Commit 9a19e127 authored by Guillaume Seguin's avatar Guillaume Seguin

Fix gviz.add_parsed_gcode for relative gcodes

parent a49b4871
......@@ -318,10 +318,19 @@ class gviz(wx.Panel):
target = self.lastpos[:]
target[5] = 0.0
target[6] = 0.0
if gline.relative:
if gline.x != None: target[0] += gline.x
if gline.y != None: target[1] += gline.y
if gline.z != None: target[2] += gline.z
if gline.x != None: target[0] = gline.x
if gline.y != None: target[1] = gline.y
if gline.z != None: target[2] = gline.z
if gline.e != None: target[3] = gline.e
if gline.e != None:
if gline.relative_e:
target[3] += gline.e
target[3] = gline.e
if gline.f != None: target[4] = gline.f
if gline.i != None: target[5] = gline.i
if gline.j != None: target[6] = gline.j
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