Commit f2434e75 authored by Christopher Keller's avatar Christopher Keller

Complete rewrite of time estimation with (default) acceleration!

  Accounts for G4 Pxxx
  Accounts for Z moves as well.
  Also prints out duration for each layer while calculating the total time.

  Does not use individual axis acceleration, only uses sprinter default acceleration 1500.0 mm/s/s
  Does not count E for timing... so if E is slowing down the move, we're not accounting for that.

** fixed: 2x distance to reach full speed, because accel and decel to 0.0 at each move.

  Get Device Caps (per axis acceleration, per axis speed limits)
  anything else...?
parent bdb9eae0
......@@ -2,7 +2,9 @@
import cmd, printcore, sys
import glob, os, time
import sys, subprocess
import math
from math import sqrt
import _winreg
......@@ -65,7 +67,6 @@ def measurements(g):
Ytot = Ymax - Ymin
Ztot = Zmax - Zmin
return (Xtot,Ytot,Ztot,Xmin,Xmax,Ymin,Ymax,Zmin,Zmax)
def totalelength(g):
......@@ -87,58 +88,76 @@ def get_coordinate_value(axis, parts):
return float(i[1:])
return None
def hypot3d(X1, Y1, Z1, X2=0.0, Y2=0.0, Z2=0.0):
return math.hypot(X2-X1, math.hypot(Y2-Y1, Z2-Z1))
def estimate_duration(g):
extra_cost_per_movement = 0.02
total_duration = 0.0
feedrate = 0.0
avg_feedrate = 0.0
last_feedrate = 0.0
X_last_position = 0.0
Y_last_position = 0.0
Z_last_position = 0.0
lastx = lasty = lastz = laste = lastf = 0.0
x = y = z = e = f = 0.0
currenttravel = 0.0
totaltravel = 0.0
moveduration = 0.0
totalduration = 0.0
acceleration = 1500.0 #mm/s/s ASSUMING THE DEFAULT FROM SPRINTER !!!!
layerduration = 0.0
layerbeginduration = 0.0
# get device caps from firmware: max speed, acceleration/axis (including extruder)
# calculate the maximum move duration accounting for above ;)
print ".... estimating ...."
for i in g:
if "G1" in i and ("X" in i or "Y" in i or "F" in i or "E" in i):
#if "G1" in i and ("X" in i or "Y" in i or "Z" in i or "F" in i or "E" in i):
if "G4" in i or "G1" in i:
if "G4" in i:
parts = i.split(" ")
X = get_coordinate_value("X", parts[1:])
Y = get_coordinate_value("Y", parts[1:])
#Z = get_coordinate_value("Z", parts[1:])
F = get_coordinate_value("F", parts[1:])
E = get_coordinate_value("E", parts[1:])
if (F is not None):
feedrate = (last_feedrate + (F / 60.0))/2.0
distance = 0
if (X is None and Y is None and E is not None):
distance = abs(E)
elif (X is not None and Y is None):
distance = X - X_last_position
X_last_position = X
elif (X is None and Y is not None):
distance = Y - Y_last_position
Y_last_position = Y
elif (X is not None and Y is not None):
X_distance = X - X_last_position
Y_distance = Y - Y_last_position
distance = sqrt(X_distance * X_distance + Y_distance * Y_distance)
X_last_position = X
Y_last_position = Y
#if (Z is not None):
# Z_distance = Z - Z_last_position
# if not(distance == 0.0):
# distance = sqrt(Z_distance * Z_distance + distance * distance )
# else:
# distance = Z_distance
# Z_last_position = Z
if (feedrate == 0.0 or distance == 0.0): continue
time_for_move = distance / feedrate
total_duration += time_for_move + extra_cost_per_movement
if (F is not None): feedrate = F / 60.0
return time.strftime('%H:%M:%S', time.gmtime(total_duration/60.0))
moveduration = get_coordinate_value("P", parts[1:])
if moveduration is None:
moveduration /= 1000.0
if "G1" in i:
parts = i.split(" ")
x = get_coordinate_value("X", parts[1:])
if x is None: x=lastx
y = get_coordinate_value("Y", parts[1:])
if y is None: y=lasty
z = get_coordinate_value("Z", parts[1:])
if z is None: z=lastz
e = get_coordinate_value("E", parts[1:])
if e is None: e=laste
f = get_coordinate_value("F", parts[1:])
if f is None: f=lastf
else: f /= 60.0 # mm/s vs mm/m
# given last feedrate and current feedrate calculate the distance needed to achieve current feedrate.
# if travel is longer than req'd distance, then subtract distance to achieve full speed, and add the time it took to get there.
# then calculate the time taken to complete the remaining distance
currenttravel = hypot3d(x, y, z, lastx, lasty, lastz)
distance = 2* ((lastf+f) * (f-lastf) * 0.5 ) / acceleration #2x because we have to accelerate and decelerate
if distance <= currenttravel:
moveduration = 2 * distance / ( lastf + f )
currenttravel -= distance
moveduration += currenttravel/f
moveduration = math.sqrt( 2 * distance / acceleration )
totalduration += moveduration
if z > lastz:
print "layer z: ", lastz, " will take: ", time.strftime('%H:%M:%S', time.gmtime(totalduration-layerbeginduration))
layerbeginduration = totalduration
lastx = x
lasty = y
lastz = z
laste = e
lastf = f
print "Total Duration: " #, time.strftime('%H:%M:%S', time.gmtime(totalduration))
return time.strftime('%H:%M:%S', time.gmtime(totalduration))
class Settings:
#def _temperature_alias(self): return {"pla":210,"abs":230,"off":0}
#def _temperature_validate(self,v):
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