#!/usr/bin/env node /** * Git COMMIT-MSG hook for validating commit message * See https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rk04jEuGfk9kYzfqCuOlPTSJw3hEDZJTBN5E5f1SALo/edit * * Installation: * >> cd <angular-repo> * >> ln -s validate-commit-msg.js .git/hooks/commit-msg */ var fs = require('fs'); var util = require('util'); var MAX_LENGTH = 70; var PATTERN = /^(?:fixup!\s*)?(\w*)(\(([\w\$\.\-\*/]*)\))?\: (.*)$/; var IGNORED = /^WIP\:/; var TYPES = { feat: true, fix: true, docs: true, style: true, refactor: true, test: true, chore: true, revert: true }; var error = function() { // gitx does not display it // http://gitx.lighthouseapp.com/projects/17830/tickets/294-feature-display-hook-error-message-when-hook-fails // https://groups.google.com/group/gitx/browse_thread/thread/a03bcab60844b812 console.error('INVALID COMMIT MSG: ' + util.format.apply(null, arguments)); }; var validateMessage = function(message) { var isValid = true; if (IGNORED.test(message)) { console.log('Commit message validation ignored.'); return true; } if (message.length > MAX_LENGTH) { error('is longer than %d characters !', MAX_LENGTH); isValid = false; } var match = PATTERN.exec(message); if (!match) { error('does not match "<type>(<scope>): <subject>" ! was: ' + message); return false; } var type = match[1]; var scope = match[3]; var subject = match[4]; if (!TYPES.hasOwnProperty(type)) { error('"%s" is not allowed type !', type); return false; } // Some more ideas, do want anything like this ? // - allow only specific scopes (eg. fix(docs) should not be allowed ? // - auto correct the type to lower case ? // - auto correct first letter of the subject to lower case ? // - auto add empty line after subject ? // - auto remove empty () ? // - auto correct typos in type ? // - store incorrect messages, so that we can learn return isValid; }; var firstLineFromBuffer = function(buffer) { return buffer.toString().split('\n').shift(); }; // publish for testing exports.validateMessage = validateMessage; // hacky start if not run by jasmine :-D if (process.argv.join('').indexOf('jasmine-node') === -1) { var commitMsgFile = process.argv[2]; var incorrectLogFile = commitMsgFile.replace('COMMIT_EDITMSG', 'logs/incorrect-commit-msgs'); fs.readFile(commitMsgFile, function(err, buffer) { var msg = firstLineFromBuffer(buffer); if (!validateMessage(msg)) { fs.appendFile(incorrectLogFile, msg + '\n', function() { process.exit(1); }); } else { process.exit(0); } }); }