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* Copyright (C) 2012 Doubango Telecom <http://www.doubango.org>
* License: BSD
* This file is part of Open Source sipML5 solution <http://www.sipml5.org>
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    <title>sipML5 live demo</title>
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    <meta name="Keywords" content="doubango, sipML5, VoIP, HTML5, WebRTC, RTCWeb, SIP, IMS, Video chat, VP8, live demo " />
    <meta name="Description" content="HTML5 SIP client using WebRTC framework" />
    <meta name="author" content="Doubango Telecom" />

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    <script src="SIPml-api.js?svn=179" type="text/javascript"> </script>

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<script type="text/javascript">

    // to avoid caching
    //if (window.location.href.indexOf("svn=") == -1) {
    //    window.location.href += (window.location.href.indexOf("?") == -1 ? "?svn=13" : "&svn=13");

    var sTransferNumber;
    var oRingTone, oRingbackTone;
    var oSipStack, oSipSessionRegister, oSipSessionCall, oSipSessionTransferCall;
    var videoRemote, videoLocal, audioRemote;
    var bFullScreen = false;
    var oNotifICall;
    var oReadyStateTimer;
    var bDisableVideo = false;
    var viewVideoLocal, viewVideoRemote; // <video> (webrtc) or <div> (webrtc4all)
    var oConfigCall;

    C = 
        divKeyPadWidth: 220

    window.onload = function () {
        if(window.console) {
            window.console.info("location=" + window.location);
        videoLocal = document.getElementById("video_local");
        videoRemote = document.getElementById("video_remote");
        audioRemote = document.getElementById("audio_remote");

        document.onkeyup = onKeyUp;
        document.body.onkeyup = onKeyUp;
        divCallCtrl.onmousemove = onDivCallCtrlMouseMove;

        // set debug level
        SIPml.setDebugLevel((window.localStorage && window.localStorage.getItem('org.doubango.expert.disable_debug') == "true") ? "error" : "info");


        // Initialize call button

        oReadyStateTimer = setInterval(function () {
            if (document.readyState === "complete") {
                // initialize SIPML5

    function postInit() {
        // check webrtc4all version
        if (SIPml.isWebRtc4AllSupported() && SIPml.isWebRtc4AllPluginOutdated()) {            
            if (confirm("Your WebRtc4all extension is outdated ("+SIPml.getWebRtc4AllVersion()+"). A new version with critical bug fix is available. Do you want to install it?\nIMPORTANT: You must restart your browser after the installation.")) {
                window.location = 'http://code.google.com/p/webrtc4all/downloads/list';

        // check for WebRTC support
        if (!SIPml.isWebRtcSupported()) {
            // is it chrome?
            if (SIPml.getNavigatorFriendlyName() == 'chrome') {
                    if (confirm("You're using an old Chrome version or WebRTC is not enabled.\nDo you want to see how to enable WebRTC?")) {
                        window.location = 'http://www.webrtc.org/running-the-demos';
                    else {
                        window.location = "index.html";
            // for now the plugins (WebRTC4all only works on Windows)
            if (SIPml.getSystemFriendlyName() == 'windows') {
                // Internet explorer
                if (SIPml.getNavigatorFriendlyName() == 'ie') {
                    // Check for IE version 
                    if (parseFloat(SIPml.getNavigatorVersion()) < 9.0) {
                        if (confirm("You are using an old IE version. You need at least version 9. Would you like to update IE?")) {
                            window.location = 'http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/internet-explorer/products/ie/home';
                        else {
                            window.location = "index.html";

                    // check for WebRTC4all extension
                    if (!SIPml.isWebRtc4AllSupported()) {
                        if (confirm("webrtc4all extension is not installed. Do you want to install it?\nIMPORTANT: You must restart your browser after the installation.")) {
                            window.location = 'http://code.google.com/p/webrtc4all/downloads/list';
                        else {
                            // Must do nothing: give the user the chance to accept the extension
                            // window.location = "index.html";
                    // break page loading ('window.location' won't stop JS execution)
                    if (!SIPml.isWebRtc4AllSupported()) {
                else if (SIPml.getNavigatorFriendlyName() == "safari" || SIPml.getNavigatorFriendlyName() == "firefox" || SIPml.getNavigatorFriendlyName() == "opera") {
                    if (confirm("Your browser don't support WebRTC.\nDo you want to install WebRTC4all extension to enjoy audio/video calls?\nIMPORTANT: You must restart your browser after the installation.")) {
                        window.location = 'http://code.google.com/p/webrtc4all/downloads/list';
                    else {
                        window.location = "index.html";
            // OSX, Unix, Android, iOS...
            else {
                if (confirm('WebRTC not supported on your browser.\nDo you want to download a WebRTC-capable browser?')) {
                    window.location = 'https://www.google.com/intl/en/chrome/browser/';
                else {
                    window.location = "index.html";

        // checks for WebSocket support
        if (!SIPml.isWebSocketSupported() && !SIPml.isWebRtc4AllSupported()) {
            if (confirm('Your browser don\'t support WebSockets.\nDo you want to download a WebSocket-capable browser?')) {
                window.location = 'https://www.google.com/intl/en/chrome/browser/';
            else {
                window.location = "index.html";

        // FIXME: displays must be per session

        // attachs video displays
        if (SIPml.isWebRtc4AllSupported()) {
            viewVideoLocal = document.getElementById("divVideoLocal");
            viewVideoRemote = document.getElementById("divVideoRemote");
            WebRtc4all_SetDisplays(viewVideoLocal, viewVideoRemote); // FIXME: move to SIPml.* API
            viewVideoLocal = videoLocal;
            viewVideoRemote = videoRemote;

        if (!SIPml.isWebRtc4AllSupported() && !SIPml.isWebRtcSupported()) {
            if (confirm('Your browser don\'t support WebRTC.\naudio/video calls will be disabled.\nDo you want to download a WebRTC-capable browser?')) {
                window.location = 'https://www.google.com/intl/en/chrome/browser/';
        btnRegister.disabled = false;
        document.body.style.cursor = 'default';
        oConfigCall = {
            audio_remote: audioRemote,
            video_local: viewVideoLocal,
            video_remote: viewVideoRemote,
            bandwidth: { audio:undefined, video:undefined },
            video_size: { minWidth:undefined, minHeight:undefined, maxWidth:undefined, maxHeight:undefined },
            events_listener: { events: '*', listener: onSipEventSession },
            sip_caps: [
                            { name: '+g.oma.sip-im' },
                            { name: '+sip.ice' },
                            { name: 'language', value: '\"en,fr\"' }

    function loadCallOptions() {
        if (window.localStorage) {
            var s_value;
            if ((s_value = window.localStorage.getItem('org.doubango.call.phone_number'))) txtPhoneNumber.value = s_value;
            bDisableVideo = (window.localStorage.getItem('org.doubango.expert.disable_video') == "true");

            txtCallStatus.innerHTML = '<i>Video ' + (bDisableVideo ? 'disabled' : 'enabled') + '</i>';

    function saveCallOptions() {
        if (window.localStorage) {
            window.localStorage.setItem('org.doubango.call.phone_number', txtPhoneNumber.value);
            window.localStorage.setItem('org.doubango.expert.disable_video', bDisableVideo ? "true" : "false");

    function loadCredentials() {
        if (window.localStorage) {
            // IE retuns 'null' if not defined
            var s_value;
            if ((s_value = window.localStorage.getItem('org.doubango.identity.display_name'))) txtDisplayName.value = s_value;
            if ((s_value = window.localStorage.getItem('org.doubango.identity.impi'))) txtPrivateIdentity.value = s_value;
            if ((s_value = window.localStorage.getItem('org.doubango.identity.impu'))) txtPublicIdentity.value = s_value;
            if ((s_value = window.localStorage.getItem('org.doubango.identity.password'))) txtPassword.value = s_value;
            if ((s_value = window.localStorage.getItem('org.doubango.identity.realm'))) txtRealm.value = s_value;
        else {
            /*txtDisplayName.value = "005";
            txtPrivateIdentity.value = "005";
            txtPublicIdentity.value = "sip:005@";
            txtPassword.value = "005";
            txtRealm.value = "";
            txtPhoneNumber.value = "005";*/

    function saveCredentials() {
        if (window.localStorage) {
            window.localStorage.setItem('org.doubango.identity.display_name', txtDisplayName.value);
            window.localStorage.setItem('org.doubango.identity.impi', txtPrivateIdentity.value);
            window.localStorage.setItem('org.doubango.identity.impu', txtPublicIdentity.value);
            window.localStorage.setItem('org.doubango.identity.password', txtPassword.value);
            window.localStorage.setItem('org.doubango.identity.realm', txtRealm.value);

    // sends SIP REGISTER request to login
    function sipRegister() {
        // catch exception for IE (DOM not ready)
        try {
            btnRegister.disabled = true;
            if (!txtRealm.value || !txtPrivateIdentity.value || !txtPublicIdentity.value) {
                txtRegStatus.innerHTML = '<b>Please fill madatory fields (*)</b>';
                btnRegister.disabled = false;
            var o_impu = tsip_uri.prototype.Parse(txtPublicIdentity.value);
            if (!o_impu || !o_impu.s_user_name || !o_impu.s_host) {
                txtRegStatus.innerHTML = "<b>[" + txtPublicIdentity.value + "] is not a valid Public identity</b>";
                btnRegister.disabled = false;

            // enable notifications if not already done
            if (window.webkitNotifications && window.webkitNotifications.checkPermission() != 0) {

            // save credentials

            // update debug level to be sure new values will be used if the user haven't updated the page
            SIPml.setDebugLevel((window.localStorage && window.localStorage.getItem('org.doubango.expert.disable_debug') == "true") ? "error" : "info");

            // create SIP stack
            oSipStack = new SIPml.Stack({
                    realm: txtRealm.value,
                    impi: txtPrivateIdentity.value,
                    impu: txtPublicIdentity.value,
                    password: txtPassword.value,
                    display_name: txtDisplayName.value,
                    websocket_proxy_url: (window.localStorage ? window.localStorage.getItem('org.doubango.expert.websocket_server_url') : null),
                    outbound_proxy_url: (window.localStorage ? window.localStorage.getItem('org.doubango.expert.sip_outboundproxy_url') : null),
                    ice_servers: (window.localStorage ? window.localStorage.getItem('org.doubango.expert.ice_servers') : null),
                    enable_rtcweb_breaker: (window.localStorage ? window.localStorage.getItem('org.doubango.expert.enable_rtcweb_breaker') == "true" : false),
                    events_listener: { events: '*', listener: onSipEventStack },
                    enable_early_ims: (window.localStorage ? window.localStorage.getItem('org.doubango.expert.disable_early_ims') != "true" : true), // Must be true unless you're using a real IMS network
                    enable_media_stream_cache: (window.localStorage ? window.localStorage.getItem('org.doubango.expert.enable_media_caching') == "true" : false),
                    bandwidth: (window.localStorage ? tsk_string_to_object(window.localStorage.getItem('org.doubango.expert.bandwidth')) : null), // could be redefined a session-level
                    video_size: (window.localStorage ? tsk_string_to_object(window.localStorage.getItem('org.doubango.expert.video_size')) : null), // could be redefined a session-level
                    sip_headers: [
                            { name: 'User-Agent', value: 'IM-client/OMA1.0 sipML5-v1.2013.08.10B' },
                            { name: 'Organization', value: 'Doubango Telecom' }
            if (oSipStack.start() != 0) {
                txtRegStatus.innerHTML = '<b>Failed to start the SIP stack</b>';
            else return;
        catch (e) {
            txtRegStatus.innerHTML = "<b>2:" + e + "</b>";
        btnRegister.disabled = false;

    // sends SIP REGISTER (expires=0) to logout
    function sipUnRegister() {
        if (oSipStack) {
            oSipStack.stop(); // shutdown all sessions

    // makes a call (SIP INVITE)
    function sipCall(s_type) {
        if (oSipStack && !oSipSessionCall && !tsk_string_is_null_or_empty(txtPhoneNumber.value)) {
            if(s_type == 'call-screenshare') {
                if(!SIPml.isScreenShareSupported()) {
                    alert('Screen sharing not supported. Are you using chrome 26+?');
                if (!location.protocol.match('https')){
                    if (confirm("Screen sharing requires https://. Do you want to be redirected?")) {
                        window.location = 'https://ns313841.ovh.net/call.htm';
            btnCall.disabled = true;
            btnHangUp.disabled = false;

            if(window.localStorage) {
                oConfigCall.bandwidth = tsk_string_to_object(window.localStorage.getItem('org.doubango.expert.bandwidth')); // already defined at stack-level but redifined to use latest values
                oConfigCall.video_size = tsk_string_to_object(window.localStorage.getItem('org.doubango.expert.video_size')); // already defined at stack-level but redifined to use latest values
            // create call session
            oSipSessionCall = oSipStack.newSession(s_type, oConfigCall);
            // make call
            if (oSipSessionCall.call(txtPhoneNumber.value) != 0) {
                oSipSessionCall = null;
                txtCallStatus.value = 'Failed to make call';
                btnCall.disabled = false;
                btnHangUp.disabled = true;
        else if (oSipSessionCall) {
            txtCallStatus.innerHTML = '<i>Connecting...</i>';

    // transfers the call
    function sipTransfer() {
        if (oSipSessionCall) {
            var s_destination = prompt('Enter destination number', '');
            if (!tsk_string_is_null_or_empty(s_destination)) {
                btnTransfer.disabled = true;
                if (oSipSessionCall.transfer(s_destination) != 0) {
                    txtCallStatus.innerHTML = '<i>Call transfer failed</i>';
                    btnTransfer.disabled = false;
                txtCallStatus.innerHTML = '<i>Transfering the call...</i>';
    // holds or resumes the call
    function sipToggleHoldResume() {
        if (oSipSessionCall) {
            var i_ret;
            btnHoldResume.disabled = true;
            txtCallStatus.innerHTML = oSipSessionCall.bHeld ? '<i>Resuming the call...</i>' : '<i>Holding the call...</i>';
            i_ret = oSipSessionCall.bHeld ? oSipSessionCall.resume() : oSipSessionCall.hold();
            if (i_ret != 0) {
                txtCallStatus.innerHTML = '<i>Hold / Resume failed</i>';
                btnHoldResume.disabled = false;

    // terminates the call (SIP BYE or CANCEL)
    function sipHangUp() {
        if (oSipSessionCall) {
            txtCallStatus.innerHTML = '<i>Terminating the call...</i>';
            oSipSessionCall.hangup({events_listener: { events: '*', listener: onSipEventSession }});

    function sipSendDTMF(c){
        if(oSipSessionCall && c){
            if(oSipSessionCall.dtmf(c) == 0){
                try { dtmfTone.play(); } catch(e){ }

    function startRingTone() {
        try { ringtone.play(); }
        catch (e) { }

    function stopRingTone() {
        try { ringtone.pause(); }
        catch (e) { }

    function startRingbackTone() {
        try { ringbacktone.play(); }
        catch (e) { }

    function stopRingbackTone() {
        try { ringbacktone.pause(); }
        catch (e) { }

    function toggleFullScreen() {
        if (videoRemote.webkitSupportsFullscreen) {
        else {

    function openKeyPad(){
        divKeyPad.style.visibility = 'visible';
        divKeyPad.style.left = ((document.body.clientWidth - C.divKeyPadWidth) >> 1) + 'px';
        divKeyPad.style.top = '70px';
        divGlassPanel.style.visibility = 'visible';

    function closeKeyPad(){
        divKeyPad.style.left = '0px';
        divKeyPad.style.top = '0px';
        divKeyPad.style.visibility = 'hidden';
        divGlassPanel.style.visibility = 'hidden';

    function fullScreen(b_fs) {
        bFullScreen = b_fs;
        if (tsk_utils_have_webrtc4native() && bFullScreen && videoRemote.webkitSupportsFullscreen) {
            if (bFullScreen) {
            else {
        else {
            if (tsk_utils_have_webrtc4npapi()) {
                try { if(window.__o_display_remote) window.__o_display_remote.setFullScreen(b_fs); }
                catch (e) { divVideo.setAttribute("class", b_fs ? "full-screen" : "normal-screen"); }
            else {
                divVideo.setAttribute("class", b_fs ? "full-screen" : "normal-screen");

    function showNotifICall(s_number) {
        // permission already asked when we registered
        if (window.webkitNotifications && window.webkitNotifications.checkPermission() == 0) {
            if (oNotifICall) {
            oNotifICall = window.webkitNotifications.createNotification('images/sipml-34x39.png', 'Incaming call', 'Incoming call from ' + s_number);
            oNotifICall.onclose = function () { oNotifICall = null; };

    function onKeyUp(evt) {
        evt = (evt || window.event);
        if (evt.keyCode == 27) {
        else if (evt.ctrlKey && evt.shiftKey) { // CTRL + SHIFT
            if (evt.keyCode == 65 || evt.keyCode == 86) { // A (65) or V (86)
                bDisableVideo = (evt.keyCode == 65);
                txtCallStatus.innerHTML = '<i>Video ' + (bDisableVideo ? 'disabled' : 'enabled') + '</i>';
                window.localStorage.setItem('org.doubango.expert.disable_video', bDisableVideo);

    function onDivCallCtrlMouseMove(evt) {
        try { // IE: DOM not ready
            if (tsk_utils_have_stream()) {
                btnCall.disabled = (!tsk_utils_have_stream() || !oSipSessionRegister || !oSipSessionRegister.is_connected());
                document.getElementById("divCallCtrl").onmousemove = null; // unsubscribe
        catch (e) { }

    function uiOnConnectionEvent(b_connected, b_connecting) { // should be enum: connecting, connected, terminating, terminated
        btnRegister.disabled = b_connected || b_connecting;
        btnUnRegister.disabled = !b_connected && !b_connecting;
        btnCall.disabled = !(b_connected && tsk_utils_have_webrtc() && tsk_utils_have_stream());
        btnHangUp.disabled = !oSipSessionCall;

    function uiVideoDisplayEvent(b_local, b_added) {
        var o_elt_video = b_local ? videoLocal : videoRemote;

        if (b_added) {
            if (SIPml.isWebRtc4AllSupported()) {
                if (b_local){ if(window.__o_display_local) window.__o_display_local.style.visibility = "visible"; }
                else { if(window.__o_display_remote) window.__o_display_remote.style.visibility = "visible"; }
            else {
                o_elt_video.style.opacity = 1;
        else {
            if (SIPml.isWebRtc4AllSupported()) {
                if (b_local){ if(window.__o_display_local) window.__o_display_local.style.visibility = "hidden"; }
                else { if(window.__o_display_remote) window.__o_display_remote.style.visibility = "hidden"; }
                o_elt_video.style.opacity = 0;

    function uiVideoDisplayShowHide(b_show) {
        if (b_show) {
            tdVideo.style.height = '340px';
            divVideo.style.height = navigator.appName == 'Microsoft Internet Explorer' ? '100%' : '340px';
        else {
            tdVideo.style.height = '0px';
            divVideo.style.height = '0px';
        btnFullScreen.disabled = !b_show;

    function uiDisableCallOptions() {
        if(window.localStorage) {
            window.localStorage.setItem('org.doubango.expert.disable_callbtn_options', 'true');
            alert('Use expert view to enable the options again (/!\\requires re-loading the page)');

    function uiBtnCallSetText(s_text) {
        switch(s_text) {
            case "Call":
                    var bDisableCallBtnOptions = (window.localStorage && window.localStorage.getItem('org.doubango.expert.disable_callbtn_options') == "true");
                    btnCall.value = btnCall.innerHTML = bDisableCallBtnOptions ? 'Call' : 'Call <span id="spanCaret" class="caret">';
                    btnCall.setAttribute("class", bDisableCallBtnOptions ? "btn btn-primary" : "btn btn-primary dropdown-toggle");
                    btnCall.onclick = bDisableCallBtnOptions ? function(){ sipCall(bDisableVideo ? 'call-audio' : 'call-audiovideo'); } : null;
                    ulCallOptions.style.visibility = bDisableCallBtnOptions ? "hidden" : "visible";
                    if(!bDisableCallBtnOptions && ulCallOptions.parentNode != divBtnCallGroup){
                    else if(bDisableCallBtnOptions && ulCallOptions.parentNode == divBtnCallGroup) {
                    btnCall.value = btnCall.innerHTML = s_text;
                    btnCall.setAttribute("class", "btn btn-primary");
                    btnCall.onclick = function(){ sipCall(bDisableVideo ? 'call-audio' : 'call-audiovideo'); };
                    ulCallOptions.style.visibility = "hidden";
                    if(ulCallOptions.parentNode == divBtnCallGroup){

    function uiCallTerminated(s_description){
        btnHangUp.value = 'HangUp';
        btnHoldResume.value = 'hold';
        btnCall.disabled = false;
        btnHangUp.disabled = true;

        oSipSessionCall = null;


        txtCallStatus.innerHTML = "<i>" + s_description + "</i>";
        divCallOptions.style.opacity = 0;

        if (oNotifICall) {
            oNotifICall = null;

        uiVideoDisplayEvent(true, false);
        uiVideoDisplayEvent(false, false);

        setTimeout(function () { if (!oSipSessionCall) txtCallStatus.innerHTML = ''; }, 2500);

    // Callback function for SIP Stacks
    function onSipEventStack(e /*SIPml.Stack.Event*/) {
        tsk_utils_log_info('==stack event = ' + e.type);
        switch (e.type) {
            case 'started':
                    // catch exception for IE (DOM not ready)
                    try {
                        // LogIn (REGISTER) as soon as the stack finish starting
                        oSipSessionRegister = this.newSession('register', {
                            expires: 200,
                            events_listener: { events: '*', listener: onSipEventSession },
                            sip_caps: [
                                        { name: '+g.oma.sip-im', value: null },
                                        { name: '+audio', value: null },
                                        { name: 'language', value: '\"en,fr\"' }
                    catch (e) {
                        txtRegStatus.value = txtRegStatus.innerHTML = "<b>1:" + e + "</b>";
                        btnRegister.disabled = false;
            case 'stopping': case 'stopped': case 'failed_to_start': case 'failed_to_stop':
                    var bFailure = (e.type == 'failed_to_start') || (e.type == 'failed_to_stop');
                    oSipStack = null;
                    oSipSessionRegister = null;
                    oSipSessionCall = null;

                    uiOnConnectionEvent(false, false);


                    divCallOptions.style.opacity = 0;

                    txtCallStatus.innerHTML = '';
                    txtRegStatus.innerHTML = bFailure ? "<i>Disconnected: <b>" + e.description + "</b></i>" : "<i>Disconnected</i>";

            case 'i_new_call':
                    if (oSipSessionCall) {
                        // do not accept the incoming call if we're already 'in call'
                        e.newSession.hangup(); // comment this line for multi-line support
                    else {
                        oSipSessionCall = e.newSession;
                        // start listening for events

                        btnHangUp.value = 'Reject';
                        btnCall.disabled = false;
                        btnHangUp.disabled = false;


                        var sRemoteNumber = (oSipSessionCall.getRemoteFriendlyName() || 'unknown');
                        txtCallStatus.innerHTML = "<i>Incoming call from [<b>" + sRemoteNumber + "</b>]</i>";

            case 'm_permission_requested':
                    divGlassPanel.style.visibility = 'visible';
            case 'm_permission_accepted':
            case 'm_permission_refused':
                    divGlassPanel.style.visibility = 'hidden';
                    if(e.type == 'm_permission_refused'){
                        uiCallTerminated('Media stream permission denied');

            case 'starting': default: break;

    // Callback function for SIP sessions (INVITE, REGISTER, MESSAGE...)
    function onSipEventSession(e /* SIPml.Session.Event */) {
        tsk_utils_log_info('==session event = ' + e.type);

        switch (e.type) {
            case 'connecting': case 'connected':
                    var bConnected = (e.type == 'connected');
                    if (e.session == oSipSessionRegister) {
                        uiOnConnectionEvent(bConnected, !bConnected);
                        txtRegStatus.innerHTML = "<i>" + e.description + "</i>";
                    else if (e.session == oSipSessionCall) {
                        btnHangUp.value = 'HangUp';
                        btnCall.disabled = true;
                        btnHangUp.disabled = false;
                        btnTransfer.disabled = false;

                        if (bConnected) {

                            if (oNotifICall) {
                                oNotifICall = null;

                        txtCallStatus.innerHTML = "<i>" + e.description + "</i>";
                        divCallOptions.style.opacity = bConnected ? 1 : 0;

                        if (SIPml.isWebRtc4AllSupported()) { // IE don't provide stream callback
                            uiVideoDisplayEvent(true, true);
                            uiVideoDisplayEvent(false, true);
                } // 'connecting' | 'connected'
            case 'terminating': case 'terminated':
                    if (e.session == oSipSessionRegister) {
                        uiOnConnectionEvent(false, false);

                        oSipSessionCall = null;
                        oSipSessionRegister = null;

                        txtRegStatus.innerHTML = "<i>" + e.description + "</i>";
                    else if (e.session == oSipSessionCall) {
                } // 'terminating' | 'terminated'

            case 'm_stream_video_local_added':
                    if (e.session == oSipSessionCall) {
                        uiVideoDisplayEvent(true, true);
            case 'm_stream_video_local_removed':
                    if (e.session == oSipSessionCall) {
                        uiVideoDisplayEvent(true, false);
            case 'm_stream_video_remote_added':
                    if (e.session == oSipSessionCall) {
                        uiVideoDisplayEvent(false, true);
            case 'm_stream_video_remote_removed':
                    if (e.session == oSipSessionCall) {
                        uiVideoDisplayEvent(false, false);

            case 'm_stream_audio_local_added':
            case 'm_stream_audio_local_removed':
            case 'm_stream_audio_remote_added':
            case 'm_stream_audio_remote_removed':

            case 'i_ect_new_call':
                    oSipSessionTransferCall = e.session;

            case 'i_ao_request':
                    if(e.session == oSipSessionCall){
                        var iSipResponseCode = e.getSipResponseCode();
                        if (iSipResponseCode == 180 || iSipResponseCode == 183) {
                            txtCallStatus.innerHTML = '<i>Remote ringing...</i>';

            case 'm_early_media':
                    if(e.session == oSipSessionCall){
                        txtCallStatus.innerHTML = '<i>Early media started</i>';

            case 'm_local_hold_ok':
                    if(e.session == oSipSessionCall){
                        if (oSipSessionCall.bTransfering) {
                            oSipSessionCall.bTransfering = false;
                            // this.AVSession.TransferCall(this.transferUri);
                        btnHoldResume.value = 'Resume';
                        btnHoldResume.disabled = false;
                        txtCallStatus.innerHTML = '<i>Call placed on hold</i>';
                        oSipSessionCall.bHeld = true;
            case 'm_local_hold_nok':
                    if(e.session == oSipSessionCall){
                        oSipSessionCall.bTransfering = false;
                        btnHoldResume.value = 'Hold';
                        btnHoldResume.disabled = false;
                        txtCallStatus.innerHTML = '<i>Failed to place remote party on hold</i>';
            case 'm_local_resume_ok':
                    if(e.session == oSipSessionCall){
                        oSipSessionCall.bTransfering = false;
                        btnHoldResume.value = 'Hold';
                        btnHoldResume.disabled = false;
                        txtCallStatus.innerHTML = '<i>Call taken off hold</i>';
                        oSipSessionCall.bHeld = false;

                        if (SIPml.isWebRtc4AllSupported()) { // IE don't provide stream callback yet
                            uiVideoDisplayEvent(true, true);
                            uiVideoDisplayEvent(false, true);
            case 'm_local_resume_nok':
                    if(e.session == oSipSessionCall){
                        oSipSessionCall.bTransfering = false;
                        btnHoldResume.disabled = false;
                        txtCallStatus.innerHTML = '<i>Failed to unhold call</i>';
            case 'm_remote_hold':
                    if(e.session == oSipSessionCall){
                        txtCallStatus.innerHTML = '<i>Placed on hold by remote party</i>';
            case 'm_remote_resume':
                    if(e.session == oSipSessionCall){
                        txtCallStatus.innerHTML = '<i>Taken off hold by remote party</i>';

            case 'o_ect_trying':
                    if(e.session == oSipSessionCall){
                        txtCallStatus.innerHTML = '<i>Call transfer in progress...</i>';
            case 'o_ect_accepted':
                    if(e.session == oSipSessionCall){
                        txtCallStatus.innerHTML = '<i>Call transfer accepted</i>';
            case 'o_ect_completed':
            case 'i_ect_completed':
                    if(e.session == oSipSessionCall){
                        txtCallStatus.innerHTML = '<i>Call transfer completed</i>';
                        btnTransfer.disabled = false;
                        if (oSipSessionTransferCall) {
                            oSipSessionCall = oSipSessionTransferCall;
                        oSipSessionTransferCall = null;
            case 'o_ect_failed':
            case 'i_ect_failed':
                    if(e.session == oSipSessionCall){
                        txtCallStatus.innerHTML = '<i>Call transfer failed</i>';
                        btnTransfer.disabled = false;
            case 'o_ect_notify':
            case 'i_ect_notify':
                    if(e.session == oSipSessionCall){
                        txtCallStatus.innerHTML = "<i>Call Transfer: <b>" + e.getSipResponseCode() + " " + e.description + "</b></i>";
                        if (e.getSipResponseCode() >= 300) {
                            if (oSipSessionCall.bHeld) {
                            btnTransfer.disabled = false;
            case 'i_ect_requested':
                    if(e.session == oSipSessionCall){                        
                        var s_message = "Do you accept call transfer to [" + e.getTransferDestinationFriendlyName() + "]?";//FIXME
                        if (confirm(s_message)) {
                            txtCallStatus.innerHTML = "<i>Call transfer in progress...</i>";

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                <br />
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                                Display Name:</label>
                            <input type="text" style="width: 100%; height: 100%" id="txtDisplayName" value=""
                                placeholder="e.g. John Doe" />
                            <label style="height: 100%">
                                Private Identity<sup>*</sup>:</label>
                            <input type="text" style="width: 100%; height: 100%" id="txtPrivateIdentity" value=""
                                placeholder="e.g. +33600000000" />
                            <label style="height: 100%">
                                Public Identity<sup>*</sup>:</label>
                            <input type="text" style="width: 100%; height: 100%" id="txtPublicIdentity" value=""
                                placeholder="e.g. sip:+33600000000@doubango.org" />
                            <label style="height: 100%">Password:</label>
                            <input type="password" style="width: 100%; height: 100%" id="txtPassword" value="" />
                            <label style="height: 100%">Realm<sup>*</sup>:</label>
                            <input type="text" style="width: 100%; height: 100%" id="txtRealm" value="" placeholder="e.g. doubango.org" />
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                <table style='width: 100%;'>
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                            <div id="divVideo" class='div-video'>
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                                <div id="divVideoLocal" style='border:0px solid #000'>
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                                        -webkit-transition-duration: 2s;">
                       <td align='center'>
                            <div id='divCallOptions' class='call-options' style='opacity: 0; margin-top: 3px'>
                                <input type="button" class="btn" style="" id="btnFullScreen" value="FullScreen" disabled onclick='toggleFullScreen();' /> &nbsp;
                                <input type="button" class="btn" style="" id="btnHoldResume" value="Hold" onclick='sipToggleHoldResume();' /> &nbsp;
                                <input type="button" class="btn" style="" id="btnTransfer" value="Transfer" onclick='sipTransfer();' /> &nbsp;
                                <input type="button" class="btn" style="" id="btnKeyPad" value="KeyPad" onclick='openKeyPad();' />
        <br />
            <p>&copy; Doubango Telecom 2012-2013 <br />
            <i>Inspiring the future</i>
            <!-- Creates all ATL/COM objects right now 
                Will open confirmation dialogs if not already done
            <object id="fakeVideoDisplay" classid="clsid:5C2C407B-09D9-449B-BB83-C39B7802A684" style="visibility:hidden;"> </object>
            <object id="fakeLooper" classid="clsid:7082C446-54A8-4280-A18D-54143846211A" style="visibility:hidden;"> </object>
            <object id="fakeSessionDescription" classid="clsid:DBA9F8E2-F9FB-47CF-8797-986A69A1CA9C" style="visibility:hidden;"> </object>
            <object id="fakeNetTransport" classid="clsid:5A7D84EC-382C-4844-AB3A-9825DBE30DAE" style="visibility:hidden;"> </object>
            <object id="fakePeerConnection" classid="clsid:56D10AD3-8F52-4AA4-854B-41F4D6F9CEA3" style="visibility:hidden;"> </object>
                NPAPI  browsers: Safari, Opera and Firefox
            <!--embed id="WebRtc4npapi" type="application/w4a" width='1' height='1' style='visibility:hidden;' /-->
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    <!-- Glass Panel -->
    <div id='divGlassPanel' class='glass-panel' style='visibility:hidden'></div>
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    <div id='divKeyPad' class='span2 well div-keypad' style="left:0px; top:0px; width:250; height:240; visibility:hidden">
        <table style="width: 100%; height: 100%">
            <tr><td><input type="button" style="width: 33%" class="btn" value="1" onclick="sipSendDTMF('1');"/><input type="button" style="width: 33%" class="btn" value="2" onclick="sipSendDTMF('2');"/><input type="button" style="width: 33%" class="btn" value="3" onclick="sipSendDTMF('3');"/></td></tr>
            <tr><td><input type="button" style="width: 33%" class="btn" value="4" onclick="sipSendDTMF('4');"/><input type="button" style="width: 33%" class="btn" value="5" onclick="sipSendDTMF('5');"/><input type="button" style="width: 33%" class="btn" value="6" onclick="sipSendDTMF('6');"/></td></tr>
            <tr><td><input type="button" style="width: 33%" class="btn" value="7" onclick="sipSendDTMF('7');"/><input type="button" style="width: 33%" class="btn" value="8" onclick="sipSendDTMF('8');"/><input type="button" style="width: 33%" class="btn" value="9" onclick="sipSendDTMF('9');"/></td></tr>
            <tr><td><input type="button" style="width: 33%" class="btn" value="*" onclick="sipSendDTMF('*');"/><input type="button" style="width: 33%" class="btn" value="0" onclick="sipSendDTMF('0');"/><input type="button" style="width: 33%" class="btn" value="#" onclick="sipSendDTMF('#');"/></td></tr>
            <tr><td colspan=3><input type="button" style="width: 100%" class="btn btn-medium btn-danger" value="close" onclick="closeKeyPad();" /></td></tr>
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        Microsoft Internet Explorer extension
        For now we use msi installer as we don't have trusted certificate yet :(
    <!--object id="webrtc4ieLooper" classid="clsid:7082C446-54A8-4280-A18D-54143846211A" CODEBASE="http://sipml5.org/deploy/webrtc4all.CAB"> </object-->

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