<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<Product xmlns='http://code.google.com/p/open-zwave/'>
  <!-- The thermostat does not properly report its operating modes -->
  <CommandClass id="64">
      <Mode index="0" label="Off" />
      <Mode index="1" label="Heat" />

  <!-- This thermostat's setpoint descriptions are 0 based, not 1 -->
  <CommandClass id="67" base="0" />

  <!-- Configuration Parameters -->
  <CommandClass id="112">
    <Value type="byte" index="1" genre="config" label="Enable Temperature sensor reading" value="0">
        0-127 = Disabled.
        128-255 = Enabled.
    <Value type="byte" index="2" genre="config" label="Temperature Scale"  value="0">
        0-127 = Celsius.
        128-255 = Fahrenheit.
    <Value type="byte" index="3" genre="config" label="Temperature Delta T" value="10">
        Delta T in steps of 0.1 degree.

  <!-- Association Groups -->
  <CommandClass id="133">
    <!-- Groups and attributes based on http://www.pepper1.net/zwavedb/device/59 -->
    <Associations num_groups="1">
      <Group index="1" max_associations="4" label="Thermostat Mode Set" auto="true"/>
      <Group index="2" max_associations="4" label="Binary Switch Set" auto="true"/>
      <Group index="3" max_associations="4" label="Unsolicited Battery Level Reports" auto="true"/>
      <Group index="4" max_associations="4" label="Thermostat Set Point Reports" auto="true"/>
      <Group index="5" max_associations="4" label="Unsolicited Sensor Multilevel Reports" auto="true"/>
