Commit 932f40c5 authored by Jacek Furmankiewicz's avatar Jacek Furmankiewicz

sphinx docs

parent 3691da3a
Enhancements to core Twisted security
@author: jacekf
from twisted.cred.checkers import ICredentialsChecker, FilePasswordDB
from zope.interface import implements
from beaker.cache import CacheManager
from beaker.util import parse_cache_config_options
class CachedCredentialsChecker:
"""A cached credentials checker wrapper. It will forward calls to the actual credentials checker only when the cache expires (or on first call)"""
def __init__(self,credentialInterfaces,credentialsChecker):
self.credentialInterfaces = credentialInterfaces
self.checker = credentialsChecker
def requestAvatarId(self,credentials):
class SqlCredentialsChecker:
"""A SQL checked to compare usernames and passwords to a DB table, with support for custom comparison (plaintext, hash, etc)"""
def __init__(self,dbpool,userTable,usernameColumn,passwordColumn,passwordChecker = None):
@param dbpool: adbapi DB connection pool
@param userTable: Name of the table containing list of users
@param userameColumn: Name of column containing the user name
@param passwordColumn: Name of column containing the user password (or its hash)
@param passwordChecker: A lambda that compares the incoming password due what is stored in DB (plaintext comparison (not recommended, insecure), hash, decryption, etc.)
self.dbpool = dbpool
self.userTable = userTable
self.usernameColumn = usernameColumn
self.passwordColumn = passwordColumn
self.passwordChecker = passwordChecker
def requestAvatarId(self,credentials):
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Here is a breakdown of key CorePost features
URL Routing
@route decorator
Via a simple *@route* decorator you can automatically route *twisted.web* Request objects to your class method
based on URL (with dynamic paths), HTTP method, expected content type, etc::
from corepost.web import route, RESTResource
from corepost.enums import Http
class RESTService():
def root(self,request,**kwargs):
return request.path
def test(self,request,**kwargs):
return request.path
def test_get_resources(self,request,numericid,**kwargs):
return "%s" % numericid
if __name__ == '__main__':
app = RESTResource((RESTService,))
This piece of code::
is just for convenience when showing code samples and writing unit tests.
In a real production application you would use existing Twisted *twistd* functionality:
Path argument extraction
CorePort can easily extract path arguments from an URL and convert them to the desired type.
The supported types are:
* *int*
* *float*
* *string*
def test(self,request,intarg,floatarg,stringarg,**kwargs):
Argument validation
CorePost integrates the popular 'formencode' package to implement form and query argument validation.
Validators can be specified using a *formencode* Schema object, or via custom field-specific validators.
from corepost.web import validate, route
from corepost.enums import Http
from formencode import Schema, validators
class TestSchema(Schema):
allow_extra_fields = True
childId = validators.Regex(regex="^value1|value2$")
class MyApp():
def postValidateSchema(self,request,rootId,childId,**kwargs):
'''Validate using a common schema'''
return "%s - %s - %s" % (rootId,childId,kwargs)
def postValidateCustom(self,request,rootId,childId,**kwargs):
'''Validate using argument-specific validators'
return "%s - %s - %s" % (rootId,childId,kwargs)
Please see the *FormEncode* <> documentation
for list of available validators:
* Common <>
* National <>
Multiple REST services under a common root URL
A typical case in REST is where you have parent/child resources (business entities), e.g.
Customer Address
Customer Phone
Customer Order
Customer Invoice
Customer Invoice Payment
This can create a URL structure like:
CorePost allows you to write small, modular classes that implement a REST service for just a single entity,
driven by URL paths with dynamic elements in them (e.g. the *customerId*, *invoiceId*, *paymentId* path parameters in the sample above).
You do not have to mesh all these different entities in a single class.
At the end, you wrap all of the different REST services in a single *RESTResource* object (which extends the regular Twisted Web Resource object)
and it takes care of routing the request to the appropriate class.
Here is a full-blown example of two REST services for Customer and Customer Address::
from corepost import Response, NotFoundException, AlreadyExistsException
from corepost.web import RESTResource, route, Http
class CustomerRESTService():
path = "/customer"
def getAll(self,request):
return DB.getAllCustomers()
def get(self,request,customerId):
return DB.getCustomer(customerId)
def post(self,request,customerId,firstName,lastName):
customer = Customer(customerId, firstName, lastName)
return Response(201)
def put(self,request,customerId,firstName,lastName):
c = DB.getCustomer(customerId)
(c.firstName,c.lastName) = (firstName,lastName)
return Response(200)
def delete(self,request,customerId):
return Response(200)
def deleteAll(self,request):
return Response(200)
class CustomerAddressRESTService():
path = "/customer/<customerId>/address"
def getAll(self,request,customerId):
return DB.getCustomer(customerId).addresses
def get(self,request,customerId,addressId):
return DB.getCustomerAddress(customerId, addressId)
def post(self,request,customerId,addressId,streetNumber,streetName,stateCode,countryCode):
c = DB.getCustomer(customerId)
address = CustomerAddress(streetNumber,streetName,stateCode,countryCode)
c.addresses[addressId] = address
return Response(201)
def put(self,request,customerId,addressId,streetNumber,streetName,stateCode,countryCode):
address = DB.getCustomerAddress(customerId, addressId)
(address.streetNumber,address.streetName,address.stateCode,address.countryCode) = (streetNumber,streetName,stateCode,countryCode)
return Response(200)
def delete(self,request,customerId,addressId):
DB.getCustomerAddress(customerId, addressId) #validate address exists
return Response(200)
def deleteAll(self,request,customerId):
c = DB.getCustomer(customerId)
c.addresses = {}
return Response(200)
def run_rest_app():
app = RESTResource((CustomerRESTService(),CustomerAddressRESTService()))
if __name__ == "__main__":
Content types
CorePost integrates support for JSON, YAML and XML (partially) based on request content types.
*Parsing of incoming content*
Based on the incoming content type in POST/PUT requests,
the body will be automatically parsed to JSON, YAML and XML (ElementTree)
* request.json
* request.yaml
* request.xml
and attached to the request::
def test_json(self,request,**kwargs):
return "%s" % json.dumps(request.json)
def test_xml(self,request,**kwargs):
return "%s" % ElementTree.tostring(request.xml)
def test_yaml(self,request,**kwargs):
return "%s" % yaml.dump(request.yaml)
Routing requests by incoming content type
Based on the incoming content type in POST/PUT requests, the *same* URL can be hooked up to different router methods::
def test_content_app_json(self,request,**kwargs):
return request.received_headers[HttpHeader.CONTENT_TYPE]
def test_content_xml(self,request,**kwargs):
return request.received_headers[HttpHeader.CONTENT_TYPE]
def test_content_yaml(self,request,**kwargs):
return request.received_headers[HttpHeader.CONTENT_TYPE]
def test_content_catch_all(self,request,**kwargs):
return MediaType.WILDCARD
Converting Python objects to content type based on what caller can accept
Instead of returning string responses, the code can just return Python objects.
Depending whether the caller can accept JSON (default) or YAML, the Python objects will be automatically converted::
def test_return_content_by_accepts(self,request,**kwargs):
val = [{"test1":"Test1"},{"test2":"Test2"}]
return val
Calling this URL with "Accept: application/json" will return:
[{"test1": "Test1"}, {"test2": "Test2"}]
Calling it with "Accept: text/yaml" will return:
- {test1: Test1}
- {test2: Test2}
There is support for CorePost resource filters via the two following *corepost.filter* interfaces::
class IRequestFilter(Interface):
"""Request filter interface"""
def filterRequest(self,request):
"""Allows to intercept and change an incoming request"""
class IResponseFilter(Interface):
"""Response filter interface"""
def filterResponse(self,request,response):
"""Allows to intercept and change an outgoing response"""
A filter class can implement either of them or both (for a wrap around filter), e.g.::
class AddCustomHeaderFilter():
"""Implements a request filter that adds a custom header to the incoming request"""
def filterRequest(self,request):
request.received_headers["Custom-Header"] = "Custom Header Value"
class Change404to503Filter():
"""Implements just a response filter that changes 404 to 503 statuses"""
def filterResponse(self,request,response):
if response.code == 404:
response.code = 503
class WrapAroundFilter():
"""Implements both types of filters in one class"""
def filterRequest(self,request):
request.received_headers["X-Wrap-Input"] = "Input"
def filterResponse(self,request,response):
response.headers["X-Wrap-Output"] = "Output"
In order to activate the filters on a RESTResource instance, you need to pass a list of them in the constructor as the *filters* parameter, e.g.::
class FilterApp():
def root(self,request,**kwargs):
return request.received_headers
def run_filter_app():
app = RESTResource(services=((FilterApp(),),filters=(Change404to503Filter(),AddCustomHeaderFilter(),WrapAroundFilter(),))
Asynchronous Operations
@defer.inlineCallbacks support
If you want a deferred async method, just use *defer.returnValue()*::
def root(self,request,**kwargs):
val1 = yield db.query("SELECT ....")
val2 = yield db.query("SELECT ....")
defer.returnValue(val1 + val2)
This is standard Twisted functionality.
HTTP codes
By default, CorePost returns the appropriate HTTP code based on the HTTP method:
* 200 (OK) - GET, DELETE, PUT
* 201 (Created) - POST
* 404 - not able to match any URL
* 400 - missing mandatory argument (driven from the arguments on the actual functions)
* 400 - argument failed validation
* 500 - server error
.. CorePost documentation master file, created by
sphinx-quickstart on Mon Mar 5 22:23:38 2012.
You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least
contain the root `toctree` directive.
Welcome to CorePost's documentation!
REST micro-framework, powered by the asynchronous Twisted Web APIs
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 2
:maxdepth: 4
Indices and tables
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What is CorePost?
CorePost is a Python REST micro-framework. It is meant for building enterprise-grade REST server applications that provide
API services to other applications and/or a UI layer (coded in any framework or language).
More importantly, CorePost is an asynchronous I/O web framework (similar to Node.js).
Hence it relies on asynchronous I/O operations, which are extremely efficient, but somewhat more complicated to code.
Fortunately, CorePost does not create it's own async I/O library, but instead uses under the mature, well documented
and extremely well designed Twisted library, in particular its web layer (known simply as twisted.web)
Coupled with a JIT runtime like PyPy, this should give you the ability to develop REST server side applications
that will be extremely performant in production, yet (hopefully) fun and productive to develop.
What is Twisted?
Twisted is a very mature Python async I/O network toolkit:
Understanding core principles behind Twisted and its APIs is required (at least at a basic level) before coding any CorePost application.
Hence we recommend either reading the very thorough developer's guide:
or the excellent Twisted tutorials from Dave Peticolas:
In particular, understanding the core Twisted Deferred object (and its productive inline callback approach) are crucial
to productive usage of Twisted APIs for writing asynchronous web applications.
What does CorePost add on top of Twisted Web?
Mostly productivity features that take of low-level plumbing such as:
* routing request to handler methods
* automatic parsing of JSON/YAML/XML input
* automatic conversion of Python objects and classes to JSON / YAML / XML formats
* simplified exception handling
* custom request / response filters
However, this is a very thin layer. Once you get to write some serious code that interacts with an external system (e.g. a SQL database)
you are writing a hard-code Twisted web application. CorePost is just there to make it easier for you and let you focus on business logic,
while letting it take care of common required plumbing. That's it.
A CorePost application is nothing more than a *twisted.web* application under the hood.
Why would I use CorePost instead of Node.js?
As you develop more Twisted code, you will realize how its elegant and powerful *Deferred* object
(and especially inline callbacks) make developing *readable* asynchronous code much more pleasant than any other solution.
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