Commit 1fef076c authored by sumpfralle's avatar sumpfralle

r657@erker: lars | 2010-02-14 19:51:22 +0100

 moved the perspective code (gluLookAt) into a separate module

git-svn-id: bbaffbd6-741e-11dd-a85d-61de82d9cad9
parent 52c8e3a7
from pycam.Geometry.Point import Point
import OpenGL.GL as GL
import OpenGL.GLU as GLU
import math
# the length of the distance vector does not matter - it will be normalized and multiplied later anyway
"reset": {"distance": (1.0, 1.0, 1.0), "center": (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), "up": (0.0, 0.0, 1.0), "znear": 0.1, "zfar": 1000.0, "fovy": 30.0},
"top": {"distance": (0.0, 0.0, 1.0), "center": (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), "up": (1.0, 0.0, 0.0), "znear": 0.1, "zfar": 1000.0, "fovy": 30.0},
"bottom": {"distance": (0.0, 0.0, -1.0), "center": (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), "up": (1.0, 0.0, 0.0), "znear": 0.1, "zfar": 1000.0, "fovy": 30.0},
"left": {"distance": (-1.0, 0.0, 0.0), "center": (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), "up": (0.0, 0.0, 1.0), "znear": 0.1, "zfar": 1000.0, "fovy": 30.0},
"right": {"distance": (1.0, 0.0, 0.0), "center": (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), "up": (0.0, 0.0, 1.0), "znear": 0.1, "zfar": 1000.0, "fovy": 30.0},
"front": {"distance": (0.0, -1.0, 0.0), "center": (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), "up": (0.0, 0.0, 1.0), "znear": 0.1, "zfar": 1000.0, "fovy": 30.0},
"back": {"distance": (0.0, 1.0, 0.0), "center": (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), "up": (0.0, 0.0, 1.0), "znear": 0.1, "zfar": 1000.0, "fovy": 30.0},
def rotate(orig, rot_axis, sin, cos):
""" rotation of an original vector around a normalized "rot_axis" vector
@type orig: tuple(float)
@value orig: the vector to be rotated
@type rot_axis: tuple(float)
@value rot_axis: the vector describes the rotation axis
@type sin: float
@value sin: sinus of the rotation angle
@type cos: float
@value cos: cosinus of the rotation angle
@rtype: tuple(float)
rot_matrix = ((cos + rot_axis[0]*rot_axis[0]*(1-cos), rot_axis[0]*rot_axis[1]*(1-cos) - rot_axis[2]*sin, rot_axis[0]*rot_axis[2]*(1-cos) + rot_axis[1]*sin),
(rot_axis[1]*rot_axis[0]*(1-cos) + rot_axis[2]*sin, cos + rot_axis[1]*rot_axis[1]*(1-cos), rot_axis[1]*rot_axis[2]*(1-cos) - rot_axis[0]*sin),
(rot_axis[2]*rot_axis[0]*(1-cos) - rot_axis[1]*sin, rot_axis[2]*rot_axis[1]*(1-cos) + rot_axis[0]*sin, cos + rot_axis[2]*rot_axis[2]*(1-cos)))
return (orig[0]*rot_matrix[0][0] + orig[1]*rot_matrix[0][1] + orig[2]*rot_matrix[0][2],
orig[0]*rot_matrix[1][0] + orig[1]*rot_matrix[1][1] + orig[2]*rot_matrix[1][2],
orig[0]*rot_matrix[2][0] + orig[1]*rot_matrix[2][1] + orig[2]*rot_matrix[2][2])
class Camera:
def __init__(self, settings, get_dim_func, view=None):
self.view = None
self.settings = settings
self._get_dim_func = get_dim_func
def set_view(self, view=None):
if view is None:
self.view = VIEWS["reset"].copy()
self.view = view.copy()
def center_view(self):
s = self.settings
# center the view on the object
self.view["center"] = ((s.get("maxx") + s.get("minx"))/2, (s.get("maxy") + s.get("miny"))/2, (s.get("maxz") + s.get("minz"))/2)
def auto_adjust_distance(self):
s = self.settings
v = self.view
# adjust the distance to get a view of the whole object
dimx = s.get("maxx") - s.get("minx")
dimy = s.get("maxy") - s.get("miny")
dimz = s.get("maxz") - s.get("minz")
max_dim = max(max(dimx, dimy), dimz)
width, height = self._get_screen_dimensions()
win_size = min(width, height)
distv = Point(v["distance"][0], v["distance"][1], v["distance"][2]).normalize()
# the multiplier "2.0" is based on: sqrt(2) + margin -- the squre root makes sure, that the the diagonal fits
distv = distv.mul((max_dim * 2.0) / math.sin(v["fovy"]/2))
self.view["distance"] = (distv.x, distv.y, distv.z)
def scale_distance(self, scale):
if scale != 0:
dist = self.view["distance"]
self.view["distance"] = (scale * dist[0], scale * dist[1], scale * dist[2])
def get(self, key, default=None):
if (not self.view is None) and self.view.has_key(key):
return self.view[key]
return default
def set(self, key, value):
self.view[key] = value
def move_camera_by_screen(self, x_move, y_move, max_model_shift):
""" move the camera acoording to a mouse movement
@type x_move: int
@value x_move: movement of the mouse along the x axis
@type y_move: int
@value y_move: movement of the mouse along the y axis
@type max_model_shift: float
@value max_model_shift: maximum shifting of the model view (e.g. for x_move == screen width)
factors_x, factors_y = self._get_axes_vectors()
width, height = self._get_screen_dimensions()
# relation of x/y movement to the respective screen dimension
win_x_rel = ((-2.0 * x_move) / width) / math.sin(self.view["fovy"])
win_y_rel = ((-2.0 * y_move) / height) / math.sin(self.view["fovy"])
# update the model position that should be centered on the screen
old_center = self.view["center"]
new_center = []
for i in range(3):
new_center.append(old_center[i] + max_model_shift * (win_x_rel * factors_x[i] + win_y_rel * factors_y[i]))
self.view["center"] = tuple(new_center)
def rotate_camera_by_screen(self, start_x, start_y, end_x, end_y):
factors_x, factors_y = self._get_axes_vectors()
width, height = self._get_screen_dimensions()
# calculate rotation factors - based on the distance to the center (between -1 and 1)
rot_x_factor = (2.0 * start_x) / width - 1
rot_y_factor = (2.0 * start_y) / height - 1
# calculate rotation angles (between -90 and +90 degrees)
xdiff = end_x - start_x
ydiff = end_y - start_y
# compensate inverse rotation left/right side (around x axis) and top/bottom (around y axis)
if rot_x_factor < 0:
ydiff = -ydiff
if rot_y_factor > 0:
xdiff = -xdiff
rot_x_angle = rot_x_factor * math.pi * ydiff / height
rot_y_angle = rot_y_factor * math.pi * xdiff / width
# calculate sinus / cosinus
rot_x_sin = math.sin(rot_x_angle)
rot_x_cos = math.cos(rot_x_angle)
rot_y_sin = math.sin(rot_y_angle)
rot_y_cos = math.cos(rot_y_angle)
# rotate around the "up" vector with the y-axis rotation
original_distance = self.view["distance"]
original_up = self.view["up"]
new_distance = rotate(original_distance, factors_y, rot_y_sin, rot_y_cos)
new_up = rotate(original_up, factors_y, rot_y_sin, rot_y_cos)
# rotate around the cross vector with the x-axis rotation
new_distance = rotate(new_distance, factors_x, rot_x_sin, rot_x_cos)
new_up = rotate(new_up, factors_x, rot_x_sin, rot_x_cos)
self.view["distance"] = new_distance
self.view["up"] = new_up
def position_camera(self):
width, height = self._get_screen_dimensions()
prev_mode = GL.glGetDoublev(GL.GL_MATRIX_MODE)
v = self.view
GLU.gluPerspective(v["fovy"], (0.0 + width) / height, v["znear"], v["zfar"])
GLU.gluLookAt(v["center"][0] + v["distance"][0], v["center"][1] + v["distance"][1], v["center"][2] + v["distance"][2],
v["center"][0], v["center"][1], v["center"][2], v["up"][0], v["up"][1], v["up"][2])
def _get_screen_dimensions(self):
return self._get_dim_func()
def _get_axes_vectors(self):
"""calculate the model vectors along the screen's x and y axes"""
# the "up" vector defines, in what proportion each axis of the model is in line with the screen's y axis
v_up = self.view["up"]
factors_y = (v_up[0], v_up[1], v_up[2])
# calculate the proportion of each model axis according to the x axis of the screen
distv = self.view["distance"]
distv = Point(distv[0], distv[1], distv[2]).normalize()
factors_x = distv.cross(Point(v_up[0], v_up[1], v_up[2])).normalize()
factors_x = (factors_x.x, factors_x.y, factors_x.z)
return (factors_x, factors_y)
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