing related bug and difficult to reproduce... Evidently a timing related bug and difficult to reproduce...
* Using -threads can expose some bugs in libvncserver. * Using -threads can expose some bugs in libvncserver.
Please feel free to [43]contact me if you have any questions, Please feel free to [45]contact me if you have any questions,
problems, or comments about x11vnc, etc. problems, or comments about x11vnc, etc.
_________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________
...@@ -588,44 +582,42 @@ ls -l ./x11vnc/x11vnc ...@@ -588,44 +582,42 @@ ls -l ./x11vnc/x11vnc
[Building and Starting] [Building and Starting]
[44]Q-1: I can't get x11vnc to start up. It says "XOpenDisplay failed [46]Q-1: I can't get x11vnc to start up. It says "XOpenDisplay failed
(null)" or "Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server" and then (null)" or "Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server" and then
exits. What do I need to do? exits. What do I need to do?
[45]Q-2: I can't get x11vnc and/or libvncserver to compile. [47]Q-2: I can't get x11vnc and/or libvncserver to compile.
[46]Q-3: Help, I need to run x11vnc on Solaris 2.5.1 and it doesn't [48]Q-3: Help, I need to run x11vnc on Solaris 2.5.1 and it doesn't
compile! If I try to run a binary built on Solaris 2.6 I get: compile!
relocation error: file x11vnc: symbol XConvertCase: referenced symbol
not found
[47]Q-4: Where can I get a precompiled x11vnc binary for my Operating [49]Q-4: Where can I get a precompiled x11vnc binary for my Operating
System? System?
[48]Q-5: Where can I get a VNC Viewer binary (or source code) for the [50]Q-5: Where can I get a VNC Viewer binary (or source code) for the
Operating System I will be viewing from? Operating System I will be viewing from?
[49]Q-6: How can I see all of x11vnc's command line options and [51]Q-6: How can I see all of x11vnc's command line options and
documentation on how to use them? documentation on how to use them?
[50]Q-7: I don't like typing arcane command line options every time I [52]Q-7: I don't like typing arcane command line options every time I
start x11vnc. What can I do? Is there a config file? Or a GUI? start x11vnc. What can I do? Is there a config file? Or a GUI?
[51]Q-8: Can I make x11vnc more quiet and also go into the background [53]Q-8: Can I make x11vnc more quiet and also go into the background
after starting up? after starting up?
[52]Q-9: Sometimes when a VNC viewer dies abruptly, x11vnc also dies [54]Q-9: Sometimes when a VNC viewer dies abruptly, x11vnc also dies
with the error message like: "Broken pipe". I'm using the -forever with the error message like: "Broken pipe". I'm using the -forever
mode and I want x11vnc to keep running. mode and I want x11vnc to keep running.
[Win2VNC Related] [Win2VNC Related]
[53]Q-10: I have two separate machine displays in front of me, one [55]Q-10: I have two separate machine displays in front of me, one
Windows the other X11: can I use x11vnc in combination with Win2VNC in Windows the other X11: can I use x11vnc in combination with Win2VNC in
dual-screen mode to pass the keystrokes and mouse motions to the X11 dual-screen mode to pass the keystrokes and mouse motions to the X11
display? display?
[54]Q-11: I am running Win2VNC on my windows machine and trying to [56]Q-11: I am running Win2VNC on my windows machine and trying to
create a dual-screen mode with my second display by running "x11vnc create a dual-screen mode with my second display by running "x11vnc
-nofb". Whenever I initiate the connection Win2VNC quickly disconnects -nofb". Whenever I initiate the connection Win2VNC quickly disconnects
and x11vnc says something like: rfbProcessClientNormalMessage: read: and x11vnc says something like: rfbProcessClientNormalMessage: read:
...@@ -633,200 +625,200 @@ ls -l ./x11vnc/x11vnc ...@@ -633,200 +625,200 @@ ls -l ./x11vnc/x11vnc
[Color Issues] [Color Issues]
[55]Q-12: The X display I run x11vnc on is only 8 bits per pixel (bpp) [57]Q-12: The X display I run x11vnc on is only 8 bits per pixel (bpp)
PseudoColor (i.e. only 256 distinct colors). The x11vnc colors may PseudoColor (i.e. only 256 distinct colors). The x11vnc colors may
start out OK, but after a while the colors are incorrect in certain start out OK, but after a while the colors are incorrect in certain
windows. windows.
[56]Q-13: Color problems: Why are the colors for some windows messed [58]Q-13: Color problems: Why are the colors for some windows messed
up in x11vnc? BTW, I have an X display that has nice up in x11vnc? BTW, I have an X display that has nice
overlay/multi-depth visuals of different color depths: e.g. there are overlay/multi-depth visuals of different color depths: e.g. there are
both depth 8 and 24 visuals available at the same time. both depth 8 and 24 visuals available at the same time.
[57]Q-14: How do I figure out the window id to supply to the -id [59]Q-14: How do I figure out the window id to supply to the -id
windowid option? windowid option?
[58]Q-15: Why don't menus or other transient windows come up when I am [60]Q-15: Why don't menus or other transient windows come up when I am
using the -id windowid option to view a single application window? using the -id windowid option to view a single application window?
[59]Q-16: My X display is depth 24 at 24bpp (instead of the normal [61]Q-16: My X display is depth 24 at 24bpp (instead of the normal
depth 24 at 32bpp). I'm having lots of color and visual problems with depth 24 at 32bpp). I'm having lots of color and visual problems with
x11vnc and vncviewer. x11vnc and vncviewer.
[Xterminals] [Xterminals]
[60]Q-17: Can I use x11vnc to view and interact with an Xterminal [62]Q-17: Can I use x11vnc to view and interact with an Xterminal
(e.g. NCD) that is not running UNIX and so x11vnc cannot be run on it (e.g. NCD) that is not running UNIX and so x11vnc cannot be run on it
directly? directly?
[61]Q-18: How do I get my X permissions (MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE) correct for [63]Q-18: How do I get my X permissions (MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE) correct for
a Unix/Linux machine acting as an Xterminal? a Unix/Linux machine acting as an Xterminal?
[Remote Control] [Remote Control]
[62]Q-19: How do I stop x11vnc once it is running in the background? [64]Q-19: How do I stop x11vnc once it is running in the background?
[63]Q-20: Can I change settings in x11vnc without having to restart [65]Q-20: Can I change settings in x11vnc without having to restart
it? Is there a way to remote control it? it? Is there a way to remote control it?
[Security and Permissions] [Security and Permissions]
[64]Q-21: Why does x11vnc exit as soon as the VNC viewer disconnects? [66]Q-21: Why does x11vnc exit as soon as the VNC viewer disconnects?
And why doesn't it allow more than one VNC viewer to connect at the And why doesn't it allow more than one VNC viewer to connect at the
same time? same time?
[65]Q-22: Can I limit which machines incoming VNC clients can connect [67]Q-22: Can I limit which machines incoming VNC clients can connect
from? from?
[66]Q-23: How do I build x11vnc/libvncserver with libwrap [68]Q-23: How do I build x11vnc/libvncserver with libwrap
(tcp_wrappers) support? (tcp_wrappers) support?
[67]Q-24: Can I prompt the user at the local X display whether the [69]Q-24: Can I prompt the user at the local X display whether the
incoming VNC client should be accepted or not? Can I decide to make incoming VNC client should be accepted or not? Can I decide to make
some clients view-only? How about running an arbitrary program to make some clients view-only? How about running an arbitrary program to make
the decisions? the decisions?
[68]Q-25: How do I create a VNC password for use with x11vnc? [70]Q-25: How do I create a VNC password for use with x11vnc?
[69]Q-26: How can I tunnel my connection to x11vnc via an encrypted [71]Q-26: How can I tunnel my connection to x11vnc via an encrypted
SSH channel between two Unix machines? SSH channel between two Unix machines?
[70]Q-27: How can I tunnel my connection to x11vnc via an encrypted [72]Q-27: How can I tunnel my connection to x11vnc via an encrypted
SSH channel from Windows using an SSH client like Putty? SSH channel from Windows using an SSH client like Putty?
[71]Q-28: Does x11vnc support Unix usernames and passwords? Can I [73]Q-28: Does x11vnc support Unix usernames and passwords? Can I
further limit the set of Unix usernames who can connect to the VNC further limit the set of Unix usernames who can connect to the VNC
desktop? desktop?
[72]Q-29: Can I have two passwords for VNC viewers, one for full [74]Q-29: Can I have two passwords for VNC viewers, one for full
access and the other for view-only access to the display? access and the other for view-only access to the display?
[73]Q-30: I use a screen-lock when I leave my workstation (e.g. [75]Q-30: I use a screen-lock when I leave my workstation (e.g.
xscreensaver or xlock). When I remotely access my workstation desktop xscreensaver or xlock). When I remotely access my workstation desktop
via x11vnc I can unlock the desktop fine, but I am worried people will via x11vnc I can unlock the desktop fine, but I am worried people will
see my activities on the physical monitor. What can I do to prevent see my activities on the physical monitor. What can I do to prevent
this, or at least make it more difficult? this, or at least make it more difficult?
[74]Q-31: Can I have x11vnc automatically lock the screen when I [76]Q-31: Can I have x11vnc automatically lock the screen when I
disconnect the VNC viewer? disconnect the VNC viewer?
[Display Managers and Services] [Display Managers and Services]
[75]Q-32: How can I run x11vnc as a "service" that is always [77]Q-32: How can I run x11vnc as a "service" that is always
available? available?
[76]Q-33: How can I use x11vnc to connect to an X login screen like [78]Q-33: How can I use x11vnc to connect to an X login screen like
xdm, GNOME gdm, KDE kdm, or CDE dtlogin? (i.e. nobody is logged into xdm, GNOME gdm, KDE kdm, or CDE dtlogin? (i.e. nobody is logged into
an X session yet). an X session yet).
[77]Q-34: Can I run x11vnc out of inetd(1)? How about xinetd(1)? [79]Q-34: Can I run x11vnc out of inetd(1)? How about xinetd(1)?
[78]Q-35: How do I make x11vnc work with the Java VNC viewer applet in [80]Q-35: How do I make x11vnc work with the Java VNC viewer applet in
a web browser? a web browser?
[79]Q-36: Are reverse connections (i.e. the VNC server connecting to [81]Q-36: Are reverse connections (i.e. the VNC server connecting to
the VNC viewer) using "vncviewer -listen" and vncconnect(1) supported? the VNC viewer) using "vncviewer -listen" and vncconnect(1) supported?
[Resource Usage and Performance] [Resource Usage and Performance]
[80]Q-37: I have lots of memory, but why does x11vnc fail with [82]Q-37: I have lots of memory, but why does x11vnc fail with
shmget: No space left on device or Minor opcode of failed shmget: No space left on device or Minor opcode of failed
request: 1 (X_ShmAttach)? request: 1 (X_ShmAttach)?
[81]Q-38: How can I make x11vnc use less system resources? [83]Q-38: How can I make x11vnc use less system resources?
[82]Q-39: How can I make x11vnc use MORE system resources? [84]Q-39: How can I make x11vnc use MORE system resources?
[83]Q-40: I use x11vnc over a slow link with high latency (e.g. dialup [85]Q-40: I use x11vnc over a slow link with high latency (e.g. dialup
modem), is there anything I can do to speed things up? modem), is there anything I can do to speed things up?
[84]Q-41: When I drag windows around with the mouse or scroll up and [86]Q-41: When I drag windows around with the mouse or scroll up and
down things really bog down (unless I do the drag in a single, quick down things really bog down (unless I do the drag in a single, quick
motion). Is there anything to do to improve things? motion). Is there anything to do to improve things?
[Mouse Cursor Shapes] [Mouse Cursor Shapes]
[85]Q-42: Why isn't the mouse cursor shape (the little icon shape [87]Q-42: Why isn't the mouse cursor shape (the little icon shape
where the mouse pointer is) correct as I move from window to window? where the mouse pointer is) correct as I move from window to window?
[86]Q-43: When using XFIXES cursorshape mode, some of the cursors look [88]Q-43: When using XFIXES cursorshape mode, some of the cursors look
really bad with extra black borders around the cursor and other cruft. really bad with extra black borders around the cursor and other cruft.
How can I improve their appearance? How can I improve their appearance?
[87]Q-44: In XFIXES mode, are there any hacks to handle cursor [89]Q-44: In XFIXES mode, are there any hacks to handle cursor
transparency ("alpha channel") exactly? transparency ("alpha channel") exactly?
[Mouse Pointer] [Mouse Pointer]
[88]Q-45: Why does the mouse arrow just stay in one corner in my [90]Q-45: Why does the mouse arrow just stay in one corner in my
vncviewer, whereas my cursor (that does move) is just a dot? vncviewer, whereas my cursor (that does move) is just a dot?
[89]Q-46: Can I take advantage of the TightVNC extension to the VNC [91]Q-46: Can I take advantage of the TightVNC extension to the VNC
protocol where Cursor Positions Updates are sent back to all connected protocol where Cursor Positions Updates are sent back to all connected
clients (i.e. passive viewers can see the mouse cursor being moved clients (i.e. passive viewers can see the mouse cursor being moved
around by another viewer)? around by another viewer)?
[90]Q-47: Is it possible to swap the mouse buttons (e.g. left-handed [92]Q-47: Is it possible to swap the mouse buttons (e.g. left-handed
operation), or arbitrarily remap them? How about mapping button clicks operation), or arbitrarily remap them? How about mapping button clicks
to keystrokes, e.g. to partially emulate Mouse wheel scrolling? to keystrokes, e.g. to partially emulate Mouse wheel scrolling?
[Keyboard Issues] [Keyboard Issues]
[91]Q-48: How can I get my AltGr and Shift modifiers to work between [93]Q-48: How can I get my AltGr and Shift modifiers to work between
keyboards for different languages? keyboards for different languages?
[92]Q-49: When I try to type a "<" (i.e. less than) instead I get ">" [94]Q-49: When I try to type a "<" (i.e. less than) instead I get ">"
(i.e. greater than)! Strangely, typing ">" works OK!! (i.e. greater than)! Strangely, typing ">" works OK!!
[93]Q-50: I'm using an "international" keyboard (e.g. German "de", or [95]Q-50: I'm using an "international" keyboard (e.g. German "de", or
Danish "dk") and the -modtweak mode works well if the VNC viewer is Danish "dk") and the -modtweak mode works well if the VNC viewer is
run on a Unix/Linux machine with a similar keyboard. But if I run the run on a Unix/Linux machine with a similar keyboard. But if I run the
VNC viewer on Unix/Linux with a different keyboard (e.g. "us") or VNC viewer on Unix/Linux with a different keyboard (e.g. "us") or
Windows with any keyboard, I can't type some keys like: "@", "$", "<", Windows with any keyboard, I can't type some keys like: "@", "$", "<",
">", etc. How can I fix this? ">", etc. How can I fix this?
[94]Q-51: When typing I sometimes get double, triple, or more of my [96]Q-51: When typing I sometimes get double, triple, or more of my
keystrokes repeated. I'm sure I only typed them once, what can I do? keystrokes repeated. I'm sure I only typed them once, what can I do?
[95]Q-52: The x11vnc -norepeat mode is in effect, but I still get [97]Q-52: The x11vnc -norepeat mode is in effect, but I still get
repeated keystrokes!! repeated keystrokes!!
[96]Q-53: The machine where I run x11vnc has an AltGr key, but the [98]Q-53: The machine where I run x11vnc has an AltGr key, but the
local machine where I run the VNC viewer does not. Is there a way I local machine where I run the VNC viewer does not. Is there a way I
can map a local unused key to send an AltGr? How about a Compose key can map a local unused key to send an AltGr? How about a Compose key
as well? as well?
[97]Q-54: I have a Sun machine I run x11vnc on. Its Sun keyboard has [99]Q-54: I have a Sun machine I run x11vnc on. Its Sun keyboard has
just one Alt key labelled "Alt" and two Meta keys labelled with little just one Alt key labelled "Alt" and two Meta keys labelled with little
diamonds. The machine where I run the VNC viewer only has Alt keys. diamonds. The machine where I run the VNC viewer only has Alt keys.
How can I send a Meta keypress? (e.g. emacs needs this) How can I send a Meta keypress? (e.g. emacs needs this)
[98]Q-55: Can I map a keystroke to a mouse button click on the remote [100]Q-55: Can I map a keystroke to a mouse button click on the remote
machine? machine?
[Screen Related Issues and Features] [Screen Related Issues and Features]
[99]Q-56: The remote display is larger (in number of pixels) than the [101]Q-56: The remote display is larger (in number of pixels) than the
local display I am running the vncviewer on. I don't like the local display I am running the vncviewer on. I don't like the
vncviewer scrollbars, what I can do? vncviewer scrollbars, what I can do?
[100]Q-57: Does x11vnc support server-side framebuffer scaling? (E.g. [102]Q-57: Does x11vnc support server-side framebuffer scaling? (E.g.
to make the desktop smaller). to make the desktop smaller).
[101]Q-58: Does x11vnc work with Xinerama? (i.e. multiple monitors [103]Q-58: Does x11vnc work with Xinerama? (i.e. multiple monitors
joined together to form one big, single screen). joined together to form one big, single screen).
[102]Q-59: Can I use x11vnc on a multi-headed display that is not [104]Q-59: Can I use x11vnc on a multi-headed display that is not
Xinerama (i.e. separate screens :0.0, :0.1, ... for each monitor)? Xinerama (i.e. separate screens :0.0, :0.1, ... for each monitor)?
[103]Q-60: Does x11vnc support the XRANDR (X Resize, Rotate and [105]Q-60: Does x11vnc support the XRANDR (X Resize, Rotate and
Reflection) extension? Whenever I rotate or resize the screen x11vnc Reflection) extension? Whenever I rotate or resize the screen x11vnc
just seems to crash. just seems to crash.
[104]Q-61: Why is the view in my VNC viewer completely black? Or why [106]Q-61: Why is the view in my VNC viewer completely black? Or why
is everything flashing around randomly? is everything flashing around randomly?
[105]Q-62: I use Linux Virtual Consoles (VC's) to implement 'Fast User [107]Q-62: I use Linux Virtual Consoles (VC's) to implement 'Fast User
Switching' between users' sessions (e.g. Betty is on Ctrl-Alt-F7, Switching' between users' sessions (e.g. Betty is on Ctrl-Alt-F7,
Bobby is on Ctrl-Alt-F8, and Sid is on Ctrl-Alt-F1: they use those Bobby is on Ctrl-Alt-F8, and Sid is on Ctrl-Alt-F1: they use those
keystrokes to switch between their sessions). How come the view in a keystrokes to switch between their sessions). How come the view in a
...@@ -834,7 +826,7 @@ ls -l ./x11vnc/x11vnc ...@@ -834,7 +826,7 @@ ls -l ./x11vnc/x11vnc
otherwise all messed up unless the X session x11vnc is attached to is otherwise all messed up unless the X session x11vnc is attached to is
in the active VC? in the active VC?
[106]Q-63: I am using x11vnc where my local machine has "popup/hidden [108]Q-63: I am using x11vnc where my local machine has "popup/hidden
taskbars" (e.g. GNOME or MacOS X) and the remote display where x11vnc taskbars" (e.g. GNOME or MacOS X) and the remote display where x11vnc
runs also has "popup/hidden taskbars" (e.g. GNOME). When I move the runs also has "popup/hidden taskbars" (e.g. GNOME). When I move the
mouse to the edge of the screen where the popups happen, the taskbars mouse to the edge of the screen where the popups happen, the taskbars
...@@ -842,10 +834,10 @@ ls -l ./x11vnc/x11vnc ...@@ -842,10 +834,10 @@ ls -l ./x11vnc/x11vnc
[Misc: Clipboard, Beeps, etc.] [Misc: Clipboard, Beeps, etc.]
[107]Q-64: Does the Clipboard/Selection get transferred between the [109]Q-64: Does the Clipboard/Selection get transferred between the
vncviewer and the X display? vncviewer and the X display?
[108]Q-65: Why don't I hear the "Beeps" in my X session (e.g. when [110]Q-65: Why don't I hear the "Beeps" in my X session (e.g. when
typing tput bel in an xterm)? typing tput bel in an xterm)?
_________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________
...@@ -937,16 +929,20 @@ ls -l ./x11vnc/x11vnc ...@@ -937,16 +929,20 @@ ls -l ./x11vnc/x11vnc
zlib-devel zlib-devel
Q-3: Help, I need to run x11vnc on Solaris 2.5.1 and it doesn't Q-3: Help, I need to run x11vnc on Solaris 2.5.1 and it doesn't
compile! If I try to run a binary built on Solaris 2.6 I get: compile!
relocation error: file x11vnc: symbol XConvertCase: referenced symbol
not found
We apologize that x11vnc does not build cleanly on older versions of We apologize that x11vnc does not build cleanly on older versions of
Solaris, Linux, etc.: very few users are on these old releases. Here Solaris, Linux, etc.: very few users are on these old releases.
is a workaround for Solaris 2.5.1 (and perhaps earlier):
We have heard that since Dec/2004 a Solaris 2.6 built x11vnc will run
on Solaris Solaris 2.5 and 2.5.1 (since a workaround for XConvertCase
is provided).
In any event, here is a workaround for Solaris 2.5.1 (and perhaps
earlier and perhaps non-Solaris):
First use the environment settings (CPPFLAGS, LDFLAGS, etc.) in the First use the environment settings (CPPFLAGS, LDFLAGS, etc.) in the
above [109]Solaris build script to run the configure command. That above [111]Solaris build script to run the configure command. That
should succeed without failure. Then, you have to hand edit the should succeed without failure. Then, you have to hand edit the
autogenerated rfb/rfbconfig.h file in the source tree, and just before autogenerated rfb/rfbconfig.h file in the source tree, and just before
the last #endif at the bottom of that file insert these workaround the last #endif at the bottom of that file insert these workaround
...@@ -962,8 +958,12 @@ int gethostname(char *name, int namelen); ...@@ -962,8 +958,12 @@ int gethostname(char *name, int namelen);
long random(); long random();
int srandom(unsigned int seed); int srandom(unsigned int seed);
#ifndef SHUT_RDWR
#define SHUT_RDWR 2 #define SHUT_RDWR 2
#ifndef in_addr_t
typedef unsigned int in_addr_t; typedef unsigned int in_addr_t;
#ifndef snprintf #ifndef snprintf
#define snprintf(a, n, args...) sprintf((a), ## args) #define snprintf(a, n, args...) sprintf((a), ## args)
#endif #endif
...@@ -976,6 +976,9 @@ typedef unsigned int in_addr_t; ...@@ -976,6 +976,9 @@ typedef unsigned int in_addr_t;
Similar sorts of kludges can be done on other older OS (Solaris, Similar sorts of kludges can be done on other older OS (Solaris,
Linux, ...) releases. Linux, ...) releases.
Here are some notes for similar steps that need to be done to build on
[112]SunOS 4.x
Please let us know if you had to use the above workaround (and whether Please let us know if you had to use the above workaround (and whether
it worked or not). If there is enough demand we will try to push clean it worked or not). If there is enough demand we will try to push clean
compilations back to earlier Solaris, Linux, etc, releases. compilations back to earlier Solaris, Linux, etc, releases.
...@@ -983,18 +986,19 @@ typedef unsigned int in_addr_t; ...@@ -983,18 +986,19 @@ typedef unsigned int in_addr_t;
Q-4: Where can I get a precompiled x11vnc binary for my Operating Q-4: Where can I get a precompiled x11vnc binary for my Operating
System? System?
Hopefully the [110]build steps above and [111]FAQ provide enough info Hopefully the [113]build steps above and [114]FAQ provide enough info
for a painless compile for most environments. Please report problems for a painless compile for most environments. Please report problems
with the x11vnc configure, make, etc. on your system (if your system with the x11vnc configure, make, etc. on your system (if your system
is known to compile other GNU packages successfully). is known to compile other GNU packages successfully).
There are precompiled x11vnc binaries made by other groups available There are precompiled x11vnc binaries made by other groups available
at the following locations: at the following locations:
Debian: (.deb) [112] Debian: (.deb) [115]
Slackware: (.tgz) [113] Redhat/Fedora: Slackware: (.tgz) [116] Redhat/Fedora:
(.rpm) [114] wwexptools: (.tgz) (.rpm) [117] Solaris: (pkg)
[115] The [118] wwexptools: (.tgz)
[119] The
last one, wwexptools, provides a variety of Unix binaries (Linux, last one, wwexptools, provides a variety of Unix binaries (Linux,
Solaris, HP-UX, IRIX, ...) with the intent of being compatible on a Solaris, HP-UX, IRIX, ...) with the intent of being compatible on a
wide range of OS releases. Find x11vnc near the bottom of that page wide range of OS releases. Find x11vnc near the bottom of that page
...@@ -1006,13 +1010,14 @@ typedef unsigned int in_addr_t; ...@@ -1006,13 +1010,14 @@ typedef unsigned int in_addr_t;
this by looking at the x11vnc output and if it says the encoding for a this by looking at the x11vnc output and if it says the encoding for a
client is "hextile" then likely the fast compression encodings are client is "hextile" then likely the fast compression encodings are
missing. If you want optimal performance on your OS, you should see missing. If you want optimal performance on your OS, you should see
the [116]build notes above for where to download libz and libjpeg, and the [120]build notes above for where to download libz and libjpeg, and
then build everything with gcc. then build everything with gcc. For Solaris, the packages are built with libz and libjpeg.
If the above binaries don't work and building x11vnc on your OS fails If the above binaries don't work and building x11vnc on your OS fails
(and all else fails!) you can try one of my motley collection of (and all else fails!) you can try one of my motley collection of
[117]test binaries. Some may be old, some may have extra debugging [121]test binaries. Some may be old, some may have extra debugging
output, etc. One may work on your OS, but please understand they are output, etc. They may work on your OS, but please understand they are
test/experimental binaries not intended for general usage like the test/experimental binaries not intended for general usage like the
above precompiled ones from 3rd parties. above precompiled ones from 3rd parties.
...@@ -1033,14 +1038,16 @@ typedef unsigned int in_addr_t; ...@@ -1033,14 +1038,16 @@ typedef unsigned int in_addr_t;
To obtain VNC viewers for the viewing side (Windows, Mac OS, or Unix) To obtain VNC viewers for the viewing side (Windows, Mac OS, or Unix)
try here: try here:
* [118] * [122]
* [119] * [123]
* [120] * [124]
Q-6: How can I see all of x11vnc's command line options and Q-6: How can I see all of x11vnc's command line options and
documentation on how to use them? documentation on how to use them?
Run: x11vnc -help The output is listed [121]here as well. Run: x11vnc -opts to list just the option names or run: x11vnc
-help for long descriptions about each option. The output is listed
[125]here as well.
Q-7: I don't like typing arcane command line options every time I Q-7: I don't like typing arcane command line options every time I
start x11vnc. What can I do? Is there a config file? Or a GUI? start x11vnc. What can I do? Is there a config file? Or a GUI?
...@@ -1095,7 +1102,7 @@ display :0 ...@@ -1095,7 +1102,7 @@ display :0
As of Apr/2004 the above fix only works for BSD signal systems (Linux, As of Apr/2004 the above fix only works for BSD signal systems (Linux,
FreeBSD, ...) For SYSV systems there is a workaround in my FreeBSD, ...) For SYSV systems there is a workaround in my
[122]x11vnc.c file. It also has an option -sigpipe exit to have x11vnc [126]x11vnc.c file. It also has an option -sigpipe exit to have x11vnc
clean up and exit upon receiving SIGPIPE. clean up and exit upon receiving SIGPIPE.
[Win2VNC Related] [Win2VNC Related]
...@@ -1110,16 +1117,16 @@ display :0 ...@@ -1110,16 +1117,16 @@ display :0
secondary display (X11). Then start up Win2VNC on the primary display secondary display (X11). Then start up Win2VNC on the primary display
(Windows) referring it to the secondary display. (Windows) referring it to the secondary display.
This will also work X11 to X11 using [123]x2vnc, however you would This will also work X11 to X11 using [127]x2vnc, however you would
probably just want to avoid VNC and use x2x for that. probably just want to avoid VNC and use x2x for that.
For reference, here are some links to Win2VNC-like programs for For reference, here are some links to Win2VNC-like programs for
multiple monitor setups: multiple monitor setups:
* [124]Original Win2VNC * [128]Original Win2VNC
* [125]Enhanced Win2VNC and [126]sourceforge link * [129]Enhanced Win2VNC and [130]sourceforge link
* [127]x2vnc * [131]x2vnc
* [128]x2x also [129]here * [132]x2x also [133]here
* [130]zvnc (MorphOS) * [134]zvnc (MorphOS)
All of them (except x2x) will work with x11vnc. All of them (except x2x) will work with x11vnc.
...@@ -1174,7 +1181,7 @@ display :0 ...@@ -1174,7 +1181,7 @@ display :0
visuals of different color depths: e.g. there are both depth 8 and 24 visuals of different color depths: e.g. there are both depth 8 and 24
visuals available at the same time. visuals available at the same time.
You may want to review the [131]previous question regarding 8 bpp You may want to review the [135]previous question regarding 8 bpp
PseudoColor. PseudoColor.
On some hardware (Sun/SPARC, Sgi), the -overlay option discussed a On some hardware (Sun/SPARC, Sgi), the -overlay option discussed a
...@@ -1251,7 +1258,7 @@ TrueColor defdepth 24 ...@@ -1251,7 +1258,7 @@ TrueColor defdepth 24
the desired application window. After clicking, it will print out much the desired application window. After clicking, it will print out much
information, including the window id. Also, the visual and depth of information, including the window id. Also, the visual and depth of
the window printed out is often useful in debugging x11vnc the window printed out is often useful in debugging x11vnc
[132]problems. [136]problems.
When using -id windowid, note that some VNC viewers will have problems When using -id windowid, note that some VNC viewers will have problems
rendering screens that have a width that is not a multiple of 4. Try rendering screens that have a width that is not a multiple of 4. Try
...@@ -1357,7 +1364,7 @@ central-server> xauth nextract - xterm123:0 | ssh xterm123 xauth nmerge - ...@@ -1357,7 +1364,7 @@ central-server> xauth nextract - xterm123:0 | ssh xterm123 xauth nmerge -
xauth(1) manpage for more details. xauth(1) manpage for more details.
If the display name needs to be changed between the two hosts, see If the display name needs to be changed between the two hosts, see
[133]this note on the xauth add ... command. [137]this note on the xauth add ... command.
A less secure option is to run something like "xhost +" to A less secure option is to run something like "xhost +" to
allow cookie-free local access for x11vnc. allow cookie-free local access for x11vnc.
...@@ -1366,7 +1373,7 @@ central-server> xauth nextract - xterm123:0 | ssh xterm123 xauth nmerge - ...@@ -1366,7 +1373,7 @@ central-server> xauth nextract - xterm123:0 | ssh xterm123 xauth nmerge -
accounts, NFS, etc. you'll need to contact your system administrator accounts, NFS, etc. you'll need to contact your system administrator
to set something up. to set something up.
Not recommended, but as a last resort, you could have x11vnc [134]poll Not recommended, but as a last resort, you could have x11vnc [138]poll
the Xterminal over the network. the Xterminal over the network.
Note: use of Display Manager (gdm, kdm, ...) auth cookie files (i.e. Note: use of Display Manager (gdm, kdm, ...) auth cookie files (i.e.
...@@ -1434,10 +1441,10 @@ central-server> xauth nextract - xterm123:0 | ssh xterm123 xauth nmerge - ...@@ -1434,10 +1441,10 @@ central-server> xauth nextract - xterm123:0 | ssh xterm123 xauth nmerge -
-shared option to have x11vnc allow multiple clients to connect -shared option to have x11vnc allow multiple clients to connect
simultaneously. simultaneously.
Recommended additional safety measures include using ssh ([135]see Recommended additional safety measures include using ssh ([139]see
above), stunnel, or a VPN to authenticate and encrypt the viewer above), stunnel, or a VPN to authenticate and encrypt the viewer
connections or to at least use the -rfbauth passwd-file [136]option to connections or to at least use the -rfbauth passwd-file [140]option to
use VNC password protection (or [137]-passwdfile) It is up to you to use VNC password protection (or [141]-passwdfile) It is up to you to
apply these security measures, they will not be done for you apply these security measures, they will not be done for you
automatically. automatically.
...@@ -1473,7 +1480,7 @@ central-server> xauth nextract - xterm123:0 | ssh xterm123 xauth nmerge - ...@@ -1473,7 +1480,7 @@ central-server> xauth nextract - xterm123:0 | ssh xterm123 xauth nmerge -
is "vnc", e.g.: is "vnc", e.g.:
vnc: vnc:
Note that if you run x11vnc out of [138]inetd you do not need to build Note that if you run x11vnc out of [142]inetd you do not need to build
x11vnc with libwrap support because the /usr/sbin/tcpd reference in x11vnc with libwrap support because the /usr/sbin/tcpd reference in
/etc/inetd.conf handles the tcp_wrappers stuff. /etc/inetd.conf handles the tcp_wrappers stuff.
...@@ -1517,7 +1524,7 @@ central-server> xauth nextract - xterm123:0 | ssh xterm123 xauth nmerge - ...@@ -1517,7 +1524,7 @@ central-server> xauth nextract - xterm123:0 | ssh xterm123 xauth nmerge -
program to prompt the user whether the client should be accepted or program to prompt the user whether the client should be accepted or
not. This requires that you have xmessage installed and available via not. This requires that you have xmessage installed and available via
PATH. In case it is not already on your system, the xmessage program PATH. In case it is not already on your system, the xmessage program
is available at [139] is available at [143]
To include view-only decisions for the external commands, prefix the To include view-only decisions for the external commands, prefix the
command something like this: "yes:0,no:*,view:3 mycommand ..." This command something like this: "yes:0,no:*,view:3 mycommand ..." This
...@@ -1556,7 +1563,7 @@ elif [ $rc = 4 ]; then ...@@ -1556,7 +1563,7 @@ elif [ $rc = 4 ]; then
fi fi
exit 1 exit 1
Stefan Radman has written a nice dtksh script [140]dtVncPopup for use Stefan Radman has written a nice dtksh script [144]dtVncPopup for use
in CDE environments to do the same sort of thing. Information on how in CDE environments to do the same sort of thing. Information on how
to use it is found at the top of the file. He encourages you to to use it is found at the top of the file. He encourages you to
provide feedback to him to help improve the script. provide feedback to him to help improve the script.
...@@ -1582,9 +1589,11 @@ exit 1 ...@@ -1582,9 +1589,11 @@ exit 1
directory. And as of Jun/2004 in the libvncserver CVS x11vnc supports directory. And as of Jun/2004 in the libvncserver CVS x11vnc supports
the -storepasswd "pass" "file" option, which is the the same the -storepasswd "pass" "file" option, which is the the same
functionality of storepasswd. Be sure to quote the "pass" if it functionality of storepasswd. Be sure to quote the "pass" if it
contains shell meta characters, spaces, etc. contains shell meta characters, spaces, etc. Example:
x11vnc -storepasswd 'sword*fish' $HOME/myvncpasswd
You then use the password via the x11vnc option: -rfbauth filename You then use the password via the x11vnc option: -rfbauth
Compared to vncpasswd(1) the latter two methods are a somewhat unsafe Compared to vncpasswd(1) the latter two methods are a somewhat unsafe
because the password is specified on the command line and so someone because the password is specified on the command line and so someone
...@@ -1592,14 +1601,14 @@ exit 1 ...@@ -1592,14 +1601,14 @@ exit 1
out for the command winding up in your shell's history file (history out for the command winding up in your shell's history file (history
-c is often a way to clear it). -c is often a way to clear it).
x11vnc also has the [141]-passwdfile and -passwd/-viewpasswd plain x11vnc also has the [145]-passwdfile and -passwd/-viewpasswd plain
text (i.e. not obscured like the -rfbauth VNC passwords) password text (i.e. not obscured like the -rfbauth VNC passwords) password
options. options.
Q-26: How can I tunnel my connection to x11vnc via an encrypted SSH Q-26: How can I tunnel my connection to x11vnc via an encrypted SSH
channel between two Unix machines? channel between two Unix machines?
See the description earlier on this page on [142]how to tunnel VNC via See the description earlier on this page on [146]how to tunnel VNC via
SSH from Unix to Unix. A number of ways are described along with some SSH from Unix to Unix. A number of ways are described along with some
issues you may encounter. issues you may encounter.
...@@ -1609,7 +1618,7 @@ exit 1 ...@@ -1609,7 +1618,7 @@ exit 1
Q-27: How can I tunnel my connection to x11vnc via an encrypted SSH Q-27: How can I tunnel my connection to x11vnc via an encrypted SSH
channel from Windows using an SSH client like Putty? channel from Windows using an SSH client like Putty?
[143]Above we described how to tunnel VNC via SSH from Unix to Unix, [147]Above we described how to tunnel VNC via SSH from Unix to Unix,
you may want to review it. To do this from Windows using Putty it you may want to review it. To do this from Windows using Putty it
would go something like this: would go something like this:
* In the Putty dialog window under 'Session' enter the hostname or * In the Putty dialog window under 'Session' enter the hostname or
...@@ -1642,7 +1651,7 @@ exit 1 ...@@ -1642,7 +1651,7 @@ exit 1
you'll need to do a second login (ssh or rsh) to the workstation you'll need to do a second login (ssh or rsh) to the workstation
machine 'otherhost' and then start up x11vnc on it. machine 'otherhost' and then start up x11vnc on it.
As discussed [144]above another option is to first start the VNC As discussed [148]above another option is to first start the VNC
viewer in "listen" mode, and then launch x11vnc with the "-connection viewer in "listen" mode, and then launch x11vnc with the "-connection
localhost" option to establish the reverse connection. In this case a localhost" option to establish the reverse connection. In this case a
Remote port redirection (not Local) is needed for port 5500 instead of Remote port redirection (not Local) is needed for port 5500 instead of
...@@ -1663,7 +1672,7 @@ exit 1 ...@@ -1663,7 +1672,7 @@ exit 1
connection to make it appear to emanate from the local machine. As connection to make it appear to emanate from the local machine. As
discussed above, ssh is useful for this: ssh -l username -L discussed above, ssh is useful for this: ssh -l username -L
5900:localhost:5900 hostname ... See the ssh wrapper scripts mentioned 5900:localhost:5900 hostname ... See the ssh wrapper scripts mentioned
[145]elsewhere on this page. Of course a malicious user could allow [149]elsewhere on this page. Of course a malicious user could allow
other users to get in through his channel, but that is a problem with other users to get in through his channel, but that is a problem with
every method. Another thing to watch out for is a malicious user on every method. Another thing to watch out for is a malicious user on
the viewer side (where ssh is running) trying to sneak in through the the viewer side (where ssh is running) trying to sneak in through the
...@@ -1739,7 +1748,7 @@ exit 1 # reject it ...@@ -1739,7 +1748,7 @@ exit 1 # reject it
In any event, as of Jun/2004 there is an experimental utility to make In any event, as of Jun/2004 there is an experimental utility to make
it more difficult for nosey people to see your x11vnc activities. The it more difficult for nosey people to see your x11vnc activities. The
source for it is [146]blockdpy.c The idea behind it is simple (but source for it is [150]blockdpy.c The idea behind it is simple (but
obviously not bulletproof): when a VNC client attaches to x11vnc put obviously not bulletproof): when a VNC client attaches to x11vnc put
the display monitor in the DPMS "off" state, if the DPMS state ever the display monitor in the DPMS "off" state, if the DPMS state ever
changes immediately start up the screen-lock program. The x11vnc user changes immediately start up the screen-lock program. The x11vnc user
...@@ -1765,12 +1774,12 @@ exit 1 # reject it ...@@ -1765,12 +1774,12 @@ exit 1 # reject it
Yes, a user mentions he uses the -gone option under CDE to run a Yes, a user mentions he uses the -gone option under CDE to run a
screen lock program: screen lock program:
x11vnc -display :0.0 -forever -gone 'dtaction LockDisplay' x11vnc -display :0 -forever -gone 'dtaction LockDisplay'
Other possibilities are: Other possibilities are:
x11vnc -display :0.0 -forever -gone 'xscreensaver-command -lock' x11vnc -display :0 -forever -gone 'xscreensaver-command -lock'
x11vnc -display :0.0 -forever -gone 'kdesktop_lock' x11vnc -display :0 -forever -gone 'kdesktop_lock'
x11vnc -display :0.0 -forever -gone 'xlock &' x11vnc -display :0 -forever -gone 'xlock &'
[Display Managers and Services] [Display Managers and Services]
...@@ -1786,11 +1795,11 @@ exit 1 # reject it ...@@ -1786,11 +1795,11 @@ exit 1 # reject it
permissions. permissions.
Here are some ideas: Here are some ideas:
* Use the description under "Continuously" in the [147]FAQ on x11vnc * Use the description under "Continuously" in the [151]FAQ on x11vnc
and Display Managers and Display Managers
* Use the description in the [148]FAQ on x11vnc and inetd(1) * Use the description in the [152]FAQ on x11vnc and inetd(1)
* Start x11vnc from $HOME/.xsession (or $HOME/.xinitrc) * Start x11vnc from $HOME/.xsession (or $HOME/.xinitrc)
* Although less reliable, see the [149]x11vnc_loop rc.local hack * Although less reliable, see the [153]x11vnc_loop rc.local hack
below. below.
The display manager scheme will not be specific to which user has the The display manager scheme will not be specific to which user has the
...@@ -1892,18 +1901,18 @@ x11vnc -logfile $HOME/.x11vnc.log -rfbauth $HOME/.vnc/passwd -forever -bg ...@@ -1892,18 +1901,18 @@ x11vnc -logfile $HOME/.x11vnc.log -rfbauth $HOME/.vnc/passwd -forever -bg
Then restart: /usr/sbin/gdm-restart (or reboot). The Then restart: /usr/sbin/gdm-restart (or reboot). The
KillInitClients=false setting is important: without it x11vnc will be KillInitClients=false setting is important: without it x11vnc will be
killed immediately after the user logs in. Here are [150]full details killed immediately after the user logs in. Here are [154]full details
on how to configure gdm on how to configure gdm
If you do not want to deal with the display manager startup scripts, If you do not want to deal with the display manager startup scripts,
here is a kludgey script that can be run manually or out of a boot here is a kludgey script that can be run manually or out of a boot
file like rc.local. [151]x11vnc_loop It will need some local file like rc.local. [155]x11vnc_loop It will need some local
customization before running. Because the XAUTHORITY auth file must be customization before running. Because the XAUTHORITY auth file must be
guessed by this script, use of the display manager script above is guessed by this script, use of the display manager script above is
preferred. preferred.
If the machine is a traditional Xterminal you may want to read If the machine is a traditional Xterminal you may want to read
[152]this FAQ. [156]this FAQ.
Q-34: Can I run x11vnc out of inetd(1)? How about xinetd(1)? Q-34: Can I run x11vnc out of inetd(1)? How about xinetd(1)?
...@@ -2046,7 +2055,7 @@ xprop -root -f VNC_CONNECT 8s -set VNC_CONNECT "$1" ...@@ -2046,7 +2055,7 @@ xprop -root -f VNC_CONNECT 8s -set VNC_CONNECT "$1"
19/03/2004 10:10:58 error creating tile-row shm for len=4 19/03/2004 10:10:58 error creating tile-row shm for len=4
19/03/2004 10:10:58 reverting to single_copytile mode 19/03/2004 10:10:58 reverting to single_copytile mode
Here is a shell script [153]shm_clear to list and prompt for removal Here is a shell script [157]shm_clear to list and prompt for removal
of your unattached shm segments (attached ones are skipped). I use it of your unattached shm segments (attached ones are skipped). I use it
while debugging x11vnc (I use "shm_clear -y" to assume "yes" for each while debugging x11vnc (I use "shm_clear -y" to assume "yes" for each
prompt). If x11vnc is regularly not cleaning up its shm segments, prompt). If x11vnc is regularly not cleaning up its shm segments,
...@@ -2084,7 +2093,7 @@ ied) ...@@ -2084,7 +2093,7 @@ ied)
-fs 1.0 knocks it down to 2). If you are having much trouble with shm -fs 1.0 knocks it down to 2). If you are having much trouble with shm
segments, consider disabling shm completely via the -noshm option. segments, consider disabling shm completely via the -noshm option.
Performance will be somewhat degraded but when done over local machine Performance will be somewhat degraded but when done over local machine
sockets it should be acceptable (see an [154]earlier question sockets it should be acceptable (see an [158]earlier question
discussing -noshm). discussing -noshm).
Q-38: How can I make x11vnc use less system resources? Q-38: How can I make x11vnc use less system resources?
...@@ -2119,7 +2128,8 @@ ied) ...@@ -2119,7 +2128,8 @@ ied)
(reduces amount of data needed to be sent) (reduces amount of data needed to be sent)
* Use a smaller desktop size (e.g. 1024x768 instead of 1280x1024) * Use a smaller desktop size (e.g. 1024x768 instead of 1280x1024)
* Make sure the desktop background is a solid color (the background * Make sure the desktop background is a solid color (the background
is resent every time it is re-exposed) is resent every time it is re-exposed). Consider using the -solid
[color] option.
* Configure your window manager or desktop "theme" to not use fancy * Configure your window manager or desktop "theme" to not use fancy
images, shading, and gradients for the window decorations, etc. images, shading, and gradients for the window decorations, etc.
Disable Opaque moves, resizes, and animations. Disable Opaque moves, resizes, and animations.
...@@ -2132,7 +2142,7 @@ ied) ...@@ -2132,7 +2142,7 @@ ied)
worth it, but could be of use in some situations. worth it, but could be of use in some situations.
VNC viewer parameters: VNC viewer parameters:
* Use a [155]TightVNC enabled viewer! * Use a [159]TightVNC enabled viewer!
* Make sure the tight encoding is being used (look at vncviewer and * Make sure the tight encoding is being used (look at vncviewer and
x11vnc outputs) x11vnc outputs)
* Request 8 bits per pixel using -bgr233 (up to 4X speedup over * Request 8 bits per pixel using -bgr233 (up to 4X speedup over
...@@ -2293,7 +2303,7 @@ ied) ...@@ -2293,7 +2303,7 @@ ied)
hide the alpha data), but it also currently requires the client and hide the alpha data), but it also currently requires the client and
server to be of the same endianness (otherwise the hidden alpha data server to be of the same endianness (otherwise the hidden alpha data
gets reset to zero by the translation function). As an example, for gets reset to zero by the translation function). As an example, for
the TightVNC 1.3dev5 Unix vncviewer [156]this patch enables the the TightVNC 1.3dev5 Unix vncviewer [160]this patch enables the
TightVNC viewer to do the blending locally. You have to set the TightVNC viewer to do the blending locally. You have to set the
environment variable ALPHABLEND=1 before starting your modified environment variable ALPHABLEND=1 before starting your modified
viewer. The patch code should give an example on how to change the viewer. The patch code should give an example on how to change the
...@@ -2305,7 +2315,7 @@ ied) ...@@ -2305,7 +2315,7 @@ ied)
Q-45: Why does the mouse arrow just stay in one corner in my Q-45: Why does the mouse arrow just stay in one corner in my
vncviewer, whereas my cursor (that does move) is just a dot? vncviewer, whereas my cursor (that does move) is just a dot?
This default takes advantage of a [157]tightvnc extension This default takes advantage of a [161]tightvnc extension
(CursorShapeUpdates) that allows specifying a cursor image shape for (CursorShapeUpdates) that allows specifying a cursor image shape for
the local VNC viewer. You may disable it with the -nocursor option to the local VNC viewer. You may disable it with the -nocursor option to
x11vnc if your viewer does not have this extension. x11vnc if your viewer does not have this extension.
...@@ -2390,12 +2400,12 @@ ied) ...@@ -2390,12 +2400,12 @@ ied)
default (use -nomodtweak to get the old behavior). This was done default (use -nomodtweak to get the old behavior). This was done
because it was noticed on newer XFree86 setups even on bland "us" because it was noticed on newer XFree86 setups even on bland "us"
keyboards like "pc104 us" XFree86 included a "ghost" key with both "<" keyboards like "pc104 us" XFree86 included a "ghost" key with both "<"
and ">" it. This key does not exist on the keyboard (see [158]this FAQ and ">" it. This key does not exist on the keyboard (see [162]this FAQ
for more info). Without -modtweak there was then an ambiguity in the for more info). Without -modtweak there was then an ambiguity in the
reverse map keysym => keycode, making it so the "<" symbol could not reverse map keysym => keycode, making it so the "<" symbol could not
be typed. be typed.
Also see the [159]FAQ about the -xkb option for a more powerful method Also see the [163]FAQ about the -xkb option for a more powerful method
of modifier tweaking for use on X servers with the XKEYBOARD of modifier tweaking for use on X servers with the XKEYBOARD
extension. extension.
...@@ -2456,7 +2466,7 @@ ied) ...@@ -2456,7 +2466,7 @@ ied)
the keysym comma when it comes in from a client (so when Shift is down the keysym comma when it comes in from a client (so when Shift is down
the comma press will yield "<"). the comma press will yield "<").
See also the [160]FAQ about the -xkb option as a possible workaround See also the [164]FAQ about the -xkb option as a possible workaround
using the XKEYBOARD extension. Note that of Jul/2004 in the using the XKEYBOARD extension. Note that of Jul/2004 in the
libvncserver CVS the -modtweak option is now that default. libvncserver CVS the -modtweak option is now that default.
...@@ -2596,7 +2606,7 @@ ied) ...@@ -2596,7 +2606,7 @@ ied)
keystrokes!! keystrokes!!
Are you using x11vnc to log in to an X session? (as described Are you using x11vnc to log in to an X session? (as described
[161]this FAQ) If so, x11vnc is starting before your session, and then [165]this FAQ) If so, x11vnc is starting before your session, and then
your session startup could be resetting the autorepeat to be on. Or it your session startup could be resetting the autorepeat to be on. Or it
could be something inside your desktop that decides to turn it back could be something inside your desktop that decides to turn it back
on. x11vnc in -norepeat mode will not battle with things turning on. x11vnc in -norepeat mode will not battle with things turning
...@@ -2681,7 +2691,7 @@ ied) ...@@ -2681,7 +2691,7 @@ ied)
There may also be scaling viewers out there (e.g. TightVNC on Windows) There may also be scaling viewers out there (e.g. TightVNC on Windows)
that automatically shrink or expand the remote framebuffer to fit the that automatically shrink or expand the remote framebuffer to fit the
local display. Especially for hand-held devices. See also [162]this local display. Especially for hand-held devices. See also [166]this
FAQ on x11vnc scaling. FAQ on x11vnc scaling.
Q-57: Does x11vnc support server-side framebuffer scaling? (E.g. to Q-57: Does x11vnc support server-side framebuffer scaling? (E.g. to
...@@ -2779,7 +2789,7 @@ ied) ...@@ -2779,7 +2789,7 @@ ied)
Note: if you are running on Solaris 8 or earlier you can easily hit up Note: if you are running on Solaris 8 or earlier you can easily hit up
against the maximum of 6 shm segments per process (for Xsun in this against the maximum of 6 shm segments per process (for Xsun in this
case) from running multiple x11vnc processes. You should modify case) from running multiple x11vnc processes. You should modify
/etc/system as mentioned in another [163]FAQ to increase the limit. It /etc/system as mentioned in another [167]FAQ to increase the limit. It
is probably also a good idea to run with the -onetile option in this is probably also a good idea to run with the -onetile option in this
case (to limit each x11vnc to 3 shm segments), or even -noshm to use case (to limit each x11vnc to 3 shm segments), or even -noshm to use
no shm segments. no shm segments.
...@@ -2892,155 +2902,159 @@ References ...@@ -2892,155 +2902,159 @@ References
12. 12.
13. 13.
14. 14.
15. 15.
16. 16.
17. 17.
18. 18.
19. 19.
20. 20.
21. 21.
22. 22.
23. 23.
24. 24.
25. 25.
26. 26.
27. 27.
28. 28.
29. 29.
30. 30.
31. 31.
32. 32.
33. 33.
34. 34.
35. 35.
36. 36.
37. 37.
38. 38.
39. 39.
40. 40.
41. 41.
42. 42.
43. 43.
44. 44.
45. 45.
46. 46.
47. 47.
48. 48.
49. 49.
50. 50.
51. 51.
52. 52.
53. 53.
54. 54.
55. 55.
56. 56.
57. 57.
58. 58.
59. 59.
60. 60.
61. 61.
62. 62.
63. 63.
64. 64.
65. 65.
66. 66.
67. 67.
68. 68.
69. 69.
70. 70.
71. 71.
72. 72.
73. 73.
74. 74.
75. 75.
76. 76.
77. 77.
78. 78.
79. 79.
80. 80.
81. 81.
82. 82.
83. 83.
84. 84.
85. 85.
86. 86.
87. 87.
88. 88.
89. 89.
90. 90.
91. 91.
92. 92.
93. 93.
94. 94.
95. 95.
96. 96.
97. 97.
98. 98.
99. 99.
100. 100.
101. 101.
102. 102.
103. 103.
104. 104.
105. 105.
106. 106.
107. 107.
108. 108.
109. 109.
110. 110.
111. 111.
112. 112.
113. 113.
114. 114.
115. 115.
116. 116.
117. 117.
118. 118.
119. 119.
120. 120.
121. 121.
122. 122.
123. 123.
124. 124.
125. 125.
126. 126.
127. 127.
128. 128.
129. 129.
130. 130.
131. 131.
132. 132.
133. 133.
134. 134.
135. 135.
136. 136.
137. 137.
138. 138.
139. 139.
140. 140.
141. 141.
142. 142.
143. 143.
144. 144.
145. 145.
146. 146.
147. 147.
148. 148.
149. 149.
150. 150.
151. 151.
152. 152.
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======================================================================= =======================================================================
...@@ -3051,10 +3065,85 @@ ...@@ -3051,10 +3065,85 @@
x11vnc: a VNC server for real X displays x11vnc: a VNC server for real X displays
Here are all of x11vnc command line options: Here are all of x11vnc command line options:
% x11vnc -opts (see below for -help long descriptions)
x11vnc: allow VNC connections to real X11 displays. 0.7.1pre lastmod: 2005-02-0
x11vnc options:
-display disp -auth file
-id windowid -sid windowid
-flashcmap -notruecolor
-visual n -overlay
-overlay_nocursor -scale fraction
-viewonly -shared
-once -forever
-timeout n -inetd
-connect string -vncconnect
-novncconnect -allow host1[,host2..]
-localhost -viewpasswd string
-passwdfile filename -storepasswd pass file
-accept string -gone string
-noshm -flipbyteorder
-onetile -solid [color]
-blackout string -xinerama
-xrandr [mode] -padgeom WxH
-o logfile -rc filename
-norc -h, -help
-?, -opts -V, -version
-q -bg
-modtweak -nomodtweak
-xkb -skip_keycodes string
-add_keysyms -clear_mods
-clear_keys -remap string
-norepeat -repeat
-nofb -nobell
-nosel -noprimary
-cursor [mode] -nocursor
-noxfixes -alphacut n
-alphafrac fraction -alpharemove
-noalphablend -nocursorshape
-cursorpos -nocursorpos
-xwarppointer -buttonmap string
-nodragging -pointer_mode n
-input_skip n -speeds rd,bw,lat
-debug_pointer -debug_keyboard
-defer time -wait time
-nap -sb time
-sigpipe string -threads
-nothreads -fs f
-gaps n -grow n
-fuzz n -snapfb
-gui [gui-opts] -remote command
-query variable -sync
-noremote -unsafe
-safer -deny_all
libvncserver options:
-rfbport port TCP port for RFB protocol
-rfbwait time max time in ms to wait for RFB client
-rfbauth passwd-file use authentication on RFB protocol
(use 'storepasswd' to create a password file)
-passwd plain-password use authentication
(use plain-password as password, USE AT YOUR RISK)
-deferupdate time time in ms to defer updates (default 40)
-desktop name VNC desktop name (default "LibVNCServer")
-alwaysshared always treat new clients as shared
-nevershared never treat new clients as shared
-dontdisconnect don't disconnect existing clients when a new non-shared
connection comes in (refuse new connection instead)
-httpdir dir-path enable http server using dir-path home
-httpport portnum use portnum for http connection
-enablehttpproxy enable http proxy support
-progressive height enable progressive updating for slow links
% x11vnc -help % x11vnc -help
x11vnc: allow VNC connections to real X11 displays. 0.7.1pre lastmod: 2005-01-2 x11vnc: allow VNC connections to real X11 displays. 0.7.1pre lastmod: 2005-02-0
3 5
Typical usage is: Typical usage is:
...@@ -3300,6 +3389,19 @@ Options: ...@@ -3300,6 +3389,19 @@ Options:
just use 1 shm tile for polling. Limits shm segments just use 1 shm tile for polling. Limits shm segments
used to 3. used to 3.
-solid [color] To improve performance, when VNC clients are connected
try to change the desktop background to a solid color.
The [color] is optional: the default color is "cyan4".
For a different one specify the X color (rgb.txt name,
e.g. "darkblue" or numerical "#RRGGBB"). Currently
this option only works on GNOME, KDE, and classic X
(i.e. with the background image on the root window).
The "gconftool-2" and "dcop" external commands are
run for GNOME and KDE respectively. Other desktops
won't work, e.g. XFCE (send us the corresponding
commands if you find them). If x11vnc guesses your
desktop incorrectly, you can force it by prefixing
color with "gnome:", "kde:", or "root:".
-blackout string Black out rectangles on the screen. "string" is a -blackout string Black out rectangles on the screen. "string" is a
comma separated list of WxH+X+Y type geometries for comma separated list of WxH+X+Y type geometries for
each rectangle. each rectangle.
...@@ -3352,6 +3454,7 @@ Options: ...@@ -3352,6 +3454,7 @@ Options:
-rc filename Use "filename" instead of $HOME/.x11vncrc for rc file. -rc filename Use "filename" instead of $HOME/.x11vncrc for rc file.
-norc Do not process any .x11vncrc file for options. -norc Do not process any .x11vncrc file for options.
-h, -help Print this help text. -h, -help Print this help text.
-?, -opts Only list the x11vnc options.
-V, -version Print program version (last modification date). -V, -version Print program version (last modification date).
-q Be quiet by printing less informational output to -q Be quiet by printing less informational output to
...@@ -3606,11 +3709,11 @@ Options: ...@@ -3606,11 +3709,11 @@ Options:
available in -threads mode which has its own pointer available in -threads mode which has its own pointer
event handling mechanism. event handling mechanism.
To try out the different pointer modes to see To try out the different pointer modes to see which
which one gives the best response for your usage, one gives the best response for your usage, it is
it is convenient to use the remote control function, convenient to use the remote control function, for
e.g. "x11vnc -R pointer_mode:4" or the tcl/tk gui example "x11vnc -R pm:4" or the tcl/tk gui (Tuning ->
(Tuning -> pointer_mode -> n). pointer_mode -> n).
-input_skip n For the pointer handling when non-threaded: try to -input_skip n For the pointer handling when non-threaded: try to
read n user input events before scanning display. n < 0 read n user input events before scanning display. n < 0
...@@ -3821,6 +3924,9 @@ Options: ...@@ -3821,6 +3924,9 @@ Options:
onetile enable -onetile mode. (you may need to onetile enable -onetile mode. (you may need to
set shm for this to do something) set shm for this to do something)
noonetile disable -onetile mode. noonetile disable -onetile mode.
solid enable -solid mode
nosolid disable -solid mode.
solid_color:color set -solid color (and apply it).
blackout:str set -blackout "str" (empty to disable). blackout:str set -blackout "str" (empty to disable).
See -blackout for the form of "str" See -blackout for the form of "str"
(basically: WxH+X+Y,...) (basically: WxH+X+Y,...)
...@@ -3859,7 +3965,6 @@ Options: ...@@ -3859,7 +3965,6 @@ Options:
fb disable -nofb mode. fb disable -nofb mode.
bell enable bell (if supported). bell enable bell (if supported).
nobell disable bell. nobell disable bell.
bell enable bell (if supported).
nosel enable -nosel mode. nosel enable -nosel mode.
sel disable -nosel mode. sel disable -nosel mode.
noprimary enable -noprimary mode. noprimary enable -noprimary mode.
...@@ -3968,17 +4073,18 @@ Options: ...@@ -3968,17 +4073,18 @@ Options:
nowaitmapped flashcmap noflashcmap truecolor notruecolor nowaitmapped flashcmap noflashcmap truecolor notruecolor
overlay nooverlay overlay_cursor overlay_yescursor overlay nooverlay overlay_cursor overlay_yescursor
nooverlay_nocursor nooverlay_cursor nooverlay_yescursor nooverlay_nocursor nooverlay_cursor nooverlay_yescursor
overlay_nocursor visual scale viewonly noviewonly shared overlay_nocursor visual scale viewonly noviewonly
noshared forever noforever once timeout deny lock nodeny shared noshared forever noforever once timeout deny
unlock connect allowonce allow localhost nolocalhost lock nodeny unlock connect allowonce allow localhost
accept gone shm noshm flipbyteorder noflipbyteorder nolocalhost accept gone shm noshm flipbyteorder
onetile noonetile blackout xinerama noxinerama xrandr noflipbyteorder onetile noonetile solid_color solid
noxrandr xrandr_mode padgeom quiet q noquiet modtweak nosolid blackout xinerama noxinerama xrandr noxrandr
nomodtweak xkb noxkb skip_keycodes add_keysyms xrandr_mode padgeom quiet q noquiet modtweak nomodtweak
noadd_keysyms clear_mods noclear_mods clear_keys xkb noxkb skip_keycodes add_keysyms noadd_keysyms
noclear_keys remap repeat norepeat fb nofb bell nobell clear_mods noclear_mods clear_keys noclear_keys
sel nosel primary noprimary cursorshape nocursorshape remap repeat norepeat fb nofb bell nobell sel nosel
cursorpos nocursorpos cursor show_cursor noshow_cursor primary noprimary cursorshape nocursorshape cursorpos
nocursorpos cursor show_cursor noshow_cursor
nocursor xfixes noxfixes alphacut alphafrac nocursor xfixes noxfixes alphacut alphafrac
alpharemove noalpharemove alphablend noalphablend alpharemove noalpharemove alphablend noalphablend
xwarp xwarppointer noxwarp noxwarppointer buttonmap xwarp xwarppointer noxwarp noxwarppointer buttonmap
...@@ -120,6 +120,9 @@ Screen ...@@ -120,6 +120,9 @@ Screen
=DP blackout: =DP blackout:
=D xinerama =D xinerama
-- --
= xrandr = xrandr
=-C:resize,newfbsize,exit xrandr_mode: =-C:resize,newfbsize,exit xrandr_mode:
padgeom: padgeom:
...@@ -127,9 +130,9 @@ Screen ...@@ -127,9 +130,9 @@ Screen
Keyboard Keyboard
norepeat norepeat
add_keysyms add_keysyms
modtweak modtweak
xkb xkb
-- --
=FP remap: =FP remap:
-- --
...@@ -320,6 +323,10 @@ Shows a menu of currently connected VNC clients on the x11vnc server. ...@@ -320,6 +323,10 @@ Shows a menu of currently connected VNC clients on the x11vnc server.
Allows you to find more information about them or disconnect them. Allows you to find more information about them or disconnect them.
You will be prompted to confirm any disconnections. You will be prompted to confirm any disconnections.
set helptext(solid_color) "
Set the -solid color value.
" "
set helptext(xrandr_mode) " set helptext(xrandr_mode) "
...@@ -390,7 +397,7 @@ will be \"(*none*)\" when there is no connection established. ...@@ -390,7 +397,7 @@ will be \"(*none*)\" when there is no connection established.
4) Below the x11 and vnc displays text label is a text area there scrolling 4) Below the x11 and vnc displays text label is a text area there scrolling
information about actions being taken and commands being run is displayed. information about actions being taken and commands being run is displayed.
To scroll use PageUp/PageDown or the arrow keys. To scroll click in the area and use PageUp/PageDown or the arrow keys.
5) At the bottom is an entry area. When one selects a menu item that 5) At the bottom is an entry area. When one selects a menu item that
requires supplying a string value, the label will be set to the requires supplying a string value, the label will be set to the
...@@ -2319,6 +2326,8 @@ proc get_start_x11vnc_cmd {{show_rc 0}} { ...@@ -2319,6 +2326,8 @@ proc get_start_x11vnc_cmd {{show_rc 0}} {
set nitem "sb" set nitem "sb"
} elseif {$nitem == "xrandr_mode"} { } elseif {$nitem == "xrandr_mode"} {
set nitem "xrandr" set nitem "xrandr"
} elseif {$nitem == "solid_color"} {
set nitem "solid"
} }
lappend cmd "-$nitem" lappend cmd "-$nitem"
lappend cmd $menu_var($item) lappend cmd $menu_var($item)
...@@ -126,6 +126,9 @@ ...@@ -126,6 +126,9 @@
" =DP blackout:\n" " =DP blackout:\n"
" =D xinerama\n" " =D xinerama\n"
" --\n" " --\n"
" solid\n"
" solid_color:\n"
" --\n"
" = xrandr\n" " = xrandr\n"
" =-C:resize,newfbsize,exit xrandr_mode:\n" " =-C:resize,newfbsize,exit xrandr_mode:\n"
" padgeom:\n" " padgeom:\n"
...@@ -133,9 +136,9 @@ ...@@ -133,9 +136,9 @@
"Keyboard\n" "Keyboard\n"
" norepeat\n" " norepeat\n"
" add_keysyms\n" " add_keysyms\n"
" skip_keycodes:\n"
" modtweak\n" " modtweak\n"
" xkb\n" " xkb\n"
" skip_keycodes:\n"
" --\n" " --\n"
" =FP remap:\n" " =FP remap:\n"
" --\n" " --\n"
...@@ -328,6 +331,10 @@ ...@@ -328,6 +331,10 @@
"You will be prompted to confirm any disconnections.\n" "You will be prompted to confirm any disconnections.\n"
"\"\n" "\"\n"
"\n" "\n"
" set helptext(solid_color) \"\n"
"Set the -solid color value.\n"
" set helptext(xrandr_mode) \"\n" " set helptext(xrandr_mode) \"\n"
"Set the -xrandr mode value.\n" "Set the -xrandr mode value.\n"
"\"\n" "\"\n"
...@@ -396,7 +403,7 @@ ...@@ -396,7 +403,7 @@
"\n" "\n"
"4) Below the x11 and vnc displays text label is a text area there scrolling\n" "4) Below the x11 and vnc displays text label is a text area there scrolling\n"
"information about actions being taken and commands being run is displayed.\n" "information about actions being taken and commands being run is displayed.\n"
"To scroll use PageUp/PageDown or the arrow keys.\n" "To scroll click in the area and use PageUp/PageDown or the arrow keys.\n"
"\n" "\n"
"5) At the bottom is an entry area. When one selects a menu item that\n" "5) At the bottom is an entry area. When one selects a menu item that\n"
"requires supplying a string value, the label will be set to the\n" "requires supplying a string value, the label will be set to the\n"
...@@ -2325,6 +2332,8 @@ ...@@ -2325,6 +2332,8 @@
" set nitem \"sb\"\n" " set nitem \"sb\"\n"
" } elseif {$nitem == \"xrandr_mode\"} {\n" " } elseif {$nitem == \"xrandr_mode\"} {\n"
" set nitem \"xrandr\"\n" " set nitem \"xrandr\"\n"
" } elseif {$nitem == \"solid_color\"} {\n"
" set nitem \"solid\"\n"
" }\n" " }\n"
" lappend cmd \"-$nitem\"\n" " lappend cmd \"-$nitem\"\n"
" lappend cmd $menu_var($item)\n" " lappend cmd $menu_var($item)\n"
.\" This file was automatically generated from x11vnc -help output. .\" This file was automatically generated from x11vnc -help output.
.TH X11VNC "1" "January 2005" "x11vnc " "User Commands" .TH X11VNC "1" "February 2005" "x11vnc " "User Commands"
x11vnc - allow VNC connections to real X11 displays x11vnc - allow VNC connections to real X11 displays
version: 0.7.1pre, lastmod: 2005-01-23 version: 0.7.1pre, lastmod: 2005-02-05
.B x11vnc .B x11vnc
...@@ -351,6 +351,22 @@ Do not use the new copy_tiles() framebuffer mechanism, ...@@ -351,6 +351,22 @@ Do not use the new copy_tiles() framebuffer mechanism,
just use 1 shm tile for polling. Limits shm segments just use 1 shm tile for polling. Limits shm segments
used to 3. used to 3.
\fB-solid\fR \fI[color]\fR
To improve performance, when VNC clients are connected
try to change the desktop background to a solid color.
The [color] is optional: the default color is "cyan4".
For a different one specify the X color (rgb.txt name,
e.g. "darkblue" or numerical "#RRGGBB"). Currently
this option only works on GNOME, KDE, and classic X
(i.e. with the background image on the root window).
The "gconftool-2" and "dcop" external commands are
run for GNOME and KDE respectively. Other desktops
won't work, e.g. XFCE (send us the corresponding
commands if you find them). If x11vnc guesses your
desktop incorrectly, you can force it by prefixing
color with "gnome:", "kde:", or "root:".
\fB-blackout\fR \fIstring\fR \fB-blackout\fR \fIstring\fR
Black out rectangles on the screen. \fIstring\fR is a Black out rectangles on the screen. \fIstring\fR is a
...@@ -426,6 +442,7 @@ Do not process any .x11vncrc file for options. ...@@ -426,6 +442,7 @@ Do not process any .x11vncrc file for options.
\fB-h,\fR \fB-help\fR \fB-h,\fR \fB-help\fR
Print this help text. Print this help text.
-?, \fB-opts\fR Only list the x11vnc options.
\fB-V,\fR \fB-version\fR \fB-V,\fR \fB-version\fR
...@@ -764,11 +781,11 @@ pointer events). Also note that these modes are not ...@@ -764,11 +781,11 @@ pointer events). Also note that these modes are not
available in \fB-threads\fR mode which has its own pointer available in \fB-threads\fR mode which has its own pointer
event handling mechanism. event handling mechanism.
To try out the different pointer modes to see To try out the different pointer modes to see which
which one gives the best response for your usage, one gives the best response for your usage, it is
it is convenient to use the remote control function, convenient to use the remote control function, for
e.g. "x11vnc \fB-R\fR pointer_mode:4" or the tcl/tk gui example "x11vnc \fB-R\fR pm:4" or the tcl/tk gui (Tuning ->
(Tuning -> pointer_mode -> n). pointer_mode -> n).
\fB-input_skip\fR \fIn\fR \fB-input_skip\fR \fIn\fR
...@@ -1065,6 +1082,12 @@ onetile enable \fB-onetile\fR mode. (you may need to ...@@ -1065,6 +1082,12 @@ onetile enable \fB-onetile\fR mode. (you may need to
noonetile disable \fB-onetile\fR mode. noonetile disable \fB-onetile\fR mode.
solid enable \fB-solid\fR mode
nosolid disable \fB-solid\fR mode.
solid_color:color set \fB-solid\fR color (and apply it).
blackout:str set \fB-blackout\fR "str" (empty to disable). blackout:str set \fB-blackout\fR "str" (empty to disable).
See \fB-blackout\fR for the form of "str" See \fB-blackout\fR for the form of "str"
(basically: WxH+X+Y,...) (basically: WxH+X+Y,...)
...@@ -1130,8 +1153,6 @@ bell enable bell (if supported). ...@@ -1130,8 +1153,6 @@ bell enable bell (if supported).
nobell disable bell. nobell disable bell.
bell enable bell (if supported).
nosel enable \fB-nosel\fR mode. nosel enable \fB-nosel\fR mode.
sel disable \fB-nosel\fR mode. sel disable \fB-nosel\fR mode.
...@@ -1315,17 +1336,18 @@ refresh reset close disconnect id sid waitmapped ...@@ -1315,17 +1336,18 @@ refresh reset close disconnect id sid waitmapped
nowaitmapped flashcmap noflashcmap truecolor notruecolor nowaitmapped flashcmap noflashcmap truecolor notruecolor
overlay nooverlay overlay_cursor overlay_yescursor overlay nooverlay overlay_cursor overlay_yescursor
nooverlay_nocursor nooverlay_cursor nooverlay_yescursor nooverlay_nocursor nooverlay_cursor nooverlay_yescursor
overlay_nocursor visual scale viewonly noviewonly shared overlay_nocursor visual scale viewonly noviewonly
noshared forever noforever once timeout deny lock nodeny shared noshared forever noforever once timeout deny
unlock connect allowonce allow localhost nolocalhost lock nodeny unlock connect allowonce allow localhost
accept gone shm noshm flipbyteorder noflipbyteorder nolocalhost accept gone shm noshm flipbyteorder
onetile noonetile blackout xinerama noxinerama xrandr noflipbyteorder onetile noonetile solid_color solid
noxrandr xrandr_mode padgeom quiet q noquiet modtweak nosolid blackout xinerama noxinerama xrandr noxrandr
nomodtweak xkb noxkb skip_keycodes add_keysyms xrandr_mode padgeom quiet q noquiet modtweak nomodtweak
noadd_keysyms clear_mods noclear_mods clear_keys xkb noxkb skip_keycodes add_keysyms noadd_keysyms
noclear_keys remap repeat norepeat fb nofb bell nobell clear_mods noclear_mods clear_keys noclear_keys
sel nosel primary noprimary cursorshape nocursorshape remap repeat norepeat fb nofb bell nobell sel nosel
cursorpos nocursorpos cursor show_cursor noshow_cursor primary noprimary cursorshape nocursorshape cursorpos
nocursorpos cursor show_cursor noshow_cursor
nocursor xfixes noxfixes alphacut alphafrac nocursor xfixes noxfixes alphacut alphafrac
alpharemove noalpharemove alphablend noalphablend alpharemove noalpharemove alphablend noalphablend
xwarp xwarppointer noxwarp noxwarppointer buttonmap xwarp xwarppointer noxwarp noxwarppointer buttonmap
...@@ -273,7 +273,7 @@ static int xdamage_base_event_type; ...@@ -273,7 +273,7 @@ static int xdamage_base_event_type;
#endif #endif
/* date +'lastmod: %Y-%m-%d' */ /* date +'lastmod: %Y-%m-%d' */
char lastmod[] = "0.7.1pre lastmod: 2005-01-23"; char lastmod[] = "0.7.1pre lastmod: 2005-02-05";
/* X display info */ /* X display info */
...@@ -402,6 +402,7 @@ void close_clients(char *); ...@@ -402,6 +402,7 @@ void close_clients(char *);
void autorepeat(int restore); void autorepeat(int restore);
char *bitprint(unsigned int, int); char *bitprint(unsigned int, int);
void blackout_tiles(void); void blackout_tiles(void);
void solid_bg(int);
void check_connect_inputs(void); void check_connect_inputs(void);
void check_padded_fb(void); void check_padded_fb(void);
void clean_up_exit(int); void clean_up_exit(int);
...@@ -526,6 +527,9 @@ char *logfile = NULL; ...@@ -526,6 +527,9 @@ char *logfile = NULL;
int logfile_append = 0; int logfile_append = 0;
char *passwdfile = NULL; char *passwdfile = NULL;
char *blackout_str = NULL; char *blackout_str = NULL;
int use_solid_bg = 0;
char *solid_str = NULL;
char *solid_default = "cyan4";
char *speeds_str = NULL; char *speeds_str = NULL;
int measure_speeds = 1; int measure_speeds = 1;
...@@ -1340,6 +1344,9 @@ void clean_up_exit (int ret) { ...@@ -1340,6 +1344,9 @@ void clean_up_exit (int ret) {
if (no_autorepeat) { if (no_autorepeat) {
autorepeat(1); autorepeat(1);
} }
if (use_solid_bg) {
XTestDiscard_wr(dpy); XTestDiscard_wr(dpy);
XCloseDisplay(dpy); XCloseDisplay(dpy);
...@@ -1390,6 +1397,9 @@ static void interrupted (int sig) { ...@@ -1390,6 +1397,9 @@ static void interrupted (int sig) {
if (no_autorepeat) { if (no_autorepeat) {
autorepeat(1); autorepeat(1);
} }
if (use_solid_bg) {
if (sig) { if (sig) {
exit(2); exit(2);
...@@ -1803,6 +1813,9 @@ static void client_gone(rfbClientPtr client) { ...@@ -1803,6 +1813,9 @@ static void client_gone(rfbClientPtr client) {
if (no_autorepeat && client_count == 0) { if (no_autorepeat && client_count == 0) {
autorepeat(1); autorepeat(1);
} }
if (use_solid_bg && client_count == 0) {
if (gone_cmd && *gone_cmd != '\0') { if (gone_cmd && *gone_cmd != '\0') {
rfbLog("client_gone: using cmd for: %s\n", client->host); rfbLog("client_gone: using cmd for: %s\n", client->host);
run_user_command(gone_cmd, client, "gone"); run_user_command(gone_cmd, client, "gone");
...@@ -2830,6 +2843,9 @@ enum rfbNewClientAction new_client(rfbClientPtr client) { ...@@ -2830,6 +2843,9 @@ enum rfbNewClientAction new_client(rfbClientPtr client) {
/* first client, turn off X server autorepeat */ /* first client, turn off X server autorepeat */
autorepeat(0); autorepeat(0);
} }
if (use_solid_bg && client_count == 1) {
if (pad_geometry) { if (pad_geometry) {
install_padded_fb(pad_geometry); install_padded_fb(pad_geometry);
...@@ -6740,6 +6756,62 @@ char *process_remote_cmd(char *cmd, int stringonly) { ...@@ -6740,6 +6756,62 @@ char *process_remote_cmd(char *cmd, int stringonly) {
} }
single_copytile = 0; single_copytile = 0;
} else if (strstr(p, "solid_color") == p) {
char *new;
int doit = 1;
if (query) {
snprintf(buf, bufn, "ans=%s%s%s", p, co,
goto qry;
p += strlen("solid_color:");
if (*p != '\0') {
new = strdup(p);
} else {
new = strdup(solid_default);
rfbLog("process_remote_cmd: solid %s -> %s\n",
NONUL(solid_str), new);
if (solid_str) {
if (!strcmp(solid_str, new)) {
doit = 0;
solid_str = new;
use_solid_bg = 1;
if (doit && client_count) {
} else if (!strcmp(p, "solid")) {
int orig = use_solid_bg;
if (query) {
snprintf(buf, bufn, "ans=%s:%d", p, use_solid_bg);
goto qry;
rfbLog("process_remote_cmd: enable -solid mode\n");
if (! solid_str) {
solid_str = strdup(solid_default);
use_solid_bg = 1;
if (client_count && !orig) {
} else if (!strcmp(p, "nosolid")) {
int orig = use_solid_bg;
if (query) {
snprintf(buf, bufn, "ans=%s:%d", p, !use_solid_bg);
goto qry;
rfbLog("process_remote_cmd: disable -solid mode\n");
use_solid_bg = 0;
if (client_count && orig) {
} else if (strstr(p, "blackout") == p) { } else if (strstr(p, "blackout") == p) {
char *before, *old; char *before, *old;
COLON_CHECK("blackout:") COLON_CHECK("blackout:")
...@@ -10581,6 +10653,325 @@ void initialize_screen(int *argc, char **argv, XImage *fb) { ...@@ -10581,6 +10653,325 @@ void initialize_screen(int *argc, char **argv, XImage *fb) {
} }
} }
/* -- solid.c -- */
int do_cmd(char *cmd) {
int rc;
if (!cmd || *cmd == '\0') {
return 0;
rfbLog("running command:\n %s\n", cmd);
rc = system(cmd);
if (rc >= 256) {
rc = rc/256;
return rc;
char *cmd_output(char *cmd) {
FILE *p;
static char output[50000];
char line[1024];
int rc;
rfbLog("running pipe:\n %s\n", cmd);
p = popen(cmd, "r");
output[0] = '\0';
while (fgets(line, 1024, p) != NULL) {
if (strlen(output) + strlen(line) + 1 < 50000) {
strcat(output, line);
rc = pclose(p);
void solid_root(char *color) {
Window expose;
static XImage *image = NULL;
Pixmap pixmap;
XGCValues gcv;
GC gc;
XSetWindowAttributes swa;
Visual visual;
unsigned long mask, pixel;
XColor cdef;
Colormap cmap;
if (subwin || window != rootwin) {
rfbLog("cannot set subwin to solid color, must be root\n");
/* create the "clear" window just for generating exposures */
swa.override_redirect = True;
swa.backing_store = NotUseful;
swa.save_under = False;
swa.background_pixmap = None;
visual.visualid = CopyFromParent;
mask = (CWOverrideRedirect|CWBackingStore|CWSaveUnder|CWBackPixmap);
expose = XCreateWindow(dpy, window, 0, 0, dpy_x, dpy_y, 0, depth,
InputOutput, &visual, mask, &swa);
if (! color) {
/* restore the root window from the XImage snapshot */
pixmap = XCreatePixmap(dpy, window, dpy_x, dpy_y, depth);
if (! image) {
/* whoops */
XDestroyWindow(dpy, expose);
rfbLog("no root snapshot available.\n");
/* draw the image to a pixmap: */
gcv.function = GXcopy;
gcv.plane_mask = AllPlanes;
gc = XCreateGC(dpy, window, GCFunction|GCPlaneMask, &gcv);
XPutImage(dpy, pixmap, gc, image, 0, 0, 0, 0, dpy_x, dpy_y);
gcv.foreground = gcv.background = BlackPixel(dpy, scr);
gc = XCreateGC(dpy, window, GCForeground|GCBackground, &gcv);
rfbLog("restoring root snapshot...\n");
/* set the pixmap as the bg: */
XSetWindowBackgroundPixmap(dpy, window, pixmap);
XFreePixmap(dpy, pixmap);
XClearWindow(dpy, window);
/* generate exposures */
XMapWindow(dpy, expose);
XSync(dpy, False);
XDestroyWindow(dpy, expose);
if (! image) {
/* need to retrieve a snapshot of the root background: */
Window iwin;
XSetWindowAttributes iswa;
/* create image window: */
iswa.override_redirect = True;
iswa.backing_store = NotUseful;
iswa.save_under = False;
iswa.background_pixmap = None;
iswa.background_pixmap = ParentRelative;
iwin = XCreateWindow(dpy, window, 0, 0, dpy_x, dpy_y, 0, depth,
InputOutput, &visual, mask, &iswa);
rfbLog("snapshotting background...\n");
XMapWindow(dpy, iwin);
XSync(dpy, False);
image = XGetImage(dpy, iwin, 0, 0, dpy_x, dpy_y, AllPlanes,
XSync(dpy, False);
XDestroyWindow(dpy, iwin);
/* use black for low colors or failure */
pixel = BlackPixel(dpy, scr);
if (depth > 8 || strcmp(color, solid_default)) {
cmap = DefaultColormap (dpy, scr);
if (XParseColor(dpy, cmap, color, &cdef) &&
XAllocColor(dpy, cmap, &cdef)) {
pixel = cdef.pixel;
} else {
rfbLog("error parsing/allocing color: %s\n", color);
rfbLog("setting solid background...\n");
XSetWindowBackground(dpy, window, pixel);
XMapWindow(dpy, expose);
XSync(dpy, False);
XDestroyWindow(dpy, expose);
void solid_gnome(char *color) {
char get_color[] = "gconftool-2 --get "
char set_color[] = "gconftool-2 --set "
"/desktop/gnome/background/primary_color --type string '%s'";
char get_option[] = "gconftool-2 --get "
char set_option[] = "gconftool-2 --set "
"/desktop/gnome/background/picture_options --type string '%s'";
static char *orig_color = NULL;
static char *orig_option = NULL;
char *cmd;
if (! color) {
if (! orig_color) {
orig_color = strdup("#FFFFFF");
if (! orig_option) {
orig_option = strdup("stretched");
if (strstr(orig_color, "'") != NULL) {
rfbLog("bad color: %s\n", orig_color);
if (strstr(orig_option, "'") != NULL) {
rfbLog("bad option: %s\n", orig_option);
cmd = (char *)malloc(strlen(set_option) - 2 +
strlen(orig_option) + 1);
sprintf(cmd, set_option, orig_option);
cmd = (char *)malloc(strlen(set_color) - 2 +
strlen(orig_color) + 1);
sprintf(cmd, set_color, orig_color);
if (! orig_color) {
char *q;
orig_color = strdup(cmd_output(get_color));
if (*orig_color == '\0') {
orig_color = strdup("#FFFFFF");
if ((q = strchr(orig_color, '\n')) != NULL) {
*q = '\0';
if (! orig_option) {
char *q;
orig_option = strdup(cmd_output(get_option));
if (*orig_option == '\0') {
orig_option = strdup("stretched");
if ((q = strchr(orig_option, '\n')) != NULL) {
*q = '\0';
if (strstr(color, "'") != NULL) {
rfbLog("bad color: %s\n", color);
cmd = (char *)malloc(strlen(set_color) - 2 + strlen(color) + 1);
sprintf(cmd, set_color, color);
cmd = (char *)malloc(strlen(set_option) - 2 + strlen("none") + 1);
sprintf(cmd, set_option, "none");
void solid_kde(char *color) {
char set_color[] = "dcop kdesktop KBackgroundIface setColor '%s' 1";
char bg_off[] = "dcop kdesktop KBackgroundIface setBackgroundEnabled 0";
char bg_on[] = "dcop kdesktop KBackgroundIface setBackgroundEnabled 1";
char *cmd;
if (! color) {
if (strstr(color, "'") != NULL) {
rfbLog("bad color: %s\n", color);
cmd = (char *)malloc(strlen(set_color) - 2 + strlen(color) + 1);
sprintf(cmd, set_color, color);
char *guess_desktop() {
Atom prop;
prop = XInternAtom(dpy, "_QT_DESKTOP_PROPERTIES", True);
if (prop != None) {
return "kde";
prop = XInternAtom(dpy, "NAUTILUS_DESKTOP_WINDOW_ID", True);
if (prop != None) {
return "gnome";
return "root";
void solid_bg(int restore) {
static int desktop = -1;
static int solid_on = 0;
static char *prev_str;
char *dtname, *color;
if (restore) {
if (! solid_on) {
if (desktop == 0) {
} else if (desktop == 1) {
} else if (desktop == 2) {
solid_on = 0;
if (! solid_str) {
if (solid_on && !strcmp(prev_str, solid_str)) {
if (strstr(solid_str, "guess:") == solid_str
|| !strchr(solid_str, ':')) {
dtname = guess_desktop();
rfbLog("guessed desktop: %s\n", dtname);
} else {
if (strstr(solid_str, "gnome:") == solid_str) {
dtname = "gnome";
} else if (strstr(solid_str, "kde:") == solid_str) {
dtname = "kde";
} else {
dtname = "root";
color = strchr(solid_str, ':');
if (! color) {
color = solid_str;
} else {
if (*color == '\0') {
color = solid_default;
if (!strcmp(dtname, "gnome")) {
desktop = 1;
} else if (!strcmp(dtname, "kde")) {
desktop = 2;
} else {
desktop = 0;
if (prev_str) {
prev_str = strdup(solid_str);
solid_on = 1;
/* -- xinerama.c -- */ /* -- xinerama.c -- */
/* /*
* routines related to xinerama and blacking out rectangles * routines related to xinerama and blacking out rectangles
...@@ -14457,7 +14848,7 @@ static void watch_loop(void) { ...@@ -14457,7 +14848,7 @@ static void watch_loop(void) {
/* /*
* text printed out under -help option * text printed out under -help option
*/ */
static void print_help(void) { static void print_help(int mode) {
char help[] = char help[] =
"\n" "\n"
"x11vnc: allow VNC connections to real X11 displays. %s\n" "x11vnc: allow VNC connections to real X11 displays. %s\n"
...@@ -14706,6 +15097,19 @@ static void print_help(void) { ...@@ -14706,6 +15097,19 @@ static void print_help(void) {
" just use 1 shm tile for polling. Limits shm segments\n" " just use 1 shm tile for polling. Limits shm segments\n"
" used to 3.\n" " used to 3.\n"
"\n" "\n"
"-solid [color] To improve performance, when VNC clients are connected\n"
" try to change the desktop background to a solid color.\n"
" The [color] is optional: the default color is \"cyan4\".\n"
" For a different one specify the X color (rgb.txt name,\n"
" e.g. \"darkblue\" or numerical \"#RRGGBB\"). Currently\n"
" this option only works on GNOME, KDE, and classic X\n"
" (i.e. with the background image on the root window).\n"
" The \"gconftool-2\" and \"dcop\" external commands are\n"
" run for GNOME and KDE respectively. Other desktops\n"
" won't work, e.g. XFCE (send us the corresponding\n"
" commands if you find them). If x11vnc guesses your\n"
" desktop incorrectly, you can force it by prefixing\n"
" color with \"gnome:\", \"kde:\", or \"root:\".\n"
"-blackout string Black out rectangles on the screen. \"string\" is a\n" "-blackout string Black out rectangles on the screen. \"string\" is a\n"
" comma separated list of WxH+X+Y type geometries for\n" " comma separated list of WxH+X+Y type geometries for\n"
" each rectangle.\n" " each rectangle.\n"
...@@ -14758,6 +15162,7 @@ static void print_help(void) { ...@@ -14758,6 +15162,7 @@ static void print_help(void) {
"-rc filename Use \"filename\" instead of $HOME/.x11vncrc for rc file.\n" "-rc filename Use \"filename\" instead of $HOME/.x11vncrc for rc file.\n"
"-norc Do not process any .x11vncrc file for options.\n" "-norc Do not process any .x11vncrc file for options.\n"
"-h, -help Print this help text.\n" "-h, -help Print this help text.\n"
"-?, -opts Only list the x11vnc options.\n"
"-V, -version Print program version (last modification date).\n" "-V, -version Print program version (last modification date).\n"
"\n" "\n"
"-q Be quiet by printing less informational output to\n" "-q Be quiet by printing less informational output to\n"
...@@ -15024,11 +15429,11 @@ static void print_help(void) { ...@@ -15024,11 +15429,11 @@ static void print_help(void) {
" available in -threads mode which has its own pointer\n" " available in -threads mode which has its own pointer\n"
" event handling mechanism.\n" " event handling mechanism.\n"
"\n" "\n"
" To try out the different pointer modes to see\n" " To try out the different pointer modes to see which\n"
" which one gives the best response for your usage,\n" " one gives the best response for your usage, it is\n"
" it is convenient to use the remote control function,\n" " convenient to use the remote control function, for\n"
" e.g. \"x11vnc -R pointer_mode:4\" or the tcl/tk gui\n" " example \"x11vnc -R pm:4\" or the tcl/tk gui (Tuning ->\n"
" (Tuning -> pointer_mode -> n).\n" " pointer_mode -> n).\n"
"\n" "\n"
"-input_skip n For the pointer handling when non-threaded: try to\n" "-input_skip n For the pointer handling when non-threaded: try to\n"
" read n user input events before scanning display. n < 0\n" " read n user input events before scanning display. n < 0\n"
...@@ -15239,6 +15644,9 @@ static void print_help(void) { ...@@ -15239,6 +15644,9 @@ static void print_help(void) {
" onetile enable -onetile mode. (you may need to\n" " onetile enable -onetile mode. (you may need to\n"
" set shm for this to do something)\n" " set shm for this to do something)\n"
" noonetile disable -onetile mode.\n" " noonetile disable -onetile mode.\n"
" solid enable -solid mode\n"
" nosolid disable -solid mode.\n"
" solid_color:color set -solid color (and apply it).\n"
" blackout:str set -blackout \"str\" (empty to disable).\n" " blackout:str set -blackout \"str\" (empty to disable).\n"
" See -blackout for the form of \"str\"\n" " See -blackout for the form of \"str\"\n"
" (basically: WxH+X+Y,...)\n" " (basically: WxH+X+Y,...)\n"
...@@ -15277,7 +15685,6 @@ static void print_help(void) { ...@@ -15277,7 +15685,6 @@ static void print_help(void) {
" fb disable -nofb mode.\n" " fb disable -nofb mode.\n"
" bell enable bell (if supported).\n" " bell enable bell (if supported).\n"
" nobell disable bell.\n" " nobell disable bell.\n"
" bell enable bell (if supported).\n"
" nosel enable -nosel mode.\n" " nosel enable -nosel mode.\n"
" sel disable -nosel mode.\n" " sel disable -nosel mode.\n"
" noprimary enable -noprimary mode.\n" " noprimary enable -noprimary mode.\n"
...@@ -15385,17 +15792,18 @@ static void print_help(void) { ...@@ -15385,17 +15792,18 @@ static void print_help(void) {
" nowaitmapped flashcmap noflashcmap truecolor notruecolor\n" " nowaitmapped flashcmap noflashcmap truecolor notruecolor\n"
" overlay nooverlay overlay_cursor overlay_yescursor\n" " overlay nooverlay overlay_cursor overlay_yescursor\n"
" nooverlay_nocursor nooverlay_cursor nooverlay_yescursor\n" " nooverlay_nocursor nooverlay_cursor nooverlay_yescursor\n"
" overlay_nocursor visual scale viewonly noviewonly shared\n" " overlay_nocursor visual scale viewonly noviewonly\n"
" noshared forever noforever once timeout deny lock nodeny\n" " shared noshared forever noforever once timeout deny\n"
" unlock connect allowonce allow localhost nolocalhost\n" " lock nodeny unlock connect allowonce allow localhost\n"
" accept gone shm noshm flipbyteorder noflipbyteorder\n" " nolocalhost accept gone shm noshm flipbyteorder\n"
" onetile noonetile blackout xinerama noxinerama xrandr\n" " noflipbyteorder onetile noonetile solid_color solid\n"
" noxrandr xrandr_mode padgeom quiet q noquiet modtweak\n" " nosolid blackout xinerama noxinerama xrandr noxrandr\n"
" nomodtweak xkb noxkb skip_keycodes add_keysyms\n" " xrandr_mode padgeom quiet q noquiet modtweak nomodtweak\n"
" noadd_keysyms clear_mods noclear_mods clear_keys\n" " xkb noxkb skip_keycodes add_keysyms noadd_keysyms\n"
" noclear_keys remap repeat norepeat fb nofb bell nobell\n" " clear_mods noclear_mods clear_keys noclear_keys\n"
" sel nosel primary noprimary cursorshape nocursorshape\n" " remap repeat norepeat fb nofb bell nobell sel nosel\n"
" cursorpos nocursorpos cursor show_cursor noshow_cursor\n" " primary noprimary cursorshape nocursorshape cursorpos\n"
" nocursorpos cursor show_cursor noshow_cursor\n"
" nocursor xfixes noxfixes alphacut alphafrac\n" " nocursor xfixes noxfixes alphacut alphafrac\n"
" alpharemove noalpharemove alphablend noalphablend\n" " alpharemove noalpharemove alphablend noalphablend\n"
" xwarp xwarppointer noxwarp noxwarppointer buttonmap\n" " xwarp xwarppointer noxwarp noxwarppointer buttonmap\n"
...@@ -15473,6 +15881,31 @@ static void print_help(void) { ...@@ -15473,6 +15881,31 @@ static void print_help(void) {
; ;
/* have both our help and rfbUsage to stdout for more(1), etc. */ /* have both our help and rfbUsage to stdout for more(1), etc. */
dup2(1, 2); dup2(1, 2);
if (mode == 1) {
char *p;
int l = 0;
fprintf(stderr, "x11vnc: allow VNC connections to real "
"X11 displays. %s\n\nx11vnc options:\n", lastmod);
p = strtok(help, "\n");
while (p) {
int w = 23;
char tmp[100];
if (p[0] == '-') {
strncpy(tmp, p, w);
fprintf(stderr, " %s", tmp);
if (l % 2 == 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "\n");
p = strtok(NULL, "\n");
fprintf(stderr, "\n\nlibvncserver options:\n");
fprintf(stderr, "\n");
fprintf(stderr, help, lastmod, fprintf(stderr, help, lastmod,
view_only ? "on":"off", view_only ? "on":"off",
shared ? "on":"off", shared ? "on":"off",
...@@ -15503,6 +15936,9 @@ static void print_help(void) { ...@@ -15503,6 +15936,9 @@ static void print_help(void) {
void set_vnc_desktop_name(void) { void set_vnc_desktop_name(void) {
int sz = 256; int sz = 256;
sprintf(vnc_desktop_name, "unknown"); sprintf(vnc_desktop_name, "unknown");
if (inetd) {
sprintf(vnc_desktop_name, "inetd-no-further-clients");
if (screen->port) { if (screen->port) {
char *host = this_host(); char *host = this_host();
int lport = screen->port; int lport = screen->port;
...@@ -15827,6 +16263,8 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { ...@@ -15827,6 +16263,8 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
argv_vnc[0] = strdup(argv[0]); argv_vnc[0] = strdup(argv[0]);
program_name = strdup(argv[0]); program_name = strdup(argv[0]);
solid_default = strdup(solid_default); /* for freeing with -R */
len = 0; len = 0;
for (i=1; i < argc; i++) { for (i=1; i < argc; i++) {
len += strlen(argv[i]) + 4 + 1; len += strlen(argv[i]) + 4 + 1;
...@@ -15970,6 +16408,18 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { ...@@ -15970,6 +16408,18 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
flip_byte_order = 1; flip_byte_order = 1;
} else if (!strcmp(arg, "-onetile")) { } else if (!strcmp(arg, "-onetile")) {
single_copytile = 1; single_copytile = 1;
} else if (!strcmp(arg, "-solid")) {
use_solid_bg = 1;
if (i < argc-1) {
char *s = argv[i+1];
if (s[0] != '-') {
solid_str = strdup(s);
if (! solid_str) {
solid_str = strdup(solid_default);
} else if (!strcmp(arg, "-blackout")) { } else if (!strcmp(arg, "-blackout")) {
blackout_str = strdup(argv[++i]); blackout_str = strdup(argv[++i]);
...@@ -16000,9 +16450,10 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { ...@@ -16000,9 +16450,10 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
i++; /* done above */ i++; /* done above */
} else if (!strcmp(arg, "-norc")) { } else if (!strcmp(arg, "-norc")) {
; /* done above */ ; /* done above */
} else if (!strcmp(arg, "-h") || !strcmp(arg, "-help") } else if (!strcmp(arg, "-h") || !strcmp(arg, "-help")) {
|| !strcmp(arg, "-?")) { print_help(0);
print_help(); } else if (!strcmp(arg, "-?") || !strcmp(arg, "-opts")) {
} else if (!strcmp(arg, "-V") || !strcmp(arg, "-version")) { } else if (!strcmp(arg, "-V") || !strcmp(arg, "-version")) {
fprintf(stderr, "x11vnc: %s\n", lastmod); fprintf(stderr, "x11vnc: %s\n", lastmod);
exit(0); exit(0);
...@@ -16270,7 +16721,6 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { ...@@ -16270,7 +16721,6 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
} }
/* /*
* If -passwd was used, clear it out of argv. This does not * If -passwd was used, clear it out of argv. This does not
* work on all UNIX, have to use execvp() in general... * work on all UNIX, have to use execvp() in general...
...@@ -16480,6 +16930,8 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { ...@@ -16480,6 +16930,8 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
fprintf(stderr, " using_shm: %d\n", using_shm); fprintf(stderr, " using_shm: %d\n", using_shm);
fprintf(stderr, " flipbytes: %d\n", flip_byte_order); fprintf(stderr, " flipbytes: %d\n", flip_byte_order);
fprintf(stderr, " onetile: %d\n", single_copytile); fprintf(stderr, " onetile: %d\n", single_copytile);
fprintf(stderr, " solid: %s\n", solid_str
? solid_str : "null");
fprintf(stderr, " blackout: %s\n", blackout_str fprintf(stderr, " blackout: %s\n", blackout_str
? blackout_str : "null"); ? blackout_str : "null");
fprintf(stderr, " xinerama: %d\n", xinerama); fprintf(stderr, " xinerama: %d\n", xinerama);
...@@ -16491,7 +16943,7 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { ...@@ -16491,7 +16943,7 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
fprintf(stderr, " logfile: %s\n", logfile ? logfile fprintf(stderr, " logfile: %s\n", logfile ? logfile
: "null"); : "null");
fprintf(stderr, " logappend: %d\n", logfile_append); fprintf(stderr, " logappend: %d\n", logfile_append);
fprintf(stderr, " rc_file: \%s\n", rc_rcfile ? rc_rcfile fprintf(stderr, " rc_file: %s\n", rc_rcfile ? rc_rcfile
: "null"); : "null");
fprintf(stderr, " norc: %d\n", rc_norc); fprintf(stderr, " norc: %d\n", rc_norc);
fprintf(stderr, " bg: %d\n", bg); fprintf(stderr, " bg: %d\n", bg);
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