## -*- python -*- ## (C) 2007,2008 Gustavo J. A. M. Carneiro import Options import Build import Scripting Scripting.excludes.remove('Makefile') Scripting.dist_format = 'zip' import Configure Configure.autoconfig = True import Logs #from Params import fatal import os import pproc as subprocess import shutil import sys import Configure import tarfile import re import types import Task Task.file_deps = Task.extract_deps APPNAME='pybindgen' srcdir = '.' blddir = 'build' ## Add the pybindgen dir to PYTHONPATH, so that the examples and tests are properly built before pybindgen is installed. if 'PYTHONPATH' in os.environ: os.environ['PYTHONPATH'] = os.pathsep.join([os.getcwd(), os.environ['PYTHONPATH']]) else: os.environ['PYTHONPATH'] = os.getcwd() def _get_version_from_bzr_lib(path): import bzrlib.tag, bzrlib.branch fullpath = os.path.abspath(path) if sys.platform == 'win32': fullpath = fullpath.replace('\\', '/') fullpath = '/' + fullpath branch = bzrlib.branch.Branch.open('file://' + fullpath) tags = bzrlib.tag.BasicTags(branch) #print "Getting version information from bzr branch..." history = branch.revision_history() history.reverse() ## find closest tag version = None extra_version = [] for revid in history: #print revid for tag_name, tag_revid in tags.get_tag_dict().iteritems(): if tag_revid == revid: #print "%s matches tag %s" % (revid, tag_name) version = [int(s) for s in tag_name.split('.')] ## if the current revision does not match the last ## tag, we append current revno to the version if tag_revid != branch.last_revision(): extra_version = [branch.revno()] break if version: break assert version is not None _version = version + extra_version return _version def _get_version_from_bzr_command(path): # get most recent tag first most_recent_tag = None proc = subprocess.Popen(['bzr', 'log', '--short'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) reg = re.compile('{([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)}') for line in proc.stdout: result = reg.search(line) if result is not None: most_recent_tag = [int(result.group(1)), int(result.group(2)), int(result.group(3))] break proc.stdout.close() proc.wait() assert most_recent_tag is not None # get most recent revno most_recent_revno = None proc = subprocess.Popen(['bzr', 'revno'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) most_recent_revno = int(proc.stdout.read().strip()) proc.wait() version = most_recent_tag + [most_recent_revno] return version _version = None def get_version_from_bzr(path): global _version if _version is not None: return _version try: import bzrlib.tag, bzrlib.branch except ImportError: return _get_version_from_bzr_command(path) else: return _get_version_from_bzr_lib(path) def get_version(path=None): if path is None: path = srcdir try: return '.'.join([str(x) for x in get_version_from_bzr(path)]) except ImportError: return 'unknown' def generate_version_py(force=False, path=None): """generates pybindgen/version.py, unless it already exists""" filename = os.path.join('pybindgen', 'version.py') if not force and os.path.exists(filename): return if path is None: path = srcdir version = get_version_from_bzr(path) dest = open(filename, 'w') if isinstance(version, list): dest.write('__version__ = %r\n' % (version,)) dest.write('"""[major, minor, micro, revno], ' 'revno omitted in official releases"""\n') else: dest.write('__version__ = "%s"\n' % (version,)) dest.close() # http://coreygoldberg.blogspot.com/2009/07/python-zip-directories-recursively.html def zipper(dir, zip_file, archive_main_folder=None): import zipfile zip = zipfile.ZipFile(zip_file, 'w', compression=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) root_len = len(os.path.abspath(dir)) for root, dirs, files in os.walk(dir): archive_root = os.path.abspath(root)[root_len:] for f in files: fullpath = os.path.join(root, f) archive_name = os.path.join(archive_root, f) if archive_main_folder is not None: if archive_name.startswith(os.sep): n = archive_name[len(os.sep):] else: n = archive_name archive_name = os.path.join(archive_main_folder, n) zip.write(fullpath, archive_name, zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) zip.close() def dist_hook(): blddir = '../build' srcdir = '..' version = get_version(srcdir) subprocess.Popen([os.path.join(srcdir, "generate-ChangeLog")], shell=True).wait() try: os.chmod(os.path.join(srcdir, "ChangeLog"), 0644) except OSError: pass try: os.unlink("ChangeLog") except OSError: pass shutil.copy(os.path.join(srcdir, "ChangeLog"), '.') ## Write a pybindgen/version.py file containing the project version generate_version_py(force=True, path=srcdir) ## Copy it to the source dir shutil.copy(os.path.join('pybindgen', 'version.py'), os.path.join(srcdir, "pybindgen")) ## Package the api docs in a separate tarball apidocs = 'apidocs' if not os.path.isdir('doc/_build/html'): Logs.warn("Not creating docs archive: the `doc/_build/html' directory does not exist") else: zipper('doc/_build/html', os.path.join("..", "pybindgen-%s-docs.zip" % version)) # clean up the docs dir r = subprocess.Popen(["make", "clean"], cwd='doc').wait() if r: raise SystemExit(r) shutil.rmtree('.shelf', True) try: os.unlink('waf-light') except OSError: pass def set_options(opt): opt.tool_options('python') opt.tool_options('compiler_cc') opt.tool_options('compiler_cxx') opt.tool_options('cflags') optgrp = opt.add_option_group("PyBindGen Options") if os.path.isdir(".bzr"): optgrp.add_option('--generate-version', help=('Generate a new pybindgen/version.py file from version control' ' introspection. Only works from a bzr checkout tree, and is' ' meant to be used by pybindgen developers only.'), action="store_true", default=False, dest='generate_version') optgrp.add_option('--examples', help=('Compile the example programs.'), action="store_true", default=False, dest='examples') optgrp.add_option('--disable-pygccxml', help=('Disable pygccxml for unit tests / examples.'), action="store_true", default=False, dest='disable_pygccxml') optgrp.add_option('--valgrind', help=('Run unit tests through valgrind.'), action="store_true", default=False, dest='valgrind') def configure(conf): def _check_compilation_flag(conf, flag): """ Checks if the C++ compiler accepts a certain compilation flag or flags flag: can be a string or a list of strings """ env = conf.env.copy() env.append_value('CXXFLAGS', flag) try: retval = conf.run_c_code(code='#include <stdio.h>\nint main() { return 0; }\n', env=env, compile_filename='test.cc', compile_mode='cxx',type='cprogram', execute=False) except Configure.ConfigurationError: ok = False else: ok = (retval == 0) conf.check_message_custom(flag, 'support', (ok and 'yes' or 'no')) return ok conf.check_compilation_flag = types.MethodType(_check_compilation_flag, conf) ## Write a pybindgen/version.py file containing the project version generate_version_py() conf.check_tool('command') conf.check_tool('python') conf.check_python_version((2,3)) try: conf.check_tool('compiler_cc') conf.check_tool('compiler_cxx') except Configure.ConfigurationError: Logs.warn("C/C++ compiler not detected. Unit tests and examples will not be compiled.") conf.env['CXX'] = '' else: conf.check_tool('cflags') conf.check_python_headers() if not Options.options.disable_pygccxml: gccxml = conf.find_program('gccxml') if not gccxml: conf.env['ENABLE_PYGCCXML'] = False else: try: conf.check_python_module('pygccxml') except Configure.ConfigurationError: conf.env['ENABLE_PYGCCXML'] = False else: conf.env['ENABLE_PYGCCXML'] = True # -fvisibility=hidden optimization if (conf.env['CXX_NAME'] == 'gcc' and [int(x) for x in conf.env['CC_VERSION']] >= [4,0,0] and conf.check_compilation_flag('-fvisibility=hidden')): conf.env.append_value('CXXFLAGS_PYEXT', '-fvisibility=hidden') conf.env.append_value('CCFLAGS_PYEXT', '-fvisibility=hidden') # Add include path for our stdint.h replacement, if needed (pstdint.h) if not conf.check(header_name='stdint.h'): conf.env.append_value('CPPPATH', os.path.join(conf.curdir, 'include')) conf.sub_config('benchmarks') def build(bld): global g_bld g_bld = bld if getattr(Options.options, 'generate_version', False): generate_version_py(force=True) bld.add_subdirs('pybindgen') if Options.options.examples: bld.add_subdirs('examples') if Options.commands['check'] or Options.commands['clean']: bld.add_subdirs('tests') if Options.commands.get('bench', False) or Options.commands['clean']: bld.add_subdirs('benchmarks') check_context = Build.BuildContext def bench(bld): "run the benchmarks; requires many tools, used by maintainers only" Scripting.build(bld) env = g_bld.env print "Running benchmarks..." retval = subprocess.Popen([env['PYTHON'], '-O', 'benchmarks/bench.py', "build/default/benchmarks/results.xml", ' '.join(env['CXXFLAGS_PYEXT'] + env['CXXFLAGS'])]).wait() if retval: raise SystemExit(retval) print "Generating benchmarks report..." retval = subprocess.Popen([env['PYTHON'], '-O', 'benchmarks/plotresults.py', "build/default/benchmarks/results.xml", "build/default/benchmarks/results"]).wait() if retval: raise SystemExit(retval) check_context = Build.BuildContext def check(bld): "run the unit tests; add option -v for verbose mode" Scripting.build(bld) if Options.options.verbose: verbosity = ['-v'] else: verbosity = [] if Options.options.valgrind: valgrind = ['valgrind', '--leak-check=full', '--leak-resolution=low'] else: valgrind = [] print "Running pure python unit tests..." retval1 = subprocess.Popen([Build.bld.env['PYTHON'], 'tests/test.py'] + verbosity).wait() env = g_bld.env if env['CXX']: print "Running manual module generation unit tests (module foo)..." retval2 = subprocess.Popen(valgrind + [env['PYTHON'], 'tests/footest.py', '1'] + verbosity).wait() else: print "Skipping manual module generation unit tests (no C/C++ compiler)..." retval2 = 0 if env['ENABLE_PYGCCXML']: print "Running automatically scanned module generation unit tests (module foo2)..." retval3 = subprocess.Popen(valgrind + [env['PYTHON'], 'tests/footest.py', '2'] + verbosity).wait() print "Running module generated by automatically generated python script unit tests (module foo3)..." retval3b = subprocess.Popen(valgrind + [env['PYTHON'], 'tests/footest.py', '3'] + verbosity).wait() print "Running module generated by generated and split python script unit tests (module foo4)..." retval3c = subprocess.Popen(valgrind + [env['PYTHON'], 'tests/footest.py', '4'] + verbosity).wait() print "Running semi-automatically scanned c-hello module ('hello')..." retval4 = subprocess.Popen(valgrind + [env['PYTHON'], 'tests/c-hello/hellotest.py'] + verbosity).wait() else: print "Skipping automatically scanned module generation unit tests (pygccxml missing)..." print "Skipping module generated by automatically generated python script unit tests (pygccxml missing)..." print "Skipping module generated by generated and split python script unit tests (pygccxml missing)..." print "Skipping semi-automatically scanned c-hello module (pygccxml missing)..." retval3 = retval3b = retval3c = retval4 = 0 if retval1 or retval2 or retval3 or retval3b or retval3c or retval4: Logs.error("Unit test failures") raise SystemExit(2) def docs(ctx): "generate API documentation, using epydoc" generate_version_py(force=True) retval = subprocess.Popen(["make", "html"], cwd='doc').wait() if retval: Logs.error("make returned with code %i" % retval) raise SystemExit(2)