Commit 6ed95bf7 authored by sumpfralle's avatar sumpfralle

removed useless local cache for the process pusher

adjusted the ContourFollow strategy to use caching properly

git-svn-id: bbaffbd6-741e-11dd-a85d-61de82d9cad9
parent 198a3ab2
......@@ -45,30 +45,31 @@ log = pycam.Utils.log.get_logger()
# We need to use a global function here - otherwise it does not work with
# the multiprocessing Pool.
def _process_one_triangle(obj, triangle, z):
def _process_one_triangle(model, cutter, up_vector, triangle, z):
result = []
if id(triangle) in obj._processed_triangles:
# skip triangles that are known to cause no collision
return result
# ignore triangles below the z level
if triangle.maxz < z:
# Case 1a
return result
return result, None
# ignore triangles pointing upwards or downwards
if triangle.normal.cross(obj._up_vector).norm == 0:
if triangle.normal.cross(up_vector).norm == 0:
# Case 1b
return result
edge_collisions = obj.get_collision_waterline_of_triangle(triangle, z)
if not edge_collisions:
return result
for cutter_location, edge in edge_collisions:
shifted_edge = obj.get_shifted_waterline(edge, cutter_location)
if not shifted_edge is None:
result.append((edge, edge))
result.append((edge, shifted_edge))
return result
return result, None
edge_collisions = get_collision_waterline_of_triangle(model, cutter, up_vector, triangle, z)
if edge_collisions is None:
# don't try to use this edge again
return result, [id(triangle)]
elif len(edge_collisions) == 0:
return result, None
for cutter_location, edge in edge_collisions:
shifted_edge = get_shifted_waterline(up_vector, edge, cutter_location)
if not shifted_edge is None:
result.append((edge, edge))
result.append((edge, shifted_edge))
return result, None
class CollisionPaths:
......@@ -286,9 +287,13 @@ class ContourFollow:
projected_waterlines = []
triangles = self.model.triangles(minx=minx, miny=miny, maxx=maxx,
results_iter = run_in_parallel(_process_one_triangle,
[(self, t, z) for t in triangles], unordered=True)
for result in results_iter:
args = [(self.model, self.cutter, self._up_vector, t, z)
for t in triangles if not id(t) in self._processed_triangles]
results_iter = run_in_parallel(_process_one_triangle, args,
for result, ignore_triangle_id_list in results_iter:
if ignore_triangle_id_list:
for edge, shifted_edge in result:
waterline_triangles.add(edge, shifted_edge)
if (not progress_counter is None) \
......@@ -304,199 +309,197 @@ class ContourFollow:
return result
def get_max_length(self):
if not hasattr(self, "_max_length_cache"):
# update the cache
x_dim = abs(self.model.maxx - self.model.minx)
y_dim = abs(self.model.maxy - self.model.miny)
z_dim = abs(self.model.maxz - self.model.minz)
self._max_length_cache = sqrt(x_dim ** 2 + y_dim ** 2 + z_dim ** 2)
return self._max_length_cache
def get_collision_waterline_of_triangle(self, triangle, z):
# TODO: there are problems with "material allowance > 0"
plane = Plane(Point(0, 0, z), self._up_vector)
if triangle.minz >= z:
# no point of the triangle is below z
# try all edges
# Case (4)
proj_points = []
for p in triangle.get_points():
proj_p = plane.get_point_projection(p)
if not proj_p in proj_points:
if len(proj_points) == 3:
edges = []
for index in range(3):
edge = Line(proj_points[index - 1], proj_points[index])
# the edge should be clockwise around the model
if edge.dir.cross(triangle.normal).dot(self._up_vector) < 0:
edge = Line(edge.p2, edge.p1)
edges.append((edge, proj_points[index - 2]))
def get_collision_waterline_of_triangle(model, cutter, up_vector, triangle, z):
# TODO: there are problems with "material allowance > 0"
plane = Plane(Point(0, 0, z), up_vector)
if triangle.minz >= z:
# no point of the triangle is below z
# try all edges
# Case (4)
proj_points = []
for p in triangle.get_points():
proj_p = plane.get_point_projection(p)
if not proj_p in proj_points:
if len(proj_points) == 3:
edges = []
for index in range(3):
edge = Line(proj_points[index - 1], proj_points[index])
# the edge should be clockwise around the model
if edge.dir.cross(triangle.normal).dot(up_vector) < 0:
edge = Line(edge.p2, edge.p1)
edges.append((edge, proj_points[index - 2]))
outer_edges = []
for edge, other_point in edges:
# pick only edges, where the other point is on the right side
if other_point.sub(edge.p1).cross(edge.dir).dot(up_vector) > 0:
if len(outer_edges) == 0:
# the points seem to be an one line
# pick the longest edge
long_edge = edges[0][0]
for edge, other_point in edges[1:]:
if edge.len > long_edge.len:
long_edge = edge
outer_edges = [long_edge]
edge = Line(proj_points[0], proj_points[1])
if edge.dir.cross(triangle.normal).dot(up_vector) < 0:
edge = Line(edge.p2, edge.p1)
outer_edges = [edge]
# some parts of the triangle are above and some below the cutter level
# Cases (2a), (2b), (3a) and (3b)
points_above = [plane.get_point_projection(p) for p in triangle.get_points() if p.z > z]
waterline = plane.intersect_triangle(triangle)
if waterline is None:
if len(points_above) == 0:
# the highest point of the triangle is at z
outer_edges = []
for edge, other_point in edges:
# pick only edges, where the other point is on the right side
if other_point.sub(edge.p1).cross(edge.dir).dot(self._up_vector) > 0:
if len(outer_edges) == 0:
# the points seem to be an one line
# pick the longest edge
long_edge = edges[0][0]
for edge, other_point in edges[1:]:
if edge.len > long_edge.len:
long_edge = edge
outer_edges = [long_edge]
edge = Line(proj_points[0], proj_points[1])
if edge.dir.cross(triangle.normal).dot(self._up_vector) < 0:
edge = Line(edge.p2, edge.p1)
outer_edges = [edge]
if abs(triangle.minz - z) < epsilon:
# This is just an accuracy issue (see the
# "triangle.minz >= z" statement above).
outer_edges = []
elif not [p for p in triangle.get_points() if p.z > z + epsilon]:
# same as above: fix for inaccurate floating calculations
outer_edges = []
# this should not happen
raise ValueError(("Could not find a waterline, but " \
+ "there are points above z level (%f): " \
+ "%s / %s") % (z, triangle, points_above))
# some parts of the triangle are above and some below the cutter level
# Cases (2a), (2b), (3a) and (3b)
points_above = [plane.get_point_projection(p) for p in triangle.get_points() if p.z > z]
waterline = plane.intersect_triangle(triangle)
if waterline is None:
if len(points_above) == 0:
# the highest point of the triangle is at z
# remove points that are not part of the waterline
points_above = [p for p in points_above
if (p != waterline.p1) and (p != waterline.p2)]
potential_edges = []
if len(points_above) == 0:
# part of case (2a)
outer_edges = [waterline]
elif len(points_above) == 1:
other_point = points_above[0]
dot = other_point.sub(waterline.p1).cross(waterline.dir).dot(up_vector)
if dot > 0:
# Case (2b)
outer_edges = [waterline]
elif dot < 0:
# Case (3b)
edges = []
edges.append(Line(waterline.p1, other_point))
edges.append(Line(waterline.p2, other_point))
outer_edges = []
for edge in edges:
if edge.dir.cross(triangle.normal).dot(up_vector) < 0:
outer_edges.append(Line(edge.p2, edge.p1))
if abs(triangle.minz - z) < epsilon:
# This is just an accuracy issue (see the
# "triangle.minz >= z" statement above).
outer_edges = []
elif not [p for p in triangle.get_points() if p.z > z + epsilon]:
# same as above: fix for inaccurate floating calculations
outer_edges = []
# the three points are on one line
# part of case (2a)
edges = []
edges.append(Line(waterline.p1, other_point))
edges.append(Line(waterline.p2, other_point))
edges.sort(key=lambda x: x.len)
edge = edges[-1]
if edge.dir.cross(triangle.normal).dot(up_vector) < 0:
outer_edges = [Line(edge.p2, edge.p1)]
# this should not happen
raise ValueError(("Could not find a waterline, but " \
+ "there are points above z level (%f): " \
+ "%s / %s") % (z, triangle, points_above))
outer_edges = [edge]
# remove points that are not part of the waterline
points_above = [p for p in points_above
if (p != waterline.p1) and (p != waterline.p2)]
potential_edges = []
if len(points_above) == 0:
# part of case (2a)
# two points above
other_point = points_above[0]
dot = other_point.sub(waterline.p1).cross(waterline.dir).dot(up_vector)
if dot > 0:
# Case (2b)
# the other two points are on the right side
outer_edges = [waterline]
elif len(points_above) == 1:
other_point = points_above[0]
dot = other_point.sub(waterline.p1).cross(waterline.dir).dot(self._up_vector)
if dot > 0:
# Case (2b)
outer_edges = [waterline]
elif dot < 0:
# Case (3b)
edges = []
edges.append(Line(waterline.p1, other_point))
edges.append(Line(waterline.p2, other_point))
outer_edges = []
for edge in edges:
if edge.dir.cross(triangle.normal).dot(self._up_vector) < 0:
outer_edges.append(Line(edge.p2, edge.p1))
elif dot < 0:
# Case (3a)
edge = Line(points_above[0], points_above[1])
if edge.dir.cross(triangle.normal).dot(up_vector) < 0:
outer_edges = [Line(edge.p2, edge.p1)]
# the three points are on one line
# part of case (2a)
edges = []
edges.append(Line(waterline.p1, other_point))
edges.append(Line(waterline.p2, other_point))
edges.sort(key=lambda x: x.len)
edge = edges[-1]
if edge.dir.cross(triangle.normal).dot(self._up_vector) < 0:
outer_edges = [Line(edge.p2, edge.p1)]
outer_edges = [edge]
outer_edges = [edge]
# two points above
other_point = points_above[0]
dot = other_point.sub(waterline.p1).cross(waterline.dir).dot(self._up_vector)
if dot > 0:
# Case (2b)
# the other two points are on the right side
outer_edges = [waterline]
elif dot < 0:
# Case (3a)
edge = Line(points_above[0], points_above[1])
if edge.dir.cross(triangle.normal).dot(self._up_vector) < 0:
outer_edges = [Line(edge.p2, edge.p1)]
outer_edges = [edge]
edges = []
# pick the longest combination of two of these points
# part of case (2a)
# TODO: maybe we should use the waterline instead? (otherweise the line could be too long and thus connections to the adjacent waterlines are not discovered? Test this with an appropriate test model.)
points = [waterline.p1, waterline.p2] + points_above
for p1 in points:
for p2 in points:
if not p1 is p2:
edges.append(Line(p1, p2))
edges.sort(key=lambda x: x.len)
edge = edges[-1]
if edge.dir.cross(triangle.normal).dot(up_vector) < 0:
outer_edges = [Line(edge.p2, edge.p1)]
edges = []
# pick the longest combination of two of these points
# part of case (2a)
# TODO: maybe we should use the waterline instead? (otherweise the line could be too long and thus connections to the adjacent waterlines are not discovered? Test this with an appropriate test model.)
points = [waterline.p1, waterline.p2] + points_above
for p1 in points:
for p2 in points:
if not p1 is p2:
edges.append(Line(p1, p2))
edges.sort(key=lambda x: x.len)
edge = edges[-1]
if edge.dir.cross(triangle.normal).dot(self._up_vector) < 0:
outer_edges = [Line(edge.p2, edge.p1)]
outer_edges = [edge]
result = []
for edge in outer_edges:
direction = self._up_vector.cross(edge.dir).normalized()
if direction is None:
direction = direction.mul(self.get_max_length())
edge_dir = edge.p2.sub(edge.p1)
# TODO: adapt the number of potential starting positions to the length of the line
# Don't use 0.0 and 1.0 - this could result in ambiguous collisions
# with triangles sharing these vertices.
for factor in (0.5, epsilon, 1.0 - epsilon, 0.25, 0.75):
start = edge.p1.add(edge_dir.mul(factor))
# We need to use the triangle collision algorithm here - because we
# need the point of collision in the triangle.
collisions = get_free_paths_triangles(self.model, self.cutter, start,
start.add(direction), return_triangles=True)
for index, coll in enumerate(collisions):
if (index % 2 == 0) and (not coll[1] is None) \
and (not coll[2] is None) \
and (coll[0].sub(start).dot(direction) > 0):
cl, hit_t, cp = coll
continue"Failed to detect any collision: " \
+ "%s / %s -> %s" % (edge, start, direction))
proj_cp = plane.get_point_projection(cp)
# e.g. the Spherical Cutter often does not collide exactly above
# the potential collision line.
# TODO: maybe an "is cp inside of the triangle" check would be good?
if (triangle is hit_t) or (edge.is_point_inside(proj_cp)):
result.append((cl, edge))
# continue with the next outer_edge
outer_edges = [edge]
# calculate the maximum diagonal length within the model
x_dim = abs(model.maxx - model.minx)
y_dim = abs(model.maxy - model.miny)
z_dim = abs(model.maxz - model.minz)
max_length = sqrt(x_dim ** 2 + y_dim ** 2 + z_dim ** 2)
result = []
for edge in outer_edges:
direction = up_vector.cross(edge.dir).normalized()
if direction is None:
direction = direction.mul(max_length)
edge_dir = edge.p2.sub(edge.p1)
# TODO: adapt the number of potential starting positions to the length of the line
# Don't use 0.0 and 1.0 - this could result in ambiguous collisions
# with triangles sharing these vertices.
for factor in (0.5, epsilon, 1.0 - epsilon, 0.25, 0.75):
start = edge.p1.add(edge_dir.mul(factor))
# We need to use the triangle collision algorithm here - because we
# need the point of collision in the triangle.
collisions = get_free_paths_triangles(model, cutter, start,
start.add(direction), return_triangles=True)
for index, coll in enumerate(collisions):
if (index % 2 == 0) and (not coll[1] is None) \
and (not coll[2] is None) \
and (coll[0].sub(start).dot(direction) > 0):
cl, hit_t, cp = coll
# Don't check triangles again that are completely above the z level and
# did not return any collisions.
if (len(result) == 0) and (triangle.minz > z):
return result
continue"Failed to detect any collision: " \
+ "%s / %s -> %s" % (edge, start, direction))
proj_cp = plane.get_point_projection(cp)
# e.g. the Spherical Cutter often does not collide exactly above
# the potential collision line.
# TODO: maybe an "is cp inside of the triangle" check would be good?
if (triangle is hit_t) or (edge.is_point_inside(proj_cp)):
result.append((cl, edge))
# continue with the next outer_edge
# Don't check triangles again that are completely above the z level and
# did not return any collisions.
if (len(result) == 0) and (triangle.minz > z):
# a return value None indicates that the triangle needs no further evaluation
return None
return result
def get_shifted_waterline(self, waterline, cutter_location):
# Project the waterline and the cutter location down to the slice plane.
# This is necessary for calculating the horizontal distance between the
# cutter and the triangle waterline.
plane = Plane(cutter_location, self._up_vector)
wl_proj = plane.get_line_projection(waterline)
if wl_proj.len < epsilon:
return None
offset = wl_proj.dist_to_point(cutter_location)
if offset < epsilon:
return wl_proj
# shift both ends of the waterline towards the cutter location
shift = cutter_location.sub(wl_proj.closest_point(cutter_location))
# increase the shift width slightly to avoid "touch" collisions
shift = shift.mul(1.0 + epsilon)
shifted_waterline = Line(wl_proj.p1.add(shift), wl_proj.p2.add(shift))
return shifted_waterline
def get_shifted_waterline(up_vector, waterline, cutter_location):
# Project the waterline and the cutter location down to the slice plane.
# This is necessary for calculating the horizontal distance between the
# cutter and the triangle waterline.
plane = Plane(cutter_location, up_vector)
wl_proj = plane.get_line_projection(waterline)
if wl_proj.len < epsilon:
return None
offset = wl_proj.dist_to_point(cutter_location)
if offset < epsilon:
return wl_proj
# shift both ends of the waterline towards the cutter location
shift = cutter_location.sub(wl_proj.closest_point(cutter_location))
# increase the shift width slightly to avoid "touch" collisions
shift = shift.mul(1.0 + epsilon)
shifted_waterline = Line(wl_proj.p1.add(shift), wl_proj.p2.add(shift))
return shifted_waterline
......@@ -254,7 +254,6 @@ def run_in_parallel_remote(func, args_list, unordered=False,
results_queue = __manager.results()
remote_cache = __manager.cache()
stats = __manager.statistics()
local_cache = {}
for args in args_list:
start_time = time.time()
result_args = []
......@@ -262,13 +261,9 @@ def run_in_parallel_remote(func, args_list, unordered=False,
# add the argument to the cache if possible
if hasattr(arg, "uuid"):
data_uuid = ProcessDataCacheItemID(arg.uuid)
if not data_uuid in local_cache.keys():
local_cache[data_uuid] = arg
log.debug("Adding item to manager's local cache " \
+ "(job: %s): %s - %s" \
% (job_id, arg.uuid, arg.__class__))
if not remote_cache.contains(data_uuid):
remote_cache.add(data_uuid, arg)
if not remote_cache.contains(data_uuid):
log.debug("Adding cache item for job %s: %s - %s" % (job_id, arg.uuid, arg.__class__))
remote_cache.add(data_uuid, arg)
......@@ -404,6 +399,7 @@ class ProcessStatistics(object):
self.queues[name].transfer_time += amount
# TODO: implement an expiry time for cache items
class ProcessDataCache(object):
def __init__(self):
......@@ -417,7 +413,6 @@ class ProcessDataCache(object):
def add(self, name, value):
if isinstance(name, ProcessDataCacheItemID):
name = name.value
log.debug("Added cache item: %s - %s" % (name, type(value)))
self.cache[name] = value
def get(self, name):
......@@ -428,7 +423,6 @@ class ProcessDataCache(object):
def remove(self, name):
if isinstance(name, ProcessDataCacheItemID):
name = name.value
log.debug("Removed cache item: %s - %s" % (name, type(value)))
if name in self.cache:
del self.cache[name]
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