Commit b0a5e647 authored by sumpfralle's avatar sumpfralle

added a proof of concept for simulating a toolpath with ODE (based on the idea of the ZBuffer)

git-svn-id: bbaffbd6-741e-11dd-a85d-61de82d9cad9
parent 9b4930a4
from pycam.Geometry.Point import Point
import ode
import OpenGL.GL as GL
GL_enabled = True
GL_enabled = False
class ODEBlocks:
def __init__(self, cutter, (minx, maxx, miny, maxy, minz, maxz), x_steps=None, y_steps=None):
self.cutter = cutter
# we don't want to use the "material allowance" distance
dimx = maxx - minx
dimy = maxy - miny
if x_steps is None:
x_steps = 10
if y_steps is None:
y_steps = 10
self.x_steps = x_steps
self.y_steps = y_steps
self.x_offset = minx
self.y_offset = miny
self.z_offset = minz
self.x_width = maxx - minx
self.y_width = maxy - miny
self.z_width = maxz - minz = ode.World() = ode.Space()
self.boxes = []
z_pos = self.z_offset + 0.5 * self.z_width
self.x_step_width = self.x_width / (self.x_steps - 1)
self.y_step_width = self.y_width / (self.y_steps - 1)
for x_pos in [self.x_offset + (index + 0.5) / x_steps * self.x_width for index in range(x_steps)]:
for y_pos in [self.y_offset + (index + 0.5) / y_steps * self.y_width for index in range(y_steps)]:
body = ode.Body(
box = ode.GeomBox(, (self.x_step_width, self.y_step_width, self.z_width))
box.setPosition((x_pos, y_pos, z_pos))
box.position = Point(x_pos, y_pos, z_pos)
def process_cutter_movement(self, location_start, location_end):
# TODO: fix this workaround in the cutters shape defintions (or in ODE?)
# for now we may only move from low x/y values to higher x/y values
if (location_start.x > location_end.x) or (location_start.y > location_end.y):
swap = location_start
location_start = location_end
location_end = location_start
cutter_body = ode.Body(
cutter_shape, cutter_position_func = self.cutter.get_shape("ODE") =
cutter_position_func(location_start.x, location_start.y, location_start.z)
cutter_shape.extend_shape(location_end.x - location_start.x, location_end.y - location_start.y, location_end.z - location_start.z)
aabb = cutter_shape.getAABB()
cutter_height = aabb[5] - aabb[4]
# add a ray along the drill to work around an ODE bug in v0.11.1
currx, curry, currz = cutter_shape.getPosition()
ray = ode.GeomRay(, cutter_height)
ray.set((currx, curry, aabb[5]), (0.0, 0.0, -1.0))
# check for collisions
all_cutter_shapes = [cutter_shape] + cutter_shape.children + [ray]
def check_collision(item):
for one_cutter_shape in all_cutter_shapes:
if ode.collide(item, one_cutter_shape):
return True
return False
for index in range(len(self.boxes)):
if check_collision(self.boxes[index]):
self.shrink_box_avoiding_collision(index, check_collision)
def shrink_box_avoiding_collision(self, box_index, collision_func):
box = self.boxes[box_index]
aabb = box.getAABB()
end_height, start_height = aabb[-2:]
height_half = (start_height - end_height) / 2.0
x_pos = box.position.x
y_pos = box.position.y
new_z = end_height
box.setPosition((x_pos, y_pos, end_height - height_half))
loops_left = 12
upper_limit = start_height
lower_limit = end_height
if collision_func(box):
# the cutter goes down to zero (end_height) - we can skip the rest
loops_left = 0
while loops_left > 0:
new_z = (upper_limit + lower_limit) / 2.0
box.setPosition((x_pos, y_pos, new_z - height_half))
if collision_func(box):
upper_limit = new_z
lower_limit = new_z
loops_left -= 1
del self.boxes[box_index]
# the height should never be zero - otherwise ODE will throw a "bNormalizationResult" assertion
new_height = max(new_z - end_height, 0.1)
z_pos = new_z - new_height / 2.0
new_box = ode.GeomBox(, (aabb[1] - aabb[0], aabb[3] - aabb[2], new_height))
new_box.position = Point(x_pos, y_pos, z_pos)
new_box.setPosition((x_pos, y_pos, z_pos))
self.boxes.insert(box_index, new_box)
def get_height_field(self):
""" returns a two-dimensional height field of the current "landscape" """
result = []
heights = []
for box in self.boxes:
aabb = box.getAABB()
heights.append(Point((aabb[1] + aabb[0]) / 2.0, (aabb[3] + aabb[2]) / 2.0, aabb[5]))
for column in range(self.x_steps):
result.append(heights[column * self.y_steps : (column + 1) * self.y_steps])
return result
def _normal(self, z0, z1, z2):
nx = self.x_steps / self.x_width
ny = self.y_steps / self.y_width
nz = 1.0 / (self.z_width)
return (-ny * (z1 - z0) * nz / nx, -nx * (z2 - z1) * nz / ny, nx * ny / nz * 100)
def to_OpenGL(self):
if not GL_enabled:
height_field = self.get_height_field()
def get_box_height_points(x, y):
""" Get the positions and heights of the the four top corners of a height box.
The result is a tuple of four Points (pycam.Geometry.Point) in the following order:
- left below
- right below
- right above
- left above
("above": greater x position value; "right": greater y position value)
The height of each corner point is calculated as the average of the
four neighbouring boxes. Thus a set of 3x3 adjacent boxes is used
for calculating the heights of the four corners.
points = []
# Go through a set of box index combinations (sharing a common corner).
# The "offsets" tuple is used for indicating the relative position
# of each corner.
for offsets, index_list in (
((-1, -1), ((x - 1, y - 1), (x, y - 1), (x, y), (x - 1, y))),
((+1, -1), ((x, y - 1), (x, y), (x + 1, y), (x + 1, y - 1))),
((+1, +1), ((x, y), (x + 1, y), (x + 1, y + 1), (x, y + 1))),
((-1, +1), ((x - 1, y), (x, y), (x, y + 1), (x - 1, y + 1)))):
divisor = 0
height_sum = 0
x_positions = []
y_positions = []
for ix, iy in index_list:
if (0 <= ix < len(height_field)) and (0 <= iy < len(height_field[ix])):
point = height_field[ix][iy]
height_sum += point.z
divisor += 1
# Use the middle between the x positions of two adjacent boxes,
# _if_ there is a neighbour attached to that corner.
if (min(x_positions) < height_field[x][y].x) \
or (max(x_positions) > height_field[x][y].x):
x_value = (min(x_positions) + max(x_positions)) / 2.0
# There is no adjacent box in x direction. Use the step size
# to calculate the x value of this edge.
x_value = height_field[x][y].x + offsets[0] * self.x_step_width / 2.0
# same as above for y instead of x
if (min(y_positions) < height_field[x][y].y) \
or (max(y_positions) > height_field[x][y].y):
y_value = (min(y_positions) + max(y_positions)) / 2.0
y_value = height_field[x][y].y + offsets[1] * self.y_step_width / 2.0
# Create a Point instance describing the position and the average height.
points.append(Point(x_value, y_value, height_sum / divisor))
return points
# draw the surface
for x in xrange(self.x_steps):
for y in xrange(self.y_steps):
# Get the positions and heights of the four corners surrounding
# the current box.
points_around = get_box_height_points(x, y)
# Calculate the "normal" of polygon. We picked up three random
# points of this quadrilateral.
n = self._normal(points_around[1].z, points_around[2].z, points_around[3].z)
GL.glNormal3f(n[0], n[1], n[2])
for point in points_around:
GL.glVertex3f(point.x, point.y, point.z)
# go through the conditions for an edge box and use the
# appropriate corners for the side faces of the material
for condition, i1, i2 in ((x == 0, 3, 0), (y == 0, 0, 1), (x == self.x_steps - 1, 1, 2), (y == self.y_steps - 1, 2, 3)):
# check if this point belongs to an edge of the material
if condition:
n = self._normal(points_around[1].z, points_around[2].z, points_around[3].z)
GL.glNormal3f(n[0], n[1], n[2])
GL.glVertex3f(points_around[i1].x, points_around[i1].y, self.z_offset)
GL.glVertex3f(points_around[i1].x, points_around[i1].y, points_around[i1].z)
GL.glVertex3f(points_around[i2].x, points_around[i2].y, points_around[i2].z)
GL.glVertex3f(points_around[i2].x, points_around[i2].y, self.z_offset)
all = ['ZBuffer'] all = ['ZBuffer', 'ODEBlocks']
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