// Copyright (c) 2012-2017 VideoStitch SAS
// Copyright (c) 2018 stitchEm

__global__ void FUNCTION_NAME_7(warpInputKernel, fromSphereToInput, distortionMetersTransform, distortionPixelsTransform, isWithin, fromInputToSphere, PhotoCorrectionT)
           (surface_t dst, read_only image2d_t src,
           int inWidth, int inHeight,
           int outWidth, int outHeight,
           int inCropLeft, int inCropRight, int inCropTop, int inCropBottom,

           // TODO merge on CPU side into single transform
           const vsfloat3x4 inPose,
           const vsfloat3x4 outPose,

           const vsDistortion inDistortion,
           const float2 inCenterShift,

           const float2 inScale,
           const float2 outScale,

           float3 rgbMult,
           float photoParam, const global_mem float* floatPtr,
           float vigCenterX, float vigCenterY,
           float inverseDemiDiagonalSquared,
           float vigCoeff0, float vigCoeff1, float vigCoeff2, float vigCoeff3
         ) {

  const int x = get_global_id_x();
  const int y = get_global_id_y();

  const float2 coords = make_float2(x, y);
  const int2 coordsInt = make_int2(x, y);

  const lut_ptr float* lutPtr = FUNCTION_NAME_2(PhotoCorrectionT, setup)(floatPtr);

  if (x < outWidth && y < outHeight) {

    float2 uv = coords;

    // sample at pixel center (half-pixel offset from top left coordinate)
    uv.x -= (outWidth - 1) / 2.0f;
    uv.y -= (outHeight - 1) / 2.0f;

    uv /= outScale;

    const float3 onOutCameraSphere = fromInputToSphere(uv);
    const float3 onRigSphere = transformSphere(onOutCameraSphere, outPose);

    // map coods rigspherical to input with input params
    uv = FUNCTION_NAME_4(mapRigSphericalToInput, fromSphereToInput, distortionMetersTransform, distortionPixelsTransform)(onRigSphere, inPose, inScale, inDistortion, inCenterShift);

    uv.x += inWidth / 2.0f;
    uv.y += inHeight / 2.0f;

    float4 color = FUNCTION_NAME_2(photoCorrectionFunction4, PhotoCorrectionT)(uv, src, inWidth, inHeight, rgbMult, photoParam, lutPtr, vigCenterX, vigCenterY, inverseDemiDiagonalSquared, vigCoeff0, vigCoeff1, vigCoeff2, vigCoeff3);
    color /= 255.f;

    if (!isWithin(uv, (float)inWidth, (float)inHeight, (float)inCropLeft, (float)inCropRight, (float)inCropTop, (float)inCropBottom)) {
      color = make_float4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);

    surface_write_f(color, dst, coordsInt.x, coordsInt.y);