Commit 62cbd5a1 authored by Jacek Furmankiewicz's avatar Jacek Furmankiewicz

updating README with links to HTML and PDF docs

parent 399814ee
Twisted REST micro-framework Twisted REST micro-framework
================================ ================================
Based on *Flask* API, with plans for integrated multiprocessing support for full usage of all CPUs. Inspired by the *Flask* API.
Provides a more Flask/Sinatra-style API on top of the core *twisted.web* APIs. Provides a more Flask/Sinatra-style API on top of the core *twisted.web* APIs.
Geared towards creating REST-oriented server platforms. See our HTML documentation:
Tested on PyPy (recommended) and Python 2.7 for maximum performance.
Single REST module example or the PDF version:
The simplest possible REST application:
from corepost.web import route, RESTResource
from corepost.enums import Http
class RESTService():
def root(self,request,**kwargs):
return request.path
def test(self,request,**kwargs):
return request.path
def test_get_resources(self,request,numericid,**kwargs):
return "%s" % numericid
if __name__ == '__main__':
app = RESTResource((RESTService,))
Multi-module REST application
Once can assemble a multi-module REST applications with
different REST services responding from different context paths.
Notice the class *path* attribute which provides a common URL prefix for all REST operations
on a particular service:
from corepost import Response, NotFoundException, AlreadyExistsException
from corepost.web import RESTResource, route, Http
class CustomerRESTService():
path = "/customer"
def getAll(self,request):
return DB.getAllCustomers()
def get(self,request,customerId):
return DB.getCustomer(customerId)
def post(self,request,customerId,firstName,lastName):
customer = Customer(customerId, firstName, lastName)
return Response(201)
def put(self,request,customerId,firstName,lastName):
c = DB.getCustomer(customerId)
(c.firstName,c.lastName) = (firstName,lastName)
return Response(200)
def delete(self,request,customerId):
return Response(200)
def deleteAll(self,request):
return Response(200)
class CustomerAddressRESTService():
path = "/customer/<customerId>/address"
def getAll(self,request,customerId):
return DB.getCustomer(customerId).addresses
def get(self,request,customerId,addressId):
return DB.getCustomerAddress(customerId, addressId)
def post(self,request,customerId,addressId,streetNumber,streetName,stateCode,countryCode):
c = DB.getCustomer(customerId)
address = CustomerAddress(streetNumber,streetName,stateCode,countryCode)
c.addresses[addressId] = address
return Response(201)
def put(self,request,customerId,addressId,streetNumber,streetName,stateCode,countryCode):
address = DB.getCustomerAddress(customerId, addressId)
(address.streetNumber,address.streetName,address.stateCode,address.countryCode) = (streetNumber,streetName,stateCode,countryCode)
return Response(200)
def delete(self,request,customerId,addressId):
DB.getCustomerAddress(customerId, addressId) #validate address exists
return Response(200)
def deleteAll(self,request,customerId):
c = DB.getCustomer(customerId)
c.addresses = {}
return Response(200)
def run_rest_app():
app = RESTResource((CustomerRESTService(),CustomerAddressRESTService()))
if __name__ == "__main__":
The example above creates 2 REST services and exposes the following resources:<customerId><customerId>/address<customerId>/address/<addressId>
Path argument extraction
CorePort can easily extract path arguments from an URL and convert them to the desired type.
The supported types are:
* *int*
* *float*
* *string*
def test(self,request,intarg,floatarg,stringarg,**kwargs):
@defer.inlineCallbacks support
If you want a deferred async method, just use *defer.returnValue()*
def root(self,request,**kwargs):
val1 = yield db.query("SELECT ....")
val2 = yield db.query("SELECT ....")
defer.returnValue(val1 + val2)
Argument validation
CorePost integrates the popular 'formencode' package to implement form and query argument validation.
Validators can be specified using a *formencode* Schema object, or via custom field-specific validators, e.g.:
from corepost.web import validate, route
from corepost.enums import Http
from formencode import Schema, validators
class TestSchema(Schema):
allow_extra_fields = True
childId = validators.Regex(regex="^value1|value2$")
class MyApp():
def postValidateSchema(self,request,rootId,childId,**kwargs):
'''Validate using a common schema'''
return "%s - %s - %s" % (rootId,childId,kwargs)
def postValidateCustom(self,request,rootId,childId,**kwargs):
'''Validate using argument-specific validators'
return "%s - %s - %s" % (rootId,childId,kwargs)
Please see the *FormEncode* <> documentation
for list of available validators:
* Common <>
* National <>
Content types
CorePost integrates support for JSON, YAML and XML (partially) based on request content types.
*Parsing of incoming content*
Based on the incoming content type in POST/PUT requests,
the body will be automatically parsed to JSON, YAML and XML (ElementTree)
* request.json
* request.yaml
* request.xml
and attached to the request:
def test_json(self,request,**kwargs):
return "%s" % json.dumps(request.json)
def test_xml(self,request,**kwargs):
return "%s" % ElementTree.tostring(request.xml)
def test_yaml(self,request,**kwargs):
return "%s" % yaml.dump(request.yaml)
*Routing requests by incoming content type*
Based on the incoming content type in POST/PUT requests, the *same* URL can be hooked up to different router methods:
def test_content_app_json(self,request,**kwargs):
return request.received_headers[HttpHeader.CONTENT_TYPE]
def test_content_xml(self,request,**kwargs):
return request.received_headers[HttpHeader.CONTENT_TYPE]
def test_content_yaml(self,request,**kwargs):
return request.received_headers[HttpHeader.CONTENT_TYPE]
def test_content_catch_all(self,request,**kwargs):
return MediaType.WILDCARD
*Converting Python objects to content type based on what caller can accept*
Instead of returning string responses, the code can just return Python objects.
Depending whether the caller can accept JSON (default) or YAML, the Python objects will be automatically converted:
def test_return_content_by_accepts(self,request,**kwargs):
val = [{"test1":"Test1"},{"test2":"Test2"}]
return val
Calling this URL with "Accept: application/json" will return:
[{"test1": "Test1"}, {"test2": "Test2"}]
Calling it with "Accept: text/yaml" will return:
- {test1: Test1}
- {test2: Test2}
HTTP codes
* 200 (OK) - GET, DELETE, PUT
* 201 (Created) - POST
* 404 - not able to match any URL
* 400 - missing mandatory argument (driven from the arguments on the actual functions)
* 400 - argument failed validation
* 500 - server error
There is support for CorePost resource filters via the two following *corepost.filter* interfaces:
class IRequestFilter(Interface):
"""Request filter interface"""
def filterRequest(self,request):
"""Allows to intercept and change an incoming request"""
class IResponseFilter(Interface):
"""Response filter interface"""
def filterResponse(self,request,response):
"""Allows to intercept and change an outgoing response"""
A filter class can implement either of them or both (for a wrap around filter), e.g.:
class AddCustomHeaderFilter():
"""Implements a request filter that adds a custom header to the incoming request"""
def filterRequest(self,request):
request.received_headers["Custom-Header"] = "Custom Header Value"
class Change404to503Filter():
"""Implements just a response filter that changes 404 to 503 statuses"""
def filterResponse(self,request,response):
if response.code == 404:
response.code = 503
class WrapAroundFilter():
"""Implements both types of filters in one class"""
def filterRequest(self,request):
request.received_headers["X-Wrap-Input"] = "Input"
def filterResponse(self,request,response):
response.headers["X-Wrap-Output"] = "Output"
In order to activate the filters on a RESTResource instance, you need to pass a list of them in the constructor as the *filters* parameter, e.g.:
class FilterApp():
def root(self,request,**kwargs):
return request.received_headers
def run_filter_app():
app = RESTResource(services=((FilterApp(),),filters=(Change404to503Filter(),AddCustomHeaderFilter(),WrapAroundFilter(),))
On par with raw *twisted.web* performance. Minimal overhead for URL routing and function argument extraction.
BDD unit tests
All unit tests for CorePost are in BDD feature format, using Freshen.
Can be run using:
nosetests --with-freshen -v
* integrate multi core support
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