Commit 486b8d5f authored by leonmuller's avatar leonmuller

commented out the old way of pulling image data for raster directly from the...

commented out the old way of pulling image data for raster directly from the inkscape base64 data. I have changed it to use the inkscape exporter command line mechanism which seems to be more reliable.
parent 186c2eaa
......@@ -907,6 +907,45 @@ class Gcode_tools(inkex.Effect):
pathsGroup += data
return pathsGroup
else :
if(node.get("x") > 0):
tmp = self.getTmpPath() #OS tmp directory
bgcol = "#ffffff" #White
curfile = curfile = self.args[-1] #The current inkscape project we're exporting from.
command="inkscape --export-dpi 270 -i %s --export-id-only -e \"%stmpinkscapeexport.png\" -b \"%s\" %s" % (node.get("id"),tmp,bgcol,curfile)
p = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
return_code = p.wait()
f = p.stdout
err = p.stderr
#Fetch the image Data
filename = "%stmpinkscapeexport.png" % (tmp)
im ='L')
img = ImageOps.invert(im)
#Get the image size
imageDataWidth, imageDataheight = img.size
#Compile the pixels.
pixels = list(img.getdata())
pixels = [pixels[i * (imageDataWidth):(i + 1) * (imageDataWidth)] for i in xrange(imageDataheight)]
path['type'] = "raster"
path['width'] = imageDataWidth
path['height'] = imageDataheight
path['x'] = self.unitScale*(float(node.get("x")) * 1)
#Add the height in px from inkscape from the image, as its top is measured from the origin top left, though in inkscape the origin is bottom left so we need to begin scanning the px at the bottom of the image for our laser bed.
path['y'] = self.unitScale * ((float(node.get("y"))+(float(imageDataheight)/3))*-1+self.pageHeight)
path['id'] = node.get("id")
path['data'] = pixels
return path
inkex.errormsg("Unable to generate raster for object " + str(node.get("id"))+" as it does not have an x-y coordinate associated.")
elif node.tag == SVG_IMAGE_TAG:
#inkex.errormsg( )
......@@ -949,42 +988,7 @@ class Gcode_tools(inkex.Effect):
return path
#The object isn't a path, and it's not an image. Convert it to an image to be rastered.
else :
if(node.get("x") > 0):
tmp = self.getTmpPath() #OS tmp directory
bgcol = "#ffffff" #White
curfile = curfile = self.args[-1] #The current inkscape project we're exporting from.
command="inkscape --export-dpi 270 -i %s --export-id-only -e \"%stmpinkscapeexport.png\" -b \"%s\" %s" % (node.get("id"),tmp,bgcol,curfile)
p = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
return_code = p.wait()
f = p.stdout
err = p.stderr
#Fetch the image Data
filename = "%stmpinkscapeexport.png" % (tmp)
im ='L')
img = ImageOps.invert(im)
#Get the image size
imageDataWidth, imageDataheight = img.size
#Compile the pixels.
pixels = list(img.getdata())
pixels = [pixels[i * (imageDataWidth):(i + 1) * (imageDataWidth)] for i in xrange(imageDataheight)]
path['type'] = "raster"
path['width'] = imageDataWidth
path['height'] = imageDataheight
path['x'] = self.unitScale*(float(node.get("x")) * 1)
#Add the height in px from inkscape from the image, as its top is measured from the origin top left, though in inkscape the origin is bottom left so we need to begin scanning the px at the bottom of the image for our laser bed.
path['y'] = self.unitScale * ((float(node.get("y"))+(float(imageDataheight)/3))*-1+self.pageHeight)
path['id'] = node.get("id")
path['data'] = pixels
return path
inkex.errormsg("Unable to generate raster for object " + str(node.get("id"))+" as it does not have an x-y coordinate associated.")
inkex.errormsg("skipping node " + str(node.get("id")))
self.skipped += 1
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