Commit d8d37a69 authored by nextime's avatar nextime

Added daemons and plugins web support

parent 47ea9e75
......@@ -23,9 +23,17 @@
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Alias /admin /home/domotika/Web/admin
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......@@ -66,14 +76,40 @@ AddType application/x-web-app-manifest+json .webapp
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Allow from
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Require ip
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Allow from
Allow from
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Require ip
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AllowOverride All
DirectoryIndex index.php index.html index.htm
Deny from All
Allow from
Allow from
Require ip
Require ip
......@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ timecheckoffline:5
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localproxypaths: phpmyadmin,domotika,admin,daemons,plugins
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localproxyhostsnologin: none
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Product xmlns=''>
<!-- This thermostat's setpoint descriptions are 0 based, not 1 -->
<CommandClass id="67" base="0" />
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Product xmlns=''>
<!-- This thermostat's setpoint descriptions are 0 based, not 1 -->
<CommandClass id="67" base="0" />
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Product xmlns=''>
<!-- Configuration -->
<CommandClass id="112">
<Value type="byte" genre="config" instance="1" index="1" label="Set to Default" value="-1">
<Help>Set all configuration values to default values (factory settings).</Help>
<Value type="list" genre="config" instance="1" index="2" label="External Contact" value="0" size="1">
<Help>Configure what the external contact sends when triggered.</Help>
<Item label="Send a alarm report with type 2." value="0"/>
<Item label="Send a Basic set frame to all nodes in association group 2." value="1"/>
<Value type="byte" genre="config" instance="1" index="3" label="Not used" value="0">
<Help>Is not used but can still be set and requested.</Help>
<Value type="byte" genre="config" instance="1" index="4" label="Not used" value="0">
<Help>Is not used but can still be set and requested.</Help>
<Value type="byte" genre="config" instance="1" index="5" label="The Mode" value="1">
<Help>To configure the operating mode.</Help>
<Item label="Mode 1: Normal operating mode." value="1"/>
<Item label="Mode 3: Z-Wave chip is always on to request e.g. version or manufacturer id." value="3"/>
<!-- Association Groups -->
<CommandClass id="133">
<Associations num_groups="2">
<Group index="1" max_associations="5" label="Group 1: if the internal door contact (magnet) is triggered it sends a Z-Wave frame to every node in this group." auto="false"/>
<Group index="2" max_associations="5" label="Group 2: if the external door contact is triggered it sends a Z-Wave frame to every node in this group if it is configured (see configuration documentation param 2: external contact)." auto="false"/>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Product xmlns=''>
<!-- Configuration -->
<CommandClass id="112">
<Value type="byte" genre="config" instance="1" index="1" label="Set to Default" value="-1">
<Help>Set all configuration values to default values (factory settings).</Help>
<Value type="list" genre="config" instance="1" index="2" label="Startup with last known socket status" size="1" value="0">
<Help>The state in what the switch is when power is supplied.</Help>
<Item label="Off" value="0"/>
<Item label="Previous state" value="1"/>
<Value type="byte" genre="config" instance="1" index="9" label="Relay delay time" value="50" units="ms">
<Help>When the relay is switched it can't be switched again until the configured time has passed.</Help>
<Value type="list" genre="config" instance="1" index="10" label="Led indicator" size="1" value="1">
<Help>Show the led state compared to the relay state.</Help>
<Item label="Led off" value="0"/>
<Item label="Led on / Relay on" value="1"/>
<Item label="Led on / Relay off" value="2"/>
<!-- Association Groups -->
<CommandClass id="133">
<Associations num_groups="1">
<Group index="1" max_associations="1" label="Group 1" auto="false"/>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Product xmlns=''>
<!-- Configuration -->
<CommandClass id="112">
<Value type="byte" genre="config" instance="1" index="1" label="Set to Default" value="-1">
<Help>Set all configuration values to default values (factory settings).</Help>
<Value type="list" genre="config" instance="1" index="2"
label="Feedback Time" value="0" size="1">
<Help>To configure the time the beep is automatically turned off in seconds.</Help>
<Item label="Disabled" value="0"/>
<Item label="Endless" value="-1"/>
<Value type="byte" genre="config" instance="1" index="3" label="Feedback Timeout" value="0">
<Help>To configure the timeout to wait for a WAKEUP_NO_MORE_INFORMATION before the error beep is automatically sound. The error beeps are fixed 8 beeps shortly after each other.</Help>
<Value type="byte" genre="config" instance="1" index="4" label="Feedback Beeps per Second" value="2">
<Help>To configure the number of beeps per second. Every beep is fixed about 10ms.</Help>
<Value type="byte" genre="config" instance="1" index="5" label="The Mode" value="1">
<Help>To configure the operating mode. If any mode other then 3, that value will be reported after a get but will be handled in SW as mode 1.</Help>
<Item label="Mode 1: Normal operating mode." value="1"/>
<Item label="Mode 3: Z-Wave chip is always on to request e.g. version or manufacturer id." value="3"/>
<!-- Association Groups -->
<CommandClass id="133">
<Associations num_groups="1">
<Group index="1" max_associations="5" label="Group 1" auto="false"/>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Product xmlns=''>
<Protocol nodeinfosupported="false" />
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Product xmlns=''>
<!-- Configuration Parameters -->
<CommandClass id="112">
<Value type="list" index="1" genre="config" label="Ignore Start-Level (Transmitting)" value="1">
<Help>Dimmers controlled by this switch will start dimming from their current level.</Help>
<Item label="No" value="0" />
<Item label="Yes" value="1" />
<Value type="list" index="2" genre="config" label="Suspend Group 4" value="0">
<Help>Disable transmitting commands to Z-Wave devices that are in Group 4 without disassociating those devices from the group.</Help>
<Item label="No" value="0" />
<Item label="Yes" value="1" />
<Value type="list" index="3" genre="config" label="Night Light" value="0">
<Help>In night-light mode the LED on the switch will turn ON when the switch is turned OFF.</Help>
<Item label="No" value="0" />
<Item label="Yes" value="1" />
<Value type="list" index="4" genre="config" label="Invert Switch" value="0">
<Help>Change the top of the switch to OFF and the bottom of the switch to ON. Note: If you invert the switches and also install the product upside down, remember the load will now be controlled by the right, not the left switch.</Help>
<Item label="No" value="0" />
<Item label="Yes" value="1" />
<Value type="list" index="5" genre="config" label="Ignore Start-Level (Receiving)" value="1">
<Help>This dimmer will start dimming from its current level.</Help>
<Item label="No" value="0" />
<Item label="Yes" value="1" />
<Value type="list" index="6" genre="config" label="Don't Send Level After Dim" value="1">
<Help>When you press and hold the bottom of the ZDM230 switch once, the Z-Wave devices that are associated into Group 1 are sent the Dim command. If this parameter is set to &quot;Yes&quot; the devices in Group 1 will not go to the same level as the ZDM230.</Help>
<Item label="No" value="0" />
<Item label="Yes" value="1" />
<Value type="byte" index="7" genre="config" label="On/Off Command Dim Step" units="" min="1" max="99" value="1">
<Help>Indicates how many levels the dimmer will change for each dimming step.</Help>
<Value type="byte" index="8" genre="config" label="On/Off Command Dim Rate" units="x 10 milliseconds" min="1" max="255" value="3">
<Help>This value indicates in 10 millisecond resolution, how often the dim level will change. For example, if you set this parameter to 1, then every 10ms the dim level will change. If you set it to 255, then every 2.55 seconds the dim level will change.</Help>
<Value type="byte" index="9" genre="config" label="Local Control Dim Step" units="" min="1" max="99" value="1">
<Help>Indicates how many levels the dimmer will change for each dimming step.</Help>
<Value type="byte" index="10" genre="config" label="Local Control Dim Rate" units="x 10 milliseconds" min="1" max="255" value="3">
<Help>This value indicates in 10 millisecond resolution, how often the dim level will change. For example, if you set this parameter to 1, then every 10ms the dim level will change. If you set it to 255, then every 2.55 seconds the dim level will change.</Help>
<Value type="byte" index="11" genre="config" label="ALL ON/ALL OFF Dim Step" units="" min="1" max="99" value="1">
<Help>Indicates how many levels the dimmer will change for each dimming step.</Help>
<Value type="byte" index="12" genre="config" label="ALL ON/ALL OFF Dim Rate" units="x 10 milliseconds" min="1" max="255" value="3">
<Help>This value indicates in 10 millisecond resolution, how often the dim level will change. For example, if you set this parameter to 1, then every 10ms the dim level will change. If you set it to 255, then every 2.55 seconds the dim level will change.</Help>
<Value type="list" index="13" genre="config" label="Disable Group 4 During Dim">
<Help>Units in Group 4 only track when the dimmer is being turned ON and OFF and not while dimming.</Help>
<Item label="No" value="0" />
<Item label="Yes" value="1" />
<Value type="list" index="14" genre="config" label="Enable Shade Control Group 2" value="0">
<Help>The ZDM230 can operate shade control devices via its group 2.</Help>
<Item label="No" value="0" />
<Item label="Yes" value="1" />
<Value type="list" index="15" genre="config" label="Enable Shade Control Group 3" value="0">
<Help>The ZDM230 can operate shade control devices via its group 3.</Help>
<Item label="No" value="0" />
<Item label="Yes" value="1" />
<Value type="list" index="19" genre="config" label="LED Transmission Indication" value="2">
<Help>The ZDM230 will flicker its LED when it is transmitting to any of its 4 groups. This flickering can be set to not flicker at all, to flicker the entire time it is transmitting, or to flicker for only 1 second when it begins transmitting.</Help>
<Item label="None" value="0" />
<Item label="While Transmitting" value="1" />
<Item label="One Second Maximum" value="2" />
<Value type="byte" index="20" genre="config" label="Poll Group 2 Interval" units="minutes" min="1" max="255" value="2">
<Help>Poll Group 2 Interval</Help>
<Value type="list" index="22" genre="config" label="Enable Group 2 Polling">
<Help>Poll Group 2</Help>
<Item label="No" value="0" />
<Item label="Yes" value="1" />
<!-- Association Groups -->
<CommandClass id="133">
<Associations num_groups="4">
<Group index="1" max_associations="5" label="Left Switch" />
<Group index="2" max_associations="5" label="Right Switch" />
<Group index="3" max_associations="5" label="Right Switch (2 Taps)" />
<Group index="4" max_associations="5" label="Update Controller" auto="true" />
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Product xmlns=''>
<!-- Configuration Parameters -->
<CommandClass id="112">
<Value type="list" index="1" genre="config" label="Ignore Start-Level (Transmitting)" value="1">
<Help>Dimmers controlled by this switch will start dimming from their current level.</Help>
<Item label="No" value="0" />
<Item label="Yes" value="1" />
<Value type="list" index="3" genre="config" label="Night Light" value="0">
<Help>In night-light mode the LED on the switch will turn ON when the switch is turned OFF.</Help>
<Item label="No" value="0" />
<Item label="Yes" value="1" />
<Value type="list" index="4" genre="config" label="Invert Switch" value="0">
<Help>Change the top of the switch to OFF and the bottom of the switch to ON.</Help>
<Item label="No" value="0" />
<Item label="Yes" value="1" />
<Value type="list" index="5" genre="config" label="Ignore Start-Level (Receiving)" value="1">
<Help>This dimmer will start dimming from its current level.</Help>
<Item label="No" value="0" />
<Item label="Yes" value="1" />
<Value type="byte" index="7" genre="config" label="On/Off Command Dim Step" units="" min="1" max="99" value="1">
<Help>Indicates how many levels the dimmer will change for each dimming step.</Help>
<Value type="byte" index="8" genre="config" label="On/Off Command Dim Rate" units="x 10 milliseconds" min="1" max="255" value="3">
<Help>This value indicates in 10 millisecond resolution, how often the dim level will change. For example, if you set this parameter to 1, then every 10ms the dim level will change. If you set it to 255, then every 2.55 seconds the dim level will change.</Help>
<Value type="byte" index="9" genre="config" label="Local Control Dim Step" units="" min="1" max="99" value="1">
<Help>Indicates how many levels the dimmer will change for each dimming step.</Help>
<Value type="byte" index="10" genre="config" label="Local Control Dim Rate" units="x 10 milliseconds" min="1" max="255" value="3">
<Help>This value indicates in 10 millisecond resolution, how often the dim level will change. For example, if you set this parameter to 1, then every 10ms the dim level will change. If you set it to 255, then every 2.55 seconds the dim level will change.</Help>
<Value type="byte" index="11" genre="config" label="ALL ON/ALL OFF Dim Step" units="" min="1" max="99" value="1">
<Help>Indicates how many levels the dimmer will change for each dimming step.</Help>
<Value type="byte" index="12" genre="config" label="ALL ON/ALL OFF Dim Rate" units="x 10 milliseconds" min="1" max="255" value="3">
<Help>This value indicates in 10 millisecond resolution, how often the dim level will change. For example, if you set this parameter to 1, then every 10ms the dim level will change. If you set it to 255, then every 2.55 seconds the dim level will change.</Help>
<Value type="list" index="14" genre="config" label="Enable Shade Control Group 2" value="0">
<Help>The ZDW103 can operate shade control devices via its group 2.</Help>
<Item label="No" value="0" />
<Item label="Yes" value="1" />
<Value type="list" index="15" genre="config" label="Enable Shade Control Group 3" value="0">
<Help>The ZDW103 can operate shade control devices via its group 3.</Help>
<Item label="No" value="0" />
<Item label="Yes" value="1" />
<Value type="list" index="19" genre="config" label="LED Transmission Indication" value="2">
<Help>The ZDW103 will flicker its LED when it is transmitting to any of its 4 groups. This flickering can be set to not flicker at all, to flicker the entire time it is transmitting, or to flicker for only 1 second when it begins transmitting.</Help>
<Item label="None" value="0" />
<Item label="While Transmitting" value="1" />
<Item label="One Second Maximum" value="2" />
<!-- Association Groups -->
<CommandClass id="133">
<Associations num_groups="3">
<Group index="1" max_associations="5" label="Group 1" />
<Group index="2" max_associations="5" label="Group 2 (two taps)" />
<Group index="3" max_associations="5" label="Group 3 (three taps)" />
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Product xmlns=''>
<!-- Configuration Parameters -->
<CommandClass id="112">
<Value type="list" index="1" genre="config" label="Set Ignore Start Level Bit When Transmitting Dim Commands" value="1">
The ZDW232 can send Dim commands to Z-Wave enabled dimmers. The Dim command has a start level embedded
in it. A dimmer receiving this command will start dimming from that start level. However, the command also has a
bit that indicates whether the dimmer should ignore the start level. If the bit is set to 1, the dimmer will ignore the
start level and instead start dimming from its current level. If this bit is set to 0, the dimmer will not ignore the start
<Item label="No" value="0" />
<Item label="Yes" value="1" />
<Value type="list" index="2" genre="config" label="Suspend Group 4" value="0">
<Help>You may wish to disable transmitting commands to Z-Wave devices that are in Group 4 without "un-associating"
those devices from the group. Setting parameter 2 to the value of 1 will stop the ZDW232 from transmitting to devices
that are "associated" into Group 4.
It is possible that you may only want the units in Group 4 to track when the dimmer is being turned ON and OFF
and not when dimming.</Help>
<Item label="No" value="0" />
<Item label="Yes" value="1" />
<Value type="list" index="3" genre="config" label="Night Light" value="0">
<Help>In night-light mode the LED on the switch will turn ON when the switch is turned OFF.</Help>
<Item label="No" value="0" />
<Item label="Yes" value="1" />
<Value type="list" index="4" genre="config" label="Invert Switch" value="0">
<Help>To change the top of the switch to OFF and the bottom of the switch to ON, set parameter 4 to 1.</Help>
<Item label="No" value="0" />
<Item label="Yes" value="1" />
<Value type="list" index="5" genre="config" label="Ignore Start Level When Receiving Dim Commands" value="1">
<Help>The ZDW232 can be set to ignore the start level that is part of the dim command, regardless of whether the command
is telling the dimmer to ignore the start level or not ignore the start level embedded in the command (see Parameter
1). Setting parameter 5 to a value of 1 (factory default) will cause the ZDW232 to ignore the start level and to dim
or brighten from its current level. Setting the value to 0 will cause the ZDW232 to dim or brighten from the level in
the command.</Help>
<Item label="No" value="0" />
<Item label="Yes" value="1" />
<Value type="list" index="6" genre="config" label="Don't Send Level Command After Transmitting Dim Commands" value="1">
<Help>When you press and hold the bottom of the ZDW232 switch once, the Z-Wave devices that areassociated into Group
1 are sent the Dim command. If parameter 6 is set to 0, after you release the switch, the ZDW232 will command
devices in that group to go to the same level of the ZDW232. If parameter 6 is set to a value of 1 (factory default)
the devices in Group 1 will not go to the same level of the ZDW232.</Help>
<Item label="No" value="0" />
<Item label="Yes" value="1" />
<Value type="byte" index="7" genre="config" label="On/Off Command Dim Step" units="" min="1" max="99" value="1">
<Help>Indicates how many levels the dimmer will change for each dimming step.</Help>
<Value type="byte" index="8" genre="config" label="On/Off Command Dim Rate" units="x 10 milliseconds" min="1" max="255" value="3">
<Help>This value indicates in 10 millisecond resolution, how often the dim level will change. For example, if you set this parameter to 1, then every 10ms the dim level will change. If you set it to 255, then every 2.55 seconds the dim level will change.</Help>
<Value type="byte" index="9" genre="config" label="Local Control Dim Step" units="" min="1" max="99" value="1">
<Help>Indicates how many levels the dimmer will change for each dimming step.</Help>
<Value type="byte" index="10" genre="config" label="Local Control Dim Rate" units="x 10 milliseconds" min="1" max="255" value="3">
<Help>This value indicates in 10 millisecond resolution, how often the dim level will change. For example, if you set this parameter to 1, then every 10ms the dim level will change. If you set it to 255, then every 2.55 seconds the dim level will change.</Help>
<Value type="byte" index="11" genre="config" label="ALL ON/ALL OFF Dim Step" units="" min="1" max="99" value="1">
<Help>Indicates how many levels the dimmer will change for each dimming step.</Help>
<Value type="byte" index="12" genre="config" label="ALL ON/ALL OFF Dim Rate" units="x 10 milliseconds" min="1" max="255" value="3">
<Help>This value indicates in 10 millisecond resolution, how often the dim level will change. For example, if you set this parameter to 1, then every 10ms the dim level will change. If you set it to 255, then every 2.55 seconds the dim level will change.</Help>
<Value type="list" index="13" genre="config" label="Disable Group 4 During Dim">
<Help>After the ZDW232 is commanded to stop dimming, it will then command the Z-Wave devices in Group 4 to the
ZDW232's new level. To prevent the ZDW232 from commanding the Z-Wave devices in Group 4 during this particular
occurrence, set Parameter 13 to the value of 1.</Help>
<Item label="No" value="0" />
<Item label="Yes" value="1" />
<Value type="list" index="14" genre="config" label="Enable Shade Control Group 2" value="0">
<Help>The ZDW232 can operate shade control devices via its group 2 if this configuration parameter is set to 1.</Help>
<Item label="No" value="0" />
<Item label="Yes" value="1" />
<Value type="list" index="15" genre="config" label="Enable Shade Control Group 3" value="0">
<Help>The ZDW232 can operate shade control devices via its group 3 if this configuration parameter is set to 1.</Help>
<Item label="No" value="0" />
<Item label="Yes" value="1" />
<Value type="list" index="19" genre="config" label="LED Transmission Indication" value="2">
<Help>The ZDW232 will flicker its LED when it is transmitting to any of its 4 groups. This flickering can be set to not flicker at all, to flicker the entire time it is transmitting, or to flicker for only 1 second when it begins transmitting.</Help>
<Item label="None" value="0" />
<Item label="While Transmitting" value="1" />
<Item label="One Second Maximum" value="2" />
<Value type="byte" index="20" genre="config" label="Poll Group 2 Interval" units="minutes" min="1" max="255" value="2">
<Help>Poll Group 2 Interval</Help>
<Value type="list" index="22" genre="config" label="Enable Group 2 Polling">
<Help>Poll Group 2</Help>
<Item label="No" value="0" />
<Item label="Yes" value="1" />
<!-- Association Groups -->
<CommandClass id="133">
<Associations num_groups="4">
<Group index="1" max_associations="5" label="One tap / Local load control" />
<Group index="2" max_associations="5" label="Two taps (Dimmers: One tap, then hold to dim)" />
<Group index="3" max_associations="5" label="Three taps (Dimmers: Two taps, then hold to dim)" />
<Group index="4" max_associations="5" label="Update Controller" auto="true" />
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Product xmlns=''>
<!-- Configuration Parameters -->
<CommandClass id="112">
<Value type="list" index="17" genre="config" label="Mode" value="0" size="1">
The ZIR010 can be configured to operate in 1 of 3 modes.
Those modes are:
Lighting Mode (factory default)
Alarm Mode
Sensor Mode
To change the mode of operation:
For Lighting Mode: Send a value of 0 to Configuration Parameter #17.
For Alarm Mode: Send a value of 1 to Configuration Parameter #17.
For Sensor Mode: Send a value of 2 to Configuration Parameter # 17.
Information reproduced from:
<Item label="Lighting" value="0" />
<Item label="Alarm" value="1" />
<Item label="Sensor" value="2" />
<Value type="byte" index="18" genre="config" label="Off/Idle Delay" units="minutes" min="0" max="255" value="1">
The configuration parameter that can be used to adjust the amount of delay before the OFF or IDLE command is transmitted is Configuration Parameter # 18.
This parameter can be configured with the value of 0 through 255.
Where 0 means no delay and 255 means 255 minutes of delay.
Default appears to be 1 min.
Information reproduced from:
<Value type="list" index="19" genre="config" label="Unsolicited Commands" value="1" size="1">
The ZIR010 can be disabled from sending commands unsolicited without removing associated devices by
setting Configuration Parameter # 19 to 0 (when asked for number of bytes, select 1).
Setting it back to 1 will re-enable the ZIR010.
Information reproduced from:
<Item label="No" value="0" />
<Item label="Yes" value="1" />
<Value type="byte" index="22" genre="config" label="Awake Time" units="seconds" min="15" max="45" value="30">
The time the ZIR010 stays awake can be adjusted from 15 seconds to 45 seconds by sending a value of 15
to 45 to the ZIR010 using Configuration Parameter # 22 (when asked for the number of bytes, select 1).
This awake time period starts over every time the ZIR010 receives a command or request.
Defaults to 30 seconds.
Information reproduced from:
<!-- Basic set as report -->
<CommandClass id="32" setasreport="true"/>
<!-- Association Groups -->
<CommandClass id="133">
<Associations num_groups="3">
<Group index="1" max_associations="5" label="Motion" auto="true"/>
<Group index="2" max_associations="5" label="Tamper" />
<Group index="3" max_associations="5" label="Battery" auto="true" />
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Product xmlns=''>
<!-- Configuration Parameters -->
<CommandClass id="112">
<Value type="bool" index="29" genre="config" label="Load Sense" units="" min="0" max="1" />
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Product xmlns=''>
<!-- Configuration Parameters -->
<CommandClass id="112">
<Value type="list" index="1" genre="config" label="Ignore Start-Level (Transmitting)" value="1">
<Help>Dimmers controlled by this switch will start dimming from their current level.</Help>
<Item label="No" value="0" />
<Item label="Yes" value="1" />
<Value type="list" index="3" genre="config" label="Night Light" value="0">
<Help>In night-light mode the LED on the switch will turn ON when the switch is turned OFF.</Help>
<Item label="No" value="0" />
<Item label="Yes" value="1" />
<Value type="list" index="4" genre="config" label="Invert Switch" value="0">
<Help>Change the top of the switch to OFF and the bottom of the switch to ON.</Help>
<Item label="No" value="0" />
<Item label="Yes" value="1" />
<Value type="list" index="19" genre="config" label="LED Transmission Indication" value="2">
<Help>The ZRW103 will flicker its LED when it is transmitting to any of its 4 groups. This flickering can be set to not flicker at all, to flicker the entire time it is transmitting, or to flicker for only 1 second when it begins transmitting.</Help>
<Item label="None" value="0" />
<Item label="While Transmitting" value="1" />
<Item label="One Second Maximum" value="2" />
<!-- Association Groups -->
<CommandClass id="133">
<Associations num_groups="3">
<Group index="1" max_associations="5" label="Group 1" />
<Group index="2" max_associations="5" label="Group 2 (two taps)" />
<Group index="3" max_associations="5" label="Group 3 (three taps)" />
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Product xmlns=''>
<!-- Configuration Parameters -->
<CommandClass id="112">
<Value type="byte" index="2" genre="config" label="Wake up 10 minutes when batteries are inserted" units="minutes" min="0" max="1" value="0">
Stay awake for 10 minutes after batteries are inserted
0 -> No
1 -> Yes
<Item label="No" value="0" />
<Item label="Yes" value="1" />
<Value type="short" index="3" genre="config" label="On time" units="seconds" min="1" max="15300" value="240">
How long should the device associated to multi sensor keep
state On before sending it Off command (if the value is bigger
than 255, the value would be rounded to next integer in minutes)
<Value type="byte" index="4" genre="config" label="Enable Motion Sensor" units="" min="0" max="1" value="1">
Enable Motion Sensor
0 -> Disabled
1 -> Enabled
<Item label="Disabled" value="0" />
<Item label="Enabled" value="1" />
<Value type="byte" index="5" genre="config" label="Command Options" units="" min="1" max="2" value="1">
Which commands to send when PIR motion sensor triggered
1 (default) -> Basic Set
2 -> Binary Sensor Report
<Value type="int" index="100" genre="config" label="Reset #101-103" units="" value="0" write_only="true" affects="101,102,103">
Reset to default parameters number 101-103. Any value other then 0 will initiate this reset.
<Value type="int" index="101" genre="config" label="Group 1 Reports" units="" value="0">
Which reports need to send automatically in timing intervals for group 1
0 -> Battery report
5 -> Temperature
6 -> Humidity
7 -> Luminosity
<Value type="int" index="102" genre="config" label="Group 2 Reports" units="" value="0">
Which reports need to send automatically in timing intervals for group 2
0 -> Battery report
5 -> Temperature
6 -> Humidity
7 -> Luminosity
<Value type="int" index="103" genre="config" label="Group 3 Reports" units="" value="0">
Which reports need to send automatically in timing intervals for group 3
0 -> Battery report
5 -> Temperature
6 -> Humidity
7 -> Luminosity
<Value type="int" index="110" genre="config" label="Reset #111-113" units="" value="0" write_only="true" affects="111,112,113">
Reset to default parameters number 111-113. Any value other then 0 will initiate this reset.
<Value type="int" index="111" genre="config" label="Group 1 Interval" units="seconds" min="1" max="2678400" value="720">
The interval of sending report group 1.
1 seconds - 2678400 seconds
<Value type="int" index="112" genre="config" label="Group 2 Interval" units="seconds" min="1" max="2678400" value="720">
The interval of sending report group 2.
1 seconds - 2678400 seconds
<Value type="int" index="113" genre="config" label="Group 3 Interval" units="seconds" min="1" max="2678400" value="720">
The interval of sending report group 3.
1 seconds - 2678400 seconds
<Value type="button" index="255" genre="config" label="Reset to default" write_only="true" value="0" >
Reset to factory defaults.
<!-- Basic set as report -->
<CommandClass id="32" setasreport="true"/>
<!-- Association Groups -->
<CommandClass id="133">
<Associations num_groups="1">
<Group index="1" max_associations="4" label="Reports" auto="true"/>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- Aeon Labs Door/Window Sensor -->
<Product xmlns=''>
<!-- Configuration Parameters not supported -->
<!-- Association Groups -->
<CommandClass id="133">
<!-- Information from -->
<!-- Or is original entry correct?: max_associations="5" label="Report" -->
<Associations num_groups="1">
<Group index="1" max_associations="6" label="Reports" auto="true"/>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Product xmlns=''>
<!-- Configuration Parameters -->
<CommandClass id="112">
<Value type="short" index="1" genre="config" label="Country Voltage" units="volts" min="0" max="240" value="120">
Voltage to calculate wattage from amperage. US=120. EU,ANZ=240.
<Value type="byte" index="3" genre="config" label="Power changed" units="" min="0" max="1" value="0">
Automatic report only when power is changed.
<Value type="short" index="4" genre="config" label="Wattage Threshold" units="watts" value="50">
Threshold change in wattage to induce a automatic report (whole HEM).
<Value type="short" index="5" genre="config" label="Wattage Threshold C1" units="watts" value="50">
Threshold change in wattage to induce a automatic report (Clamp 1).
<Value type="short" index="6" genre="config" label="Wattage Threshold C2" units="watts" value="50">
Threshold change in wattage to induce a automatic report (Clamp 2).
<Value type="short" index="7" genre="config" label="Wattage Threshold C3" units="watts" value="50">
Threshold change in wattage to induce a automatic report (Clamp 3).
<Value type="byte" index="8" genre="config" label="Wattage Percentage Change" units="%" value="10">
Percentage change in wattage to induce a automatic report (whole HEM).
<Value type="byte" index="9" genre="config" label="Wattage Percentage Change C1" units="%" value="10">
Percentage change in wattage to induce a automatic report (Clamp 1).
<Value type="byte" index="10" genre="config" label="Wattage Percentage Change C2" units="%" value="10">
Percentage change in wattage to induce a automatic report (Clamp 2).
<Value type="byte" index="11" genre="config" label="Wattage Percentage Change C3" units="%" value="10">
Percentage change in wattage to induce a automatic report (Clamp 3).
<Value type="byte" index="12" genre="config" label="Accumulate energy" units="" min="0" max="1" value="0">
Accumulate energy when Battery Powered.
<Value type="byte" index="20" genre="config" label="USB powered" units="" min="0" max="1" read_only="true" value="0">
This byte denotes whether the product is using batteries (value = 0) or using USB power (value = 1).
<Value type="int" index="100" genre="config" label="Reset #101-103" units="" value="0" write_only="true" affects="101,102,103">
Reset to default parameters number 101-103. Any value other then 0 will initiate this reset.
<Value type="int" index="101" genre="config" label="Group 1 Reports" units="" value="0">
Which reports need to send in group1. Format is as follows:
Byte 1 (msb): Reserved
Byte 2: Reserved
Byte 3: Bit 7: reserved
Bit 6: reserved
Bit 5: Auto Send Meter Report (for kWh) at the group time interval (Clamp 3)
Bit 4: Auto Send Meter Report (for kWh) at the group time interval (Clamp 2)
Bit 3: Auto Send Meter Report (for kWh) at the group time interval (Clamp 1)
Bit 2: Auto Send Meter Report (for watts) at the group time interval (Clamp 3)
Bit 1: Auto Send Meter Report (for watts) at the group time interval (Clamp 2)
Bit 0: Auto Send Meter Report (for watts) at the group time interval (Clamp 1)
Byte 4 (lsb): Bit 7: reserved
Bit 6: reserved
Bit 5: reserved
Bit 4: reserved
Bit 3: Auto Send Meter Report (for kWh) at the group time interval (whole HEM)
Bit 2: Auto Send Meter Report (for watts) at the group time interval (whole HEM)
Bit 1: Auto Send Multilevel Sensor Report (for watts) at the group time interval (whole HEM)
Bit 0: Auto Send Battery Report at the group time interval (whole HEM)
<Value type="int" index="102" genre="config" label="Group 2 Reports" units="" value="0">
Which reports need to send in group2. Format is as follows:
Byte 1 (msb): Reserved
Byte 2: Reserved
Byte 3: Bit 7: reserved
Bit 6: reserved
Bit 5: Auto Send Meter Report (for kWh) at the group time interval (Clamp 3)
Bit 4: Auto Send Meter Report (for kWh) at the group time interval (Clamp 2)
Bit 3: Auto Send Meter Report (for kWh) at the group time interval (Clamp 1)
Bit 2: Auto Send Meter Report (for watts) at the group time interval (Clamp 3)
Bit 1: Auto Send Meter Report (for watts) at the group time interval (Clamp 2)
Bit 0: Auto Send Meter Report (for watts) at the group time interval (Clamp 1)
Byte 4 (lsb): Bit 7: reserved
Bit 6: reserved
Bit 5: reserved
Bit 4: reserved
Bit 3: Auto Send Meter Report (for kWh) at the group time interval (whole HEM)
Bit 2: Auto Send Meter Report (for watts) at the group time interval (whole HEM)
Bit 1: Auto Send Multilevel Sensor Report (for watts) at the group time interval (whole HEM)
Bit 0: Auto Send Battery Report at the group time interval (whole HEM)
<Value type="int" index="103" genre="config" label="Group 3 Reports" units="" value="0">
Which reports need to send in group3. Format is as follows:
Byte 1 (msb): Reserved
Byte 2: Reserved
Byte 3: Bit 7: reserved
Bit 6: reserved
Bit 5: Auto Send Meter Report (for kWh) at the group time interval (Clamp 3)
Bit 4: Auto Send Meter Report (for kWh) at the group time interval (Clamp 2)
Bit 3: Auto Send Meter Report (for kWh) at the group time interval (Clamp 1)
Bit 2: Auto Send Meter Report (for watts) at the group time interval (Clamp 3)
Bit 1: Auto Send Meter Report (for watts) at the group time interval (Clamp 2)
Bit 0: Auto Send Meter Report (for watts) at the group time interval (Clamp 1)
Byte 4 (lsb): Bit 7: reserved
Bit 6: reserved
Bit 5: reserved
Bit 4: reserved
Bit 3: Auto Send Meter Report (for kWh) at the group time interval (whole HEM)
Bit 2: Auto Send Meter Report (for watts) at the group time interval (whole HEM)
Bit 1: Auto Send Multilevel Sensor Report (for watts) at the group time interval (whole HEM)
Bit 0: Auto Send Battery Report at the group time interval (whole HEM)
<Value type="int" index="110" genre="config" label="Reset #111-113" units="" value="0" write_only="true" affects="111,112,113">
Reset to default parameters number 111-113. Any value other then 0 will initiate this reset.
<Value type="int" index="111" genre="config" label="Group 1 Interval" units="seconds" value="720">
The interval of sending report group 1.
<Value type="int" index="112" genre="config" label="Group 2 Interval" units="seconds" value="720">
The interval of sending report group 2.
<Value type="int" index="113" genre="config" label="Group 3 Interval" units="seconds" value="720">
The interval of sending report group 3.
<Value type="int" index="253" genre="config" label="Unit Recalibration (dangerous)" units="" value="0" write_only="true">
Re-calibrate (will destroy factory calibration). CONTACT AEON LABS before using.
<Value type="short" index="254" genre="config" label="Device Tag" units="" value="0">
Device tag.
<Value type="int" index="255" genre="config" label="Reset default configuration" units="" value="0" write_only="true" affects="all">
Reset to the default configuration.
<!-- COMMAND_CLASS_WAKE_UP. This class is in the list reported by the HEM, but it does not
respond to requests. It still needs to be supported so that wake up notifications are handled. -->
<CommandClass id="132" create_vars="false" />
<!-- Association Groups -->
<CommandClass id="133">
<Associations num_groups="1">
<Group index="1" max_associations="5" label="Report" auto="true" />
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Product xmlns=''>
<!-- Configuration Parameters -->
<CommandClass id="112">
<Value type="int" index="0" genre="config" label="Button #1(tap) Value 1" units="" write_only="true" value="0" />
<Value type="int" index="1" genre="config" label="Button #1(tap) Value 2" units="" write_only="true" value="0" />
<Value type="int" index="2" genre="config" label="Button #1(tap) Value 3" units="" write_only="true" value="0" />
<Value type="int" index="3" genre="config" label="Button #1(tap) Value 4" units="" write_only="true" value="0" />
<Value type="int" index="4" genre="config" label="Button #1(tap) Value 5" units="" write_only="true" value="0" />
<Value type="short" index="20" genre="config" label="Button #1(hold) Value 1" units="" write_only="true" value="0" />
<Value type="short" index="21" genre="config" label="Button #1(hold) Value 2" units="" write_only="true" value="0" />
<Value type="short" index="22" genre="config" label="Button #1(hold) Value 3" units="" write_only="true" value="0" />
<Value type="short" index="23" genre="config" label="Button #1(hold) Value 4" units="" write_only="true" value="0" />
<Value type="short" index="24" genre="config" label="Button #1(hold) Value 5" units="" write_only="true" value="0" />
<Value type="short" index="40" genre="config" label="Button #2(tap) Value 1" units="" write_only="true" value="0" />
<Value type="short" index="41" genre="config" label="Button #2(tap) Value 2" units="" write_only="true" value="0" />
<Value type="short" index="42" genre="config" label="Button #2(tap) Value 3" units="" write_only="true" value="0" />
<Value type="short" index="43" genre="config" label="Button #2(tap) Value 4" units="" write_only="true" value="0" />
<Value type="short" index="44" genre="config" label="Button #2(tap) Value 5" units="" write_only="true" value="0" />
<Value type="short" index="60" genre="config" label="Button #2(hold) Value 1" units="" write_only="true" value="0" />
<Value type="short" index="61" genre="config" label="Button #2(hold) Value 2" units="" write_only="true" value="0" />
<Value type="short" index="62" genre="config" label="Button #2(hold) Value 3" units="" write_only="true" value="0" />
<Value type="short" index="63" genre="config" label="Button #2(hold) Value 4" units="" write_only="true" value="0" />
<Value type="short" index="64" genre="config" label="Button #2(hold) Value 5" units="" write_only="true" value="0" />
<Value type="short" index="80" genre="config" label="Button #3(tap) Value 1" units="" write_only="true" value="0" />
<Value type="short" index="81" genre="config" label="Button #3(tap) Value 2" units="" write_only="true" value="0" />
<Value type="short" index="82" genre="config" label="Button #3(tap) Value 3" units="" write_only="true" value="0" />
<Value type="short" index="83" genre="config" label="Button #3(tap) Value 4" units="" write_only="true" value="0" />
<Value type="short" index="84" genre="config" label="Button #3(tap) Value 5" units="" write_only="true" value="0" />
<Value type="short" index="100" genre="config" label="Button #3(hold) Value 1" units="" write_only="true" value="0" />
<Value type="short" index="101" genre="config" label="Button #3(hold) Value 2" units="" write_only="true" value="0" />
<Value type="short" index="102" genre="config" label="Button #3(hold) Value 3" units="" write_only="true" value="0" />
<Value type="short" index="103" genre="config" label="Button #3(hold) Value 4" units="" write_only="true" value="0" />
<Value type="short" index="104" genre="config" label="Button #3(hold) Value 5" units="" write_only="true" value="0" />
<Value type="short" index="120" genre="config" label="Button #4(tap) Value 1" units="" write_only="true" value="0" />
<Value type="short" index="121" genre="config" label="Button #4(tap) Value 2" units="" write_only="true" value="0" />
<Value type="short" index="122" genre="config" label="Button #4(tap) Value 3" units="" write_only="true" value="0" />
<Value type="short" index="123" genre="config" label="Button #4(tap) Value 4" units="" write_only="true" value="0" />
<Value type="short" index="124" genre="config" label="Button #4(tap) Value 5" units="" write_only="true" value="0" />
<Value type="short" index="140" genre="config" label="Button #4(hold) Value 1" units="" write_only="true" value="0" />
<Value type="short" index="141" genre="config" label="Button #4(hold) Value 2" units="" write_only="true" value="0" />
<Value type="short" index="142" genre="config" label="Button #4(hold) Value 3" units="" write_only="true" value="0" />
<Value type="short" index="143" genre="config" label="Button #4(hold) Value 4" units="" write_only="true" value="0" />
<Value type="short" index="144" genre="config" label="Button #4(hold) Value 5" units="" write_only="true" value="0" />
<Value type="bool" index="241" genre="config" label="Button #1 Programmable" units="" write_only="true" min="0" max="1" value="0" />
<Value type="bool" index="242" genre="config" label="Button #2 Programmable" units="" write_only="true" min="0" max="1" value="0" />
<Value type="bool" index="243" genre="config" label="Button #3 Programmable" units="" write_only="true" min="0" max="1" value="0" />
<Value type="bool" index="244" genre="config" label="Button #4 Programmable" units="" write_only="true" min="0" max="1" value="0" />
<Value type="bool" index="250" genre="config" label="Scene Activation" units="" min="0" max="1" value="0" />
<!-- COMMAND_CLASS_ASSOCIATION. This class is in the list reported by the Keyfob -->
<CommandClass id="133">
<Associations num_groups="1">
<Group index="1" max_associations="5" label="Group1" auto="false" />
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Product xmlns=''>
<!-- Configuration Parameters -->
<CommandClass id="112">
<Value type="bool" index="241" genre="config" label="Button #1 Programmable" units="" min="0" max="1" />
<Value type="bool" index="242" genre="config" label="Button #2 Programmable" units="" min="0" max="1" />
<Value type="bool" index="243" genre="config" label="Button #3 Programmable" units="" min="0" max="1" />
<Value type="bool" index="244" genre="config" label="Button #4 Programmable" units="" min="0" max="1" />
<!-- COMMAND_CLASS_VERSION. This class is in the list reported by the Minimote, but it does not respond to requests -->
<CommandClass id="134" action="remove" />
<!-- COMMAND_CLASS_WAKE_UP. This class is in the list reported by the Minimote, but it does not
respond to requests. It still needs to be supported so that wake up notifications are handled. -->
<CommandClass id="132" create_vars="false" />
<!-- COMMAND_CLASS_ASSOCIATION. This class is in the list reported by the Minimote, but it does not respond to requests -->
<CommandClass id="133">
<Associations num_groups="4">
<Group index="1" max_associations="5" label="Button #1" auto="false" write_only="true" />
<Group index="2" max_associations="5" label="Button #2" auto="false" write_only="true" />
<Group index="3" max_associations="5" label="Button #3" auto="false" write_only="true" />
<Group index="4" max_associations="5" label="Button #4" auto="false" write_only="true" />
<!-- COMMAND_CLASS_ASSOCIATION_COMMAND_CONFIGURATION. This class is supported but is missing from the list reported by the Minimote -->
<CommandClass id="155" action="add" />
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Product xmlns=''>
<!-- Configuration Parameters -->
<CommandClass id="112">
<Value type="list" index="1" genre="config" label="Report type" units="" min="0" max="1" size="1" value="0">
Defines the contents of Multilevel Sensor Report after Multilevel Sensor Get received.
<Item label="Power" value="0" />
<Item label="Voltage" value="1" />
<Value type="short" index="2" genre="config" label="Blinking behavior" units="" min="0" max="65535" write_only="true" value="0">
This is actually a double byte value. The LSB defines the total time the device needs to blink in seconds. The MSB defines the on/off interval of the blink in tenths of seconds.
<Value type="list" index="80" genre="config" label="Notification status" units="" size="1" value="0">
Enables automatic notifications to associated devices whenever there is a state change.
<Item label="None" value="0" />
<Item label="Hail" value="1" />
<Item label="Basic" value="2" />
<Value type="bool" index="90" genre="config" label="Enable Wattage Reports" units="" value="0">
Enable/disable Wattage threshold and percent.
<Value type="short" index="91" genre="config" label="Wattage threshold" units="watts" min="0" max="32000" value="50">
The minimum change in wattage for a report to be sent.
<Value type="byte" index="92" genre="config" label="Wattage threshold percent" units="%" min="0" max="99" value="10">
Minimum change in percent of wattage to send a report.
<Value type="button" index="100" genre="config" label="Default Group Reports" units="" write_only="true" value="0" affects="101,102,103">
Set report types for groups 1, 2 and 3 to default. Reverts to 0
after set.
<Value type="int" index="101" genre="config" label="Report type G1" units="" value="8">
Defines the type of report sent for reporting group 1. 2 is multisensor report. 4 is meter report for watts. 8 is meter report for kilowatts.
Value 1 (msb) Reserved
Value 2 Reserved
Value 3 Reserved
Value 4 (lsb) bits 7-4 reserved
bit 3 MRC(KWH)
bit 2 MRC(watt)
bit 1 MSRC
bit 0 reserved
The MRC(KWH) flag signals that Report Group 1 send(1) or don't send(0)
Meter Report Command(KWh) automatically.
The MRC(Watt) flag signals that Report Group 1 send(1) or don't send(0)
Meter Report Command(wattage) automatically.
The MSRC flag signals that Report Group 1 send(1) or don't send(0)
Multilevel Sensor Report Command(wattage) automatically.
<Value type="int" index="102" genre="config" label="Report type G2" units="" value="0">
Defines the type of report sent for reporting group 2. 2 is multisensor report. 4 is meter report for watts. 8 is meter report for kilowatts.
Value 1 (msb) Reserved
Value 2 Reserved
Value 3 Reserved
Value 4 (lsb) bits 7-4 reserved
bit 3 MRC(KWH)
bit 2 MRC(watt)
bit 1 MSRC
bit 0 reserved
The MRC(KWH) flag signals that Report Group 1 send(1) or don't send(0)
Meter Report Command(KWh) automatically.
The MRC(Watt) flag signals that Report Group 1 send(1) or don't send(0)
Meter Report Command(wattage) automatically.
The MSRC flag signals that Report Group 1 send(1) or don't send(0)
Multilevel Sensor Report Command(wattage) automatically.
<Value type="int" index="103" genre="config" label="Report type G3" units="" value="0">
Defines the type of report sent for reporting group 3. 2 is multisensor report. 4 is meter report for watts. 8 is meter report for kilowatts.
Value 1 (msb) Reserved
Value 2 Reserved
Value 3 Reserved
Value 4 (lsb) bits 7-4 reserved
bit 3 MRC(KWH)
bit 2 MRC(watt)
bit 1 MSRC
bit 0 reserved
The MRC(KWH) flag signals that Report Group 1 send(1) or don't send(0)
Meter Report Command(KWh) automatically.
The MRC(Watt) flag signals that Report Group 1 send(1) or don't send(0)
Meter Report Command(wattage) automatically.
The MSRC flag signals that Report Group 1 send(1) or don't send(0)
Multilevel Sensor Report Command(wattage) automatically.
<Value type="button" index="110" genre="config" label="Default Group Time" units="" write_only="true" value="0" affects="111,112,113">
Set time interval for sending reports for groups 1, 2 and 3 to default.
<Value type="int" index="111" genre="config" label="Send interval G1" units="seconds" min="0" max="65535" value="600">
Defines the time interval when the defined report for group 1 is sent.
<Value type="int" index="112" genre="config" label="Send interval G2" units="seconds" min="0" max="65535" value="600">
Defines the time interval when the defined report for group 2 is sent.
<Value type="int" index="113" genre="config" label="Send interval G3" units="seconds" min="0" max="65535" value="600">
Defines the time interval when the defined report for group 3 is sent.
<Value type="short" index="254" genre="config" label="Device tag" units="" min="0" max="65535" value="0">
Device tag.
<Value type="button" index="255" genre="config" label="Reset device" units="" write_only="true" value="0">
Reset to the default configuration.
<!-- Association Groups -->
<CommandClass id="133">
<Associations num_groups="1">
<Group index="1" max_associations="5" label="Reports" auto="true" />
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Product xmlns=''>
<!-- This thermostat's setpoint descriptions are 1 based, not 0 -->
<CommandClass id="67" base="1" override_precision="2" />
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Product xmlns=''>
<!-- COMMAND_CLASS_BASIC does not respond to requests -->
<CommandClass id="32" action="remove" />
<!-- This thermostat's setpoint descriptions are 0 based -->
<CommandClass id="67" base="0" override_precision="2" />
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<DeviceClasses xmlns=''>
<Basic key="0x01" label="Controller" />
<Basic key="0x02" label="Static Controller" />
<Basic key="0x03" label="Slave" />
<Basic key="0x04" label="Routing Slave" />
<Generic key="0x01" label="Remote Controller" command_classes="0xef,0x20">
<Specific key="0x01" label="Portable Remote Controller" />
<Specific key="0x02" label="Portable Scene Controller" command_classes="0x2d,0x72,0x85,0xef,0x2b" />
<Specific key="0x03" label="Portable Installer Tool" command_classes="0x21,0x72,0x86,0x8f,0xef,0x21,0x60,0x70,0x72,0x84,0x85,0x86,0x8e" />
<Generic key="0x02" label="Static Controller" command_classes="0xef,0x20">
<Specific key="0x01" label="Static PC Controller" />
<Specific key="0x02" label="Static Scene Controller" command_classes="0x2d,0x72,0x85,0xef,0x2b" />
<Specific key="0x03" label="Static Installer Tool" command_classes="0x21,0x72,0x86,0x8f,0xef,0x21,0x60,0x70,0x72,0x84,0x85,0x86,0x8e" />
<Generic key="0x03" label="AV Control Point" command_classes="0x20">
<Specific key="0x04" label="Satellite Receiver" command_classes="0x72,0x86,0x94" />
<Specific key="0x11" label="Satellite Receiver V2" command_classes="0x72,0x86,0x94" basic="0x94" />
<Specific key="0x12" label="Doorbell" command_classes="0x30,0x72,0x85,0x86" basic="0x30"/>
<Generic key="0x04" label="Display" command_classes="0x20">
<Specific key="0x01" label="Simple Display" command_classes="0x72,0x86,0x92,0x93" />
<Generic key="0x08" label="Thermostat" command_classes="0x20">
<Specific key="0x01" label="Heating Thermostat" />
<Specific key="0x02" label="General Thermostat" command_classes="0x40,0x43,0x72" basic="0x40" />
<Specific key="0x03" label="Setback Schedule Thermostat" command_classes="0x46,0x72,0x86,0x8f,0xef,0x46,0x81,0x8f" basic="0x46" />
<Specific key="0x04" label="Setpoint Thermostat" command_classes="0x43,0x72,0x86,0x8f,0xef,0x43,0x8f" basic="0x43" />
<Specific key="0x05" label="Setback Thermostat" command_classes="0x40,0x43,0x47,0x72,0x86" basic="0x40" />
<Specific key="0x06" label="General Thermostat V2" command_classes="0x40,0x43,0x72,0x86" basic="0x40" />
<Generic key="0x09" label="Window Covering" command_classes="0x20">
<Specific key="0x01" label="Simple Window Covering" command_classes="0x50" basic="0x50" />
<Generic key="0x0f" label="Repeater Slave" command_classes="0x20">
<Specific key="0x01" label="Basic Repeater Slave" />
<Generic key="0x10" label="Binary Switch" command_classes="0x20,0x25" basic="0x25">
<Specific key="0x01" label="Binary Power Switch" command_classes="0x27" />
<Specific key="0x03" label="Binary Scene Switch" command_classes="0x27,0x2b,0x2c,0x72" />
<Generic key="0x11" label="Multilevel Switch" command_classes="0x20,0x26" basic="0x26">
<Specific key="0x01" label="Multilevel Power Switch" command_classes="0x27" />
<Specific key="0x03" label="Multiposition Motor" command_classes="0x72,0x86" />
<Specific key="0x04" label="Multilevel Scene Switch" command_classes="0x27,0x2b,0x2c,0x72" />
<Specific key="0x05" label="Motor Control Class A" command_classes="0x25,0x72,0x86" />
<Specific key="0x06" label="Motor Control Class B" command_classes="0x25,0x72,0x86" />
<Specific key="0x07" label="Motor Control Class C" command_classes="0x25,0x72,0x86" />
<Generic key="0x12" label="Remote Switch" command_classes="0xef,0x20">
<Specific key="0x01" label="Binary Remote Switch" command_classes="0xef,0x25" basic="0x25"/>
<Specific key="0x02" label="Multilevel Remote Switch" command_classes="0xef,0x26" basic="0x26"/>
<Specific key="0x03" label="Binary Toggle Remote Switch" command_classes="0xef,0x28" basic="0x28"/>
<Specific key="0x04" label="Multilevel Toggle Remote Switch" command_classes="0xef,0x29" basic="0x29"/>
<Generic key="0x13" label="Toggle Switch" command_classes="0x20" >
<Specific key="0x01" label="Binary Toggle Switch" command_classes="0x25,0x28" basic="0x28" />
<Specific key="0x02" label="Multilevel Toggle Switch" command_classes="0x26,0x29" basic="0x29" />
<Generic key="0x14" label="Z/IP Gateway" command_classes="0x20">
<Specific key="0x01" label="Z/IP Tunneling Gateway" command_classes="0x23,0x24,0x72,0x86"/>
<Specific key="0x02" label="Z/IP Advanced Gateway" command_classes="0x23,0x24,0x2f,0x33,0x72,0x86"/>
<Generic key="0x15" label="Z/IP Node">
<Specific key="0x01" label="Z/IP Tunneling Node" command_classes="0x23,0x2e,0x72,0x86" />
<Specific key="0x02" label="Z/IP Advanced Node" command_classes="0x23,0x2e,0x2f,0x34,0x72,0x86" />
<Generic key="0x16" label="Ventilation" command_classes="0x20">
<Specific key="0x01" label="Residential Heat Recovery Ventilation" command_classes="0x37,0x39,0x72,0x86" basic="0x39"/>
<Generic key="0x20" label="Binary Sensor" command_classes="0x30,0xef,0x20" basic="0x30">
<Specific key="0x01" label="Routing Binary Sensor" />
<Generic key="0x21" label="Multilevel Sensor" command_classes="0x31,0xef,0x20" basic="0x31">
<Specific key="0x01" label="Routing Multilevel Sensor" />
<Generic key="0x30" label="Pulse Meter" command_classes="0x35,0xef,0x20" basic="0x35"/>
<Generic key="0x31" label="Meter" command_classes="0xef,0x20">
<Specific key="0x01" label="Simple Meter" command_classes="0x32,0x72,0x86" basic="0x32" />
<Generic key="0x40" label="Entry Control" command_classes="0x20">
<Specific key="0x01" label="Door Lock" command_classes="0x62" basic="0x62"/>
<Specific key="0x02" label="Advanced Door Lock" command_classes="0x62,0x72,0x86" basic="0x62"/>
<Specific key="0x03" label="Secure Keypad Door Lock" command_classes="0x62,0x63,0x72,0x86,0x98" basic="0x62"/>
<Generic key="0x50" label="Semi Interoperable" command_classes="0x20,0x72,0x86,0x88">
<Specific key="0x01" label="Energy Production" command_classes="0x90" />
<Generic key="0xa1" label="Alarm Sensor" command_classes="0xef,0x20" basic="0x71">
<Specific key="0x01" label="Basic Routing Alarm Sensor" command_classes="0x71,0x72,0x85,0x86,0xef,0x71" />
<Specific key="0x02" label="Routing Alarm Sensor" command_classes="0x71,0x72,0x80,0x85,0x86,0xef,0x71" />
<Specific key="0x03" label="Basic Zensor Alarm Sensor" command_classes="0x71,0x72,0x86,0xef,0x71" />
<Specific key="0x04" label="Zensor Alarm Sensor" command_classes="0x71,0x72,0x80,0x86,0xef,0x71" />
<Specific key="0x05" label="Advanced Zensor Alarm Sensor" command_classes="0x71,0x72,0x80,0x85,0x86,0xef,0x71" />
<Specific key="0x06" label="Basic Routing Smoke Sensor" command_classes="0x71,0x72,0x85,0x86,0xef,0x71" />
<Specific key="0x07" label="Routing Smoke Sensor" command_classes="0x71,0x72,0x80,0x85,0x86,0xef,0x71" />
<Specific key="0x08" label="Basic Zensor Smoke Sensor" command_classes="0x71,0x72,0x86,0xef,0x71" />
<Specific key="0x09" label="Zensor Smoke Sensor" command_classes="0x71,0x72,0x80,0x86,0xef,0x71" />
<Specific key="0x0a" label="Advanced Zensor Smoke Sensor" command_classes="0x71,0x72,0x80,0x85,0x86,0xef,0x71" />
<Generic key="0xff" label="Non Interoperable" />
<?xml version='1.0'?>
<xs:element name='DeviceClasses'>
<xs:element ref='DeviceClasses:Basic' minOccurs='0' maxOccurs='unbounded'/>
<xs:element ref='DeviceClasses:Generic' minOccurs='0' maxOccurs='unbounded'/>
<xs:element name='Basic'>
<xs:attribute name='key' type='xs:string' use='required'/>
<xs:attribute name='label' type='xs:string' use='required'/>
<xs:element name='Generic'>
<xs:element ref='DeviceClasses:Specific' minOccurs='0' maxOccurs='unbounded'/>
<xs:attribute name='key' type='xs:string' use='required'/>
<xs:attribute name='label' type='xs:string' use='required'/>
<xs:attribute name='command_classes' type='xs:string' use='optional'/>
<xs:attribute name='basic' type='xs:string' use='optional'/>
<xs:element name='Specific'>
<xs:attribute name='key' type='xs:string' use='required'/>
<xs:attribute name='label' type='xs:string' use='required'/>
<xs:attribute name='command_classes' type='xs:string' use='optional'/>
<xs:attribute name='basic' type='xs:string' use='optional'/>
<?xml version='1.0'?>
<xs:element name='Product'>
<xs:element ref='Product:Protocol' minOccurs='0' maxOccurs='1'/>
<xs:element ref='Product:CommandClass' minOccurs='0' maxOccurs='unbounded'/>
<xs:element name='Protocol'>
<xs:element ref='Product:APIcall' minOccurs='0' maxOccurs='1'/>
<xs:attribute name='nodeinfosupported' use='optional'>
<xs:restriction base='xs:string'>
<xs:enumeration value='true'/>
<xs:enumeration value='false'/>
<xs:element name='APIcall'>
<xs:attribute name='function' type='xs:string' use='required'/>
<xs:attribute name='present' use='required'>
<xs:restriction base='xs:string'>
<xs:enumeration value='true'/>
<xs:enumeration value='false'/>
<xs:element name='CommandClass'>
<xs:element ref='Product:Instance' minOccurs='0' maxOccurs='unbounded'/>
<xs:element ref='Product:Associations' minOccurs='0' maxOccurs='unbounded'/>
<xs:element ref='Product:Value' minOccurs='0' maxOccurs='unbounded'/>
<xs:element ref='Product:SupportedModes' minOccurs='0' maxOccurs='unbounded'/>
<xs:attribute name='id' type='xs:string' use='required'/>
<xs:attribute name='action' type='xs:string' use='optional'/>
<xs:attribute name='base' type='xs:string' use='optional'/>
<xs:attribute name='override_precision' type='xs:string' use='optional'/>
<xs:attribute name='create_vars' use='optional'>
<xs:restriction base='xs:string'>
<xs:enumeration value='true'/>
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<xs:attribute name='name' type='xs:string' use='optional'/>
<xs:attribute name='setasreport' use='optional'>
<xs:restriction base='xs:string'>
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<xs:attribute name='ignoremapping' use='optional'>
<xs:restriction base='xs:string'>
<xs:enumeration value='true'/>
<xs:enumeration value='false'/>
<xs:attribute name='getsupported' use='optional'>
<xs:restriction base='xs:string'>
<xs:enumeration value='true'/>
<xs:enumeration value='false'/>
<xs:attribute name='classgetsupported' use='optional'>
<xs:restriction base='xs:string'>
<xs:enumeration value='true'/>
<xs:enumeration value='false'/>
<xs:attribute name='version' type='xs:string' use='optional'/>
<xs:attribute name='request_flags' type='xs:string' use='optional'/>
<xs:attribute name='endpoints' type='xs:string' use='optional'/>
<xs:attribute name='mapping' type='xs:string' use='optional'/>
<xs:attribute name='codes' type='xs:string' use='optional'/>
<xs:element name='Instance'>
<xs:attribute name='index' type='xs:string' use='required'/>
<xs:element name='Associations'>
<xs:element ref='Product:Group' minOccurs='0' maxOccurs='unbounded'/>
<xs:attribute name='num_groups' type='xs:string' use='required'/>
<xs:element name='Group'>
<xs:element ref='Product:Node' minOccurs='0' maxOccurs='unbounded'/>
<xs:attribute name='index' type='xs:string' use='required'/>
<xs:attribute name='max_associations' type='xs:string' use='required'/>
<xs:attribute name='label' type='xs:string' use='required'/>
<xs:attribute name='auto' use='optional'>
<xs:restriction base='xs:string'>
<xs:enumeration value='true'/>
<xs:enumeration value='false'/>
<xs:attribute name='write_only' use='optional'>
<xs:restriction base='xs:string'>
<xs:enumeration value='true'/>
<xs:enumeration value='false'/>
<xs:element name='Value'>
<xs:element ref='Product:Help' minOccurs='0' maxOccurs='1'/>
<xs:element ref='Product:Item' minOccurs='0' maxOccurs='unbounded'/>
<xs:attribute name='type' use='required'>
<xs:restriction base='xs:string'>
<xs:enumeration value='bool'/>
<xs:enumeration value='byte'/>
<xs:enumeration value='decimal'/>
<xs:enumeration value='int'/>
<xs:enumeration value='list'/>
<xs:enumeration value='schedule'/>
<xs:enumeration value='short'/>
<xs:enumeration value='string'/>
<xs:enumeration value='button'/>
<xs:enumeration value='raw'/>
<xs:attribute name='size' use='optional'>
<xs:restriction base='xs:string'>
<xs:enumeration value='1'/>
<xs:enumeration value='2'/>
<xs:enumeration value='4'/>
<xs:attribute name='index' type='xs:string' use='required'/>
<xs:attribute name='genre' type='xs:string' use='required'/>
<xs:attribute name='label' type='xs:string' use='required'/>
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<xs:attribute name='min' type='xs:string' use='optional'/>
<xs:attribute name='max' type='xs:string' use='optional'/>
<xs:attribute name='value' type='xs:string' use='optional'/>
<xs:attribute name='length' type='xs:string' use='optional'/>
<xs:attribute name='read_only' use='optional'>
<xs:restriction base='xs:string'>
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<xs:enumeration value='true'/>
<xs:enumeration value='false'/>
<xs:attribute name='affects' type='xs:string' use='optional'/>
<xs:attribute name='instance' type='xs:string' use='optional'/>
<xs:element name='Help'>
<xs:complexType mixed='true'>
<xs:element name='Item'>
<xs:attribute name='label' type='xs:string' use='required'/>
<xs:attribute name='value' type='xs:string' use='required'/>
<xs:element name='SupportedModes'>
<xs:element ref='Product:Mode' maxOccurs='unbounded'/>
<xs:element name='Mode'>
<xs:attribute name='index' type='xs:string' use='required'/>
<xs:attribute name='label' type='xs:string' use='required'/>
<xs:element name='Node'>
<xs:attribute name='id' type='xs:string' use='required'/>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!--Taken from -->
<Product xmlns=''>
<!-- COMMAND_CLASS_SWITCH_MULTILEVEL. This class is in the list reported by the Duwi device, but it does not respond to requests -->
<CommandClass id="38" action="remove" />
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- Information from -->
<Product xmlns=''>
<!-- Configuration Parameters not supported -->
<!-- Association Groups -->
<CommandClass id="133">
<Associations num_groups="1">
<Group index="1" max_associations="5" label="Basic" auto="true"/>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- Information from -->
<Product xmlns=''>
<!-- Configuration Parameters -->
<CommandClass id="112">
<Value type="short" index="1" genre="config" label="True Period" units="100ms" min="0" max="120" value="10">
This is the time the switching status needs to remain
unchanged after a change to cause the device to send out a status
message. 0 is Disabled.
<Value type="byte" index="2" genre="config" label="Send Out Basic Command" units="" min="0" max="1" value="0">
Enable or Disable Send Basic Command to Group 2 when the local
button press changes the switching state.
<Value type="short" index="3" genre="config" label="Meter Report Period" units="10s" min="0" max="3240" value="3">
The device will report its meter value within the interval
set. Set to 0 will disable the autoreporting function.
<!-- Association Groups -->
<CommandClass id="133">
<Associations num_groups="2">
<Group index="1" max_associations="1" label="Reports" auto="true" />
<Group index="2" max_associations="4" label="Basic" auto="true" />
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Product xmlns=''>
<!-- Configuration Parameters not supported -->
<!-- Wakeup doesn't respond -->
<CommandClass id="132" create_vars="false" />
<!-- Association Groups -->
<CommandClass id="133">
<Associations num_groups="1">
<Group index="1" max_associations="5" label="Reports" auto="true"/>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Product xmlns=''>
<!-- Configuration Parameters not supported -->
<!-- Association Groups -->
<CommandClass id="133">
<!-- Groups and attributes based on -->
<Associations num_groups="1">
<Group index="1" max_associations="5" label="Reports" auto="true"/>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Product xmlns=''>
<!-- Configuration Parameters -->
<CommandClass id="112">
<Value type="byte" index="1" genre="config" label="On Level" units="" min="0" max="127" value="99">
Defines the level in the event sent when the sensor is triggered. Default is 99 (full brightness for a Z-Wave dimmer). 100-127 will set device on to the last value it was when turned off.
<Value type="byte" index="2" genre="config" label="Off Time" units="seconds" min="0" max="127" value="1">
On Time sets the number of seconds the sensor stays alerted before the off event is sent.
<Value type="byte" index="3" genre="config" label="Power Saving" units="" min="0" max="127" value="0">
Enable/Disable power saving mode. 0 enables.
<!-- Basic set as report -->
<CommandClass id="32" setasreport="true"/>
<!-- COMMAND_CLASS_ALARM. This class is supported but is missing from the list reported by the SM103 -->
<CommandClass id="113" action="add" getsupported="false" />
<CommandClass id="133">
<Associations num_groups="1">
<Group index="1" max_associations="5" label="Reports" auto="true" />
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Product xmlns=''>
<!-- Configuration Parameters -->
<CommandClass id="112">
<Value type="byte" index="1" genre="config" label="ON Phase Level" units="" min="0" max="127" value="0">
Phase Level of ON Command
The Configuration parameter that can be used to adjust the phase level of ON command is transmitted is Configuration Parameter # 1.
This parameter can be configured with the value of 0 through 127.
Value 0: Set Device OFF(0x00)
Value 1-99: Set Device On (1-99)
Value 100-127: Set Device On to the last phase (0xFF)
Note: 0xFF means the device will be on to the last phase before the device was turned off.
Information reproduced from:
<Value type="byte" index="3" genre="config" label="Power Saving" units="" min="0" max="127" value="1">
Enabling/Disabling Power Saving Function (for testing)
When no movement has been detected for 10 seconds, the SP103 will enter the power saving mode.
It can be disabled or enabled power saving function by setting Configuration Parameter # 3.
This parameter can be configured with the value of 0 through 127, where 0 means power saving being enabled and others mean power saving being disabled.
PS : As long as the batteries have been refitted, the Detector will enable the power saving function automatically.
Information reproduced from:
<!-- COMMAND_CLASS_ALARM. This class is supported but is missing from the list reported by the SP103 -->
<CommandClass id="113" action="add" />
<!-- Association Groups -->
<CommandClass id="133">
<!-- Groups and attributes based on -->
<Associations num_groups="1">
<Group index="1" max_associations="5" label="Motion" auto="true"/>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Product xmlns=''>
<!-- Configuration Parameters -->
<CommandClass id="112">
<Value type="byte" index="1" genre="config" label="Basic Set Level" units="" min="0" max="99" value="99">
When Basic Set Command is sent where contains a value, the receiver will take it for consideration; for instance, if a lamp module is received the Basic Set Command of which value is decisive as to how bright of dim level of lamp modeule shall be.
<Value type="bool" index="2" genre="config" label="Enable/Disable Detecting" min="0" max="1" value="1">
The Detecting function can be Disabled of Enabled.
<Value type="byte" index="3" genre="config" label="Sensitivity Level" units="" min="1" max="10" value="6">
1 Means lowest sensitivity and 10 means highest.
<Value type="byte" index="4" genre="config" label="Re-trigger Interval Setting" units="Seconds" min="5" max="3600" value="5">
Adjust the interval of being re-triggered afer the detector has been triggered in seconds.
<Value type="byte" index="5" genre="config" label="Lux Level" units="%" min="1" max="100" value="10">
Sets minimum Lux Level of ambient illumination neccesary for Motion Detector to trigger.
<Value type="byte" index="6" genre="config" label="On-Off Duration" units="Seconds" min="5" max="3600" value="5">
The duration determines how long before the module sends an Off after being triggered.
<!-- Basic set as report -->
<CommandClass id="32" setasreport="true"/>
<CommandClass id="133">
<Associations num_groups="2">
<Group index="1" max_associations="1" label="Reports" />
<Group index="2" max_associations="3" label="Control" />
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Product xmlns=''>
<!-- Configuration Parameters -->
<CommandClass id="112">
<Value type="byte" index="1" genre="config" label="Basic Set Level" units="%" min="0" max="99" value="99">
Defines the level in the Basic Set event sent to group 2 when the sensor is triggered. Default is 99 (full brightness for a Z-Wave dimmer). 0 disables.
<Value type="byte" index="2" genre="config" label="Temperature On Trigger" units="degrees" min="-20" max="99" value="30">
Temperature level to trigger when a ON command is sent out. 99 will clear the value.
<Value type="byte" index="3" genre="config" label="Temperature Off Trigger" units="degrees" min="-20" max="99" value="20">
Temperature level to trigger when an OFF command is sent out. 99 will clear the value.
<Value type="byte" index="4" genre="config" label="Humidity On Trigger" units="%" min="20" max="99" value="50">
Humidity level to trigger when a ON command is sent out. 99 will clear the value.
<Value type="byte" index="5" genre="config" label="Humidity Off Trigger" units="%" min="20" max="99" value="40">
Humidity level to trigger when a OFF command is sent out. 99 will clear the value.
<Value type="short" index="6" genre="config" label="Auto Report Time" units="minutes" min="0" max="1439" value="0">
Sets the auto report time interval. 0 disables.
<Value type="byte" index="7" genre="config" label="Auto Report Temperature" units="degrees" min="0" max="70" value="0">
Sets the auto report temperature trigger interval. 0 disables.
<Value type="byte" index="8" genre="config" label="Auto Report Humidity" units="%" min="5" max="70" value="0">
Sets the auto report humidity trigger interval. 0 disables.
<CommandClass id="133">
<Associations num_groups="2">
<Group index="1" max_associations="1" label="Reports" auto="true" />
<Group index="2" max_associations="3" label="Basic" auto="true" />
<CommandClass id="96" mapping="endpoints" />
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Product xmlns=''>
<!-- Configuration Parameters -->
<CommandClass id="112">
<Value type="byte" index="1" genre="config" label="Basic Set Level" units="%" min="0" max="99" value="99">
Defines the level in the Basic Set event sent to group 2 when the sensor is triggered. Default is 99 (full brightness for a Z-Wave dimmer). 0 disables.
<Value type="short" index="2" genre="config" label="Lux On Trigger" units="LUX" min="0" max="1000" value="300">
Lux level to trigger when a ON command is sent out. 0 will clear the value.
<Value type="short" index="3" genre="config" label="Lux Off Trigger" units="LUX" min="0" max="1000" value="500">
Lux level to trigger when an OFF command is sent out. 0 will clear the value.
<Value type="short" index="4" genre="config" label="Lux Timer Off Trigger" units="minutes" min="1" max="480" value="240">
Set Lux timer trigger to send an OFF command. 0 will clear the value.
<Value type="short" index="5" genre="config" label="Auto Report Time" units="minutes" min="0" max="1439" value="0">
Sets the auto report time interval. 0 disables.
<Value type="short" index="6" genre="config" label="Auto Report Lux" units="LUX" min="30" max="1000" value="0">
Sets the auto report Lux interval. 0 disabled.
<!-- COMMAND_CLASS_ALARM doesn't respond -->
<CommandClass id="113" getsupported="false" />
<CommandClass id="133">
<Associations num_groups="2">
<Group index="1" max_associations="1" label="Reports" auto="true" />
<Group index="2" max_associations="3" label="Basic" auto="true" />
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Product xmlns=''>
<!-- COMMAND_CLASS_WAKE_UP. This class is in the list reported by the HEM, but it does not
respond to requests. It still needs to be supported so that wake up notifications are handled. -->
<CommandClass id="132" create_vars="false" />
<CommandClass id="133">
<Associations num_groups="1">
<Group index="1" max_associations="5" label="Reports" auto="true" />
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Product xmlns=''>
<!-- Configuration Parameters -->
<CommandClass id="112" name="COMMAND_CLASS_CONFIGURATION">
<Value type="byte" index="0" genre="config" label="Basic Set Level" units="" min="0" max="99" value="99">
When Basic Set Command is sent where contains a value, the receiver will
take it for consideration; for instance, if a lamp module is received the Basic
Set command of which value is decisive as to how bright of dim level of lamp
module shall be.
<Value type="byte" index="1" genre="config" label="Off Delay" units="seconds" min="0" max="127" value="0">
The Configuration parameter that can be used to adjust the amount of delay
before the OFF command is transmitted as Configuration Parameter #2.
This parameter can be configured with the value of 0 through 127, where 0
means send OFF command immediately and 127 means 127 seconds of
<CommandClass id="48" name="COMMAND_CLASS_SENSOR_BINARY">
<Value type="bool" index="0" genre="user" label="Magnet open" units="" read_only="true" write_only="false" min="0" max="255" value="">
Magnets to be opened/closed
<CommandClass id="113" name="COMMAND_CLASS_ALARM">
<Instance index="1" />
<Instance index="2" />
<Value type="byte" genre="user" instance="1" index="0" label="Power Applied" value="2">
Once the power has been applied, Alarm Report Command will be sent to
Nodes in Grouping 1 to confirm the power applied status for HSM02.
<Value type="byte" genre="user" instance="1" index="1" label="low battery" value="255">
When HSM02 automatically wakes up, it will check the battery usage. When
low battery is detected, Alarm Report Command will be sent to Nodes in
Grouping 1, afterward, LED will light up for 1 sec to remind user when HSM02 is
triggered due to open or close incidents.
<Value type="byte" genre="user" instance="2" index="0" label="Tamper event" value="17">
Grouping 1, afterward, LED will light up for 1 sec to remind user when HSM02 is
triggered due to open or close incidents.
<CommandClass id="128" name="COMMAND_CLASS_BATTERY">
<Value type="byte" genre="user" index="0" label="Battery Check" units="%" min="20" max="100" value="">
The users can also enquire the battery status of the unit by sending
BATTERY_GET command via Z-Wave Controller. Once the unit receives the
command, it will return BATTERY_REPORT command. The unit will send
Battery_Level = 255 (0xFF) command to the Z-Wave Controller to inform that
the unit is in low battery status.
<CommandClass id="132" name="COMMAND_CLASS_WAKE_UP" version="1" create_vars="true">
<Instance index="1" />
<Value type="int" genre="system" instance="1" index="0" label="Wake-up Interval" units="Seconds" read_only="false" write_only="false" min="60" max="1005696000" value="" />
<CommandClass id="133">
<Associations num_groups="1">
<Group index="1" max_associations="1" label="Alarm Reports" auto="true">
<!-- Once the power has been applied, Alarm Report Command will be sent to Nodes in Grouping 1 to confirm the power applied status for HSM02. -->
<Group index="2" max_associations="5" label="Basic level" auto="false">
<!-- However, the BASIC_SET command will be also sent to the nodes of Grouping 2. For instance, a lamp module will be turned off after receiving the BASIC_SET command. -->
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Product xmlns=''>
<!-- Configuration -->
<CommandClass id="112">
<Value type="short" genre="config" instance="1" index="1" label="IN1 Alarm Cancellation Delay" min="0" max="65535" value="0">
<Help>Input I alarm cancellation delay. Additional delay after an alarm from input IN1 has ceased. The parameter allows you to specify additional time, after which the input no. 1 alarm is cancelled once its violation has ceased.</Help>
<Value type="short" genre="config" instance="1" index="2" label="IN2 Alarm Cancellation Delay" min="0" max="65535" value="0">
<Help>Input II alarm cancellation delay. Additional delay after an alarm from input IN1 has ceased. The parameter allows you to specify additional time, after which the input no. 1 alarm is cancelled once its violation has ceased.</Help>
<Value type="list" genre="config" instance="1" index="3" label="Type of input no. 1" value="1" size="1">
<Help>Type of input no. 1, what the input 1 will report if no contact is made</Help>
<Item label="NO (Normal Open)" value="0" />
<Item label="NC (Normal Close)" value="1" />
<Item label="MONOSTABLE" value="2" />
<Item label="BISTABLE" value="3" />
<Value type="list" genre="config" instance="1" index="4" label="Type of input no. 2" value="1" size="1">
<Help>Type of input no. 2, what the input 2 will report if no contact is made</Help>
<Item label="NO (Normal Open)" value="0" />
<Item label="NC (Normal Close)" value="1" />
<Item label="MONOSTABLE" value="2" />
<Item label="BISTABLE" value="3" />
<Value type="list" genre="config" instance="1" index="5" label="Type of transmitted control frame for association group 1" value="255" size="1">
<Help>Type of transmitted control frame for association group 1, activated via input IN1. The parameter allows to specify the type of alarm frame or to force transmission of control commands (BASIC_SET)</Help>
<Item label="ALARM GENERIC" value="0" />
<Item label="ALARM SMOKE" value="1" />
<Item label="ALARM CO" value="2" />
<Item label="ALARM CO2" value="3" />
<Item label="ALARM HEAT" value="4" />
<Item label="ALARM WATER" value="5" />
<Item label="BASIC_SET" value="255" />
<Value type="list" genre="config" instance="1" index="6" label="Type of transmitted control frame for association group 2" value="255" size="1">
<Help>Type of transmitted control frame for association group 2, activated via input IN1. The parameter allows to specify the type of alarm frame or to force transmission of control commands (BASIC_SET)</Help>
<Item label="ALARM GENERIC" value="0" />
<Item label="ALARM SMOKE" value="1" />
<Item label="ALARM CO" value="2" />
<Item label="ALARM CO2" value="3" />
<Item label="ALARM HEAT" value="4" />
<Item label="ALARM WATER" value="5" />
<Item label="BASIC_SET" value="255" />
<Value type="byte" genre="config" instance="1" index="7" label="Forced Level of Dimming group 1" min="1" max="255" value="255">
<Help>Value of the parameter specifying the forced level of dimming / opening sun blinds when comes "switch on" / "open" command to devices from association group no. 1.
In the case of alarm frames the alarm priority is specified. Possible parameter settings: (1 – 99) and 255. Value of 255 makes it possible to activate the device when using the Dimmer module it means activating the device and setting it to the previous stored condition, e.g. when Dimmer is set to 30%, then deactivated, and then reactivated using command 255, it will automatically be set to the previous condition, i.e. 30%.</Help>
<Value type="byte" genre="config" instance="1" index="8" label="Forced Level of Dimming group 2" min="1" max="255" value="255">
<Help>Value of the parameter specifying the forced level of dimming / opening sun blinds when comes "switch on" / "open" command to devices from association group no. 2. In the case of alarm frames the alarm priority is specified. Possible parameter settings: (1 – 99) and 255. Value of 255 makes it possible to activate the device when using the Dimmer module it means activating the device and setting it to the previous stored condition, e.g. when Dimmer is set to 30%, then deactivated, and then reactivated using command 255, it will automatically be set to the previous condition, i.e. 30%.</Help>
<Value type="list" genre="config" instance="1" index="9" label="Deactivate transmission of frame cancelling alarm" value="0" size="1">
<Help>Deactivating transmission of the frame cancelling the alarm or the control frame deactivating the device (Basic). It allows for disabling the deactivation function or the alarm cancellation function for devices associated with the appropriate input of the Fibaro Sensor. NOTE: Information concerning alarm violation or activation commands for devices from association groups are always sent.</Help>
<Item label="Groups 1 and 2 sent" value="0" />
<Item label="Group 1 sent, Group 2 not sent." value="1" />
<Item label="Group 1 not sent, Group 2 sent." value="2" />
<Value type="byte" genre="config" instance="1" index="10" label="Interval between successive readings of temperature sensors" min="1" max="255" value="20">
<Help>Interval between successive readings of temperature from all sensors connected to the device in seconds. Note: taking temperature readings from the sensor does not result in sending a temperature condition report to the central hub.</Help>
<Value type="byte" genre="config" instance="1" index="11" label="Interval between forcing to send report concerning the temperature conditions" min="0" max="255" value="200">
<Help>Interval between forcing to send report concerning the temperature conditions. The forced report is sent immediately after the next reading of temperature from the sensor, irrespective of the settings of parameter no. 12. Value 0 = Deactivates the function. Note: Frequent sending of temperature condition reports is reasonable when the sensor is located somewhere where can occure rapid changes of ambient temperature. In other cases it is recommended to leave the parameter set to the default value.</Help>
<Value type="byte" genre="config" instance="1" index="12" label="Insensitiveness to temperature changes." min="0" max="255" value="8">
<Help>Insensitiveness to temperature changes. This is the maximum acceptable difference between the last reported temperature and the current temperature taken from the sensor. If the temperatures differ by the set value or more, then a report with the current temperature value is sent to the device assigned to association group no. 3. Intervals between taking readings from sensors are specified by parameter no. 10.
Possible parameter settings:0 – 255 [0oC to 16oC] [0 oF – 28.8oF]
In order to set the appropriate value of the parameter, the following formula should be used:
x = delta T x 16 - for Celsius
x = delta T x 80 / 9 - for Fahrenheit
x – parameter value
delta T – maximum acceptable temperature gradient in Celsius or Fahrenheit
If the value is set to 0, then information about the temperature will be sent every time, immediately once the readings have been taken from the sensor.</Help>
<Value type="list" genre="config" instance="1" index="13" label="Transmitting the alarm or control frame broadcast mode" value="0" size="1">
<Help>Transmitting the alarm or control frame in "broadcast" mode (i.e. to all devices within range), information sent in this mode is not repeated by the mesh network. NOTE: If the broadcast mode of information transmission is activated for a given channel, then transmission of information in singlecast mode to devices assigned to the association group of this channel is deactivated.</Help>
<Item label="IN1 and IN2 Broadcast inactive" value="0" />
<Item label="IN1 broadcast mode active, Sensor 2 broadcast mode inactive" value="1" />
<Item label="IN1 broadcast mode inactive, Sensor 2 broadcast mode active" value="2" />
<Item label="INI and IN2 broadcast mode active" value="3" />
<Value type="list" genre="config" instance="1" index="14" label="Scene activation" value="0" size="1">
<Help>Enable/Disable scene functionality. The device offers the possibility of sending commands compatible with Command class scene activation. Information is sent to devices assigned to association group no. 3.</Help>
<Item label="Scenes disabled" value="0" />
<Item label="Scenes enabled" value="1" />
<CommandClass id="96" mapping="endpoints" />
<!-- Association Groups -->
<CommandClass id="133">
<Associations num_groups="3">
<Group index="1" max_associations="5" label="Input IN1" auto="true"/>
<Group index="2" max_associations="5" label="Input IN2" auto="true" />
<Group index="3" max_associations="1" label="Temperature Sensor(s)" auto="true"/>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Product xmlns=''>
<!-- Configuration -->
<CommandClass id="112">
<Value type="list" genre="config" instance="1" index="1" label="1. Enable/Disable ALL ON/OFF" size="1" value="255">
<Help>Activate/Deactive ALL ON/OFF</Help>
<Item label="ALL ON disabled/ ALL OFF disabled" value="0" />
<Item label="ALL ON disabled/ ALL OFF active" value="1" />
<Item label="ALL ON active / ALL OFF disabled" value="2" />
<Item label="ALL ON active / ALL OFF active" value="255" />
<Value type="list" genre="config" instance="1" index="6" label="6. Separation of association sending (key 1)" size="1" value="0">
<Help>Activate/Deactivate association sending for group 1 - Note: Parameter 15 must set to 1 to work properly.</Help>
<Item label="Map status to all devices in group 1 (default)" value="0" />
<Item label="Map OFF status to all devices in group 1, Double click on key 1 will send ON to all devices in group 1, all dimmers set to prev.value" value="1" />
<Item label="Map OFF status to all devices in group 1, Double click on key 1 will send ON to all devices in group 1, all dimmers set to 100%" value="2" />
<Value type="list" genre="config" instance="1" index="7" label="7. Control key #2 behaviour" size="1" value="1">
<Help>Key no.2 is not represented by any physical device except of devices on association list.
This functionality prevents of lack of reaction on pressing key no.2 through polling devices
from association list one by one and checking their actual statuses.
<Item label="Device status is not checked" value="0" />
<Item label="Device status is checked" value="1" />
<Value type="byte" genre="config" instance="1" index="8" label="8. Dimming step at automatic control" min="1" max="99" units="%" value="1">
<Help>Options for changing parameter 1-99</Help>
<Value type="byte" genre="config" instance="1" index="9" label="9. Time of MANUALLY moving between the extreme dimming values" units="ms" min="1" max="255" value="5">
<Help>Options for changing parameter 1-255 (10ms - 2,5s)</Help>
<!-- Version 1.9 has a bug that requires this value be set to 0 or the
dimmer gets stuck and won't respond to switch presses -->
<Value type="byte" genre="config" instance="1" index="10" label="10. Time of AUTOMATIC moving between the extreme dimming values" min="0" max="255" units="ms" value="1">
<Help>Options for changing parameter 1-255 (10ms - 2,5s) - 0: this value disables the smooth change in light intensity. NOTE: value 0 is required for inductive and capacitive devices unsuitable for dimming (e.g. fluorescent lamps, motors, etc...)</Help>
<Value type="byte" genre="config" instance="1" index="11" label="11. Dimming step at manual control" min="1" max="99" units="%" value="1">
<Help>Options for changing parameter 1-99</Help>
<Value type="byte" genre="config" instance="1" index="12" label="12. Maximum dimmer level control" min="2" max="99" units="%" value="99">
<Help>Options for changing parameter 2-99</Help>
<Value type="byte" genre="config" instance="1" index="13" label="13. Minimum dimmer level control" min="1" max="98" units="5" value="2">
<Help>Options for changing parameter 1-98</Help>
<Value type="list" genre="config" instance="1" index="14" label="14. Inputs Button/Switch configuration" size="1" value="0">
<Help>Binary inputs type configuration</Help>
<Item label="Mono-stable input (button)" value="0"/>
<Item label="Bi-stable input (switch)" value="1"/>
<Value type="list" genre="config" instance="1" index="15" label="15. Double click option" size="1" value="1">
<Help>Double-click set lighting at 100%</Help>
<Item label="Disable double click" value="0"/>
<Item label="Enable double click" value="1"/>
<Value type="list" genre="config" instance="1" index="16" label="16. Saving state before power faillure" size="1" value="1">
<Help>Saving state before power faillure</Help>
<Item label="State NOT saved at power failure, all outputs are set to OFF upon power restore" value="0"/>
<Item label="State saved at power failure, all outputs are set to previous state upon power restore" value="1"/>
<Value type="list" genre="config" instance="1" index="17" label="17. 3-way switch" size="1" value="0">
<Help>The function of 3-way switch provides the option to double key no. 1. The dimmer may control two bi-stable push-buttons or an infinite number of mono-stable push-buttons. (default value 0)</Help>
<Item label="Disable" value="0"/>
<Item label="Enable" value="1"/>
<Value type="list" genre="config" instance="1" index="18" label="18. Synchronizing light level for associated devices" size="1" value="0">
<Help>The dimmer communicate the level to the associated devices. (default value 0)</Help>
<Item label="Disable" value="0"/>
<Item label="Enable" value="1"/>
<Value type="list" genre="config" instance="1" index="19" label="19. Change [On-Off] bi-stable keys" size="1" value="0">
<Help>This function allow user to change [On-Off] bi-stable keys (parameter no. 14) (default value 0)</Help>
<Item label="Disable" value="0"/>
<Item label="Enable" value="1"/>
<Value type="byte" genre="config" instance="1" index="20" label="20. ADVANCED Impulse length" min="100" max="170" value="110">
<Help>This function will enable decreasing the minimum level of the Dimmer by extending the control impulse.[100 - 170]
By changing the minimem level, the user may completely dim LED bulbs.
Not all LED bulbs available on the market have the dimmming option.
WARNING: Wrong setting of the function may cause incorrect operation of the Dimmer.</Help>
<Value type="list" genre="config" instance="1" index="30" label="30. Alarm" size="1" value="3">
<Help>Alarm of any type (general alarm, water flooding alarm, smoke alarm: CO, CO2, temperature alarm) défault value 3-alarm flashing</Help>
<Item label="DEACTIVATION - no response to alarm frames" value="0"/>
<Item label="ALARM DIMMER ON - device turn ON upon receipt of alarm frame" value="1"/>
<Item label="ALARM DIMMER OFF - device will turn OFF upon receipt of alarm frame" value="2"/>
<Item label="ALARM FLASHING - device will turn ON and OFF periodically (see param.39)" value="3"/>
<Value type="short" genre="config" instance="1" index="39" label="39. ALARM FLASHING alarm time" min="1" max="65535" units="s" value="600">
<Help>Amount of time the device keeps on flashing after receipt of Alarm Frame (1s-65535s)</Help>
<!-- Association Groups -->
<CommandClass id="133">
<Associations num_groups="3">
<Group index="1" max_associations="5" label="Group 1" auto="true"/>
<Group index="2" max_associations="5" label="Group 2" auto="true" />
<Group index="3" max_associations="1" label="Controller Updates" auto="true"/>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Product xmlns=''>
<!-- Configuration -->
<CommandClass id="112">
<Value type="short" genre="config" instance="1" index="1" label="IN1 Alarm Cancellation Delay" min="0" max="65535" value="0">
<Help>Input I alarm cancellation delay. Additional delay after an alarm from input IN1 has ceased. The parameter allows you to specify additional time, after which the input no. 1 alarm is cancelled once its violation has ceased.</Help>
<Value type="short" genre="config" instance="1" index="2" label="Status change signalled by LED" min="0" max="1" value="1">
<Help>Status change signalled by LED
Default setting: 1
Available parameter settings:
0 - LED turned Off,
1 - LED turned Onhas ceased.
<Value type="list" genre="config" instance="1" index="3" label="Type of input no. 1" value="1" size="1">
<Help>Type of input no. 1, what the input 1 will report if no contact is made</Help>
<Item label="NO (Normal Open)" value="0" />
<Item label="NC (Normal Close)" value="1" />
<Item label="MONOSTABLE" value="2" />
<Item label="BISTABLE" value="3" />
<Value type="list" genre="config" instance="1" index="5" label="Type of transmitted control frame for association group 1" value="255" size="1">
<Help>Type of transmitted control frame for association group 1, activated via input IN1. The parameter allows to specify the type of alarm frame or to force transmission of control commands (BASIC_SET)</Help>
<Item label="ALARM GENERIC" value="0" />
<Item label="ALARM SMOKE" value="1" />
<Item label="ALARM CO" value="2" />
<Item label="ALARM CO2" value="3" />
<Item label="ALARM HEAT" value="4" />
<Item label="ALARM WATER" value="5" />
<Item label="BASIC_SET" value="255" />
<Value type="byte" genre="config" instance="1" index="7" label="Forced Level of Dimming group 1" min="1" max="255" value="255">
<Help>Value of the parameter specifying the forced level of dimming / opening sun blinds when comes "switch on" / "open" command to devices from association group no. 1.
In the case of alarm frames the alarm priority is specified. Possible parameter settings: (1 - 99) and 255. Value of 255 makes it possible to activate the device when using the Dimmer module it means activating the device and setting it to the previous stored condition, e.g. when Dimmer is set to 30%, then deactivated, and then reactivated using command 255, it will automatically be set to the previous condition, i.e. 30%.</Help>
<Value type="list" genre="config" instance="1" index="9" label="Deactivate transmission of frame cancelling alarm" value="0" size="1">
<Help>Deactivating transmission of the frame cancelling the alarm or the control frame deactivating the device (Basic). It allows for disabling the deactivation function or the alarm cancellation function for devices associated with the appropriate input of the Fibaro Sensor. NOTE: Information concerning alarm violation or activation commands for devices from association groups are always sent.</Help>
<Item label="Groups 1 and 2 sent" value="0" />
<Item label="Group 1 sent, Group 2 not sent." value="1" />
<Item label="Group 1 not sent, Group 2 sent." value="2" />
<Value type="byte" genre="config" instance="1" index="10" label="Interval between successive readings of temperature sensors" min="1" max="255" value="20">
<Help>Interval between successive readings of temperature from all sensors connected to the device in seconds. Note: taking temperature readings from the sensor does not result in sending a temperature condition report to the central hub.</Help>
<Value type="byte" genre="config" instance="1" index="11" label="Interval between forcing to send report concerning the temperature conditions" min="0" max="255" value="200">
<Help>Interval between forcing to send report concerning the temperature conditions. The forced report is sent immediately after the next reading of temperature from the sensor, irrespective of the settings of parameter no. 12. Value 0 = Deactivates the function. Note: Frequent sending of temperature condition reports is reasonable when the sensor is located somewhere where can occure rapid changes of ambient temperature. In other cases it is recommended to leave the parameter set to the default value.</Help>
<Value type="byte" genre="config" instance="1" index="12" label="Insensitiveness to temperature changes." min="0" max="255" value="8">
<Help>Insensitiveness to temperature changes. This is the maximum acceptable difference between the last reported temperature and the current temperature taken from the sensor. If the temperatures differ by the set value or more, then a report with the current temperature value is sent to the device assigned to association group no. 3. Intervals between taking readings from sensors are specified by parameter no. 10.
Possible parameter settings:0 - 255 [0oC to 16oC] [0 oF - 28.8oF]
In order to set the appropriate value of the parameter, the following formula should be used:
x = delta T x 16 - for Celsius
x = delta T x 80 / 9 - for Fahrenheit
x - parameter value
delta T - maximum acceptable temperature gradient in Celsius or Fahrenheit
If the value is set to 0, then information about the temperature will be sent every time, immediately once the readings have been taken from the sensor.</Help>
<Value type="list" genre="config" instance="1" index="13" label="Transmitting the alarm or control frame broadcast mode" value="0" size="1">
<Help>Transmitting the alarm or control frame in "broadcast" mode (i.e. to all devices within range), information sent in this mode is not repeated by the mesh network. NOTE: If the broadcast mode of information transmission is activated for a given channel, then transmission of information in singlecast mode to devices assigned to the association group of this channel is deactivated.</Help>
<Item label="IN1 and IN2 Broadcast inactive" value="0" />
<Item label="IN1 broadcast mode active, Sensor 2 broadcast mode inactive" value="1" />
<Item label="IN1 broadcast mode inactive, Sensor 2 broadcast mode active" value="2" />
<Item label="INI and IN2 broadcast mode active" value="3" />
<Value type="list" genre="config" instance="1" index="14" label="Scene activation" value="0" size="1">
<Help>Enable/Disable scene functionality. The device offers the possibility of sending commands compatible with Command class scene activation. Information is sent to devices assigned to association group no. 3.</Help>
<Item label="Scenes disabled" value="0" />
<Item label="Scenes enabled" value="1" />
<!-- Basic set as report -->
<CommandClass id="32" setasreport="true"/>
<!-- Association Groups -->
<CommandClass id="133">
<Associations num_groups="3">
<Group index="1" max_associations="5" label="Input IN1" auto="true"/>
<Group index="2" max_associations="5" label="TMP Button" auto="true" />
<Group index="3" max_associations="1" label="Condition" auto="true"/>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Product xmlns=''>
<!-- Configuration -->
<CommandClass id="112">
<Value type="list" genre="config" instance="1" index="1" label="Activate / deactivate functions ALL ON / ALL OFF" value="0" size="1">
<Help> </Help>
<Item label="ALL ON disabled/ ALL OFF disable - Default" value="0" />
<Item label="ALL ON disabled/ ALL OFF active" value="1" />
<Item label="ALL ON active / ALL OFF disabled" value="2" />
<Item label="ALL ON active / ALL OFF active" value="255" />
<Value type="list" genre="config" instance="1" index="10" label="Turning off the shutter positioning function" value="0" size="1">
<Help> </Help>
<Item label="Turning on the shutter positioning function - Default" value="0"/>
<Item label="Turning off the shutter positioning function" value="1"/>
<Value type="list" genre="config" instance="1" index="14" label="14. Inputs Button/Switch configuration" value="0" size="1">
<Help>Binary inputs type configuration</Help>
<Item label="Mono-stable switch (button) - Default" value="0"/>
<Item label="Bi-stable switch (switch)" value="1"/>
<Item label="Single Mono-stable switch" value="2"/>
<Value type="byte" genre="config" instance="1" index="20" label="Saving the position Favourites" value="16" size="1">
<Help>Options for changing parameter 1-99, default 16</Help>
<Value type="list" genre="config" instance="1" index="30" label="General Alarm, set for shutter no. 1" value="2" size="1">
<Help> </Help>
<Item label="DEACTIVATION - the device does not respond to alarm data frames" value="0"/>
<Item label="OPEN SHUTTER ALARM - the device closes the roller shutter after detecting an alarm" value="1"/>
<Item label="CLOSED SHUTTER ALARM - the device opens the roller shutter after detecting an alarm - Default" value="2"/>
<Value type="list" genre="config" instance="1" index="31" label="Alarm of flooding with water, set for relay the shutter." value="0" size="1">
<Help> </Help>
<Item label="DEACTIVATION - the device does not respond to alarm data frames - Default" value="0"/>
<Item label="OPEN SHUTTER ALARM - the device closes the roller shutter after detecting an alarm" value="1"/>
<Item label="CLOSED SHUTTER ALARM - the device opens the roller shutter after detecting an alarm" value="2"/>
<Value type="list" genre="config" instance="1" index="32" label="Smoke, CO, CO2 Alarm. Set for the roller shutter." value="1" size="1">
<Help> </Help>
<Item label="DEACTIVATION - the device does not respond to alarm data frames" value="0"/>
<Item label="OPEN SHUTTER ALARM - the device closes the roller shutter after detecting an alarm - Default" value="1"/>
<Item label="CLOSED SHUTTER ALARM - the device opens the roller shutter after detecting an alarm" value="2"/>
<Value type="list" genre="config" instance="1" index="33" label="Temperature Alarm, set for roller shutter" value="1" size="1">
<Help> </Help>
<Item label="DEACTIVATION - the device does not respond to alarm data frames" value="0"/>
<Item label="OPEN SHUTTER ALARM - the device closes the roller shutter after detecting an alarm - Default" value="1"/>
<Item label="CLOSED SHUTTER ALARM - the device opens the roller shutter after detecting an alarm" value="2"/>
<Value type="byte" genre="config" instance="1" index="41" label="Scene activation functionality" value="0" size="1">
<Help> Only valid for the 1.9 version of FGR221. The device offers the possibility of sending commands compatible with Command class scene activation. Information is sent to devices assigned to association group no. 3. Controllers such as Home Center 2 are able to interpret such commands and based on these commands they activate scenes, to which specific scene IDs have been assigned. The user may expand the functionality of the button connected to inputs S1 and S2 by distinguishing the actions of keys connected to those inputs. For example: double click would activate the scene goodnight and triple click would activate the scene morning.
<Item label="Deactivation of functionality - Default" value="0"/>
<Item label="Activation of functionality" value="1"/>
<CommandClass id="96" mapping="endpoints" />
<!-- Association Groups -->
<CommandClass id="133">
<Associations num_groups="3">
<Group index="1" max_associations="16" label="Group 1" auto="false"/>
<Group index="2" max_associations="16" label="Group 2" auto="false" />
<Group index="3" max_associations="1" label="Send updates" auto="true"/>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Product xmlns=''>
<!-- Configuration -->
<CommandClass id="112">
<Value type="list" genre="config" instance="1" index="1" label="1. Enable/Disable ALL ON/OFF" size="1" value="255">
<Help>Activate/Deactive ALL ON/OFF</Help>
<Item label="ALL ON disabled/ ALL OFF disabled" value="0" />
<Item label="ALL ON disabled/ ALL OFF active" value="1" />
<Item label="ALL ON active / ALL OFF disabled" value="2" />
<Item label="ALL ON active / ALL OFF active" value="255" />
<Value type="list" genre="config" instance="1" index="6" label="6. Associations command class choice" size="1" value="0">
<Help>Choose which command classes are sent to associated devices.</Help>
<Item label="Normal (Dimmer) - BASIC SET/SWITCH_MULTILEVEL_START/STOP" value="0" />
<Item label="Normal (RGBW) - COLOR_CONTROL_SET/START/STOP_STATE_CHANGE" value="1" />
<Item label="Normal (RGBW) - COLOR_CONTROL_SET" value="2" />
<Item label="Brightness - BASIC SET/SWITCH_MULTILEVEL_START/STOP" value="3" />
<Item label="Rainbow (RGBW) - COLOR_CONTROL_SET" value="4" />
<Value type="list" genre="config" instance="1" index="8" label="8. Outputs state change mode" size="1" value="0">
<Help>Choose the behaviour of transitions between different levels.</Help>
<Item label="MODE 1 - Constant Speed (speed is defined by parameters 9 and 10)" value="0" />
<Item label="MODE 2 - Constant Time (RGB/RBGW only. Time is defined by parameter 11)" value="1" />
<Value type="byte" genre="config" instance="1" index="9" label="9. Dimming step value (for MODE 1)" min="1" max="99" units="" value="1">
<Help>Size of the step for each change in level during the transition.</Help>
<Value type="short" genre="config" instance="1" index="10" label="10. Time between dimming steps (for MODE 1)" min="0" max="60000" units="ms" value="10">
<Help>Time between each step in a transition between levels. Setting this to zero means an instantaneous change.</Help>
<Value type="byte" genre="config" instance="1" index="11" label="11. Time to complete the entire transition (for MODE 2)" min="0" max="255" units="" value="67">
<Help>0 - immediate change; 1->63: 20ms->126ms (value*20ms); 65->127: 1s->63s (value-64)*1s; 129->191: 10s->630s (value-128)*10s; 193->255: 1min->63min (value-192)*1min. Default setting: 67 (3s)</Help>
<Value type="byte" genre="config" instance="1" index="12" label="12. Maximum dimmer level" min="3" max="255" units="" value="255">
<Help>Maximum brightness level for the dimmer</Help>
<Value type="byte" genre="config" instance="1" index="13" label="13. Minimum dimmer level" min="2" max="255" units="" value="2">
<Help>Minimum brightness level for the dimmer</Help>
<Value type="short" genre="config" instance="1" index="14" label="14. Inputs / Outputs configuration" value="4369">
<Help>This is too complex to describe here, since this value is built up from 4-bits for each of the 4 channels. Refer to the table in the product manual. Default value is 4369 (1111 in hex).</Help>
<Value type="list" genre="config" instance="1" index="16" label="16. Saving state before power faillure" size="1" value="1">
<Help>Saving state before power faillure</Help>
<Item label="State NOT saved at power failure, all outputs are set to OFF upon power restore" value="0"/>
<Item label="State saved at power failure, all outputs are set to previous state upon power restore" value="1"/>
<Value type="list" genre="config" instance="1" index="30" label="30. Alarm" size="1" value="3">
<Help>Alarm of any type (general alarm, water flooding alarm, smoke alarm: CO, CO2, temperature alarm). Default setting 0 (Inactive)</Help>
<Item label="INACTIVE - no response to alarm frames" value="0"/>
<Item label="ALARM ON - the device turns on once alarm is detected (all channels set to 99%)" value="1"/>
<Item label="ALARM OFF - the device turns off once alarm is detected (all channels set to 0%)" value="2"/>
<Item label="ALARM PROGRAM - alarm sequence turns on (program selected in parameter 38)" value="3"/>
<Value type="byte" genre="config" instance="1" index="38" label="38. Alarm sequence program" min="1" max="10" units="" value="10">
<Help>Program number selected from the 10 available.</Help>
<Value type="short" genre="config" instance="1" index="39" label="39. Active PROGRAM alarm time" min="1" max="65534" units="s" value="600">
<Help>In ALARM PROGRAM mode (see parameter 30), this defines the time in seconds the program lasts (1s->65534s)</Help>
<Value type="list" genre="config" instance="1" index="42" label="42. Command class reporting Outputs status change" size="1" value="0">
<Help>Specify which command class is used to report output status changes</Help>
<Item label="Reporting as a result of inputs and controllers actions (SWITCH MULTILEVEL)" value="0"/>
<Item label="Reporting as a result inputs actions (SWITCH MULTILEVEL)" value="1"/>
<Item label="Reporting as a result inputs actions (COLOUR_CONTROL)" value="2"/>
<Value type="byte" genre="config" instance="1" index="43" label="43. Reporting 0-10v analog inputs change threshold" min="1" max="100" units="*0.1V" value="5">
<Help>Parameter defines a value by which input voltage must change in order to be reported to the main controller. New value is calculated based on last reported value: Default setting: 5 (0.5V). Range: 1->100 - (0.1V->10V).</Help>
<Value type="short" genre="config" instance="1" index="44" label="44. Power load reporting frequency" min="1" max="65534" units="s" value="30">
<Help>Sent if last reported value differs from the current value. Reports will also be sent in case of polling. Default setting: 30 (30s). Range: 1->65534 (1s->65534s) - interval between reports. Zero means reports are only sent in the case of polling, or at turning OFF the device</Help>
<Value type="byte" genre="config" instance="1" index="45" label="45. Reporting changes in energy consumed by controlled devices" min="1" max="254" units="*0.01kWh" value="10">
<Help>Interval between energy consumption reports (in kWh). New reported energy consumption value is calculated based on last reported value. 1->254 (0.01kWh->2.54kWh). Zero means changes in consumed energy will not be reported, except in case of polling.</Help>
<Value type="list" genre="config" instance="1" index="71" label="71. Response to BRIGHTNESS set to 0%" size="1" value="1">
<Help>Set whether to remember the previous RGB mix after the brightness has fallen to zero (black)</Help>
<Item label="Illumination colour set to white (all channels controlled together)" value="0"/>
<Item label="Last set colour is memorized" value="1"/>
<Value type="byte" genre="config" instance="1" index="72" label="72. Starting predefined program" min="1" max="10" units="" value="1">
<Help>First predefined program to use when device is set to work in RGB/RGBW mode (parameter 14)</Help>
<Value type="list" genre="config" instance="1" index="73" label="73. Triple Click Action" size="1" value="0">
<Help>Behaviour when an input is triple-clicked</Help>
<Item label="NODE INFO control frame is sent" value="0"/>
<Item label="Start favourite program" value="1"/>
<!-- Association Groups -->
<CommandClass id="133">
<Associations num_groups="5">
<Group index="1" max_associations="5" label="Input 1" auto="true"/>
<Group index="2" max_associations="5" label="Input 2" auto="true" />
<Group index="3" max_associations="5" label="Input 3" auto="true"/>
<Group index="4" max_associations="5" label="Input 4" auto="true"/>
<Group index="5" max_associations="1" label="Controller Updates" auto="true"/>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Product xmlns=''>
<!-- Configuration -->
<CommandClass id="112">
<Value type="list" genre="config" instance="1" index="1" label="1. Enable/Disable ALL ON/OFF" value="255" size="1">
<Help>Activate/Deactive ALL ON/OFF</Help>
<Item label="ALL ON disabled/ ALL OFF disabled" value="0" />
<Item label="ALL ON disabled/ ALL OFF active" value="1" />
<Item label="ALL ON active / ALL OFF disabled" value="2" />
<Item label="ALL ON active / ALL OFF active" value="255" />
<Value type="list" genre="config" instance="1" index="3" label="3. Enable/Disable OFF-delay" value="0" size="1">
<Help>Activate/Deactivate Automatic turning off relay after set time</Help>
<Item label="Auto OFF disabled for both relays" value="0" />
<Item label="Auto OFF active only for relay 1" value="1" />
<Item label="Auto OFF active only for relay 2" value="2" />
<Item label="Auto OFF active for both relays" value="3" />
<Value type="byte" genre="config" instance="1" index="4" label="4. Relay: OFF-delay time (10ms)" value="20" size="1">
<Help>Automatic turning off relay 1 after set time, in 10ms increments (default: 200ms)</Help>
<Value type="list" genre="config" instance="1" index="6" label="6. Separation of association sending (key 1)" value="0" size="1">
<Help>Activate/Deactivate association sending for group 1 - Also see param #15</Help>
<Item label="Map status to all devices in group 1 (default)" value="0" />
<Item label="Map OFF status to all devices in group 1, Double click on key 1 will send ON to all devices in group 1, all dimmers set to prev.value" value="1" />
<Item label="Map OFF status to all devices in group 1, Double click on key 1 will send ON to all devices in group 1, all dimmers set to 100%" value="2" />
<Value type="list" genre="config" instance="1" index="13" label="13. Inputs behaviour" value="0" size="1">
<Help>In case of bi-stable switches, define their behaviour (toggle or follow)</Help>
<Item label="Toggle" value="0"/>
<Item label="Follow switch contact (closed=ON, open=OFF)" value="1"/>
<Value type="list" genre="config" instance="1" index="14" label="14. Inputs Button/Switch configuration" value="1" size="1">
<Help>Binary inputs type configuration</Help>
<Item label="Mono-stable input (button)" value="0"/>
<Item label="Bi-stable input (switch)" value="1"/>
<Value type="list" genre="config" instance="1" index="15" label="15. Dimmer/Roller shutter control" value="0" size="1">
<Help>Enable/Disable opoeration of dimmer or roller shutter devices associated to group 1.
Available only when using mono-stable inputs (buttons) - Hold button 1 or double-tap for operation</Help>
<Item label="Disable Dimmer/Roller shutter control" value="0"/>
<Item label="Enable Dimmer/Roller shutter control" value="1"/>
<Value type="list" genre="config" instance="1" index="16" label="16. Saving state before power faillure" value="1" size="1">
<Help>Saving state before power faillure</Help>
<Item label="State NOT saved at power failure, all outputs are set to OFF upon power restore" value="0"/>
<Item label="State saved at power failure, all outputs are set to previous state upon power restore" value="1"/>
<Value type="list" genre="config" instance="1" index="30" label="30. Relay: Response to General Alarm" value="3" size="1">
<Item label="DEACTIVATION - no response to alarm frames" value="0"/>
<Item label="ALARM RELAY ON - relay will turn ON upon receipt of alarm frame" value="1"/>
<Item label="ALARM RELAY OFF - relay will turn OFF upon receipt of alarm frame" value="2"/>
<Item label="ALARM FLASHING - relay will turn ON and OFF periodically (see param.39)" value="3"/>
<Value type="list" genre="config" instance="1" index="31" label="31. Relay: Response to Water Flood Alarm" value="2" size="1">
<Item label="DEACTIVATION - no response to alarm frames" value="0"/>
<Item label="ALARM RELAY ON - relay will turn ON upon receipt of alarm frame" value="1"/>
<Item label="ALARM RELAY OFF - relay will turn OFF upon receipt of alarm frame" value="2"/>
<Item label="ALARM FLASHING - relay will turn ON and OFF periodically (see param.39)" value="3"/>
<Value type="byte" genre="config" instance="1" index="32" label="32. Relay: Response to Smoke, CO, CO2 Alarm" value="3" size="1">
<Item label="DEACTIVATION - no response to alarm frames" value="0"/>
<Item label="ALARM RELAY ON - relay will turn ON upon receipt of alarm frame" value="1"/>
<Item label="ALARM RELAY OFF - relay will turn OFF upon receipt of alarm frame" value="2"/>
<Item label="ALARM FLASHING - relay will turn ON and OFF periodically (see param.39)" value="3"/>
<Value type="byte" genre="config" instance="1" index="33" label="33. Relay: Response to Temperature Alarm" value="1" size="1">
<Item label="DEACTIVATION - no response to alarm frames" value="0"/>
<Item label="ALARM RELAY ON - relay will turn ON upon receipt of alarm frame" value="1"/>
<Item label="ALARM RELAY OFF - relay will turn OFF upon receipt of alarm frame" value="2"/>
<Item label="ALARM FLASHING - relay will turn ON and OFF periodically (see param.39)" value="3"/>
<Value type="byte" genre="config" instance="1" index="39" label="39. ALARM FLASHING alarm time" value="600" size="2">
<Help>Amount of time (ms) the device keeps on flashing after receipt of Alarm Frame</Help>
<!-- Association Groups -->
<CommandClass id="133">
<Associations num_groups="3">
<Group index="1" max_associations="16" label="Group 1" auto="false"/>
<Group index="2" max_associations="16" label="Group 2" auto="false" />
<Group index="3" max_associations="1" label="Send updates" auto="true"/>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Product xmlns=''>
<!-- Configuration -->
<CommandClass id="112">
<Value type="list" genre="config" instance="1" index="1" label="1. Enable/Disable ALL ON/OFF" value="255" size="1">
<Help>Activate/Deactive ALL ON/OFF</Help>
<Item label="ALL ON disabled/ ALL OFF disabled" value="0" />
<Item label="ALL ON disabled/ ALL OFF active" value="1" />
<Item label="ALL ON active / ALL OFF disabled" value="2" />
<Item label="ALL ON active / ALL OFF active" value="255" />
<Value type="list" genre="config" instance="1" index="3" label="3. Enable/Disable OFF-delay" value="0" size="1">
<Help>Activate/Deactivate Automatic turning off relay after set time</Help>
<Item label="Auto OFF disabled for both relays" value="0" />
<Item label="Auto OFF active only for relay 1" value="1" />
<Item label="Auto OFF active only for relay 2" value="2" />
<Item label="Auto OFF active for both relays" value="3" />
<Value type="byte" genre="config" instance="1" index="4" label="4. Relay 1: OFF-delay time (10ms)" value="20" size="1">
<Help>Automatic turning off relay 1 after set time, in 10ms increments (default: 200ms)</Help>
<Value type="byte" genre="config" instance="1" index="5" label="5. Relay 2: OFF-delay time (10ms)" value="20" size="1">
<Help>Automatic turning off relay 2 after set time, in 10ms increments (default: 200ms)</Help>
<Value type="list" genre="config" instance="1" index="6" label="6. Separation of association sending (key 1)" value="0" size="1">
<Help>Activate/Deactivate association sending for group 1 - Also see param #16</Help>
<Item label="Map status to all devices in group 1 (default)" value="0" />
<Item label="Map OFF status to all devices in group 1, Double click on key 1 will send ON to all devices in group 1, all dimmers set to prev.value" value="1" />
<Item label="Map OFF status to all devices in group 1, Double click on key 1 will send ON to all devices in group 1, all dimmers set to 100%" value="2" />
<Value type="list" genre="config" instance="1" index="7" label="7. Control key #2 behaviour" value="1" size="1">
<Help>Key no.2 is not represented by any physical device except of devices on association list.
This functionality prevents of lack of reaction on pressing key no.2 through polling devices
from association list one by one and checking their actual statuses.
<Item label="Device status is not checked" value="0" />
<Item label="Device status is checked" value="1" />
<Value type="list" genre="config" instance="1" index="13" label="13. Inputs behaviour" value="0" size="1">
<Help>In case of bi-stable switches, define their behaviour (toggle or follow)</Help>
<Item label="Toggle" value="0"/>
<Item label="Follow switch contact (closed=ON, open=OFF)" value="1"/>
<Value type="list" genre="config" instance="1" index="14" label="14. Inputs Button/Switch configuration" value="1" size="1">
<Help>Binary inputs type configuration</Help>
<Item label="Mono-stable input (button)" value="0"/>
<Item label="Bi-stable input (switch)" value="1"/>
<Value type="list" genre="config" instance="1" index="15" label="15. Dimmer/Roller shutter control" value="0" size="1">
<Help>Enable/Disable opoeration of dimmer or roller shutter devices associated to group 1.
Available only when using mono-stable inputs (buttons) - Hold button 1 or double-tap for operation</Help>
<Item label="Disable Dimmer/Roller shutter control" value="0"/>
<Item label="Enable Dimmer/Roller shutter control" value="1"/>
<Value type="list" genre="config" instance="1" index="16" label="16. Saving state before power faillure" value="1" size="1">
<Help>Saving state before power faillure</Help>
<Item label="State NOT saved at power failure, all outputs are set to OFF upon power restore" value="0"/>
<Item label="State saved at power failure, all outputs are set to previous state upon power restore" value="1"/>
<Value type="list" genre="config" instance="1" index="30" label="30. Relay 1: Response to General Alarm" value="3" size="1">
<Item label="DEACTIVATION - no response to alarm frames" value="0"/>
<Item label="ALARM RELAY ON - relay will turn ON upon receipt of alarm frame" value="1"/>
<Item label="ALARM RELAY OFF - relay will turn OFF upon receipt of alarm frame" value="2"/>
<Item label="ALARM FLASHING - relay will turn ON and OFF periodically (see param.39)" value="3"/>
<Value type="list" genre="config" instance="1" index="31" label="31. Relay 1: Response to Water Flood Alarm" value="2" size="1">
<Item label="DEACTIVATION - no response to alarm frames" value="0"/>
<Item label="ALARM RELAY ON - relay will turn ON upon receipt of alarm frame" value="1"/>
<Item label="ALARM RELAY OFF - relay will turn OFF upon receipt of alarm frame" value="2"/>
<Item label="ALARM FLASHING - relay will turn ON and OFF periodically (see param.39)" value="3"/>
<Value type="byte" genre="config" instance="1" index="32" label="32. Relay 1: Response to Smoke, CO, CO2 Alarm" value="3" size="1">
<Item label="DEACTIVATION - no response to alarm frames" value="0"/>
<Item label="ALARM RELAY ON - relay will turn ON upon receipt of alarm frame" value="1"/>
<Item label="ALARM RELAY OFF - relay will turn OFF upon receipt of alarm frame" value="2"/>
<Item label="ALARM FLASHING - relay will turn ON and OFF periodically (see param.39)" value="3"/>
<Value type="byte" genre="config" instance="1" index="33" label="33. Relay 1: Response to Temperature Alarm" value="1" size="1">
<Item label="DEACTIVATION - no response to alarm frames" value="0"/>
<Item label="ALARM RELAY ON - relay will turn ON upon receipt of alarm frame" value="1"/>
<Item label="ALARM RELAY OFF - relay will turn OFF upon receipt of alarm frame" value="2"/>
<Item label="ALARM FLASHING - relay will turn ON and OFF periodically (see param.39)" value="3"/>
<Value type="byte" genre="config" instance="1" index="39" label="39. ALARM FLASHING alarm time" value="600" size="2">
<Help>Amount of time (ms) the device keeps on flashing after receipt of Alarm Frame</Help>
<Value type="list" genre="config" instance="1" index="40" label="40. Relay 2: Response to General Alarm" value="3" size="1">
<Item label="DEACTIVATION - no response to alarm frames" value="0"/>
<Item label="ALARM RELAY ON - relay will turn ON upon receipt of alarm frame" value="1"/>
<Item label="ALARM RELAY OFF - relay will turn OFF upon receipt of alarm frame" value="2"/>
<Item label="ALARM FLASHING - relay will turn ON and OFF periodically (see param.39)" value="3"/>
<Value type="list" genre="config" instance="1" index="41" label="41. Relay 2: Response to Water Flood Alarm" value="2" size="1">
<Item label="DEACTIVATION - no response to alarm frames" value="0"/>
<Item label="ALARM RELAY ON - relay will turn ON upon receipt of alarm frame" value="1"/>
<Item label="ALARM RELAY OFF - relay will turn OFF upon receipt of alarm frame" value="2"/>
<Item label="ALARM FLASHING - relay will turn ON and OFF periodically (see param.39)" value="3"/>
<Value type="byte" genre="config" instance="1" index="42" label="42. Relay 2: Response to Smoke, CO, CO2 Alarm" value="3" size="1">
<Item label="DEACTIVATION - no response to alarm frames" value="0"/>
<Item label="ALARM RELAY ON - relay will turn ON upon receipt of alarm frame" value="1"/>
<Item label="ALARM RELAY OFF - relay will turn OFF upon receipt of alarm frame" value="2"/>
<Item label="ALARM FLASHING - relay will turn ON and OFF periodically (see param.39)" value="3"/>
<Value type="byte" genre="config" instance="1" index="43" label="43. Relay 2: Response to Temperature Alarm" value="1" size="1">
<Item label="DEACTIVATION - no response to alarm frames" value="0"/>
<Item label="ALARM RELAY ON - relay will turn ON upon receipt of alarm frame" value="1"/>
<Item label="ALARM RELAY OFF - relay will turn OFF upon receipt of alarm frame" value="2"/>
<Item label="ALARM FLASHING - relay will turn ON and OFF periodically (see param.39)" value="3"/>
<CommandClass id="96" mapping="endpoints" />
<!-- Association Groups -->
<CommandClass id="133">
<Associations num_groups="3">
<Group index="1" max_associations="16" label="Group 1" auto="false"/>
<Group index="2" max_associations="16" label="Group 2" auto="false" />
<Group index="3" max_associations="1" label="Send updates" auto="true"/>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Product xmlns=''>
<!-- Configuration -->
<CommandClass id="112">
<Value type="list" genre="config" instance="1" index="1" label="1. Always on function" value="1" size="1">
<Help>Once activated, Wall Plug will keep a connected device constantly
ON, will stop reacting to alarm frames and B-button push.
"Always on" function turns the Plug into a power and energy meter.
Also, connected device will not be turned off upon receiving an alarm
frame from another Z-Wave device (parameter 35 will be ignored).
In "Always on" mode, connected device may be turned off only after
user defined power has been exceeded (parameter 70). In such a
case, connected device can be turned on again by pushing the
B-button or sending a control frame. By default, overload protection
is inactive. Default setting: 1</Help>
<Item label="function activated" value="0" />
<Item label="function inactive" value="1" />
<Value type="list" genre="config" instance="1" index="16" label="16 - Remember device status after power failure" value="1" size="1">
<Help>Define how will the Plug react after the power supply is back on. Default setting: 1</Help>
<Item label="Wall Plug does not memorize its state after a power failure" value="0" />
<Item label="Wall Plug memorizes its state after a power failure" value="1" />
<Value type="list" genre="config" instance="1" index="34" label="34. Reaction to alarms" value="255" size="1">
<Help>Type of transmitted control frame for association group 1, activated via input IN1. The parameter allows to specify the type of alarm frame or to force transmission of control commands (BASIC_SET)</Help>
<Item label="ALARM GENERIC" value="1" />
<Item label="ALARM SMOKE" value="2" />
<Item label="ALARM CO" value="4" />
<Item label="ALARM CO2" value="8" />
<Item label="ALARM HEAT" value="16" />
<Item label="ALARM WATER" value="32" />
<Item label="ALARM ALL" value="63" />
<Value type="list" genre="config" instance="1" index="35" label="35. Wall Plug's response to alarm frames" value="255" size="1">
<Help>Parameter defines how the Wall Plug will respond to alarms (device's
status change) Default setting: 0
0 - no reaction,
1 - turn on connected device. LED ring signals an alarm through
defined time period (parameter 39) or untill the alarm is cancelled.
2 - turn off connected device. LED ring signals an alarm through
defined time period (parameter 39) or untill the alarm is cancelled.
3 - cyclically change device state, each 1second. In alarm mode Wall
Plug does not report status change, power changes, ignores alarm
frames. After the defined time period has passed (parameter 39) or
after the alarm cancellation, connected device is set to the previous
Parameter: 1[byte]
If "always on" function is active (parameter 1), this parameter's
settings are ignored.
<Item label="No reaction" value="0" />
<Item label="Turn on connected device" value="1" />
<Item label="Turn off connected device" value="2" />
<Item label="Cyclically change device state, each 1second" value="2" />
<Value type="byte" genre="config" instance="1" index="39" label="39. Alarm duration" value="600" size="2">
<Help>Wall Plug's alarm mode duration. If a device sending an alarm frame through the Z-Wave network sets alarm duration as well, this parameter's settings are ignored.</Help>
<Value type="byte" genre="config" instance="1" index="40" label="40. Immediate power report" value="80" size="1">
<Help>Parameter defines by how much power load must change, in
percents, to be reported to the main controller, with the highest
priority in the Z-Wave network. By default, Fibaro Wall Plug
immediately sends power report if the power load changes by 80%.
Default setting: 80 (%)
<Value type="byte" genre="config" instance="1" index="42" label="42. Standard power load reporting" value="15" size="1">
<Help>Parameter defines by how much power load must change, in
percents, to be reported to the main controller. By default, Fibaro
Wall Plug sends power report if the power load changes by 15%.
By default such changes in power load may be reported up to 5 times
per 30 seconds. Wall Plug sends 5 reports during time period
specified in paramater 43. Default setting: 15 (%)
<Value type="byte" genre="config" instance="1" index="43" label="43. Power reporting frequency" value="30" size="1">
<Help>This parameter defines how frequently standard power reports
(parameter 42) will be sent. By default Wall Plug sends up to 5
reports each 30 seconds, provided the power load changes by 15%.
Default seting: 30 (s)
<Value type="byte" genre="config" instance="1" index="45" label="45. Reporting changes in energy consumed by controlled devices" value="30" size="1">
<Help>New, reported energy value is calculated based on last reported value. Default setting: 10 (0,1 kWh).
Available settings: 1 - 254 (0,01kWh - 2,54kWh).
Value of 25 - changes in consumed energy will not be reported.
Reports will be sent only in case of polling.
<Value type="byte" genre="config" instance="1" index="47" label="47. Time period between reports on power load and energy consumption." value="3600" size="2">
<Help>Parameter defines time period between reports sent when changes
in power load have not been recorded. By default, if power load
changes have not been recorded, reports are sent every hour.
Default setting: 3 600 (s), Available settings: 1 - 65534 (s)
Value of 65535 - no periodic reports. Reports will be sent only in
case of power load / energy consumption changes (parameters 40, 42, 43,45) or in case of polling.</Help>
<Value type="list" genre="config" instance="1" index="49" label="49. Metering energy consumed by the Wall Plug itself" value="0" size="1">
<Help>This parameter determines whether energy metering should include the amount of energy consumed by the Wall Plug itself. Results are being added to energy consumed by controlled device. Default setting: 0</Help>
<Item label="function activated" value="0" />
<Item label="function inactive" value="1" />
<Value type="byte" genre="config" instance="1" index="50" label="50. DOWN value" value="300" size="2">
<Help>Lower power threshold, used in parameter 52. Default setting: 300 (30 W) Available settings: 0 - 25 000 (0,0W - 2 500W) DOWN value cannot be higher than a value specified in parameter 51.</Help>
<Value type="byte" genre="config" instance="1" index="51" label="51. UP value " value="500" size="2">
<Help>Upper power threshold, used in parameter 52. Default setting: 500 (50 W) Available settings: 1 - 25 000 (0,1W - 2 500W) UP value cannot be lower than a value specified in parameter 50.</Help>
<Value type="list" genre="config" instance="1" index="52" label="52. Action in case of exceeding defined power values" value="255" size="1">
<Help>Parameter deifines the way 2nd association group devices are controlled, depending on the current power load.
Default setting: 6 Available settings:
0 - function inactive,
1 - turn the associated devices on, once the power drops below
DOWN value (parameter 50),
2 - turn the associated devices off, once the power drops below
DOWN value (parameter 50),
3 - turn the associated devices on, once the power rises above UP
value (parameter 51),
4 - turn the associated devices off, once the power rises above UP
value (parameter 51),
5 - 1 and 4 combined. Turn the associated devices on, once the
power drops below DOWN value (parameter 50). Turn the
associated devices off, once the power rises above UP value
(parameter 51).
6 - 2 and 3 combined. Turn the associated devices off, once the
power drops below DOWN value (parameter 50). Turn the
associated devices on, once the power rises above UP value
(parameter 51).
<Item label="Function inactive" value="0" />
<Item label="Turn the associated devices on,Power below DOWN" value="1" />
<Item label="Turn the associated devices off,Power below DOWN" value="2" />
<Item label="Turn the associated devices on,Power above UP" value="3" />
<Item label="Turn the associated devices off,Power above UP" value="4" />
<Item label="1 and 4 combine" value="5" />
<Item label="2 and 3 combined" value="6" />
<Value type="byte" genre="config" instance="1" index="60" label="60. Power load, which when exceeded, makes the LED ring flash violet." value="25000" size="2">
<Help>Function is active only when parameter 61 is set to 0 or 1.Default setting: 25 000 (2 500W) Available settings: 1 000 - 32 000 (100W - 3200W).</Help>
<Value type="list" genre="config" instance="1" index="61" label="61. LED ring illumination colour when controlled device is on" value="1" size="1">
<Help> 0 - LED ring illumination colour changes in predefined steps, depending on power consumption changes,
1 - LED ring illumination colour changes continuously, using full spectrum of available colorus, depending on power consumption changes.
2 - White illumination,
3 - Red illumination,
4 - Green illumination,
5 - Blue illumination,
6 - Yellow illumination,
7 - Cyan illumination,
8 - Magenta illumination,
9 - illumination turned off completely
<Item label="Depending on power consumption changes" value="0" />
<Item label=" using full spectrum of available colorus" value="1" />
<Item label="White illumination" value="2" />
<Item label="Red illumination" value="3" />
<Item label="Green illumination" value="4" />
<Item label="Blue illumination" value="5" />
<Item label="Yellow illumination" value="6" />
<Item label="Cyan illuminatio" value="7" />
<Item label="Magenta illumination" value="8" />
<Item label="illumination turned off completely" value="9" />
<Value type="list" genre="config" instance="1" index="63" label="63. LED ring illumination colour at the Z-Wave network alarm detection. " value="1" size="1">
Default setting: 1
0 - No change in colour. LED ring illumination colour determined by parameters 61 or 62 settings,
1 - LED ring flashes red / blue / white (default),
2 - White illumination,
3 - Red illumination,
4 - Green illumination,
5 - Blue illumination,
6 - Yellow illumination,
7 - Cyan illumination,
8 - Magenta illumination,
9 - illumination turned off completely.
<Item label="No change in colour" value="0" />
<Item label="LED ring flashes red / blue / white" value="1" />
<Item label="White illumination" value="2" />
<Item label="Red illumination" value="3" />
<Item label="Green illumination" value="4" />
<Item label="Blue illumination" value="5" />
<Item label="Yellow illumination" value="6" />
<Item label="Cyan illuminatio" value="7" />
<Item label="Magenta illumination" value="8" />
<Item label="illumination turned off completely" value="9" />
<Value type="byte" genre="config" instance="1" index="70" label="70. Oveload safety switch" value="65535" size="2">
<Help>This function allows for turning off the controlled device in case of exceeding the defined power. Controlled device will be turned off even if "always on" function is active (parameter 1).
Controlled device can be turned back on via B-button or sending a
control frame. By default this function is inactive.
Default setting: 65 535 (6 553,5W)
Available settings: 10 - 65 535 (1W - 6 553,5W).
Value higher than 32 000 (3 200W) turns the overload safety switch
off, i.e. this functionality is turned off by default.</Help>
<!-- Association Groups -->
<CommandClass id="133">
<Associations num_groups="3">
<Group index="1" max_associations="16" label="Group 1" auto="false"/>
<Group index="2" max_associations="16" label="Group 2" auto="false" />
<Group index="3" max_associations="1" label="Send updates" auto="true"/>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Product xmlns=''>
<!-- Multi-Instance configuration -->
<CommandClass id="96" endpoints="4" />
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Product xmlns=''>
<!-- Configuration Parameters -->
<CommandClass id="112">
<Value type="list" index="3" genre="config" label="Night Light" size="1" value="0">
<Help>In night-light mode the LED on the switch will turn ON when the switch is turned OFF.</Help>
<Item label="No" value="0" />
<Item label="Yes" value="1" />
<Value type="list" index="4" genre="config" label="Invert Switch" size="1" value="0">
<Help>Change the top of the switch to OFF and the bottom of the switch to ON. Note: If you invert the switches and also install the product upside down, remember the load will now be controlled by the right, not the left switch.</Help>
<Item label="No" value="0" />
<Item label="Yes" value="1" />
<Value type="list" index="5" genre="config" label="Ignore Start-Level (Receiving)" size="1" value="1">
<Help>This dimmer will start dimming from its current level.</Help>
<Item label="No" value="0" />
<Item label="Yes" value="1" />
<Value type="byte" index="7" genre="config" label="On/Off Command Dim Step" units="" min="1" max="99" value="1">
<Help>Indicates how many levels the dimmer will change for each dimming step.</Help>
<Value type="byte" index="8" genre="config" label="On/Off Command Dim Rate" units="x 10 milliseconds" min="1" max="255" value="3">
<Help>This value indicates in 10 millisecond resolution, how often the dim level will change. For example, if you set this parameter to 1, then every 10ms the dim level will change. If you set it to 255, then every 2.55 seconds the dim level will change.</Help>
<Value type="byte" index="9" genre="config" label="Local Control Dim Step" units="" min="1" max="99" value="1">
<Help>Indicates how many levels the dimmer will change for each dimming step.</Help>
<Value type="byte" index="10" genre="config" label="Local Control Dim Rate" units="x 10 milliseconds" min="1" max="255" value="3">
<Help>This value indicates in 10 millisecond resolution, how often the dim level will change. For example, if you set this parameter to 1, then every 10ms the dim level will change. If you set it to 255, then every 2.55 seconds the dim level will change.</Help>
<Value type="byte" index="11" genre="config" label="ALL ON/ALL OFF Dim Step" units="" min="1" max="99" value="1">
<Help>Indicates how many levels the dimmer will change for each dimming step.</Help>
<Value type="byte" index="12" genre="config" label="ALL ON/ALL OFF Dim Rate" units="x 10 milliseconds" min="1" max="255" value="3">
<Help>This value indicates in 10 millisecond resolution, how often the dim level will change. For example, if you set this parameter to 1, then every 10ms the dim level will change. If you set it to 255, then every 2.55 seconds the dim level will change.</Help>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Product xmlns=''>
<!-- Configuration Parameters -->
<CommandClass id="112">
<Value type="list" index="29" genre="config" label="Load Sensing" size="1" value="0">
<Help>Turn on the module when the attached load is connected</Help>
<Item label="No" value="0" />
<Item label="Yes" value="1" />
<Value type="list" index="5" genre="config" label="Ignore Start-Level (Receiving)" size="1" value="1">
<Help>This dimmer will start dimming from its current level.</Help>
<Item label="No" value="0" />
<Item label="Yes" value="1" />
<Value type="byte" index="7" genre="config" label="On/Off Command Dim Step" units="" min="1" max="99" value="1">
<Help>Indicates how many levels the dimmer will change for each dimming step.</Help>
<Value type="byte" index="8" genre="config" label="On/Off Command Dim Rate" units="x 10 milliseconds" min="1" max="255" value="3">
<Help>This value indicates in 10 millisecond resolution, how often the dim level will change. For example, if you set this parameter to 1, then every 10ms the dim level will change. If you set it to 255, then every 2.55 seconds the dim level will change.</Help>
<Value type="byte" index="9" genre="config" label="Local Control Dim Step" units="" min="1" max="99" value="1">
<Help>Indicates how many levels the dimmer will change for each dimming step.</Help>
<Value type="byte" index="10" genre="config" label="Local Control Dim Rate" units="x 10 milliseconds" min="1" max="255" value="3">
<Help>This value indicates in 10 millisecond resolution, how often the dim level will change. For example, if you set this parameter to 1, then every 10ms the dim level will change. If you set it to 255, then every 2.55 seconds the dim level will change.</Help>
<Value type="byte" index="11" genre="config" label="ALL ON/ALL OFF Dim Step" units="" min="1" max="99" value="1">
<Help>Indicates how many levels the dimmer will change for each dimming step.</Help>
<Value type="byte" index="12" genre="config" label="ALL ON/ALL OFF Dim Rate" units="x 10 milliseconds" min="1" max="255" value="3">
<Help>This value indicates in 10 millisecond resolution, how often the dim level will change. For example, if you set this parameter to 1, then every 10ms the dim level will change. If you set it to 255, then every 2.55 seconds the dim level will change.</Help>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Product xmlns=''>
<!-- Configuration Parameters -->
<CommandClass id="112">
<Value type="list" index="3" genre="config" label="Night Light" size="1" value="0">
<Help>In night-light mode the LED on the switch will turn ON when the switch is turned OFF.</Help>
<Item label="No" value="0" />
<Item label="Yes" value="1" />
<Value type="list" index="4" genre="config" label="Invert Switch" size="1" value="0">
<Help>Change the top of the switch to OFF and the bottom of the switch to ON. Note: If you invert the switches and also install the product upside down, remember the load will now be controlled by the right, not the left switch.</Help>
<Item label="No" value="0" />
<Item label="Yes" value="1" />
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Product xmlns=''>
<!-- Configuration -->
<CommandClass id="112">
<Value type="byte" genre="config" instance="1" index="1" label="No communication light" min="1" max="255" value="2">
<Help>After how many minutes the GreenWave device should start flashing if the controller didn't communicate with this device</Help>
<Value type="list" genre="config" instance="1" index="2" label="Room color" read_only="true" size="1">
<Help>The room color (Corner wheel color) on the GreenWave device</Help>
<Item label="Black (empty)" value="128" />
<Item label="Green (1)" value="129" />
<Item label="Dark Blue (2)" value="130" />
<Item label="Red (3)" value="131" />
<Item label="Yellow (4)" value="132" />
<Item label="Purple (5)" value="133" />
<Item label="Orange (6)" value="134" />
<Item label="Light Blue (7)" value="135" />
<Item label="Pink (8)" value="136" />
<Item label="Locked" value="137" />
<!-- COMMAND_CLASS_ALARM. This class is in the list reported by the GreenWave PowerNode 1, but it does not respond to requests -->
<CommandClass id="113" action="remove" />
<!-- COMMAND_CLASS_INDICATOR. This class is in the list reported by the GreenWave PowerNode 1, but it does not respond to requests -->
<CommandClass id="135" action="remove" />
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Product xmlns=''>
<!-- Configuration -->
<CommandClass id="112">
<Value type="byte" genre="config" instance="1" index="1" label="No communication light" min="1" max="255" value="2">
<Help>After how many minutes the GreenWave device should start flashing if the controller didn't communicate with this device</Help>
<Value type="list" genre="config" instance="1" index="2" label="Room color" read_only="true" size="1">
<Help>The room color (Corner wheel color) on the GreenWave device</Help>
<Item label="Black (empty)" value="128" />
<Item label="Green (1)" value="129" />
<Item label="Dark Blue (2)" value="130" />
<Item label="Red (3)" value="131" />
<Item label="Yellow (4)" value="132" />
<Item label="Purple (5)" value="133" />
<Item label="Orange (6)" value="134" />
<Item label="Light Blue (7)" value="135" />
<Item label="Pink (8)" value="136" />
<Item label="Locked" value="137" />
<CommandClass id="96" mapping="endpoints" />
<!-- COMMAND_CLASS_ALARM. This class is in the list reported by the GreenWave PowerNode 6, but it does not respond to requests -->
<CommandClass id="113" action="remove" />
<!-- COMMAND_CLASS_INDICATOR. This class is in the list reported by the GreenWave PowerNode 6, but it does not respond to requests -->
<CommandClass id="135" action="remove" />
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Product xmlns=''>
<!-- Configuration Parameters -->
<CommandClass id="112">
<Value type="byte" index="0" genre="config" label="Unidentified Parameter" units="" min="0" max="255" value="5">
Parameter #0 is undocumented: let us know if you know what it does!
Attributes (type, units, min and max) are wild guesses, except default value.
<Value type="byte" index="1" genre="config" label="Sensitivity" units="" min="0" max="255" value="200">
Sensitivity sets the amount of motion required for the device to
detect motion. A higher value makes it more sensitive and a
lower value makes it less sensitive. Note that values above 200
are not recommended when the device is battery operated.
Recommended values:
10 = Pet Immune.
100 = Medium sensitivity for hallways.
200(default) = Highly sensitive for rooms where people are sitting still.
<Value type="byte" index="2" genre="config" label="On Time" units="minutes" min="0" max="255" value="20">
On Time sets the number of minutes that the lights stay on when
motion has not been detected.
A value of 0 On Time is a special mode where the lights are
constantly sent a command to turn them on whenever motion is
detected. The device will NOT turn the lights off in this mode.
Note that this mode will significantly shorten battery life.
Recommended values:
5 min for hallways.
20 min for an office environment.
60 min for a library or other room where someone may be sitting
still for a long time.
This may be inaccurate, but default for Homeseer HSM100 may actually be 3 minutes, instead of 20?
<Value type="list" index="3" genre="config" label="LED ON/OFF" units="" min="" max="" size="1" value="255">
LED ON/OFF turns the LED on or off. A slight improvement in
battery life is obtained by turning the LED off. Setting LED
ON/OFF to zero will turn the LED off and 255 turns it on.
Default is On (255).
<Item label="Off" value="0"/>
<Item label="On" value="255"/>
<Value type="byte" index="4" genre="config" label="Light Threshold" units="%" min="0" max="100" value="100">
Light Threshold is the percentage of light in the room above
which the lights will not be turned on. Light Threshold is often
used in room with a lot of natural daylight. Setting Light
Threshold to a value of 50% will cause the device to not turn the
lights on when the natural light in the room is already at the 50%
value. This feature only prevents the lights from coming on when
motion is first detected and the light level in the room is already
above Light Threshold. It will not turn the lights off when the
amount of natural light in the room increases. It will
automatically turn on the lights in a room that has motion in it
and that the amount of natural light has dropped below Light
A value of 100% turns off this feature (default).
Recommended values:
Usually a value between 40% and 60% will prevent the lights
from coming on in a reasonably well light room and will turn
them on as it is getting dark. Some experimentation is required
with each room to determine the proper setting.
<Value type="byte" index="5" genre="config" label="Stay Awake" units="" min="0" max="255" value="0">
Setting Stay Awake to a non-zero value will cause the device to
always be awake. NOTE: this mode should NOT be used when
the device is battery powered! Batteries will only last a few days
in this mode.
Stay Awake is NOT set to the factory default (0) when the device
is Excluded (reset) from the Z-Wave network.
Setting Stay Awake to a non-zero value will cause the Z-Wave
Listening Bit to be set. The device will become a routing node in
the Z-Wave Mesh-Network when the Listening Bit is set.
To properly have the device included in the routing tables, set
Stay Awake to a non-zero value, then reset the device (Exclude
from the network), then add it back to the network. The new
routing information will be used now that the listening bit is set.
Defaults to 0.
<Value type="byte" index="6" genre="config" label="On Value" units="" min="0" max="255" value="255">
On Value is the value sent by the Z-Wave BASIC_SET
command when motion is detected.
A value of 0 will turn the lights off (not recommended).
A value between 1 and 100 will set the dim level to between 1%
and 100%.
A value of 255 will turn the light on (default).
NB! According to the manual, the value should not be set between 101-254 (inclusive).
<!-- Association Groups -->
<CommandClass id="96" mapping="endpoints" />
<CommandClass id="133">
<Associations num_groups="1">
<Group index="1" max_associations="4" label="Motion" auto="true"/>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Product xmlns=''>
<APIcall function="0x80" present="true" />
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Product xmlns=''>
<!-- This thermostat's setpoint descriptions are 1 based, not 0 -->
<CommandClass id="67" name="COMMAND_CLASS_THERMOSTAT_SETPOINT" base="0" />
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Product xmlns=''>
<!-- The thermostat does not properly report its operating modes -->
<CommandClass id="64">
<Mode index="0" label="Off" />
<Mode index="1" label="Heat" />
<!-- This thermostat's setpoint descriptions are 0 based, not 1 -->
<CommandClass id="67" base="0" />
<!-- Configuration Parameters -->
<CommandClass id="112">
<Value type="byte" index="1" genre="config" label="Enable Temperature sensor reading" value="0">
0-127 = Disabled.
128-255 = Enabled.
<Value type="byte" index="2" genre="config" label="Temperature Scale" value="0">
0-127 = Celsius.
128-255 = Fahrenheit.
<Value type="byte" index="3" genre="config" label="Temperature Delta T" value="10">
Delta T in steps of 0.1 degree.
<!-- Association Groups -->
<CommandClass id="133">
<!-- Groups and attributes based on -->
<Associations num_groups="1">
<Group index="1" max_associations="4" label="Thermostat Mode Set" auto="true"/>
<Group index="2" max_associations="4" label="Binary Switch Set" auto="true"/>
<Group index="3" max_associations="4" label="Unsolicited Battery Level Reports" auto="true"/>
<Group index="4" max_associations="4" label="Thermostat Set Point Reports" auto="true"/>
<Group index="5" max_associations="4" label="Unsolicited Sensor Multilevel Reports" auto="true"/>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Product xmlns=''>
<!-- This thermostat's setpoint descriptions are 0 based, not 1 -->
<CommandClass id="67" base="0" />
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Product xmlns=''>
<!-- COMMAND_CLASS_VERSION CommandClassGet not supported -->
<CommandClass id="134" classgetsupported="false" />
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Product xmlns=''>
<!-- COMMAND_CLASS_VERSION CommandClassGet not supported -->
<CommandClass id="134" classgetsupported="false" />
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Product xmlns=''>
<!-- COMMAND_CLASS_VERSION CommandClassGet not supported -->
<CommandClass id="134" classgetsupported="false" />
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Product xmlns=''>
<!-- COMMAND_CLASS_VERSION CommandClassGet not supported -->
<CommandClass id="134" classgetsupported="false" />
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Product xmlns=''>
<!-- COMMAND_CLASS_VERSION CommandClassGet not supported -->
<CommandClass id="134" classgetsupported="false" />
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<ManufacturerSpecificData xmlns=''>
<Manufacturer id="0040" name="2B Electronics">
<Manufacturer id="0098" name="2GIG Technologies">
<Product type="1e12" id="015c" name="CT30 Thermostat" config="2gig/ct30.xml"/>
<Product type="6401" id="0105" name="CT100 Thermostat" config="2gig/ct100.xml"/>
<Manufacturer id="002a" name="3e Technologies">
<Manufacturer id="0022" name="A-1 Components">
<Manufacturer id="0001" name="ACT">
<Product type="4349" id="3130" name="ZCS101 Serial Interface"/>
<Product type="4952" id="3030" name="ZIR000 PIR Motion Sensor" config="act/zir010.xml"/>
<Product type="4952" id="3330" name="ZIR010 PIR Motion Sensor" config="act/zir010.xml"/>
<Product type="4952" id="3130" name="ZIR010 PIR Motion Sensor" config="act/zir010.xml"/>
<Product type="4450" id="3030" name="ZDP100 Plugin Lamp Module"/>
<Product type="4457" id="3033" name="ZDW103 Wall Dimmer Module" config="act/zdw103.xml"/>
<Product type="4457" id="3330" name="ZDW230 Wall Dimmer Module"/>
<Product type="4457" id="3332" name="ZDW232 Wall Dimmer Module" config="act/zdw232.xml"/>
<Product type="444d" id="3330" name="ZDM230 Wall Dimmer Module" config="act/zdm230.xml"/>
<Product type="5250" id="3030" name="ZRP100 Plugin Appliance Module"/>
<Product type="5250" id="3130" name="ZRP110 Exterior Appliance Module" config="act/zrp110.xml"/>
<Product type="5257" id="3330" name="ZRW230 Wall Appliance Module"/>
<Product type="5246" id="3133" name="LFM-20 Relay Fixture Module" config="act/lfm20.xml"/>
<Product type="5257" id="3033" name="ZRW103 Wall Switch Module" config="act/zrw103.xml"/>
<Product type="524d" id="3330" name="ZRM230 Wall Appliance Module"/>
<Product type="5457" id="3330" name="ZTW230 Wall Transmitter Module"/>
<Product type="544d" id="3330" name="ZTM230 Wall Transmitter Module"/>
<Manufacturer id="0086" name="Aeon Labs">
<Product type="0001" id="0001" name="Z-Stick"/>
<Product type="0001" id="0002" name="Z-Stick S2"/>
<Product type="0002" id="0001" name="Z-Stick S2"/>
<Product type="0001" id="0003" name="Minimote" config="aeon_labs/minimote.xml"/>
<Product type="0002" id="0004" name="Door/Window Sensor" config="aeon_labs/doorwindow.xml"/>
<Product type="0002" id="0005" name="Multi Sensor" config="aeon_labs/alms.xml"/>
<Product type="0003" id="0006" name="Smart Energy Switch" config="aeon_labs/ses.xml"/>
<Product type="0001" id="0007" name="Z-Stick S2 Lite"/>
<Product type="0003" id="0008" name="Smart Energy Illuminator"/>
<Product type="0002" id="0009" name="Home Energy Meter" config="aeon_labs/hem.xml"/>
<Product type="0003" id="000a" name="Smart Energy 220V Utility Switch"/>
<Product type="0003" id="000b" name="Smart Energy Strip"/>
<Product type="0003" id="000c" name="Micro Smart Energy Switch"/>
<Product type="0003" id="000d" name="Micro Smart Energy Illuminator"/>
<Product type="0003" id="000e" name="Micro Motor Controller"/>
<Product type="0001" id="0016" name="Key Fob" config="aeon_labs/keyfob.xml"/>
<Manufacturer id="0094" name="">
<Manufacturer id="0029" name="Asia Heading">
<Manufacturer id="005d" name="Aspalis">
<Product type="0202" id="0511" name="Plugin Lamp Module"/>
<Manufacturer id="002b" name="Atech">
<Manufacturer id="0018" name="Balboa Inst.">
<Manufacturer id="008a" name="BeNext">
<Product type="0004" id="0100" name="Door Sensor" config="BeNext/DoorSensor.xml"/>
<Product type="0006" id="0101" name="Energy Switch" config="BeNext/EnergySwitch.xml"/>
<Product type="0007" id="0101" name="Tag Reader" config="BeNext/TagReader.xml"/>
<Product type="0008" id="0101" name="Power Switch"/>
<Manufacturer id="002c" name="BeSafer">
<Manufacturer id="0023" name="Boca Devices">
<Manufacturer id="002d" name="Broadband Energy">
<Manufacturer id="0026" name="BuLogics">
<Manufacturer id="002e" name="Carrier">
<Manufacturer id="0011" name="CasaWorks">
<Manufacturer id="002f" name="Color Kinetics">
<Manufacturer id="0019" name="ControlThink">
<Manufacturer id="0015" name="ConvergeX">
<Manufacturer id="001a" name="Cooper">
<Product type="4449" id="0002" name="RF9534DS Wall Dimmer Module"/>
<Product type="5244" id="0000" name="RF9505-TWS Split Control Duplex Receptacle"/>
<Manufacturer id="009d" name="Coventive">
<Manufacturer id="0020" name="Cyberhouse">
<Manufacturer id="0030" name="Cytech Tech">
<Manufacturer id="0002" name="Danfoss">
<Product type="0005" id="0003" name="Z Thermostat" config="danfoss/z.xml"/>
<Product type="0064" id="0001" name="RA Plus-W Radiator Thermostat"/>
<Product type="8005" id="0001" name="Living Connect Radiator Thermostat" config="danfoss/living.xml"/>
<Manufacturer id="0031" name="Destiny Networks">
<Manufacturer id="0050" name="Digital 5">
<Manufacturer id="008a" name="Digital Home Systems">
<Product type="0003" id="0100" name="DHS-ZW-SNMT-01 Multi Sensor"/>
<Manufacturer id="0012" name="E Housekeeper">
<Product type="0001" id="0001" name="Switchkeeper Plug-in Appliance Module"/>
<Manufacturer id="0087" name="Eka Systems">
<Manufacturer id="0033" name="Electronic Solutions Inc">
<Product type="5250" id="02" name="DBMZ Motor Control"/>
<Manufacturer id="0034" name="El-Gev Electronics">
<Manufacturer id="001b" name="ELK Products">
<Manufacturer id="0035" name="Embedit A/S">
<Manufacturer id="0060" name="Everspring">
<Product type="0003" id="0001" name="AD142 Plug-in Dimmer Module"/>
<Product type="0104" id="0001" name="AN145 Lamp Screw In Module" config="everspring/an145.xml"/>
<Product type="0004" id="0002" name="AN158 Plug-in Meter Appliance Module" config="everspring/an158.xml"/>
<Product type="0004" id="0001" name="AN157 Plug-in Appliance Module"/>
<Product type="000C" id="0001" name="SE812 Siren" config="everspring/se812.xml"/>
<Product type="000D" id="0001" name="SF812 Smoke Alarm" config="everspring/sf812.xml"/>
<Product type="0202" id="0001" name="SM103 Door/Window Sensor" config="everspring/sm103.xml"/>
<Product type="0002" id="0001" name="SM103 Door/Window Sensor" config="everspring/sm103.xml"/>
<Product type="0101" id="0001" name="SP103 PIR Motion Sensor" config="everspring/sp103.xml"/>
<Product type="0001" id="0002" name="SP814 Motion Detector" config="everspring/sp814.xml"/>
<Product type="0006" id="0001" name="ST814 Temperature and Humidity Sensor" config="everspring/st814.xml"/>
<Product type="0007" id="0001" name="ST815 Illumination Sensor" config="everspring/st815.xml"/>
<Product type="000b" id="0001" name="ST812 Flood Detector"/>
<Product type="0009" id="0001" name="TSE03 Door Bell" config="everspring/tse03.xml"/>
<Manufacturer id="0116" name="Everspring CT">
<Product type="0002" id="0001" name="HSM02 Mini Door/Window Detector" config="everspringct/hsm02.xml" />
<Manufacturer id="0113" name="Evolve Guest Controls">
<Manufacturer id="0036" name="Exceptional Innv">
<Manufacturer id="0004" name="Exhausto">
<Manufacturer id="009f" name="Exigent">
<Manufacturer id="0085" name="Fakro">
<Manufacturer id="010f" name="FIBARO System">
<Product type="0501" id="0102" name="FGBS001 Universal Binary Sensor" config="fibaro/fgbs001.xml" />
<Product type="0100" id="0104" name="FGD211 Universal Dimmer 500W" />
<Product type="0100" id="0107" name="FGD211 Universal Dimmer 500W" config="fibaro/fgd211.xml" />
<Product type="0100" id="0109" name="FGD211 Universal Dimmer 500W" config="fibaro/fgd211.xml" />
<Product type="0700" id="1000" name="FGK101 Door Opening Sensor" config="fibaro/fgk001.xml" />
<Product type="0300" id="100a" name="FGR221 Roller Shutter Controller" config="fibaro/fgr221.xml"/>
<Product type="0300" id="0106" name="FGR221 Roller Shutter Controller" config="fibaro/fgr221.xml"/>
<Product type="0300" id="0107" name="FGR221 Roller Shutter Controller" config="fibaro/fgr221.xml"/>
<Product type="0400" id="0104" name="FGS211 Switch 3kW" config="fibaro/fgs211.xml" />
<Product type="0400" id="0105" name="FGS211 Switch 3kW" config="fibaro/fgs211.xml" />
<Product type="0400" id="0106" name="FGS211 Switch 3kW" config="fibaro/fgs211.xml" />
<Product type="0400" id="0107" name="FGS211 Switch 3kW" config="fibaro/fgs211.xml" />
<Product type="0400" id="0108" name="FGS211 Switch 3kW" config="fibaro/fgs211.xml" />
<Product type="0400" id="0109" name="FGS221 Switch 3kW" config="fibaro/fgs221.xml" />
<Product type="0400" id="100a" name="FGS211 Switch 3kW" config="fibaro/fgs211.xml" />
<Product type="0200" id="0104" name="FGS221 Double Relay Switch 2x1.5kW" config="fibaro/fgs221.xml" />
<Product type="0200" id="0105" name="FGS221 Double Relay Switch 2x1.5kW" config="fibaro/fgs221.xml" />
<Product type="0200" id="0106" name="FGS221 Double Relay Switch 2x1.5kW" config="fibaro/fgs221.xml" />
<Product type="0200" id="0107" name="FGS221 Double Relay Switch 2x1.5kW" config="fibaro/fgs221.xml" />
<Product type="0200" id="0109" name="FGS221 Double Relay Switch 2x1.5kW" config="fibaro/fgs221.xml" />
<Product type="0200" id="100a" name="FGS221 Double Relay Switch 2x1.5kW" config="fibaro/fgs221.xml" />
<Product type="0600" id="1000" name="FGWPE Wall Plug" config="fibaro/fgwpe.xml" />
<Product type="0900" id="1000" name="FGRGBWM441 RGBW Controller" config="fibaro/fgrgbwm441.xml" />
<Manufacturer id="0037" name="Foard Sys">
<Manufacturer id="0110" name="Frostdale">
<Product type="2411" id="0001" name="Nanogrid: FDN2nxx light switch - where n is 1, 2, 3 or 4 buttons"/>
<Product type="7333" id="0031" name="Nanogrid: FDN2nxx light switch - where n is 1, 2, 3 or 4 buttons" config="frostdale/fdn2nxx.xml"/>
<Manufacturer id="0020" name="General Electric">
<Product type="8007" id="1390" name="Wireless Lighting Control"/>
<Manufacturer id="0099" name="GreenWave">
<Product type="0002" id="0002" name="PowerNode 1 port" config="greenwave/powernode1.xml"/>
<Product type="0003" id="0004" name="PowerNode 6 port" config="greenwave/powernode6.xml"/>
<Manufacturer id="0084" name="FortrezZ">
<Product type="0311" id="010b" name="SSA1 / SSA2 - Siren/Strobe Light Alarm"/>
<Manufacturer id="0017" name="HiTech Automation">
<Manufacturer id="005b" name="HAI">
<Manufacturer id="009a" name="Home Auto. Euro">
<Manufacturer id="0038" name="Home Director">
<Manufacturer id="006f" name="Home Manageables">
<Product type="0102" id="0001" name="Door/Window Sensor"/>
<Product type="0104" id="0001" name="HM-AM001 Plugin Appliance Module"/>
<Manufacturer id="0080" name="Homepro">
<Manufacturer id="001e" name="Homeseer">
<Product type="0001" id="0002" name="ZTroller" config="homeseer/ztroller.xml"/>
<Product type="0002" id="0001" name="HSM100 Wireless Multi-Sensor" config="homeseer/hsm100.xml"/>
<Manufacturer id="0039" name="Honeywell">
<Product type="0011" id="0001" name="TH8320ZW1000 Touchscreen Thermostat" config="honeywell/th8320zw1000.xml"/>
<Manufacturer id="0059" name="Horstmann">
<Product type="0001" id="0001" name="ASR-RF Thermostat Receiver"/>
<Product type="0001" id="0002" name="AS2-RF Thermostat Transmitter"/>
<Product type="0001" id="0003" name="HRT4-ZW Thermostat Transmitter" config="horstmann/hrt4zw.xml"/>
<Product type="0003" id="0001" name="ASR-ZW Thermostat Receiver"/>
<Manufacturer id="0011" name="iCOM Tech">
<Manufacturer id="003a" name="Inlon Srl">
<Manufacturer id="0077" name="Innovus">
<Product type="0002" id="0001" name="SmoothRemote Controller"/>
<Product type="0001" id="0002" name="RAone SmartPower Wall Appliance Module"/>
<Product type="0001" id="0001" name="RAone SmartDimmer Wall Dimmer Module"/>
<Manufacturer id="0006" name="Intel">
<Manufacturer id="001c" name="IntelliCon">
<Manufacturer id="0005" name="Intermatic">
<Product type="0002" id="0003" name="HA-02 Appliance Module"/>
<Product type="0003" id="0003" name="HA-03WD Lamp Module"/>
<Product type="0004" id="0003" name="HA-04C Outdoor Module"/>
<Product type="0005" id="0003" name="HA-05C Lamp Screw In Module"/>
<Product type="0006" id="0003" name="HA-06 In-Wall Switch Dimmer"/>
<Product type="4341" id="0600" name="CA600 Wall Dimmer"/>
<Product type="4341" id="3000" name="CA3000 Wall Switch"/>
<Product type="4341" id="3500" name="CA3560 Split-Duplex Receptacle"/>
<Product type="4341" id="8900" name="CA8900 Digital Thermostat" config="intermatic/ca8900.xml"/>
<Product type="4341" id="9000" name="CA9000 PIR Occupancy Sensor"/>
<Manufacturer id="0013" name="Internet Dom">
<Manufacturer id="0063" name="GE">
<Product type="4450" id="3030" name="45602 Lamp Dimmer Module" config="ge/dimmer_module.xml"/>
<Product type="4457" id="3230" name="45606 2-Way Dimmer Switch" config="ge/dimmer.xml"/>
<Product type="5250" id="3030" name="45603 Plugin Appliance Module"/>
<Product type="5250" id="3130" name="45604 Outdoor Module"/>
<Product type="5257" id="3533" name="45609 On/Off Relay Switch" config="ge/relay.xml"/>
<Product type="4457" id="3033" name="45613 3-Way Dimmer Switch" config="ge/dimmer.xml"/>
<Manufacturer id="0091" name="Kamstrup">
<Manufacturer id="0090" name="Kwikset">
<Manufacturer id="0051" name="Lagotek Corp">
<Manufacturer id="001d" name="Leviton">
<Product type="0101" id="0206" name="RZP15-1LW Binary Scene Switch"/>
<Product type="0201" id="0206" name="RZP03-1LW Binary Scene Switch"/>
<Product type="0202" id="030b" name="VRP03-1LW Lamp Module"/>
<Product type="0301" id="0206" name="RZS15-1LX Binary Scene Switch"/>
<Product type="0301" id="0209" name="VRS15-1LZ Binary Scene Switch"/>
<Product type="0401" id="0206" name="RZI10-1LX Multilevel Scene Switch" config="leviton/rzi10.xml"/>
<Product type="0401" id="0209" name="VRI06-1LX Multilevel Scene Switch" config="leviton/vri06.xml"/>
<Product type="0501" id="0206" name="VRI10-1LX Multilevel Scene Switch" config="leviton/vri10.xml"/>
<Product type="0501" id="0209" name="VRI10-1LZ Scene Capable Dimmer" config="leviton/vri10.xml"/>
<Product type="0602" id="0209" name="VRMX1-1LZ Multilevel Scene Switch" config="leviton/vri10.xml"/>
<Product type="0901" id="0215" name="VRC51-1LX One Scene Controller"/>
<Product type="0702" id="0261" name="VRCZ4-M0Z 4-Button Zone Controller"/>
<Product type="0b02" id="030b" name="VRC0P-1LW Plug-in Serial Interface Module"/>
<Product type="0c01" id="0206" name="VRCPG-SG RF Handheld Remote Controller" config="leviton/vrcpg.xml"/>
<Product type="1001" id="0209" name="VRF01-1LZ Multilevel Scene Switch - 1.5A Fan" config="leviton/vrf01.xml"/>
<Product type="1102" id="0243" name="VRCS2-MRZ 2-Button Scene Controller with Switches"/>
<Manufacturer id="007f" name="Logitech">
<Manufacturer id="0025" name="Loudwater Tech">
<Manufacturer id="0071" name="LS Control">
<Product type="0002" id="035D" name="ES 861 Temperature Sensor"/>
<Manufacturer id="003d" name="Marmitek BV">
<Manufacturer id="003e" name="Martec Access">
<Manufacturer id="008f" name="MB Design">
<Manufacturer id="007a" name="Merten">
<Product type="8001" id="0001" name="Plug-in Appliance Module"/>
<Product type="8002" id="0001" name="Plug-in Dimmer Module"/>
<Product type="4003" id="0001" name="Wall Dimmer Module"/>
<Product type="4002" id="0001" name="Wall Appliance Module"/>
<Product type="4004" id="0001" name="Wall Roller Shutter Module"/>
<Product type="8001" id="8001" name="Receiver Flush-Mounted 1-Gang Switch"/>
<Product type="0003" id="0004" name="Transmitter Flush-Mounted 4-Gang Switch"/>
<Product type="0001" id="0002" name="Transmitter 1-Gang Switch"/>
<Product type="0001" id="0004" name="Transmitter 2-Gang Switch"/>
<Product type="0002" id="0001" name="Transmitter Move"/>
<Manufacturer id="007e" name="Monster Cable">
<Manufacturer id="003f" name="Motorola">
<Manufacturer id="0083" name="MTC Maintronic">
<Manufacturer id="0096" name="NorthQ">
<Product type="0001" id="0001" name="NQ-92021 Power Reader" config="northq/nq92021.xml"/>
<Manufacturer id="0040" name="Novar EDS">
<Manufacturer id="0041" name="OpenPeak Inc.">
<Manufacturer id="0064" name="Popp / Duwi">
<Product type="0001" id="0000" name="ZW EDAN 300 Flush Mounted Dimmer" />
<Product type="1001" id="0000" name="Plugin Dimmer" />
<Product type="2001" id="0000" name="ZW ES 1000 Flush Mounted Switch" config="duwi/ZWES1000.xml" />
<Product type="3001" id="0000" name="ZW ZS 3500 Plugin Switch" />
<Product type="3002" id="0000" name="ZW ZSA 3500 Plugin Switch" />
<Product type="4001" id="0000" name="ZW ESJ Blind Control" />
<Manufacturer id="0016" name="PowerLynx">
<Manufacturer id="0042" name="Pragmatic Cons">
<Manufacturer id="0095" name="Qees">
<Product type="3101" id="0001" name="RETO Dimmer Plus 2013"/>
<Product type="3103" id="0001" name="RETO Plug-in Switch Plus"/>
<Manufacturer id="0100" name="">
<Manufacturer id="5254" name="Remotec">
<Product type="0000" id="531f" name="Z-URC" config="remotec/zurc.xml"/>
<Manufacturer id="0010" name="RCS">
<Product type="0001" id="0002" name="TZ43 Thermostat" />
<Product type="0001" id="0005" name="TZ43-IHD SMUD Thermostat" config="rcs/therm0005.xml" />
<Product type="0001" id="0007" name="TZ45-IHD SMUD Thermostat" config="rcs/therm0007.xml" />
<Product type="0001" id="0009" name="TZ45 Thermostat" config="rcs/therm0009.xml" />
<Product type="0001" id="000a" name="TZ4Z-IHD RCS Thermostat" />
<Product type="454d" id="3532" name="EM52-ZW Z-Wave Home Energy Meter" config="rcs/em52-zw.xml" />
<Product type="504d" id="3132" name="PM12-ZW Z-Wave Power Monitoring Module" config="rcs/pm12-zw.xml" />
<Manufacturer id="0065" name="RS Scene">
<Manufacturer id="0030" name="HomeSeer Tech">
<Manufacturer id="003b" name="Schlage">
<Product type="634b" id="504c" name="FE599GR Wireless Door Lock"/>
<Manufacturer id="0097" name="Schlage Link">
<Product type="1182" id="4501" name="iTemp Dual Sensor" config="schlagelink/itemp.xml" />
<Product type="6941" id="5501" name="LE120 Appliance Module"/>
<Manufacturer id="001f" name="Scientia Tech">
<Manufacturer id="0069" name="Seluxit">
<Manufacturer id="0043" name="Senmatic A/S">
<Manufacturer id="0044" name="Sequoia Tech">
<Manufacturer id="0045" name="Sine Wireless">
<Manufacturer id="0070" name="Smart Products">
<Manufacturer id="0047" name="Somfy">
<Manufacturer id="0009" name="Sylvania">
<Manufacturer id="0012" name="Tell It Online">
<Manufacturer id="0048" name="Telsey">
<Manufacturer id="008b" name="Trane">
<Product type="5452" id="5431" name="Model TZEMT400AB32MAA" config="trane/TZEMT400AB32MAA.xml"/>
<Product type="5452" id="5433" name="Model TZEMT400BB32MAA" config="trane/TZEMT400BB32MAA.xml"/>
<Product type="5452" id="5436" name="Model TZEMT400BB32MAA" config="trane/TZEMT400BB32MAA.xml"/>
<Manufacturer id="006b" name="Tricklestar">
<Manufacturer id="0049" name="Twisthink">
<Manufacturer id="0080" name="Vero Duco">
<Manufacturer id="005e" name="ViewSonic">
<Manufacturer id="0007" name="Vimar CRS">
<Manufacturer id="010a" name="Vitrum">
<Product type="1100" id="4900" name="Vitrum I EU Wireless Dimmer"/>
<Product type="1100" id="4a00" name="Vitrum II EU Wireless Dimmer"/>
<Product type="1200" id="5100" name="Vitrum I EU Wireless On-off"/>
<Product type="1200" id="5200" name="Vitrum II EU Wireless On-off"/>
<Product type="1300" id="5A00" name="Vitrum II EU Roller Blind Control"/>
<Product type="2100" id="8a00" name="Vitrum II BS Wireless Dimmer"/>
<Product type="2200" id="9100" name="Vitrum I BS Wireless On-off"/>
<Product type="2200" id="9200" name="Vitrum II BS Wireless On-off"/>
<Product type="2200" id="9400" name="Vitrum IV BS Wireless On-off"/>
<Manufacturer id="004a" name="Visualize">
<Manufacturer id="004b" name="Watt Stopper">
<Manufacturer id="0008" name="Wayne Dalton">
<Product type="0007" id="0020" name="WDTC-20 Thermostat" config="waynedalton/WDTC-20.xml"/>
<Manufacturer id="0118" name="Wenzhou TKB Control System">
<Manufacturer id="004c" name="Woodward Labs">
<Manufacturer id="0003" name="Wrap">
<Manufacturer id="004d" name="Xanboo">
<Manufacturer id="004e" name="Zdata">
<Manufacturer id="0000" name="Zensys">
<Product type="0001" id="0001" name="Controller"/>
<Manufacturer id="0115" name="Z-Wave.Me">
<Product type="1000" id="0002" name="ZME_06433 Wall Flush-Mountable Dimmer" config=""/>
<Product type="1000" id="0003" name="ZME_06435 Motor Control"/>
<Product type="1000" id="0004" name="ZME_064435 Wall Controller"/>
<Product type="0100" id="0001" name="ZME_KFOB 4 Button Key Fob" config=""/>
<Product type="1000" id="0001" name="ZME_054313Z Flush-Mountable Switch" />
<Manufacturer id="004f" name="Z-Wave Technologia">
<Manufacturer id="0021" name="Zykronix">
<?xml version='1.0'?>
<xs:element name='ManufacturerSpecificData'>
<xs:element ref='ManufacturerSpecificData:Manufacturer' minOccurs='0' maxOccurs='unbounded'/>
<xs:element name='Manufacturer'>
<xs:element ref='ManufacturerSpecificData:Product' minOccurs='0' maxOccurs='unbounded'/>
<xs:attribute name='id' type='xs:string' use='required'/>
<xs:attribute name='name' type='xs:string' use='required'/>
<xs:element name='Product'>
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<xs:attribute name='id' type='xs:string' use='required'/>
<xs:attribute name='name' type='xs:string' use='required'/>
<xs:attribute name='config' type='xs:string' use='optional'/>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Product xmlns=''>
<!-- Configuration Parameters -->
<CommandClass id="112">
<Value type="short" index="1" genre="config" label="Pulse factor" units="pulses" min="1" max="65535" value="1024">
<Help>How many pulses are counted per 10 kWh.</Help>
<Value type="list" index="2" genre="config" label="Sensor type" units="" min="1" max="2" value="2" size="1">
<Help>Defines the type of sensor.</Help>
<Item label="Pulse Meter" value="1"/>
<Item label="Rotating Wheel" value="2"/>
<Value type="byte" index="3" genre="config" label="IR Listen period" units="" min="0" max="127" value="0">
<Help>Additional time for feedback measurement.Should always be 0.</Help>
<Value type="byte" index="4" genre="config" label="IR Pulse Width" units="" min="0" max="127" value="50">
<Help>Adjusts transmit signal so received signal will in average be equal to this values. Auto calibration might select another value than this.</Help>
<Value type="byte" index="5" genre="config" label="Poll / Wake up frequency" units="seconds" min="1" max="50" value="20" >
<Help>Wake device up this many times per second. This value also controls number of measurements per second on mechanical meters.</Help>
<Value type="int" index="8" genre="config" label="Wake up interval" units="seconds" min="1" max="32767" value="900" read_only="true" >
<Help>Do not use. Set this value using WAKE_UP_INTERVAL_SET instead.</Help>
<Value type="int" index="9" genre="config" label="Pulse count" units="pulses/kWh" min="0" max="2147483647" value="0" >
<Help>Current pulse count in device (pulse count / pulse factor = kWh).</Help>
<Value type="int" index="10" genre="config" label="Keep alive period" units="pulses/kWh" min="0" max="32767" value="60" >
<Help>How many 'ticks' before going back to sleep in normal wakeup mode.</Help>
<Value type="int" index="11" genre="config" label="Real-time mode" units="pulses/kWh" min="0" max="32767" value="0" >
<Help>Set this to enter real-time mode from remote. Contains seconds * poll frequency before going back to sleep. If you press the button once this value will be set.</Help>
<!-- Association Groups -->
<!--<CommandClass id="133">
<Associations num_groups="1">
<Group index="1" max_associations="1" label="Report" auto="true" />
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- To be effective, this file should be placed in the user data folder specified in the Options::Create method -->
<Options xmlns=''>
<Option name="logging" value="true" />
<Option name="Associate" value="true" />
<Option name="NotifyTransactions" value="false" />
<Option name="DriverMaxAttempts" value="0" />
<Option name="SaveConfiguration" value="true" />
<?xml version='1.0'?>
<xs:element name='Options'>
<xs:element ref='Options:Option' minOccurs='0' maxOccurs='unbounded'/>
<xs:element name='Option'>
<xs:attribute name='name' type='xs:string' use='required'/>
<xs:attribute name='value' type='xs:string' use='required'/>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Product xmlns=''>
<!-- COMMAND_CLASS_NODE_NAMING. This class is in the list reported by the PM12, but it does not respond to requests -->
<CommandClass id="119" action="remove" />
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Product xmlns=''>
<!-- COMMAND_CLASS_NODE_NAMING. This class is in the list reported by the PM12, but it does not respond to requests -->
<CommandClass id="119" action="remove" />
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Product xmlns=''>
<!-- COMMAND_CLASS_ASSOCIATION. This class is in the list reported by the thermostat, but it does not respond to requests -->
<CommandClass id="133" name="COMMAND_CLASS_ASSOCIATION" version="1" request_flags="4" create_vars="true">
<Instance index="1" />
<Associations num_groups="1">
<Group index="1" max_associations="5" label="Group 1" auto="true">
<Node id="1" />
<!-- This thermostat's setpoint descriptions are 1 based, not 0 -->
<CommandClass id="67" name="COMMAND_CLASS_THERMOSTAT_SETPOINT" base="0" />
<CommandClass id="112">
<Value type="short" index="23" genre="config" label="Autosend enable" units="" min="" max=""></Value>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Product xmlns=''>
<!-- COMMAND_CLASS_ASSOCIATION. This class is in the list reported by the thermostat, but it does not respond to requests -->
<CommandClass id="133" name="COMMAND_CLASS_ASSOCIATION" version="1" request_flags="4" create_vars="true">
<Instance index="1" />
<Associations num_groups="1">
<Group index="1" max_associations="5" label="Group 1" auto="true">
<Node id="1" />
<!-- The thermostat does not properly report its operating modes -->
<CommandClass id="64" name="COMMAND_CLASS_THERMOSTAT_MODE" version="1" request_flags="4" create_vars="true">
<Value type="list" genre="user" instance="1" index="0" label="Mode" units="" read_only="false" write_only="false" min="0" max="0" value="0">
<Item label="Off" value="0" />
<Item label="Heat" value="1" />
<Item label="Cool" value="2" />
<Item label="Auto" value="3" />
<Item label="Aux Heat" value="4" />
<Mode index="0" label="Off" />
<Mode index="1" label="Heat" />
<Mode index="2" label="Cool" />
<Mode index="3" label="Auto" />
<Mode index="4" label="Aux Heat" />
<CommandClass id="67" name="COMMAND_CLASS_THERMOSTAT_SETPOINT" version="1" request_flags="4" create_vars="true" base="0">
<Instance index="1" />
<Value type="decimal" genre="user" instance="1" index="1" label="Heating 1" units="F" read_only="false" write_only="false" min="0" max="0" value="65" />
<Value type="decimal" genre="user" instance="1" index="2" label="Cooling 1" units="F" read_only="false" write_only="false" min="0" max="0" value="80" />
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Product xmlns=''>
<!-- This thermostat's setpoint descriptions are 1 based, not 0 -->
<CommandClass id="67" name="COMMAND_CLASS_THERMOSTAT_SETPOINT" base="0" />
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Product xmlns=''>
<!-- Association Groups -->
<CommandClass id="133">
<Associations num_groups="16">
<Group index="1" max_associations="232" label="Button1" auto="false" />
<Group index="2" max_associations="232" label="Button2" auto="false" />
<Group index="3" max_associations="232" label="Button3" auto="false" />
<Group index="4" max_associations="232" label="Button4" auto="false" />
<Group index="5" max_associations="232" label="Button5" auto="false" />
<Group index="6" max_associations="232" label="Button6" auto="false" />
<Group index="7" max_associations="232" label="Button7" auto="false" />
<Group index="8" max_associations="232" label="Button8" auto="false" />
<Group index="9" max_associations="232" label="Button9" auto="false" />
<Group index="10" max_associations="232" label="Button10" auto="false" />
<Group index="11" max_associations="232" label="Button11" auto="false" />
<Group index="12" max_associations="232" label="Button12" auto="false" />
<Group index="13" max_associations="232" label="Button13" auto="false" />
<Group index="14" max_associations="232" label="Button14" auto="false" />
<Group index="15" max_associations="232" label="Button15" auto="false" />
<Group index="16" max_associations="232" label="Button16" auto="false" />
<!-- COMMAND_CLASS_WAKE_UP. This class is in the list reported by the device, but it does not
respond to requests. It still needs to be supported so that wake up notifications are handled. -->
<CommandClass id="132" create_vars="false" />
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Product xmlns=''>
<!-- Configuration -->
<CommandClass id="112">
<Value type="list" genre="config" instance="1" index="1" label="1. Reset to factory Default" value="0" size="1">
<Help>Attention: This will delete all your configuration, but the device will remain in the network. Handle with care.</Help>
<Item label="Keep current config" value="0" />
<Item label="Reset to factory Default" value="1" />
<Value type="list" genre="config" instance="1" index="2" label="2. Commands sent on external dry contact" value="0" size="1">
<Help>Configure what the external contact sends when trigger</Help>
<Item label="Alarm Report Type 2(default)" value="0" />
<Item label="Basic On or Basic OFF" value="1" />
<Value type="list" genre="config" instance="1" index="5" label="5. Operating Mode" value="0" size="1">
<Help>Definesif the sensor is in normal –wakeup- mode or always on. This function shall be used only for testing since it draining the battery very fast.</Help>
<Item label="Normal Wakeup (default)" value="0" />
<Item label="Always awake" value="3" />
<Value type="short" genre="config" instance="1" index="6" label="6. Temperature Offset" min="0" max="65535" value="0">
<Help>Offset to the temperature. This parameter can be used to calibrate the temperature sensor function if needed. Note. As factory default the temperature sensor function is calibrated. 0 = 0K (default), not 0 = Temperature Offset in K</Help>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Product xmlns=''>
<!-- Trane Thermostat Model TZEMT400AB32MAA -->
<!-- Configuration Parameters -->
<CommandClass id="112">
<Value type="byte" index="1" genre="config" label="System Type" units="" min="0" max="1" value="0">
0 = Gas/Elec, 1 = HeatPump
<Value type="byte" index="2" genre="config" label="Fan Type" units="" min="0" max="1" value="0">
0 = Gas, 1 = Elec
<Value type="byte" index="3" genre="config" label="Change Over Type" units="" min="0" max="1" value="0">
0 = w/Cool, 1 = w/Heat
<Value type="byte" index="4" genre="config" label="F/C Units" units="" min="0" max="1" value="1">
0 = C, 1 = F
<Value type="byte" index="5" genre="config" label="Unknown-5" units="" min="" max="" value="1">
<Value type="byte" index="9" genre="config" label="Display Lock" units="" min="0" max="1" value="0">
0 = Unlocked, 1 = Locked
<Value type="byte" index="10" genre="config" label="Minimum Off Time" units="minutes" min="5" max="9" value="5">
Sets the minimum off time before another heating/cooling cycle can begin to provide compressor short cycle protection. The thermostat screen will display WAIT when minimum off time is being enforced.
<Value type="byte" index="11" genre="config" label="Minimum Run Time" units="minutes" min="1" max="9" value="6">
Sets the minimum run time before a heating/cooling cycle can turn off to prevent rapid cycling. Thermostat screen will display "Cool ON" or "Heat ON" while the minimum run time is being enforced.
<Value type="byte" index="12" genre="config" label="Heating Delta Stage 1 ON" units="degrees" min="1" max="8" value="1">
Sets the delta from setpoint that stage 1 heating starts.
<Value type="byte" index="13" genre="config" label="Heating Delta Stage 1 OFF" units="degrees" min="0" max="8" value="0">
Sets the delta from setpoint that stage 1 heating stops. Stage 1 turns off at setpoint minus (-) Delta Stage 1.
<Value type="byte" index="14" genre="config" label="Heating Delta Stage 2 ON" units="degrees" min="1" max="8" value="2">
Sets the delta from setpoint that stage 2 heating starts.
<Value type="byte" index="15" genre="config" label="Heating Delta Stage 2 OFF" units="degrees" min="0" max="8" value="0">
Sets the delta from setpoint that stage 2 heating stops. Stage 1 turns off at setpoint minus (-) Delta Stage 2.
<Value type="byte" index="16" genre="config" label="Heating Delta Stage 3 ON" units="degrees" min="1" max="8" value="3">
Sets the delta from setpoint that stage 3 heating starts.
<Value type="byte" index="17" genre="config" label="Heating Delta Stage 3 OFF" units="degrees" min="0" max="8" value="0">
Sets the delta from setpoint that stage 3 heating stops. Stage 1 turns off at setpoint minus (-) Delta Stage 3.
<Value type="byte" index="18" genre="config" label="Cooling Delta Stage 1 ON" units="degrees" min="1" max="8" value="1">
Sets the delta from setpoint that stage 1 cooling starts.
<Value type="byte" index="19" genre="config" label="Cooling Delta Stage 1 OFF" units="degrees" min="0" max="8" value="0">
Sets the delta from setpoint that stage 1 cooling stops. Stage 1 turns off at setpoint minus (-) Delta Stage 1.
<Value type="byte" index="20" genre="config" label="Cooling Delta Stage 2 ON" units="degrees" min="1" max="8" value="2">
Sets the delta from setpoint that stage 2 cooling starts.
<Value type="byte" index="21" genre="config" label="Cooling Delta Stage 2 OFF" units="degrees" min="0" max="8" value="0">
Sets the delta from setpoint that stage 2 cooling stops. Stage 1 turns off at setpoint minus (-) Delta Stage 2.
<Value type="byte" index="22" genre="config" label="Unknown-22" units="" min="" max="" value="5">
<Value type="byte" index="23" genre="config" label="Unknown-23" units="" min="" max="" value="5">
<Value type="byte" index="24" genre="config" label="H/C Delta" units="degrees" min="3" max="15" value="3">
Sets the minimum separation between the heating and cooling setpoints. Attempts to lower the cooling below the heating setpoint by this amount will PUSH the heating setpoint down to maintain this separation. Same for setting the heating setpoint above the cooling setpoint, it will PUSH the cooling setpoint up to maintain this separation. Settings in F.
<Value type="byte" index="25" genre="config" label="SetBack Mode" units="" min="0" max="2" value="0">
0 = No Setback, 1 = Setback, 2 if ESM
<Value type="byte" index="26" genre="config" label="Unknown-26" units="" min="" max="" value="5">
<Value type="byte" index="27" genre="config" label="Unknown-27" units="" min="" max="" value="5">
<Value type="byte" index="28" genre="config" label="Unknown-28" units="" min="" max="" value="5">
<Value type="byte" index="29" genre="config" label="ESM Setpoint--Heating" units="degrees" min="" max="" value="65">
Energy Saving Mode (ESM) Setpoints are the setpoints used when the Energy Saving Mode schedule is selected in the Schedule Mode screen (or via Z-Wave control). Setting in F.
<Value type="byte" index="30" genre="config" label="ESM Setpoint--Cooling" units="degrees" min="" max="" value="80">
Energy Saving Mode (ESM) Setpoints are the setpoints used when the Energy Saving Mode schedule is selected in the Schedule Mode screen (or via Z-Wave control).
<Value type="byte" index="31" genre="config" label="Unknown-31" units="" min="" max="" value="5">
<Value type="byte" index="32" genre="config" label="Unknown-32" units="" min="" max="" value="5">
<Value type="byte" index="33" genre="config" label="Unknown-33" units="" min="" max="" value="5">
<Value type="byte" index="34" genre="config" label="Unknown-34" units="" min="" max="" value="3">
<Value type="byte" index="35" genre="config" label="Unknown-35" units="" min="" max="" value="0">
<Value type="byte" index="36" genre="config" label="Unknown-36" units="" min="" max="" value="5">
<Value type="byte" index="37" genre="config" label="Unknown-37" units="" min="" max="" value="5">
<Value type="byte" index="69" genre="config" label="Unknown-69" units="" min="" max="" value="0">
<Value type="byte" index="74" genre="config" label="Unknown-74" units="" min="" max="" value="1">
<Value type="byte" index="75" genre="config" label="Fan ON Time" units="minutes" min="0" max="120" value="0">
The fan cycler function cycles the HVAC system fan for an ON period followed by an OFF period continuously. Used to provide minimum air ventilation requirements. When the Fan ON time is set to a value greater than 0, an additional Cycler Fan mode is present when pressing the FAN button on the thermostat.
<Value type="byte" index="76" genre="config" label="Fan OFF Time" units="minutes" min="10" max="120" value="0">
The fan cycler function cycles the HVAC system fan for an ON period followed by an OFF period continuously. Used to provide minimum air ventilation requirements. When the Fan ON time is set to a value greater than 0, an additional Cycler Fan mode is present when pressing the FAN button on the thermostat.
<Value type="byte" index="77" genre="config" label="2nd Stage Heat Enable" units="" min="0" max="1" value="0">
0 = no 2nd stage heat, 1 = 2nd stage heat.
<Value type="byte" index="78" genre="config" label="Aux Heat Enable" units="" min="0" max="1" value="1">
0 = no aux heat, 1 = aux heat enabled.
<Value type="byte" index="79" genre="config" label="2nd Stage Cool Enable" units="" min="0" max="1" value="0">
0 = no 2nd stage cool, 1 = 2nd stage cool
<Value type="byte" index="128" genre="config" label="Unknown-128" units="" min="" max="" value="1">
<Value type="byte" index="129" genre="config" label="Unknown-129" units="" min="" max="" value="0">
<Value type="byte" index="130" genre="config" label="Unknown-130" units="" min="" max="" value="90">
<Value type="byte" index="131" genre="config" label="Unknown-131" units="" min="" max="" value="0">
<Value type="byte" index="132" genre="config" label="Run Schedule" units="" min="" max="" value="0">
Set to 1 if running schedule (RUN is displayed on the thermostat screen).
<Value type="byte" index="133" genre="config" label="Unknown-133" units="" min="" max="" value="13">
<Value type="byte" index="134" genre="config" label="Cooling 1 Setpoint" units="degrees" min="" max="" value="80">
HOLD 80F / 26C
RUN 84F / xxC
<Value type="byte" index="135" genre="config" label="Unknown-135" units="" min="" max="" value="0">
<Value type="byte" index="136" genre="config" label="Heating 1 Setpoint" units="degrees" min="" max="" value="60">
Heating 1 Setpoint (does this vary with ESM, etc. or is this for the "Hold" setting?
HOLD 55F / 13C
RUN 60F / xxC
ESM 64F / xxC (unless parameter xx has been changed)
<Value type="byte" index="137" genre="config" label="Backlight Timeout" units="seconds" min="0" max="120" value="30">
Backlight Timeout is the time (in seconds) from the last
button press to the backlight going out. The time-out
can be set between 0 and 120
seconds. When set to 0, the backlight will remain
always on.
Default: 30
<Value type="byte" index="138" genre="config" label="Max Heat Setpoint" units="degrees" min="55" max="90" value="90">
Sets the maximum heating setpoint value. Will not ramp
or accept setpoints higher than this maximum.
Minimum: 55F / xxC
Maximum: 90F / xxC
Default: 90F / 32C
<Value type="byte" index="139" genre="config" label="Min Cool Setpoint" units="degrees" min="60" max="99" value="60">
Sets the minimum cooling setpoint value. Will not ramp
or accept setpoints lower than this minimum.
Minimum: 60F / xxC
Maximum: 99F / xxC
Default: 60F / 15C
<Value type="byte" index="140" genre="config" label="Unknown-140" units="" min="" max="" value="10">
<Value type="byte" index="141" genre="config" label="Screen Timeout" units="seconds" min="0" max="120" value="0">
This is the time before any screen reverts to the Minimized
Screen (temperature display only), after you stop pushing
buttons. Minimized Screen feature is disabled by setting this
time to 0.
Default: 0
<Value type="byte" index="142" genre="config" label="Unknown-142" units="" min="" max="" value="0">
<Value type="byte" index="143" genre="config" label="Sensor (Internal) Offset" units="degrees" min="-7" max="+7" value="0">
The internal temperature sensor can be calibrated to report
values different from its actual reading. The offset can
range from -7 degrees to +7 degrees.
Default: 0
<Value type="byte" index="144" genre="config" label="Unknown-144" units="" min="" max="" value="0">
<Value type="byte" index="145" genre="config" label="Unknown-145" units="" min="" max="" value="0">
<Value type="byte" index="146" genre="config" label="Unknown-146" units="" min="" max="" value="0">
<Value type="byte" index="147" genre="config" label="Unknown-147" units="" min="" max="" value="0">
<Value type="byte" index="148" genre="config" label="Screen Contrast" units="" min="0" max="20" value="10">
The Screen Contrast sets the contrast level of the LCD display.
The contrast can be set between 0 and 20. If the display
is too light, use a higher number. If dark lines appear on
the screen, use a lower number.
Default: 10
<Value type="byte" index="161" genre="config" label="Unknown-161" units="" min="" max="" value="1">
<Value type="byte" index="162" genre="config" label="Unknown-162" units="" min="" max="" value="30">
<Value type="byte" index="163" genre="config" label="Unknown-163" units="" min="" max="" value="0">
<Value type="byte" index="166" genre="config" label="Unknown-166" units="" min="" max="" value="1">
<Value type="byte" index="167" genre="config" label="Unknown-167" units="" min="" max="" value="1">
<Value type="byte" index="162" genre="config" label="Unknown-162" units="" min="" max="" value="30">
<Value type="byte" index="169" genre="config" label="Unknown-169" units="" min="" max="" value="0">
<Value type="byte" index="170" genre="config" label="Unknown-170" units="" min="" max="" value="0">
<Value type="byte" index="171" genre="config" label="Unknown-171" units="" min="" max="">
0x2c after reset
0xf4 after reset
<Value type="byte" index="172" genre="config" label="Unknown-172" units="" min="" max="">
0x2c after reset
0xf4 after reset
<Value type="byte" index="173" genre="config" label="Unknown-173" units="" min="" max="" value="0">
<Value type="byte" index="174" genre="config" label="Unknown-174" units="" min="" max="" value="0">
<Value type="byte" index="175" genre="config" label="Unknown-175" units="" min="" max="" value="1">
<Value type="byte" index="176" genre="config" label="Unknown-176" units="" min="" max="" value="44">
<Value type="byte" index="177" genre="config" label="Unknown-177" units="" min="" max="" value="0">
<Value type="byte" index="178" genre="config" label="Unknown-178" units="" min="" max="" value="0">
<Value type="byte" index="179" genre="config" label="Unknown-179" units="" min="" max="" value="1">
<Value type="byte" index="180" genre="config" label="Unknown-180" units="" min="" max="" value="44">
<Value type="byte" index="181" genre="config" label="Unknown-181" units="" min="" max="" value="0">
<Value type="byte" index="182" genre="config" label="Unknown-182" units="" min="" max="" value="0">
<Value type="byte" index="183" genre="config" label="Unknown-183" units="" min="" max="">
0xb8 after reset
0xe4 after reset
<Value type="byte" index="184" genre="config" label="Unknown-184" units="" min="" max="">
0xb8 after reset
0xe4 after reset
<Value type="byte" index="185" genre="config" label="Schedule Enable" units="" min="0" max="1" value="0">
When enabled (set to 1), the local thermostat's scheduler
function is enabled.
Default: 0
<Value type="byte" index="186" genre="config" label="Unknown-186" units="" min="" max="" value="0">
<Value type="byte" index="187" genre="config" label="Unknown-187" units="" min="" max="" value="0">
<Value type="byte" index="190" genre="config" label="Unknown-190" units="" min="" max="" value="0">
<Value type="byte" index="191" genre="config" label="Unknown-191" units="" min="" max="" value="0">
<Value type="byte" index="192" genre="config" label="Unknown-192" units="" min="" max="" value="0">
0xff after reset
<Value type="byte" index="193" genre="config" label="Unknown-193" units="" min="" max="" value="0">
<Value type="byte" index="194" genre="config" label="Unknown-194" units="" min="" max="" value="0">
<Value type="byte" index="195" genre="config" label="Unknown-195" units="" min="" max="" value="0">
0xff after reset
<Value type="byte" index="196" genre="config" label="Unknown-196" units="" min="" max="" value="0">
<Value type="byte" index="197" genre="config" label="Unknown-197" units="" min="" max="" value="0">
<Value type="byte" index="198" genre="config" label="Unknown-198" units="" min="" max="" value="0">
0xff after reset
<Value type="byte" index="199" genre="config" label="Unknown-199" units="" min="" max="" value="0">
<Value type="byte" index="200" genre="config" label="Unknown-200" units="" min="" max="" value="0">
<Value type="byte" index="201" genre="config" label="Unknown-201" units="" min="" max="" value="0">
0xff after reset
<Value type="byte" index="202" genre="config" label="Unknown-202" units="" min="" max="" value="0">
<Value type="byte" index="203" genre="config" label="Unknown-203" units="" min="" max="" value="0">
<Value type="byte" index="204" genre="config" label="Unknown-204" units="" min="" max="" value="0">
0xff after reset
<Value type="byte" index="205" genre="config" label="Unknown-205" units="" min="" max="" value="0">
<Value type="byte" index="206" genre="config" label="Unknown-206" units="" min="" max="" value="0">
<Value type="byte" index="207" genre="config" label="Unknown-207" units="" min="" max="" value="0">
0xff after reset
<Value type="byte" index="208" genre="config" label="Unknown-208" units="" min="" max="" value="0">
<Value type="byte" index="209" genre="config" label="Unknown-209" units="" min="" max="" value="0">
<Value type="byte" index="210" genre="config" label="Unknown-210" units="" min="" max="" value="0">
0xff after reset
<Value type="byte" index="211" genre="config" label="Unknown-211" units="" min="" max="" value="0">
<Value type="byte" index="212" genre="config" label="Unknown-212" units="" min="" max="" value="0">
<Value type="byte" index="213" genre="config" label="Unknown-213" units="" min="" max="" value="1">
Recovery enable?
Default: 1
<Value type="byte" index="214" genre="config" label="Unknown-214" units="" min="" max="" value="0">
<Value type="byte" index="215" genre="config" label="Unknown-215" units="" min="" max="" value="0">
<Value type="byte" index="216" genre="config" label="Unknown-216" units="" min="" max="" value="0">
<Value type="byte" index="217" genre="config" label="Unknown-217" units="" min="" max="" value="0">
<Value type="byte" index="218" genre="config" label="Unknown-218" units="" min="" max="" value="0">
<Value type="byte" index="219" genre="config" label="Unknown-219" units="" min="" max="" value="0">
<Value type="byte" index="220" genre="config" label="Unknown-220" units="" min="" max="" value="0">
<Value type="byte" index="221" genre="config" label="Unknown-221" units="" min="" max="" value="0">
<Value type="int" index="228" genre="config" label="Schedule Sun-1" units="" min="" max="" value="100681283">
This value holds information about the first schedule
setpoints for Sundays.
Byte 1: Hour (0-23)
Byte 2: Minute (0-59)
Byte 3: Heat Setpoint (degrees)
Byte 4: Cool Setpoint (degrees)
Default: 0x06004643 06:00AM 70F / 67F
0x06001519 06:00AM 21C / 25C
<Value type="int" index="229" genre="config" label="Schedule Sun-2" units="" min="" max="" value="134233685">
This value holds information about the second schedule
setpoints for Sundays.
Byte 1: Hour (0-23)
Byte 2: Minute (0-59)
Byte 3: Heat Setpoint (degrees)
Byte 4: Cool Setpoint (degrees)
Default: 0x08003e55 08:00AM 62F / 85F
0x0800101d 08:00AM 16C / 29C
<Value type="int" index="230" genre="config" label="Schedule Sun-3" units="" min="" max="" value="302007886">
This value holds information about the third schedule
setpoints for Sundays.
Byte 1: Hour (0-23)
Byte 2: Minute (0-59)
Byte 3: Heat Setpoint (degrees)
Byte 4: Cool Setpoint (degrees)
Default: 0x1200464e 06:00PM 70F / 78F
0x12001519 06:00PM 21C / 25C
<Value type="int" index="231" genre="config" label="Schedule Sun-4" units="" min="" max="" value="369114706">
This value holds information about the fourth schedule
setpoints for Sundays.
Byte 1: Hour (0-23)
Byte 2: Minute (0-59)
Byte 3: Heat Setpoint (degrees)
Byte 4: Cool Setpoint (degrees)
Default: 0x16003e52 10:00PM 62F / 82F
0x1600101b 10:00PM 16C / 27C
<Value type="int" index="232" genre="config" label="Schedule Mon-1" units="" min="" max="" value="">
This value holds information about the first schedule
setpoints for Mondays.
Byte 1: Hour (0-23)
Byte 2: Minute (0-59)
Byte 3: Heat Setpoint (degrees)
Byte 4: Cool Setpoint (degrees)
Default: 0x06004643 06:00AM 70F / 67F
0x06001519 06:00AM 21C / 25C
<Value type="int" index="233" genre="config" label="Schedule Mon-2" units="" min="" max="">
This value holds information about the second schedule
setpoints for Mondays.
Byte 1: Hour (0-23)
Byte 2: Minute (0-59)
Byte 3: Heat Setpoint (degrees)
Byte 4: Cool Setpoint (degrees)
Default: 0x08003e55 08:00AM 62F / 85F
0x0800101d 08:00AM 16C / 29C
<Value type="int" index="234" genre="config" label="Schedule Mon-3" units="" min="" max="">
This value holds information about the third schedule
setpoints for Mondays.
Byte 1: Hour (0-23)
Byte 2: Minute (0-59)
Byte 3: Heat Setpoint (degrees)
Byte 4: Cool Setpoint (degrees)
Default: 0x1200464e 06:00PM 70F / 78F
0x12001519 06:00PM 21C / 25C
<Value type="int" index="235" genre="config" label="Schedule Mon-4" units="" min="" max="">
This value holds information about the fourth schedule
setpoints for Mondays.
Byte 1: Hour (0-23)
Byte 2: Minute (0-59)
Byte 3: Heat Setpoint (degrees)
Byte 4: Cool Setpoint (degrees)
Default: 0x16003e52 10:00PM 62F / 82F
0x1600101b 10:00PM 16C / 27C
<Value type="int" index="236" genre="config" label="Schedule Tue-1" units="" min="" max="">
This value holds information about the first schedule
setpoints for Tuesdays.
Byte 1: Hour (0-23)
Byte 2: Minute (0-59)
Byte 3: Heat Setpoint (degrees)
Byte 4: Cool Setpoint (degrees)
Default: 0x06004643 06:00AM 70F / 67F
0x06001519 06:00AM 21C / 25C
<Value type="int" index="237" genre="config" label="Schedule Tue-2" units="" min="" max="">
This value holds information about the second schedule
setpoints for Tuesdays.
Byte 1: Hour (0-23)
Byte 2: Minute (0-59)
Byte 3: Heat Setpoint (degrees)
Byte 4: Cool Setpoint (degrees)
Default: 0x08003e55 08:00AM 62F / 85F
0x0800101d 08:00AM 16C / 29C
<Value type="int" index="238" genre="config" label="Schedule Tue-3" units="" min="" max="">
This value holds information about the third schedule
setpoints for Tuesdays.
Byte 1: Hour (0-23)
Byte 2: Minute (0-59)
Byte 3: Heat Setpoint (degrees)
Byte 4: Cool Setpoint (degrees)
Default: 0x1200464e 06:00PM 70F / 78F
0x12001519 06:00PM 21C / 25C
<Value type="int" index="239" genre="config" label="Schedule Tue-4" units="" min="" max="">
This value holds information about the fourth schedule
setpoints for Tuesdays.
Byte 1: Hour (0-23)
Byte 2: Minute (0-59)
Byte 3: Heat Setpoint (degrees)
Byte 4: Cool Setpoint (degrees)
Default: 0x16003e52 10:00PM 62F / 82F
0x1600101b 10:00PM 16C / 27C
<Value type="int" index="240" genre="config" label="Schedule Wed-1" units="" min="" max="">
This value holds information about the first schedule
setpoints for Wednesdays.
Byte 1: Hour (0-23)
Byte 2: Minute (0-59)
Byte 3: Heat Setpoint (degrees)
Byte 4: Cool Setpoint (degrees)
Default: 0x06004643 06:00AM 70F / 67F
0x06001519 06:00AM 21C / 25C
<Value type="int" index="241" genre="config" label="Schedule Wed-2" units="" min="" max="">
This value holds information about the second schedule setpoints for Wednesdays.
Byte 1: Hour (0-23)
Byte 2: Minute (0-59)
Byte 3: Heat Setpoint (degrees)
Byte 4: Cool Setpoint (degrees)
Default: 0x08003e55 08:00AM 62F / 85F
0x0800101d 08:00AM 16C / 29C
<Value type="int" index="242" genre="config" label="Schedule Wed-3" units="" min="" max="">
This value holds information about the third schedule setpoints for Wednesdays.
Byte 1: Hour (0-23)
Byte 2: Minute (0-59)
Byte 3: Heat Setpoint (degrees)
Byte 4: Cool Setpoint (degrees)
Default: 0x1200464e 06:00PM 70F / 78F
0x12001519 06:00PM 21C / 25C
<Value type="int" index="243" genre="config" label="Schedule Wed-4" units="" min="" max="">
This value holds information about the fourth schedule setpoints for Wednesdays.
Byte 1: Hour (0-23)
Byte 2: Minute (0-59)
Byte 3: Heat Setpoint (degrees)
Byte 4: Cool Setpoint (degrees)
Default: 0x16003e52 10:00PM 62F / 82F
0x1600101b 10:00PM 16C / 27C
<Value type="int" index="244" genre="config" label="Schedule Thu-1" units="" min="" max="">
This value holds information about the first schedule setpoints for Thursdays.
Byte 1: Hour (0-23)
Byte 2: Minute (0-59)
Byte 3: Heat Setpoint (degrees)
Byte 4: Cool Setpoint (degrees)
Default: 0x06004643 06:00AM 70F / 67F
0x06001519 06:00AM 21C / 25C
<Value type="int" index="245" genre="config" label="Schedule Thu-2" units="" min="" max="">
This value holds information about the second schedule setpoints for Thursdays.
Byte 1: Hour (0-23)
Byte 2: Minute (0-59)
Byte 3: Heat Setpoint (degrees)
Byte 4: Cool Setpoint (degrees)
Default: 0x08003e55 08:00AM 62F / 85F
0x0800101d 08:00AM 16C / 29C
<Value type="int" index="246" genre="config" label="Schedule Thu-3" units="" min="" max="">
This value holds information about the third schedule setpoints for Thursdays.
Byte 1: Hour (0-23)
Byte 2: Minute (0-59)
Byte 3: Heat Setpoint (degrees)
Byte 4: Cool Setpoint (degrees)
Default: 0x1200464e 06:00PM 70F / 78F
0x12001519 06:00PM 21C / 25C
<Value type="int" index="247" genre="config" label="Schedule Thu-4" units="" min="" max="">
This value holds information about the fourth schedule setpoints for Thursdays.
Byte 1: Hour (0-23)
Byte 2: Minute (0-59)
Byte 3: Heat Setpoint (degrees)
Byte 4: Cool Setpoint (degrees)
Default: 0x16003e52 10:00PM 62F / 82F
0x1600101b 10:00PM 16C / 27C
<Value type="int" index="248" genre="config" label="Schedule Fri-1" units="" min="" max="">
This value holds information about the first schedule setpoints for Fridays.
Byte 1: Hour (0-23)
Byte 2: Minute (0-59)
Byte 3: Heat Setpoint (degrees)
Byte 4: Cool Setpoint (degrees)
Default: 0x06004643 06:00AM 70F / 67F
0x06001519 06:00AM 21C / 25C
<Value type="int" index="249" genre="config" label="Schedule Fri-2" units="" min="" max="">
This value holds information about the second schedule setpoints for Fridays.
Byte 1: Hour (0-23)
Byte 2: Minute (0-59)
Byte 3: Heat Setpoint (degrees)
Byte 4: Cool Setpoint (degrees)
Default: 0x08003e55 08:00AM 62F / 85F
0x0800101d 08:00AM 16C / 29C
<Value type="int" index="250" genre="config" label="Schedule Fri-3" units="" min="" max="">
This value holds information about the third schedule setpoints for Fridays.
Byte 1: Hour (0-23)
Byte 2: Minute (0-59)
Byte 3: Heat Setpoint (degrees)
Byte 4: Cool Setpoint (degrees)
Default: 0x1200464e 06:00PM 70F / 78F
0x12001519 06:00PM 21C / 25C
<Value type="int" index="251" genre="config" label="Schedule Fri-4" units="" min="" max="">
This value holds information about the fourth schedule setpoints for Fridays.
Byte 1: Hour (0-23)
Byte 2: Minute (0-59)
Byte 3: Heat Setpoint (degrees)
Byte 4: Cool Setpoint (degrees)
Default: 0x16003e52 10:00PM 62F / 82F
0x1600101b 10:00PM 16C / 27C
<Value type="int" index="252" genre="config" label="Schedule Sat-1" units="" min="" max="">
This value holds information about the first schedule setpoints for Saturdays.
Byte 1: Hour (0-23)
Byte 2: Minute (0-59)
Byte 3: Heat Setpoint (degrees)
Byte 4: Cool Setpoint (degrees)
Default: 0x06004643 06:00AM 70F / 67F
0x06001519 06:00AM 21C / 25C
<Value type="int" index="253" genre="config" label="Schedule Sat-2" units="" min="" max="">
This value holds information about the second schedule setpoints for Saturdays.
Byte 1: Hour (0-23)
Byte 2: Minute (0-59)
Byte 3: Heat Setpoint (degrees)
Byte 4: Cool Setpoint (degrees)
Default: 0x08003e55 08:00AM 62F / 85F
0x0800101d 08:00AM 16C / 29C
<Value type="int" index="254" genre="config" label="Schedule Sat-3" units="" min="" max="">
This value holds information about the third schedule setpoints for Saturdays.
Byte 1: Hour (0-23)
Byte 2: Minute (0-59)
Byte 3: Heat Setpoint (degrees)
Byte 4: Cool Setpoint (degrees)
Default: 0x1200464e 06:00PM 70F / 78F
0x12001519 06:00PM 21C / 25C
<Value type="int" index="255" genre="config" label="Schedule Sat-4" units="" min="" max="">
This value holds information about the fourth schedule setpoints for Saturdays.
Byte 1: Hour (0-23)
Byte 2: Minute (0-59)
Byte 3: Heat Setpoint (degrees)
Byte 4: Cool Setpoint (degrees)
Default: 0x16003e52 10:00PM 62F / 82F
0x1600101b 10:00PM 16C / 27C
<!-- Association Groups -->
<CommandClass id="133">
<!-- This thermostat's setpoint descriptions are 0 based, not 1 -->
<CommandClass id="67" base="0" />
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Product xmlns=''>
<!-- Trane Thermostat Model TZEMT400BB32MAA -->
<!-- Configuration Parameters -->
<CommandClass id="112">
<Value type="byte" index="1" genre="config" label="System Type" units="" min="0" max="1" value="0">
0 = Gas/Elec, 1 = HeatPump
<Value type="byte" index="2" genre="config" label="Fan Type" units="" min="0" max="1" value="0">
0 = Gas, 1 = Elec
<Value type="byte" index="3" genre="config" label="Change Over Type" units="" min="0" max="1" value="0">
0 = w/Cool, 1 = w/Heat
<Value type="byte" index="4" genre="config" label="F/C Units" units="" min="0" max="1" value="1">
0 = C, 1 = F
<Value type="byte" index="5" genre="config" label="Unknown-5" units="" min="" max="" value="1">
<Value type="byte" index="9" genre="config" label="Display Lock" units="" min="0" max="1" value="0">
0 = Unlocked, 1 = Locked
<Value type="byte" index="10" genre="config" label="Minimum Off Time" units="minutes" min="5" max="9" value="5">
Sets the minimum off time before another heating/cooling cycle can begin to provide compressor short cycle protection. The thermostat screen will display WAIT when minimum off time is being enforced.
<Value type="byte" index="11" genre="config" label="Minimum Run Time" units="minutes" min="1" max="9" value="6">
Sets the minimum run time before a heating/cooling cycle can turn off to prevent rapid cycling. Thermostat screen will display "Cool ON" or "Heat ON" while the minimum run time is being enforced.
<Value type="byte" index="12" genre="config" label="Heating Delta Stage 1 ON" units="degrees" min="1" max="8" value="1">
Sets the delta from setpoint that stage 1 heating starts.
<Value type="byte" index="13" genre="config" label="Heating Delta Stage 1 OFF" units="degrees" min="0" max="8" value="0">
Sets the delta from setpoint that stage 1 heating stops. Stage 1 turns off at setpoint minus (-) Delta Stage 1.
<Value type="byte" index="14" genre="config" label="Heating Delta Stage 2 ON" units="degrees" min="1" max="8" value="2">
Sets the delta from setpoint that stage 2 heating starts.
<Value type="byte" index="15" genre="config" label="Heating Delta Stage 2 OFF" units="degrees" min="0" max="8" value="0">
Sets the delta from setpoint that stage 2 heating stops. Stage 1 turns off at setpoint minus (-) Delta Stage 2.
<Value type="byte" index="16" genre="config" label="Heating Delta Stage 3 ON" units="degrees" min="1" max="8" value="3">
Sets the delta from setpoint that stage 3 heating starts.
<Value type="byte" index="17" genre="config" label="Heating Delta Stage 3 OFF" units="degrees" min="0" max="8" value="0">
Sets the delta from setpoint that stage 3 heating stops. Stage 1 turns off at setpoint minus (-) Delta Stage 3.
<Value type="byte" index="18" genre="config" label="Cooling Delta Stage 1 ON" units="degrees" min="1" max="8" value="1">
Sets the delta from setpoint that stage 1 cooling starts.
<Value type="byte" index="19" genre="config" label="Cooling Delta Stage 1 OFF" units="degrees" min="0" max="8" value="0">
Sets the delta from setpoint that stage 1 cooling stops. Stage 1 turns off at setpoint minus (-) Delta Stage 1.
<Value type="byte" index="20" genre="config" label="Cooling Delta Stage 2 ON" units="degrees" min="1" max="8" value="2">
Sets the delta from setpoint that stage 2 cooling starts.
<Value type="byte" index="21" genre="config" label="Cooling Delta Stage 2 OFF" units="degrees" min="0" max="8" value="0">
Sets the delta from setpoint that stage 2 cooling stops. Stage 1 turns off at setpoint minus (-) Delta Stage 2.
<Value type="byte" index="22" genre="config" label="Unknown-22" units="" min="" max="" value="5">
<Value type="byte" index="23" genre="config" label="Unknown-23" units="" min="" max="" value="5">
<Value type="byte" index="24" genre="config" label="H/C Delta" units="degrees" min="3" max="15" value="3">
Sets the minimum separation between the heating and cooling setpoints. Attempts to lower the cooling below the heating setpoint by this amount will PUSH the heating setpoint down to maintain this separation. Same for setting the heating setpoint above the cooling setpoint, it will PUSH the cooling setpoint up to maintain this separation. Settings in F.
<Value type="byte" index="25" genre="config" label="SetBack Mode" units="" min="0" max="2" value="0">
0 = No Setback, 1 = Setback, 2 if ESM
<Value type="byte" index="26" genre="config" label="Unknown-26" units="" min="" max="" value="5">
<Value type="byte" index="27" genre="config" label="Unknown-27" units="" min="" max="" value="5">
<Value type="byte" index="28" genre="config" label="Unknown-28" units="" min="" max="" value="5">
<Value type="byte" index="29" genre="config" label="ESM Setpoint--Heating" units="degrees" min="" max="" value="65">
Energy Saving Mode (ESM) Setpoints are the setpoints used when the Energy Saving Mode schedule is selected in the Schedule Mode screen (or via Z-Wave control). Setting in F.
<Value type="byte" index="30" genre="config" label="ESM Setpoint--Cooling" units="degrees" min="" max="" value="80">
Energy Saving Mode (ESM) Setpoints are the setpoints used when the Energy Saving Mode schedule is selected in the Schedule Mode screen (or via Z-Wave control).
<Value type="byte" index="31" genre="config" label="Unknown-31" units="" min="" max="" value="5">
<Value type="byte" index="32" genre="config" label="Unknown-32" units="" min="" max="" value="5">
<Value type="byte" index="33" genre="config" label="Unknown-33" units="" min="" max="" value="5">
<Value type="byte" index="34" genre="config" label="Unknown-34" units="" min="" max="" value="3">
<Value type="byte" index="35" genre="config" label="Unknown-35" units="" min="" max="" value="0">
<Value type="byte" index="36" genre="config" label="Unknown-36" units="" min="" max="" value="5">
<Value type="byte" index="37" genre="config" label="Unknown-37" units="" min="" max="" value="5">
<Value type="byte" index="69" genre="config" label="Unknown-69" units="" min="" max="" value="0">
<Value type="byte" index="74" genre="config" label="Unknown-74" units="" min="" max="" value="1">
<Value type="byte" index="75" genre="config" label="Fan ON Time" units="minutes" min="0" max="120" value="0">
The fan cycler function cycles the HVAC system fan for an ON period followed by an OFF period continuously. Used to provide minimum air ventilation requirements. When the Fan ON time is set to a value greater than 0, an additional Cycler Fan mode is present when pressing the FAN button on the thermostat.
<Value type="byte" index="76" genre="config" label="Fan OFF Time" units="minutes" min="10" max="120" value="0">
The fan cycler function cycles the HVAC system fan for an ON period followed by an OFF period continuously. Used to provide minimum air ventilation requirements. When the Fan ON time is set to a value greater than 0, an additional Cycler Fan mode is present when pressing the FAN button on the thermostat.
<Value type="byte" index="77" genre="config" label="2nd Stage Heat Enable" units="" min="0" max="1" value="0">
0 = no 2nd stage heat, 1 = 2nd stage heat.
<Value type="byte" index="78" genre="config" label="Aux Heat Enable" units="" min="0" max="1" value="1">
0 = no aux heat, 1 = aux heat enabled.
<Value type="byte" index="79" genre="config" label="2nd Stage Cool Enable" units="" min="0" max="1" value="0">
0 = no 2nd stage cool, 1 = 2nd stage cool
<Value type="byte" index="128" genre="config" label="Unknown-128" units="" min="" max="" value="1">
<Value type="byte" index="129" genre="config" label="Unknown-129" units="" min="" max="" value="0">
<Value type="byte" index="130" genre="config" label="Unknown-130" units="" min="" max="" value="90">
<Value type="byte" index="131" genre="config" label="Unknown-131" units="" min="" max="" value="0">
<Value type="byte" index="132" genre="config" label="Run Schedule" units="" min="" max="" value="0">
Set to 1 if running schedule (RUN is displayed on the thermostat screen).
<Value type="byte" index="133" genre="config" label="Unknown-133" units="" min="" max="" value="13">
<Value type="byte" index="134" genre="config" label="Cooling 1 Setpoint" units="degrees" min="" max="" value="80">
HOLD 80F / 26C
RUN 84F / xxC
<Value type="byte" index="135" genre="config" label="Unknown-135" units="" min="" max="" value="0">
<Value type="byte" index="136" genre="config" label="Heating 1 Setpoint" units="degrees" min="" max="" value="60">
Heating 1 Setpoint (does this vary with ESM, etc. or is this for the "Hold" setting?
HOLD 55F / 13C
RUN 60F / xxC
ESM 64F / xxC (unless parameter xx has been changed)
<Value type="byte" index="137" genre="config" label="Backlight Timeout" units="seconds" min="0" max="120" value="30">
Backlight Timeout is the time (in seconds) from the last
button press to the backlight going out. The time-out
can be set between 0 and 120
seconds. When set to 0, the backlight will remain
always on.
Default: 30
<Value type="byte" index="138" genre="config" label="Max Heat Setpoint" units="degrees" min="55" max="90" value="90">
Sets the maximum heating setpoint value. Will not ramp
or accept setpoints higher than this maximum.
Minimum: 55F / xxC
Maximum: 90F / xxC
Default: 90F / 32C
<Value type="byte" index="139" genre="config" label="Min Cool Setpoint" units="degrees" min="60" max="99" value="60">
Sets the minimum cooling setpoint value. Will not ramp
or accept setpoints lower than this minimum.
Minimum: 60F / xxC
Maximum: 99F / xxC
Default: 60F / 15C
<Value type="byte" index="140" genre="config" label="Unknown-140" units="" min="" max="" value="10">
<Value type="byte" index="141" genre="config" label="Screen Timeout" units="seconds" min="0" max="120" value="0">
This is the time before any screen reverts to the Minimized
Screen (temperature display only), after you stop pushing
buttons. Minimized Screen feature is disabled by setting this
time to 0.
Default: 0
<Value type="byte" index="142" genre="config" label="Unknown-142" units="" min="" max="" value="0">
<Value type="byte" index="143" genre="config" label="Sensor (Internal) Offset" units="degrees" min="-7" max="+7" value="0">
The internal temperature sensor can be calibrated to report
values different from its actual reading. The offset can
range from -7 degrees to +7 degrees.
Default: 0
<Value type="byte" index="144" genre="config" label="Unknown-144" units="" min="" max="" value="0">
<Value type="byte" index="145" genre="config" label="Unknown-145" units="" min="" max="" value="0">
<Value type="byte" index="146" genre="config" label="Unknown-146" units="" min="" max="" value="0">
<Value type="byte" index="147" genre="config" label="Unknown-147" units="" min="" max="" value="0">
<Value type="byte" index="148" genre="config" label="Screen Contrast" units="" min="0" max="20" value="10">
The Screen Contrast sets the contrast level of the LCD display.
The contrast can be set between 0 and 20. If the display
is too light, use a higher number. If dark lines appear on
the screen, use a lower number.
Default: 10
<Value type="byte" index="161" genre="config" label="Unknown-161" units="" min="" max="" value="1">
<Value type="byte" index="162" genre="config" label="Unknown-162" units="" min="" max="" value="30">
<Value type="byte" index="163" genre="config" label="Unknown-163" units="" min="" max="" value="0">
<Value type="byte" index="166" genre="config" label="Unknown-166" units="" min="" max="" value="1">
<Value type="byte" index="167" genre="config" label="Unknown-167" units="" min="" max="" value="1">
<Value type="byte" index="162" genre="config" label="Unknown-162" units="" min="" max="" value="30">
<Value type="byte" index="169" genre="config" label="Unknown-169" units="" min="" max="" value="0">
<Value type="byte" index="170" genre="config" label="Unknown-170" units="" min="" max="" value="0">
<Value type="byte" index="171" genre="config" label="Unknown-171" units="" min="" max="">
0x2c after reset
0xf4 after reset
<Value type="byte" index="172" genre="config" label="Unknown-172" units="" min="" max="">
0x2c after reset
0xf4 after reset
<Value type="byte" index="173" genre="config" label="Unknown-173" units="" min="" max="" value="0">
<Value type="byte" index="174" genre="config" label="Unknown-174" units="" min="" max="" value="0">
<Value type="byte" index="175" genre="config" label="Unknown-175" units="" min="" max="" value="1">
<Value type="byte" index="176" genre="config" label="Unknown-176" units="" min="" max="" value="44">
<Value type="byte" index="177" genre="config" label="Unknown-177" units="" min="" max="" value="0">
<Value type="byte" index="178" genre="config" label="Unknown-178" units="" min="" max="" value="0">
<Value type="byte" index="179" genre="config" label="Unknown-179" units="" min="" max="" value="1">
<Value type="byte" index="180" genre="config" label="Unknown-180" units="" min="" max="" value="44">
<Value type="byte" index="181" genre="config" label="Unknown-181" units="" min="" max="" value="0">
<Value type="byte" index="182" genre="config" label="Unknown-182" units="" min="" max="" value="0">
<Value type="byte" index="183" genre="config" label="Unknown-183" units="" min="" max="">
0xb8 after reset
0xe4 after reset
<Value type="byte" index="184" genre="config" label="Unknown-184" units="" min="" max="">
0xb8 after reset
0xe4 after reset
<Value type="byte" index="185" genre="config" label="Schedule Enable" units="" min="0" max="1" value="0">
When enabled (set to 1), the local thermostat's scheduler
function is enabled.
Default: 0
<Value type="byte" index="186" genre="config" label="Unknown-186" units="" min="" max="" value="0">
<Value type="byte" index="187" genre="config" label="Unknown-187" units="" min="" max="" value="0">
<Value type="byte" index="190" genre="config" label="Unknown-190" units="" min="" max="" value="0">
<Value type="byte" index="191" genre="config" label="Unknown-191" units="" min="" max="" value="0">
<Value type="byte" index="192" genre="config" label="Unknown-192" units="" min="" max="" value="0">
0xff after reset
<Value type="byte" index="193" genre="config" label="Unknown-193" units="" min="" max="" value="0">
<Value type="byte" index="194" genre="config" label="Unknown-194" units="" min="" max="" value="0">
<Value type="byte" index="195" genre="config" label="Unknown-195" units="" min="" max="" value="0">
0xff after reset
<Value type="byte" index="196" genre="config" label="Unknown-196" units="" min="" max="" value="0">
<Value type="byte" index="197" genre="config" label="Unknown-197" units="" min="" max="" value="0">
<Value type="byte" index="198" genre="config" label="Unknown-198" units="" min="" max="" value="0">
0xff after reset
<Value type="byte" index="199" genre="config" label="Unknown-199" units="" min="" max="" value="0">
<Value type="byte" index="200" genre="config" label="Unknown-200" units="" min="" max="" value="0">
<Value type="byte" index="201" genre="config" label="Unknown-201" units="" min="" max="" value="0">
0xff after reset
<Value type="byte" index="202" genre="config" label="Unknown-202" units="" min="" max="" value="0">
<Value type="byte" index="203" genre="config" label="Unknown-203" units="" min="" max="" value="0">
<Value type="byte" index="204" genre="config" label="Unknown-204" units="" min="" max="" value="0">
0xff after reset
<Value type="byte" index="205" genre="config" label="Unknown-205" units="" min="" max="" value="0">
<Value type="byte" index="206" genre="config" label="Unknown-206" units="" min="" max="" value="0">
<Value type="byte" index="207" genre="config" label="Unknown-207" units="" min="" max="" value="0">
0xff after reset
<Value type="byte" index="208" genre="config" label="Unknown-208" units="" min="" max="" value="0">
<Value type="byte" index="209" genre="config" label="Unknown-209" units="" min="" max="" value="0">
<Value type="byte" index="210" genre="config" label="Unknown-210" units="" min="" max="" value="0">
0xff after reset
<Value type="byte" index="211" genre="config" label="Unknown-211" units="" min="" max="" value="0">
<Value type="byte" index="212" genre="config" label="Unknown-212" units="" min="" max="" value="0">
<Value type="byte" index="213" genre="config" label="Unknown-213" units="" min="" max="" value="1">
Recovery enable?
Default: 1
<Value type="byte" index="214" genre="config" label="Unknown-214" units="" min="" max="" value="0">
<Value type="byte" index="215" genre="config" label="Unknown-215" units="" min="" max="" value="0">
<Value type="byte" index="216" genre="config" label="Unknown-216" units="" min="" max="" value="0">
<Value type="byte" index="217" genre="config" label="Unknown-217" units="" min="" max="" value="0">
<Value type="byte" index="218" genre="config" label="Unknown-218" units="" min="" max="" value="0">
<Value type="byte" index="219" genre="config" label="Unknown-219" units="" min="" max="" value="0">
<Value type="byte" index="220" genre="config" label="Unknown-220" units="" min="" max="" value="0">
<Value type="byte" index="221" genre="config" label="Unknown-221" units="" min="" max="" value="0">
<Value type="int" index="228" genre="config" label="Schedule Sun-1" units="" min="" max="" value="100681283">
This value holds information about the first schedule
setpoints for Sundays.
Byte 1: Hour (0-23)
Byte 2: Minute (0-59)
Byte 3: Heat Setpoint (degrees)
Byte 4: Cool Setpoint (degrees)
Default: 0x06004643 06:00AM 70F / 67F
0x06001519 06:00AM 21C / 25C
<Value type="int" index="229" genre="config" label="Schedule Sun-2" units="" min="" max="" value="134233685">
This value holds information about the second schedule
setpoints for Sundays.
Byte 1: Hour (0-23)
Byte 2: Minute (0-59)
Byte 3: Heat Setpoint (degrees)
Byte 4: Cool Setpoint (degrees)
Default: 0x08003e55 08:00AM 62F / 85F
0x0800101d 08:00AM 16C / 29C
<Value type="int" index="230" genre="config" label="Schedule Sun-3" units="" min="" max="" value="302007886">
This value holds information about the third schedule
setpoints for Sundays.
Byte 1: Hour (0-23)
Byte 2: Minute (0-59)
Byte 3: Heat Setpoint (degrees)
Byte 4: Cool Setpoint (degrees)
Default: 0x1200464e 06:00PM 70F / 78F
0x12001519 06:00PM 21C / 25C
<Value type="int" index="231" genre="config" label="Schedule Sun-4" units="" min="" max="" value="369114706">
This value holds information about the fourth schedule
setpoints for Sundays.
Byte 1: Hour (0-23)
Byte 2: Minute (0-59)
Byte 3: Heat Setpoint (degrees)
Byte 4: Cool Setpoint (degrees)
Default: 0x16003e52 10:00PM 62F / 82F
0x1600101b 10:00PM 16C / 27C
<Value type="int" index="232" genre="config" label="Schedule Mon-1" units="" min="" max="" value="">
This value holds information about the first schedule
setpoints for Mondays.
Byte 1: Hour (0-23)
Byte 2: Minute (0-59)
Byte 3: Heat Setpoint (degrees)
Byte 4: Cool Setpoint (degrees)
Default: 0x06004643 06:00AM 70F / 67F
0x06001519 06:00AM 21C / 25C
<Value type="int" index="233" genre="config" label="Schedule Mon-2" units="" min="" max="">
This value holds information about the second schedule
setpoints for Mondays.
Byte 1: Hour (0-23)
Byte 2: Minute (0-59)
Byte 3: Heat Setpoint (degrees)
Byte 4: Cool Setpoint (degrees)
Default: 0x08003e55 08:00AM 62F / 85F
0x0800101d 08:00AM 16C / 29C
<Value type="int" index="234" genre="config" label="Schedule Mon-3" units="" min="" max="">
This value holds information about the third schedule
setpoints for Mondays.
Byte 1: Hour (0-23)
Byte 2: Minute (0-59)
Byte 3: Heat Setpoint (degrees)
Byte 4: Cool Setpoint (degrees)
Default: 0x1200464e 06:00PM 70F / 78F
0x12001519 06:00PM 21C / 25C
<Value type="int" index="235" genre="config" label="Schedule Mon-4" units="" min="" max="">
This value holds information about the fourth schedule
setpoints for Mondays.
Byte 1: Hour (0-23)
Byte 2: Minute (0-59)
Byte 3: Heat Setpoint (degrees)
Byte 4: Cool Setpoint (degrees)
Default: 0x16003e52 10:00PM 62F / 82F
0x1600101b 10:00PM 16C / 27C
<Value type="int" index="236" genre="config" label="Schedule Tue-1" units="" min="" max="">
This value holds information about the first schedule
setpoints for Tuesdays.
Byte 1: Hour (0-23)
Byte 2: Minute (0-59)
Byte 3: Heat Setpoint (degrees)
Byte 4: Cool Setpoint (degrees)
Default: 0x06004643 06:00AM 70F / 67F
0x06001519 06:00AM 21C / 25C
<Value type="int" index="237" genre="config" label="Schedule Tue-2" units="" min="" max="">
This value holds information about the second schedule
setpoints for Tuesdays.
Byte 1: Hour (0-23)
Byte 2: Minute (0-59)
Byte 3: Heat Setpoint (degrees)
Byte 4: Cool Setpoint (degrees)
Default: 0x08003e55 08:00AM 62F / 85F
0x0800101d 08:00AM 16C / 29C
<Value type="int" index="238" genre="config" label="Schedule Tue-3" units="" min="" max="">
This value holds information about the third schedule
setpoints for Tuesdays.
Byte 1: Hour (0-23)
Byte 2: Minute (0-59)
Byte 3: Heat Setpoint (degrees)
Byte 4: Cool Setpoint (degrees)
Default: 0x1200464e 06:00PM 70F / 78F
0x12001519 06:00PM 21C / 25C
<Value type="int" index="239" genre="config" label="Schedule Tue-4" units="" min="" max="">
This value holds information about the fourth schedule
setpoints for Tuesdays.
Byte 1: Hour (0-23)
Byte 2: Minute (0-59)
Byte 3: Heat Setpoint (degrees)
Byte 4: Cool Setpoint (degrees)
Default: 0x16003e52 10:00PM 62F / 82F
0x1600101b 10:00PM 16C / 27C
<Value type="int" index="240" genre="config" label="Schedule Wed-1" units="" min="" max="">
This value holds information about the first schedule
setpoints for Wednesdays.
Byte 1: Hour (0-23)
Byte 2: Minute (0-59)
Byte 3: Heat Setpoint (degrees)
Byte 4: Cool Setpoint (degrees)
Default: 0x06004643 06:00AM 70F / 67F
0x06001519 06:00AM 21C / 25C
<Value type="int" index="241" genre="config" label="Schedule Wed-2" units="" min="" max="">
This value holds information about the second schedule setpoints for Wednesdays.
Byte 1: Hour (0-23)
Byte 2: Minute (0-59)
Byte 3: Heat Setpoint (degrees)
Byte 4: Cool Setpoint (degrees)
Default: 0x08003e55 08:00AM 62F / 85F
0x0800101d 08:00AM 16C / 29C
<Value type="int" index="242" genre="config" label="Schedule Wed-3" units="" min="" max="">
This value holds information about the third schedule setpoints for Wednesdays.
Byte 1: Hour (0-23)
Byte 2: Minute (0-59)
Byte 3: Heat Setpoint (degrees)
Byte 4: Cool Setpoint (degrees)
Default: 0x1200464e 06:00PM 70F / 78F
0x12001519 06:00PM 21C / 25C
<Value type="int" index="243" genre="config" label="Schedule Wed-4" units="" min="" max="">
This value holds information about the fourth schedule setpoints for Wednesdays.
Byte 1: Hour (0-23)
Byte 2: Minute (0-59)
Byte 3: Heat Setpoint (degrees)
Byte 4: Cool Setpoint (degrees)
Default: 0x16003e52 10:00PM 62F / 82F
0x1600101b 10:00PM 16C / 27C
<Value type="int" index="244" genre="config" label="Schedule Thu-1" units="" min="" max="">
This value holds information about the first schedule setpoints for Thursdays.
Byte 1: Hour (0-23)
Byte 2: Minute (0-59)
Byte 3: Heat Setpoint (degrees)
Byte 4: Cool Setpoint (degrees)
Default: 0x06004643 06:00AM 70F / 67F
0x06001519 06:00AM 21C / 25C
<Value type="int" index="245" genre="config" label="Schedule Thu-2" units="" min="" max="">
This value holds information about the second schedule setpoints for Thursdays.
Byte 1: Hour (0-23)
Byte 2: Minute (0-59)
Byte 3: Heat Setpoint (degrees)
Byte 4: Cool Setpoint (degrees)
Default: 0x08003e55 08:00AM 62F / 85F
0x0800101d 08:00AM 16C / 29C
<Value type="int" index="246" genre="config" label="Schedule Thu-3" units="" min="" max="">
This value holds information about the third schedule setpoints for Thursdays.
Byte 1: Hour (0-23)
Byte 2: Minute (0-59)
Byte 3: Heat Setpoint (degrees)
Byte 4: Cool Setpoint (degrees)
Default: 0x1200464e 06:00PM 70F / 78F
0x12001519 06:00PM 21C / 25C
<Value type="int" index="247" genre="config" label="Schedule Thu-4" units="" min="" max="">
This value holds information about the fourth schedule setpoints for Thursdays.
Byte 1: Hour (0-23)
Byte 2: Minute (0-59)
Byte 3: Heat Setpoint (degrees)
Byte 4: Cool Setpoint (degrees)
Default: 0x16003e52 10:00PM 62F / 82F
0x1600101b 10:00PM 16C / 27C
<Value type="int" index="248" genre="config" label="Schedule Fri-1" units="" min="" max="">
This value holds information about the first schedule setpoints for Fridays.
Byte 1: Hour (0-23)
Byte 2: Minute (0-59)
Byte 3: Heat Setpoint (degrees)
Byte 4: Cool Setpoint (degrees)
Default: 0x06004643 06:00AM 70F / 67F
0x06001519 06:00AM 21C / 25C
<Value type="int" index="249" genre="config" label="Schedule Fri-2" units="" min="" max="">
This value holds information about the second schedule setpoints for Fridays.
Byte 1: Hour (0-23)
Byte 2: Minute (0-59)
Byte 3: Heat Setpoint (degrees)
Byte 4: Cool Setpoint (degrees)
Default: 0x08003e55 08:00AM 62F / 85F
0x0800101d 08:00AM 16C / 29C
<Value type="int" index="250" genre="config" label="Schedule Fri-3" units="" min="" max="">
This value holds information about the third schedule setpoints for Fridays.
Byte 1: Hour (0-23)
Byte 2: Minute (0-59)
Byte 3: Heat Setpoint (degrees)
Byte 4: Cool Setpoint (degrees)
Default: 0x1200464e 06:00PM 70F / 78F
0x12001519 06:00PM 21C / 25C
<Value type="int" index="251" genre="config" label="Schedule Fri-4" units="" min="" max="">
This value holds information about the fourth schedule setpoints for Fridays.
Byte 1: Hour (0-23)
Byte 2: Minute (0-59)
Byte 3: Heat Setpoint (degrees)
Byte 4: Cool Setpoint (degrees)
Default: 0x16003e52 10:00PM 62F / 82F
0x1600101b 10:00PM 16C / 27C
<Value type="int" index="252" genre="config" label="Schedule Sat-1" units="" min="" max="">
This value holds information about the first schedule setpoints for Saturdays.
Byte 1: Hour (0-23)
Byte 2: Minute (0-59)
Byte 3: Heat Setpoint (degrees)
Byte 4: Cool Setpoint (degrees)
Default: 0x06004643 06:00AM 70F / 67F
0x06001519 06:00AM 21C / 25C
<Value type="int" index="253" genre="config" label="Schedule Sat-2" units="" min="" max="">
This value holds information about the second schedule setpoints for Saturdays.
Byte 1: Hour (0-23)
Byte 2: Minute (0-59)
Byte 3: Heat Setpoint (degrees)
Byte 4: Cool Setpoint (degrees)
Default: 0x08003e55 08:00AM 62F / 85F
0x0800101d 08:00AM 16C / 29C
<Value type="int" index="254" genre="config" label="Schedule Sat-3" units="" min="" max="">
This value holds information about the third schedule setpoints for Saturdays.
Byte 1: Hour (0-23)
Byte 2: Minute (0-59)
Byte 3: Heat Setpoint (degrees)
Byte 4: Cool Setpoint (degrees)
Default: 0x1200464e 06:00PM 70F / 78F
0x12001519 06:00PM 21C / 25C
<Value type="int" index="255" genre="config" label="Schedule Sat-4" units="" min="" max="">
This value holds information about the fourth schedule setpoints for Saturdays.
Byte 1: Hour (0-23)
Byte 2: Minute (0-59)
Byte 3: Heat Setpoint (degrees)
Byte 4: Cool Setpoint (degrees)
Default: 0x16003e52 10:00PM 62F / 82F
0x1600101b 10:00PM 16C / 27C
<!-- Association Groups -->
<CommandClass id="133">
<!-- This thermostat's setpoint descriptions are 0 based, not 1 -->
<CommandClass id="67" base="0" />
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Product xmlns=''>
<!-- Wayne Dalton Thermostat Model WDTC-20 -->
<!-- This thermostat's setpoint descriptions are 0 based, not 1 -->
<CommandClass id="67" base="0" />
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!--Taken from>
<Product xmlns=''>
<!-- Configuration Parameters -->
<!--IMPORTANT: Controllers may only allow to configure signed values.
In order to set values in the range 128?255 for parameters 4, 5 and 6 the
value sent in the application shall be the desired value minus 256.
For example: to set parameter 4 in Window Blind to 200? sit may be needed
to set a value of 200?256=?56.
Similar rule applies to parameter 2: to set values in range 32768?65535
use value equal to desired value minus 65536. For example, to set auto
switch off period to 10 hours =36000s it may be needed to set a value
<CommandClass id="112">
<Value type="list" index="1" genre="config" label="Set LED indication mode" units="" min="1" max="99" value="3" size="1">
<Item label="Disabled" value="0" />
<Item label="Show switch/dimmer state / when in motion or inactive (for blinds)" value="1" />
<Item label="Night mode (inverted switch state)" value="2" />
<Item label="Operated by Indicator Command Class (default)" value="3" />
<Item label="Show if not closed (for blinds only)" value="4" />
<Value type="int" index="2" genre="config" label="Automatically switch off after" units="seconds" min="0" max="65535" value="0">
<Help>If not zero, automatically switch off/close blind after a user defined time</Help>
<Value type="list" index="3" genre="config" label="What to do on RF off command" value="0" size="1">
<Help>If not zero, automatically switch off/close blind after a user defined time</Help>
<Item label="Switch off (default)" value="0" />
<Item label="Ignore" value="1" />
<Item label="Switch on" value="2" />
<Value type="list" index="4" genre="config" label="Ignore Start Level" value="1" size="1">
<Help>Defines if the dimmer shall ignore start level in StartLevelChange command despite it is specified or not.</Help>
<Item label="No" value="0" />
<Item label="Yes (default)" value="1" />
<Value type="byte" index="5" genre="config" label="Dimmer speed" units="x 10 milliseconds" min="0" max="255" value="30">
<Help>Time to dim on button presses and Set command (if it has no duration specified). If not 0, dimming will be done smoothly to preserve bulb life.</Help>
<Value type="byte" index="6" genre="config" label="Dimming long speed" units="Seconds" min="1" max="255" value="3">
<Help>Time to dim on button holds and StartLevel Change command (if it has no duration specified).</Help>
<Value type="list" index="7" genre="config" label="Set Maximum Light on On click" value="0" size="1">
<Help>Defines if the dimmer shall set maximum light level on On command. By default on On command dimmer restores last level. This parameter allows to configure to set maximum level on second On command (if already On) or to always switch on to maximum level.</Help>
<Item label="No (default)" value="0" />
<Item label="If already in On state" value="1" />
<Item label="Always" value="2" />
<Value type="byte" index="8" genre="config" label="Baby Dimming Time" units="minutes" min="0" max="255" value="0">
<Help>Time to dim on double click Off button for Baby- Dim function. This function works only if the load is operated by single press and hold button action. If enabled, the device will wait for a click timeout to see if the second click would be pressed. This will introduce a small delay for single click commands, unprotected.</Help>
<Value type="byte" index="9" genre="config" label="Target Dimming Level for Baby Dimming" units="dimmer level %" min="0" max="99" value="0">
<Help>Target level on which to stop while executing Baby Dimming. Can be 0 to completely switch off the light. </Help>
<Value type="byte" index="10" genre="config" label="Typical click timeout" units="x 10 milliseconds" min="1" max="100" value="50">
<Help>Typical time used to differentiate click, hold, double and triple clicks.</Help>
<Value type="list" index="11" genre="config" label="Invert buttons" value="0" size="1">
<Item label="No default)" value="0" />
<Item label="Yes" value="1" />
<Value type="list" index="12" genre="config" label="Switch by buttons" value="1" size="1">
<Help>If disabled, the local operations by buttons will not switch the load, but only send commands to On/Off association group. In this mode buttons are not linked with the switch anymore. They can be used separately: buttons to control remote device, switch will operate by RF commands only. </Help>
<Item label="No" value="0" />
<Item label="By single press and hold (default)" value="1" />
<Item label="By double press and hold" value="1" />
<Value type="list" index="13" genre="config" label="Action on button single press or hold" value="1" size="1">
<Help>Defines which command should be sent on button single press or hold. Basic commands are sent to Association group. Switch All commands are sent broadcast. </Help>
<Item label="Disabled" value="0" />
<Item label="Switch On, Off and dim using Basic Set(default)" value="1" />
<Item label="Switch All On/Off" value="1" />
<Value type="list" index="13" genre="config" label="Action on button double press or hold" value="0" size="1">
<Help>Defines which command should be sent on button double press or press-hold. Basic commands are sent to Association group. Switch All commands are sent broadcast. If not disabled, the device will wait for a click timeout to see if the second click would be pressed. This will introduce a small delay for single click commands.</Help>
<Item label="Disabled (don't wait for double click,default)" value="0" />
<Item label="Switch On, Off and dim using Basic Set" value="1" />
<Item label="Switch All On/Off" value="1" />
<Value type="list" index="15" genre="config" label="Send the following Switch All commands" value="1" size="1">
<Item label="Switch All Off only (default)" value="1" />
<Item label="Switch All On only" value="1" />
<Item label="Switch All On and Off" value="255" />
<!-- Association Groups -->
<CommandClass id="133">
<Associations num_groups="3">
<Group index="1" max_associations="8" label="Group 1" auto="false"/>
<Group index="2" max_associations="8" label="Group 2" auto="false" />
<Group index="3" max_associations="8" label="Send updates" auto="true"/>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Product xmlns=''>
<!-- COMMAND_CLASS_CONFIGURATION. Configuration Parameters -->
<CommandClass id="112">
<Value type="byte" index="1" genre="config" label="Modes for Button 1 and 3" units="" min="0" max="255" value="1">
0 Separate buttons
1 Buttons are grouped (one is on, one if off), no double click supported (default)
2 Buttons are grouped (one is on, one if off), double click supported
<Value type="byte" index="2" genre="config" label="Modes for Button 2 and 4" units="" min="0" max="255" value="1">
0 Separate buttons
1 Buttons are grouped (one is on, one if off), no double click supported (default)
2 Buttons are grouped (one is on, one if off), double click supported
<Value type="byte" index="11" genre="config" label="Action on group 1" units="" min="0" max="255" value="1">
0 Disabled
1 Control Dimmer, Motor Control and Switches using Basic+Multilevel Switch Commands (default)
2 Control Switches only, click and hold sends only Basic Commands
3 Switch All On/Off
4 Send Scene Activation
5 Control preconfigured Scenes
6 Control devices in proximity
<Value type="byte" index="12" genre="config" label="Action on group 2" units="" min="0" max="255" value="1">
0 Disabled
1 Control Dimmer, Motor Control and Switches using Basic+Multilevel Switch Commands (default)
2 Control Switches only, click and hold sends only Basic Commands
3 Switch All On/Off
4 Send Scene Activation
5 Control preconfigured Scenes
6 Control devices in proximity
<Value type="byte" index="13" genre="config" label="Action on group 3" units="" min="0" max="255" value="1">
0 Disabled
1 Control Dimmer, Motor Control and Switches using Basic+Multilevel Switch Commands (default)
2 Control Switches only, click and hold sends only Basic Commands
3 Switch All On/Off
4 Send Scene Activation
5 Control preconfigured Scenes
6 Control devices in proximity
<Value type="byte" index="14" genre="config" label="Action on group 4" units="" min="0" max="255" value="1">
0 Disabled
1 Control Dimmer, Motor Control and Switches using Basic+Multilevel Switch Commands (default)
2 Control Switches only, click and hold sends only Basic Commands
3 Switch All On/Off
4 Send Scene Activation
5 Control preconfigured Scenes
6 Control devices in proximity
<Value type="byte" index="20" genre="config" label="Typical click timeout" units="ms" min="1" max="100" value="50">
Typical time used to differentiate click, hold, double and click-holds.
1 100 in 10 ms units (default is 50, that is equivalent to 500 ms)
<Value type="byte" index="11" genre="config" label="Send the following Switch All commands" units="" min="1" max="255" value="1">
1 Switch All Off only (default)
2 Switch All On only
255 Switch All On and Off
<Value type="byte" index="22" genre="config" label="Invert buttons" units="" min="0" max="255" value="0">
Invert meaning of On/Dim up and Off/Dim down in pairs of buttons. This applies only to pairs in grouped mode.
Buttons 1 and 2 will become Off/Dim down, buttons 3 and 4 On/Dim up.
0 No (default)
1 Yes
<Value type="byte" index="24" genre="config" label="LED confirmation mode" units="" min="0" max="255" value="2">
To save batteries LED confirmation can be disabled.
0 No confirmations
1 Confirm button press
2 Confirm button press and delivery (default)
<Value type="byte" index="30" genre="config" label="Send unsolicited battery report on wakeup" units="" min="0" max="255" value="0">
0 No (default)
1 To same node as wakeup notification
2 Broadcast
<CommandClass id="96" version="2"/>
<CommandClass id="142" version="2"/>
<CommandClass id="133">
<Associations num_groups="4">
<Group index="1" max_associations="8" label="Button #1" auto="false" />
<Group index="2" max_associations="8" label="Button #3" auto="false" />
<Group index="3" max_associations="8" label="Button #2" auto="false" />
<Group index="4" max_associations="8" label="Button #4" auto="false" />
<?xml version='1.0'?>
<xs:element name='Driver'>
<xs:element ref='Driver:Node' minOccurs='0' maxOccurs='unbounded'/>
<xs:attribute name='version' type='xs:string' use='required'/>
<xs:attribute name='home_id' type='xs:string' use='required'/>
<xs:attribute name='node_id' type='xs:string' use='required'/>
<xs:attribute name='api_capabilities' type='xs:string' use='required'/>
<xs:attribute name='controller_capabilities' type='xs:string' use='required'/>
<xs:element name='Node'>
<xs:element ref='Driver:Manufacturer'/>
<xs:element ref='Driver:CommandClasses'/>
<xs:attribute name='id' type='xs:string' use='required'/>
<xs:attribute name='name' type='xs:string' use='required'/>
<xs:attribute name='location' type='xs:string' use='optional'/>
<xs:attribute name='basic' type='xs:string' use='optional'/>
<xs:attribute name='generic' type='xs:string' use='optional'/>
<xs:attribute name='specific' type='xs:string' use='optional'/>
<xs:attribute name='type' type='xs:string' use='optional'/>
<xs:attribute name='listening' use='optional'>
<xs:restriction base='xs:string'>
<xs:enumeration value='true'/>
<xs:enumeration value='false'/>
<xs:attribute name='frequentListening' use='optional'>
<xs:restriction base='xs:string'>
<xs:enumeration value='true'/>
<xs:enumeration value='false'/>
<xs:attribute name='beaming' use='optional'>
<xs:restriction base='xs:string'>
<xs:enumeration value='true'/>
<xs:enumeration value='false'/>
<xs:attribute name='routing' use='optional'>
<xs:restriction base='xs:string'>
<xs:enumeration value='true'/>
<xs:enumeration value='false'/>
<xs:attribute name='max_baud_rate' type='xs:string' use='optional'/>
<xs:attribute name='version' type='xs:string' use='optional'/>
<xs:attribute name='query_stage' type='xs:string' use='optional'/>
<xs:attribute name='security' use='optional'>
<xs:restriction base='xs:string'>
<xs:enumeration value='true'/>
<xs:enumeration value='false'/>
<xs:attribute name='nodeinfosupported' use='optional'>
<xs:restriction base='xs:string'>
<xs:enumeration value='true'/>
<xs:enumeration value='false'/>
<xs:element name='Manufacturer'>
<xs:element ref='Driver:Product'/>
<xs:attribute name='id' type='xs:string' use='required'/>
<xs:attribute name='name' type='xs:string' use='required'/>
<xs:element name='Product'>
<xs:attribute name='type' type='xs:string' use='required'/>
<xs:attribute name='id' type='xs:string' use='required'/>
<xs:attribute name='name' type='xs:string' use='required'/>
<xs:element name='CommandClasses'>
<xs:element ref='Driver:CommandClass' minOccurs='0' maxOccurs='unbounded'/>
<xs:element name='CommandClass'>
<xs:element ref='Driver:Instance' minOccurs='0' maxOccurs='unbounded'/>
<xs:element ref='Driver:Value' minOccurs='0' maxOccurs='unbounded'/>
<xs:element ref='Driver:Associations' minOccurs='0' maxOccurs='unbounded'/>
<xs:attribute name='id' type='xs:string' use='required'/>
<xs:attribute name='name' type='xs:string' use='required'/>
<xs:attribute name='version' type='xs:string' use='required'/>
<xs:attribute name='after_mark' use='optional'>
<xs:restriction base='xs:string'>
<xs:enumeration value='true'/>
<xs:enumeration value='false'/>
<xs:attribute name='create_vars' use='optional'>
<xs:restriction base='xs:string'>
<xs:enumeration value='true'/>
<xs:enumeration value='false'/>
<xs:attribute name='getsupported' use='optional'>
<xs:restriction base='xs:string'>
<xs:enumeration value='true'/>
<xs:enumeration value='false'/>
<xs:attribute name='request_flags' type='xs:string' use='optional'/>
<xs:attribute name='base' type='xs:string' use='optional'/>
<xs:attribute name='override_precision' type='xs:string' use='optional'/>
<xs:element name='Instance'>
<xs:attribute name='index' type='xs:string' use='required'/>
<xs:element name='Value'>
<xs:element ref='Driver:Help' minOccurs='0' maxOccurs='1'/>
<xs:element ref='Driver:Item' minOccurs='0' maxOccurs='unbounded'/>
<xs:attribute name='type' type='xs:string' use='required'/>
<xs:attribute name='genre' type='xs:string' use='required'/>
<xs:attribute name='instance' type='xs:string' use='required'/>
<xs:attribute name='index' type='xs:string' use='required'/>
<xs:attribute name='label' type='xs:string' use='required'/>
<xs:attribute name='units' type='xs:string' use='required'/>
<xs:attribute name='read_only' use='required'>
<xs:restriction base='xs:string'>
<xs:enumeration value='true'/>
<xs:enumeration value='false'/>
<xs:attribute name='write_only' use='required'>
<xs:restriction base='xs:string'>
<xs:enumeration value='true'/>
<xs:enumeration value='false'/>
<xs:attribute name='verify_changes' use='required'>
<xs:restriction base='xs:string'>
<xs:enumeration value='true'/>
<xs:enumeration value='false'/>
<xs:attribute name='poll_intensity' type='xs:string' use='required'/>
<xs:attribute name='min' type='xs:string' use='required'/>
<xs:attribute name='max' type='xs:string' use='required'/>
<xs:attribute name='value' type='xs:string' use='optional'/>
<xs:attribute name='vindex' type='xs:string' use='optional'/>
<xs:attribute name='affects' type='xs:string' use='optional'/>
<xs:attribute name='size' type='xs:string' use='optional'/>
<xs:element name='Help'>
<xs:complexType mixed='true'>
<xs:element name='Item'>
<xs:attribute name='label' type='xs:string' use='required'/>
<xs:attribute name='value' type='xs:string' use='required'/>
<xs:element name='Associations'>
<xs:element ref='Driver:Group' minOccurs='0' maxOccurs='unbounded'/>
<xs:attribute name='num_groups' type='xs:string' use='required'/>
<xs:element name='Group'>
<xs:element name='Node' minOccurs='0' maxOccurs='unbounded'>
<xs:attribute name='id' type='xs:string' use='required'/>
<xs:attribute name='index' type='xs:string' use='required'/>
<xs:attribute name='max_associations' type='xs:string' use='required'/>
<xs:attribute name='label' type='xs:string' use='required'/>
<xs:attribute name='auto' use='required'>
<xs:restriction base='xs:string'>
<xs:enumeration value='true'/>
<xs:enumeration value='false'/>
<?xml version='1.0'?>
<xs:element name='Scenes'>
<xs:element ref='Scenes:Value' minOccurs='0' maxOccurs='unbounded'/>
<xs:attribute name='version' type='xs:string' use='required'/>
<xs:element name='Value'>
<xs:attribute name='homeId' type='xs:string' use='required'/>
<xs:attribute name='nodeId' type='xs:string' use='required'/>
<xs:attribute name='genre' type='xs:string' use='required'/>
<xs:attribute name='commandClassId' type='xs:string' use='required'/>
<xs:attribute name='instance' type='xs:string' use='required'/>
<xs:attribute name='index' type='xs:string' use='required'/>
<xs:attribute name='type' type='xs:string' use='required'/>
import sys, os
import time
import libopenzwave
from libopenzwave import PyManager
{'homeId': 23191651L, 'event': 0, 'valueId': {'index': 0, 'units': '', 'type': 'Bool', 'nodeId': 2, 'value': None, 'commandClass': 'COMMAND_CLASS_NO_OPERATION', 'instance': 1, 'readOnly': False, 'homeId': 23191651L, 'label': '', 'genre': 'Basic', 'id': 72057594071482368L}, 'notificationType': 'NodeEvent', 'nodeId': 2}
def callback(res):
print '------------------------------'
print res
print '=============================='
if 'valueId' in res.keys():
if 'nodeId' in res['valueId'].keys():
print 'NOTIFICATION', ntype
print 'NODEID:', nid, 'NodeLocation:', manager.getNodeLocation(hid, nid)
print 'NODETYPE:', manager.getNodeType(hid, nid)
print 'NODENAME:', manager.getNodeName(hid, nid)
print 'NODEBASIC:', manager.getNodeBasic(hid, nid)
print 'NODEGENERIC:', manager.getNodeGeneric(hid, nid)
print 'NODESPECIFIC:', manager.getNodeSpecific(hid, nid)
print 'NODEMANUFACTURERNAME:', manager.getNodeManufacturerName(hid, nid)
print 'NODEPRODUCTNAME:', manager.getNodeProductName(hid, nid)
print '******************************'
options = libopenzwave.PyOptions()
#options.create("openzwave/","","--logging false")
manager = libopenzwave.PyManager()
from openzwave.scene import ZWaveScene
from openzwave.controller import ZWaveController
from import ZWaveNetwork
from openzwave.option import ZWaveOption
import time, sys
options = ZWaveOption(DEVICE, config_path="/home/domotika/plugins/zwave/openzwave/",
user_path="/home/domotika/plugins/zwave/user", cmd_line="")
#Create a network object
network = ZWaveNetwork(options, log=None)
time_started = 0
print "------------------------------------------------------------"
print "Waiting for network awaked : "
print "------------------------------------------------------------"
for i in range(0,300):
if network.state>=network.STATE_AWAKED:
print(" done")
print("Memory use : %s Mo" % (resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF).ru_maxrss / 1024.0))
time_started += 1
if network.state<network.STATE_AWAKED:
print "."
print "Network is not awake but continue anyway"
print "------------------------------------------------------------"
print "Use openzwave library : %s" % network.controller.ozw_library_version
print "Use python library : %s" % network.controller.python_library_version
print "Use ZWave library : %s" % network.controller.library_description
print "Network home id : %s" % network.home_id_str
print "Controller node id : %s" % network.controller.node.node_id
print "Controller node version : %s" % (network.controller.node.version)
print "Nodes in network : %s" % network.nodes_count
print "------------------------------------------------------------"
print "Waiting for network ready : "
print "------------------------------------------------------------"
for i in range(0,300):
if network.state>=network.STATE_READY:
print " done in %s seconds" % time_started
time_started += 1
if not network.is_ready:
print "."
print "Network is not ready but continue anyway"
print "------------------------------------------------------------"
print "Controller capabilities : %s" % network.controller.capabilities
print "Controller node capabilities : %s" % network.controller.node.capabilities
print "Nodes in network : %s" % network.nodes_count
print "Driver statistics : %s" % network.controller.stats
print "------------------------------------------------------------"
for node in network.nodes:
print "------------------------------------------------------------"
print "%s - Name : %s" % (network.nodes[node].node_id,network.nodes[node].name)
print "%s - Manufacturer name / id : %s / %s" % (network.nodes[node].node_id,network.nodes[node].manufacturer_name, network.nodes[node].manufacturer_id)
print "%s - Product name / id / type : %s / %s / %s" % (network.nodes[node].node_id,network.nodes[node].product_name, network.nodes[node].product_id, network.nodes[node].product_type)
print "%s - Version : %s" % (network.nodes[node].node_id, network.nodes[node].version)
print "%s - Command classes : %s" % (network.nodes[node].node_id,network.nodes[node].command_classes_as_string)
print "%s - Capabilities : %s" % (network.nodes[node].node_id,network.nodes[node].capabilities)
print "%s - Neigbors : %s" % (network.nodes[node].node_id,network.nodes[node].neighbors)
print "%s - Can sleep : %s" % (network.nodes[node].node_id,network.nodes[node].can_wake_up())
groups = {}
for grp in network.nodes[node].groups :
groups[network.nodes[node].groups[grp].index] = {'label':network.nodes[node].groups[grp].label, 'associations':network.nodes[node].groups[grp].associations}
print "%s - Groups : %s" % (network.nodes[node].node_id, groups)
values = {}
for val in network.nodes[node].values :
values[network.nodes[node].values[val].object_id] = {
#print "%s - Values : %s" % (network.nodes[node].node_id, values)
#print "------------------------------------------------------------"
for cmd in network.nodes[node].command_classes:
print " --------- "
#print "cmd = ",cmd
values = {}
for val in network.nodes[node].get_values_for_command_class(cmd) :
values[network.nodes[node].values[val].object_id] = {
print "%s - Values for command class : %s : %s" % (network.nodes[node].node_id,
print "------------------------------------------------------------"
print "------------------------------------------------------------"
print "Driver statistics : %s" % network.controller.stats
print "------------------------------------------------------------"
print "------------------------------------------------------------"
print "Try to autodetect nodes on the network"
print "------------------------------------------------------------"
print "Nodes in network : %s" % network.nodes_count
print "------------------------------------------------------------"
print "Retrieve switches on the network"
print "------------------------------------------------------------"
values = {}
for node in network.nodes:
for val in network.nodes[node].get_switches() :
print("node/name/index/instance : %s/%s/%s/%s" % (node,network.nodes[node].name,network.nodes[node].values[val].index,network.nodes[node].values[val].instance))
print(" label/help : %s/%s" % (network.nodes[node].values[val].label,network.nodes[node].values[val].help))
print(" id on the network : %s" % (network.nodes[node].values[val].id_on_network))
print(" state: %s" % (network.nodes[node].get_switch_state(val)))
print "------------------------------------------------------------"
print "Retrieve dimmers on the network"
print "------------------------------------------------------------"
values = {}
for node in network.nodes:
for val in network.nodes[node].get_dimmers() :
print("node/name/index/instance : %s/%s/%s/%s" % (node,network.nodes[node].name,network.nodes[node].values[val].index,network.nodes[node].values[val].instance))
print(" label/help : %s/%s" % (network.nodes[node].values[val].label,network.nodes[node].values[val].help))
print(" id on the network : %s" % (network.nodes[node].values[val].id_on_network))
print(" level: %s" % (network.nodes[node].get_dimmer_level(val)))
print "------------------------------------------------------------"
print "Retrieve sensors on the network"
print "------------------------------------------------------------"
values = {}
for node in network.nodes:
for val in network.nodes[node].get_sensors() :
print("node/name/index/instance : %s/%s/%s/%s" % (node,network.nodes[node].name,network.nodes[node].values[val].index,network.nodes[node].values[val].instance))
print(" label/help : %s/%s" % (network.nodes[node].values[val].label,network.nodes[node].values[val].help))
print(" id on the network : %s" % (network.nodes[node].values[val].id_on_network))
print(" value: %s %s" % (network.nodes[node].get_sensor_value(val), network.nodes[node].values[val].units))
print "------------------------------------------------------------"
print "Retrieve switches all compatibles devices on the network "
print "------------------------------------------------------------"
values = {}
for node in network.nodes:
for val in network.nodes[node].get_switches_all() :
print("node/name/index/instance : %s/%s/%s/%s" % (node,network.nodes[node].name,network.nodes[node].values[val].index,network.nodes[node].values[val].instance))
print(" label/help : %s/%s" % (network.nodes[node].values[val].label,network.nodes[node].values[val].help))
print(" id on the network : %s" % (network.nodes[node].values[val].id_on_network))
print(" value / items: %s / %s" % (network.nodes[node].get_switch_all_item(val), network.nodes[node].get_switch_all_items(val)))
print(" state: %s" % (network.nodes[node].get_switch_all_state(val)))
print "------------------------------------------------------------"
print "Retrieve protection compatibles devices on the network "
print "------------------------------------------------------------"
values = {}
for node in network.nodes:
for val in network.nodes[node].get_protections() :
print("node/name/index/instance : %s/%s/%s/%s" % (node,network.nodes[node].name,network.nodes[node].values[val].index,network.nodes[node].values[val].instance))
print(" label/help : %s/%s" % (network.nodes[node].values[val].label,network.nodes[node].values[val].help))
print(" id on the network : %s" % (network.nodes[node].values[val].id_on_network))
print(" value / items: %s / %s" % (network.nodes[node].get_protection_item(val), network.nodes[node].get_protection_items(val)))
print "------------------------------------------------------------"
print "------------------------------------------------------------"
print "Retrieve battery compatibles devices on the network "
print "------------------------------------------------------------"
values = {}
for node in network.nodes:
for val in network.nodes[node].get_battery_levels() :
print("node/name/index/instance : %s/%s/%s/%s" % (node,network.nodes[node].name,network.nodes[node].values[val].index,network.nodes[node].values[val].instance))
print(" label/help : %s/%s" % (network.nodes[node].values[val].label,network.nodes[node].values[val].help))
print(" id on the network : %s" % (network.nodes[node].values[val].id_on_network))
print(" value : %s" % (network.nodes[node].get_battery_level(val)))
print "------------------------------------------------------------"
print "------------------------------------------------------------"
print "Retrieve power level compatibles devices on the network "
print "------------------------------------------------------------"
values = {}
for node in network.nodes:
for val in network.nodes[node].get_power_levels() :
print("node/name/index/instance : %s/%s/%s/%s" % (node,network.nodes[node].name,network.nodes[node].values[val].index,network.nodes[node].values[val].instance))
print(" label/help : %s/%s" % (network.nodes[node].values[val].label,network.nodes[node].values[val].help))
print(" id on the network : %s" % (network.nodes[node].values[val].id_on_network))
print(" value : %s" % (network.nodes[node].get_power_level(val)))
print "------------------------------------------------------------"
#print "------------------------------------------------------------"
#print "Activate the switches on the network"
#print "Nodes in network : %s" % network.nodes_count
#print "------------------------------------------------------------"
#for node in network.nodes:
# for val in network.nodes[node].get_switches() :
# print("Activate switch %s on node %s" % \
# (network.nodes[node].values[val].label,node))
# network.nodes[node].set_switch(val,True)
# print("Sleep 10 seconds")
# time.sleep(10.0)
# print("Dectivate switch %s on node %s" % \
# (network.nodes[node].values[val].label,node))
# network.nodes[node].set_switch(val,False)
#print "%s" % ('Done')
#print "------------------------------------------------------------"
print "------------------------------------------------------------"
print "Driver statistics : %s" % network.controller.stats
print "Driver label : %s" % \
#print "------------------------------------------------------------"
#print "------------------------------------------------------------"
#print "Stop network"
#print "------------------------------------------------------------"
#!/usr/bin/env python
from twisted.internet import epollreactor
from twisted.internet import reactor
from twisted.application import service, internet, app, reactors
from twisted.spread import pb
from twisted.manhole.telnet import ShellFactory
import sys
from dmlib.daemonizer import Daemonizer
from logging import handlers as loghandlers
import logging
import sys
from datetime import datetime
import base64, os
import subprocess
from openzwave.scene import ZWaveScene
from openzwave.controller import ZWaveController
from import ZWaveNetwork
from openzwave.option import ZWaveOption
from louie import dispatcher, All
import json
import pickle
import time
CONFIGDIR=os.path.join(BASEDIR, "conf")
loglevels = {
'info': logging.INFO,
'warning': logging.WARNING,
'error': logging.ERROR,
'critical': logging.CRITICAL,
'debug': logging.DEBUG
#LOGLEN=104857600 # 100 mega
#LOGLEN=10485760 # 10 mega
LOGLEN=26214400 # 25 mega
class ZWaveDaemon(Daemonizer):
def __init__(self):
Daemonizer.__init__(self, BASEDIR+'/run/')
def main_loop(self):
application = service.Application("ZWaved")
#serviceCollection = service.IServiceCollection(application)
shell_factory = ShellFactory()
shell_factory.username = 'admin'
shell_factory.password = 'domotika'
shell_factory.namespace['domotika'] = ZWaveService
reactor.listenTCP(4041, shell_factory, interface="")
reactor.listenTCP(8800, pb.PBServerFactory(zpb), interface="")
class ZWavePB(pb.Root):
def __init__(self, zwserver):
self.zwserver = zwserver
self.zwserver.pb = self
def remote_setClient(self, client):
def remote_ZWaveNetwork(self, call, *a, **kw):
log.debug("Remote ZWaveNetwork called "+str(cs))
f=getattr(, cs[0], None)
if len(cs)>1:
for i in cs[1:]:
f=getattr(f, i, None)
if not f:
return None
if f and callable(f):
return f(*a, **kw)
return f
def notifyClients(self, msg, *a, **kw):
log.debug("Client notify "+str(msg))
for client in self.clients:
client.callRemote("zwevent", msg, *a, **kw)
#class ZWaveServer(service.Service):
class ZWaveServer(object):
def __init__(self):
options = ZWaveOption(DEVICE, config_path=BASEDIR+"/daemons/zwave/openzwave/",
user_path=BASEDIR+"/daemons/zwave/user", cmd_line="")
self.options = options
#Create a network object = ZWaveNetwork(options, log=None)"Waiting for network awaked...")
dispatcher.connect(self.waitForNetworkWakeUp, ZWaveNetwork.SIGNAL_NETWORK_AWAKED)
dispatcher.connect(self.waitForNetworkReady, ZWaveNetwork.SIGNAL_NETWORK_READY)
def waitForNetworkWakeUp(self, network):
self.pb.notifyClients("network.wakeup")'Network is wakedup in '+str(time.time()-self.starttime)+' seconds. Waiting for network ready...')
def waitForNetworkReady(self, network):
self.pb.notifyClients("network.ready")'Network is ready in '+str(time.time()-self.starttime)+' seconds')
def zwaveStarted(self):
dispatcher.connect(self.node_update, ZWaveNetwork.SIGNAL_NODE)
dispatcher.connect(self.node_value_update, ZWaveNetwork.SIGNAL_VALUE)"Network home id : %s" % network.home_id_str)"Controller node id : %s" % network.controller.node.node_id)"Nodes in network : %s" % network.nodes_count)
for node in network.nodes:"Node %s - Name : %s" % (network.nodes[node].node_id,network.nodes[node].name))"Node %s - Manufacturer name / id : %s / %s" % (network.nodes[node].node_id,network.nodes[node].manufacturer_name, network.nodes[node].manufacturer_id))"Node %s - Product name / id / type : %s / %s / %s" % (network.nodes[node].node_id,network.nodes[node].product_name, network.nodes[node].product_id, network.nodes[node].product_type))
def node_update(self, network, node):
def node_value_update(self, network, node, value):
if __name__ == '__main__':
formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s => %(name)-12s: %(levelname)-8s %(message)s')
logdict={"corelog": {"file":"zwaved.log","name":[("ZWave","general")]}}
for l in logdict.keys():
logdict[l]["handler"] = loghandlers.RotatingFileHandler(
BASEDIR+'/logs/'+logdict[l]["file"], 'a', LOGLEN, 5)
log = logging.getLogger( 'ZWave' )
log.setLevel( logging.INFO )
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
log.debug("Starting daemon with option "+sys.argv[1])
if sys.argv[1]=='debug':
log.setLevel( logging.DEBUG )
print 'Please specify start, stop or debug option'
from twisted.internet import reactor, stdio
from twisted.spread import pb
import pickle
import sys
from domotika.plugins import BasePlugin
from domotika.plugins import BasePlugin
from dmlib.utils.genutils import configFile
from domotika.db import dmdb
from dmlib import dmdomain
from datetime import datetime
import base64, os
import subprocess
import time
AUTHOR="Franco (nextime) Lanza"
CONFIGDIR=os.path.join(BASEDIR, "conf")
class ReconnectingPBFactory(pb.PBClientFactory):
def clientConnectionLost(self, connector, reason, reconnecting=1):
print "Reconnecting..."
return pb.PBClientFactory.clientConnectionLost(self, connector, reason, reconnecting)
class ZWavePlugin(BasePlugin, pb.Referenceable):
def _checkPing(self):
def pluginStart(self):
factory = ReconnectingPBFactory()
reactor.connectTCP("localhost", 8800, factory)
def gotZWave(self, zw):
zw.callRemote("setClient", self)
def print_remote(res):
print res
zw.callRemote("ZWaveNetwork", "state").addCallback(print_remote)
zw.callRemote("ZWaveNetwork", "controller.ozw_library_version").addCallback(print_remote)
def remote_zwevent(self, event):
print str(event)
#print pickle.loads(event)#
return 'remoteCalled zwevent'
if __name__ == '__main__':
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