Commit a1a83be1 authored by Guillaume Seguin's avatar Guillaume Seguin

Rework GCoder to factorize preprocessing in a single function #423

parent b179b572
......@@ -116,6 +116,8 @@ class GCode(object):
current_z = 0
# For E this is the absolute position from machine start
current_e = 0
total_e = 0
max_e = 0
# Current feedrate
current_f = 0
# Offset: current offset between the machine origin and the machine current
......@@ -190,16 +192,16 @@ class GCode(object):
return len(self.all_zs)
layers_count = property(_get_layers_count)
def __init__(self, data = None, home_pos = None):
def __init__(self, data = None, home_pos = None, layer_callback = None):
self.home_pos = home_pos
if data:
self.lines = [Line(l2) for l2 in
(l.strip() for l in data)
if l2]
self.filament_length = self._preprocess_extrusion()
self._preprocess(build_layers = True,
layer_callback = layer_callback)
self.filament_length = self.max_e
self.lines = []
self.append_layer_id = 0
......@@ -220,8 +222,7 @@ class GCode(object):
if not command:
gline = Line(command)
if store:
......@@ -229,7 +230,8 @@ class GCode(object):
return gline
def _preprocess_lines(self, lines = None):
def _preprocess(self, lines = None, build_layers = False,
layer_callback = None):
"""Checks for imperial/relativeness settings and tool changes"""
if not lines:
lines = self.lines
......@@ -244,78 +246,166 @@ class GCode(object):
offset_y = self.offset_y
offset_z = self.offset_z
current_e = self.current_e
offset_e = self.offset_e
total_e = self.total_e
max_e = self.max_e
# Initialize layers
if build_layers:
all_layers = self.all_layers = []
layer_idxs = self.layer_idxs = []
line_idxs = self.line_idxs = []
layer_id = 0
layer_line = 0
last_layer_z = None
prev_z = None
prev_base_z = (None, None)
cur_z = None
cur_lines = []
for line in lines:
## Parse line
split_raw = split(line)
if not line.command:
# Update properties
if line.is_move:
line.relative = relative
line.relative_e = relative_e
line.current_tool = current_tool
elif line.command == "G20":
imperial = True
elif line.command == "G21":
imperial = False
elif line.command == "G90":
relative = False
relative_e = False
elif line.command == "G91":
relative = True
relative_e = True
elif line.command == "M82":
relative_e = False
elif line.command == "M83":
relative_e = True
elif line.command[0] == "T":
current_tool = int(line.command[1:])
if line.command[0] == "G":
parse_coordinates(line, split_raw, imperial)
# Compute current position
if line.is_move:
x = line.x
y = line.y
z = line.z
if line.f is not None:
self.current_f = line.f
if line.relative:
x = current_x + (x or 0)
y = current_y + (y or 0)
z = current_z + (z or 0)
if x is not None: x = x + offset_x
if y is not None: y = y + offset_y
if z is not None: z = z + offset_z
if x is not None: current_x = x
if y is not None: current_y = y
if z is not None: current_z = z
elif line.command == "G28":
home_all = not any([line.x, line.y, line.z])
if home_all or line.x is not None:
offset_x = 0
current_x = self.home_x
if home_all or line.y is not None:
offset_y = 0
current_y = self.home_y
if home_all or line.z is not None:
offset_z = 0
current_z = self.home_z
elif line.command == "G92":
if line.x is not None: offset_x = current_x - line.x
if line.y is not None: offset_y = current_y - line.y
if line.z is not None: offset_z = current_z - line.z
line.current_x = current_x
line.current_y = current_y
line.current_z = current_z
if line.command:
# Update properties
if line.is_move:
line.relative = relative
line.relative_e = relative_e
line.current_tool = current_tool
elif line.command == "G20":
imperial = True
elif line.command == "G21":
imperial = False
elif line.command == "G90":
relative = False
relative_e = False
elif line.command == "G91":
relative = True
relative_e = True
elif line.command == "M82":
relative_e = False
elif line.command == "M83":
relative_e = True
elif line.command[0] == "T":
current_tool = int(line.command[1:])
if line.command[0] == "G":
parse_coordinates(line, split_raw, imperial)
# Compute current position
if line.is_move:
x = line.x
y = line.y
z = line.z
if line.f is not None:
self.current_f = line.f
if line.relative:
x = current_x + (x or 0)
y = current_y + (y or 0)
z = current_z + (z or 0)
if x is not None: x = x + offset_x
if y is not None: y = y + offset_y
if z is not None: z = z + offset_z
if x is not None: current_x = x
if y is not None: current_y = y
if z is not None: current_z = z
elif line.command == "G28":
home_all = not any([line.x, line.y, line.z])
if home_all or line.x is not None:
offset_x = 0
current_x = self.home_x
if home_all or line.y is not None:
offset_y = 0
current_y = self.home_y
if home_all or line.z is not None:
offset_z = 0
current_z = self.home_z
elif line.command == "G92":
if line.x is not None: offset_x = current_x - line.x
if line.y is not None: offset_y = current_y - line.y
if line.z is not None: offset_z = current_z - line.z
line.current_x = current_x
line.current_y = current_y
line.current_z = current_z
## Process extrusion
if line.e is not None:
if line.is_move:
if line.relative_e:
line.extruding = line.e > 0
total_e += line.e
current_e += line.e
new_e = line.e + offset_e
line.extruding = new_e > current_e
total_e += new_e - current_e
current_e = new_e
max_e = max(max_e, total_e)
elif line.command == "G92":
offset_e = current_e - line.e
## Create layers
if not build_layers:
# FIXME : looks like this needs to be tested with "lift Z on move"
if line.command == "G92" and line.z is not None:
cur_z = line.z
elif line.is_move:
if line.z is not None:
if line.relative and cur_z is not None:
cur_z += line.z
cur_z = line.z
# FIXME: the logic behind this code seems to work, but it might be
# broken
if cur_z != prev_z:
if prev_z is not None and last_layer_z is not None:
offset = self.est_layer_height if self.est_layer_height else 0.01
if abs(prev_z - last_layer_z) < offset:
if self.est_layer_height is None:
zs = sorted([l.z for l in all_layers if l.z is not None])
heights = [round(zs[i + 1] - zs[i], 3) for i in range(len(zs) - 1)]
heights = [height for height in heights if height]
if len(heights) >= 2: self.est_layer_height = heights[1]
elif heights: self.est_layer_height = heights[0]
else: self.est_layer_height = 0.1
base_z = round(prev_z - (prev_z % self.est_layer_height), 2)
base_z = round(prev_z, 2)
base_z = prev_z
if base_z != prev_base_z:
all_layers.append(Layer(cur_lines, base_z))
cur_lines = []
layer_id += 1
layer_line = 0
last_layer_z = base_z
if layer_callback is not None:
layer_callback(self, len(all_layers) - 1)
prev_base_z = base_z
if build_layers:
layer_line += 1
prev_z = cur_z
### Loop done
# Store current status
self.imperial = imperial
self.relative = relative
self.relative_e = relative_e
......@@ -327,131 +417,26 @@ class GCode(object):
self.offset_y = offset_y
self.offset_z = offset_z
def _preprocess_extrusion(self, lines = None):
if not lines:
lines = self.lines
current_e = self.current_e
offset_e = self.offset_e
total_e = 0
max_e = 0
for line in lines:
if line.e is None:
if line.is_move:
if line.relative_e:
line.extruding = line.e > 0
total_e += line.e
current_e += line.e
new_e = line.e + offset_e
line.extruding = new_e > current_e
total_e += new_e - current_e
current_e = new_e
max_e = max(max_e, total_e)
elif line.command == "G92":
offset_e = current_e - line.e
self.current_e = current_e
self.offset_e = offset_e
return max_e
# FIXME : looks like this needs to be tested with list Z on move
def _create_layers(self):
layers = {}
all_layers = []
layer_idxs = []
line_idxs = []
layer_id = 0
layer_line = 0
last_layer_z = None
prev_z = None
prev_base_z = (None, None)
cur_z = None
cur_lines = []
for line in self.lines:
if line.command == "G92" and line.z is not None:
cur_z = line.z
elif line.is_move:
if line.z is not None:
if line.relative and cur_z is not None:
cur_z += line.z
cur_z = line.z
# FIXME: the logic behind this code seems to work, but it might be
# broken
if cur_z != prev_z:
if prev_z is not None and last_layer_z is not None:
offset = self.est_layer_height if self.est_layer_height else 0.01
if abs(prev_z - last_layer_z) < offset:
if self.est_layer_height is None:
zs = sorted([l.z for l in all_layers if l.z is not None])
heights = [round(zs[i + 1] - zs[i], 3) for i in range(len(zs) - 1)]
heights = [height for height in heights if height]
if len(heights) >= 2: self.est_layer_height = heights[1]
elif heights: self.est_layer_height = heights[0]
else: self.est_layer_height = 0.1
base_z = round(prev_z - (prev_z % self.est_layer_height), 2)
base_z = round(prev_z, 2)
base_z = prev_z
if base_z != prev_base_z:
all_layers.append(Layer(cur_lines, base_z))
old_lines = layers.get(base_z, [])
old_lines += cur_lines
layers[base_z] = old_lines
cur_lines = []
layer_id += 1
layer_line = 0
last_layer_z = base_z
prev_base_z = base_z
layer_line += 1
prev_z = cur_z
if cur_lines:
all_layers.append(Layer(cur_lines, prev_z))
old_lines = layers.get(prev_z, [])
old_lines += cur_lines
layers[prev_z] = old_lines
for zindex in layers.keys():
cur_lines = layers[zindex]
has_movement = False
for l in layers[zindex]:
if l.is_move and l.e is not None:
has_movement = True
if has_movement:
layers[zindex] = Layer(cur_lines, zindex)
del layers[zindex]
self.append_layer_id = len(all_layers)
self.append_layer = Layer([])
self.all_layers = all_layers
self.layers = layers
self.layer_idxs = array('I', layer_idxs)
self.line_idxs = array('I', line_idxs)
self.max_e = max_e
self.total_e = total_e
# Finalize layers
if build_layers:
if cur_lines:
all_layers.append(Layer(cur_lines, prev_z))
self.append_layer_id = len(all_layers)
self.append_layer = Layer([])
self.layer_idxs = array('I', layer_idxs)
self.line_idxs = array('I', line_idxs)
def idxs(self, i):
return self.layer_idxs[i], self.line_idxs[i]
def num_layers(self):
return len(self.layers)
def _preprocess_layers(self):
def _compute_bounding_box(self):
xmin = float("inf")
ymin = float("inf")
zmin = 0
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