Commit 20274b69 authored by nextime's avatar nextime

Organize js/css files for debug and optimization

parent 92021e90
......@@ -864,3 +864,277 @@ jQuery.fn.fastClick = function(handler) {
return this;
/* end fastclick */
//! annyang
//! version : 1.1.0
//! author : Tal Ater @TalAter
//! license : MIT
(function (undefined) {
"use strict";
// Save a reference to the global object (window in the browser)
var root = this;
// Get the SpeechRecognition object, while handling browser prefixes
var SpeechRecognition = root.SpeechRecognition ||
root.webkitSpeechRecognition ||
root.mozSpeechRecognition ||
root.msSpeechRecognition ||
// Check browser support
// This is done as early as possible, to make it as fast as possible for unsupported browsers
if (!SpeechRecognition) {
root.annyang = null;
return undefined;
var commandsList = [];
var recognition;
var callbacks = { start: [], error: [], end: [], result: [], resultMatch: [], resultNoMatch: [], errorNetwork: [], errorPermissionBlocked: [], errorPermissionDenied: [] };
var autoRestart;
var lastStartedAt = 0;
var debugState = false;
var debugStyle = 'font-weight: bold; color: #00f;';
// The command matching code is a modified version of Backbone.Router by Jeremy Ashkenas, under the MIT license.
var optionalParam = /\s*\((.*?)\)\s*/g;
var optionalRegex = /(\(\?:[^)]+\))\?/g;
var namedParam = /(\(\?)?:\w+/g;
var splatParam = /\*\w+/g;
var escapeRegExp = /[\-{}\[\]+?.,\\\^$|#]/g;
var commandToRegExp = function(command) {
command = command.replace(escapeRegExp, '\\$&')
.replace(optionalParam, '(?:$1)?')
.replace(namedParam, function(match, optional) {
return optional ? match : '([^\\s]+)';
.replace(splatParam, '(.*?)')
.replace(optionalRegex, '\\s*$1?\\s*');
return new RegExp('^' + command + '$', 'i');
// This method receives an array of callbacks to iterate over, and invokes each of them
var invokeCallbacks = function(callbacks) {
callbacks.forEach(function(callback) {
var initIfNeeded = function() {
if (recognition === undefined) {
root.annyang.init({}, false);
root.annyang = {
// Initialize annyang with a list of commands to recognize.
// e.g. annyang.init({'hello :name': helloFunction})
// annyang understands commands with named variables, splats, and optional words.
init: function(commands, resetCommands) {
// resetCommands defaults to true
if (resetCommands === undefined) {
resetCommands = true;
} else {
resetCommands = !!resetCommands;
try {
// Abort previous instances of recognition already running
if (recognition && recognition.abort) {
// initiate SpeechRecognition
recognition = new SpeechRecognition();
// Set the max number of alternative transcripts to try and match with a command
recognition.maxAlternatives = 5;
recognition.continuous = true;
// Sets the language to the default 'en-US'. This can be changed with annyang.setLanguage()
recognition.lang = 'en-US';
} catch(err) {
root.annyang = null;
return undefined;
recognition.onstart = function() { invokeCallbacks(callbacks.start); };
recognition.onerror = function(event) {
switch (event.error) {
case 'network':
case 'not-allowed':
case 'service-not-allowed':
// if permission to use the mic is denied, turn off auto-restart
autoRestart = false;
// determine if permission was denied by user or automatically.
if (new Date().getTime()-lastStartedAt < 200) {
} else {
recognition.onend = function() {
// annyang will auto restart if it is closed automatically and not by user action.
if (autoRestart) {
// play nicely with the browser, and never restart annyang automatically more than once per second
var timeSinceLastStart = new Date().getTime()-lastStartedAt;
if (timeSinceLastStart < 1000) {
setTimeout(root.annyang.start, 1000-timeSinceLastStart);
} else {
recognition.onresult = function(event) {
var results = event.results[event.resultIndex];
var commandText;
// go over each of the 5 results and alternative results received (we've set maxAlternatives to 5 above)
for (var i = 0; i<results.length; i++) {
// the text recognized
commandText = results[i].transcript.trim();
if (debugState) {
root.console.log('Speech recognized: %c'+commandText, debugStyle);
// try and match recognized text to one of the commands on the list
for (var j = 0, l = commandsList.length; j < l; j++) {
var result = commandsList[j].command.exec(commandText);
if (result) {
var parameters = result.slice(1);
if (debugState) {
root.console.log('command matched: %c'+commandsList[j].originalPhrase, debugStyle);
if (parameters.length) {
root.console.log('with parameters', parameters);
// execute the matched command
commandsList[j].callback.apply(this, parameters);
return true;
return false;
// build commands list
if (resetCommands) {
commandsList = [];
if (commands.length) {
// Start listening (asking for permission first, if needed).
// Call this after you've initialized annyang with commands.
// Receives an optional options object:
// { autoRestart: true }
start: function(options) {
options = options || {};
if (options.autoRestart !== undefined) {
autoRestart = !!options.autoRestart;
} else {
autoRestart = true;
lastStartedAt = new Date().getTime();
// abort the listening session (aka stop)
abort: function() {
autoRestart = false;
// Turn on output of debug messages to the console. Ugly, but super-handy!
debug: function(newState) {
if (arguments.length > 0) {
debugState = !!newState;
} else {
debugState = true;
// Set the language the user will speak in. If not called, defaults to 'en-US'.
// e.g. 'fr-FR' (French-France), 'es-CR' (Español-Costa Rica)
setLanguage: function(language) {
recognition.lang = language;
setContinuous: function(cont) {
// Add additional commands that annyang will respond to. Similar in syntax to annyang.init()
addCommands: function(commands) {
var cb,
for (var phrase in commands) {
if (commands.hasOwnProperty(phrase)) {
cb = root[commands[phrase]] || commands[phrase];
if (typeof cb !== 'function') {
//convert command to regex
command = commandToRegExp(phrase);
commandsList.push({ command: command, callback: cb, originalPhrase: phrase });
if (debugState) {
root.console.log('Commands successfully loaded: %c'+commandsList.length, debugStyle);
// Remove existing commands. Called with a single phrase or an array of phrases
removeCommands: function(commandsToRemove) {
commandsToRemove = Array.isArray(commandsToRemove) ? commandsToRemove : [commandsToRemove];
commandsList = commandsList.filter(function(command) {
for (var i = 0; i<commandsToRemove.length; i++) {
if (commandsToRemove[i] === command.originalPhrase) {
return false;
return true;
// Lets the user add a callback of one of 9 types:
// start, error, end, result, resultMatch, resultNoMatch, errorNetwork, errorPermissionBlocked, errorPermissionDenied
// Can also optionally receive a context for the callback function as the third argument
addCallback: function(type, callback, context) {
if (callbacks[type] === undefined) {
var cb = root[callback] || callback;
if (typeof cb !== 'function') {
callbacks[type].push({callback: cb, context: context || this});
This diff is collapsed.
/* Fastclick Hammer + jquery */
jQuery.fn.fastClick = function(handler) { { ev.preventDefault(); });
Hammer(this[0]).on("tap doubletap", handler);
return this;
/* end fastclick */
//! annyang
//! version : 1.1.0
//! author : Tal Ater @TalAter
//! license : MIT
(function (undefined) {
"use strict";
// Save a reference to the global object (window in the browser)
var root = this;
// Get the SpeechRecognition object, while handling browser prefixes
var SpeechRecognition = root.SpeechRecognition ||
root.webkitSpeechRecognition ||
root.mozSpeechRecognition ||
root.msSpeechRecognition ||
// Check browser support
// This is done as early as possible, to make it as fast as possible for unsupported browsers
if (!SpeechRecognition) {
root.annyang = null;
return undefined;
var commandsList = [];
var recognition;
var callbacks = { start: [], error: [], end: [], result: [], resultMatch: [], resultNoMatch: [], errorNetwork: [], errorPermissionBlocked: [], errorPermissionDenied: [] };
var autoRestart;
var lastStartedAt = 0;
var debugState = false;
var debugStyle = 'font-weight: bold; color: #00f;';
// The command matching code is a modified version of Backbone.Router by Jeremy Ashkenas, under the MIT license.
var optionalParam = /\s*\((.*?)\)\s*/g;
var optionalRegex = /(\(\?:[^)]+\))\?/g;
var namedParam = /(\(\?)?:\w+/g;
var splatParam = /\*\w+/g;
var escapeRegExp = /[\-{}\[\]+?.,\\\^$|#]/g;
var commandToRegExp = function(command) {
command = command.replace(escapeRegExp, '\\$&')
.replace(optionalParam, '(?:$1)?')
.replace(namedParam, function(match, optional) {
return optional ? match : '([^\\s]+)';
.replace(splatParam, '(.*?)')
.replace(optionalRegex, '\\s*$1?\\s*');
return new RegExp('^' + command + '$', 'i');
// This method receives an array of callbacks to iterate over, and invokes each of them
var invokeCallbacks = function(callbacks) {
callbacks.forEach(function(callback) {
var initIfNeeded = function() {
if (recognition === undefined) {
root.annyang.init({}, false);
root.annyang = {
// Initialize annyang with a list of commands to recognize.
// e.g. annyang.init({'hello :name': helloFunction})
// annyang understands commands with named variables, splats, and optional words.
init: function(commands, resetCommands) {
// resetCommands defaults to true
if (resetCommands === undefined) {
resetCommands = true;
} else {
resetCommands = !!resetCommands;
try {
// Abort previous instances of recognition already running
if (recognition && recognition.abort) {
// initiate SpeechRecognition
recognition = new SpeechRecognition();
// Set the max number of alternative transcripts to try and match with a command
recognition.maxAlternatives = 5;
recognition.continuous = true;
// Sets the language to the default 'en-US'. This can be changed with annyang.setLanguage()
recognition.lang = 'en-US';
} catch(err) {
root.annyang = null;
return undefined;
recognition.onstart = function() { invokeCallbacks(callbacks.start); };
recognition.onerror = function(event) {
switch (event.error) {
case 'network':
case 'not-allowed':
case 'service-not-allowed':
// if permission to use the mic is denied, turn off auto-restart
autoRestart = false;
// determine if permission was denied by user or automatically.
if (new Date().getTime()-lastStartedAt < 200) {
} else {
recognition.onend = function() {
// annyang will auto restart if it is closed automatically and not by user action.
if (autoRestart) {
// play nicely with the browser, and never restart annyang automatically more than once per second
var timeSinceLastStart = new Date().getTime()-lastStartedAt;
if (timeSinceLastStart < 1000) {
setTimeout(root.annyang.start, 1000-timeSinceLastStart);
} else {
recognition.onresult = function(event) {
var results = event.results[event.resultIndex];
var commandText;
// go over each of the 5 results and alternative results received (we've set maxAlternatives to 5 above)
for (var i = 0; i<results.length; i++) {
// the text recognized
commandText = results[i].transcript.trim();
if (debugState) {
root.console.log('Speech recognized: %c'+commandText, debugStyle);
// try and match recognized text to one of the commands on the list
for (var j = 0, l = commandsList.length; j < l; j++) {
var result = commandsList[j].command.exec(commandText);
if (result) {
var parameters = result.slice(1);
if (debugState) {
root.console.log('command matched: %c'+commandsList[j].originalPhrase, debugStyle);
if (parameters.length) {
root.console.log('with parameters', parameters);
// execute the matched command
commandsList[j].callback.apply(this, parameters);
return true;
return false;
// build commands list
if (resetCommands) {
commandsList = [];
if (commands.length) {
// Start listening (asking for permission first, if needed).
// Call this after you've initialized annyang with commands.
// Receives an optional options object:
// { autoRestart: true }
start: function(options) {
options = options || {};
if (options.autoRestart !== undefined) {
autoRestart = !!options.autoRestart;
} else {
autoRestart = true;
lastStartedAt = new Date().getTime();
// abort the listening session (aka stop)
abort: function() {
autoRestart = false;
// Turn on output of debug messages to the console. Ugly, but super-handy!
debug: function(newState) {
if (arguments.length > 0) {
debugState = !!newState;
} else {
debugState = true;
// Set the language the user will speak in. If not called, defaults to 'en-US'.
// e.g. 'fr-FR' (French-France), 'es-CR' (Español-Costa Rica)
setLanguage: function(language) {
recognition.lang = language;
setContinuous: function(cont) {
// Add additional commands that annyang will respond to. Similar in syntax to annyang.init()
addCommands: function(commands) {
var cb,
for (var phrase in commands) {
if (commands.hasOwnProperty(phrase)) {
cb = root[commands[phrase]] || commands[phrase];
if (typeof cb !== 'function') {
//convert command to regex
command = commandToRegExp(phrase);
commandsList.push({ command: command, callback: cb, originalPhrase: phrase });
if (debugState) {
root.console.log('Commands successfully loaded: %c'+commandsList.length, debugStyle);
// Remove existing commands. Called with a single phrase or an array of phrases
removeCommands: function(commandsToRemove) {
commandsToRemove = Array.isArray(commandsToRemove) ? commandsToRemove : [commandsToRemove];
commandsList = commandsList.filter(function(command) {
for (var i = 0; i<commandsToRemove.length; i++) {
if (commandsToRemove[i] === command.originalPhrase) {
return false;
return true;
// Lets the user add a callback of one of 9 types:
// start, error, end, result, resultMatch, resultNoMatch, errorNetwork, errorPermissionBlocked, errorPermissionDenied
// Can also optionally receive a context for the callback function as the third argument
addCallback: function(type, callback, context) {
if (callbacks[type] === undefined) {
var cb = root[callback] || callback;
if (typeof cb !== 'function') {
callbacks[type].push({callback: cb, context: context || this});
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -14,12 +14,14 @@
<!-- Chrome for Android web app tags -->
<meta name="mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes">
<link rel="shortcut icon" sizes="256x256" href="/resources/img/logo_icon.png" />
<? /*
<? if($GUIDEBUG) { ?>
<!-- Bootstrap -->
<link href="/resources/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet" media="screen">
<link href="/resources/glyphicons/css/bootstrap-glyphicons.css" rel="stylesheet" media="screen">
<link href="/resources/full-glyphicons/css/glyphicons.css" rel="stylesheet" media="screen">
<link href="/resources/bootstrap-switch/static/stylesheets/bootstrap-switch.css" rel="stylesheet" media="screen">
<link href="<?=$BASEGUIPATH;?>/css/style.css" rel="stylesheet" media="screen" />
<? } else { ?>
<link href="<?=$BASEGUIPATH;?>/css/combined.min.css" rel="stylesheet" media="screen" />
<link href="<?=$BASEGUIPATH;?>/css/style.css" rel="stylesheet" media="screen" />
<? } ?>
/* Fastclick Hammer + jquery */
jQuery.fn.fastClick = function(handler) { { ev.preventDefault(); });
Hammer(this[0]).on("tap doubletap", handler);
return this;
/* end fastclick */
* jQuery alterClass plugin
* Remove element classes with wildcard matching. Optionally add classes:
* $( '#foo' ).alterClass( 'foo-* bar-*', 'foobar' )
* Copyright (c) 2011 Pete Boere (
* Free under terms of the MIT license:
(function ( $ ) {
$.fn.alterClass = function ( removals, additions ) {
var self = this;
if ( removals.indexOf( '*' ) === -1 ) {
// Use native jQuery methods if there is no wildcard matching
self.removeClass( removals );
return !additions ? self : self.addClass( additions );
var patt = new RegExp( '\\s' +
replace( /\*/g, '[A-Za-z0-9-_]+' ).
split( ' ' ).
join( '\\s|\\s' ) +
'\\s', 'g' );
self.each( function ( i, it ) {
var cn = ' ' + it.className + ' ';
while ( patt.test( cn ) ) {
cn = cn.replace( patt, ' ' );
it.className = $.trim( cn );
return !additions ? self : self.addClass( additions );
})( jQuery );
/* end of alterclass plugin */
......@@ -70,5 +70,10 @@ AddType application/x-web-app-manifest+json .webapp
<Directory /home/domotika/Web/htdocs/admin>
Options FollowSymLinks Indexes
AllowOverride All
DirectoryIndex index.php index.html index.htm
Deny from All
Allow from
Require ip
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