Commit cdbb1163 authored by sumpfralle's avatar sumpfralle

moved "height" parameter to the base class

added code for (ODE) tool shape extensions in z dimension

git-svn-id: bbaffbd6-741e-11dd-a85d-61de82d9cad9
parent d68fc0b1
......@@ -9,12 +9,13 @@ class BaseCutter:
id = 0
vertical = Point(0,0,-1)
def __init__(self, location, radius):
def __init__(self, location, radius, height=10):
self.location = location = += 1
self.radius = radius
self.radiussq = radius*radius
self.height = height
self.required_distance = 0
self.distance_radius = self.radius
self.distance_radiussq = self.distance_radius * self.distance_radius
import pycam.Geometry
from pycam.Geometry import Matrix
from pycam.Geometry import *
from pycam.Geometry.utils import *
from pycam.Geometry.intersection import *
from pycam.Cutters.BaseCutter import BaseCutter
from math import sqrt
import math
import OpenGL.GL as GL
......@@ -16,9 +17,8 @@ except:
class CylindricalCutter(BaseCutter):
def __init__(self, radius, location=Point(0,0,0), height=10):
BaseCutter.__init__(self, location, radius)
self.height = height
def __init__(self, radius, location=Point(0,0,0), **kwargs):
BaseCutter.__init__(self, location, radius, **kwargs)
self.axis = Point(0,0,1) = location.sub(Point(0, 0, self.get_required_distance()))
......@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ class CylindricalCutter(BaseCutter):
def get_shape(self, format="ODE"):
if format == "ODE":
import ode
import pycam.Gui.ode_objects
""" We don't handle the the "additional_distance" perfectly, since
the "right" shape would be a cylinder with a small flat cap that
grows to the full expanded radius through a partial sphere. The
......@@ -50,25 +51,35 @@ class CylindricalCutter(BaseCutter):
def set_position(x, y, z):
geom.setPosition((x, y, z))
def extend_shape(diff_x, diff_y, diff_z):
# diff_z is assumed to be zero
# see
hypotenuse = math.sqrt(diff_x * diff_x + diff_y * diff_y)
# some paths contain two identical points (e.g. a "touch" of the PushCutter)
# we don't need any extension for these
if hypotenuse == 0:
cosinus = diff_x / hypotenuse
sinus = diff_y / hypotenuse
# create the cyclinder at the other end
geom_end_transform = ode.GeomTransform(
geom_end = ode.GeomCylinder(None, radius, height)
geom_end.setPosition((diff_x, diff_y, center_height))
geom_end.setPosition((diff_x, diff_y, diff_z + center_height))
# create the block that connects to two cylinders at the end
rot_matrix_box = (cosinus, sinus, 0.0, -sinus, cosinus, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
geom_connect_transform = ode.GeomTransform(
hypotenuse = sqrt(diff_x * diff_x + diff_y * diff_y)
cosinus = diff_x/hypotenuse
sinus = diff_y/hypotenuse
geom_connect = ode.GeomBox(None, (hypotenuse, 2.0 * radius, height))
# see
geom_connect.setRotation((cosinus, sinus, 0.0, -sinus, cosinus, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0))
geom_connect.setPosition((diff_x/2.0, diff_y/2.0, center_height))
geom_connect = pycam.Gui.ode_objects.get_parallelepiped_geom(
(Point(-hypotenuse / 2.0, radius, -diff_z / 2.0), Point(hypotenuse / 2.0, radius, diff_z / 2.0),
Point(hypotenuse / 2.0, -radius, diff_z / 2.0), Point(-hypotenuse / 2.0, -radius, -diff_z / 2.0)),
(Point(-hypotenuse / 2.0, radius, self.height - diff_z / 2.0), Point(hypotenuse / 2.0, radius, self.height + diff_z / 2.0),
Point(hypotenuse / 2.0, -radius, self.height + diff_z / 2.0), Point(-hypotenuse / 2.0, -radius, self.height - diff_z / 2.0)))
geom_connect.setPosition((hypotenuse / 2.0, 0, radius))
geom.children = [geom_connect_transform, geom_end_transform]
# sort the geoms in order of collision probability
geom.children.extend([geom_connect_transform, geom_end_transform])
geom.extend_shape = extend_shape
geom.reset_shape = reset_shape
self.shape[format] = (geom, set_position)
import pycam.Geometry
from pycam.Geometry import Matrix
from pycam.Geometry import *
from pycam.Geometry.utils import *
from pycam.Geometry.intersection import *
from pycam.Cutters.BaseCutter import BaseCutter
from math import sqrt
import math
import OpenGL.GL as GL
......@@ -16,9 +17,8 @@ except:
class SphericalCutter(BaseCutter):
def __init__(self, radius, location=Point(0,0,0), height=10):
BaseCutter.__init__(self, location, radius)
self.height = height
def __init__(self, radius, location=Point(0,0,0), **kwargs):
BaseCutter.__init__(self, location, radius, **kwargs)
self.axis = Point(0,0,1) = Point(location.x, location.y, location.z+radius)
......@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ class SphericalCutter(BaseCutter):
def get_shape(self, format="ODE"):
if format == "ODE":
import ode
import pycam.Gui.ode_objects
additional_distance = self.get_required_distance()
radius = self.radius + additional_distance
center_height = 0.5 * self.height + radius - additional_distance
......@@ -41,44 +42,52 @@ class SphericalCutter(BaseCutter):
def set_position(x, y, z):
geom.setPosition((x, y, z))
def extend_shape(diff_x, diff_y, diff_z):
# diff_z is assumed to be zero
# see
hypotenuse = math.sqrt(diff_x * diff_x + diff_y * diff_y)
# some paths contain two identical points (e.g. a "touch" of the PushCutter)
# we don't need any extension for these
if hypotenuse == 0:
cosinus = diff_x / hypotenuse
sinus = diff_y / hypotenuse
# create the cyclinder at the other end
geom_end_transform = ode.GeomTransform(
geom_end = ode.GeomCapsule(None, radius, self.height)
geom_end.setPosition((diff_x, diff_y, center_height))
geom_end.setPosition((diff_x, diff_y, diff_z + center_height))
# create the block that connects the two cylinders at the end
rot_matrix_box = (cosinus, sinus, 0.0, -sinus, cosinus, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
geom_connect_transform = ode.GeomTransform(
hypotenuse = sqrt(diff_x * diff_x + diff_y * diff_y)
cosinus = diff_x/hypotenuse
sinus = diff_y/hypotenuse
geom_connect = ode.GeomBox(None, (2.0 * radius, hypotenuse, self.height))
# see
rot_matrix_box = (cosinus, sinus, 0.0, -sinus, cosinus, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
geom_connect = pycam.Gui.ode_objects.get_parallelepiped_geom(
(Point(-hypotenuse / 2.0, radius, -diff_z / 2.0), Point(hypotenuse / 2.0, radius, diff_z / 2.0),
Point(hypotenuse / 2.0, -radius, diff_z / 2.0), Point(-hypotenuse / 2.0, -radius, -diff_z / 2.0)),
(Point(-hypotenuse / 2.0, radius, self.height - diff_z / 2.0), Point(hypotenuse / 2.0, radius, self.height + diff_z / 2.0),
Point(hypotenuse / 2.0, -radius, self.height + diff_z / 2.0), Point(-hypotenuse / 2.0, -radius, self.height - diff_z / 2.0)))
geom_connect.setPosition((diff_x/2.0, diff_y/2.0, center_height))
geom_connect.setPosition((hypotenuse / 2.0, 0, radius))
# create a cylinder, that connects the two half spheres at the lower end of both drills
geom_cyl_transform = ode.GeomTransform(
geom_cyl = ode.GeomCylinder(None, radius, hypotenuse)
# switch x and z axis of the cylinder and then rotate it according to diff_x/diff_y
rot_matrix_cyl = (rot_matrix_box[2], rot_matrix_box[1], rot_matrix_box[0],
rot_matrix_box[5], rot_matrix_box[4], rot_matrix_box[3],
rot_matrix_box[8], rot_matrix_box[7], rot_matrix_box[6])
geom_cyl.setPosition((diff_x/2.0, diff_y/2.0, radius - additional_distance))
hypotenuse_3d = Matrix.get_length((diff_x, diff_y, diff_z))
geom_cyl = ode.GeomCylinder(None, radius, hypotenuse_3d)
# rotate cylinder vector
cyl_original_vector = (0, 0, hypotenuse_3d)
cyl_destination_vector = (diff_x, diff_y, diff_z)
geom_cyl.setRotation(Matrix.get_rotation_matrix(cyl_original_vector, cyl_destination_vector))
# the rotation is around the center - thus we ignore negative diff values
geom_cyl.setPosition((abs(diff_x / 2.0), abs(diff_y / 2.0), radius - additional_distance))
# sort the geoms in order or collision probability
geom.children = [geom_connect_transform, geom_cyl_transform, geom_end_transform]
# sort the geoms in order of collision probability
geom.children.extend([geom_connect_transform, geom_cyl_transform, geom_end_transform])
geom.extend_shape = extend_shape
geom.reset_shape = reset_shape
self.shape[format] = (geom, set_position)
return self.shape[format]
def to_OpenGL(self):
if not GL_enabled:
......@@ -17,11 +17,10 @@ except:
class ToroidalCutter(BaseCutter):
def __init__(self, radius, minorradius, location=Point(0,0,0), height=10):
BaseCutter.__init__(self, location, radius)
def __init__(self, radius, minorradius, location=Point(0,0,0), **kwargs):
BaseCutter.__init__(self, location, radius, **kwargs)
self.majorradius = radius-minorradius
self.minorradius = minorradius
self.height = height
self.axis = Point(0,0,1) = Point(location.x, location.y, location.z+minorradius)
self.majorradiussq = sqr(self.majorradius)
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