Commit 9d6e928b authored by sumpfralle's avatar sumpfralle

r672@erker: lars | 2010-02-15 14:57:19 +0100

 implement the dropcutter code using the ODE collision detection

git-svn-id: bbaffbd6-741e-11dd-a85d-61de82d9cad9
parent 6a0e1176
......@@ -3,131 +3,177 @@ from pycam.Geometry import *
from pycam.Geometry.utils import *
from pycam.Geometry.intersection import intersect_lines
class Dimension:
def __init__(self, start, end):
self.start = float(start)
self.end = float(end)
self._min = float(min(start, end))
self._max = float(max(start, end))
self.downward = start > end
self.value = 0.0
def check_bounds(self, value=None):
if value is None:
value = self.value
return (value >= self._min) and (value <= self._max)
def shift(self, distance):
if self.downward:
self.value -= distance
self.value += distance
def set(self, value):
self.value = float(value)
def get(self):
return self.value
class DropCutter:
def __init__(self, cutter, model, PathProcessor=None):
def __init__(self, cutter, model, PathProcessor=None, physics=None):
self.cutter = cutter
self.model = model
self.processor = PathProcessor
self.physics = physics
def GenerateToolPath(self, minx, maxx, miny, maxy, z0, z1, dx, dy, direction):
def GenerateToolPath(self, minx, maxx, miny, maxy, z0, z1, d0, d1, direction):
if self.processor:
pa = self.processor
pa = PathAccumulator()
if (direction==0):
y = miny
while y<=maxy:
x = minx
dim_x = Dimension(minx, maxx)
dim_y = Dimension(miny, maxy)
dim_height = Dimension(z1, z0)
dims = [None, None, None]
# map the scales according to the order of direction
if direction == 0:
x, y = 0, 1
dim_attrs = ["x", "y"]
y, x = 0, 1
dim_attrs = ["y", "x"]
# order of the "dims" array: first dimension, second dimension
dims[x] = dim_x
dims[y] = dim_y
while dims[1].check_bounds():
t_last = None
cl_last = None
while x<=maxx:
p = Point(x,y,z1)
z_max = -INFINITE
cl_max = None
t_max = None
while dims[0].check_bounds():
p = Point(dims[x].get(), dims[y].get(), dim_height.get())
triangles = self.model.triangles(p.x-self.cutter.radius,p.y-self.cutter.radius,z0,p.x+self.cutter.radius,p.y+self.cutter.radius,+INFINITE)
for t in triangles:
if t.normal().z < 0: continue;
cl = self.cutter.drop(t)
if cl and (cl.z > z_max or cl_max is None):
z_max = cl.z
cl_max = cl
t_max = t
if not cl_max or cl_max.z<z0:
cl_max = Point(x,y,z0)
if cl_last and ((t_max and not t_last) or (t_last and not t_max)):
if cl_last.z < z_max:
low, high = z0, z1
trip_start = 20
safe_z = None
# check if the full step-down would be ok
self.physics.set_drill_position((dims[x].get(), dims[y].get(), z0))
if self.physics.check_collision():
# there is an object between z1 and z0 - we need more loops
trips = trip_start
elif (t_max and t_last and cl_last and cl_max ) and (t_max != t_last):
nxl = -t_last.normal().x
nzl = t_last.normal().z
nxm = -t_max.normal().x
nzm = t_max.normal().z
xl = cl_last.x
zl = cl_last.z
xm = cl_max.x
zm = cl_max.z
(X,Z) = intersect_lines(xl, zl, nxl, nzl, xm, zm, nxm, nzm)
if X and xl < X and X < xm and (Z > zl or Z > zm):
Y = cl_last.y
if Z<z0-10 or Z>z1+10:
print "^", "xl=",xl,", zl=",zl,"nxl=",nxl,", nzl=",nzl,", X=", X, ", Z=",Z,", xm=",xm,",zm=",zm, ", nxm=",nxm,",nzm=",nzm
# no need for further collision detection - we can go down the whole range z1..z0
trips = 0
safe_z = z0
while trips > 0:
current_z = (low + high)/2.0
self.physics.set_drill_position((dims[x].get(), dims[y].get(), current_z))
if self.physics.check_collision():
low = current_z
cl_last = cl_max
t_last = t_max
x += dx
y += dy
high = current_z
safe_z = current_z
trips -= 1
#current_z -= dz
if safe_z is None:
# no safe position was found - let's check the upper bound
self.physics.set_drill_position((dims[x].get(), dims[y].get(), z1))
if self.physics.check_collision():
# the object fills the whole range of z0..z1 - we should issue a warning
pa.append(Point(dims[x].get(), dims[y].get(), INFINITE))
pa.append(Point(dims[x].get(), dims[y].get(), z1))
pa.append(Point(dims[x].get(), dims[y].get(), safe_z))
if direction==1:
x = minx
while x<=maxx:
y = miny
t_last = None
cl_last = None
while y<=maxy:
p = Point(x,y,z1)
z_max = -INFINITE
cl_max = None
t_max = None
height_max = -INFINITE
cut_max = None
triangle_max = None
cut_last = None
triangles = self.model.triangles(p.x-self.cutter.radius,p.y-self.cutter.radius,z0,p.x+self.cutter.radius,p.y+self.cutter.radius,+INFINITE)
box_x_min = p.x - self.cutter.radius
box_x_max = p.x + self.cutter.radius
box_y_min = p.y - self.cutter.radius
box_y_max = p.y + self.cutter.radius
box_z_min = dim_height.end
box_z_max = +INFINITE
triangles = self.model.triangles(box_x_min, box_y_min, box_z_min, box_x_max, box_y_max, box_z_max)
for t in triangles:
if t.normal().z < 0: continue;
cl = self.cutter.drop(t)
if cl and (cl.z > z_max or cl_max is None):
z_max = cl.z
cl_max = cl
t_max = t
if not cl_max or cl_max.z<z0:
cl_max = Point(x,y,z0)
if cl_last and ((t_max and not t_last) or (t_last and not t_max)):
if cl_last.z < z_max:
cut = self.cutter.drop(t)
if cut and (cut.z > height_max or height_max is None):
height_max = cut.z
cut_max = cut
triangle_max = t
if not cut_max or not dim_height.check_bounds(cut_max.z):
cut_max = Point(dims[x].get(), dims[y].get(), dim_height.end)
if cut_last and ((triangle_max and not triangle_last) or (triangle_last and not triangle_max)):
if dim_height.check_bounds(cut_last.z):
pa.append(Point(cut_last.x, cut_last.y, cut_max.z))
elif (t_max and t_last and cl_last and cl_max ) and (t_max != t_last):
nyl = -t_last.normal().y
nzl = t_last.normal().z
nym = -t_max.normal().y
nzm = t_max.normal().z
yl = cl_last.y
zl = cl_last.z
ym = cl_max.y
zm = cl_max.z
(Y,Z) = intersect_lines(yl, zl, nyl, nzl, ym, zm, nym, nzm)
if Y and yl < Y and Y < ym and (Z > zl or Z > zm):
X = cl_last.x
if Z<z0-10 or Z>z1+10:
print "^", "yl=",yl,", zl=",zl,"nyl=",nyl,", nzl=",nzl,", Y=", Y, ", Z=",Z,", ym=",ym,",zm=",zm, ", nym=",nym,",nzm=",nzm
pa.append(Point(cut_max.x, cut_max.y, cut_last.z))
elif (triangle_max and triangle_last and cut_last and cut_max) and (triangle_max != triangle_last):
nl = range(3)
nl[0] = -getattr(triangle_last.normal(), dim_attrs[0])
nl[2] = triangle_last.normal().z
nm = range(3)
nm[0] = -getattr(triangle_max.normal(), dim_attrs[0])
nm[2] = triangle_max.normal().z
last = range(3)
last[0] = getattr(cut_last, dim_attrs[0])
last[2] = cut_last.z
mx = range(3)
mx[0] = getattr(cut_max, dim_attrs[0])
mx[2] = cut_max.z
c = range(3)
(c[0], c[2]) = intersect_lines(last[0], last[2], nl[0], nl[2], mx[0], mx[2], nm[0], nm[2])
if c[0] and last[0] < c[0] and c[0] < mx[0] and (c[2] > last[2] or c[2] > mx[2]):
c[1] = getattr(cut_last, dim_attrs[1])
if c[2]<dims[2].min-10 or c[2]>dims[2].max+10:
print "^", "%sl=" % dim_attrs[0], last[0], \
", %sl=" % dim_attrs[2], last[2], \
", n%sl=" % dim_attrs[0], nl[0], \
", n%sl=" %dim_attrs[2], nl[2], \
", %s=" % dim_attrs[0].upper(), c[0], \
", %s=" % dim_attrs[2].upper(), c[2], \
", %sm=" % dim_attrs[0], mx[0], \
", %sm=" % dim_attrs[2], mx[2], \
", n%sm=" % dim_attrs[0], nm[0], \
", n%sm=" % dim_attrs[2], nm[2]
pa.append(Point(c[x], c[y], c[2]))
cut_last = cut_max
triangle_last = triangle_max
cl_last = cl_max
t_last = t_max
y += dy
x += dx
return pa.paths
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