Commit acc7850f authored by Jacek Furmankiewicz's avatar Jacek Furmankiewicz

preparing for 0.0.12

parent 840b2c9f
Twisted REST micro-framework
Based on *Flask* API, with plans integrated multiprocessing support for full usage of all CPUs.
Based on *Flask* API, with plans for integrated multiprocessing support for full usage of all CPUs.
Provides a more Flask/Sinatra-style API on top of the core *twisted.web* APIs.
Geared towards creating REST-oriented server platforms.
......@@ -12,10 +12,10 @@ Single REST module example
The simplest possible REST application:
from corepost.web import CorePost, route
from corepost.web import route, RESTResource
from corepost.enums import Http
class RestApp(CorePost):
class RestApp():
def root(self,request,**kwargs):
......@@ -30,66 +30,157 @@ The simplest possible REST application:
return "%s" % numericid
if __name__ == '__main__':
app = RestApp()
app = RESTResource((RestApp,))
Multi-module REST application
The key CorePost object is just an extension of the regular twisted.web Resource object.
Therefore, it can easily be used to assemble a multi-module REST applications with
different CorePost resources serving from different context paths:
Once can assemble a multi-module REST applications with
different REST services responding from different context paths.
Notice the class *path* attribute which provides a common URL prefix for all REST operations
on a particular service:
from corepost import Response, NotFoundException, AlreadyExistsException
from corepost.web import RESTResource, route, Http
class DB():
"""Fake in-memory DB for testing"""
customers = {}
def getAllCustomers(cls):
return DB.customers.values()
def getCustomer(cls,customerId):
if customerId in DB.customers:
return DB.customers[customerId]
raise NotFoundException("Customer",customerId)
def saveCustomer(cls,customer):
if customer.customerId in DB.customers:
raise AlreadyExistsException("Customer",customer.customerId)
DB.customers[customer.customerId] = customer
def deleteCustomer(cls,customerId):
if customerId in DB.customers:
raise NotFoundException("Customer",customerId)
def deleteAllCustomers(cls):
def getCustomerAddress(cls,customerId,addressId):
c = DB.getCustomer(customerId)
if addressId in c.addresses:
return c.addresses[addressId]
raise NotFoundException("Customer Address",addressId)
class Customer:
"""Represents customer entity"""
def __init__(self,customerId,firstName,lastName):
(self.customerId,self.firstName,self.lastName) = (customerId,firstName,lastName)
self.addresses = {}
class CustomerAddress:
"""Represents customer address entity"""
def __init__(self,streetNumber,streetName,stateCode,countryCode):
(self.streetNumber,self.streetName,self.stateCode,self.countryCode) = (streetNumber,streetName,stateCode,countryCode)
class CustomerRESTService():
path = "/customer"
from corepost.web import CorePost, route
from corepost.enums import Http
from twisted.web.resource import Resource
from twisted.internet import reactor
from twisted.web.server import Site
class HomeApp(CorePost):
def getAll(self,request):
return DB.getAllCustomers()
def get(self,request,customerId):
return DB.getCustomer(customerId)
def post(self,request,customerId,firstName,lastName):
customer = Customer(customerId, firstName, lastName)
return Response(201)
def put(self,request,customerId,firstName,lastName):
c = DB.getCustomer(customerId)
(c.firstName,c.lastName) = (firstName,lastName)
return Response(200)
def delete(self,request,customerId):
return Response(200)
def deleteAll(self,request):
return Response(200)
class CustomerAddressRESTService():
path = "/customer/<customerId>/address"
def home_root(self,request,**kwargs):
return "HOME %s" % kwargs
def getAll(self,request,customerId):
return DB.getCustomer(customerId).addresses
class Module1(CorePost):
def get(self,request,customerId,addressId):
return DB.getCustomerAddress(customerId, addressId)
def module1_get(self,request,**kwargs):
return request.path
def post(self,request,customerId,addressId,streetNumber,streetName,stateCode,countryCode):
c = DB.getCustomer(customerId)
address = CustomerAddress(streetNumber,streetName,stateCode,countryCode)
c.addresses[addressId] = address
return Response(201)
def module1e_sub(self,request,**kwargs):
return request.path
def put(self,request,customerId,addressId,streetNumber,streetName,stateCode,countryCode):
address = DB.getCustomerAddress(customerId, addressId)
(address.streetNumber,address.streetName,address.stateCode,address.countryCode) = (streetNumber,streetName,stateCode,countryCode)
return Response(200)
class Module2(CorePost):
def delete(self,request,customerId,addressId):
DB.getCustomerAddress(customerId, addressId) #validate address exists
return Response(200)
def module2_get(self,request,**kwargs):
return request.path
def deleteAll(self,request,customerId):
c = DB.getCustomer(customerId)
c.addresses = {}
return Response(200)
def module2_sub(self,request,**kwargs):
return request.path
def run_app_multi():
app = Resource()
app.putChild('', HomeApp())
def run_rest_app():
app = RESTResource((CustomerRESTService(),CustomerAddressRESTService()))
factory = Site(app)
reactor.listenTCP(8081, factory) #@UndefinedVariable #@UndefinedVariable
if __name__ == "__main__":
The example above creates 3 modules ("/","module1","/module2") and exposes the following URLs:
The example above creates 2 REST services and exposes the following resources:<customerId><customerId>/address<customerId>/address/>addressId>
Path argument extraction
......@@ -126,7 +217,7 @@ Argument validation
CorePost integrates the popular 'formencode' package to implement form and query argument validation.
Validators can be specified using a *formencode* Schema object, or via custom field-specific validators, e.g.:
from corepost.web import CorePost, validate, route
from corepost.web import validate, route
from corepost.enums import Http
from formencode import Schema, validators
......@@ -134,7 +225,7 @@ Validators can be specified using a *formencode* Schema object, or via custom fi
allow_extra_fields = True
childId = validators.Regex(regex="^value1|value2$")
class MyApp(CorePost):
class MyApp():
......@@ -283,17 +374,17 @@ A filter class can implement either of them or both (for a wrap around filter),
response.headers["X-Wrap-Output"] = "Output"
In order to activate the filters on a CorePost resource instance, you need to pass a list of them in the constructor as the *filters* parameter, e.g.:
In order to activate the filters on a RESTResource instance, you need to pass a list of them in the constructor as the *filters* parameter, e.g.:
class FilterApp(CorePost):
class FilterApp():
def root(self,request,**kwargs):
return request.received_headers
def run_filter_app():
app = FilterApp(filters=(Change404to503Filter(),AddCustomHeaderFilter(),WrapAroundFilter(),))
app = RESTResource(services=((FilterApp(),),filters=(Change404to503Filter(),AddCustomHeaderFilter(),WrapAroundFilter(),))
......@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Responsible for converting return values into cleanly serializable dict/tuples/l
for JSON/XML/YAML output
import inspect, collections
import collections
from jinja2 import Template
from UserDict import DictMixin
......@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ def convertForSerialization(obj):
return traverseDict(obj)
elif isClassInstance(obj):
return convertClassToDict(obj)
elif isinstance(obj,collections.Iterable):
elif isinstance(obj,collections.Iterable) and not isinstance(obj,str):
# iterable
values = []
for val in obj:
......@@ -32,7 +32,6 @@ def convertForSerialization(obj):
def convertClassToDict(clazz):
"""Converts a class to a dictionary"""
properties = {}
for prop,val in clazz.__dict__.iteritems():
#omit private fields
if not prop.startswith("_"):
......@@ -43,23 +42,21 @@ def convertClassToDict(clazz):
def traverseDict(dictObject):
"""Traverses a dict recursively to convertForSerialization any nested classes"""
newDict = {}
for prop,val in dictObject.iteritems():
if inspect.isclass(val):
# call itself recursively
val = convertClassToDict(val)
newDict[prop] = val
newDict[prop] = convertForSerialization(val)
return newDict
def generateXml(object):
def generateXml(obj):
"""Generates basic XML from an object that has already been converted for serialization"""
if isinstance(object,dict):
return str(xmlTemplate.render(item=object.keys()))
elif isinstance(object,collections.Iterable):
return str(xmlListTemplate.render(items=object))
return str(xmlTemplate.render(item=obj.keys()))
elif isinstance(obj,collections.Iterable):
return str(xmlListTemplate.render(items=obj))
raise RuntimeError("Unable to convert to XML: %s" % object)
raise RuntimeError("Unable to convert to XML: %s" % obj)
def isClassInstance(object):
"""Checks if a given object is a class instance"""
return getattr(object, "__class__",None) != None and not isinstance(object,dict) and not isinstance(object,tuple) and not isinstance(object,list)
\ No newline at end of file
def isClassInstance(obj):
"""Checks if a given obj is a class instance"""
return getattr(obj, "__class__",None) != None and not isinstance(obj,dict) and not isinstance(obj,tuple) and not isinstance(obj,list) and not isinstance(obj,str)
......@@ -97,6 +97,7 @@ Feature: REST App
# add 1
When as user 'None:None' I POST '' with 'addressId=HOME&streetNumber=100&streetName=MyStreet&stateCode=CA&countryCode=US'
Then I expect HTTP code 201
# get just the address
When as user 'None:None' I GET ''
Then I expect HTTP code 200
And I expect JSON content
......@@ -108,4 +109,42 @@ Feature: REST App
"streetNumber": "100"
# get the customer with the address
When as user 'None:None' I GET ''
Then I expect HTTP code 200
And I expect JSON content
"addresses": {
"HOME": {
"countryCode": "US",
"stateCode": "CA",
"streetName": "MyStreet",
"streetNumber": "100"
"customerId": "d1",
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Doe1"
# update address
When as user 'None:None' I PUT '' with 'streetNumber=1002&streetName=MyStreet2&stateCode=CA&countryCode=US'
Then I expect HTTP code 200
When as user 'None:None' I GET ''
Then I expect HTTP code 200
And I expect JSON content
"countryCode": "US",
"stateCode": "CA",
"streetName": "MyStreet2",
"streetNumber": "1002"
# delete address
When as user 'None:None' I DELETE ''
Then I expect HTTP code 200
When as user 'None:None' I GET ''
Then I expect HTTP code 404
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -10,26 +10,82 @@ The simplest possible twisted.web CorePost REST application:
from corepost.web import CorePost, route
from corepost.enums import Http
class CustomerRESTService():
path = "/customer"
class RestApp(CorePost):
def getAll(self,request):
return DB.getAllCustomers()
def root(self,request,**kwargs):
return request.path
def get(self,request,customerId):
return DB.getCustomer(customerId)
def test(self,request,**kwargs):
return request.path
def post(self,request,customerId,firstName,lastName):
customer = Customer(customerId, firstName, lastName)
return Response(201)
def test_get_resources(self,request,numericid,**kwargs):
return "%s" % numericid
def put(self,request,customerId,firstName,lastName):
c = DB.getCustomer(customerId)
(c.firstName,c.lastName) = (firstName,lastName)
return Response(200)
if __name__ == '__main__':
app = RestApp()
def delete(self,request,customerId):
return Response(200)
def deleteAll(self,request):
return Response(200)
class CustomerAddressRESTService():
path = "/customer/<customerId>/address"
def getAll(self,request,customerId):
return DB.getCustomer(customerId).addresses
def get(self,request,customerId,addressId):
return DB.getCustomerAddress(customerId, addressId)
def post(self,request,customerId,addressId,streetNumber,streetName,stateCode,countryCode):
c = DB.getCustomer(customerId)
address = CustomerAddress(streetNumber,streetName,stateCode,countryCode)
c.addresses[addressId] = address
return Response(201)
def put(self,request,customerId,addressId,streetNumber,streetName,stateCode,countryCode):
address = DB.getCustomerAddress(customerId, addressId)
(address.streetNumber,address.streetName,address.stateCode,address.countryCode) = (streetNumber,streetName,stateCode,countryCode)
return Response(200)
def delete(self,request,customerId,addressId):
DB.getCustomerAddress(customerId, addressId) #validate address exists
return Response(200)
def deleteAll(self,request,customerId):
c = DB.getCustomer(customerId)
c.addresses = {}
return Response(200)
def run_rest_app():
app = RESTResource((CustomerRESTService(),CustomerAddressRESTService()))
if __name__ == "__main__":
......@@ -40,6 +96,11 @@ Links
* 0.0.12:
- backwards incompatible change: added advancer URL routing for nested REST services.
CorePost object is gone, REST services are now just standard classes.
They get wrapped in a RESTResource object (see sample above) when exposed
* 0.0.11:
- added support for request/response filters
* 0.0.10:
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