#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Copyright 2010 Lars Kruse <devel@sumpfralle.de>
Copyright 2008-2009 Lode Leroy

This file is part of PyCAM.

PyCAM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

PyCAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with PyCAM.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

# extend the PYTHONPATH to include the "src" directory
import sys
import os
BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "src"))

# register the glut32.dll manually for the pyinstaller standalone executable
if hasattr(sys, "frozen") and sys.frozen and "_MEIPASS2" in os.environ:
    from ctypes import windll

import pycam.Gui.common as GuiCommon
import pycam.Gui.Settings
import pycam.Gui.Console
import pycam.Importers.TestModel
import pycam.Importers
import pycam.Exporters.GCodeExporter
import pycam.Toolpath.Generator
import pycam.Utils.threading
import pycam.Utils
from pycam.Toolpath import Bounds, Toolpath
from pycam import VERSION
import pycam.Utils.log
from optparse import OptionParser
import socket
import logging
import time

# we need the multiprocessing exception for remote connections
    import multiprocessing
except ImportError:
    class multiprocessing:
        # use an arbitrary other Exception
        AuthenticationError = socket.error

log = pycam.Utils.log.get_logger()

        os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "samples"),
        os.path.join(sys.prefix, "share", "pycam", "samples"),
        os.path.join("usr", "share", "pycam", "samples")]
# for pyinstaller (windows distribution)
if "_MEIPASS2" in os.environ:
    EXAMPLE_MODEL_LOCATIONS.insert(0, os.path.join(os.path.normpath(
            os.environ["_MEIPASS2"]), "samples"))
DEFAULT_MODEL_FILE = "pycam.stl"
EXIT_CODES = {"ok": 0, "requirements": 1, "load_model_failed": 2,
        "write_output_failed": 3, "parsing_failed": 4,
        "server_without_password": 5, "connection_error": 6}

def show_gui(inputfile=None, task_settings_file=None):
    deps_gtk = GuiCommon.requirements_details_gtk()
    report_gtk = GuiCommon.get_dependency_report(deps_gtk, prefix="\t")
    if GuiCommon.check_dependencies(deps_gtk):
        from pycam.Gui.Project import ProjectGui
        gui_class = ProjectGui
        full_report = []
        full_report.append("PyCAM dependency problem")
        full_report.append("Error: Failed to load the GTK interface.")
        full_report.append("Detailed list of requirements: %s" % GuiCommon.REQUIREMENTS_LINK)
        return EXIT_CODES["requirements"]

    gui = gui_class()

    # load the given model or the default
    if inputfile is None:
        default_model = get_default_model()
        if isinstance(default_model, basestring):

    # load task settings file
    if not task_settings_file is None:

    # open the GUI
    # no error -> return no error code
    return None

def get_default_model():
    """ return a filename or a Model instance """
    # try to load the default model file ("pycam" logo)
    for inputdir in EXAMPLE_MODEL_LOCATIONS:
        inputfile = os.path.join(inputdir, DEFAULT_MODEL_FILE)
        if os.path.isfile(inputfile):
            return inputfile
        # fall back to the simple test model
        log.warn("Failed to find the default model (%s) in the " \
                "following locations: %s" % (DEFAULT_MODEL_FILE,
                        ", ".join(EXAMPLE_MODEL_LOCATIONS)))
        return pycam.Importers.TestModel.get_test_model()

def load_model_file(filename, program_locations, unit=None):
    filename = os.path.expanduser(filename)
    if not os.path.isfile(filename):
        log.warn("The input file ('%s') was not found!" % filename)
        return None
    filetype, importer = pycam.Importers.detect_file_type(filename)
    model = importer(filename, program_locations=program_locations, unit=unit)
    if model is None:
        log.warn("Failed to load the model file (%s)." % filename)
        return None
        return model

def get_output_handler(destination):
    if destination == "-":
        handler = sys.stdout
        closer = lambda: None
        # support paths with a tilde (~)
        destination = os.path.expanduser(destination)
            handler = open(destination, "w")
        except IOError, err_msg:
            log.error("Failed to open output file (%s) for writing: %s" \
                    % (destination, err_msg))
            return None, None
        closer = handler.close
    return (handler, closer)

def execute(parser, opts, args, pycam):
    # try to change the process name

    if len(args) > 0:
        inputfile = os.path.expanduser(args[0])
        inputfile = None

    if opts.debug:
    elif opts.quiet:
        # disable the progress bar
        opts.progress = "none"

    # show version and exit
    if opts.show_version:
        if opts.quiet:
            # print only the bare version number
            print VERSION
            print "PyCAM %s" % VERSION
            print "Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Lode Leroy"
            print "Copyright (C) 2010 Lars Kruse"
            print "License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <http://gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>."
            print "This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it."
            print "There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law."
        return EXIT_CODES["ok"]

    if not opts.disable_psyco:
            import psyco
            log.info("Psyco enabled")
        except ImportError:
            log.info("Psyco is not available (performance will probably " \
                    + "suffer slightly)")
        log.info("Psyco was disabled via the commandline")

    # check if server-auth-key is given -> this is mandatory for server mode
    if (opts.enable_server or opts.start_server) and not opts.server_authkey:
        parser.error("You need to supply a shared secret for server mode. " \
                + "This is supposed to prevent you from exposing your host " \
                + "to remote access without authentication.\n" \
                + "Please add the '--server-auth-key' argument followed by " \
                + "a shared secret password.")
        return EXIT_CODES["server_without_password"]

    # initialize multiprocessing
        if opts.start_server:
                    remote=opts.remote_server, run_server=True,
            return EXIT_CODES["ok"]
                    enable_server=opts.enable_server, remote=opts.remote_server,
    except socket.error, err_msg:
        log.error("Failed to connect to remote server: %s" % err_msg)
        return EXIT_CODES["connection_error"]
    except multiprocessing.AuthenticationError, err_msg:
        log.error("The remote server rejected your authentication key: %s" \
                % err_msg)
        return EXIT_CODES["connection_error"]

    # initialize the progress bar
    progress_styles = {"none": pycam.Gui.Console.ConsoleProgressBar.STYLE_NONE,
            "text": pycam.Gui.Console.ConsoleProgressBar.STYLE_TEXT,
            "bar": pycam.Gui.Console.ConsoleProgressBar.STYLE_BAR,
            "dot": pycam.Gui.Console.ConsoleProgressBar.STYLE_DOT,
    progress_bar = pycam.Gui.Console.ConsoleProgressBar(sys.stdout,

    if opts.config_file:
        opts.config_file = os.path.expanduser(opts.config_file)

    if not opts.export_gcode and not opts.export_task_config:
        result = show_gui(inputfile, opts.config_file)
        if not result is None:
            # deliver the error code to our caller
            return result
        # generate toolpath
        tps = pycam.Gui.Settings.ToolpathSettings()
        tool_shape = {"cylindrical": "CylindricalCutter",
                "spherical": "SphericalCutter",
                "toroidal": "ToroidalCutter",
        tps.set_tool(opts.tool_id, tool_shape, 0.5 * opts.tool_diameter,
                0.5 * opts.tool_torus_diameter, opts.tool_spindle_speed,
        if opts.support_grid_enabled:
                    opts.support_grid_distance_y, opts.support_grid_thickness,
        if opts.collision_engine == "ode":
        path_generator, postprocessor = {
                "layer": ("PushCutter", "SimpleCutter"),
                "contour-follow": ("ContourFollow", "SimpleCutter"),
                "contour-polygon": ("PushCutter", "ContourCutter"),
                "surface": ("DropCutter", "PathAccumulator"),
                "engrave": ("EngraveCutter", "SimpleCutter"),
        tps.set_process_settings(path_generator, postprocessor,
        # set locations of external programs
        program_locations = {}
        if opts.external_program_inkscape:
            program_locations["inkscape"] = opts.external_program_inkscape
        if opts.external_program_pstoedit:
            program_locations["pstoedit"] = opts.external_program_pstoedit
        # load the model
        if inputfile is None:
            model = get_default_model()
            # the "get_default_model" function returns a string or a model
            if isinstance(model, basestring):
                model = load_model_file(model,
            model = load_model_file(inputfile,
                    program_locations=program_locations, unit=opts.unit_size)
        if model is None:
            # something went wrong - we quit
            return EXIT_CODES["load_model_failed"]
        # calculate the processing boundary
        bounds = Bounds()
        # set the bounds type and let the default bounding box match the model
        if opts.bounds_type == "relative-margin":
            bounds_default_low = (0, 0, 0)
            bounds_default_high = (0, 0, 0)
        elif opts.bounds_type == "fixed-margin":
            bounds_default_low = (0, 0, 0)
            bounds_default_high = (0, 0, 0)
            # custom boundary setting
            bounds_default_low = (model.minx, model.miny, model.minz)
            bounds_default_high = (model.maxx, model.maxy, model.maxz)
        # TODO: use the optparse conversion callback instead
        def parse_triple_float(text):
            nums = text.split(",")
            if len(nums) != 3:
                return None
            result = []
            for num in nums:
                except ValueError:
                    if num == "":
                        return None
            return result
        bounds_lower_nums = parse_triple_float(opts.bounds_lower)
        if opts.bounds_lower and not bounds_lower_nums:
            parser.error("Failed to parse the lower boundary limit: %s" \
                    % opts.bounds_lower)
            return EXIT_CODES["parsing_failed"]
        bounds_upper_nums = parse_triple_float(opts.bounds_upper)
        if opts.bounds_upper and not bounds_upper_nums:
            parser.error("Failed to parse the upper boundary limit: %s" \
                    % opts.bounds_upper)
            return EXIT_CODES["parsing_failed"]
        if bounds_lower_nums is None:
            bounds_lower_nums = bounds_default_low
        if bounds_upper_nums is None:
            bounds_upper_nums = bounds_default_high
        # both lower and upper bounds were specified
        bounds.set_bounds(bounds_lower_nums, bounds_upper_nums)
        # adjust the bounding box according to the "boundary_mode"
        if opts.boundary_mode == "along":
            offset = (0, 0, 0)
        elif opts.boundary_mode == "inside":
            offset = (-0.5 * opts.tool_diameter, -0.5 * opts.tool_diameter, 0)
            # "outside"
            offset = (0.5 * opts.tool_diameter, 0.5 * opts.tool_diameter, 0)
        process_bounds = Bounds(Bounds.TYPE_FIXED_MARGIN, offset, offset)
        if opts.export_gcode:
            # generate the toolpath
            start_time = time.time()
            toolpath = pycam.Toolpath.Generator.generate_toolpath_from_settings(
                    model, tps, callback=progress_bar.update)
            log.info("Toolpath generation time: %f" \
                    % (time.time() - start_time))
            # write result
            if isinstance(toolpath, basestring):
                # an error occoured
                description = "Toolpath generated via PyCAM v%s" % VERSION
                tp_obj = Toolpath(toolpath, description, tps)
                handler, closer = get_output_handler(opts.export_gcode)
                if handler is None:
                    return EXIT_CODES["write_output_failed"]
                generator = pycam.Exporters.GCodeExporter.GCodeGenerator(
                        handler, metric_units = (opts.unit_size == "mm"),
                generator.set_speed(opts.tool_feedrate, opts.tool_spindle_speed)
                path_mode = opts.gcode_path_mode
                PATH_MODES = pycam.Exporters.GCodeExporter.PATH_MODES
                if (path_mode == "continuous") \
                        and (not opts.gcode_motion_tolerance is None):
                    if opts.gcode_naive_tolerance == 0:
                        naive_tolerance = None
                        naive_tolerance = opts.gcode_naive_tolerance
                            opts.gcode_motion_tolerance, naive_tolerance)
        if opts.export_task_config:
            handler, closer = get_output_handler(opts.export_task_config)
            if handler is None:
                return EXIT_CODES["write_output_failed"]
            print >>handler, tps.get_string()
    # no error -> don't return a specific exit code
    return None

# define the commandline interface
if __name__ == "__main__":
    # The PyInstaller standalone executable requires this "freeze_support" call.
    # Otherwise we will see a warning regarding an invalid argument called
    # "--multiprocessing-fork". This problem can be triggered on single-core
    # systems with these arguments: "--enable-server --server-auth-key foo".
    if hasattr(multiprocessing, "freeze_support"):
    parser = OptionParser(prog="PyCAM",
            usage="usage: pycam [options] [inputfile]\n\n" \
                    + "Start the PyCAM toolpath generator. Supplying one of " \
                    + "the '--export-?' parameters will cause PyCAM to start " \
                    + "in batch mode. Most parameters are useful only for " \
                    + "batch mode.",
            epilog="Take a look at the wiki for more information: " \
                    + "http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/pycam/.\n" \
                    + "Bug reports: http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=237831&atid=1104176")
    group_general = parser.add_option_group("General options")
    group_export = parser.add_option_group("Export formats",
            "Export the resulting toolpath or meta-data in various formats. " \
            + "These options trigger the non-interactive mode. Thus the GUI " \
            + "is disabled.")
    group_tool = parser.add_option_group("Tool definition",
            "Specify the tool parameters. The default tool is spherical and " \
            + "has a diameter of 1 unit. The default speeds are 1000 " \
            + "units/minute (feedrate) and 250 (spindle rotations per minute)")
    group_process = parser.add_option_group("Process definition",
            "Specify the process parameters: toolpath strategy, layer height," \
            + " and others. A typical roughing operation is configured by " \
            + "default.")
    group_bounds = parser.add_option_group("Boundary definition",
            "Specify the outer limits of the processing area (x/y/z). " \
            + "You may choose between 'relative_margin' (margin is given as " \
            + "percentage of the respective model dimension), 'fixed_margin' " \
            + "(margin for each face given in absolute units of length) " \
            + "and 'custom' (absolute coordinates of the bounding box - " \
            + "regardless of the model size and position). Negative values " \
            + "are allowed and can make sense (e.g. negative margin).")
    group_support_grid = parser.add_option_group("Support grid",
            "An optional support grid can be used to keep the object in " \
            + "place during the mill operation. The support grid can be " \
            + "removed manually afterwards. The support grid can have a " \
            + "rectangular profile. By default the support grid is disabled.")
    group_gcode = parser.add_option_group("GCode settings",
            "Specify some details of the generated GCode.")
    group_external_programs = parser.add_option_group("External programs",
            "Some optional external programs are used for format conversions.")
    # general options
    group_general.add_option("-c", "--config", dest="config_file",
            default=None, action="store", type="string",
            help="load a task settings file")
    group_general.add_option("", "--unit", dest="unit_size",
            default="mm", action="store", type="choice",
            choices=["mm", "inch"], help="choose 'mm' or 'inch' for all " \
            + "numbers. By default 'mm' is assumed.")
    group_general.add_option("", "--collision-engine", dest="collision_engine",
            default="triangles", action="store", type="choice",
            choices=["triangles", "ode"],
            help="choose a specific collision detection engine. The default " \
                    + "is 'triangles'. Use 'help' to get a list of possible " \
                    + "engines.")
    group_general.add_option("", "--boundary-mode", dest="boundary_mode",
            default="along", action="store", type="choice",
            choices=["inside", "along", "outside"],
            help="specify if the mill tool (including its radius) should " \
                    + "move completely 'inside', 'along' or 'outside' the " \
                    + "defined processing boundary.")
    group_general.add_option("", "--disable-psyco", dest="disable_psyco",
            default=False, action="store_true", help="disable the Psyco " \
                    + "just-in-time-compiler even when it is available")
    group_general.add_option("", "--number-of-processes",
            dest="parallel_processes", default=None, type="int", action="store",
            help="override the default detection of multiple CPU cores. " \
                    + "Parallel processing only works with Python 2.6 or " \
                    + "later.")
    group_general.add_option("", "--enable-server", dest="enable_server",
            default=False, action="store_true", help="enable a local server " \
                    + "and (optionally) remote worker servers.")
    group_general.add_option("", "--remote-server", dest="remote_server",
            default=None, action="store", type="string", help="Connect to a " \
                    + "remote task server to distribute the processing load. " \
                    + "The server is given as an IP or a hostname with an " \
                    + "optional port (default: 1250) separated by a colon.")
    group_general.add_option("", "--start-server-only", dest="start_server",
            default=False, action="store_true", help="Start only a local " \
                    + "server for handling remote requests.")
    group_general.add_option("", "--server-auth-key", dest="server_authkey",
            default="", action="store", type="string", help="Secret used for " \
                    + "connecting to a remote server or for granting access " \
                    + "to remote clients.")
    group_general.add_option("-q", "--quiet", dest="quiet",
            default=False, action="store_true", help="show only warnings and " \
            + "errors.")
    group_general.add_option("-d", "--debug", dest="debug",
            default=False, action="store_true", help="enable output of debug " \
            + "messages.")
    group_general.add_option("", "--progress", dest="progress",
            default="text", action="store", type="choice",
            choices=["none", "text", "bar", "dot"],
            help="specify the type of progress bar used in non-GUI mode. " \
            + "The following options are available: text, none, bar, dot.")
    group_general.add_option("", "--profiling", dest="profile_destination",
            action="store", type="string",
            help="store profiling statistics in a file (only for debugging)")
    group_general.add_option("-v", "--version", dest="show_version",
            default=False, action="store_true", help="show the current " \
            + "version of PyCAM and exit")
    # export options
    group_export.add_option("", "--export-gcode", dest="export_gcode",
            default=None, action="store", type="string",
            help="export the generated toolpaths to a file")
    group_export.add_option("", "--export-task-config",
            dest="export_task_config", default=None, action="store",
            help="export the current task configuration (mainly for debugging)")
    # tool options
    group_tool.add_option("", "--tool-shape", dest="tool_shape",
            default="cylindrical", action="store", type="choice",
            choices=["cylindrical", "spherical", "toroidal"],
            help="tool shape for the operation (cylindrical, spherical, " \
            + "toroidal)")
    group_tool.add_option("", "--tool-size", dest="tool_diameter",
            default=1.0, action="store", type="float",
            help="diameter of the tool")
    group_tool.add_option("", "--tool-torus-size", dest="tool_torus_diameter",
            default=0.25, action="store", type="float",
            help="torus diameter of the tool (only for toroidal tool shape)")
    group_tool.add_option("", "--tool-feedrate", dest="tool_feedrate",
            default=1000, action="store", type="float",
            help="allowed movement velocity of the tool (units/minute)")
    group_tool.add_option("", "--tool-spindle-speed", dest="tool_spindle_speed",
            default=250, action="store", type="float",
            help="rotation speed of the tool (per minute)")
    group_tool.add_option("", "--tool-id", dest="tool_id",
            default=1, action="store", type="int",
            help="tool ID - to be used for tool selection via GCode " \
            + "(default: 1)")
    # process options
    group_process.add_option("", "--process-path-direction",
            dest="process_path_direction", default="x", action="store",
            type="choice", choices=["x", "y", "xy"],
            help="primary direction of the generated toolpath (x/y/xy)")
    group_process.add_option("", "--process-path-strategy",
            dest="process_path_strategy", default="surface", action="store",
            type="choice", choices=["layer", "contour-follow",
                    "contour-polygon", "surface", "engrave"],
            help="one of the available toolpath strategies (layer, surface, " \
            + "contour-follow, contour-polygon, engrave)")
    group_process.add_option("", "--process-material-allowance",
            dest="process_material_allowance", default=0.0, action="store",
            type="float", help="minimum distance between the tool and the " \
            + "object (for rough processing)")
    group_process.add_option("", "--process-step-down",
            dest="process_step_down", default=3.0, action="store", type="float",
            help="the maximum thickness of each processed material layer " \
            + "(only for 'layer' strategy)")
    group_process.add_option("", "--process-overlap-percent",
            dest="process_overlap_percent", default=0, action="store",
            type="int", help="how much should two adjacent parallel " \
            + "toolpaths overlap each other (0..99)")
    group_process.add_option("", "--process-milling-style",
            dest="process_milling_style", default="ignore",
            action="store", type="choice",
            choices=["ignore", "conventional", "climb"],
            help="milling style (conventional / climb / ignore)")
    group_process.add_option("", "--safety-height", dest="safety_height",
            default=25.0, action="store", type="float",
            help="height for safe re-positioning moves")
    group_process.add_option("", "--process-engrave-offset",
            dest="process_engrave_offset", default=0.0, action="store",
            type="float", help="engrave along the contour of a model with a " \
            + "given distance (only for 'engrave' strategy)")
    # bounds settings
    group_bounds.add_option("", "--bounds-type", dest="bounds_type",
            default="fixed-margin", action="store", type="choice",
            choices=["relative-margin", "fixed-margin", "custom"],
            help="type of the boundary definition (relative-margin, " \
            + "fixed-margin, custom)")
    group_bounds.add_option("", "--bounds-lower", dest="bounds_lower",
            default="", action="store", type="string",
            help="comma-separated x/y/z combination of the lower boundary " \
            + "(e.g. '4,4,-0.5')")
    group_bounds.add_option("", "--bounds-upper", dest="bounds_upper",
            default="", action="store", type="string",
            help="comma-separated x/y/z combination of the upper boundary " \
            + "(e.g. '12,5.5,0')")
    # support grid settings
    group_support_grid.add_option("", "--enable-support-grid",
            dest="support_grid_enabled", default=False, action="store_true",
            help="enable the support grid")
    group_support_grid.add_option("", "--support-grid-distance-x",
            dest="support_grid_distance_x", default=10.0, action="store",
            type="float", help="distance along the x-axis between two " \
                    + "adjacent parallel lines of the support grid pattern")
    group_support_grid.add_option("", "--support-grid-distance-y",
            dest="support_grid_distance_y", default=10.0, action="store",
            type="float", help="distance along the y-axis between two " \
                    + "adjacent parallel lines of the support grid pattern")
    group_support_grid.add_option("", "--support-grid-height",
            dest="support_grid_height", default=2.0, action="store",
            type="float", help="height of the support grid profile")
    group_support_grid.add_option("", "--support-grid-thickness",
            dest="support_grid_thickness", default=0.5, action="store",
            type="float", help="width of the support grid profile")
    # gcode options
    group_gcode.add_option("", "--gcode-no-start-stop-spindle",
            dest="gcode_no_start_stop_spindle", default=True,
            action="store_false", help="do not start the spindle before " \
            + "and stop it after each operation (M3/M5)")
    group_gcode.add_option("", "--gcode-minimum-step",
            dest="gcode_minimum_step_x", default=0.0,
            type="float", action="store", help="mimimum axial distance " \
            + "between two machine positions. Any shorter move is not " \
            + "written to GCode (default: 0.0).")
    group_gcode.add_option("", "--gcode-path-mode", dest="gcode_path_mode",
            default="exact_path", action="store", type="choice",
            choices=["exact_path", "exact_stop", "continuous"],
            help="choose the GCode path mode from 'exact_path', 'exact_stop' " \
            + "and 'continuous'. Use '--gcode-motion-tolerance' and " \
            + "and '--gcode-naive-tolerance' if you want to limit the " \
            + "deviation. See http://linuxcnc.org/docs/html/gcode_main.html " \
            + "(G61) for details.")
    group_gcode.add_option("", "--gcode-motion-tolerance",
            dest="gcode_motion_tolerance", default=None,
            action="store", help="the optional motion tolerance for " \
            + "'continuous' path mode (G64).")
    group_gcode.add_option("", "--gcode-naive-tolerance",
            dest="gcode_naive_tolerance", default=None,
            action="store", help="the optional naive CAM tolerance for " \
            + "'continuous' path mode (G64).")
    # external program settings
    group_external_programs.add_option("", "--location-inkscape",
            dest="external_program_inkscape", default="", action="store",
            type="string", help="location of the Inkscape executable. " \
            + "This program is required for importing SVG files.")
    group_external_programs.add_option("", "--location-pstoedit",
            dest="external_program_pstoedit", default="", action="store",
            type="string", help="location of the PStoEdit executable. " \
            + "This program is required for importing SVG files.")
    (opts, args) = parser.parse_args()

        if opts.profile_destination:
            import cProfile
            exit_code = cProfile.run('execute(parser, opts, args, pycam)',
            # We need to add the parameter "pycam" to avoid weeeeird namespace
            # issues. Any idea how to fix this?
            exit_code = execute(parser, opts, args, pycam)
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        log.info("Quit requested")
        exit_code = None
    if not exit_code is None: