import threading import errors import vs import logging import gc from blinker import signal from utils import performance from output.output import Output # We need to be able to load (not run) vs_server on windows to generate the documentation. # So we're skipping non-windows imports try: import psutil except ImportError: pass PROFILING_STITCH_FORMAT = vs.NV12 class ProfilingOutput(Output): """Profiling output """ def __init__(self, stitcher, name="profiling", critical=False, preserved=False): super(ProfilingOutput, self).__init__(stitcher, name, critical, preserved) self.writer = None = psutil.Process() def reset(self): self._transition_check() vs.Output_reset(self.writer.object()) def _start(self, profiling_time=0, preserve=False): # Todo I don't like that it's created differently from other outputs here, but for now I left it like this panorama = self.stitcher.project_manager.panorama self.writer = vs.Output_profiling(, panorama.width, panorama.height, self.stitcher.project_manager.controller.getFrameRateFromInputController(), PROFILING_STITCH_FORMAT) if self.writer is None: raise errors.InternalError() self.shared_writer = vs.writerSharedPtr(self.writer.object()) self.shared_video = vs.videoWriterSharedPtr(self.shared_writer) self.has_audio = False if self.shared_video is not None and not self.stitcher.stitch_output.addWriter(self.shared_video): raise errors.InternalError("Cannot add profiling writer to stitcher") if profiling_time > 0: threading.Timer(profiling_time, self.t_stop).start() #jump automatically from starting state to started state self.t_writer_ok() def _stop(self): self.fps = vs.Output_getFps(self.writer.release()) self.writer = None"fps is %f:" % self.fps)"cpu_util is %d" % cuda = performance.getCudaInfo()"gpu_util is %d" % int(cuda['utilization.gpu']))"enc_util is %s" % cuda['utilization.enc']) success = self.stitcher.stitch_output.removeWriterNoGIL( signal("profiling_stopping").send() if not success: raise errors.InternalError("Cannot remove writer") self.shared_video = None self.shared_writer = None gc.collect() #jump automatically from stopping state to stopped state self.t_writer_completed() def get_statistics(self): cuda = performance.getCudaInfo() self._transition_check() if self.writer is not None: self.fps = vs.Output_getFps(self.writer.object()) return {"fps": self.fps, "cpu":, "gpu": float(cuda['utilization.gpu']), "enc": float(cuda['utilization.enc'])}