Commit 6fde4b77 authored by sumpfralle's avatar sumpfralle

finalized bezier support for DXF polylines

git-svn-id: bbaffbd6-741e-11dd-a85d-61de82d9cad9
parent 51b188e7
Version 0.6 - UNRELEASED
* greatly improved OpenGL visualization (contributed by Mattes)
* DXF importer:
* added bezier support for POLYLINE and LWPOLYLINE
Version 0.5.1 - 2011-06-13
* added extrusion for 2D models
......@@ -132,30 +132,39 @@ def get_bezier_lines(points_with_bulge, segments=32):
# straight line
return [Line.Line(p1, p2)]
straight_dir = p2.sub(p1).normalized()
bulge1 = max(-1.0, min(1.0, bulge1))
# bulge=1 -> 90 degree; bulge: -1..1
angle = -90 * bulge1
#bulge1 = max(-1.0, min(1.0, bulge1))
bulge1 = math.atan(bulge1)
rot_matrix = Matrix.get_rotation_matrix_axis_angle((0, 0, 1),
angle, use_radians=False)
-2 * bulge1, use_radians=True)
dir1_mat = Matrix.multiply_vector_matrix((straight_dir.x,
straight_dir.y, straight_dir.z), rot_matrix)
dir1 = Point.Vector(dir1_mat[0], dir1_mat[1], dir1_mat[2])
if bulge2 is None:
bulge2 = bulge1
bulge2 = max(-1.0, min(1.0, bulge2))
angle = 90 * bulge2
bulge2 = math.atan(bulge2)
rot_matrix = Matrix.get_rotation_matrix_axis_angle((0, 0, 1),
angle, use_radians=False)
2 * bulge2, use_radians=True)
dir2_mat = Matrix.multiply_vector_matrix((straight_dir.x,
straight_dir.y, straight_dir.z), rot_matrix)
dir2 = Point.Vector(dir2_mat[0], dir2_mat[1], dir2_mat[2])
# this length calculation for the tangents results from a bit of try-and-error
alpha = math.atan(bulge1) * 4
dist = p2.sub(p1).norm / 2.0
radius = abs(dist / math.sin(alpha / 2.0))
factor = math.sqrt(2) * 2 * (radius ** 2 - dist ** 2)
if factor < epsilon:
factor = 4 * dist
# interpretation of bulge1 and bulge2:
# /// taken from ///
# The bulge is the tangent of 1/4 the included angle for an arc
# segment, made negative if the arc goes clockwise from the start
# point to the end point; a bulge of 0 indicates a straight segment,
# and a bulge of 1 is a semicircle.
alpha = 2 * (abs(bulge1) + abs(bulge2))
dist = p2.sub(p1).norm
# calculate the radius of the circumcircle - avoiding divide-by-zero
if (abs(alpha) < epsilon) or (abs(math.pi - alpha) < epsilon):
radius = dist / 2.0
# see
radius = abs(dist / math.sin(alpha / 2.0)) / 2.0
# The calculation of "factor" is based on random guessing - but it
# seems to work well.
factor = 4 * radius * math.tan(alpha / 4.0)
dir1 = dir1.mul(factor)
dir2 = dir2.mul(factor)
for index in range(segments + 1):
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