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class="attributes"> </td> <td class="nameDescription" > <div class="fixedFont"> <b><a href="../symbols/SIPml.Stack.Configuration.html#constructor">SIPml.Stack.Configuration</a></b> </div> <div class="description">Anonymous SIP Stack configuration object.</div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <!-- ============================== properties summary ===================== --> <table class="summaryTable" cellspacing="0" summary="A summary of the fields documented in the class SIPml.Stack.Configuration."> <caption>Field Summary</caption> <thead> <tr> <th scope="col">Field Attributes</th> <th scope="col">Field Name and Description</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td class="attributes"> </td> <td class="nameDescription"> <div class="fixedFont"> <b><a href="../symbols/SIPml.Stack.Configuration.html#bandwidth">bandwidth</a></b> </div> <div class="description">Defines the maximum audio and video bandwidth to use.</div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="attributes"> </td> <td class="nameDescription"> <div class="fixedFont"> <b><a href="../symbols/SIPml.Stack.Configuration.html#display_name">display_name</a></b> </div> <div class="description">The display name to use in SIP requests.</div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="attributes"> </td> <td class="nameDescription"> <div class="fixedFont"> <b><a href="../symbols/SIPml.Stack.Configuration.html#enable_click2call">enable_click2call</a></b> </div> <div class="description">Whether to enable the <a href="http://click2dial.org" target=_blank>Click2Call / Click2Dial</a> service.</div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="attributes"> </td> <td class="nameDescription"> <div class="fixedFont"> <b><a href="../symbols/SIPml.Stack.Configuration.html#enable_early_ims">enable_early_ims</a></b> </div> <div class="description">Whether to enable 3GGP Early IMS as per <a href="http://www.arib.or.jp/english/html/overview/doc/STD-T63v9_60/5_Appendix/Rel6/33/33978-660.pdf" target=_blank>TR 33.978</a>.</div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="attributes"> </td> <td class="nameDescription"> <div class="fixedFont"> <b><a href="../symbols/SIPml.Stack.Configuration.html#enable_media_stream_cache">enable_media_stream_cache</a></b> </div> <div class="description">Whether to reuse the same media stream for all calls.</div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="attributes"> </td> <td class="nameDescription"> <div class="fixedFont"> <b><a href="../symbols/SIPml.Stack.Configuration.html#enable_rtcweb_breaker">enable_rtcweb_breaker</a></b> </div> <div class="description">Whether to enable the <a href="http://webrtc2sip.org/#aRTCWebBreaker" target=_blank>RTCWeb Breaker</a> module to allow calling SIP-legacy networks.</div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="attributes"> </td> <td class="nameDescription"> <div class="fixedFont"> <b><a href="../symbols/SIPml.Stack.Configuration.html#events_listener">events_listener</a></b> </div> <div class="description">Object to subscribe to some events.</div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="attributes"> </td> <td class="nameDescription"> <div class="fixedFont"> <b><a href="../symbols/SIPml.Stack.Configuration.html#ice_servers">ice_servers</a></b> </div> <div class="description">The list of the STUN/TURN servers to use.</div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="attributes"> </td> <td class="nameDescription"> <div class="fixedFont"> <b><a href="../symbols/SIPml.Stack.Configuration.html#impi">impi</a></b> </div> <div class="description">The authentication name.</div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="attributes"> </td> <td class="nameDescription"> <div class="fixedFont"> <b><a href="../symbols/SIPml.Stack.Configuration.html#impu">impu</a></b> </div> <div class="description">The full SIP uri address.</div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="attributes"> </td> <td class="nameDescription"> <div class="fixedFont"> <b><a href="../symbols/SIPml.Stack.Configuration.html#outbound_proxy_url">outbound_proxy_url</a></b> </div> <div class="description">The outbound Proxy URL is used to set the destination IP address and Port to use for all outgoing requests regardless the <i>domain name</i> (a.k.a <i>realm</i>).</div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="attributes"> </td> <td class="nameDescription"> <div class="fixedFont"> <b><a href="../symbols/SIPml.Stack.Configuration.html#password">password</a></b> </div> <div class="description">The password to use for SIP authentication.</div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="attributes"> </td> <td class="nameDescription"> <div class="fixedFont"> <b><a href="../symbols/SIPml.Stack.Configuration.html#realm">realm</a></b> </div> <div class="description">The domain name.</div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="attributes"> </td> <td class="nameDescription"> <div class="fixedFont"> <b><a href="../symbols/SIPml.Stack.Configuration.html#sip_headers">sip_headers</a></b> </div> <div class="description">Stack-level SIP headers to add to all outgoing requests.</div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="attributes"> </td> <td class="nameDescription"> <div class="fixedFont"> <b><a href="../symbols/SIPml.Stack.Configuration.html#video_size">video_size</a></b> </div> <div class="description">Defines the maximum and minimum video size to be used.</div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="attributes"> </td> <td class="nameDescription"> <div class="fixedFont"> <b><a href="../symbols/SIPml.Stack.Configuration.html#websocket_proxy_url">websocket_proxy_url</a></b> </div> <div class="description">The websocket proxy url to connect to (SIP server or gateway address).</div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <!-- ============================== methods summary ======================== --> <!-- ============================== events summary ======================== --> <!-- ============================== constructor details ==================== --> <div class="details"><a name="constructor"> </a> <div class="sectionTitle"> AnonymousClass Detail </div> <div class="fixedFont"> <b>SIPml.Stack.Configuration</b> </div> <div class="description"> Anonymous SIP Stack configuration object. </div> <pre class="code"> var configuration = { realm: 'example.org', impi: 'bob', impu: 'sip:bob@example.org', password: 'mysecret', // optional display_name: 'I Am Legend', // optional websocket_proxy_url: 'ws://', // optional outbound_proxy_url: 'udp://', // optional ice_servers: [{ url: 'stun:stun.l.google.com:19302'}, { url:'turn:user@numb.viagenie.ca', credential:'myPassword'}], // optional enable_rtcweb_breaker: true, // optional enable_click2call: false, // optional enable_early_ims: true, // optional events_listener: { events: '*', listener: listenerFunc }, // optional sip_headers: [ //optional {name: 'User-Agent', value: 'IM-client/OMA1.0 sipML5-v1.0.89.0'}, {name: 'Organization', value: 'Doubango Telecom'} ] };</pre> </div> <!-- ============================== field details ========================== --> <div class="sectionTitle"> Field Detail </div> <a name="bandwidth"> </a> <div class="fixedFont"> <span class="light">{Object}</span> <b>bandwidth</b> </div> <div class="description"> Defines the maximum audio and video bandwidth to use. This will change the outhoing SDP to include a "b:AS=" attribute. Use <i>0</i> to let the browser negotiates the right value using RTCP-REMB and congestion control. Same property could be used at session level to override this value.<br /> <i>Available since version 1.3.203</i>. <br /> Example: <i>{ audio:64, video:512 }</i> </div> <hr /> <a name="display_name"> </a> <div class="fixedFont"> <span class="light">{String}</span> <b>display_name</b> </div> <div class="description"> The display name to use in SIP requests. This is the String displayed by the called party for incoming calls. <br /> Example: <i>I Am Legend</i> </div> <hr /> <a name="enable_click2call"> </a> <div class="fixedFont"> <span class="light">{Boolean}</span> <b>enable_click2call</b> </div> <div class="description"> Whether to enable the <a href="http://click2dial.org" target=_blank>Click2Call / Click2Dial</a> service. <i>Available since version 1.2.181</i>. <br /> Example: <i>true</i> </div> <hr /> <a name="enable_early_ims"> </a> <div class="fixedFont"> <span class="light">{Boolean}</span> <b>enable_early_ims</b> </div> <div class="description"> Whether to enable 3GGP Early IMS as per <a href="http://www.arib.or.jp/english/html/overview/doc/STD-T63v9_60/5_Appendix/Rel6/33/33978-660.pdf" target=_blank>TR 33.978</a>. Should be 'true' unless you're using a real IMS network. <br /> <i>Available since version 1.3.203</i>. <br /> Example: <i>true</i> </div> <hr /> <a name="enable_media_stream_cache"> </a> <div class="fixedFont"> <span class="light">{Boolean}</span> <b>enable_media_stream_cache</b> </div> <div class="description"> Whether to reuse the same media stream for all calls. If your website is <b>not using https</b> then, the browser will request access to the camera (or microphone) every time you try to make a call. Caching the media stream will avoid getting these notifications for each call. <br /> <i>Available since version 1.3.203</i>. <br /> Example: <i>true</i> </div> <hr /> <a name="enable_rtcweb_breaker"> </a> <div class="fixedFont"> <span class="light">{Boolean}</span> <b>enable_rtcweb_breaker</b> </div> <div class="description"> Whether to enable the <a href="http://webrtc2sip.org/#aRTCWebBreaker" target=_blank>RTCWeb Breaker</a> module to allow calling SIP-legacy networks. <br /> Example: <i>true</i> </div> <hr /> <a name="events_listener"> </a> <div class="fixedFont"> <span class="light">{Object}</span> <b>events_listener</b> </div> <div class="description"> Object to subscribe to some events. Example: <ul> <li><i>{ events: '*', listener: function(e){} }</i> </li> <li><i>{ events: 'started', listener: function(e){} }</i></li> <li><i>{ events: ['started', 'stopped'], listener: function(e){} }</i></li> </ul> You can also use <a href="#addEventListener">addEventListener</a> to add listeners to the stack. </div> <hr /> <a name="ice_servers"> </a> <div class="fixedFont"> <span class="light">{Array}</span> <b>ice_servers</b> </div> <div class="description"> The list of the STUN/TURN servers to use. The format must be as explained at <a target=_blank href="http://www.w3.org/TR/webrtc/#rtciceserver-type">http://www.w3.org/TR/webrtc/#rtciceserver-type</a>. <br /> To disable TURN/STUN to speedup ICE candidates gathering you can use an empty array. e.g. <i>[]</i>. <br /> Example: <i>[{ url: 'stun:stun.l.google.com:19302'}, { url:'turn:user@numb.viagenie.ca', credential:'myPassword'}]</i> </div> <hr /> <a name="impi"> </a> <div class="fixedFont"> <span class="light">{String}</span> <b>impi</b> </div> <div class="description"> The authentication name. Required for stack <a href="SIPml.Stack.html#constructor">constructor</a> but optional when used with <a href="SIPml.Stack.html#setConfiguration">setConfiguration</a>.<br /> Example: <i>+33600000000</i> or <i>bob</i>. </div> <hr /> <a name="impu"> </a> <div class="fixedFont"> <span class="light">{string}</span> <b>impu</b> </div> <div class="description"> The full SIP uri address. Required for stack <a href="SIPml.Stack.html#constructor">constructor</a> but optional when used with <a href="SIPml.Stack.html#setConfiguration">setConfiguration</a>.<br /> Example: <i>sip:+33600000000@example.com</i> or <i>tel:+33600000000</i> or <i>sip:bob@example.com</i> </div> <hr /> <a name="outbound_proxy_url"> </a> <div class="fixedFont"> <span class="light">{String}</span> <b>outbound_proxy_url</b> </div> <div class="description"> The outbound Proxy URL is used to set the destination IP address and Port to use for all outgoing requests regardless the <i>domain name</i> (a.k.a <i>realm</i>). <br /> This is a good option for developers using a SIP domain name without valid DNS A/NAPTR/SRV records. You should not set this value unless you know what you're doing. <br /> Example: <i>udp://</i> </div> <hr /> <a name="password"> </a> <div class="fixedFont"> <span class="light">{String}</span> <b>password</b> </div> <div class="description"> The password to use for SIP authentication.<br /> Example: <i>mysecret</i> </div> <hr /> <a name="realm"> </a> <div class="fixedFont"> <span class="light">{String}</span> <b>realm</b> </div> <div class="description"> The domain name. Required for stack <a href="SIPml.Stack.html#constructor">constructor</a> but optional when used with <a href="SIPml.Stack.html#setConfiguration">setConfiguration</a>. <br /> Example: <i>example.org</i> </div> <hr /> <a name="sip_headers"> </a> <div class="fixedFont"> <span class="light">{Array}</span> <b>sip_headers</b> </div> <div class="description"> Stack-level SIP headers to add to all outgoing requests. Each header is an object with a <i>name</i> and <i>value</i> fields. <br /> Example: <i>sip_headers: [{name: 'User-Agent', value: 'IM-client/OMA1.0 sipML5-v1.0.89.0'}, {name: 'Organization', value: 'Doubango Telecom'}]</i> </div> <hr /> <a name="video_size"> </a> <div class="fixedFont"> <span class="light">{Object}</span> <b>video_size</b> </div> <div class="description"> Defines the maximum and minimum video size to be used. All values are optional. The browser will try to find the best video size between <i>max</i> and <i>min</i> based on the camera capabilities. Same property could be used at session level to override this value.<br /> <i>Available since version 1.3.203</i>. <br /> Example: <i>{ minWidth:640, minHeight:480, maxWidth:1920, maxHeight:1080 }</i> </div> <hr /> <a name="websocket_proxy_url"> </a> <div class="fixedFont"> <span class="light">{String}</span> <b>websocket_proxy_url</b> </div> <div class="description"> The websocket proxy url to connect to (SIP server or gateway address). If unset the stack will use sipml5.org as host and a random port. You should not set this value unless you know what you're doing.<br /> Example: <i>ws://sipml5.org:5060</i> </div> <!-- ============================== method details ========================= --> <!-- ============================== event details ========================= --> <hr /> </div> <!-- ============================== footer ================================= --> <div class="fineprint" style="clear:both"> Documentation generated by <a href="http://code.google.com/p/jsdoc-toolkit/" target="_blank">JsDoc Toolkit</a> 2.4.0 on Wed Sep 25 2013 03:40:14 GMT+0200 (CEST) </div> </body> </html>