* Dams level, cape town dedicated web site: http://www.capetown.gov.za/Family%20and%20home/residential-utility-services/residential-water-and-sanitation-services/this-weeks-dam-levels
* Dams level, cape town dedicated web site: http://www.capetown.gov.za/Family%20and%20home/residential-utility-services/residential-water-and-sanitation-services/this-weeks-dam-levels
* third party web site with some stats about dams level both actual and historical: http://www.capetowndrought.com/
* third party web site with some stats about dams level both actual and historical: http://www.capetowndrought.com/
* Water usage map of Cape Town for residential consumers: https://citymaps.capetown.gov.za/waterviewer/
### Libraries and third party software
### Libraries and third party software
* Dams level web service api from CSV data https://github.com/richarcher/Waterlevels
* Dams level web service api from CSV data https://github.com/richarcher/Waterlevels