Commit 5c4e1691 authored by Kliment Yanev's avatar Kliment Yanev

Merge branch 'master', remote-tracking branch 'origin' into experimental

parents 3cfc7651 f63e3800
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......@@ -90,22 +90,26 @@ def get_coordinate_value(axis, parts):
def estimate_duration(g):
extra_cost_per_movement = 0.02
total_duration = 0
feedrate = 0
X_last_position = 0
Y_last_position = 0
total_duration = 0.0
feedrate = 0.0
avg_feedrate = 0.0
last_feedrate = 0.0
X_last_position = 0.0
Y_last_position = 0.0
Z_last_position = 0.0
for i in g:
if "G1" in i and ("X" in i or "Y" in i or "F" in i or "E" in i):
#if "G1" in i and ("X" in i or "Y" in i or "Z" in i or "F" in i or "E" in i):
parts = i.split(" ")
X = get_coordinate_value("X", parts[1:])
Y = get_coordinate_value("Y", parts[1:])
#Z = get_coordinate_value("Z", parts[1:])
F = get_coordinate_value("F", parts[1:])
E = get_coordinate_value("E", parts[1:])
if (F is not None):
feedrate = F / 60
feedrate = (last_feedrate + (F / 60.0))/2.0
distance = 0
if (X is None and Y is None and E is not None):
distance = abs(E)
......@@ -121,21 +125,20 @@ def estimate_duration(g):
distance = sqrt(X_distance * X_distance + Y_distance * Y_distance)
X_last_position = X
Y_last_position = Y
#if (Z is not None):
# Z_distance = Z - Z_last_position
# if not(distance == 0.0):
# distance = sqrt(Z_distance * Z_distance + distance * distance )
# else:
# distance = Z_distance
# Z_last_position = Z
if (feedrate == 0 or distance == 0): continue
if (feedrate == 0.0 or distance == 0.0): continue
time_for_move = distance / feedrate
acceleration = feedrate / time_for_move
halfway_feedrate = acceleration * time_for_move / 2
duration = halfway_feedrate * 2 / acceleration
total_duration += duration + extra_cost_per_movement
mod_minutes = total_duration % (60 * 60)
mod_seconds = mod_minutes % 60
return "{0:02d}h{1:02d}m".format(int((total_duration - mod_minutes) / (60 * 60)), int((mod_minutes - mod_seconds) / 60))
total_duration += time_for_move + extra_cost_per_movement
if (F is not None): feedrate = F / 60.0
return time.strftime('%H:%M:%S', time.gmtime(total_duration/60.0))
class Settings:
#def _temperature_alias(self): return {"pla":210,"abs":230,"off":0}
#def _temperature_validate(self,v):
......@@ -126,10 +126,12 @@ class PronterWindow(wx.Frame,pronsole.pronsole):
def startcb(self):
print "Print Started at: " +time.strftime('%H:%M:%S',time.localtime(self.starttime))
def endcb(self):
print "Print took "+str(int(time.time()-self.starttime)/60)+" minutes "+str(int(time.time()-self.starttime)%60)+" seconds."
print "Print ended at: " +time.strftime('%H:%M:%S',time.localtime(time.time()))
print "and took: "+time.strftime('%H:%M:%S', time.gmtime(int(time.time()-self.starttime))) #+str(int(time.time()-self.starttime)/60)+" minutes "+str(int(time.time()-self.starttime)%60)+" seconds."
......@@ -1112,18 +1114,22 @@ class PronterWindow(wx.Frame,pronsole.pronsole):
# self.tgauge.SetValue(int(filter(lambda x:x.startswith("T:"),self.tempreport.split())[0].split(":")[1]))
# pass
fractioncomplete = 0.0
if self.sdprinting:
fractioncomplete = float(self.percentdone/100.0)
string+= _(" SD printing:%04.2f %%") % (self.percentdone,)
if self.p.printing:
secondselapsed = int(time.time()-self.starttime)
fractioncomplete = float(self.p.queueindex)/len(self.p.mainqueue)
string+= _(" Printing:%04.2f %% |") % (100*float(self.p.queueindex)/len(self.p.mainqueue),)
string+= _(" Line# ") + str(self.p.queueindex) + _("of ") + str(len(self.p.mainqueue)) + _(" lines |" )
if fractioncomplete > 0.0:
secondselapsed = int(time.time()-self.starttime)
secondsestimate = secondselapsed/fractioncomplete
secondsremain = secondsestimate - secondselapsed
string+= _(" Printing:%04.2f %%") % (100*float(self.p.queueindex)/len(self.p.mainqueue),)
string+= _(" Estimated:%02.0f") % (int(secondsremain/60),)
string+= _(":%02.0f") % (int(secondsremain%60),)
string+= _(" of %02.0f") % (int(secondsestimate/60),)
string+= _(":%02.0f Remaining") % (int(secondsestimate%60),)
string+= _(" Est: ") + time.strftime('%H:%M:%S', time.gmtime(secondsremain))
string+= _(" of: ") + time.strftime('%H:%M:%S', time.gmtime(secondsestimate))
string+= _(" Remaining | ")
string+= _(" Z: %0.2f mm") % self.curlayer
if(self.monitor and
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