/**************************************************************************************** * 999 * Leapfrog Driver board ****************************************************************************************/ #define KNOWN_BOARD 1 #ifndef __AVR_ATmega1280__ #ifndef __AVR_ATmega2560__ #error Oops! Make sure you have 'Arduino Mega' selected from the 'Tools -> Boards' menu. #endif #endif #define ORIG_X_STEP_PIN 28 #define ORIG_X_DIR_PIN 63 #define ORIG_X_ENABLE_PIN 29 #define ORIG_X_MIN_PIN 47 #define ORIG_X_MAX_PIN -1 //2 //Max endstops default to disabled "-1", set to commented value to enable. #define ORIG_Y_STEP_PIN 14 // A6 #define ORIG_Y_DIR_PIN 15 // A0 #define ORIG_Y_ENABLE_PIN 39 #define ORIG_Y_MIN_PIN 48 #define ORIG_Y_MAX_PIN -1 //15 #define ORIG_Z_STEP_PIN 31 // A2 #define ORIG_Z_DIR_PIN 32 // A6 #define ORIG_Z_ENABLE_PIN 30 // A1 #define ORIG_Z_MIN_PIN 49 #define ORIG_Z_MAX_PIN -1 #define ORIG_E0_STEP_PIN 34 //34 #define ORIG_E0_DIR_PIN 35 //35 #define ORIG_E0_ENABLE_PIN 33 //33 #define ORIG_E1_STEP_PIN 37 //37 #define ORIG_E1_DIR_PIN 40 //40 #define ORIG_E1_ENABLE_PIN 36 //36 #define Y2_STEP_PIN 37 #define Y2_DIR_PIN 40 #define Y2_ENABLE_PIN 36 #define Z2_STEP_PIN 37 #define Z2_DIR_PIN 40 #define Z2_ENABLE_PIN 36 #define SDPOWER -1 #define SDSS 11 #define SD_DETECT_PIN -1 // 10 optional also used as mode pin #define LED_PIN 13 #define ORIG_FAN_PIN 7 #define ORIG_PS_ON_PIN -1 #define KILL_PIN -1 #define SOL1_PIN 16 #define SOL2_PIN 17 #define ORIG_HEATER_0_PIN 9 #define ORIG_HEATER_1_PIN 8 // 12 #define ORIG_HEATER_2_PIN 11 //-1 // 13 #define ORIG_TEMP_0_PIN 13 //D27 // MUST USE ANALOG INPUT NUMBERING NOT DIGITAL OUTPUT NUMBERING!!!!!!!!! #define ORIG_TEMP_1_PIN 15 // 1 #define ORIG_TEMP_2_PIN -1 // 2 #define ORIG_HEATER_BED_PIN 10 // 14/15 #define ORIG_TEMP_BED_PIN 14 // 1,2 or I2C /* Unused (1) (2) (3) 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 (14) (15) (16) 17 (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) 24 (25) (26) (27) 28 (29) (30) (31) */