Commit 05a8d119 authored by runge's avatar runge

x11vnc: add -accept some-command/xmessage/popup

parent d43fc7ef
2004-05-08 Karl Runge <>
* x11vnc: add -accept some-command/xmessage/popup
2004-05-05 Karl Runge <> 2004-05-05 Karl Runge <>
* mouse button -> keystrokes and keystroke -> mouse button mappings * x11vnc: mouse button -> keystrokes and keystroke -> mouse button
in -buttonmap and -remap mappings in -buttonmap and -remap
* shm OS blacklist revert to -onetile * shm OS blacklist revert to -onetile
2004-04-28 Karl Runge <> 2004-04-28 Karl Runge <>
2004-05-08 Karl Runge <>
* add -accept some-command/xmessage/popup to prompt local X11 user
or otherwise decide to accept an incoming client.
2004-05-05 Karl Runge <> 2004-05-05 Karl Runge <>
* enable mouse button -> keystrokes mapping in -buttonmap (mousewheel) * enable mouse button -> keystrokes mapping in -buttonmap (mousewheel)
* enable keystroke -> mouse button mapping in -remap (touchpad paste) * enable keystroke -> mouse button mapping in -remap (touchpad paste)
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