self.thickness.SetHelpText("The thickness of each slice. Should match the value used to slice the model. SVG files update this value automatically, files have to be manually entered.")
self.thickness.SetHelpText("The thickness of each slice. Should match the value used to slice the model. SVG files update this value automatically, files have to be manually entered.")
self.pause.SetHelpText("The pause length between slices. This should take into account any movement of the Z axis, plus time to prepare the resin surface (sliding, tilting, sweeping, etc).")
self.direction.SetHelpText("The direction the Z axis should move. Top Down is where the projector is above the model, Bottom up is where the projector is below the model.")
self.overshoot.SetHelpText("How far the axis should move beyond the next slice position for each slice. For Top Down printers this would dunk the model under the resi and then return. For Bottom Up printers this would raise the base away from the vat and then return.")
self.prelift_gcode.SetHelpText("Additional gcode to run before raising the Z axis. Be sure to take into account any additional time needed in the pause value, and be careful what gcode is added!")
self.postlift_gcode.SetHelpText("Additional gcode to run after raising the Z axis. Be sure to take into account any additional time needed in the pause value, and be careful what gcode is added!")
self.projected_X_mm.SetHelpText("The actual width of the entire projected image. Use the Calibrate grid to show the full size of the projected image, and measure the width at the same level where the slice will be projected onto the resin.")
self.calibrate.SetHelpText("Toggles the calibration grid. Each grid should be 10mmx10mm in size. Use the grid to ensure the projected size is correct. See also the help for the ProjectedX field.")
self.first_layer.SetHelpText("Displays the first layer of the model. Use this to project the first layer for longer so it holds to the base. Note: this value does not affect the first layer when the \"Present\" run is started, it should be used manually.")
self.layer_red.SetHelpText("Toggles whether the image should be red. Useful for positioning whilst resin is in the printer as it should not cause a reaction.")