# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ $Id$ Copyright 2011 Lars Kruse This file is part of PyCAM. PyCAM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. PyCAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with PyCAM. If not, see . """ import pycam.Plugins import pycam.Geometry.Point class ToolpathGrid(pycam.Plugins.PluginBase): UI_FILE = "toolpath_grid.ui" DEPENDS = ["Toolpaths"] CATEGORIES = ["Toolpath"] def setup(self): if self.gui: self._gtk_handlers = [] self._frame = self.gui.get_object("ToolpathGridFrame") self.core.register_ui("toolpath_handling", "Clone grid", self._frame, 30) for objname in ("GridYCount", "GridXCount"): self.gui.get_object(objname).set_value(1) for objname in ("GridYCount", "GridXCount", "GridYDistance", "GridXDistance"): self._gtk_handlers.append((self.gui.get_object(objname), "value-changed", self._update_widgets)) self._gtk_handlers.append((self.gui.get_object("GridCreate"), "clicked", self.create_toolpath_grid)) self.core.register_event("toolpath-selection-changed", self._update_widgets) self.register_gtk_handlers(self._gtk_handlers) self._update_widgets() return True def teardown(self): if self.gui: self.core.unregister_ui("toolpath_handling", self._frame) self.unregister_gtk_handlers(self._gtk_handlers) self.core.unregister_event("toolpath-selection-changed", self._update_widgets) def _get_toolpaths_dim(self, toolpaths): if toolpaths: maxx = max([tp.maxx for tp in toolpaths]) minx = min([tp.minx for tp in toolpaths]) maxy = max([tp.maxy for tp in toolpaths]) miny = min([tp.miny for tp in toolpaths]) return (maxx - minx), (maxy - miny) else: return None, None def _update_widgets(self, widget=None): toolpaths = self.core.get("toolpaths").get_selected() if toolpaths: x_dim, y_dim = self._get_toolpaths_dim(toolpaths) x_count = self.gui.get_object("GridXCount").get_value() x_space = self.gui.get_object("GridXDistance").get_value() y_count = self.gui.get_object("GridYCount").get_value() y_space = self.gui.get_object("GridYDistance").get_value() x_width = x_dim * x_count + x_space * (x_count - 1) y_width = y_dim * y_count + y_space * (y_count - 1) self.gui.get_object("LabelGridXWidth").set_label("%g%s" % \ (x_width, self.core.get("unit_string"))) self.gui.get_object("LabelGridYWidth").set_label("%g%s" % \ (y_width, self.core.get("unit_string"))) self._frame.show() else: self._frame.hide() def create_toolpath_grid(self, widget=None): toolpaths = self.core.get("toolpaths").get_selected() x_count = int(self.gui.get_object("GridXCount").get_value()) y_count = int(self.gui.get_object("GridYCount").get_value()) x_space = self.gui.get_object("GridXDistance").get_value() y_space = self.gui.get_object("GridYDistance").get_value() x_dim, y_dim = self._get_toolpaths_dim(toolpaths) for toolpath in toolpaths: new_paths = [] for x in range(x_count): for y in range(y_count): shift = pycam.Geometry.Point.Vector(x * (x_space + x_dim), y * (y_space + y_dim), 0) for path in toolpath.paths: new_path = pycam.Geometry.Path.Path() new_path.points = [shift.add(p) for p in path.points] new_paths.append(new_path) if not self.gui.get_object("KeepOriginal").get_active(): toolpath.paths = new_paths self.core.emit_event("toolpath-changed") else: new_toolpath = toolpath.copy() new_toolpath.paths = new_paths self.core.get("toolpaths").append(new_toolpath) self.core.get("toolpaths").select(toolpaths)