Commit 1309fc95 authored by sumpfralle's avatar sumpfralle

added initial draft of the push->follow implementation (quite broken for now)

git-svn-id: bbaffbd6-741e-11dd-a85d-61de82d9cad9
parent 924b0578
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Copyright 2010 Lars Kruse <>
This file is part of PyCAM.
PyCAM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
PyCAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with PyCAM. If not, see <>.
from pycam.Geometry.Point import Point, Vector
from pycam.Geometry.Line import Line
from pycam.Geometry.Plane import Plane
from pycam.PathGenerators import get_free_paths_ode, get_free_paths_triangles
from pycam.Geometry.utils import epsilon, ceil, sqrt
from pycam.Geometry import get_bisector, get_angle_pi
from pycam.Utils import ProgressCounter
import random
import math
class Waterline:
def __init__(self, cutter, model, path_processor):
self.cutter = cutter
self.model = model = path_processor
self._up_vector = Vector(0, 0, 1)
def GenerateToolPath(self, minx, maxx, miny, maxy, minz, maxz, dz,
# calculate the number of steps
# Sometimes there is a floating point accuracy issue: make sure
# that only one layer is drawn, if maxz and minz are almost the same.
if abs(maxz - minz) < epsilon:
diff_z = 0
diff_z = abs(maxz - minz)
num_of_layers = 1 + ceil(diff_z / dz)
z_step = diff_z / max(1, (num_of_layers - 1))
progress_counter = ProgressCounter(num_of_layers, draw_callback)
current_layer = 0
z_steps = [(maxz - i * z_step) for i in range(num_of_layers)]
for z in z_steps:
# update the progress bar and check, if we should cancel the process
if draw_callback and draw_callback(text="PushCutter: processing" \
+ " layer %d/%d" % (current_layer + 1, num_of_layers)):
# cancel immediately
self.GenerateToolPathSlice(minx, maxx, miny, maxy, z,
draw_callback, progress_counter)
current_layer += 1
def get_raw_triangle_waterline(self, triangle, point, cutter_location):
# TODO: waterline auch bei nur einem Punkt auf der Ebene!
if (abs(triangle.maxz - triangle.minz) < epsilon) and (abs(triangle.maxz - point.z) < epsilon):
# the triangle is on the plane
min_d = None
min_edge = None
for edge in (triangle.e1, triangle.e2, triangle.e3):
dist = edge.dist_to_point_sq(cutter_location)
if (min_d is None) or (dist < min_d):
min_d = dist
min_edge = edge
# Check the direction of the points. We want an anti-clockwise
# direction along point, edge.p1 and edge.p2.
dotcross =
if dotcross > 0:
real_waterline = min_edge
real_waterline = Line(min_edge.p2, min_edge.p1)
real_waterline = Plane(point, self._up_vector).intersect_triangle(triangle)
return real_waterline
def get_max_length(self):
x_dim = abs(self.model.maxx - self.model.minx)
y_dim = abs(self.model.maxy - self.model.miny)
z_dim = abs(self.model.maxz - self.model.minz)
return sqrt(x_dim ** 2 + y_dim ** 2 + z_dim ** 2)
def GenerateToolPathSlice(self, minx, maxx, miny, maxy, z,
draw_callback=None, progress_counter=None):
#print "**** Starting new slice at %f ****" % z
triangle_queue = self.model.triangles()[:]
visited_triangles = []
while len(triangle_queue) > 0:
first_skipped = False
#print "Triangles left: %d" % len(triangle_queue)
triangle = triangle_queue.pop()
# ignore triangles below the z level
if triangle.maxz < z:
cutter_location, ct, ctp, waterline = self.get_collision_waterline_of_triangle(triangle, z)
if ct is None:
if ct in visited_triangles:
print "%s / %s / %s / %s" % (cutter_location, ct, ctp, waterline)
#print "**** new scanline ****"
# start from the middle of the triangle to the end of the waterline
waterline = Line(ctp, waterline.p2)
cutter_location = waterline.p2
cutter_location, ct, ctp, waterline = \
self.go_to_next_collision(ct, ctp, cutter_location, waterline)
while (not ct in visited_triangles) and (not math.isnan(cutter_location.x)):
if first_skipped:
#print "New cutter location: %s" % str(cutter_location)
first_skipped = True
if draw_callback:
cutter_location, ct, ctp, waterline = \
self.go_to_next_collision(ct, ctp, cutter_location, waterline)
#print "cl, ct, ctp, waterline: %s\n\t%s\n\t%s\n\t%s" % (cutter_location, ct, ctp, waterline)
def get_collision_waterline_of_triangle(self, triangle, z):
points = []
for edge in (triangle.e1, triangle.e2, triangle.e3):
if edge.p1.z < z < edge.p2.z:
points.append(edge.p1.add(edge.p2.sub(edge.p1).mul((z - edge.p1.z) / (edge.p2.z - edge.p1.z))))
elif edge.p2.z < z < edge.p1.z:
points.append(edge.p2.add(edge.p1.sub(edge.p2).mul((z - edge.p2.z) / (edge.p1.z - edge.p2.z))))
sums = [0, 0, 0]
for p in points:
sums[0] += p.x
sums[1] += p.y
sums[2] += p.z
if len(points) > 0:
start = Point(sums[0] / len(points), sums[1] / len(points), sums[2] / len(points))
start = Point(,, z)
# use a projection upon a plane trough (0, 0, 0)
direction_xy = Plane(Point(0, 0, 0), self._up_vector).get_point_projection(triangle.normal).normalized()
# ignore triangles pointing upward or downward
if direction_xy is None:
return None, None, None, None
# this vector is guaranteed to reach the outer limits
direction_sized = direction_xy.mul(self.get_max_length())
cutter_location, triangle_collisions = self.find_next_outer_collision(start, direction_sized)
if cutter_location is None:
# no collision starting from this point
#print "Unexpected: missing collision"
return None, None, None, None
# ct: colliding triangle
# ctp: collision point within colliding triangle
# waterline: cut along the triangle at the height of ctp
ct, ctp, waterline = self.pick_suitable_triangle(triangle_collisions, cutter_location)
return cutter_location, ct, ctp, waterline
def go_to_next_collision(self, triangle, triangle_cp, cutter_location, waterline):
start_point = cutter_location
end_point = self.get_waterline_endpoint(triangle, waterline, cutter_location)
if start_point != end_point:
collisions = get_free_paths_triangles(self.model, self.cutter,
start_point, end_point, return_triangles=True)
collisions = []
# remove references to the original triangle and ignore moves to the current position
collisions = [coll for coll in collisions
if (not coll[1] is triangle) and (not coll[1] is None) \
and ((coll[0] != start_point) and (coll[0] != end_point))]
# remove leading dummy collisions
if collisions:
cl, ct, ctp = collisions.pop(0)
coll_t_p = [(ct, ctp)]
# collect all other collisions with the same distance
while collisions and (collisions[0][0] == cl):
# pick a random triangle (avoids deadlock)
while len(coll_t_p) > 0:
index = random.randint(0, len(coll_t_p) - 1)
ct, ctp = coll_t_p[index]
new_waterline = self.get_raw_triangle_waterline(ct, ctp, cl)
if (new_waterline is None) or (new_waterline.len == 0):
new_waterline = None
# We ignore the part of the waterline from the beginning up to the
# point of collision in the triangle.
if not new_waterline is None:
waterline = Line(ctp, new_waterline.p2)
return (cl, ct, ctp, waterline)
if True:
# no collisions: continue with the next adjacent waterline
t, waterline, angle = self.get_closest_adjacent_waterline(triangle,
waterline, end_point)
return (end_point, t, waterline.p1, waterline)
def pick_suitable_triangle(self, triangle_list, cutter_location):
# TODO: is the distance to the cutter location the proper sorting key?
line_distance = lambda (t, cp, waterline): waterline.dist_to_point_sq(cutter_location)
new_list = triangle_list[:]
return new_list[0]
def find_next_outer_collision(self, point, direction):
collisions = get_free_paths_triangles(self.model, self.cutter,
point, point.add(direction), return_triangles=True)
# remove leading "None"
coll_outer = []
for index, coll in enumerate(collisions):
# Check if the collision goes in the direction of inside->outside of
# the material. We assume, that each item of the "collisions" list
# with an even index satisfies this condition.
# Additionally we don't want to care for "not-real" collisions (e.g.
# on the edge of the bounding box.
if (index % 2 == 0) and (not coll[1] is None):
#print "Outer collision candidates: %s" % str(coll_outer)
if not coll_outer:
return None, None
# find all triangles that cause the collision
cutter_location = coll_outer[0][0]
closest_triangles = []
while coll_outer and (abs(coll_outer[0][0].sub(cutter_location).norm) < epsilon):
current_collision, t, cp = coll_outer.pop()
raw_waterline = self.get_raw_triangle_waterline(t, cp, cutter_location)
if (not raw_waterline is None) and (raw_waterline.len != 0):
closest_triangles.append((t, cp, raw_waterline))
#print "Outer collision selection: %s" % str(closest_triangles)
if len(closest_triangles) > 0:
return cutter_location, closest_triangles
return None, None
def get_closest_adjacent_waterline(self, triangle, waterline, reference_point):
# Find the adjacent triangles that share vertices with the end of the
# waterline of the original triangle.
edges = []
for edge in (triangle.e1, triangle.e2, triangle.e3):
if edge.is_point_in_line(waterline.p2):
# also add the reverse to speed up comparisons
edges.append(Line(edge.p2, edge.p1))
triangles = []
for t in self.model.triangles():
if (not t is triangle) and ((t.e1 in edges) or (t.e2 in edges) \
or (t.e3 in edges)):
t_waterline = self.get_raw_triangle_waterline(t, waterline.p2,
if t_waterline is None:
# no waterline through this triangle
if t_waterline.len == 0:
# Ignore zero-length waterlines - there should be other -
# non-point-like waterlines in other triangles.
if t_waterline.p1 != waterline.p2:
if t_waterline.p2 == waterline.p2:
t_waterline = Line(t_waterline.p2, t_waterline.p1)
raise ValueError("get_waterline_endpoint: invalid " \
+ ("neighbouring waterline: %s (orig) / %s " \
+ "(neighbour)") % (waterline, t_waterline))
angle = get_angle_pi(t_waterline.p2, t_waterline.p1,
waterline.p1, self._up_vector)
triangles.append((t, t_waterline, angle))
# Find the waterline with the smallest angle between original waterline
# and this triangle's waterline.
triangles.sort(key=lambda (t, t_waterline, angle): angle)
t, t_waterline, angle = triangles[0]
return t, t_waterline, angle
def get_waterline_endpoint(self, triangle, waterline, cutter_location):
strategy = "waterline"
reference_point = cutter_location.add(waterline.p2.sub(waterline.p1))
# Project the waterline and the cutter location down to the slice plane.
# This is necessary for calculating the horizontal distance between the
# cutter and the triangle waterline.
plane = Plane(cutter_location, self._up_vector)
wl_proj_p1 = plane.get_point_projection(waterline.p1)
wl_proj_p2 = plane.get_point_projection(waterline.p2)
wl_proj = Line(wl_proj_p1, wl_proj_p2)
if wl_proj.len < epsilon:
#print "Waterline endpoint for zero sized line requested: %s" % str(waterline)
return reference_point
offset = wl_proj.dist_to_point(cutter_location)
if offset < epsilon:
return reference_point
# Calculate the length of the vector change.
t, t_waterline, angle = self.get_closest_adjacent_waterline(triangle, waterline, reference_point)
def get_waterline_collision():
# TODO: same height as before?
next_cl, dummy1, dummy2, next_waterline = self.get_collision_waterline_of_triangle(t, reference_point.z)
if next_cl is None:
raise ValueError("Failed collision: %s / %s" % (t, reference_point))
line1 = Line(cutter_location, cutter_location.add(waterline.p2.sub(waterline.p1)))
line2 = Line(next_cl, next_cl.add(next_waterline.p2.sub(next_waterline.p1)))
if line1.dir == line2.dir:
# both are on a straight line
#print "STRAIGHT: %s / %s" % (line1, line2)
return line1.p2
cp, dist = line1.get_intersection(line2, infinite_lines=True)
if cp is None:
raise ValueError("Line going backward: %s / %s" % (waterline, t_waterline))
if abs(dist) < epsilon:
# "dist" is almost zero:
return cutter_location
elif dist < 0:
raise ValueError("Waterline endpoint backwards: %s / %s" % (cp, dist))
# safety distance is required to avoid any collision due to float inaccuracies
safety_distance = cp.sub(cutter_location).normalized().mul(epsilon)
return cp.add(safety_distance)
def get_bisector_collision():
# bisector based code
bisector_dir = get_bisector(waterline.p1, waterline.p2, t_waterline.p2, self._up_vector)
bisector = Line(waterline.p2, waterline.p2.add(bisector_dir))
waterline_dir = waterline.p2.sub(waterline.p1)
cp, dist = Line(cutter_location, cutter_location.add(
waterline_dir)).get_intersection(bisector, infinite_lines=True)
if cp is None:
raise ValueError("Line going backward: %s / %s" % (waterline, t_waterline))
if abs(dist) < epsilon:
# "dist" is almost zero:
return cutter_location
elif dist < 0:
raise ValueError("Waterline endpoint backwards: %s / %s" % (cp, dist))
return cp
def get_angle_collision():
# angle based code
if abs(angle - math.pi) < epsilon:
# The two waterlines (waterline and t_waterline) are on a straight
# line. Thus we need to add the length of the t_waterline (incl.
# its extension) as the extension of "waterline".
# This sounds like a possible recursion trap, but it should be
# of finite depth.
#print "Waterline extension: straight line (%s / %s)" % (waterline, t_waterline)
endpoint = t_waterline.p2.sub(t_waterline.p1).add(
self.get_waterline_endpoint(t, t_waterline,
if abs(angle - 2 * math.pi) < epsilon:
raise ValueError("Line going backward: %s / %s" % (waterline, t_waterline))
# this waterline and the next are _not_ on a straight line
change_vector_length = offset / math.tan(angle / 2)
change_vector = waterline.dir.mul(change_vector_length)
endpoint = cutter_location.add(waterline.p2.sub(waterline.p1)).add(change_vector)
#print "Waterline extension: %s (%f)" % (change_vector, change_vector.norm)
return endpoint
# alternative calculations - "waterline_collision" seems to be the best
waterline_collision = get_waterline_collision()
#bisector_collision = get_bisector_collision()
#angle_collision = get_angle_collision()
#print "Endpoints: %s / %s / %s" % (waterline_collision, bisector_collision, angle_collision)
collision = waterline_collision
return Point(collision.x, collision.y, collision.z)
......@@ -27,17 +27,16 @@ from pycam.Geometry.Point import Point
class Hit:
def __init__(self, cl, t, d, direction):
def __init__(self, cl, cp, t, d, direction): = cl
self.cp = cp
self.t = t
self.d = d
self.dir = direction
self.z = -INFINITE
def cmp(a, b):
return cmp(a.d, b.d)
def get_free_paths_triangles(model, cutter, p1, p2):
def get_free_paths_triangles(model, cutter, p1, p2, return_triangles=False):
points = []
x_dist = p2.x - p1.x
y_dist = p2.y - p1.y
......@@ -64,15 +63,15 @@ def get_free_paths_triangles(model, cutter, p1, p2):
for t in triangles:
(cl, d) = cutter.intersect(backward, t)
(cl, d, cp) = cutter.intersect(backward, t)
if cl:
hits.append(Hit(cl, t, -d, backward))
(cl, d) = cutter.intersect(forward, t)
hits.append(Hit(cl, cp, t, -d, backward))
(cl, d, cp) = cutter.intersect(forward, t)
if cl:
hits.append(Hit(cl, t, d, forward))
hits.append(Hit(cl, cp, t, d, forward))
# sort along the scan direction
hits.sort(key=lambda h: h.d)
count = 0
points = []
......@@ -81,23 +80,27 @@ def get_free_paths_triangles(model, cutter, p1, p2):
if count == 0:
if -epsilon <= h.d <= xyz_dist + epsilon:
if len(points) == 0:
points.append((p1, None, None))
points.append((, h.t, h.cp))
count += 1
if count == 1:
if -epsilon <= h.d <= xyz_dist + epsilon:
points.append((, h.t, h.cp))
count -= 1
if len(points)%2 == 1:
points.append((p2, None, None))
if len(hits)==0:
points.append((p1, None, None))
points.append((p2, None, None))
if return_triangles:
return points
# return only the cutter locations (without triangles)
return [cl for (cl, t, cp) in points]
def get_free_paths_ode(physics, p1, p2, depth=8):
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