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  <title>RESTful API demo</title>
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    $(document).on('submit', '#settings_form', function() {
      var data = {};
      $('#settings_form [name]').each(function(index, el) {
        data[$(el).attr('name')] = $(el).val();
        url: '/save',
        method: 'POST',
        dataType: 'html',
        data: data,
        success: function(data) {
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  <div class="content">
    <img src="mongoose.jpg" style="float:right; height: 50px; border-radius: 3px;">
    <h1>Device Configurator demo.</h1>

      This page demonstrates how Mongoose could be used to implement
      device settings page.</p>

    <h3>How to show device parameters on the page</h3>
    <p>This page has embedded
      <code>&lt;!--#call parameter_name --&gt;</code> blocks. For each such
      block, mongoose triggers <code>MG_EV_SSI_CALL</code> event, passing
      <code>parameter_name</code> string as an event parameter. A callback
      then can print some content, which will replace the
      <code>&lt;!--#call parameter_name --&gt;</code> block.
      Take a look at <code>handle_ssi_call()</code> to see how that is done.

    <h3>How to save updated values</h3>
    <p>When Save button is clicked, this page makes Ajax call and passes
    values to the backend in a POST request. Backend extracts values from
    the POST request and updates the configuration. Take a look at
    <code>handle_save()</code> to see how that is done.</p>

    <p>You can change values, click Save button, refresh this page - make sure
    settings values stay intact between refreshes. </p>

    <form method="POST" id="settings_form">
      <legend>Device settings</legend>
      <label>Setting 1:</label> <input type="text"
        name="setting1" value="<!--#call setting1 -->" >
      <label>Setting 2:</label> <input type="text"
        name="setting2" value="<!--#call setting2 -->" >

    <div style="margin: 1em 0;">
     <button type="submit">Save</button>
     <div id="result">&nbsp;</div>
