Commit a46f7359 authored by Guillaume Seguin's avatar Guillaume Seguin

Use GCoder parsed gcode in gviz

parent ea604380
......@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ import re
import math
import datetime
gcode_parsed_args = ["x", "y", "e", "f", "z", "p"]
gcode_parsed_args = ["x", "y", "e", "f", "z", "p", "i", "j"]
class Line(object):
......@@ -28,6 +28,8 @@ class Line(object):
z = None
e = None
f = None
i = None
j = None
relative = False
relative_e = False
......@@ -263,7 +265,6 @@ class GCode(object):
# get device caps from firmware: max speed, acceleration/axis (including extruder)
# calculate the maximum move duration accounting for above ;)
# self.log(".... estimating ....")
zs = self.layers.keys()
for z in zs:
......@@ -281,7 +282,7 @@ class GCode(object):
x = line.x if line.x != None else lastx
y = line.y if line.y != None else lasty
e = line.e if line.e != None else laste
f = line.f / 60.0 if line.f != None else lastf # mm/s vs mm/m
f = line.f / 60.0 if line.f != None else lastf # mm/s vs mm/m => divide by 60
# given last feedrate and current feedrate calculate the distance needed to achieve current feedrate.
# if travel is longer than req'd distance, then subtract distance to achieve full speed, and add the time it took to get there.
......@@ -312,10 +312,70 @@ class gviz(wx.Panel):
dc.DrawBitmap(self.blitmap, 0, 0)
del dc
def addfile(self, gcodes = []):
def addfile(self, gcode):
for i in gcodes:
def add_parsed_gcodes(self, lines, hilight = 0):
def _readgcode():
target = self.lastpos[:]
target[5] = 0.0
target[6] = 0.0
if hilight:
target = self.hilightpos[:]
if gline.x != None: target[0] = gline.x
if gline.y != None: target[1] = gline.y
if gline.z != None: target[2] = gline.z
if gline.e != None: target[3] = gline.e
if gline.f != None: target[4] = gline.f
if gline.i != None: target[5] = gline.i
if gline.j != None: target[6] = gline.j
if not hilight:
if not target[2] in self.lines.keys():
return target
def _y(y):
return self.build_dimensions[1] - (y - self.build_dimensions[4])
def _x(x):
return x - self.build_dimensions[3]
for gline in lines:
start_pos = self.hilightpos[:] if hilight else self.lastpos[:]
if gline.command in [ "G0", "G1" ]:
target = _readgcode()
line = [ _x(start_pos[0]), _y(start_pos[1]), _x(target[0]), _y(target[1]) ]
if not hilight:
self.lines[ target[2] ] += [line]
self.pens[ target[2] ] += [self.mainpen if target[3] != self.lastpos[3] else self.travelpen]
self.lastpos = target
self.hilight += [line]
self.hilightpos = target
self.dirty = 1
if gline.command in [ "G2", "G3" ]:
target = _readgcode()
arc = []
arc += [ _x(start_pos[0]), _y(start_pos[1]) ]
arc += [ _x(target[0]), _y(target[1]) ]
arc += [ _x(start_pos[0] + target[5]), _y(start_pos[1] + target[6]) ] # center
if gline.command == "G2": # clockwise, reverse endpoints
arc[0], arc[1], arc[2], arc[3] = arc[2], arc[3], arc[0], arc[1]
if not hilight:
self.arcs[ target[2] ] += [arc]
self.arcpens[ target[2] ] += [self.arcpen]
self.lastpos = target
self.hilightarcs += [arc]
self.hilightpos = target
self.dirty = 1
def addgcode(self, gcode = "M105", hilight = 0):
gcode = gcode.split("*")[0]
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