Feature: Testing different video formats are working correctly with output file size limitations. @slow Scenario Outline: Audio Video chunk alignment and filesize When I launch videostitch-cmd with <folder>/<ptv>_multifiles.ptv and "-d 0 -v 3 -l 295" Then I expect the command to succeed And The file size of <folder>/output*.<fformat> is below <limit> bytes When I check files <folder>/output <fformat> streams alignment with avprobe When I check files <folder>/output*.<fformat> integrity with avprobe Then The videos are OK # TODO: reduce limit with VSA-7422 Examples: | folder | ptv | fformat | limit | | videoformat01 | template_mp4_mpeg4_audio | mp4 | 15485760 | | videoformat01 | template_mov_h264_audio | mov | 29002928 |