<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <!-- include AutobahnJS .. that's all you need --> <script src="http://autobahn.s3.amazonaws.com/js/autobahn.min.js"></script> <script> // WAMP session object var sess; window.onload = function() { // connect to WAMP server ab.connect("ws://localhost:9000", // WAMP session was established function (session) { sess = session; console.log("Connected!"); sess.prefix("event", "http://example.com/event/"); sess.subscribe("event:simple", onEvent); sess.subscribe("event:simple-foobar", onEvent); sess.subscribe("event:foobar1", onEvent); sess.subscribe("event:foobar2", onEvent); }, // WAMP session is gone function (code, reason) { sess = null; alert(reason); } ); }; function onEvent(topicUri, event) { console.log(topicUri); console.log(event); } function logerror(erroruri, errordesc) { console.log(erroruri + ' ("' + errordesc + '")'); } function test() { sess.publish("event:simple", {name: "foo", created: new Date(), num: 23, rand: Math.random()}); sess.publish("event:simple-foobar", {name: "foo", value: "bar", num: 333}); sess.publish("event:foobar1", {count: 42}); sess.publish("event:foobar1", {count: -1}); sess.publish("event:foobar2", {count: 666}); sess.publish("event:foobarbaz", {count: 10}); } </script> </head> <body> <h1>AutobahnJS PubSub Client - PubSub with Authorization</h1> <button onclick="test()">Publish Events</button> </body> </html>