<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Product xmlns='http://code.google.com/p/open-zwave/'>
	<!-- Configuration Parameters -->
	<CommandClass id="112">
		<Value type="byte" index="1" genre="config" label="ON Phase Level" units="" min="0" max="127" value="0">
				Phase Level of ON Command
				The Configuration parameter that can be used to adjust the phase level of ON command is transmitted is Configuration Parameter # 1.
				This parameter can be configured with the value of 0 through 127.
				Value 0: Set Device OFF(0x00)
				Value 1-99: Set Device On (1-99)
				Value 100-127: Set Device On to the last phase (0xFF)
				Note: 0xFF means the device will be on to the last phase before the device was turned off.
				Information reproduced from: http://www.techstyleuk.co.uk/index_files/sp103_manual.pdf
		<Value type="byte" index="3" genre="config" label="Power Saving" units="" min="0" max="127" value="1">
				Enabling/Disabling Power Saving Function (for testing)
				When no movement has been detected for 10 seconds, the SP103 will enter the power saving mode.
				It can be disabled or enabled power saving function by setting Configuration Parameter # 3.
				This parameter can be configured with the value of 0 through 127, where 0 means power saving being enabled and others mean power saving being disabled.
				PS : As long as the batteries have been refitted, the Detector will enable the power saving function automatically.
				Information reproduced from: http://www.techstyleuk.co.uk/index_files/sp103_manual.pdf
	<!-- COMMAND_CLASS_ALARM.  This class is supported but is missing from the list reported by the SP103 -->
	<CommandClass id="113" action="add" />
	<!-- Association Groups -->
	<CommandClass id="133">
		<!-- Groups and attributes based on http://www.pepper1.net/zwavedb/device/59 -->
		<Associations num_groups="1">
			<Group index="1" max_associations="5" label="Motion" auto="true"/>