<? include("includes/common.php"); ?><html> <head> </head> <body> <button id="install"> Install Domotika GUI on homescreen </button> <script> (function(){ function install(ev) { ev.preventDefault(); // define the manifest URL var port=""; if(document.location.port) var port=":"+document.location.port; var manifest_url = document.location.protocol+"//"+document.location.host+port+"<?=str_replace("/install.php","",$BASEGUIPATH)?>/manifest.webapp"; // install the app var myapp = navigator.mozApps.install(manifest_url); myapp.onsuccess = function(data) { // App is installed, remove button //this.parentNode.removeChild(this); console.log(this); }; myapp.onerror = function() { // App wasn't installed, info is in this.error.name console.log('Install failed, error: ' + this.error.name); }; }; // get a reference to the button and call install() on click var button = document.getElementById('install'); button.addEventListener('click', install, false); })(); </script> </body> </html>