#!/usr/bin/python # This file is part of the Printrun suite. # # Printrun is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Printrun is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Printrun. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. #Interactive RepRap e axis calibration program #(C) Nathan Zadoks 2011 s = 300 #Extrusion speed (mm/min) n = 100 #Default length to extrude m= 0 #User-entered measured extrusion length k = 300 #Default amount of steps per mm port='/dev/ttyUSB0' #Default serial port to connect to printer temp = 210 #Default extrusion temperature tempmax = 250 #Maximum extrusion temperature t = int(n*60)/s #Time to wait for extrusion try: from printdummy import printcore except ImportError: from printcore import printcore import time, getopt, sys, os def float_input(prompt=''): import sys f = None while f == None: s = raw_input(prompt) try: f = float(s) except ValueError: sys.stderr.write("Not a valid floating-point number.\n") sys.stderr.flush() return f def wait(t, m=''): import time, sys sys.stdout.write(m+'['+(' '*t)+']\r'+m+'[') sys.stdout.flush() for i in range(t): for s in ['|\b','/\b','-\b','\\\b','|']: sys.stdout.write(s) sys.stdout.flush() time.sleep(1.0/5) print def w(s): sys.stdout.write(s) sys.stdout.flush() def heatup(p, temp, s = 0): curtemp = gettemp(p) p.send_now('M109 S%03d'%temp) p.temp = 0 if not s: w("Heating extruder up..") f = False while curtemp<=(temp-1): p.send_now('M105') time.sleep(0.5) if not f: time.sleep(1.5) f = True curtemp = gettemp(p) if curtemp: w(u"\rHeating extruder up.. %3d \xb0C"%curtemp) if s: print else: print "\nReady." def gettemp(p): try: p.logl except: setattr(p,'logl',0) try: p.temp except: setattr(p,'temp',0) for n in range(p.logl, len(p.log)): line = p.log[n] if 'T:' in line: try: setattr(p,'temp',int(line.split('T:')[1].split()[0])) except: print line p.logl = len(p.log) return p.temp if not os.path.exists(port): port = 0 #Parse options help = u""" %s [ -l DISTANCE ] [ -s STEPS ] [ -t TEMP ] [ -p PORT ] -l --length Length of filament to extrude for each calibration step (default: %d mm) -s --steps Initial amount of steps to use (default: %d steps) -t --temp Extrusion temperature in degrees Celsius (default: %d \xb0C, max %d \xb0C) -p --port Serial port the printer is connected to (default: %s) -h --help This cruft. """[1:-1].encode('utf-8')%(sys.argv[0], n, k, temp, tempmax, port if port else 'auto') try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:],"hl:s:t:p:",["help", "length=", "steps=", "temp=", "port="]) except getopt.GetoptError, err: print str(err) print help sys.exit(2) for o, a in opts: if o in ('-h','--help'): print help sys.exit() elif o in ('-l','--length'): n = float(a) elif o in ('-s','--steps'): k = int(a) elif o in ('-t','--temp'): temp = int(a) if temp>=tempmax: print (u'%d \xb0C? Are you insane?'.encode('utf-8')%temp)+(" That's over nine thousand!" if temp>9000 else '') sys.exit(255) elif o in ('-p','--port'): port = a #Show initial parameters print "Initial parameters" print "Steps per mm: %3d steps"%k print "Length extruded: %3d mm"%n print print "Serial port: %s"%(port if port else 'auto') p = None try: #Connect to printer w("Connecting to printer..") try: p = printcore(port, 115200) except: print 'Error.' raise while not p.online: time.sleep(1) w('.') print " connected." heatup(p, temp) #Calibration loop while n!=m: heatup(p, temp, True) p.send_now("G92 E0") #Reset e axis p.send_now("G1 E%d F%d"%(n, s)) #Extrude length of filament wait(t,'Extruding.. ') m = float_input("How many millimeters of filament were extruded? ") if m == 0: continue if n!=m: k = (n/m)*k p.send_now("M92 E%d"%int(round(k))) #Set new step count print "Steps per mm: %3d steps"%k #Tell user print 'Calibration completed.' #Yay! except KeyboardInterrupt: pass finally: if p: p.disconnect()