Commit 0130bdb9 authored by runge's avatar runge

x11vnc: -gone, -passwdfile, -o logfile; add view-only to -accept

parent dd26262a
2004-05-21 Karl Runge <>
* x11vnc: -gone, -passwdfile, -o logfile; add view-only to -accept
2004-05-08 Karl Runge <>
* x11vnc: add -accept some-command/xmessage/popup
2004-05-21 Karl Runge <>
* -accept: add view-only decision and other improvements.
* add -gone command option for when a client leaves.
Thanks to Jesus Alvarez for these ideas.
* -passwdfile to keep passwd off of cmd line.
* -o logfile send stderr to a logfile.
2004-05-14 Karl Runge <>
* improvements to -accept popup: yes/no buttons and timeout.
* less fprintf under -q so '-q -inetd' has no stderr output.
......@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@
/* date +'"lastmod: %Y-%m-%d";' */
char lastmod[] = "lastmod: 2004-05-14";
char lastmod[] = "lastmod: 2004-05-21";
/* X and rfb framebuffer */
......@@ -207,6 +207,7 @@ hint_t *hint_list;
int shared = 0; /* share vnc display. */
char *allow_list = NULL; /* for -allow and -localhost */
char *accept_cmd = NULL; /* for -accept */
char *gone_cmd = NULL; /* for -gone */
int view_only = 0; /* clients can only watch. */
int inetd = 0; /* spawned from inetd(1) */
int connect_once = 1; /* disconnect after first connection session. */
......@@ -353,6 +354,7 @@ void clean_up_exit (int ret) {
......@@ -437,12 +439,19 @@ void set_signals(void) {
int run_user_command(char *, rfbClientPtr);
int accepted_client = 0;
void client_gone(rfbClientPtr client) {
rfbLog("client_count: %d\n", client_count);
if (gone_cmd) {
rfbLog("client_gone: using cmd for: %s\n", client->host);
run_user_command(gone_cmd, client);
if (inetd) {
rfbLog("viewer exited.\n");
......@@ -506,7 +515,7 @@ int check_access(char *addr) {
* We go through this pain to avoid dependency on libXt.
int ugly_accept_window(char *addr, int timeout) {
int ugly_accept_window(char *addr, int X, int Y, int timeout, char *mode) {
#define t2x2_width 16
#define t2x2_height 16
......@@ -534,22 +543,62 @@ static char t2x2_bits[] = {
double waited = 0.0;
/* strings and geometries y/n */
KeyCode key_y, key_n;
char str1[100];
char str2[] = "To accept: press \"y\" or click the \"Yes\" button";
char str3[] = "To reject: press \"n\" or click the \"No\" button";
char str4[] = "Yes";
char str5[] = "No";
int x, y, w = 345, h = 125, ret = 0;
KeyCode key_y, key_n, key_v;
char strh[100];
char str1_b[] = "To accept: press \"y\" or click the \"Yes\" button";
char str2_b[] = "To reject: press \"n\" or click the \"No\" button";
char str3_b[] = "View only: press \"v\" or click the \"View\" button";
char str1_m[] = "To accept: click the \"Yes\" button";
char str2_m[] = "To reject: click the \"No\" button";
char str3_m[] = "View only: click the \"View\" button";
char str1_k[] = "To accept: press \"y\"";
char str2_k[] = "To reject: press \"n\"";
char str3_k[] = "View only: press \"v\"";
char *str1, *str2, *str3;
char str_y[] = "Yes";
char str_n[] = "No";
char str_v[] = "View";
int x, y, w = 345, h = 150, ret = 0;
int X_sh = 20, Y_sh = 30, dY = 20;
int Ye_x = 20, Ye_y = 0, Ye_w = 40, Ye_h = 20;
int No_x = 70, No_y = 0, No_w = 40, No_h = 20;
int Ye_x = 20, Ye_y = 0, Ye_w = 45, Ye_h = 20;
int No_x = 75, No_y = 0, No_w = 45, No_h = 20;
int Vi_x = 130, Vi_y = 0, Vi_w = 45, Vi_h = 20;
if (!strcmp(mode, "mouse_only")) {
str1 = str1_m;
str2 = str2_m;
str3 = str3_m;
} else if (!strcmp(mode, "key_only")) {
str1 = str1_k;
str2 = str2_k;
str3 = str3_k;
h -= dY;
} else {
str1 = str1_b;
str2 = str2_b;
str3 = str3_b;
if (view_only) {
h -= dY;
x = (dpy_x - w)/2;
y = (dpy_y - h)/2;
if (x < 0) x = 0;
if (y < 0) y = 0;
if (X < -dpy_x) {
x = (dpy_x - w)/2; /* large negative: center */
if (x < 0) x = 0;
} else if (X < 0) {
x = dpy_x + X - w; /* from lower right */
} else {
x = X; /* from upper left */
if (Y < -dpy_y) {
y = (dpy_y - h)/2;
if (y < 0) y = 0;
} else if (Y < 0) {
y = dpy_y + Y - h;
} else {
y = Y;
......@@ -593,12 +642,13 @@ static char t2x2_bits[] = {
XMapWindow(dpy, awin);
sprintf(str1, "x11vnc: accept connection from %s?", addr);
sprintf(strh, "x11vnc: accept connection from %s?", addr);
key_y = XKeysymToKeycode(dpy, XStringToKeysym("y"));
key_n = XKeysymToKeycode(dpy, XStringToKeysym("n"));
key_v = XKeysymToKeycode(dpy, XStringToKeysym("v"));
while (1) {
int out = -1, l1, l2, l3, l4, l5, x, y, tw;
int out = -1, x, y, tw, k;
if (XCheckWindowEvent(dpy, awin, evmask, &ev)) {
; /* proceed to handling */
......@@ -623,29 +673,55 @@ static char t2x2_bits[] = {
while (XCheckTypedEvent(dpy, Expose, &ev)) {
l1 = strlen(str1); l2 = strlen(str2);
l3 = strlen(str3); l4 = strlen(str4); l5 = strlen(str5);
/* instructions */
XDrawString(dpy, awin, gc, X_sh, Y_sh+(k++)*dY,
strh, strlen(strh));
XDrawString(dpy, awin, gc, X_sh, Y_sh+(k++)*dY,
str1, strlen(str1));
XDrawString(dpy, awin, gc, X_sh, Y_sh+(k++)*dY,
str2, strlen(str2));
if (! view_only) {
XDrawString(dpy, awin, gc, X_sh, Y_sh+(k++)*dY,
str3, strlen(str3));
XDrawString(dpy, awin, gc, X_sh, Y_sh+0*dY, str1, l1);
XDrawString(dpy, awin, gc, X_sh, Y_sh+1*dY, str2, l2);
XDrawString(dpy, awin, gc, X_sh, Y_sh+2*dY, str3, l3);
if (!strcmp(mode, "key_only")) {
Ye_y = Y_sh+3*dY;
No_y = Y_sh+3*dY;
/* buttons */
Ye_y = Y_sh+k*dY;
No_y = Y_sh+k*dY;
Vi_y = Y_sh+k*dY;
XDrawRectangle(dpy, awin, gc, Ye_x, Ye_y, Ye_w, Ye_h);
XDrawRectangle(dpy, awin, gc, No_x, No_y, No_w, No_h);
if (! view_only) {
XDrawRectangle(dpy, awin, gc, Vi_x, Vi_y,
Vi_w, Vi_h);
tw = XTextWidth(font_info, str4, l4);
tw = XTextWidth(font_info, str_y, strlen(str_y));
tw = (Ye_w - tw)/2;
if (tw < 0) tw = 1;
XDrawString(dpy, awin, gc, Ye_x+tw, Ye_y+Ye_h-5,
str4, l4);
str_y, strlen(str_y));
tw = XTextWidth(font_info, str5, l5);
tw = XTextWidth(font_info, str_n, strlen(str_n));
tw = (No_w - tw)/2;
if (tw < 0) tw = 1;
XDrawString(dpy, awin, gc, No_x+tw, No_y+No_h-5,
str5, l5);
str_n, strlen(str_n));
if (! view_only) {
tw = XTextWidth(font_info, str_v,
tw = (Vi_w - tw)/2;
if (tw < 0) tw = 1;
XDrawString(dpy, awin, gc, Vi_x+tw, Vi_y+Vi_h-5,
str_v, strlen(str_v));
......@@ -659,20 +735,29 @@ static char t2x2_bits[] = {
case ButtonPress:
x = ev.xbutton.x;
y = ev.xbutton.y;
if (x > No_x && x < No_x+No_w && y > No_y
if (!strcmp(mode, "key_only")) {
} else if (x > No_x && x < No_x+No_w && y > No_y
&& y < No_y+No_h) {
out = 0;
} else if (x > Ye_x && x < Ye_x+Ye_w && y > Ye_y
&& y < Ye_y+Ye_h) {
out = 1;
} else if (! view_only && x > Vi_x && x < Vi_x+Vi_w
&& y > Vi_y && y < Vi_y+Ye_h) {
out = 2;
case KeyPress:
if (ev.xkey.keycode == key_y) {
if (!strcmp(mode, "mouse_only")) {
} else if (ev.xkey.keycode == key_y) {
out = 1;
} else if (ev.xkey.keycode == key_n) {
out = 0;
} else if (! view_only && ev.xkey.keycode == key_v) {
out = 2;
......@@ -692,13 +777,173 @@ static char t2x2_bits[] = {
return ret;
* utility to run a user supplied command setting some RFB_ env vars.
* used by, e.g., accept_client() and client_gone()
int run_user_command(char *cmd, rfbClientPtr client) {
char *dpystr = DisplayString(dpy);
static char *display_env = NULL;
static char env_rfb_client_id[100];
static char env_rfb_client_ip[100];
static char env_rfb_client_port[100];
static char env_rfb_x11vnc_pid[100];
char *addr = client->host;
int rc, fromlen, fromport;
struct sockaddr_in from;
if (addr == NULL || addr[0] == '\0') {
addr = "unknown-host";
/* set RFB_CLIENT_ID to semi unique id for command to use */
sprintf(env_rfb_client_id, "RFB_CLIENT_ID=%d", (int) client);
/* set RFB_CLIENT_IP to IP addr for command to use */
sprintf(env_rfb_client_ip, "RFB_CLIENT_IP=%s", addr);
/* set RFB_X11VNC_PID to our pid for command to use */
sprintf(env_rfb_x11vnc_pid, "RFB_X11VNC_PID=%d", (int) getpid());
/* set RFB_CLIENT_PORT to peer port for command to use */
fromlen = sizeof(from);
memset(&from, 0, sizeof(from));
fromport = -1;
if (!getpeername(client->sock, (struct sockaddr *)&from, &fromlen)) {
fromport = ntohs(from.sin_port);
sprintf(env_rfb_client_port, "RFB_CLIENT_PORT=%d", fromport);
* Better set DISPLAY to the one we are polling, if they
* want something trickier, they can handle on their own
* via environment, etc. XXX really should save/restore old.
if (display_env == NULL) {
display_env = (char *) malloc(strlen(dpystr)+10);
sprintf(display_env, "DISPLAY=%s", dpystr);
rfbLog("running command:\n");
rfbLog(" %s\n", cmd);
rc = system(cmd);
if (rc >= 256) {
rc = rc/256;
rfbLog("command returned: %d\n", rc);
sprintf(env_rfb_client_id, "RFB_CLIENT_ID=");
sprintf(env_rfb_client_ip, "RFB_CLIENT_IP=");
sprintf(env_rfb_client_port, "RFB_CLIENT_PORT=");
sprintf(env_rfb_x11vnc_pid, "RFB_X11VNC_PID=");
return rc;
* process a "yes:0,no:*,view:3" type action list comparing to command
* return code rc. * means the default action with no other match.
int action_match(char *action, int rc) {
char *p, *q, *s = strdup(action);
int cases[4], i, result;
char *labels[4];
labels[1] = "yes";
labels[2] = "no";
labels[3] = "view";
rfbLog("accept_client: process action line: %s\n",
for (i=1; i <= 3; i++) {
cases[i] = -2;
p = strtok(s, ",");
while (p) {
if ((q = strchr(p, ':')) != NULL) {
int in, k;
*q = '\0';
if (strstr(p, "yes") == p) {
k = 1;
} else if (strstr(p, "no") == p) {
k = 2;
} else if (strstr(p, "view") == p) {
k = 3;
} else {
rfbLog("bad action line: %s\n", action);
if (*q == '*') {
cases[k] = -1;
} else if (sscanf(q, "%d", &in) == 1) {
if (in < 0) {
rfbLog("bad action line: %s\n", action);
cases[k] = in;
} else {
rfbLog("bad action line: %s\n", action);
} else {
rfbLog("bad action line: %s\n", action);
p = strtok(NULL, ",");
result = -1;
for (i=1; i <= 3; i++) {
if (cases[i] == -1) {
rfbLog("accept_client: default action is case=%d %s\n",
i, labels[i]);
result = i;
if (result == -1) {
rfbLog("accept_client: no default action\n");
for (i=1; i <= 3; i++) {
if (cases[i] >= 0 && cases[i] == rc) {
rfbLog("accept_client: matched action is case=%d %s\n",
i, labels[i]);
result = i;
if (result < 0) {
rfbLog("no action match: %s rc=%d set to no\n", action, rc);
result = 2;
return result;
* Simple routine to prompt the user on the X display whether an incoming
* client should be allowed to connect or not. If a gui is involved it
* will be running in the environment/context of the X11 DISPLAY.
* The command supplied via -accept is run as is (i.e. no string
* substitution) with the RFB_CLIENT environment variable set to the
* substitution) with the RFB_CLIENT_IP environment variable set to the
* incoming client's numerical IP address.
* If the external command exits with 0 the client is accepted, otherwise
......@@ -710,9 +955,11 @@ static char t2x2_bits[] = {
* popup: use internal X widgets for prompting.
int accept_client(char *addr) {
int accept_client(rfbClientPtr client) {
char xmessage[200], *cmd = NULL;
static char rfb_client_env[100], *display_env = NULL;
char *addr = client->host;
char *action = NULL;
if (accept_cmd == NULL) {
return 1; /* no command specified, so we accept */
......@@ -722,63 +969,131 @@ int accept_client(char *addr) {
addr = "unknown-host";
if (!strcmp(accept_cmd, "xmessage")) {
/* make our own command using xmessage(1) */
sprintf(xmessage, "xmessage -buttons yes:0,no:2 -center "
"'x11vnc: accept connection from %s?'", addr);
cmd = xmessage;
} else if (strstr(accept_cmd, "popup:") == accept_cmd ||
!strcmp(accept_cmd, "popup")) {
int timeout = 120;
char *p;
if (strstr(accept_cmd, "popup") == accept_cmd) {
/* use our builtin popup button */
/* (popup|popupkey|popupmouse)[+-X+-Y][:timeout] */
int ret, timeout = 120;
int x = -64000, y = -64000;
char *p, *mode;
/* extract timeout */
if ((p = strchr(accept_cmd, ':')) != NULL) {
int in;
if (sscanf(p+1, "%d", &in) == 1) {
timeout = in;
/* extract geometry */
if ((p = strpbrk(accept_cmd, "+-")) != NULL) {
int x1, y1;
if (sscanf(p, "+%d+%d", &x1, &y1) == 2) {
x = x1;
y = y1;
} else if (sscanf(p, "+%d-%d", &x1, &y1) == 2) {
x = x1;
y = -y1;
} else if (sscanf(p, "-%d+%d", &x1, &y1) == 2) {
x = -x1;
y = y1;
} else if (sscanf(p, "-%d-%d", &x1, &y1) == 2) {
x = -x1;
y = -y1;
/* find mode: mouse, key, or both */
if (strstr(accept_cmd, "popupmouse") == accept_cmd) {
mode = "mouse_only";
} else if (strstr(accept_cmd, "popupkey") == accept_cmd) {
mode = "key_only";
} else {
mode = "both";
rfbLog("accept_client: using builtin popup for: %s\n", addr);
if (ugly_accept_window(addr, timeout)) {
if ((ret = ugly_accept_window(addr, x, y, timeout, mode))) {
if (ret == 2) {
rfbLog("accept_client: viewonly: %s\n", addr);
client->viewOnly = TRUE;
rfbLog("accept_client: popup accepted: %s\n", addr);
return 1;
} else {
rfbLog("accept_client: popup rejected: %s\n", addr);
return 0;
} else if (!strcmp(accept_cmd, "xmessage")) {
/* make our own command using xmessage(1) */
if (view_only) {
sprintf(xmessage, "xmessage -buttons yes:0,no:2 -center"
" 'x11vnc: accept connection from %s?'", addr);
} else {
sprintf(xmessage, "xmessage -buttons yes:0,no:2,"
"view-only:3 -center" " 'x11vnc: accept connection"
" from %s?'", addr);
action = "yes:0,no:*,view:3";
cmd = xmessage;
} else {
/* use the user supplied command: */
cmd = accept_cmd;
/* extract any action prefix: yes:N,no:M,view:K */
if (strstr(accept_cmd, "yes:") == accept_cmd) {
char *p;
if ((p = strpbrk(accept_cmd, " \t")) != NULL) {
int i;
cmd = p;
p = accept_cmd;
for (i=0; i<200; i++) {
if (*p == ' ' || *p == '\t') {
xmessage[i] = '\0';
xmessage[i] = *p;
xmessage[200-1] = '\0';
action = xmessage;
if (cmd) {
int rc;
char *dpystr = DisplayString(dpy);
/* set RFB_CLIENT to IP addr for command to use */
sprintf(rfb_client_env, "RFB_CLIENT=%s", addr);
rfbLog("accept_client: using cmd for: %s\n", addr);
rc = run_user_command(cmd, client);
* Better set DISPLAY to the one we are polling, if they
* want something trickier, they can handle on their own
* via environment, etc. XXX really should save/restore old.
if (display_env == NULL) {
display_env = (char *) malloc(strlen(dpystr)+10);
sprintf(display_env, "DISPLAY=%s", dpystr);
if (action) {
int result;
rfbLog("accept_client: running command:\n");
rfbLog(" %s\n", cmd);
rc = system(cmd);
if (rc >= 256) {
rc = rc/256;
rfbLog("accept_client: command returned: %d\n", rc);
if (rc < 0) {
rfbLog("accept_client: cannot use negative "
"rc: %d, action %s\n", rc, action);
result = 2;
} else {
result = action_match(action, rc);
sprintf(rfb_client_env, "RFB_CLIENT=");
if (result == 1) {
rc = 0;
} else if (result == 2) {
rc = 1;
} else if (result == 3) {
rc = 0;
rfbLog("accept_client: viewonly: %s\n", addr);
client->viewOnly = TRUE;
} else {
rc = 1; /* NOTREACHED */
if (rc == 0) {
rfbLog("accept_client: accepted: %s\n", addr);
......@@ -1014,7 +1329,7 @@ enum rfbNewClientAction new_client(rfbClientPtr client) {
allow_list ? allow_list : "(null)" );
if (! accept_client(client->host)) {
if (! accept_client(client)) {
rfbLog("denying client: %s local user rejected connection.\n",
rfbLog("denying client: accept_cmd=\"%s\"\n",
......@@ -1024,6 +1339,7 @@ enum rfbNewClientAction new_client(rfbClientPtr client) {
if (view_only) {
client->clientData = (void *) -1;
client->viewOnly = TRUE;
} else {
client->clientData = (void *) 0;
......@@ -1262,7 +1578,8 @@ void tweak_mod(signed char mod, rfbBool down) {
static void modifier_tweak_keyboard(rfbBool down, rfbKeySym keysym, rfbClientPtr client) {
static void modifier_tweak_keyboard(rfbBool down, rfbKeySym keysym,
rfbClientPtr client) {
KeyCode k;
int tweak = 0;
if (debug_keyboard) {
......@@ -1273,6 +1590,9 @@ static void modifier_tweak_keyboard(rfbBool down, rfbKeySym keysym, rfbClientPtr
if (view_only) {
if (client->viewOnly) {
#define ADJUSTMOD(sym, state) \
if (keysym == sym) { \
......@@ -1333,6 +1653,9 @@ static void keyboard(rfbBool down, rfbKeySym keysym, rfbClientPtr client) {
if (view_only) {
if (client->viewOnly) {
last_keyboard_client = client;
if (keyremaps) {
......@@ -1669,7 +1992,9 @@ static void pointer(int mask, int x, int y, rfbClientPtr client) {
if (view_only) {
if (client->viewOnly) {
if (mask >= 0) {
......@@ -2376,6 +2701,9 @@ void watch_xevents() {
void xcut_receive(char *text, int len, rfbClientPtr cl) {
if (cl->viewOnly) {
if (text == NULL || len == 0) {
......@@ -5419,7 +5747,7 @@ void print_help() {
"Once x11vnc establishes connections with the X11 server and starts\n"
"listening as a VNC server it will print out a string: PORT=XXXX where\n"
"XXXX is typically 5900 (the default VNC port). One would next run something\n"
"like this on the local machine: \"vncviewer host:N\" where N is XXXX - 5900.\n"
"like this on the local machine: \"vncviewer host:N\" where N is XXXX - 5900.\n"
"By default x11vnc will not allow the screen to be shared and it will\n"
"exit as soon as a client disconnects. See -shared and -forever below\n"
......@@ -5439,68 +5767,113 @@ void print_help() {
" as the pointer moves from window to window (slow).\n"
"-notruecolor Force 8bpp indexed color even if it looks like TrueColor.\n"
"-visual n Experimental option: probably does not do what you think.\n"
" It simply *forces* the visual used for the framebuffer;\n"
" this may be a bad thing... It is useful for testing and\n"
" for some workarounds. n may be a decimal number, or 0x\n"
" hex. Run xdpyinfo(1) for the values. One may also use\n"
" \"TrueColor\", etc. see <X11/X.h> for a list. If the\n"
" string ends in \":m\" the visual depth is forced to be m.\n"
"-visual n Experimental option: probably does not do what you\n"
" think. It simply *forces* the visual used for the\n"
" framebuffer; this may be a bad thing... It is useful for\n"
" testing and for some workarounds. n may be a decimal\n"
" number, or 0x hex. Run xdpyinfo(1) for the values.\n"
" One may also use \"TrueColor\", etc. see <X11/X.h>\n"
" for a list. If the string ends in \":m\" for better\n"
" or for worse the visual depth is forced to be m.\n"
"-viewonly Clients can only watch (default %s).\n"
"-viewonly All clients can only watch (default %s).\n"
"-shared VNC display is shared (default %s).\n"
"-forever Keep listening for more connections rather than exiting\n"
" as soon as the first client(s) disconnect. Same as -many\n"
"-connect string For use with \"vncviewer -listen\" reverse connections. If\n"
" string has the form \"host\" or \"host:port\" the connection\n"
" is made once at startup. Use commas for a list. If string\n"
" contains \"/\" it is a file to periodically check for new\n"
" hosts. The first line is read and then file is truncated.\n"
"-connect string For use with \"vncviewer -listen\" reverse connections.\n"
" If string has the form \"host\" or \"host:port\"\n"
" the connection is made once at startup. Use commas\n"
" for a list. If string contains \"/\" it is a file to\n"
" periodically check for new hosts. The first line is\n"
" read and then file is truncated.\n"
"-vncconnect Monitor the VNC_CONNECT X property set by vncconnect(1).\n"
"-auth file Set the X authority file to be \"file\", equivalent to\n"
" setting the XAUTHORITY env. var to \"file\" before startup.\n"
"-allow addr1[,addr2..] Only allow client connections from IP addresses matching\n"
" the comma separated list of numerical addresses. Can be\n"
" a prefix, e.g. \"192.168.100.\" to match a simple subnet,\n"
" for more control build libvncserver with libwrap support.\n"
" the comma separated list of numerical addresses.\n"
" Can be a prefix, e.g. \"192.168.100.\" to match a\n"
" simple subnet, for more control build libvncserver with\n"
" libwrap support.\n"
"-localhost Same as -allow\n"
"-accept string Prompt user at the X11 display whether an incoming\n"
" client should be allowed to connect. \"string\" is an\n"
" external command run via system(3). Be sure to quote\n"
" \"string\" if it contains spaces, etc. The RFB_CLIENT env.\n"
" variable will be set to the client's IP number. If the\n"
" external command returns 0 the client is accepted,\n"
" otherwise the client is rejected.\n"
"-passwdfile filename Specify libvncserver -passwd via the first line of file\n"
" \"filename\" instead of via command line. Note: this\n"
" is a simple plaintext passwd, see also -rfbauth below.\n"
"-accept string Run a command (possibly to prompt the user at the\n"
" X11 display) to decide whether an incoming client\n"
" should be allowed to connect or not. \"string\" is\n"
" an external command run via system(3) (see below for\n"
" special cases). Be sure to quote \"string\" if it\n"
" contains spaces, etc. The RFB_CLIENT_IP environment\n"
" variable will be set to the incoming client IP number\n"
" and the port in RFB_CLIENT_PORT (or -1 if unavailable).\n"
" The x11vnc process id will be in RFB_X11VNC_PID and a\n"
" client id number in RFB_CLIENT_ID. If the external\n"
" command returns 0 the client is accepted, otherwise\n"
" the client is rejected. See below for an extension to\n"
" accept a client view-only.\n"
" If \"string\" is \"popup\" then a builtin popup window\n"
" is used. The popup will time out after 120 seconds,\n"
" use \"popup:N\" to modify the timeout to N seconds\n"
" (use 0 for no timeout)\n"
" If \"string\" is \"xmessage\" then an xmessage(1)\n"
" invocation is used for the command.\n"
" Both \"popup\" and \"xmessage\" will present an option\n"
" for accepting the client \"View-Only\" (the client\n"
" can only watch). This option will not be presented if\n"
" -viewonly has been specified, in which case the entire\n"
" display is view only.\n"
" If string is \"xmessage\" then an xmessage(1) invocation\n"
" is used for the command. If string is \"popup\" then a\n"
" builtin popup window is used. The popup will time out\n"
" after 120 seconds, use \"popup:N\" to modify the timeout\n"
" to N seconds (use 0 for no timeout)\n"
" If the user supplied command is prefixed with something\n"
" like \"yes:0,no:*,view:3 mycommand ...\" then this\n"
" associates the numerical command return code with\n"
" the actions: accept, reject, and accept-view-only,\n"
" respectively. Use \"*\" instead of a number to indicate\n"
" the default action (in case the command returns an\n"
" unexpected value). E.g. \"no:*\" is a good choice.\n"
" Note that x11vnc blocks while the external command or\n"
" or popup is running (other clients may see no updates\n"
" during this period).\n"
" More -accept tricks: use \"popupmouse\" to only allow\n"
" mouse clicks in the builtin popup to be recognized.\n"
" Similarly use \"popupkey\" to only recognize keystroke\n"
" responses. All 3 of the popup keywords can be followed\n"
" by +N+M to supply a position for the popup window.\n"
" The default is to center the popup window.\n"
"-gone string As -accept string, except to run a user supplied command\n"
" when a client goes away (disconnects). Unlike -accept,\n"
" the command return code is not interpreted by x11vnc.\n"
"-inetd Launched by inetd(1): stdio instead of listening socket.\n"
" Note: if you are not redirecting stderr to a log file\n"
" you must also specify -q as the first argument.\n"
" you must also specify the -q option.\n"
"-noshm Do not use the MIT-SHM extension for the polling.\n"
" remote displays can be polled this way: be careful\n"
" this can use large amounts of network bandwidth. Also\n"
" of use if machine has a limited number of shm segments.\n"
" Remote displays can be polled this way: be careful this\n"
" can use large amounts of network bandwidth. This is\n"
" also of use if the local machine has a limited number\n"
" of shm segments and -onetile is not sufficient.\n"
"-flipbyteorder Sometimes needed if remotely polled host has different\n"
" endianness. Ignored unless -noshm is set.\n"
"-blackout string Black out rectangles on the screen. string is a comma\n"
" separated list of WxH+X+Y type geometries for each rect.\n"
"-xinerama If your screen is composed of multiple monitors glued\n"
" together via XINERAMA, and that screen is non-rectangular\n"
" this option will try to guess the areas to black out.\n"
"-xinerama If your screen is composed of multiple monitors\n"
" glued together via XINERAMA, and that screen is\n"
" non-rectangular this option will try to guess the areas\n"
" to black out (if your system has libXinerama).\n"
"-q Be quiet by printing less informational output to stderr.\n"
" Same as -quiet\n"
"-bg Go into the background after screen setup.\n"
" Something like this could be useful in a script:\n"
"-o logfile Write stderr messages to file \"logfile\" instead of\n"
" to the terminal. Same as -logfile.\n"
"-q Be quiet by printing less informational output to\n"
" stderr. Same as -quiet.\n"
"-bg Go into the background after screen setup. Messages to\n"
" stderr are lost unless -o logfile is used. Something\n"
" like this could be useful in a script:\n"
" port=`ssh $host \"x11vnc -display :0 -bg\" | grep PORT`\n"
" port=`echo \"$port\" | sed -e 's/PORT=//'`\n"
" port=`expr $port - 5900`\n"
......@@ -5518,7 +5891,8 @@ void print_help() {
"-nofb Ignore framebuffer: only process keyboard and pointer.\n"
"-nosel Do not manage exchange of X selection/cutbuffer.\n"
"-noprimary Do not poll the PRIMARY selection for changes and send\n"
" back to clients. PRIMARY is set for received changes.\n"
" back to clients. PRIMARY is still set on received\n"
" changes, however.\n"
"-nocursor Do not have the viewer show a local cursor.\n"
"-mouse Draw a 2nd cursor at the current X pointer position.\n"
......@@ -5532,7 +5906,7 @@ void print_help() {
"-buttonmap string String to remap mouse buttons. Format: IJK-LMN, this\n"
" maps buttons I -> L, etc., e.g. -buttonmap 13-31\n"
" Button presses can also be mapped to keysyms: replace\n"
" Button presses can also be mapped to keystrokes: replace\n"
" a button digit on the right of the dash with :<sym>:\n"
" or :<sym1>+<sym2>: etc. for multiple keys. For example,\n"
" if the viewing machine has a mouse-wheel (buttons 4 5)\n"
......@@ -5540,11 +5914,11 @@ void print_help() {
" -buttonmap 12345-123:Prior::Next:\n"
" -buttonmap 12345-123:Up+Up+Up::Down+Down+Down:\n"
" If you include a modifier like \"Shift_L\" the modifier's\n"
" up/down state is toggled, e.g. to send \"The\" use\n"
" :Shift_L+t+Shift_L+h+e: (the 1st one is shift down and\n"
" the 2nd one is shift up). (note: the initial state of\n"
" the modifier is ignored and not reset)\n"
" If you include a modifier like \"Shift_L\" the\n"
" modifier's up/down state is toggled, e.g. to send\n"
" \"The\" use :Shift_L+t+Shift_L+h+e: (the 1st one is\n"
" shift down and the 2nd one is shift up). (note: the\n"
" initial state of the modifier is ignored and not reset)\n"
" To include button events use \"Button1\", ... etc.\n"
"-nodragging Do not update the display during mouse dragging events\n"
......@@ -5561,17 +5935,17 @@ void print_help() {
"-debug_pointer Print debugging output for every pointer event.\n"
"-debug_keyboard Print debugging output for every keyboard event.\n"
"-defer time Time in ms to wait for updates before sending to\n"
" client [rfbDeferUpdateTime] (default %d).\n"
"-wait time Time in ms to pause between screen polls. Used\n"
" to cut down on load (default %d).\n"
"-nap Monitor activity and if low take longer naps between\n"
"-defer time Time in ms to wait for updates before sending to client\n"
" [rfbDeferUpdateTime] (default %d).\n"
"-wait time Time in ms to pause between screen polls. Used to cut\n"
" down on load (default %d).\n"
"-nap Monitor activity and if low take longer naps between\n"
" polls to really cut down load when idle (default %s).\n"
"-sigpipe string Broken pipe (SIGPIPE) handling. string can be \"ignore\"\n"
" or \"exit\", for the 1st libvncserver will handle the\n"
" abrupt loss of a client and continue, for the 2nd x11vnc\n"
" will cleanup and exit at the 1st broken connection.\n"
" Default is \"ignore\".\n"
"-sigpipe string Broken pipe (SIGPIPE) handling. \"string\" can be\n"
" \"ignore\" or \"exit\". For \"ignore\" libvncserver\n"
" will handle the abrupt loss of a client and continue,\n"
" for \"exit\" x11vnc will cleanup and exit at the 1st\n"
" broken connection. Default is \"ignore\".\n"
"-threads Whether or not to use the threaded libvncserver\n"
"-nothreads algorithm [rfbRunEventLoop] (default %s).\n"
......@@ -5582,8 +5956,8 @@ void print_help() {
"-onetile Do not use the new copy_tiles() framebuffer mechanism,\n"
" just use 1 shm tile for polling. Same as -old_copytile.\n"
" Limits shm segments used to 3.\n"
"-gaps n Heuristic to fill in gaps in rows or cols of n or less\n"
" tiles. Used to improve text paging (default %d).\n"
"-gaps n Heuristic to fill in gaps in rows or cols of n or\n"
" less tiles. Used to improve text paging (default %d).\n"
"-grow n Heuristic to grow islands of changed tiles n or wider\n"
" by checking the tile near the boundary (default %d).\n"
"-fuzz n Tolerance in pixels to mark a tiles edges as changed\n"
......@@ -5692,6 +6066,8 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) {
char *use_dpy = NULL;
char *auth_file = NULL;
char *arg, *visual_str = NULL;
char *logfile = NULL;
char *passwdfile = NULL;
int pw_loc = -1;
int dt = 0;
int bg = 0;
......@@ -5699,7 +6075,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) {
int got_deferupdate = 0, got_defer = 0;
/* used to pass args we do not know about to rfbGetScreen(): */
int argc2 = 1; char *argv2[100];
int argc2 = 1; char *argv2[128];
argv2[0] = strdup(argv[0]);
......@@ -5728,6 +6104,8 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) {
force_indexed_color = 1;
} else if (!strcmp(arg, "-viewonly")) {
view_only = 1;
} else if (!strcmp(arg, "-passwdfile")) {
passwdfile = argv[++i];
} else if (!strcmp(arg, "-shared")) {
shared = 1;
} else if (!strcmp(arg, "-auth")) {
......@@ -5738,6 +6116,8 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) {
allow_list = "";
} else if (!strcmp(arg, "-accept")) {
accept_cmd = argv[++i];
} else if (!strcmp(arg, "-gone")) {
gone_cmd = argv[++i];
} else if (!strcmp(arg, "-many")
|| !strcmp(arg, "-forever")) {
connect_once = 0;
......@@ -5845,6 +6225,8 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) {
} else if (!strcmp(arg, "-h") || !strcmp(arg, "-help")
|| !strcmp(arg, "-?")) {
} else if (!strcmp(arg, "-o") || !strcmp(arg, "-logfile")) {
logfile = argv[++i];
} else if (!strcmp(arg, "-q") || !strcmp(arg, "-quiet")) {
quiet = 1;
......@@ -5873,16 +6255,39 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) {
if (!strcmp(arg, "-nevershared")) {
got_nevershared = 1;
/* otherwise copy it for use below. */
if (!quiet && !inetd && i != pw_loc && i != pw_loc+1) {
fprintf(stderr, "passing arg to libvncserver: %s\n",
/* otherwise copy it for libvncserver use below. */
if (argc2 < 100) {
argv2[argc2++] = strdup(arg);
if (logfile) {
int n;
if ((n = open(logfile, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC, 0666)) < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "error opening logfile: %s\n", logfile);
if (dup2(n, 2) < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "dup2 failed\n");
if (n > 2) {
if (! quiet && ! inetd) {
int i;
for (i=1; i < argc2; i++) {
fprintf(stderr, "passing arg to libvncserver: %s\n",
if (!strcmp(argv2[i], "-passwd")) {
* If -passwd was used, clear it out of argv. This does not
......@@ -5899,6 +6304,26 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) {
*p++ = '\0';
} else if (passwdfile) {
char line[512];
FILE *in;
in = fopen(passwdfile, "r");
if (in == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "cannot open passwdfile: %s\n",
if (fgets(line, 512, in) != NULL) {
line[strlen(line)-1] = '\0';
argv2[argc2++] = "-passwd";
argv2[argc2++] = strdup(line);
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "cannot read passwdfile: %s\n",
/* fixup settings that do not make sense */
......@@ -5968,10 +6393,16 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) {
fprintf(stderr, "shared: %d\n", shared);
fprintf(stderr, "authfile: %s\n", auth_file ? auth_file
: "null");
fprintf(stderr, "passfile: %s\n", passwdfile ? passwdfile
: "null");
fprintf(stderr, "logfile: %s\n", logfile ? logfile
: "null");
fprintf(stderr, "allow: %s\n", allow_list ? allow_list
: "null");
fprintf(stderr, "accept: %s\n", accept_cmd ? accept_cmd
: "null");
fprintf(stderr, "gone: %s\n", gone_cmd ? gone_cmd
: "null");
fprintf(stderr, "conn_once: %d\n", connect_once);
fprintf(stderr, "connect: %s\n", client_connect
? client_connect : "null");
......@@ -6296,7 +6727,9 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) {
n = open("/dev/null", O_RDONLY);
dup2(n, 0);
dup2(n, 1);
dup2(n, 2);
if (! logfile) {
dup2(n, 2);
if (n > 2) {
......@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ httpCheckFds(rfbScreenInfoPtr rfbScreen)
rfbLog("Rejected HTTP connection from client %s\n",
flags = fcntl(rfbScreen->httpSock, F_SETFL);
flags = fcntl(rfbScreen->httpSock, F_GETFL);
if (flags < 0 || fcntl(rfbScreen->httpSock, F_SETFL, flags | O_NONBLOCK) == -1) {
rfbLogPerror("httpCheckFds: fcntl");
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