# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ $Id$ Copyright 2011 Lars Kruse <devel@sumpfralle.de> This file is part of PyCAM. PyCAM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. PyCAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with PyCAM. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. """ import pycam.Plugins # TODO: move Toolpath.Bounds here? import pycam.Toolpath _RELATIVE_UNIT = ("%", "mm") _BOUNDARY_MODES = ("inside", "along", "around") class Bounds(pycam.Plugins.ListPluginBase): UI_FILE = "bounds.ui" DEPENDS = ["Models"] CATEGORIES = ["Bounds"] COLUMN_REF = 0 # mapping of boundary types and GUI control elements BOUNDARY_TYPES = { pycam.Toolpath.Bounds.TYPE_RELATIVE_MARGIN: "TypeRelativeMargin", pycam.Toolpath.Bounds.TYPE_CUSTOM: "TypeCustom"} CONTROL_BUTTONS = ("TypeRelativeMargin", "TypeCustom", "ToolLimit", "RelativeUnit", "BoundaryLowX", "BoundaryLowY", "BoundaryLowZ", "BoundaryHighX", "BoundaryHighY", "BoundaryHighZ") CONTROL_SIGNALS = ("toggled", "value-changed", "changed") CONTROL_GET = ("get_active", "get_value") CONTROL_SET = ("set_active", "set_value") def setup(self): self._event_handlers = [] self.core.set("bounds", self) if self.gui: import gtk bounds_box = self.gui.get_object("BoundsBox") bounds_box.unparent() self.core.register_ui("main", "Bounds", bounds_box, 30) self._boundsview = self.gui.get_object("BoundsTable") self._gtk_handlers = [] self._gtk_handlers.append((self._boundsview.get_selection(), "changed", "bounds-selection-changed")) self._treemodel = self._boundsview.get_model() self._treemodel.clear() def update_model(): if not hasattr(self, "_model_cache"): self._model_cache = {} cache = self._model_cache for row in self._treemodel: cache[row[self.COLUMN_REF]] = list(row) self._treemodel.clear() for index, item in enumerate(self): if not id(item) in cache: cache[id(item)] = [id(item)] self._treemodel.append(cache[id(item)]) self.core.emit_event("bounds-list-changed") self.register_model_update(update_model) for action, obj_name in ((self.ACTION_UP, "BoundsMoveUp"), (self.ACTION_DOWN, "BoundsMoveDown"), (self.ACTION_DELETE, "BoundsDelete")): self.register_list_action_button(action, self._boundsview, self.gui.get_object(obj_name)) self._gtk_handlers.append((self.gui.get_object("BoundsNew"), "clicked", self._bounds_new)) # model selector self.models_control = pycam.Gui.ControlsGTK.InputTable([], change_handler=lambda *args: \ self.core.emit_event("bounds-changed")) self.gui.get_object("ModelsViewPort").add(self.models_control.get_widget()) # quickly adjust the bounds via buttons for obj_name in ("MarginIncreaseX", "MarginIncreaseY", "MarginIncreaseZ", "MarginDecreaseX", "MarginDecreaseY", "MarginDecreaseZ", "MarginResetX", "MarginResetY", "MarginResetZ"): axis = obj_name[-1].lower() if "Increase" in obj_name: args = "+" elif "Decrease" in obj_name: args = "-" else: args = "0" self._gtk_handlers.append((self.gui.get_object(obj_name), "clicked", self._adjust_bounds, axis, args)) # connect change handler for boundary settings for axis in "XYZ": for value in ("Low", "High"): obj_name = "Boundary%s%s" % (value, axis) self._gtk_handlers.append((self.gui.get_object(obj_name), "value-changed", "bounds-changed")) # register all controls for obj_name in self.CONTROL_BUTTONS: obj = self.gui.get_object(obj_name) if obj_name == "TypeRelativeMargin": self._gtk_handlers.append((obj, "toggled", self._switch_relative_custom)) elif obj_name == "RelativeUnit": self._gtk_handlers.append((obj, "changed", self._switch_percent_absolute)) else: for signal in self.CONTROL_SIGNALS: try: handler = obj.connect(signal, lambda *args: None) obj.disconnect(handler) self._gtk_handlers.append((obj, signal, "bounds-changed")) break except TypeError: continue else: self.log.info("Failed to connect to widget '%s'" % \ str(obj_name)) continue self._gtk_handlers.append((self.gui.get_object("NameCell"), "edited", self._edit_bounds_name)) self._event_handlers.extend(( ("bounds-selection-changed", self._switch_bounds), ("bounds-changed", self._store_bounds_settings), ("bounds-changed", self._trigger_table_update), ("model-list-changed", self._update_model_list))) self.register_gtk_handlers(self._gtk_handlers) self._trigger_table_update() self._switch_bounds() self._update_model_list() self._event_handlers.append(("bounds-changed", "visual-item-updated")) self.register_event_handlers(self._event_handlers) self.register_state_item("bounds-list", self) self.core.register_namespace("bounds", pycam.Plugins.get_filter(self)) return True def teardown(self): self.clear_state_items() self.core.unregister_namespace("bounds") if self.gui: self.core.unregister_ui("main", self.gui.get_object("BoundsBox")) self.unregister_gtk_handlers(self._gtk_handlers) self.unregister_event_handlers(self._event_handlers) self.core.set("bounds", None) while len(self) > 0: self.pop() def get_selected(self, index=False): return self._get_selected(self._boundsview, index=index) def select(self, bounds): if bounds in self: selection = self._boundsview.get_selection() index = [id(b) for b in self].index(id(bounds)) selection.unselect_all() selection.select_path((index,)) def get_selected_models(self, index=False): return self.models_control.get_value() def select_models(self, models): self.models_control.set_value(models) def _render_bounds_size(self, column, cell, model, m_iter): path = model.get_path(m_iter) bounds = self[path[0]] low, high = bounds.get_absolute_limits() if None in low or None in high: text = "" else: text = "%g x %g x %g" % tuple([high[i] - low[i] for i in range(3)]) cell.set_property("text", text) def _render_bounds_name(self, column, cell, model, m_iter): path = model.get_path(m_iter) bounds = self[path[0]] cell.set_property("text", bounds["name"]) def _trigger_table_update(self): self.gui.get_object("SizeColumn").set_cell_data_func( self.gui.get_object("SizeCell"), self._render_bounds_size) self.gui.get_object("NameColumn").set_cell_data_func( self.gui.get_object("NameCell"), self._render_bounds_name) def _update_model_list(self): models = self.core.get("models") choices = [] for model in models: choices.append((model["name"], model)) self.models_control.update_choices(choices) def _store_bounds_settings(self, widget=None): data = self.get_selected() control_box = self.gui.get_object("BoundsSettingsControlsBox") if data is None: control_box.hide() return else: for obj_name in self.CONTROL_BUTTONS: obj = self.gui.get_object(obj_name) for get_func in self.CONTROL_GET: if hasattr(obj, get_func): value = getattr(obj, get_func)() data["parameters"][obj_name] = value break else: self.log.info("Failed to update value of control %s" % obj_name) data["parameters"]["Models"] = self.get_selected_models() control_box.show() self._hide_and_show_controls() def _hide_and_show_controls(self): # show the proper descriptive label for the current margin type relative_label = self.gui.get_object("MarginTypeRelativeLabel") custom_label = self.gui.get_object("MarginTypeCustomLabel") model_list = self.gui.get_object("ModelsTableFrame") percent_switch = self.gui.get_object("RelativeUnit") controls_x = self.gui.get_object("MarginControlsX") controls_y = self.gui.get_object("MarginControlsY") controls_z = self.gui.get_object("MarginControlsZ") if self.gui.get_object("TypeRelativeMargin").get_active(): relative_label.show() custom_label.hide() model_list.show() percent_switch.show() controls_x.show() controls_y.show() controls_z.show() else: relative_label.hide() custom_label.show() model_list.hide() percent_switch.hide() controls_x.hide() controls_y.hide() controls_z.hide() def _switch_relative_custom(self, widget=None): bounds = self.get_selected() if not bounds: return models = [m.model for m in bounds["parameters"]["Models"]] if self.gui.get_object("TypeRelativeMargin").get_active(): # no models are currently selected func_low = lambda value, axis: 0 func_high = func_low else: # relative margins -> absolute coordinates # calculate the model bounds low, high = pycam.Geometry.Model.get_combined_bounds(models) if None in low or None in high: # zero-sized models -> no action return dim = [] for axis in range(3): dim.append(high[axis] - low[axis]) if self._is_percent(): func_low = lambda value, axis: low[axis] - (value / 100.0 * dim[axis]) func_high = lambda value, axis: high[axis] + (value / 100.0 * dim[axis]) else: func_low = lambda value, axis: low[axis] - value func_high = lambda value, axis: high[axis] + value # absolute mode -> no models may be selected self._modelview.get_selection().unselect_all() for axis in "XYZ": for func, name in ((func_low, "BoundaryLow"), (func_high, "BoundaryHigh")): try: result = func(bounds["parameters"][name + axis], "XYZ".index(axis)) except ZeroDivisionError: # this happens for flat models result = 0 self.gui.get_object(name + axis).set_value(result) def _switch_percent_absolute(self, widget=None): """ re-calculate the values of the controls for the lower and upper margin of each axis. This is only necessary, if there are referenced models. Switching between percent and absolute values changes only numbers, but not the extend of margins. """ bounds = self.get_selected() if not bounds: return models = [m.model for m in bounds["parameters"]["Models"]] # calculate the model bounds low, high = pycam.Geometry.Model.get_combined_bounds(models) if None in low or None in high: # zero-sized models -> no action return dim = [] for axis in range(3): dim.append(high[axis] - low[axis]) if self._is_percent(): # switched from absolute to percent func = lambda value, axis: value / dim[axis] * 100.0 else: func = lambda value, axis: (value / 100.0) * dim[axis] for axis in "XYZ": for name in ("BoundaryLow", "BoundaryHigh"): try: result = func(bounds["parameters"][name + axis], "XYZ".index(axis)) except ZeroDivisionError: # this happens for flat models result = 0 self.gui.get_object(name + axis).set_value(result) # Make sure that the new state of %/mm is always stored - even if no # control value has really changed (e.g. if all margins were zero). self._store_bounds_settings() def _adjust_bounds(self, widget, axis, change): bounds = self.get_selected() if not bounds: return axis_index = "xyz".index(axis) change_factor = {"0": 0, "+": 1, "-": -1}[change] if change == "0": bounds["parameters"]["BoundaryLow%s" % axis.upper()] = 0 bounds["parameters"]["BoundaryHigh%s" % axis.upper()] = 0 elif self._is_percent(): # % margin bounds["parameters"]["BoundaryLow%s" % axis.upper()] += change_factor * 10 bounds["parameters"]["BoundaryHigh%s" % axis.upper()] += change_factor * 10 else: # absolute margin models = [m.model for m in self.get_selected_models()] model_low, model_high = pycam.Geometry.Model.get_combined_bounds(models) if None in model_low or None in model_high: return change_value = (model_high[axis_index] - model_low[axis_index]) * 0.1 bounds["parameters"]["BoundaryLow%s" % axis.upper()] += change_value * change_factor bounds["parameters"]["BoundaryHigh%s" % axis.upper()] += change_value * change_factor self._update_controls() self.core.emit_event("bounds-changed") def _is_percent(self): return _RELATIVE_UNIT[self.gui.get_object("RelativeUnit").get_active()] == "%" def _update_controls(self): bounds = self.get_selected() control_box = self.gui.get_object("BoundsSettingsControlsBox") if not bounds: control_box.hide() else: self.unregister_gtk_handlers(self._gtk_handlers) for obj_name, value in bounds["parameters"].iteritems(): if obj_name == "Models": self.select_models(value) continue obj = self.gui.get_object(obj_name) for set_func in self.CONTROL_SET: if hasattr(obj, set_func): if (value is False) and hasattr(obj, "get_group"): # no "False" for radio buttons pass else: getattr(obj, set_func)(value) break else: self.log.info("Failed to set value of control: %s" % \ obj_name) self.register_gtk_handlers(self._gtk_handlers) self._hide_and_show_controls() control_box.show() def _switch_bounds(self, widget=None): self._update_controls() # update the sensitivity of the lower z margin for contour models self.core.emit_event("bounds-changed") def _bounds_new(self, *args): bounds_names = [bounds["name"] for bounds in self] bounds_id = 1 while ("Bounds #%d" % bounds_id) in bounds_names: bounds_id += 1 new_bounds = BoundsDict(self.core, "Bounds #%d" % bounds_id) self.append(new_bounds) self.select(new_bounds) def _edit_bounds_name(self, cell, path, new_text): path = int(path) bounds_ref = self._treemodel[path][self.COLUMN_REF] bounds = [bound for bound in self if id(bound) == bounds_ref] if (new_text != bounds["name"]) and new_text: bounds["name"] = new_text class BoundsDict(pycam.Plugins.ObjectWithAttributes): def __init__(self, core, name, *args, **kwargs): super(BoundsDict, self).__init__("bounds", *args, **kwargs) self["name"] = name self["parameters"] = {} self.core = core self["parameters"].update({ "BoundaryLowX": 0, "BoundaryLowY": 0, "BoundaryLowZ": 0, "BoundaryHighX": 0, "BoundaryHighY": 0, "BoundaryHighZ": 0, "TypeRelativeMargin": True, "TypeCustom": False, # Use "list" conversion here: python 2.5 does not support # "index" for tuples. "RelativeUnit": list(_RELATIVE_UNIT).index("%"), "ToolLimit": list(_BOUNDARY_MODES).index("along"), "Models": [], }) def get_absolute_limits(self, tool=None, models=None): default = (None, None, None), (None, None, None) get_low_value = lambda axis: \ self["parameters"]["BoundaryLow%s" % "XYZ"[axis]] get_high_value = lambda axis: \ self["parameters"]["BoundaryHigh%s" % "XYZ"[axis]] if self["parameters"]["TypeRelativeMargin"]: # choose the appropriate set of models if self["parameters"]["Models"]: # configured models always take precedence models = self["parameters"]["Models"] elif models: # use the supplied models (e.g. for toolpath calculation) pass else: # use all visible models -> for live visualization models = self.core.get("models").get_visible() low_model, high_model = pycam.Geometry.Model.get_combined_bounds( [model.model for model in models]) if None in low_model or None in high_model: # zero-sized models -> no action return default is_percent = _RELATIVE_UNIT[self["parameters"]["RelativeUnit"]] == "%" low, high = [], [] if is_percent: for axis in range(3): dim = high_model[axis] - low_model[axis] low.append(low_model[axis] - (get_low_value(axis) / 100.0 * dim)) high.append(high_model[axis] + (get_high_value(axis) / 100.0 * dim)) else: for axis in range(3): low.append(low_model[axis] - get_low_value(axis)) high.append(high_model[axis] + get_high_value(axis)) else: low, high = [], [] for axis in range(3): low.append(get_low_value(axis)) high.append(get_high_value(axis)) tool_limit = _BOUNDARY_MODES[self["parameters"]["ToolLimit"]] # apply inside/along/outside if a tool is given if tool and (tool_limit != "along"): tool_radius = tool["parameters"]["radius"] if tool_limit == "inside": offset = -tool_radius else: offset = tool_radius # apply offset only for x and y for index in range(2): low[index] -= offset high[index] += offset return low, high