Commit 8c24401d authored by kliment's avatar kliment

Merge pull request #356 from D1plo1d/pronserve

Merging awesomeness
parents b4f620a0 4290a3b8
...@@ -2,3 +2,4 @@ ...@@ -2,3 +2,4 @@
.pronsolerc .pronsolerc
*.swp *.swp
*.bak *.bak
...@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ Printrun consists of printcore, pronsole and pronterface, and a small collection ...@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ Printrun consists of printcore, pronsole and pronterface, and a small collection
* is a library that makes writing reprap hosts easy * is a library that makes writing reprap hosts easy
* is an interactive command-line host software with tabcompletion goodness * is an interactive command-line host software with tabcompletion goodness
* is a graphical host software with the same functionality as pronsole * is a graphical host software with the same functionality as pronsole
* is a browser-usable remote control function for Pronterface
...@@ -51,23 +50,19 @@ The command box recognizes all pronsole commands, but has no tabcompletion. ...@@ -51,23 +50,19 @@ The command box recognizes all pronsole commands, but has no tabcompletion.
If you want to load stl files, you need to install a slicing program such as Slic3r and add its path to the settings. If you want to load stl files, you need to install a slicing program such as Slic3r and add its path to the settings.
See the Slic3r readme for more details on integration. See the Slic3r readme for more details on integration.
# Using the browser interface
To run the web interface, install Cherrypy and run Pronterface as described above. # USING PRONSERVE
The www server will start on the port/address you have chosen.
## Webinterface Dependencies Pronserve runs a server for remote controlling your 3D printer over your network. To use pronserve you need:
Cherrypy is required for the web interface. Download and install it by opening a * python (ideally 2.6.x or 2.7.x),
command prompt in its directory and running python install. * pyserial (or python-serial on ubuntu/debian) and
* tornado
* D1plo1d's py-mdns fork (
* pybonjour
* bonjour for windows (Windows ONLY)
## Webinterface Configuration When you're done setting up Printrun, you can start `` in the directory you unpacked it. Once the server starts you can verify it's working by going to http://localhost:8888 in your web browser.
* The Web interface port / ip is configurable in http.config
* The Default User / Password can be set in auth.config
## Webinterface Styling
* css/style.css can be modified to change the style of the Web Interface.
$pronterfaceIP = ""; //Format: ip:port
$curl = curl_init();
curl_setopt($curl, CURLINFO_HEADER_OUT, true);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HEADER, false);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 1);
curl_setopt($curl,CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 1);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, "http://" . $pronterfaceIP . "/status/");
$data = curl_exec($curl);
if (curl_errno($curl) || empty($data))
die("Printer offline");
$xml = new SimpleXMLElement($data);
echo "State: " . $xml->state . "<br />";
echo "Hotend: " . round($xml->hotend, 0) . "&deg;c<br />";
echo "Bed: " . round($xml->bed, 0) . "&deg;c<br />";
if ($xml->progress != "NA")
echo "Progress: " . $xml->progress . "%";
catch(Exception $e)
echo "ERROR:\n" . $e->getMessage(). " (severity " . $e->getCode() . ")";
\ No newline at end of file
# This file is part of the Printrun suite.
# Printrun is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Printrun is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Printrun. If not, see <>.
import pronterface
import cherrypy, re, ConfigParser, threading, sys
import os.path
from printrun.printrun_utils import configfile, imagefile, sharedfile
users = {}
def PrintHeader():
return '<html>\n<head>\n<title>Pronterface-Web</title>\n<link rel = "stylesheet" type = "text/css" href = "/css/style.css" type = "text/css"></link>\n<script src="/js/asyncCommand.js"></script>\n</head>\n<body>\n'
def PrintMenu():
return '<div id = "mainmenu"><ul><li><a href = "/">home</a></li><li><a href = "/settings">settings</a></li><li><a href = "/console">console</a></li><li><a href = "/status">status (XML)</a></li></ul></div>'
def PrintFooter():
return "</body></html>"
def ReloadPage(action):
return "<html><head><meta http-equiv='refresh' content='0;url=/'></head><body>"+action+"</body></html>"
def TReloadPage(action):
return action
def clear_text(mypass):
return mypass
gPronterPtr = 0
gWeblog = ""
gLogRefresh =5
class SettingsPage(object):
def __init__(self): = "<div id='title'>Pronterface Settings</div>"
def index(self):
pageText = PrintHeader()
pageText = pageText+"<div id='settings'><table>\n<tr><th>setting</th><th>value</th>"
pageText = pageText+"<tr>\n <td><b>Build Dimenstions</b></td><td>"+str(gPronterPtr.settings.build_dimensions)+"</td>\n</tr>"
pageText = pageText+" <tr>\n <td><b>Last Bed Temp</b></td><td>"+str(gPronterPtr.settings.last_bed_temperature)+"</td>\n</tr>"
pageText = pageText+" <tr>\n <td><b>Last File Path</b></td><td>"+gPronterPtr.settings.last_file_path+"</td>\n</tr>"
pageText = pageText+" <tr>\n <td><b>Last Temperature</b></td><td>"+str(gPronterPtr.settings.last_temperature)+"</td>\n</tr>"
pageText = pageText+" <tr>\n <td><b>Preview Extrusion Width</b></td><td>"+str(gPronterPtr.settings.preview_extrusion_width)+"</td>\n</tr>"
pageText = pageText+" <tr>\n <td><b>Filename</b></td><td>"+str(gPronterPtr.filename)+"</td></tr></div>"
pageText = pageText+PrintFooter()
return pageText = True
class LogPage(object):
def __init__(self): = "<div id='title'>Pronterface Console</div>"
def index(self):
pageText = "<html><head><meta http-equiv='refresh' content='"+str(gLogRefresh)+"'></head><body>"
pageText+="<div id='status'>"
pageText = pageText+"<div id='console'>"+gWeblog+"</div>"
pageText = pageText+"</body></html>"
return pageText = True
class ConsolePage(object):
def __init__(self): = "<div id='title'>Pronterface Settings</div>"
def index(self):
pageText = PrintHeader()
pageText+="<div id='logframe'><iframe src='/logpage' width='100%' height='100%'>iFraming Not Supported?? No log for you.</iframe></div>"
return pageText = True
class ConnectButton(object):
def index(self):
#handle connect push, then reload page
return ReloadPage("Connect...") = True
index._cp_config = {'tools.basic_auth.on': True,
'tools.basic_auth.realm': 'My Print Server',
'tools.basic_auth.users': users,
'tools.basic_auth.encrypt': clear_text}
class DisconnectButton(object):
def index(self):
#handle connect push, then reload page
return ReloadPage("Disconnect...") = True
index._cp_config = {'tools.basic_auth.on': True,
'tools.basic_auth.realm': 'My Print Server',
'tools.basic_auth.users': users,
'tools.basic_auth.encrypt': clear_text}
class ResetButton(object):
def index(self):
#handle connect push, then reload page
return ReloadPage("Reset...") = True
index._cp_config = {'tools.basic_auth.on': True,
'tools.basic_auth.realm': 'My Print Server',
'tools.basic_auth.users': users,
'tools.basic_auth.encrypt': clear_text}
class PrintButton(object):
def index(self):
#handle connect push, then reload page
return ReloadPage("Print...") = True
index._cp_config = {'tools.basic_auth.on': True,
'tools.basic_auth.realm': 'My Print Server',
'tools.basic_auth.users': users,
'tools.basic_auth.encrypt': clear_text}
class PauseButton(object):
def index(self):
#handle connect push, then reload page
return ReloadPage("Pause...") = True
index._cp_config = {'tools.basic_auth.on': True,
'tools.basic_auth.realm': 'My Print Server',
'tools.basic_auth.users': users,
'tools.basic_auth.encrypt': clear_text}
class MoveButton(object):
def axis(self, *args):
if not args:
raise cherrypy.HTTPError(400, "No Move Command Provided!")
margs = list(args)
axis = margs.pop(0)
if(margs and axis == "x"):
distance = margs.pop(0)
gPronterPtr.onecmd('move X %s' % distance)
return ReloadPage("Moving X Axis " + str(distance))
if(margs and axis == "y"):
distance = margs.pop(0)
gPronterPtr.onecmd('move Y %s' % distance)
return ReloadPage("Moving Y Axis " + str(distance))
if(margs and axis == "z"):
distance = margs.pop(0)
gPronterPtr.onecmd('move Z %s' % distance)
return ReloadPage("Moving Z Axis " + str(distance))
raise cherrypy.HTTPError(400, "Unmached Move Command!") = True
axis._cp_config = {'tools.basic_auth.on': True,
'tools.basic_auth.realm': 'My Print Server',
'tools.basic_auth.users': users,
'tools.basic_auth.encrypt': clear_text}
class CustomButton(object):
def button(self, *args):
if not args:
raise cherrypy.HTTPError(400, "No Custom Command Provided!")
margs = list(args)
command = margs.pop(0)
return ReloadPage(str(command)) = True
button._cp_config = {'tools.basic_auth.on': True,
'tools.basic_auth.realm': 'My Print Server',
'tools.basic_auth.users': users,
'tools.basic_auth.encrypt': clear_text}
class HomeButton(object):
def axis(self, *args):
if not args:
raise cherrypy.HTTPError(400, "No Axis Provided!")
margs = list(args)
taxis = margs.pop(0)
if(taxis == "x"):
gPronterPtr.onecmd('home X')
return ReloadPage("Home X")
if(taxis == "y"):
gPronterPtr.onecmd('home Y')
return ReloadPage("Home Y")
if(taxis == "z"):
gPronterPtr.onecmd('home Z')
return ReloadPage("Home Z")
if(taxis == "all"):
return ReloadPage("Home All") = True
axis._cp_config = {'tools.basic_auth.on': True,
'tools.basic_auth.realm': 'My Print Server',
'tools.basic_auth.users': users,
'tools.basic_auth.encrypt': clear_text}
class XMLstatus(object):
def index(self):
#handle connect push, then reload page
txt='<?xml version = "1.0"?>\n<pronterface>\n'
state = "Offline"
if gPronterPtr.statuscheck or
state = "Idle"
if gPronterPtr.sdprinting:
state = "SDPrinting"
if gPronterPtr.p.printing:
state = "Printing"
if gPronterPtr.paused:
state = "Paused"
txt = txt+'<state>'+state+'</state>\n'
txt = txt+'<file>'+str(gPronterPtr.filename)+'</file>\n'
txt = txt+'<status>'+str(gPronterPtr.status.GetStatusText())+'</status>\n'
temp = str(float(filter(lambda x:x.startswith("T:"), gPronterPtr.tempreport.split())[0].split(":")[1]))
txt = txt+'<hotend>'+temp+'</hotend>\n'
txt = txt+'<hotend>NA</hotend>\n'
temp = str(float(filter(lambda x:x.startswith("B:"), gPronterPtr.tempreport.split())[0].split(":")[1]))
txt = txt+'<bed>'+temp+'</bed>\n'
txt = txt+'<bed>NA</bed>\n'
if gPronterPtr.sdprinting:
fractioncomplete = float(gPronterPtr.percentdone/100.0)
txt+= _("<progress>%04.2f") % (gPronterPtr.percentdone,)
elif gPronterPtr.p.printing:
fractioncomplete = float(gPronterPtr.p.queueindex)/len(gPronterPtr.p.mainqueue)
txt+= _("<progress>%04.2f") % (100*float(gPronterPtr.p.queueindex)/len(gPronterPtr.p.mainqueue),)
return txt = True
class WebInterface(object):
def __init__(self, pface):
if (sys.version_info[1] > 6):
# 'allow_no_value' wasn't added until 2.7
config = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser(allow_no_value = True)
config = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser() or 'auth.config'))
users[config.get("user", "user")] = config.get("user", "pass")
self.pface = pface
global gPronterPtr
global gWeblog = "<div id='title'>Pronterface Web-Interface</div>"
gWeblog = ""
gPronterPtr = self.pface
settings = SettingsPage()
logpage = LogPage()
console = ConsolePage()
connect = ConnectButton()
disconnect = DisconnectButton()
reset = ResetButton()
printbutton = PrintButton()
pausebutton = PrintButton()
status = XMLstatus()
home = HomeButton()
move = MoveButton()
custom =CustomButton()
def index(self):
pageText = PrintHeader()
pageText+="<div id='content'>\n"
pageText+="<div id='controls'>\n"
pageText+="<ul><li><a class='command' href='/connect'>Connect</a></li>\n"
pageText+="<li><a class='command' href='/disconnect'>Disconnect</a></li>\n"
pageText+="<li><a class='command' href='/reset'>Reset</a></li>\n"
pageText+="<li><a class='command' href='/printbutton'>Print</a></li>\n"
pageText+="<li><a class='command' href='/pausebutton'>Pause</a></li>\n"
for i in gPronterPtr.cpbuttons:
pageText+="<li><a class='command' href='/custom/button/"+i.command+"'>"+i.label+"</a></li>\n"
#for i in gPronterPtr.custombuttons:
# print(str(i));
pageText+="<div id='gui'>\n"
pageText+="<div id='control_xy'>"
pageText+="<img src='/images/control_xy.png' usemap='#xymap'/>"
pageText+='<map name = "xymap">'
pageText+='<area shape = "rect" class="command" coords = "8, 5, 51, 48" href = "/home/axis/x" alt = "X Home" title = "X Home" />'
pageText+='<area shape = "rect" class="command" coords = "195, 6, 236, 46" href = "/home/axis/y" alt = "Y Home" title = "Y Home" />'
pageText+='<area shape = "rect" class="command" coords = "7, 192, 48, 232" href = "/home/axis/all" alt = "All Home" title = "All Home" />'
pageText+='<area shape = "rect" class="command" coords = "194, 192, 235, 232" href = "/home/axis/z" alt = "Z Home" title = "Z Home" />'
pageText+='<area shape = "rect" class="command" coords = "62, 7, 185, 34" href = "/move/axis/y/100" alt = "Y 100" title = "Y 100" />'
pageText+='<area shape = "rect" class="command" coords = "68, 34, 175, 61" href = "/move/axis/y/10" alt = "Y 10" title = "Y 10" />'
pageText+='<area shape = "rect" class="command" coords = "80, 60, 163, 84" href = "/move/axis/y/1" alt = "Y 1" title = "Y 1" />'
pageText+='<area shape = "rect" class="command" coords = "106, 83, 138, 107" href = "/move/axis/y/.1" alt = "Y .1" title = "Y .1" />'
pageText+='<area shape = "rect" class="command" coords = "110, 135, 142, 159" href = "/move/axis/y/-.1" alt = "Y -.1" title = "Y -.1" />'
pageText+='<area shape = "rect" class="command" coords = "81, 157, 169, 181" href = "/move/axis/y/-1" alt = "Y -1" title = "Y -1" />'
pageText+='<area shape = "rect" class="command" coords = "69, 180, 178, 206" href = "/move/axis/y/-10" alt = "Y -10" title = "Y -10" />'
pageText+='<area shape = "rect" class="command" coords = "60, 205, 186, 231" href = "/move/axis/y/-100" alt = "Y -100" title = "Y -100" />'
pageText+='<area shape = "rect" class="command" coords = "11, 53, 37, 179" href = "/move/axis/x/-100" alt = "X -100" title = "X -100" />'
pageText+='<area shape = "rect" class="command" coords = "210, 59, 236, 185" href = "/move/axis/x/100" alt = "X 100" title = "X 100" />'
pageText+='<area shape = "rect" class="command" coords = "38, 60, 64, 172" href = "/move/axis/x/-10" alt = "X -10" title = "X -10" />'
pageText+='<area shape = "rect" class="command" coords = "185, 66, 211, 178" href = "/move/axis/x/10" alt = "X 10" title = "X 10" />'
pageText+='<area shape = "rect" class="command" coords = "62, 84, 83, 157" href = "/move/axis/x/-1" alt = "X -1" title = "X -1" />'
pageText+='<area shape = "rect" class="command" coords = "163, 87, 187, 160" href = "/move/axis/x/1" alt = "X 1" title = "X 1" />'
pageText+='<area shape = "rect" class="command" coords = "82, 104, 110, 139" href = "/move/axis/x/-.1" alt = "X -.1" title = "X -.1" />'
pageText+='<area shape = "rect" class="command" coords = "137, 105, 165, 140" href = "/move/axis/x/.1" alt = "X .1" title = "X .1" />'
pageText+="</div>\n" #endxy
pageText+="<div id='control_z'>"
pageText+="<img src='/images/control_z.png' usemap='#zmap'/>"
pageText+='<map name = "zmap">'
pageText+='<area shape = "rect" class="command" coords = "4, 35, 54, 64" href = "/move/axis/z/10" alt = "Z 10" title = "Z 10" />'
pageText+='<area shape = "rect" class="command" coords = "4, 60, 54, 89" href = "/move/axis/z/1" alt = "Z 1" title = "Z 1" />'
pageText+='<area shape = "rect" class="command" coords = "4, 87, 54, 116" href = "/move/axis/z/.1" alt = "Z .1" title = "Z .1" />'
pageText+='<area shape = "rect" class="command" coords = "4, 121, 54, 150" href = "/move/axis/z/-.1" alt = "Z -.1" title = "Z -.1" />'
pageText+='<area shape = "rect" class="command" coords = "4, 147, 54, 176" href = "/move/axis/z/-1" alt = "Z -1" title = "Z -1" />'
pageText+='<area shape = "rect" class="command" coords = "4, 173, 54, 202" href = "/move/axis/z/-10" alt = "Z -10" title = "Z -10" />'
#TODO Map Z Moves
pageText+="</div>\n" #endz
pageText+="</div>\n" #endgui
pageText+="</div>\n" #endcontent
# Temp Control TBD
# pageText+="<div id='temp'>"
# pageText+="<div id='tempmenu'>"
# pageText+="<ul><li><b>Heater Temp:</b></li><li><a href='/off'>OFF</a></li><li><a href='/185'>185 (PLA)</a></li><li><a href='/240'>240 (ABS)</a></li></ul>"
# pageText+="</div>"
# pageText+="<div id='tempmenu'>"
# pageText+="<ul><li><b>Bed Temp:</b></li><li><a href='/off'>OFF</a></li><li><a href='/185'>185 (PLA)</a></li><li><a href='/240'>240 (ABS)</a></li></ul>"
# pageText+="</div>"
# pageText+="</div>"
pageText = pageText+"<div id='file'>File Loaded: <i>"+str(gPronterPtr.filename)+"</i></div>"
pageText+="<div id='logframe'><iframe src='/logpage' width='100%' height='100%'>iFraming Not Supported?? No log for you.</iframe></div>"
return pageText
def AddLog(self, log):
global gWeblog
gWeblog = gWeblog+"</br>"+log
def AppendLog(self, log):
global gWeblog
gWeblog = re.sub("\n", "</br>", gWeblog)+log = True
class WebInterfaceStub(object):
def index(self):
return "<b>Web Interface Must be launched by running Pronterface!</b>" = True
def KillWebInterfaceThread():
def StartWebInterfaceThread(webInterface):
current_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
cherrypy.config.update(configfile(webInterface.pface.web_config or "http.config"))
conf = {'/css/style.css': {'tools.staticfile.on': True,
'tools.staticfile.filename': sharedfile('web/css/style.css'),
'/js/asyncCommand.js': {'tools.staticfile.on': True,
'tools.staticfile.filename': sharedfile('web/js/asyncCommand.js'),
'/images/control_xy.png': {'tools.staticfile.on': True,
'tools.staticfile.filename': imagefile('control_xy.png'),
'/images/control_z.png': {'tools.staticfile.on': True,
'tools.staticfile.filename': imagefile('control_z.png'),
cherrypy.config.update(configfile(webInterface.pface.web_config or "http.config"))
cherrypy.quickstart(webInterface, '/', config = conf)
if __name__ == '__main__':
#!/usr/bin/env python
import tornado.ioloop
import tornado.web
import tornado.websocket
from tornado import gen
import tornado.httpserver
import time
import base64
import logging
import logging.config
import cmd, sys
import glob, os, time, datetime
import sys, subprocess
import math, codecs
from math import sqrt
from gcoder import GCode
import printcore
from pprint import pprint
import pronsole
from server import basic_auth
import random
import textwrap
import SocketServer
import socket
import mdns
import uuid
from operator import itemgetter, attrgetter
from collections import deque
log = logging.getLogger("root")
__UPLOADS__ = "./uploads"
# Authentication
# -------------------------------------------------
def authenticator(realm,handle,password):
This method is a sample authenticator.
It treats authentication as successful
if the handle and passwords are the same.
It returns a tuple of handle and user name
if handle == "admin" and password == "admin" :
return (handle,'Authorized User')
return None
def user_extractor(user_data):
This method extracts the user handle from
the data structure returned by the authenticator
return user_data[0]
def socket_auth(self):
user = self.get_argument("user", None)
password = self.get_argument("password", None)
return authenticator(None, user, password)
interceptor = basic_auth.interceptor
auth = basic_auth.authenticate('auth_realm', authenticator, user_extractor)
# Routing
# -------------------------------------------------
class RootHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):
def get(self):
class PrintHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):
def put(self):
class PauseHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):
def put(self):
class StopHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):
def put(self):
class JobsHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):
def post(self):
fileinfo = self.request.files['job'][0]['filename'], fileinfo['body'])
class JobHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):
def delete(self, job_id):
def put(self, job_id):
args = {'position': int(self.get_argument("job[position]"))}, args)
class InspectHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):
def prepare(self):
auth(self, None)
def get(self):
#class EchoWebSocketHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):
class ConstructSocketHandler(tornado.websocket.WebSocketHandler):
def on_sensor_changed(self):
for name in ['bed', 'extruder']:
sensor_changed= {'name': name, 'value': pronserve.sensors[name]},
def on_uncaught_event(self, event_name, data):
listener = "on_%s"%event_name
if event_name[:4] == 'job_' and event_name != "job_progress_changed":
data =
self.send({event_name: data})
def _execute(self, transforms, *args, **kwargs):
if socket_auth(self):
super(ConstructSocketHandler, self)._execute(transforms, *args, **kwargs)
def open(self):
self.write_message({'connected': {'jobs':}})
print "WebSocket opened. %i sockets currently open." % len(pronserve.listeners)
def send(self, dict_args = {}, **kwargs):
args = dict(dict_args.items() + kwargs.items())
args['timestamp']= time.time()
def on_message(self, msg):
print "message received: %s"%(msg)
# TODO: the read bit of repl!
# self.write_message("You said: " + msg)
def on_close(self):
print "WebSocket closed. %i sockets currently open." % len(pronserve.listeners)
dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
settings = dict(
template_path=os.path.join(dir, "server", "templates"),
static_path=os.path.join(dir, "server", "static"),
application = tornado.web.Application([
(r"/", RootHandler),
(r"/inspect", InspectHandler),
(r"/socket", ConstructSocketHandler),
(r"/jobs", JobsHandler),
(r"/jobs/([0-9]*)", JobHandler),
(r"/jobs/print", PrintHandler),
(r"/jobs/pause", PauseHandler),
(r"/stop", StopHandler)
], **settings)
# Event Emitter
# -------------------------------------------------
class EventEmitter(object):
def __init__(self):
self.listeners = set()
def fire(self, event_name, content=None):
callback_name = "on_%s" % event_name
for listener in self.listeners:
if hasattr(listener, callback_name):
callback = getattr(listener, callback_name)
if content == None: callback()
else: callback(content)
elif hasattr(listener, "on_uncaught_event"):
listener.on_uncaught_event(event_name, content)
# Pronserve: Server-specific functionality
# -------------------------------------------------
class Pronserve(pronsole.pronsole, EventEmitter):
def __init__(self):
self.settings.sensor_names = {'T': 'extruder', 'B': 'bed'}
self.stdout = sys.stdout
self.ioloop = tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.instance()
self.settings.sensor_poll_rate = 1 # seconds
self.sensors = {'extruder': -1, 'bed': -1}
self.load_default_rc() = PrintJobQueue()
self.job_id_incr = 0
self.printing_jobs = False
self.current_job = None
self.previous_job_progress = 0
self.silent = True
services = ({'type': '_construct._tcp', 'port': 8888, 'domain': "local."})
self.mdns = mdns.publisher().save_group({'name': 'pronserve', 'services': services })
def do_print(self):
self.printing_jobs = True
def run_print_queue_loop(self):
# This is a polling work around to the current lack of events in printcore
# A better solution would be one in which a print_finised event could be
# listend for asynchronously without polling.
p = self.p
if self.printing_jobs and p.printing == False and p.paused == False and
if self.current_job != None:
if len( > 0:
print "Starting the next print job"
self.current_job =
print "Finished all print jobs"
self.current_job = None
self.printing_jobs = False
# Updating the job progress
#print "print loop"
next_timeout = time.time() + 0.3
gen.Task(self.ioloop.add_timeout(next_timeout, self.run_print_queue_loop))
def update_job_progress(self, progress):
if progress != self.previous_job_progress and self.current_job != None:
self.previous_job_progress = progress"job_progress_changed", progress)
def run_sensor_loop(self):
next_timeout = time.time() + self.settings.sensor_poll_rate
gen.Task(self.ioloop.add_timeout(next_timeout, self.run_sensor_loop))
def request_sensor_update(self):
if self.p.send_now("M105")
def recvcb(self, l):
""" Parses a line of output from the printer via printcore """
l = l.rstrip()
#print l
if "T:" in l:
if l!="ok" and not l.startswith("ok T") and not l.startswith("T:"):
def print_progress(self):
return 100*float(self.p.queueindex)/len(self.p.mainqueue)
return self.percentdone
return 0
def _receive_sensor_update(self, l):
words = filter(lambda s: s.find(":") > 0, l.split(" "))
d = dict([ s.split(":") for s in words])
# print "sensor update received!"
for key, value in d.iteritems():
self.__update_sensor(key, value)"sensor_changed")
def __update_sensor(self, key, value):
if (key in self.settings.sensor_names) == False:
sensor_name = self.settings.sensor_names[key]
self.sensors[sensor_name] = float(value)
def on_uncaught_event(self, event_name, content=None):, content)
def log(self, *msg):
msg = ''.join(str(i) for i in msg)
msg.replace("\r", "")
print msg"log", {'msg': msg, 'level': "debug"})
def write_prompt(self):
class PrintJobQueue(EventEmitter):
def __init__(self):
super(PrintJobQueue, self).__init__()
self.list = deque([])
self.__last_id = 0
def public_list(self):
# A sanitized version of list for public consumption via construct
l2 = []
for job in self.list:
return l2
def sanitize(self, job):
return dict(
id = job["id"],
original_file_name = job["original_file_name"],
rank = job["rank"]
def order(self):
sorted(self.list, key=lambda job: job['rank'])
def add(self, original_file_name, body):
ext = os.path.splitext(original_file_name)[1]
job = dict(
id = self.__last_id,
rank = len(self.list),
body= body,
self.__last_id += 1
print "Added %s"%(original_file_name)"job_added", job)
def display_summary(self):
print "Print Jobs:"
for job in self.list:
print " %i: %s"%(job['id'], job['original_file_name'])
print ""
return True
def remove(self, job_id):
job = self.find_by_id(job_id)
if job == None:
return False
print "Print Job Removed""job_removed", job)
def update(self, job_id, job_attrs):
job = self.find_by_id(job_id)
if job == None:
return False
job['rank'] = job_attrs['position']
print "Print Job Updated""job_updated", job)
def find_by_id(self, job_id):
for job in self.list:
if job['id'] == job_id: return job
return None
def fire(self, event_name, content):
super(PrintJobQueue, self).fire(event_name, content)
# Server Start Up
# -------------------------------------------------
print "Pronserve is starting..."
pronserve = Pronserve()
if __name__ == "__main__":
print "\n"+"-"*80
welcome = textwrap.dedent(u"""
+---+ \x1B[0;32mPronserve: Your printer just got a whole lot better.\x1B[0m
| \u2713 | Ready to print.
+---+ More details at http://localhost:8888/""")
print "\n\n" + "-"*80 + "\n"
...@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ def estimate_duration(g): ...@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ def estimate_duration(g):
# get device caps from firmware: max speed, acceleration/axis (including extruder) # get device caps from firmware: max speed, acceleration/axis (including extruder)
# calculate the maximum move duration accounting for above ;) # calculate the maximum move duration accounting for above ;)
# print ".... estimating ...." # self.log(".... estimating ....")
for i in g: for i in g:
i = i.split(";")[0] i = i.split(";")[0]
if "G4" in i or "G1" in i: if "G4" in i or "G1" in i:
...@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ def estimate_duration(g): ...@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ def estimate_duration(g):
if z > lastz: if z > lastz:
layercount +=1 layercount +=1
#print "layer z: ", lastz, " will take: ", time.strftime('%H:%M:%S', time.gmtime(totalduration-layerbeginduration)) #self.log("layer z: ", lastz, " will take: ", time.strftime('%H:%M:%S', time.gmtime(totalduration-layerbeginduration)))
layerbeginduration = totalduration layerbeginduration = totalduration
lastx = x lastx = x
...@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ def estimate_duration(g): ...@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ def estimate_duration(g):
laste = e laste = e
lastf = f lastf = f
#print "Total Duration: " #, time.strftime('%H:%M:%S', time.gmtime(totalduration)) #self.log("Total Duration: " #, time.strftime('%H:%M:%S', time.gmtime(totalduration)))
return "{0:d} layers, ".format(int(layercount)) + str(datetime.timedelta(seconds = int(totalduration))) return "{0:d} layers, ".format(int(layercount)) + str(datetime.timedelta(seconds = int(totalduration)))
def confirm(): def confirm():
...@@ -252,6 +252,7 @@ class pronsole(cmd.Cmd): ...@@ -252,6 +252,7 @@ class pronsole(cmd.Cmd):
self.settings._bedtemp_abs_cb = self.set_temp_preset self.settings._bedtemp_abs_cb = self.set_temp_preset
self.settings._bedtemp_pla_cb = self.set_temp_preset self.settings._bedtemp_pla_cb = self.set_temp_preset
self.monitoring = 0 self.monitoring = 0
self.silent = False
self.helpdict = {} self.helpdict = {}
self.helpdict["baudrate"] = _("Communications Speed (default: 115200)") self.helpdict["baudrate"] = _("Communications Speed (default: 115200)")
self.helpdict["bedtemp_abs"] = _("Heated Build Platform temp for ABS (default: 110 deg C)") self.helpdict["bedtemp_abs"] = _("Heated Build Platform temp for ABS (default: 110 deg C)")
...@@ -274,6 +275,9 @@ class pronsole(cmd.Cmd): ...@@ -274,6 +275,9 @@ class pronsole(cmd.Cmd):
"macro" : "%(bold)s..>%(normal)s ", "macro" : "%(bold)s..>%(normal)s ",
"online" : "%(bold)sT:%(extruder_temp_fancy)s %(progress_fancy)s >%(normal)s "} "online" : "%(bold)sT:%(extruder_temp_fancy)s %(progress_fancy)s >%(normal)s "}
def log(self, *msg):
print ''.join(str(i) for i in msg)
def promptf(self): def promptf(self):
"""A function to generate prompts so that we can do dynamic prompts. """ """A function to generate prompts so that we can do dynamic prompts. """
if self.in_macro: if self.in_macro:
...@@ -323,11 +327,11 @@ class pronsole(cmd.Cmd): ...@@ -323,11 +327,11 @@ class pronsole(cmd.Cmd):
if not key.startswith("bed"): if not key.startswith("bed"):
self.temps["pla"] = str(self.settings.temperature_pla) self.temps["pla"] = str(self.settings.temperature_pla)
self.temps["abs"] = str(self.settings.temperature_abs) self.temps["abs"] = str(self.settings.temperature_abs)
print "Hotend temperature presets updated, pla:%s, abs:%s" % (self.temps["pla"], self.temps["abs"]) self.log("Hotend temperature presets updated, pla:%s, abs:%s" % (self.temps["pla"], self.temps["abs"]))
else: else:
self.bedtemps["pla"] = str(self.settings.bedtemp_pla) self.bedtemps["pla"] = str(self.settings.bedtemp_pla)
self.bedtemps["abs"] = str(self.settings.bedtemp_abs) self.bedtemps["abs"] = str(self.settings.bedtemp_abs)
print "Bed temperature presets updated, pla:%s, abs:%s" % (self.bedtemps["pla"], self.bedtemps["abs"]) self.log("Bed temperature presets updated, pla:%s, abs:%s" % (self.bedtemps["pla"], self.bedtemps["abs"]))
def scanserial(self): def scanserial(self):
"""scan for available ports. return a list of device names.""" """scan for available ports. return a list of device names."""
...@@ -345,7 +349,10 @@ class pronsole(cmd.Cmd): ...@@ -345,7 +349,10 @@ class pronsole(cmd.Cmd):
return baselist+glob.glob('/dev/ttyUSB*') + glob.glob('/dev/ttyACM*') +glob.glob("/dev/tty.*")+glob.glob("/dev/cu.*")+glob.glob("/dev/rfcomm*") return baselist+glob.glob('/dev/ttyUSB*') + glob.glob('/dev/ttyACM*') +glob.glob("/dev/tty.*")+glob.glob("/dev/cu.*")+glob.glob("/dev/rfcomm*")
def online(self): def online(self):
print "\rPrinter is now online" self.log("\rPrinter is now online")
def write_prompt(self):
sys.stdout.write(self.promptf()) sys.stdout.write(self.promptf())
sys.stdout.flush() sys.stdout.flush()
...@@ -356,7 +363,7 @@ class pronsole(cmd.Cmd): ...@@ -356,7 +363,7 @@ class pronsole(cmd.Cmd):
self.help_gcodes() self.help_gcodes()
def help_gcodes(self): def help_gcodes(self):
print "Gcodes are passed through to the printer as they are" self.log("Gcodes are passed through to the printer as they are")
def complete_macro(self, text, line, begidx, endidx): def complete_macro(self, text, line, begidx, endidx):
if (len(line.split()) == 2 and line[-1] != " ") or (len(line.split()) == 1 and line[-1]==" "): if (len(line.split()) == 2 and line[-1] != " ") or (len(line.split()) == 1 and line[-1]==" "):
...@@ -386,7 +393,7 @@ class pronsole(cmd.Cmd): ...@@ -386,7 +393,7 @@ class pronsole(cmd.Cmd):
setattr(self.__class__, "do_"+self.cur_macro_name, lambda self, largs, macro = macro:macro(self,*largs.split())) setattr(self.__class__, "do_"+self.cur_macro_name, lambda self, largs, macro = macro:macro(self,*largs.split()))
setattr(self.__class__, "help_"+self.cur_macro_name, lambda self, macro_name = self.cur_macro_name: self.subhelp_macro(macro_name)) setattr(self.__class__, "help_"+self.cur_macro_name, lambda self, macro_name = self.cur_macro_name: self.subhelp_macro(macro_name))
if not self.processing_rc: if not self.processing_rc:
print "Macro '"+self.cur_macro_name+"' defined" self.log("Macro '"+self.cur_macro_name+"' defined")
# save it # save it
if not self.processing_args: if not self.processing_args:
macro_key = "macro "+self.cur_macro_name macro_key = "macro "+self.cur_macro_name
...@@ -398,7 +405,7 @@ class pronsole(cmd.Cmd): ...@@ -398,7 +405,7 @@ class pronsole(cmd.Cmd):
macro_def += self.cur_macro_def macro_def += self.cur_macro_def
self.save_in_rc(macro_key, macro_def) self.save_in_rc(macro_key, macro_def)
else: else:
print "Empty macro - cancelled" self.log("Empty macro - cancelled")
del self.cur_macro_name, self.cur_macro_def del self.cur_macro_name, self.cur_macro_def
def compile_macro_line(self, line): def compile_macro_line(self, line):
...@@ -413,7 +420,7 @@ class pronsole(cmd.Cmd): ...@@ -413,7 +420,7 @@ class pronsole(cmd.Cmd):
def compile_macro(self, macro_name, macro_def): def compile_macro(self, macro_name, macro_def):
if macro_def.strip() == "": if macro_def.strip() == "":
print "Empty macro - cancelled" self.log("Empty macro - cancelled")
return return
pycode = "def macro(self,*arg):\n" pycode = "def macro(self,*arg):\n"
if "\n" not in macro_def.strip(): if "\n" not in macro_def.strip():
...@@ -427,7 +434,7 @@ class pronsole(cmd.Cmd): ...@@ -427,7 +434,7 @@ class pronsole(cmd.Cmd):
def start_macro(self, macro_name, prev_definition = "", suppress_instructions = False): def start_macro(self, macro_name, prev_definition = "", suppress_instructions = False):
if not self.processing_rc and not suppress_instructions: if not self.processing_rc and not suppress_instructions:
print "Enter macro using indented lines, end with empty line" self.log("Enter macro using indented lines, end with empty line")
self.cur_macro_name = macro_name self.cur_macro_name = macro_name
self.cur_macro_def = "" self.cur_macro_def = ""
self.onecmd = self.hook_macro # override onecmd temporarily self.onecmd = self.hook_macro # override onecmd temporarily
...@@ -438,11 +445,11 @@ class pronsole(cmd.Cmd): ...@@ -438,11 +445,11 @@ class pronsole(cmd.Cmd):
if macro_name in self.macros.keys(): if macro_name in self.macros.keys():
delattr(self.__class__, "do_"+macro_name) delattr(self.__class__, "do_"+macro_name)
del self.macros[macro_name] del self.macros[macro_name]
print "Macro '"+macro_name+"' removed" self.log("Macro '"+macro_name+"' removed")
if not self.processing_rc and not self.processing_args: if not self.processing_rc and not self.processing_args:
self.save_in_rc("macro "+macro_name, "") self.save_in_rc("macro "+macro_name, "")
else: else:
print "Macro '"+macro_name+"' is not defined" self.log("Macro '"+macro_name+"' is not defined")
def do_macro(self, args): def do_macro(self, args):
if args.strip()=="": if args.strip()=="":
self.print_topics("User-defined macros", self.macros.keys(), 15, 80) self.print_topics("User-defined macros", self.macros.keys(), 15, 80)
...@@ -450,7 +457,7 @@ class pronsole(cmd.Cmd): ...@@ -450,7 +457,7 @@ class pronsole(cmd.Cmd):
arglist = args.split(None, 1) arglist = args.split(None, 1)
macro_name = arglist[0] macro_name = arglist[0]
if macro_name not in self.macros and hasattr(self.__class__, "do_"+macro_name): if macro_name not in self.macros and hasattr(self.__class__, "do_"+macro_name):
print "Name '"+macro_name+"' is being used by built-in command" self.log("Name '"+macro_name+"' is being used by built-in command")
return return
if len(arglist) == 2: if len(arglist) == 2:
macro_def = arglist[1] macro_def = arglist[1]
...@@ -470,24 +477,24 @@ class pronsole(cmd.Cmd): ...@@ -470,24 +477,24 @@ class pronsole(cmd.Cmd):
self.start_macro(macro_name) self.start_macro(macro_name)
def help_macro(self): def help_macro(self):
print "Define single-line macro: macro <name> <definition>" self.log("Define single-line macro: macro <name> <definition>")
print "Define multi-line macro: macro <name>" self.log("Define multi-line macro: macro <name>")
print "Enter macro definition in indented lines. Use {0} .. {N} to substitute macro arguments" self.log("Enter macro definition in indented lines. Use {0} .. {N} to substitute macro arguments")
print "Enter python code, prefixed with ! Use arg[0] .. arg[N] to substitute macro arguments" self.log("Enter python code, prefixed with ! Use arg[0] .. arg[N] to substitute macro arguments")
print "Delete macro: macro <name> /d" self.log("Delete macro: macro <name> /d")
print "Show macro definition: macro <name> /s" self.log("Show macro definition: macro <name> /s")
print "'macro' without arguments displays list of defined macros" self.log("'macro' without arguments displays list of defined macros")
def subhelp_macro(self, macro_name): def subhelp_macro(self, macro_name):
if macro_name in self.macros.keys(): if macro_name in self.macros.keys():
macro_def = self.macros[macro_name] macro_def = self.macros[macro_name]
if "\n" in macro_def: if "\n" in macro_def:
print "Macro '"+macro_name+"' defined as:" self.log("Macro '"+macro_name+"' defined as:")
print self.macros[macro_name]+"----------------" self.log(self.macros[macro_name]+"----------------")
else: else:
print "Macro '"+macro_name+"' defined as: '"+macro_def+"'" self.log("Macro '"+macro_name+"' defined as: '"+macro_def+"'")
else: else:
print "Macro '"+macro_name+"' is not defined" self.log("Macro '"+macro_name+"' is not defined")
def set(self, var, str): def set(self, var, str):
try: try:
...@@ -496,29 +503,29 @@ class pronsole(cmd.Cmd): ...@@ -496,29 +503,29 @@ class pronsole(cmd.Cmd):
if not self.processing_rc and not self.processing_args: if not self.processing_rc and not self.processing_args:
self.save_in_rc("set "+var, "set %s %s" % (var, value)) self.save_in_rc("set "+var, "set %s %s" % (var, value))
except AttributeError: except AttributeError:
print "Unknown variable '%s'" % var self.log("Unknown variable '%s'" % var)
except ValueError, ve: except ValueError, ve:
print "Bad value for variable '%s', expecting %s (%s)" % (var, repr(t)[1:-1], ve.args[0]) self.log("Bad value for variable '%s', expecting %s (%s)" % (var, repr(t)[1:-1], ve.args[0]))
def do_set(self, argl): def do_set(self, argl):
args = argl.split(None, 1) args = argl.split(None, 1)
if len(args) < 1: if len(args) < 1:
for k in [kk for kk in dir(self.settings) if not kk.startswith("_")]: for k in [kk for kk in dir(self.settings) if not kk.startswith("_")]:
print "%s = %s" % (k, str(getattr(self.settings, k))) self.log("%s = %s" % (k, str(getattr(self.settings, k))))
return return
value = getattr(self.settings, args[0]) value = getattr(self.settings, args[0])
if len(args) < 2: if len(args) < 2:
try: try:
print "%s = %s" % (args[0], getattr(self.settings, args[0])) self.log("%s = %s" % (args[0], getattr(self.settings, args[0])))
except AttributeError: except AttributeError:
print "Unknown variable '%s'" % args[0] self.log("Unknown variable '%s'" % args[0])
return return
self.set(args[0], args[1]) self.set(args[0], args[1])
def help_set(self): def help_set(self):
print "Set variable: set <variable> <value>" self.log("Set variable: set <variable> <value>")
print "Show variable: set <variable>" self.log("Show variable: set <variable>")
print "'set' without arguments displays all variables" self.log("'set' without arguments displays all variables")
def complete_set(self, text, line, begidx, endidx): def complete_set(self, text, line, begidx, endidx):
if (len(line.split()) == 2 and line[-1] != " ") or (len(line.split()) == 1 and line[-1]==" "): if (len(line.split()) == 2 and line[-1] != " ") or (len(line.split()) == 1 and line[-1]==" "):
...@@ -600,16 +607,16 @@ class pronsole(cmd.Cmd): ...@@ -600,16 +607,16 @@ class pronsole(cmd.Cmd):
rci.close() rci.close()
rco.close() rco.close()
#if definition != "": #if definition != "":
# print "Saved '"+key+"' to '"+self.rc_filename+"'" # self.log("Saved '"+key+"' to '"+self.rc_filename+"'")
#else: #else:
# print "Removed '"+key+"' from '"+self.rc_filename+"'" # self.log("Removed '"+key+"' from '"+self.rc_filename+"'")
except Exception, e: except Exception, e:
print "Saving failed for", key+":", str(e) self.log("Saving failed for", key+":", str(e))
finally: finally:
del rci, rco del rci, rco
def preloop(self): def preloop(self):
print "Welcome to the printer console! Type \"help\" for a list of available commands." self.log("Welcome to the printer console! Type \"help\" for a list of available commands.")
self.prompt = self.promptf() self.prompt = self.promptf()
cmd.Cmd.preloop(self) cmd.Cmd.preloop(self)
...@@ -626,12 +633,12 @@ class pronsole(cmd.Cmd): ...@@ -626,12 +633,12 @@ class pronsole(cmd.Cmd):
try: try:
baud = int(a[1]) baud = int(a[1])
except: except:
print "Bad baud value '"+a[1]+"' ignored" self.log("Bad baud value '"+a[1]+"' ignored")
if len(p) == 0 and not port: if len(p) == 0 and not port:
print "No serial ports detected - please specify a port" self.log("No serial ports detected - please specify a port")
return return
if len(a) == 0: if len(a) == 0:
print "No port specified - connecting to %s at %dbps" % (port, baud) self.log("No port specified - connecting to %s at %dbps" % (port, baud))
if port != self.settings.port: if port != self.settings.port:
self.settings.port = port self.settings.port = port
self.save_in_rc("set port", "set port %s" % port) self.save_in_rc("set port", "set port %s" % port)
...@@ -641,14 +648,14 @@ class pronsole(cmd.Cmd): ...@@ -641,14 +648,14 @@ class pronsole(cmd.Cmd):
self.p.connect(port, baud) self.p.connect(port, baud)
def help_connect(self): def help_connect(self):
print "Connect to printer" self.log("Connect to printer")
print "connect <port> <baudrate>" self.log("connect <port> <baudrate>")
print "If port and baudrate are not specified, connects to first detected port at 115200bps" self.log("If port and baudrate are not specified, connects to first detected port at 115200bps")
ports = self.scanserial() ports = self.scanserial()
if(len(ports)): if(len(ports)):
print "Available ports: ", " ".join(ports) self.log("Available ports: ", " ".join(ports))
else: else:
print "No serial ports were automatically found." self.log("No serial ports were automatically found.")
def complete_connect(self, text, line, begidx, endidx): def complete_connect(self, text, line, begidx, endidx):
if (len(line.split()) == 2 and line[-1] != " ") or (len(line.split()) == 1 and line[-1]==" "): if (len(line.split()) == 2 and line[-1] != " ") or (len(line.split()) == 1 and line[-1]==" "):
...@@ -662,22 +669,22 @@ class pronsole(cmd.Cmd): ...@@ -662,22 +669,22 @@ class pronsole(cmd.Cmd):
self.p.disconnect() self.p.disconnect()
def help_disconnect(self): def help_disconnect(self):
print "Disconnects from the printer" self.log("Disconnects from the printer")
def do_load(self,l): def do_load(self,l):
self._do_load(l) self._do_load(l)
def _do_load(self,l): def _do_load(self,l):
if len(l)==0: if len(l)==0:
print "No file name given." self.log("No file name given.")
return return
print "Loading file:"+l self.log("Loading file:"+l)
if not(os.path.exists(l)): if not(os.path.exists(l)):
print "File not found!" self.log("File not found!")
return return
self.f = [i.replace("\n", "").replace("\r", "") for i in open(l)] self.f = [i.replace("\n", "").replace("\r", "") for i in open(l)]
self.filename = l self.filename = l
print "Loaded ", l, ", ", len(self.f)," lines." self.log("Loaded ", l, ", ", len(self.f)," lines.")
def complete_load(self, text, line, begidx, endidx): def complete_load(self, text, line, begidx, endidx):
s = line.split() s = line.split()
...@@ -690,32 +697,32 @@ class pronsole(cmd.Cmd): ...@@ -690,32 +697,32 @@ class pronsole(cmd.Cmd):
return glob.glob("*/")+glob.glob("*.g*") return glob.glob("*/")+glob.glob("*.g*")
def help_load(self): def help_load(self):
print "Loads a gcode file (with tab-completion)" self.log("Loads a gcode file (with tab-completion)")
def do_upload(self, l): def do_upload(self, l):
if len(l) == 0: if len(l) == 0:
print "No file name given." self.log("No file name given.")
return return
print "Loading file:"+l.split()[0] self.log("Loading file:"+l.split()[0])
if not(os.path.exists(l.split()[0])): if not(os.path.exists(l.split()[0])):
print "File not found!" self.log("File not found!")
return return
if not if not
print "Not connected to printer." self.log("Not connected to printer.")
return return
self.f = [i.replace("\n", "") for i in open(l.split()[0])] self.f = [i.replace("\n", "") for i in open(l.split()[0])]
self.filename = l.split()[0] self.filename = l.split()[0]
print "Loaded ", l, ", ", len(self.f)," lines." self.log("Loaded ", l, ", ", len(self.f)," lines.")
tname = "" tname = ""
if len(l.split())>1: if len(l.split())>1:
tname = l.split()[1] tname = l.split()[1]
else: else:
print "please enter target name in 8.3 format." self.log("please enter target name in 8.3 format.")
return return
print "Uploading as ", tname self.log("Uploading as ", tname)
print("Uploading "+self.filename) self.log(("Uploading "+self.filename))
self.p.send_now("M28 "+tname) self.p.send_now("M28 "+tname)
print("Press Ctrl-C to interrupt upload.") self.log(("Press Ctrl-C to interrupt upload."))
self.p.startprint(self.f) self.p.startprint(self.f)
try: try:
sys.stdout.write("Progress: 00.0%") sys.stdout.write("Progress: 00.0%")
...@@ -733,16 +740,16 @@ class pronsole(cmd.Cmd): ...@@ -733,16 +740,16 @@ class pronsole(cmd.Cmd):
self.recvlisteners+=[self.listfiles] self.recvlisteners+=[self.listfiles]
self.p.send_now("M20") self.p.send_now("M20")
time.sleep(0.5) time.sleep(0.5)
print "\b\b\b\b\b100%. Upload completed. ", tname, " should now be on the card." self.log("\b\b\b\b\b100%. Upload completed. ", tname, " should now be on the card.")
return return
except: except:
print "...interrupted!" self.log("...interrupted!")
self.p.pause() self.p.pause()
self.p.send_now("M29 "+tname) self.p.send_now("M29 "+tname)
time.sleep(0.2) time.sleep(0.2)
self.p.clear = 1 self.p.clear = 1
self.p.startprint([]) self.p.startprint([])
print "A partial file named ", tname, " may have been written to the sd card." self.log("A partial file named ", tname, " may have been written to the sd card.")
def complete_upload(self, text, line, begidx, endidx): def complete_upload(self, text, line, begidx, endidx):
...@@ -756,23 +763,23 @@ class pronsole(cmd.Cmd): ...@@ -756,23 +763,23 @@ class pronsole(cmd.Cmd):
return glob.glob("*/")+glob.glob("*.g*") return glob.glob("*/")+glob.glob("*.g*")
def help_upload(self): def help_upload(self):
print "Uploads a gcode file to the sd card" self.log("Uploads a gcode file to the sd card")
def help_print(self): def help_print(self):
if self.f is None: if self.f is None:
print "Send a loaded gcode file to the printer. Load a file with the load command first." self.log("Send a loaded gcode file to the printer. Load a file with the load command first.")
else: else:
print "Send a loaded gcode file to the printer. You have "+self.filename+" loaded right now." self.log("Send a loaded gcode file to the printer. You have "+self.filename+" loaded right now.")
def do_print(self, l): def do_print(self, l):
if self.f is None: if self.f is None:
print "No file loaded. Please use load first." self.log("No file loaded. Please use load first.")
return return
if not if not
print "Not connected to printer." self.log("Not connected to printer.")
return return
print("Printing "+self.filename) self.log(("printing "+self.filename))
print("You can monitor the print with the monitor command.") self.log(("You can monitor the print with the monitor command."))
self.p.startprint(self.f) self.p.startprint(self.f)
#self.p.pause() #self.p.pause()
#self.paused = True #self.paused = True
...@@ -783,7 +790,7 @@ class pronsole(cmd.Cmd): ...@@ -783,7 +790,7 @@ class pronsole(cmd.Cmd):
self.p.send_now("M25") self.p.send_now("M25")
else: else:
if(not self.p.printing): if(not self.p.printing):
print "Not printing, cannot pause." self.log("Not self.log(ing, cannot pause.")
return return
self.p.pause() self.p.pause()
#self.p.connect()# This seems to work, but is not a good solution. #self.p.connect()# This seems to work, but is not a good solution.
...@@ -792,11 +799,11 @@ class pronsole(cmd.Cmd): ...@@ -792,11 +799,11 @@ class pronsole(cmd.Cmd):
#self.do_resume(None) #self.do_resume(None)
def help_pause(self): def help_pause(self):
print "Pauses a running print" self.log("Pauses a running print")
def do_resume(self, l): def do_resume(self, l):
if not self.paused: if not self.paused:
print "Not paused, unable to resume. Start a print first." self.log("Not paused, unable to resume. Start a print first.")
return return
self.paused = False self.paused = False
if self.sdprinting: if self.sdprinting:
...@@ -806,7 +813,7 @@ class pronsole(cmd.Cmd): ...@@ -806,7 +813,7 @@ class pronsole(cmd.Cmd):
self.p.resume() self.p.resume()
def help_resume(self): def help_resume(self):
print "Resumes a paused print." self.log("Resumes a paused print.")
def emptyline(self): def emptyline(self):
pass pass
...@@ -825,33 +832,33 @@ class pronsole(cmd.Cmd): ...@@ -825,33 +832,33 @@ class pronsole(cmd.Cmd):
def do_ls(self, l): def do_ls(self, l):
if not if not
print "Printer is not online. Try connect to it first." self.log("printer is not online. Try connect to it first.")
return return
self.listing = 2 self.listing = 2
self.sdfiles = [] self.sdfiles = []
self.recvlisteners+=[self.listfiles] self.recvlisteners+=[self.listfiles]
self.p.send_now("M20") self.p.send_now("M20")
time.sleep(0.5) time.sleep(0.5)
print " ".join(self.sdfiles) self.log(" ".join(self.sdfiles))
def help_ls(self): def help_ls(self):
print "lists files on the SD card" self.log("lists files on the SD card")
def waitforsdresponse(self, l): def waitforsdresponse(self, l):
if " failed" in l: if " failed" in l:
print "Opening file failed." self.log("Opening file failed.")
self.recvlisteners.remove(self.waitforsdresponse) self.recvlisteners.remove(self.waitforsdresponse)
return return
if "File opened" in l: if "File opened" in l:
print l self.log(l)
if "File selected" in l: if "File selected" in l:
print "Starting print" self.log("Starting print")
self.p.send_now("M24") self.p.send_now("M24")
self.sdprinting = 1 self.sdprinting = 1
#self.recvlisteners.remove(self.waitforsdresponse) #self.recvlisteners.remove(self.waitforsdresponse)
return return
if "Done printing file" in l: if "Done printing file" in l:
print l self.log(l)
self.sdprinting = 0 self.sdprinting = 0
self.recvlisteners.remove(self.waitforsdresponse) self.recvlisteners.remove(self.waitforsdresponse)
return return
...@@ -868,11 +875,11 @@ class pronsole(cmd.Cmd): ...@@ -868,11 +875,11 @@ class pronsole(cmd.Cmd):
self.p.reset() self.p.reset()
def help_reset(self): def help_reset(self):
print "Resets the printer." self.log("Resets the printer.")
def do_sdprint(self, l): def do_sdprint(self, l):
if not if not
print "Printer is not online. Try connect to it first." self.log("printer is not online. Try connect to it first.")
return return
self.listing = 2 self.listing = 2
self.sdfiles = [] self.sdfiles = []
...@@ -880,17 +887,17 @@ class pronsole(cmd.Cmd): ...@@ -880,17 +887,17 @@ class pronsole(cmd.Cmd):
self.p.send_now("M20") self.p.send_now("M20")
time.sleep(0.5) time.sleep(0.5)
if not (l.lower() in self.sdfiles): if not (l.lower() in self.sdfiles):
print "File is not present on card. Upload it first" self.log("File is not present on card. Upload it first")
return return
self.recvlisteners+=[self.waitforsdresponse] self.recvlisteners+=[self.waitforsdresponse]
self.p.send_now("M23 "+l.lower()) self.p.send_now("M23 "+l.lower())
print "Printing file: "+l.lower()+" from SD card." self.log("printing file: "+l.lower()+" from SD card.")
print "Requesting SD print..." self.log("Requesting SD print...")
time.sleep(1) time.sleep(1)
def help_sdprint(self): def help_sdprint(self):
print "Print a file from the SD card. Tabcompletes with available file names." self.log("print a file from the SD card. Tabcompletes with available file names.")
print "sdprint filename.g" self.log("sdprint filename.g")
def complete_sdprint(self, text, line, begidx, endidx): def complete_sdprint(self, text, line, begidx, endidx):
if self.sdfiles==[] and if self.sdfiles==[] and
...@@ -909,32 +916,32 @@ class pronsole(cmd.Cmd): ...@@ -909,32 +916,32 @@ class pronsole(cmd.Cmd):
if(tstring!="ok" and not tstring.startswith("ok T") and not tstring.startswith("T:") and not self.listing and not self.monitoring): if(tstring!="ok" and not tstring.startswith("ok T") and not tstring.startswith("T:") and not self.listing and not self.monitoring):
if tstring[:5] == "echo:": if tstring[:5] == "echo:":
tstring = tstring[5:].lstrip() tstring = tstring[5:].lstrip()
print "\r" + tstring.ljust(15) if self.silent == False: print "\r" + tstring.ljust(15)
sys.stdout.write(self.promptf()) sys.stdout.write(self.promptf())
sys.stdout.flush() sys.stdout.flush()
for i in self.recvlisteners: for i in self.recvlisteners:
i(l) i(l)
def help_shell(self): def help_shell(self):
print "Executes a python command. Example:" self.log("Executes a python command. Example:")
print "! os.listdir('.')" self.log("! os.listdir('.')")
def default(self, l): def default(self, l):
if(l[0] in self.commandprefixes.upper()): if(l[0] in self.commandprefixes.upper()):
if(self.p and if(self.p and
if(not self.p.loud): if(not self.p.loud):
print "SENDING:"+l self.log("SENDING:"+l)
self.p.send_now(l) self.p.send_now(l)
else: else:
print "Printer is not online." self.log("printer is not online.")
return return
elif(l[0] in self.commandprefixes.lower()): elif(l[0] in self.commandprefixes.lower()):
if(self.p and if(self.p and
if(not self.p.loud): if(not self.p.loud):
print "SENDING:"+l.upper() self.log("SENDING:"+l.upper())
self.p.send_now(l.upper()) self.p.send_now(l.upper())
else: else:
print "Printer is not online." self.log("printer is not online.")
return return
else: else:
cmd.Cmd.default(self, l) cmd.Cmd.default(self, l)
...@@ -942,6 +949,10 @@ class pronsole(cmd.Cmd): ...@@ -942,6 +949,10 @@ class pronsole(cmd.Cmd):
def help_help(self): def help_help(self):
self.do_help("") self.do_help("")
def tempcb(self, l):
if "T:" in l:
self.log(l.replace("\r", "").replace("T", "Hotend").replace("B", "Bed").replace("\n", "").replace("ok ", ""))
def do_gettemp(self, l): def do_gettemp(self, l):
if "dynamic" in l: if "dynamic" in l:
self.dynamic_temp = True self.dynamic_temp = True
...@@ -955,7 +966,7 @@ class pronsole(cmd.Cmd): ...@@ -955,7 +966,7 @@ class pronsole(cmd.Cmd):
print "Bed: %s/%s" % (self.status.bed_temp, self.status.bed_temp_target) print "Bed: %s/%s" % (self.status.bed_temp, self.status.bed_temp_target)
def help_gettemp(self): def help_gettemp(self):
print "Read the extruder and bed temperature." self.log("Read the extruder and bed temperature.")
def do_settemp(self, l): def do_settemp(self, l):
try: try:
...@@ -970,18 +981,18 @@ class pronsole(cmd.Cmd): ...@@ -970,18 +981,18 @@ class pronsole(cmd.Cmd):
return return
if if
self.p.send_now("M104 S"+l) self.p.send_now("M104 S"+l)
print "Setting hotend temperature to ", f, " degrees Celsius." self.log("Setting hotend temperature to ", f, " degrees Celsius.")
else: else:
print "Printer is not online." self.log("printer is not online.")
else: else:
print "You cannot set negative temperatures. To turn the hotend off entirely, set its temperature to 0." self.log("You cannot set negative temperatures. To turn the hotend off entirely, set its temperature to 0.")
except: except:
print "You must enter a temperature." self.log("You must enter a temperature.")
def help_settemp(self): def help_settemp(self):
print "Sets the hotend temperature to the value entered." self.log("Sets the hotend temperature to the value entered.")
print "Enter either a temperature in celsius or one of the following keywords" self.log("Enter either a temperature in celsius or one of the following keywords")
print ", ".join([i+"("+self.temps[i]+")" for i in self.temps.keys()]) self.log(", ".join([i+"("+self.temps[i]+")" for i in self.temps.keys()]))
def complete_settemp(self, text, line, begidx, endidx): def complete_settemp(self, text, line, begidx, endidx):
if (len(line.split()) == 2 and line[-1] != " ") or (len(line.split()) == 1 and line[-1]==" "): if (len(line.split()) == 2 and line[-1] != " ") or (len(line.split()) == 1 and line[-1]==" "):
...@@ -996,18 +1007,18 @@ class pronsole(cmd.Cmd): ...@@ -996,18 +1007,18 @@ class pronsole(cmd.Cmd):
if f>=0: if f>=0:
if if
self.p.send_now("M140 S"+l) self.p.send_now("M140 S"+l)
print "Setting bed temperature to ", f, " degrees Celsius." self.log("Setting bed temperature to ", f, " degrees Celsius.")
else: else:
print "Printer is not online." self.log("printer is not online.")
else: else:
print "You cannot set negative temperatures. To turn the bed off entirely, set its temperature to 0." self.log("You cannot set negative temperatures. To turn the bed off entirely, set its temperature to 0.")
except: except:
print "You must enter a temperature." self.log("You must enter a temperature.")
def help_bedtemp(self): def help_bedtemp(self):
print "Sets the bed temperature to the value entered." self.log("Sets the bed temperature to the value entered.")
print "Enter either a temperature in celsius or one of the following keywords" self.log("Enter either a temperature in celsius or one of the following keywords")
print ", ".join([i+"("+self.bedtemps[i]+")" for i in self.bedtemps.keys()]) self.log(", ".join([i+"("+self.bedtemps[i]+")" for i in self.bedtemps.keys()]))
def complete_bedtemp(self, text, line, begidx, endidx): def complete_bedtemp(self, text, line, begidx, endidx):
if (len(line.split()) == 2 and line[-1] != " ") or (len(line.split()) == 1 and line[-1]==" "): if (len(line.split()) == 2 and line[-1] != " ") or (len(line.split()) == 1 and line[-1]==" "):
...@@ -1015,13 +1026,13 @@ class pronsole(cmd.Cmd): ...@@ -1015,13 +1026,13 @@ class pronsole(cmd.Cmd):
def do_move(self, l): def do_move(self, l):
if(len(l.split())<2): if(len(l.split())<2):
print "No move specified." self.log("No move specified.")
return return
if self.p.printing: if self.p.printing:
print "Printer is currently printing. Please pause the print before you issue manual commands." self.log("printer is currently printing. Please pause the print before you issue manual commands.")
return return
if not if not
print "Printer is not online. Unable to move." self.log("printer is not online. Unable to move.")
return return
l = l.split() l = l.split()
if(l[0].lower()=="x"): if(l[0].lower()=="x"):
...@@ -1037,13 +1048,13 @@ class pronsole(cmd.Cmd): ...@@ -1037,13 +1048,13 @@ class pronsole(cmd.Cmd):
feed = self.settings.e_feedrate feed = self.settings.e_feedrate
axis = "E" axis = "E"
else: else:
print "Unknown axis." self.log("Unknown axis.")
return return
dist = 0 dist = 0
try: try:
dist = float(l[1]) dist = float(l[1])
except: except:
print "Invalid distance" self.log("Invalid distance")
return return
try: try:
feed = int(l[2]) feed = int(l[2])
...@@ -1054,11 +1065,11 @@ class pronsole(cmd.Cmd): ...@@ -1054,11 +1065,11 @@ class pronsole(cmd.Cmd):
self.p.send_now("G90") self.p.send_now("G90")
def help_move(self): def help_move(self):
print "Move an axis. Specify the name of the axis and the amount. " self.log("Move an axis. Specify the name of the axis and the amount. ")
print "move X 10 will move the X axis forward by 10mm at ", self.settings.xy_feedrate, "mm/min (default XY speed)" self.log("move X 10 will move the X axis forward by 10mm at ", self.settings.xy_feedrate, "mm/min (default XY speed)")
print "move Y 10 5000 will move the Y axis forward by 10mm at 5000mm/min" self.log("move Y 10 5000 will move the Y axis forward by 10mm at 5000mm/min")
print "move Z -1 will move the Z axis down by 1mm at ", self.settings.z_feedrate, "mm/min (default Z speed)" self.log("move Z -1 will move the Z axis down by 1mm at ", self.settings.z_feedrate, "mm/min (default Z speed)")
print "Common amounts are in the tabcomplete list." self.log("Common amounts are in the tabcomplete list.")
def complete_move(self, text, line, begidx, endidx): def complete_move(self, text, line, begidx, endidx):
if (len(line.split()) == 2 and line[-1] != " ") or (len(line.split()) == 1 and line[-1]==" "): if (len(line.split()) == 2 and line[-1] != " ") or (len(line.split()) == 1 and line[-1]==" "):
...@@ -1078,29 +1089,29 @@ class pronsole(cmd.Cmd): ...@@ -1078,29 +1089,29 @@ class pronsole(cmd.Cmd):
length = 5#default extrusion length length = 5#default extrusion length
feed = self.settings.e_feedrate#default speed feed = self.settings.e_feedrate#default speed
if not if not
print "Printer is not online. Unable to move." self.log("printer is not online. Unable to move.")
return return
if self.p.printing: if self.p.printing:
print "Printer is currently printing. Please pause the print before you issue manual commands." self.log("printer is currently printing. Please pause the print before you issue manual commands.")
return return
ls = l.split() ls = l.split()
if len(ls): if len(ls):
try: try:
length = float(ls[0]) length = float(ls[0])
except: except:
print "Invalid length given." self.log("Invalid length given.")
if len(ls)>1: if len(ls)>1:
try: try:
feed = int(ls[1]) feed = int(ls[1])
except: except:
print "Invalid speed given." self.log("Invalid speed given.")
if override is not None: if override is not None:
length = override length = override
feed = overridefeed feed = overridefeed
if length > 0: if length > 0:
print "Extruding %fmm of filament."%(length,) self.log("Extruding %fmm of filament."%(length,))
elif length <0: elif length <0:
print "Reversing %fmm of filament."%(-1*length,) self.log("Reversing %fmm of filament."%(-1*length,))
else: else:
"Length is 0, not doing anything." "Length is 0, not doing anything."
self.p.send_now("G91") self.p.send_now("G91")
...@@ -1108,40 +1119,40 @@ class pronsole(cmd.Cmd): ...@@ -1108,40 +1119,40 @@ class pronsole(cmd.Cmd):
self.p.send_now("G90") self.p.send_now("G90")
def help_extrude(self): def help_extrude(self):
print "Extrudes a length of filament, 5mm by default, or the number of mm given as a parameter" self.log("Extrudes a length of filament, 5mm by default, or the number of mm given as a parameter")
print "extrude - extrudes 5mm of filament at 300mm/min (5mm/s)" self.log("extrude - extrudes 5mm of filament at 300mm/min (5mm/s)")
print "extrude 20 - extrudes 20mm of filament at 300mm/min (5mm/s)" self.log("extrude 20 - extrudes 20mm of filament at 300mm/min (5mm/s)")
print "extrude -5 - REVERSES 5mm of filament at 300mm/min (5mm/s)" self.log("extrude -5 - REVERSES 5mm of filament at 300mm/min (5mm/s)")
print "extrude 10 210 - extrudes 10mm of filament at 210mm/min (3.5mm/s)" self.log("extrude 10 210 - extrudes 10mm of filament at 210mm/min (3.5mm/s)")
def do_reverse(self, l): def do_reverse(self, l):
length = 5#default extrusion length length = 5#default extrusion length
feed = self.settings.e_feedrate#default speed feed = self.settings.e_feedrate#default speed
if not if not
print "Printer is not online. Unable to move." self.log("printer is not online. Unable to move.")
return return
if self.p.printing: if self.p.printing:
print "Printer is currently printing. Please pause the print before you issue manual commands." self.log("printer is currently printing. Please pause the print before you issue manual commands.")
return return
ls = l.split() ls = l.split()
if len(ls): if len(ls):
try: try:
length = float(ls[0]) length = float(ls[0])
except: except:
print "Invalid length given." self.log("Invalid length given.")
if len(ls)>1: if len(ls)>1:
try: try:
feed = int(ls[1]) feed = int(ls[1])
except: except:
print "Invalid speed given." self.log("Invalid speed given.")
self.do_extrude("", length*-1.0, feed) self.do_extrude("", length*-1.0, feed)
def help_reverse(self): def help_reverse(self):
print "Reverses the extruder, 5mm by default, or the number of mm given as a parameter" self.log("Reverses the extruder, 5mm by default, or the number of mm given as a parameter")
print "reverse - reverses 5mm of filament at 300mm/min (5mm/s)" self.log("reverse - reverses 5mm of filament at 300mm/min (5mm/s)")
print "reverse 20 - reverses 20mm of filament at 300mm/min (5mm/s)" self.log("reverse 20 - reverses 20mm of filament at 300mm/min (5mm/s)")
print "reverse 10 210 - extrudes 10mm of filament at 210mm/min (3.5mm/s)" self.log("reverse 10 210 - extrudes 10mm of filament at 210mm/min (3.5mm/s)")
print "reverse -5 - EXTRUDES 5mm of filament at 300mm/min (5mm/s)" self.log("reverse -5 - EXTRUDES 5mm of filament at 300mm/min (5mm/s)")
def do_exit(self, l): def do_exit(self, l):
if self.status.extruder_temp_target != 0: if self.status.extruder_temp_target != 0:
...@@ -1151,35 +1162,35 @@ class pronsole(cmd.Cmd): ...@@ -1151,35 +1162,35 @@ class pronsole(cmd.Cmd):
if self.status.bed_temp_taret != 0: if self.status.bed_temp_taret != 0:
print "Setting bed temp to 0" print "Setting bed temp to 0"
self.p.send_now("M140 S0.0") self.p.send_now("M140 S0.0")
print "Disconnecting from printer..." self.log("Disconnecting from printer...")
print self.p.printing print self.p.printing
if self.p.printing: if self.p.printing:
print "Are you sure you want to exit while printing?" print "Are you sure you want to exit while printing?"
print "(this will terminate the print)." print "(this will terminate the print)."
if not confirm(): if not confirm():
return False return False
print "Exiting program. Goodbye!" self.log("Exiting program. Goodbye!")
self.p.disconnect() self.p.disconnect()
return True return True
def help_exit(self): def help_exit(self):
print "Disconnects from the printer and exits the program." self.log("Disconnects from the printer and exits the program.")
def do_monitor(self, l): def do_monitor(self, l):
interval = 5 interval = 5
if not if not
print "Printer is not online. Please connect first." self.log("printer is not online. Please connect first.")
return return
if not (self.p.printing or self.sdprinting): if not (self.p.printing or self.sdprinting):
print "Printer not printing. Please print something before monitoring." self.log("Printer not printing. Please print something before monitoring.")
return return
print "Monitoring printer, use ^C to interrupt." self.log("Monitoring printer, use ^C to interrupt.")
if len(l): if len(l):
try: try:
interval = float(l) interval = float(l)
except: except:
print "Invalid period given." self.log("Invalid period given.")
print "Updating values every %f seconds."%(interval,) self.log("Updating values every %f seconds."%(interval,))
self.monitoring = 1 self.monitoring = 1
prev_msg_len = 0 prev_msg_len = 0
try: try:
...@@ -1197,17 +1208,18 @@ class pronsole(cmd.Cmd): ...@@ -1197,17 +1208,18 @@ class pronsole(cmd.Cmd):
progress = self.percentdone progress = self.percentdone
progress = int(progress*10)/10.0 #limit precision progress = int(progress*10)/10.0 #limit precision
prev_msg = preface + str(progress) + "%" prev_msg = preface + str(progress) + "%"
sys.stdout.write("\r" + prev_msg.ljust(prev_msg_len)) if self.silent == False:
sys.stdout.flush() sys.stdout.write("\r" + prev_msg.ljust(prev_msg_len))
prev_msg_len = len(prev_msg) prev_msg_len = len(prev_msg)
except KeyboardInterrupt: except KeyboardInterrupt:
print "Done monitoring." if self.silent == False: print "Done monitoring."
self.monitoring = 0 self.monitoring = 0
def help_monitor(self): def help_monitor(self):
print "Monitor a machine's temperatures and an SD print's status." self.log("Monitor a machine's temperatures and an SD print's status.")
print "monitor - Reports temperature and SD print status (if SD printing) every 5 seconds" self.log("monitor - Reports temperature and SD print status (if SD printing) every 5 seconds")
print "monitor 2 - Reports temperature and SD print status (if SD printing) every 2 seconds" self.log("monitor 2 - Reports temperature and SD print status (if SD printing) every 2 seconds")
def expandcommand(self, c): def expandcommand(self, c):
return c.replace("$python", sys.executable) return c.replace("$python", sys.executable)
...@@ -1215,31 +1227,31 @@ class pronsole(cmd.Cmd): ...@@ -1215,31 +1227,31 @@ class pronsole(cmd.Cmd):
def do_skein(self, l): def do_skein(self, l):
l = l.split() l = l.split()
if len(l) == 0: if len(l) == 0:
print "No file name given." self.log("No file name given.")
return return
settings = 0 settings = 0
if(l[0]=="set"): if(l[0]=="set"):
settings = 1 settings = 1
else: else:
print "Skeining file:"+l[0] self.log("Skeining file:"+l[0])
if not(os.path.exists(l[0])): if not(os.path.exists(l[0])):
print "File not found!" self.log("File not found!")
return return
try: try:
import shlex import shlex
if(settings): if(settings):
param = self.expandcommand(self.settings.sliceoptscommand).replace("\\", "\\\\").encode() param = self.expandcommand(self.settings.sliceoptscommand).replace("\\", "\\\\").encode()
print "Entering slicer settings: ", param self.log("Entering slicer settings: ", param)
else: else:
param = self.expandcommand(self.settings.slicecommand).encode() param = self.expandcommand(self.settings.slicecommand).encode()
print "Slicing: ", param self.log("Slicing: ", param)
params = [i.replace("$s", l[0]).replace("$o", l[0].replace(".stl", "_export.gcode").replace(".STL", "_export.gcode")).encode() for i in shlex.split(param.replace("\\", "\\\\").encode())] params = [i.replace("$s", l[0]).replace("$o", l[0].replace(".stl", "_export.gcode").replace(".STL", "_export.gcode")).encode() for i in shlex.split(param.replace("\\", "\\\\").encode())]
print "Loading sliced file." self.log("Loading sliced file.")
self.do_load(l[0].replace(".stl", "_export.gcode")) self.do_load(l[0].replace(".stl", "_export.gcode"))
except Exception, e: except Exception, e:
print "Skeinforge execution failed: ", e self.log("Skeinforge execution failed: ", e)
def complete_skein(self, text, line, begidx, endidx): def complete_skein(self, text, line, begidx, endidx):
s = line.split() s = line.split()
...@@ -1252,18 +1264,18 @@ class pronsole(cmd.Cmd): ...@@ -1252,18 +1264,18 @@ class pronsole(cmd.Cmd):
return glob.glob("*/")+glob.glob("*.stl") return glob.glob("*/")+glob.glob("*.stl")
def help_skein(self): def help_skein(self):
print "Creates a gcode file from an stl model using the slicer (with tab-completion)" self.log("Creates a gcode file from an stl model using the slicer (with tab-completion)")
print "skein filename.stl - create gcode file" self.log("skein filename.stl - create gcode file")
print "skein filename.stl view - create gcode file and view using skeiniso" self.log("skein filename.stl view - create gcode file and view using skeiniso")
print "skein set - adjust slicer settings" self.log("skein set - adjust slicer settings")
def do_home(self, l): def do_home(self, l):
if not if not
print "Printer is not online. Unable to move." self.log("printer is not online. Unable to move.")
return return
if self.p.printing: if self.p.printing:
print "Printer is currently printing. Please pause the print before you issue manual commands." self.log("printer is currently printing. Please pause the print before you issue manual commands.")
return return
if "x" in l.lower(): if "x" in l.lower():
self.p.send_now("G28 X0") self.p.send_now("G28 X0")
...@@ -1278,32 +1290,26 @@ class pronsole(cmd.Cmd): ...@@ -1278,32 +1290,26 @@ class pronsole(cmd.Cmd):
self.p.send_now("G92 E0") self.p.send_now("G92 E0")
def help_home(self): def help_home(self):
print "Homes the printer" self.log("Homes the printer")
print "home - homes all axes and zeroes the extruder(Using G28 and G92)" self.log("home - homes all axes and zeroes the extruder(Using G28 and G92)")
print "home xy - homes x and y axes (Using G28)" self.log("home xy - homes x and y axes (Using G28)")
print "home z - homes z axis only (Using G28)" self.log("home z - homes z axis only (Using G28)")
print "home e - set extruder position to zero (Using G92)" self.log("home e - set extruder position to zero (Using G92)")
print "home xyze - homes all axes and zeroes the extruder (Using G28 and G92)" self.log("home xyze - homes all axes and zeroes the extruder (Using G28 and G92)")
def parse_cmdline(self, args): def parse_cmdline(self, args):
import getopt import getopt
opts, args = getopt.getopt(args, "c:e:hw", ["conf = ", "config = ", "help", "web", "web-config = ", "web-auth-config = "]) opts, args = getopt.getopt(args, "c:e:hw", ["conf = ", "config = ", "help"])
for o, a in opts: for o, a in opts:
#print repr((o, a)) #self.log(repr((o, a)))
if o in ("-c", "--conf", "--config"): if o in ("-c", "--conf", "--config"):
self.load_rc(a) self.load_rc(a)
elif o in ("-w", "--web"):
self.webrequested = True
elif o == "--web-config":
self.web_config = a
elif o == "--web-auth-config":
self.web_auth_config = a
elif o in ("-h", "--help"): elif o in ("-h", "--help"):
print "Usage: "+sys.argv[0]+' [-c filename [-c filename2 ... ] ] [-e "command" ...]' self.log("Usage: "+sys.argv[0]+' [-c filename [-c filename2 ... ] ] [-e "command" ...]')
print " -c | --conf | --config - override startup .pronsolerc file" self.log(" -c | --conf | --config - override startup .pronsolerc file")
print " may chain config files, settings auto-save will go into last file in the chain" self.log(" may chain config files, settings auto-save will go into last file in the chain")
print ' -e <command> - executes command after configuration/.pronsolerc is loaded' self.log(' -e <command> - executes command after configuration/.pronsolerc is loaded')
print " macros/settings from these commands are not autosaved" self.log(" macros/settings from these commands are not autosaved")
sys.exit() sys.exit()
if not self.rc_loaded: if not self.rc_loaded:
self.load_default_rc() self.load_default_rc()
...@@ -196,21 +196,6 @@ class PronterWindow(MainWindow, pronsole.pronsole): ...@@ -196,21 +196,6 @@ class PronterWindow(MainWindow, pronsole.pronsole):
self.predisconnect_layer = None self.predisconnect_layer = None
self.hsetpoint = 0.0 self.hsetpoint = 0.0
self.bsetpoint = 0.0 self.bsetpoint = 0.0
self.webInterface = None
if self.webrequested:
try :
import cherrypy
from printrun import webinterface
self.webInterface = webinterface.WebInterface(self)
self.webThread = threading.Thread(target = webinterface.StartWebInterfaceThread, args = (self.webInterface, ))
print _("Failed to start web interface")
traceback.print_exc(file = sys.stdout)
self.webInterface = None
print _("CherryPy is not installed. Web Interface Disabled.")
if self.filename is not None: if self.filename is not None:
self.do_load(self.filename) self.do_load(self.filename)
...@@ -364,8 +349,6 @@ class PronterWindow(MainWindow, pronsole.pronsole): ...@@ -364,8 +349,6 @@ class PronterWindow(MainWindow, pronsole.pronsole):
print _("You cannot set negative temperatures. To turn the hotend off entirely, set its temperature to 0.") print _("You cannot set negative temperatures. To turn the hotend off entirely, set its temperature to 0.")
except Exception, x: except Exception, x:
print _("You must enter a temperature. (%s)") % (repr(x),) print _("You must enter a temperature. (%s)") % (repr(x),)
if self.webInterface:
self.webInterface.AddLog("You must enter a temperature. (%s)" % (repr(x),))
def do_bedtemp(self, l = ""): def do_bedtemp(self, l = ""):
try: try:
...@@ -382,16 +365,10 @@ class PronterWindow(MainWindow, pronsole.pronsole): ...@@ -382,16 +365,10 @@ class PronterWindow(MainWindow, pronsole.pronsole):
self.setbedgui(f) self.setbedgui(f)
else: else:
print _("Printer is not online.") print _("Printer is not online.")
if self.webInterface:
self.webInterface.AddLog("Printer is not online.")
else: else:
print _("You cannot set negative temperatures. To turn the bed off entirely, set its temperature to 0.") print _("You cannot set negative temperatures. To turn the bed off entirely, set its temperature to 0.")
if self.webInterface:
self.webInterface.AddLog("You cannot set negative temperatures. To turn the bed off entirely, set its temperature to 0.")
except Exception, x: except Exception, x:
print _("You must enter a temperature. (%s)") % (repr(x),) print _("You must enter a temperature. (%s)") % (repr(x),)
if self.webInterface:
self.webInterface.AddLog("You must enter a temperature.")
def end_macro(self): def end_macro(self):
pronsole.pronsole.end_macro(self) pronsole.pronsole.end_macro(self)
...@@ -411,8 +388,6 @@ class PronterWindow(MainWindow, pronsole.pronsole): ...@@ -411,8 +388,6 @@ class PronterWindow(MainWindow, pronsole.pronsole):
self.delete_macro(macro_name) self.delete_macro(macro_name)
return return
print _("Cancelled.") print _("Cancelled.")
if self.webInterface:
return return
self.cur_macro_name = macro_name self.cur_macro_name = macro_name
self.cur_macro_def = definition self.cur_macro_def = definition
...@@ -452,8 +427,6 @@ class PronterWindow(MainWindow, pronsole.pronsole): ...@@ -452,8 +427,6 @@ class PronterWindow(MainWindow, pronsole.pronsole):
projectlayer.setframe(self,self.p).Show() projectlayer.setframe(self,self.p).Show()
else: else:
print _("Printer is not online.") print _("Printer is not online.")
if self.webInterface:
self.webInterface.AddLog("Printer is not online.")
def popmenu(self): def popmenu(self):
self.menustrip = wx.MenuBar() self.menustrip = wx.MenuBar()
...@@ -530,8 +503,6 @@ class PronterWindow(MainWindow, pronsole.pronsole): ...@@ -530,8 +503,6 @@ class PronterWindow(MainWindow, pronsole.pronsole):
old_def = self.macros[macro] old_def = self.macros[macro]
elif len([c for c in macro.encode("ascii", "replace") if not c.isalnum() and c != "_"]): elif len([c for c in macro.encode("ascii", "replace") if not c.isalnum() and c != "_"]):
print _("Macro name may contain only ASCII alphanumeric symbols and underscores") print _("Macro name may contain only ASCII alphanumeric symbols and underscores")
if self.webInterface:
self.webInterface.AddLog("Macro name may contain only alphanumeric symbols and underscores")
return return
elif hasattr(self.__class__, "do_"+macro): elif hasattr(self.__class__, "do_"+macro):
print _("Name '%s' is being used by built-in command") % macro print _("Name '%s' is being used by built-in command") % macro
...@@ -713,8 +684,6 @@ class PronterWindow(MainWindow, pronsole.pronsole): ...@@ -713,8 +684,6 @@ class PronterWindow(MainWindow, pronsole.pronsole):
def help_button(self): def help_button(self):
print _('Defines custom button. Usage: button <num> "title" [/c "colour"] command') print _('Defines custom button. Usage: button <num> "title" [/c "colour"] command')
if self.webInterface:
self.webInterface.AddLog('Defines custom button. Usage: button <num> "title" [/c "colour"] command')
def do_button(self, argstr): def do_button(self, argstr):
def nextarg(rest): def nextarg(rest):
...@@ -737,8 +706,6 @@ class PronterWindow(MainWindow, pronsole.pronsole): ...@@ -737,8 +706,6 @@ class PronterWindow(MainWindow, pronsole.pronsole):
command = argstr.strip() command = argstr.strip()
if num<0 or num>=64: if num<0 or num>=64:
print _("Custom button number should be between 0 and 63") print _("Custom button number should be between 0 and 63")
if self.webInterface:
self.webInterface.AddLog("Custom button number should be between 0 and 63")
return return
while num >= len(self.custombuttons): while num >= len(self.custombuttons):
self.custombuttons.append(None) self.custombuttons.append(None)
...@@ -1004,8 +971,6 @@ class PronterWindow(MainWindow, pronsole.pronsole): ...@@ -1004,8 +971,6 @@ class PronterWindow(MainWindow, pronsole.pronsole):
self.cur_button = None self.cur_button = None
except: except:
print _("event object missing") print _("event object missing")
if self.webInterface:
self.webInterface.AddLog("event object missing")
self.cur_button = None self.cur_button = None
raise raise
...@@ -1025,9 +990,6 @@ class PronterWindow(MainWindow, pronsole.pronsole): ...@@ -1025,9 +990,6 @@ class PronterWindow(MainWindow, pronsole.pronsole):
except: except:
pass pass
self.Destroy() self.Destroy()
if self.webInterface:
from printrun import webinterface
def do_monitor(self, l = ""): def do_monitor(self, l = ""):
if l.strip()=="": if l.strip()=="":
...@@ -1040,17 +1002,11 @@ class PronterWindow(MainWindow, pronsole.pronsole): ...@@ -1040,17 +1002,11 @@ class PronterWindow(MainWindow, pronsole.pronsole):
wx.CallAfter(self.monitorbox.SetValue, self.monitor_interval>0) wx.CallAfter(self.monitorbox.SetValue, self.monitor_interval>0)
except: except:
print _("Invalid period given.") print _("Invalid period given.")
if self.webInterface:
self.webInterface.AddLog("Invalid period given.")
self.setmonitor(None) self.setmonitor(None)
if self.monitor: if self.monitor:
print _("Monitoring printer.") print _("Monitoring printer.")
if self.webInterface:
self.webInterface.AddLog("Monitoring printer.")
else: else:
print _("Done monitoring.") print _("Done monitoring.")
if self.webInterface:
self.webInterface.AddLog("Done monitoring.")
def setmonitor(self, e): def setmonitor(self, e):
self.monitor = self.monitorbox.GetValue() self.monitor = self.monitorbox.GetValue()
...@@ -1065,8 +1021,6 @@ class PronterWindow(MainWindow, pronsole.pronsole): ...@@ -1065,8 +1021,6 @@ class PronterWindow(MainWindow, pronsole.pronsole):
except: except:
print "attempted to write invalid text to console" print "attempted to write invalid text to console"
pass pass
if self.webInterface:
def setloud(self,e): def setloud(self,e):
self.p.loud=e.IsChecked() self.p.loud=e.IsChecked()
...@@ -1229,8 +1183,6 @@ class PronterWindow(MainWindow, pronsole.pronsole): ...@@ -1229,8 +1183,6 @@ class PronterWindow(MainWindow, pronsole.pronsole):
import shlex import shlex
param = self.expandcommand(self.settings.slicecommand).encode() param = self.expandcommand(self.settings.slicecommand).encode()
print "Slicing: ", param print "Slicing: ", param
if self.webInterface:
self.webInterface.AddLog("Slicing: "+param)
pararray = [i.replace("$s", self.filename).replace("$o", self.filename.replace(".stl", "_export.gcode").replace(".STL", "_export.gcode")).encode() for i in shlex.split(param.replace("\\", "\\\\").encode())] pararray = [i.replace("$s", self.filename).replace("$o", self.filename.replace(".stl", "_export.gcode").replace(".STL", "_export.gcode")).encode() for i in shlex.split(param.replace("\\", "\\\\").encode())]
#print pararray #print pararray
self.skeinp = subprocess.Popen(pararray, stderr = subprocess.STDOUT, stdout = subprocess.PIPE) self.skeinp = subprocess.Popen(pararray, stderr = subprocess.STDOUT, stdout = subprocess.PIPE)
...@@ -1242,8 +1194,6 @@ class PronterWindow(MainWindow, pronsole.pronsole): ...@@ -1242,8 +1194,6 @@ class PronterWindow(MainWindow, pronsole.pronsole):
self.stopsf = 1 self.stopsf = 1
except: except:
print _("Failed to execute slicing software: ") print _("Failed to execute slicing software: ")
if self.webInterface:
self.webInterface.AddLog("Failed to execute slicing software: ")
self.stopsf = 1 self.stopsf = 1
traceback.print_exc(file = sys.stdout) traceback.print_exc(file = sys.stdout)
...@@ -1336,8 +1286,6 @@ class PronterWindow(MainWindow, pronsole.pronsole): ...@@ -1336,8 +1286,6 @@ class PronterWindow(MainWindow, pronsole.pronsole):
Xtot, Ytot, Ztot, Xmin, Xmax, Ymin, Ymax, Zmin, Zmax = pronsole.measurements(self.f) Xtot, Ytot, Ztot, Xmin, Xmax, Ymin, Ymax, Zmin, Zmax = pronsole.measurements(self.f)
print pronsole.totalelength(self.f), _("mm of filament used in this print\n") print pronsole.totalelength(self.f), _("mm of filament used in this print\n")
print _("the print goes from %f mm to %f mm in X\nand is %f mm wide\n") % (Xmin, Xmax, Xtot) print _("the print goes from %f mm to %f mm in X\nand is %f mm wide\n") % (Xmin, Xmax, Xtot)
if self.webInterface:
self.webInterface.AddLog(_("the print goes from %f mm to %f mm in X\nand is %f mm wide\n") % (Xmin, Xmax, Xtot))
print _("the print goes from %f mm to %f mm in Y\nand is %f mm wide\n") % (Ymin, Ymax, Ytot) print _("the print goes from %f mm to %f mm in Y\nand is %f mm wide\n") % (Ymin, Ymax, Ytot)
print _("the print goes from %f mm to %f mm in Z\nand is %f mm high\n") % (Zmin, Zmax, Ztot) print _("the print goes from %f mm to %f mm in Z\nand is %f mm high\n") % (Zmin, Zmax, Ztot)
try: try:
import tornado.ioloop
import tornado.web
import tornado.websocket
import base64
import logging
import logging.config
import tornado.httpserver
import tornado.ioloop
import tornado.web
log = logging.getLogger("root")
def authenticate(realm, authenticator,user_extractor) :
This is a basic authentication interceptor which
protects the desired URIs and requires
authentication as per configuration
def wrapper(self, transforms, *args, **kwargs):
def _request_basic_auth(self):
if self._headers_written:
raise Exception('headers have already been written')
# If this is a websocket accept parameter-based (user/password) auth:
if hasattr(self, 'stream'):
"HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized\r\n"+
"Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2013 02:09:52 GMT\r\n"+
"Content-Length: 0\r\n"+
"Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8\r\n"+
"Www-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"auth_realm\"\r\n"+
"Server: TornadoServer/3.0.1\r\n\r\n"
# If this is a restful request use the standard tornado methods:
self.set_header('WWW-Authenticate','Basic realm="%s"' % realm)
self._transforms = []
return False
request = self.request
format = ''
clazz = self.__class__
log.debug('intercepting for class : %s', clazz)
auth_hdr = request.headers.get('Authorization')
if auth_hdr == None:
return _request_basic_auth(self)
if not auth_hdr.startswith('Basic '):
return _request_basic_auth(self)
auth_decoded = base64.decodestring(auth_hdr[6:])
username, password = auth_decoded.split(':', 2)
user_info = authenticator(realm, unicode(username), password)
if user_info :
self._user_info = user_info
self._current_user = user_extractor(user_info)
log.debug('authenticated user is : %s',
return _request_basic_auth(self)
except Exception, e:
return _request_basic_auth(self)
return True
return wrapper
def interceptor(func):
This is a class decorator which is helpful in configuring
one or more interceptors which are able to intercept, inspect,
process and approve or reject further processing of the request
def classwrapper(cls):
def wrapper(old):
def inner(self, transforms, *args, **kwargs):
log.debug('Invoking wrapper %s',func)
ret = func(self,transforms,*args,**kwargs)
if ret :
return old(self,transforms,*args,**kwargs)
else :
return ret
return inner
cls._execute = wrapper(cls._execute)
return cls
return classwrapper
print "moo"
\ No newline at end of file
html, body
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padding: 0px;
height: 100%;
background: url("/static/img/background.jpg");
background-color: black;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-position: 50% 50%;
background-size: auto 100%;
position: absolute;
text-align: right;
top: 80%;
margin-top: -40px;
padding: 0px;
color: white;
padding-left: 100px;
padding-right: 20px;
background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6);
.lead-box a, .lead-box a:hover
color: #3198EC;
font-weight: bold;
margin-top: 15px;
margin-left: 40px;
font-weight: bold;
font-size: 120%;
.sensors .val
display: inline-block;
width: 50px;
text-align: right;
.sensors .val, .sensors .deg
font-weight: normal;
height: 200px;
overflow-y: scroll;
.console pre
border: 0px;
margin: 0px;
padding: 0px;
height: 200px;
margin: 0px;
margin: 80px 0;
font-size: 40px;
line-height: 40px;
text-align: center;
\ No newline at end of file
(function() {
var $console;
var windowFocus = true;
$(window).focus(function() {
windowFocus = true;
//if ($console) $console.append("Window refocused, restarting graph.\n");
}).blur(function() {
windowFocus = false;
//if ($console) $console.append("Window's focus, lost stopping graph...\n");
var connect = function() {
// Let us open a web socket
var url = "ws://localhost:8888/socket?user=admin&password=admin";
var ws = new WebSocket(url);
$(function () {
$consoleWrapper = $(".console");
$console = $(".console pre");
var updateSensorsUi = function() {
$(".sensors .val").each(function() {
var graph = null;
var graphData = [];
var graphResolution = 40;
var updateGraphData = function(current) {
current.time =;
if(graphData.length == graphResolution) graphData.shift();
var updateGraphUi = function(current) {
if(graph == null)
graph = new Morris.Line({
// ID of the element in which to draw the chart.
element: "temperature-graph",
// Chart data records -- each entry in this array corresponds to a point on
// the chart.
data: graphData,
// The name of the data record attribute that contains x-values.
xkey: 'timestamp',
// A list of names of data record attributes that contain y-values.
ykeys: ['extruder', 'bed'],
// Labels for the ykeys -- will be displayed when you hover over the
// chart.
labels: ['extruder &deg;C', 'bed &deg;C'],
hideHover: 'always',
ymax: 'auto 250',
//pointSize: 0,
//parseTime: false,
xLabels: "decade"
var updateUi = function(msg) {
if(windowFocus == false) return;
var onConnect = function(ws) {
ws.onopen = function()
// Web Socket is connected, send data using send()
var nextGraphPoint = {};
ws.onmessage = function (evt)
msg = JSON.parse(
if(msg.sensor_changed != undefined)
var sensorNames = ["bed", "extruder"];
for (var i = 0; i < sensorNames.length; i++)
var name =;
var val = parseFloat(msg.sensor_changed.value);
nextGraphPoint[name] = val;
$("."+name+" .val").data("val", val.format(1))
if(nextGraphPoint.bed != undefined && nextGraphPoint.extruder != undefined)
nextGraphPoint.timestamp = msg.timestamp
nextGraphPoint = {};
else if (msg.job_progress_changed != undefined)
val = Math.round(parseFloat(msg.job_progress_changed)*10)/10;
$(".job-pogress .val").html(val);
console.log($consoleWrapper.scrollTop() - $console.innerHeight())
var atBottom = $consoleWrapper.scrollTop() - $console.innerHeight() > -220;
$console.append( + "\n");
if (atBottom)
ws.onclose = function()
// websocket is closed.
$console.append("\nConnection closed.");
if ("WebSocket" in window)
// The browser doesn't support WebSocket
alert("Error: WebSocket NOT supported by your Browser!");
\ No newline at end of file
<!doctype html>
<link href="//" rel="stylesheet">
<link href="/static/css/index.css" rel="stylesheet">
<div class="lead-box">
Your printer just got a whole lot better.
<p class="lead">
Pronserve is ready to print. Why not try it out with
<a href="/inspect">Inspector</a> or
<a href="">Ctrl Panel</a>?
\ No newline at end of file
<!doctype html>
<title>Pronserve Inspector</title>
<link href="//" rel="stylesheet">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<link href="/static/css/inspect.css" rel="stylesheet">
<div class="container-fluid">
<div class="row-fluid">
<div class="span12">
Pronserve Inspector
<div class="well console">
<div class="span3" id="print-job-panel">
<h2>Job Progress</h2>
<div class="job-pogress"><span class="val">XX.X</span>%</div>
<div class="span9">
<div class="sensors pull-right">
<div class="extruder pull-right">
Extruder: <span class="val">xx.x</span><span class="deg">&deg;C</span>
<div class="bed pull-right">
Bed: <span class="val"/>xx.x</span><span class="deg">&deg;C</span>
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; gZnZratZd by Slic3r 0.9.3-dZv on 2012-09-02 at 04:02:31
; layZr_hZight = 0.4
; pZrimZtZrs = 3
; solid_layZrs = 3
; fill_dZnsity = 0.4
; pZrimZtZr_spZZd = 30
; infill_spZZd = 60
; travZl_spZZd = 130
; scalZ = 1
; nozzlZ_diamZtZr = 0.5
; filamZnt_diamZtZr = 3
; Zxtrusion_multipliZr = 1
; singlZ wall width = 0.53mm
; first layZr singlZ wall width = 0.80mm
M104 S200 ; sZt tZmpZraturZ
;G28 ; homZ all axZs
;M109 S200 ; wait for tZmpZraturZ to bZ rZachZd
G90 ; usZ absolutZ coordinatZs
G21 ; sZt units to millimZtZrs
G92 Z0
M82 ; usZ absolutZ distancZs for Zxtrusion
G1 Z0.400 F71800.000
G1 X75.725 Y86.681
G1 F1800.000 Z1.00000
G1 X87.905 Y75.241 F1040.000 Z1.69560
G1 X88.365 Y74.871 Z1.72017
G1 X88.865 Y74.541 Z1.74511
G1 X89.395 Y74.261 Z1.77006
G1 X89.945 Y74.031 Z1.79488
G1 X90.225 Y73.931 Z1.80726
G1 X90.805 Y73.771 Z1.83230
G1 X92.375 Y73.501 Z1.89862
G1 X92.935 Y73.471 Z1.92196
G1 X109.165 Y73.961 Z2.59789
G1 X109.475 Y73.991 Z2.61085
G1 X110.105 Y74.101 Z2.63747
G1 X110.715 Y74.271 Z2.66383
G1 X111.795 Y74.681 Z2.71192
G1 X112.355 Y74.951 Z2.73780
G1 X112.875 Y75.271 Z2.76322
G1 X113.135 Y75.451 Z2.77638
G1 X113.615 Y75.841 Z2.80213
G1 X124.855 Y87.841 Z3.48656
G1 X125.485 Y88.631 Z3.52863
G1 X125.975 Y89.351 Z3.56488
G1 X126.385 Y90.111 Z3.60083
G1 X126.605 Y90.651 Z3.62510
G1 X126.775 Y91.201 Z3.64906
G1 X126.905 Y91.771 Z3.67340
G1 X126.975 Y92.341 Z3.69731
G1 X127.005 Y92.921 Z3.72148
G1 X126.325 Y109.851 Z4.42681
G1 X126.255 Y110.391 Z4.44947
G1 X126.145 Y110.921 Z4.47201
G1 X125.995 Y111.441 Z4.49453
G1 X125.805 Y111.951 Z4.51719
G1 X125.575 Y112.441 Z4.53972
G1 X125.165 Y113.131 Z4.57313
G1 X124.835 Y113.571 Z4.59603
G1 X124.485 Y113.971 Z4.61815
G1 X124.095 Y114.351 Z4.64082
G1 X123.885 Y114.531 Z4.65233
G1 X123.005 Y115.151 Z4.69715
G1 X122.525 Y115.401 Z4.71967
G1 X96.195 Y125.661 Z5.89600
G1 X95.515 Y125.881 Z5.92575
G1 X94.385 Y126.141 Z5.97402
G1 X91.335 Y126.551 Z6.10213
G1 X91.055 Y126.561 Z6.11379
G1 X90.775 Y126.561 Z6.12545
G1 X90.215 Y126.521 Z6.14882
G1 X89.375 Y126.371 Z6.18434
G1 X88.835 Y126.221 Z6.20767
G1 X88.305 Y126.021 Z6.23125
G1 X87.795 Y125.781 Z6.25471
G1 X87.075 Y125.341 Z6.28984
G1 X86.415 Y124.811 Z6.32507
G1 X75.155 Y112.801 Z7.01038
G1 X74.955 Y112.561 Z7.02339
G1 X74.595 Y112.041 Z7.04972
G1 X73.825 Y110.701 Z7.11405
G1 X73.695 Y110.441 Z7.12615
G1 X73.475 Y109.911 Z7.15004
G1 X73.305 Y109.361 Z7.17400
G1 X73.175 Y108.801 Z7.19794
G1 X73.095 Y108.231 Z7.22190
G1 X73.065 Y107.651 Z7.24607
G1 X73.615 Y91.111 Z7.93497
G1 X73.725 Y90.281 Z7.96982
G1 X73.785 Y90.011 Z7.98134
G1 X74.035 Y89.211 Z8.01623
G1 X74.255 Y88.701 Z8.03935
G1 X74.515 Y88.201 Z8.06281
G1 X74.815 Y87.731 Z8.08602
G1 X75.335 Y87.081 Z8.12067
G1 X75.640 Y86.766 Z8.13893
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function pronterfaceWebInterface_setup(){
function pronterfaceWebInterface_attachAsync(){
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list = document.getElementsByClassName('command');
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list.concat( document.getElementsByTagName('area') );
//TODO filter list via checking the className attributes
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list[i].attachEvent && list[i].attachEvent( 'onclick', function(e){return pronterfaceWebInterface_asyncCommand(null, e);} );
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function pronterfaceWebInterface_asyncCommand( urlOrElement, event ){
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urlOrElement =;
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url = urlOrElement&&urlOrElement.href;
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console && console.error && console.error('url not a string', urlOrElement, url);
return true;
var httpRequest;
if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { // Mozilla, Safari, ...
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if( ! httpRequest ){
alert('no AJAX available?');
// follow link
return true;
//onerror 'GET', url, true);
// don't follow link
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event.preventDefault && event.preventDefault();
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