<?php /* add new tab called "mytab" */ namespace wp_SexHackMe; //add_filter('um_account_page_default_tabs_hook', 'wp_SexHackMe\my_custom_tab_in_um', 100 ); function my_custom_tab_in_um( $tabs ) { $tabs[800]['mytab']['icon'] = 'um-faicon-pencil'; $tabs[800]['mytab']['title'] = 'My Custom Tab'; $tabs[800]['mytab']['custom'] = true; return $tabs; } /* make our new tab hookable */ add_action('um_account_tab__mytab', 'wp_SexHackMe\um_account_tab__mytab'); function um_account_tab__mytab( $info ) { global $ultimatemember; extract( $info ); $output = $ultimatemember->account->get_tab_output('mytab'); if ( $output ) { echo $output; } } /* Finally we add some content in the tab */ add_filter('um_account_content_hook_mytab', 'wp_SexHackMe\um_account_content_hook_mytab'); function um_account_content_hook_mytab( $output ){ ob_start(); ?> <div class="um-field"> <!-- Here goes your custom content --> </div> <?php $output .= ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); return $output; } // You could set the default privacy for custom tab and disable to change the tab privacy settings in admin menu. /* * There are values for 'default_privacy' atribute * 0 - Anyone, * 1 - Guests only, * 2 - Members only, * 3 - Only the owner */ // Filter function um_mycustomtab_add_tab( $tabs ) { $tabs['mycustomtab'] = array( 'name' => 'My Custom Antani', 'icon' => 'um-faicon-pencil', //'default_privacy' => 0, ); return $tabs; } //add_filter( 'um_profile_tabs', 'wp_SexHackMe\um_mycustomtab_add_tab', 10000 ); /** * Check an ability to view tab * * @param $tabs * * @return mixed */ function um_mycustomtab_add_tab_visibility( $tabs ) { if ( empty( $tabs['mycustomtab'] ) ) { return $tabs; } $user_id = um_profile_id(); //if ( ! user_can( $user_id, '{here some capability which you need to check}' ) ) { // unset( $tabs['mycustomtab'] ); //} return $tabs; } add_filter( 'um_user_profile_tabs', 'wp_SexHackMe\um_mycustomtab_add_tab_visibility', 2000, 1 ); // Action function um_profile_content_mycustomtab_default( $args ) { echo 'Hello world!'; } add_action( 'um_profile_content_mycustomtab_default', 'wp_SexHackMe\um_profile_content_mycustomtab_default' ); ?>