var fs = require('fs'); var shell = require('shelljs'); var grunt = require('grunt'); var spawn = require('child_process').spawn; var version; module.exports = { init: function() { shell.exec('npm install'); }, getVersion: function(){ if (version) return version; var package = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('package.json', 'UTF-8')); var match = package.version.match(/^([^\-]*)(-snapshot)?$/); var semver = match[1].split('.'); var hash = shell.exec('git rev-parse --short HEAD', {silent: true}).output.replace('\n', ''); var fullVersion = (match[1] + (match[2] ? '-' + hash : '')); var numVersion = semver[0] + '.' + semver[1] + '.' + semver[2]; version = { number: numVersion, full: fullVersion, major: semver[0], minor: semver[1], dot: semver[2], codename: package.codename, cdn: package.cdnVersion }; return version; }, startKarma: function(config, singleRun, done){ var browsers = grunt.option('browsers'); var reporters = grunt.option('reporters'); var noColor = grunt.option('no-colors'); var port = grunt.option('port'); var p = spawn('node', ['node_modules/karma/bin/karma', 'start', config, singleRun ? '--single-run=true' : '', reporters ? '--reporters=' + reporters : '', browsers ? '--browsers=' + browsers : '', noColor ? '--no-colors' : '', port ? '--port=' + port : '' ]); p.stdout.pipe(process.stdout); p.stderr.pipe(process.stderr); p.on('exit', function(code){ if(code !== 0)"Karma test(s) failed. Exit code: " + code); done(); }); }, wrap: function(src, name){ src.unshift('src/' + name + '.prefix'); src.push('src/' + name + '.suffix'); return src; }, addStyle: function(src, styles, minify){ styles ='\n'); src += styles; return src; function processCSS(file){ var css = fs.readFileSync(file).toString(); if(minify){ css = css .replace(/\r?\n/g, '') .replace(/\/\*.*?\*\//g, '') .replace(/:\s+/g, ':') .replace(/\s*\{\s*/g, '{') .replace(/\s*\}\s*/g, '}') .replace(/\s*\,\s*/g, ',') .replace(/\s*\;\s*/g, ';'); } //escape for js css = css .replace(/\\/g, '\\\\') .replace(/'/g, "\\'") .replace(/\r?\n/g, '\\n'); return "angular.element(document).find('head').prepend('<style type=\"text/css\">" + css + "</style>');"; } }, process: function(src, NG_VERSION, strict){ var processed = src .replace(/"NG_VERSION_FULL"/g, NG_VERSION.full) .replace(/"NG_VERSION_MAJOR"/, NG_VERSION.major) .replace(/"NG_VERSION_MINOR"/, NG_VERSION.minor) .replace(/"NG_VERSION_DOT"/, .replace(/"NG_VERSION_CDN"/, NG_VERSION.cdn) .replace(/"NG_VERSION_CODENAME"/, NG_VERSION.codename); if (strict !== false) processed = this.singleStrict(processed, '\n\n', true); return processed; }, build: function(config, fn){ var files = grunt.file.expand(config.src); var styles = config.styles; //concat var src ={ return; }).join(grunt.util.normalizelf('\n')); //process var processed = this.process(src, grunt.config('NG_VERSION'), config.strict); if (styles) processed = this.addStyle(processed, styles.css, styles.minify); //write grunt.file.write(config.dest, processed); grunt.log.ok('File ' + config.dest + ' created.'); fn(); }, singleStrict: function(src, insert){ return src .replace(/\s*("|')use strict("|');\s*/g, insert) // remove all file-specific strict mode flags .replace(/(\(function\([^)]*\)\s*\{)/, "$1'use strict';"); // add single strict mode flag }, sourceMap: function(mapFile, fileContents) { // use the following once Chrome beta or stable supports the //# pragma // var sourceMapLine = '//# sourceMappingURL=' + mapFile + '\n'; var sourceMapLine = '/*\n//@ sourceMappingURL=' + mapFile + '\n*/\n'; return fileContents + sourceMapLine; }, min: function(file, done) { var classPathSep = (process.platform === "win32") ? ';' : ':'; var minFile = file.replace(/\.js$/, '.min.js'); var mapFile = minFile + '.map'; var mapFileName = mapFile.match(/[^\/]+$/)[0]; var errorFileName = file.replace(/\.js$/, '-errors.json'); var versionNumber = this.getVersion().number; shell.exec( 'java ' + this.java32flags() + ' ' + '-Xmx2g ' + '-cp bower_components/closure-compiler/compiler.jar' + classPathSep + 'bower_components/ng-closure-runner/ngcompiler.jar ' + 'org.angularjs.closurerunner.NgClosureRunner ' + '--compilation_level SIMPLE_OPTIMIZATIONS ' + '--language_in ECMASCRIPT5_STRICT ' + '--minerr_pass ' + '--minerr_errors ' + errorFileName + ' ' + '--minerr_url' + versionNumber + '/ ' + '--source_map_format=V3 ' + '--create_source_map ' + mapFile + ' ' + '--js ' + file + ' ' + '--js_output_file ' + minFile, function(code) { if (code !== 0)'Error minifying ' + file); // closure creates the source map relative to build/ folder, we need to strip those references grunt.file.write(mapFile,'"file":"build/', '"file":"'). replace('"sources":["build/','"sources":["')); // move add use strict into the closure + add source map pragma grunt.file.write(minFile, this.sourceMap(mapFileName, this.singleStrict(, '\n'))); grunt.log.ok(file + ' minified into ' + minFile); done(); }.bind(this)); }, //returns the 32-bit mode force flags for java compiler if supported, this makes the build much faster java32flags: function(){ if (process.platform === "win32") return ''; if (shell.exec('java -version -d32 2>&1', {silent: true}).code !== 0) return ''; return ' -d32 -client'; }, //collects and combines error messages stripped out in minify step collectErrors: function () { var combined = { id: 'ng', generated: new Date().toString(), errors: {} }; grunt.file.expand('build/*-errors.json').forEach(function (file) { var errors = grunt.file.readJSON(file), namespace; Object.keys(errors).forEach(function (prop) { if (typeof errors[prop] === 'object') { namespace = errors[prop]; if (combined.errors[prop]) { Object.keys(namespace).forEach(function (code) { if (combined.errors[prop][code] && combined.errors[prop][code] !== namespace[code]) { grunt.warn('[collect-errors] Duplicate minErr codes don\'t match!'); } else { combined.errors[prop][code] = namespace[code]; } }); } else { combined.errors[prop] = namespace; } } else { if (combined.errors[prop] && combined.errors[prop] !== errors[prop]) { grunt.warn('[collect-errors] Duplicate minErr codes don\'t match!'); } else { combined.errors[prop] = errors[prop]; } } }); }); grunt.file.write('build/errors.json', JSON.stringify(combined)); grunt.file.expand('build/*-errors.json').forEach(grunt.file.delete); }, //csp connect middleware csp: function(){ return function(req, res, next){ res.setHeader("X-WebKit-CSP", "default-src 'self';"); res.setHeader("X-Content-Security-Policy", "default-src 'self'"); next(); }; }, //rewrite connect middleware rewrite: function(){ return function(req, res, next){ var REWRITE = /\/(guide|api|cookbook|misc|tutorial|error).*$/, IGNORED = /(\.(css|js|png|jpg)$|partials\/.*\.html$)/, match; if (!IGNORED.test(req.url) && (match = req.url.match(REWRITE))) { console.log('rewriting', req.url); req.url = req.url.replace(match[0], '/index.html'); } next(); }; }, parallelTask: function(name) { var args = [name, '--port=' + this.lastParallelTaskPort]; if (grunt.option('browsers')) { args.push('--browsers=' + grunt.option('browsers')); } if (grunt.option('reporters')) { args.push('--reporters=' + grunt.option('reporters')); } this.lastParallelTaskPort++; return {grunt: true, args: args}; }, lastParallelTaskPort: 9876 };