Commit cf8fc29e authored by sumpfralle's avatar sumpfralle

some more improvements for the contour model offsetting

git-svn-id: bbaffbd6-741e-11dd-a85d-61de82d9cad9
parent 9c306788
......@@ -83,8 +83,10 @@ class Line(TransformableContainer):
self.maxy = max(self.p1.y, self.p2.y)
self.maxz = max(self.p1.z, self.p2.z)
def point(self, l):
return self.p1.add(self.dir.mul(l*self.len))
def get_length_line(self, length):
""" return a line with the same direction and the specified length
return Line(self.p1, self.p1.add(self.dir.mul(length)))
def closest_point(self, p):
v = self.dir
......@@ -153,9 +155,9 @@ class Line(TransformableContainer):
return None, None
# the lines are on one straight
if self.is_point_in_line(x3):
return x3, a.len / c.len
return x3, c.norm / a.norm
elif self.is_point_in_line(x4):
return x4, a.len / line.p2.sub(self.p1).len
return x4, line.p2.sub(self.p1).norm / a.norm
elif line.is_point_in_line(x1):
return x1, 0
elif line.is_point_in_line(x2):
......@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ from pycam.Geometry.Point import Point
from pycam.Geometry.Plane import Plane
from pycam.Geometry import TransformableContainer
import pycam.Geometry.Matrix as Matrix
import math
class Polygon(TransformableContainer):
......@@ -43,6 +44,7 @@ class Polygon(TransformableContainer):
self.miny = None
self.maxz = None
self.minz = None
self._lines_cache = None
def append(self, line):
if not self.is_connectable(line):
......@@ -79,6 +81,10 @@ class Polygon(TransformableContainer):
status = "open"
return "Polygon (%s) %s" % (status, [point for point in self._points])
def reverse_direction(self):
def is_connectable(self, line):
if self._is_closed:
return False
......@@ -119,9 +125,29 @@ class Polygon(TransformableContainer):
value += p1.x * p2.y - p2.x * p1.y
return value / 2.0
def get_max_inside_distance(self):
""" calculate the maximum distance between two points of the polygon
if len(self._points) < 2:
return None
distance = self._points[1].sub(self._points[0]).norm
for p1 in self._points:
for p2 in self._points:
if p1 is p2:
distance = max(distance, p2.sub(p1).norm)
return distance
def is_outer(self):
return self.get_area() > 0
def is_polygon_inside(self, polygon):
inside_counter = 0
for point in polygon._points:
if self.is_point_inside(point):
inside_counter += 1
return inside_counter >= len(polygon._points) / 2.0
def is_point_inside(self, p):
""" Test if a given point is inside of the polygon.
The result is unpredictable if the point is exactly on one of the lines.
......@@ -158,7 +184,7 @@ class Polygon(TransformableContainer):
""" Caching is necessary to avoid constant recalculation due to
the "to_OpenGL" method.
if not hasattr(self, "_lines_cache") \
if (self._lines_cache is None) \
or (len(self) != len(self._lines_cache)):
# recalculate the line cache
lines = []
......@@ -170,6 +196,16 @@ class Polygon(TransformableContainer):
def to_OpenGL(self):
for line in self.get_lines():
offset_polygons = self.get_offset_polygons(0.2)
for polygon in offset_polygons:
for line in polygon.get_lines():
for index, point in enumerate(self._points):
line = Line(point, point.add(self.get_bisector(index)))
def _update_limits(self, point):
if self.minx is None:
......@@ -188,34 +224,179 @@ class Polygon(TransformableContainer):
self.maxz = max(self.maxz, point.z)
def reset_cache(self):
if not self._points:
self._lines_cache = None
self.minx, self.miny, self.minz = None, None, None
self.maxx, self.maxy, self.maxz = None, None, None
# update the limit for each line
for point in self._points:
def get_straight_skeleton(self):
skeleton = []
for index in range(len(self._lines)):
# "-1" also works for index==0
l1 = self._lines[index - 1]
l2 = self._lines[index]
skel_p = Point((l1.p1.x + l2.p2.x) / 2.0, (l1.p1.y + l2.p2.y) / 2.0,
(l1.p1.z + l2.p2.z) / 2.0)
skel_dir = skel_p.sub(l1.p2).normalized()
skel_up_vector = skel_dir.cross(l1.dir)
offset_line = self._line_offsets[index - 1]
offset_up_vector = offset_line.cross(l1.dir)
def get_bisector(self, index):
p1 = self._points[index - 1]
p2 = self._points[index]
p3 = self._points[(index + 1) % len(self._points)]
d1 = p2.sub(p1).normalized()
d2 = p2.sub(p3).normalized()
skel_dir = d1.add(d2).normalized()
if skel_dir is None:
# the two vectors pointed to opposite directions
skel_dir = d1.cross(self._plane.n).normalized()
skel_up_vector = skel_dir.cross(p2.sub(p1))
offset_up_vector = self._plane.n
# TODO: check for other axis as well
if offset_up_vector.z * skel_up_vector.z < 0:
# reverse the skeleton vector to point outwards
skel_dir = skel_dir.mul(-1)
return skeleton
return skel_dir
def get_offset_polygons(self, offset):
def get_shifted_vertex(index, offset):
p1 = self._points[index]
p2 = self._points[(index + 1) % len(self._points)]
cross_offset = p2.sub(p1).cross(self._plane.n).normalized()
bisector_normalized = self.get_bisector(index)
factor =
bisector_sized = bisector_normalized.mul(offset / factor)
return p1.add(bisector_sized)
def simplify_polygon_intersections(lines):
new_group = lines[:]
# remove all non-adjacent intersecting lines (this splits the group)
if len(new_group) > 0:
group_starts = []
index1 = 0
while index1 < len(new_group):
index2 = 0
while index2 < len(new_group):
index_distance = min(abs(index2 - index1), \
abs(len(new_group) - (index2 - index1)))
# skip neighbours
if index_distance > 1:
line1 = new_group[index1]
line2 = new_group[index2]
intersection, factor = line1.get_intersection(line2)
if intersection and (intersection != line1.p1) \
and (intersection != line1.p2):
del new_group[index1]
Line(line1.p1, intersection))
new_group.insert(index1 + 1,
Line(intersection, line1.p2))
# Shift all items in "group_starts" by one if
# they reference a line whose index changed.
for i in range(len(group_starts)):
if group_starts[i] > index1:
group_starts[i] += 1
if not index1 + 1 in group_starts:
group_starts.append(index1 + 1)
# don't update index2 -> maybe there are other hits
elif intersection and (intersection == line1.p1):
if not index1 in group_starts:
index2 += 1
index2 += 1
index2 += 1
index1 += 1
# The lines intersect each other
# We need to split the group.
if len(group_starts) > 0:
groups = []
last_start = 0
for group_start in group_starts:
last_start = group_start
# Add the remaining lines to the first group or as a new
# group.
if groups[0][0].p1 == new_group[-1].p2:
groups[0] = new_group[last_start:] + groups[0]
# try to find open groups that can be combined
combined_groups = []
for index, current_group in enumerate(groups):
# Check if the group is not closed: try to add it to
# other non-closed groups.
if current_group[0].p1 == current_group[-1].p2:
# a closed group
# the current group is open
for other_group in groups[index + 1:]:
if other_group[0].p1 != other_group[-1].p2:
# This group is also open - a candidate
# for merging?
if other_group[0].p1 == current_group[-1].p2:
for line in current_group:
other_group.insert(0, line)
if other_group[-1].p2 == current_group[0].p1:
# not suitable open group found
return combined_groups
# just return one group without intersections
return [new_group]
return None
if offset == 0:
return [self]
if offset * 2 >= self.get_max_inside_distance():
# This offset will not create a valid offset polygon.
# Sadly there is currently no other way to detect a complete flip of
# something like a circle.
return []
points = []
for index in range(len(self._points)):
points.append(get_shifted_vertex(index, offset))
new_lines = []
for index in range(len(points)):
p1 = points[index]
p2 = points[(index + 1) % len(points)]
new_lines.append(Line(p1, p2))
cleaned_line_groups = simplify_polygon_intersections(new_lines)
if cleaned_line_groups is None:
return None
# remove all groups with a toggled direction
self_is_outer = self.is_outer()
groups = []
for lines in cleaned_line_groups:
group = Polygon(self._plane)
for line in lines:
if group.is_outer() != self_is_outer:
# We ignore groups that changed the direction. These
# parts of the original group are flipped due to the
# offset.
# Remove polygons that should be inside the original,
# but due to float inaccuracies they are not.
if ((self.is_outer() and (offset < 0)) \
or (not self.is_outer() and (offset > 0))) \
and (not self.is_polygon_inside(group)):
# remove all polygons that are within other polygons
result = []
for group in groups:
inside = False
for group_test in groups:
if group_test is group:
if group_test.is_polygon_inside(group):
inside = True
if not inside:
return result
def get_offset_polygons_old(self, offset):
def get_parallel_line(line, offset):
if offset == 0:
return Line(line.p1, line.p2)
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